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Test work_2

Task 4 Translate the questions from Ukrainian to English:

1. Чи подобається тобі школа?

Do you like school?

2. Чи вона ходить до школи по неділях?

Does she go to school on Sundays?

3. Чи прокидається він о 8 годині щодня?

Does he wake up at eight o'clock every day?

4. Чи вечеряють вони зазвичай кафе?

Do they usually have dinner at the cafe?

5. Чи у тебе є брат або сестра?

Do you have a brother or a sister?

6. Чи часто ви дивитесь фільми?

Do you often watch films?

7. Чи твій друг слухає музику?

Does your friend listen to the music?

8. Чи ти завжди робиш своє домашнє завдання ввечері?

Do you always do your homework in the evening?

Task 5 Put in the right order:

(why / she / does / always / arrive late)
Why does she always arrive late?
(how much / you / do / water/drink / every day)
How much water do you drink every day?
(how many / have/does / he / brothers)
How many brothers does he have?
(how / you / do/get / always/ to work)
How do you always get to work?
(when / they / have / dinner / usually/ do)
When do they usually have dinner?
(where / she / live/ does)
Where does she live?
(why / the children/ do/cry)
Why do the children cry?
(how / he / his / letters / does/ write)
How does he write his letters?
(when / you / usually / go to bed/ do)
When do you usually go to bed?
(where / the cat / hide/ does)
Where does the cat hide?

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