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 Personal Recommendation / Opinion Find the detailed version of this roadmap

 Alternative Option - Pick this or purple along with resources and other roadmaps

 Order in roadmap not strict (Learn anytime)

 I wouldn't recommend DevOps https : //

 Python

 Go 

Learn a Programming Language

 Ruby
Pick any language for automation.
Rust 

 JavaScript / Node.js

 Networking POSIX 

 I/O Management
Startup Management (initd) 

 Virtualization
Understand di!erent OS Concepts Service Mgmt. (systemd) 

 Memory/Storage
Threads and Concurrency 

 File Systems

 Sockets Processes 

 Ubuntu / Debian

Learn about Managing Servers 

 Windows 
 SUSE Linux

Get some administration knowledge in some OS. Go

 RHEL / Derivatives
with any Linux distro. Pick Ubuntu if you have a little
to no experience with Linux. Operating System Linux

Learn to live in Terminal Unix

 FreeBSD OpenBSD 

White/Grey Listing OSI Model

 Learn Bash Scripting
NetBSD 

Networking, Security and Protocols 
 Vim/Nano/PowerShell/Emacs

terminal multiplexers

Compiling apps from source

 

 Emails HTTP (gcc, make and other related stu!) 
 screen tmux 


SMTP Process Monitoring

 awk sed grep sort
ps top htop atop lsof
 cut uniq cat echo


 fmt tr nl wc 

System Performance

Port Forwarding

 Text Manipulation Tools 
 nmon iostat sar vmstat

SPF strace dtrace systemtap

traceroute mtr ping nmap
uname df history du
Domain Keys
netstat ufw / firewalld tcpdump
Others 

iptables / nftables dig scp
What is and how to setup a _____?
Network Tools

 Reverse Proxy
 Caching Server 
 Docker 

Containers ArgoCD  
  Istio Consul 

 Forward Proxy Load Balancer 
 LXC 

FluxCD  
  Linkerd Envoy 

 Firewall Web Server 

Infrastructure as Code GitOps Service Mesh

 Nginx Apache 

Secret Management

 Tomcat IIS 

 Vault SOPS 

Sealed Secrets 

Cloud Specific Tools 

Infrastructure Provisioning

Learn some CI/CD Tool Configuration Mgmt. Container Orchestration
Terraform 

Ansible 
 Kubernetes 

 Gitlab CI Jenkins 

Chef 
 Docker Swarm 

 GitHub Actions Travis CI 
 CloudFormation 

Puppet 
 Nomad 

TeamCity 
 Pulumi 

 Azure DevOps Services
Prometheus 

 Circle CI Drone 

Infrastructure Monitoring
Nagios 

 Elastic Stack Grafana 

Learn how to monitor software and infrastructure

 Graylog Zabbix 

Logs Management

 Splunk Application Monitoring
Monit 

 Papertrail Datadog 

 Jaeger New Relic 

 Loki

 AppDynamics Instana 

Cloud Providers

 OpenTelemetry

 AWS Alibaba Cloud 
 
  Availability
Cloud Design Patterns

 Google Cloud Digital Ocean 
 Data Management

 Azure Linode 
 Design and Implementation

 Heroku Vultr 
 Management and Monitoring

Keep Learning

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