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Rubric and Checklist-Name_____________________________ Class Period______

______ 5 Points: Title (Original and relevant)

______ 35 Points: Summary and drawing (5-7 sentences)

● Characters

● Historical context/events

● Problem

● Turning Point

● Resolution

● Drawing for the Series

_____ 50 points: Episodes

● Title of each episode

● Summary of each episode (2-3 sentences)

● Drawing for each episode

_____ 10 points: Appearance

● Neatness

● Color

Rubric and Checklist- Name_____________________________ Class Period______

______ 5 Points: Title (Original and relevant)
______ 35 Points: Summary (5-7 sentences including all parts below) and drawing

● 5-7 sentences

● Characters

● Historical context/events

● Problem

● Turning Point
● Resolution

● Drawing for the Series

_____ 50 points: Episodes

● Title of each episode

● Summary of each episode (2-3 sentences)

● Drawing for each episode

_____ 10 points: Appearance

● Neatness

● Color

Rubric and Checklist-Name_____________________________ Class Period______

______ 5 Points: Title (Original and relevant)

______ 15 Points: Summary (5-7 sentences including all parts below) and drawing

● Exposition-how does it start? What characters are included?

● Problem-in historical context.

● Rising Action-What issues are building to a big event?

● Climax-What is the big moment of the story?

● Resolution-How does your series end?

● Drawing for the series

_____ 60 points: Episodes

● Title of each episode (6 episodes)

● Summary of each episode (2-3 sentences)

● Drawing for each episode

_____ 10 Points: Episode creation (Be creative, but historically accurate)

● What if?

● Alternate Ending

● Historical Fiction

_____ 10 points: Appearance

● Neatness

● Color

● Creativity

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