Country & Currency Table - Airlines

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Country and Currency Table Viewer

Field Name Field Description Field Specifications Optional Position

E*Fare Prefix

Record Format A number identifying the record 01-99 yes

Version layout format of the data contained
within this record.

Issue Date/Time The Issue Date/Time fields indicate

when the data was received in the
Issue Date The date this record was first YYYYMMDD yes
received by the E*Fare system.
Issue Time The time this record was first HHMMSS yes
received by the E*Fare system.
Table ID The identification assigned to this yes
record by the vendor/industry, or
the user ID of the person creating
the manual entry.
Prod ID The Vendor's product identifier from yes
the transmission header record, or
the product name assigned for
manually maintained data subjects.
Data Ind 'x' = invalid data yes

Country Code Standard IATA Country Code Two letter IATA country code as no U 41-42
listed in ATPCO Appendix D
Country Name Standard IATA Country name Country name as listed in IATA. yes U 43-62
Note : This is for informational Note: The following special
purposes only characters permitted hyphen (-),
apostrophe ('), comma (,), ampersand
(&), right and left parenthesis(), slash
(/), and period(.).
Currency Code Currency Code Three letter alpha currency code no U 69-71

Currency Name Currency Name Twenty character alpha currency no U 229-248


Currency Type Indicates when a country's Valid values for hard types are: no U 249-250
currency is considered hard or soft 10 15 20 30 35
Valid values for soft types are:
50 52 60 62 65 67 70 72 75 80
Usage 'Ntl' indicates record is for local ntl or sel no U 63-65
currency conversions using
bsr/bbr/ich rates. 'Sel' indicates
record is used to determine which
published currency is to be
International/ Indicator for International or i = International Itinerary no U 66
Domestic Domestic itinerary. d = Domestic Itinerary
Indicator b = both

Sequence A 2 numeric character field to 00-99 no U 67-68

within the country and usage
grouping (Not used in sorting
records, only to insure that they are
unique). Duplicate sequence
numbers can lead to data overlay.
Eff Date Effective date of the record. YYYYMMDD no U 72-79

Disc Date Discontinue date of the record. YYYYMMDD no U 80-87

99999999 = Indefinite
BBR to BSR flag Valid values are: Y or N no U 251

From Geo Type Geographic locale type of the Blank or yes U 88

origin of the fare component being a = Area s = Country/State
processed. z = Zone c = City
n = Country p = Airport
q = Geographic Group
From Geo Code Geographic locale that specifies AREA: A one-digit numeric area yes U 89-93
the origin of the fare component designator
being processed. 1 = Western Hemisphere
2 = Europe, Africa and Near East
3 = Far East, Australia, the Pacific

ZONE: A numeric value assigned to

May25, 2011 13:23:55 a non-standard geographic Page 1 of 5
description of cities, states,
countries, sub- continents and/or
traffic conferences.
Refer to Appendix C.

COUNTRY: The standard IATA

From Geo Type Geographic locale type of the Blank or yes U 88
origin of the fare component being a = Area s = Country/State
processed. z = Zone c = City
Country and Currency Table Viewer n = Country p = Airport
q = Geographic Group
From Geo Code Geographic locale that specifies AREA: A one-digit numeric area yes U 89-93
the origin of the fare component designator
being processed. 1 = Western Hemisphere
2 = Europe, Africa and Near East
3 = Far East, Australia, the Pacific

ZONE: A numeric value assigned to

a non-standard geographic
description of cities, states,
countries, sub- continents and/or
traffic conferences.
Refer to Appendix C.

COUNTRY: The standard IATA

country code.
Two letter IATA country codes in
Appendix D.

CITY: The standard industry city

Three letter alpha codes.

STATE: The standard state code.

Two character alpha codes listed in
Appendix E. When used, it will
always be preceded by a country

AIRPORT: The standard industry

airport code.
Three letter alpha codes. (Fourth and
fifth positions reserved for future


character User defined geography

To Geo Type Geographic locale type of the Blank or yes U 94

destination of the fare component a = Area s = Country/State
being processed. z = Zone c = City
n = Country p = Airport
q = Geographic Group
To Geo Code Geographic locale that specifies AREA: A one-digit numeric area yes U 95 -99
the destination of the fare designator
component being processed. 1 = Western Hemisphere
2 = Europe, Africa and Near East
3 = Far East, Australia, the Pacific

ZONE: A numeric value assigned to

a non-standard geographic
description of cities, states,
countries, sub- continents and/or
traffic conferences.
Refer to Appendix C.

COUNTRY: The standard IATA

country code.
Two letter IATA country codes in
Appendix D.

CITY: The standard industry city

Three letter alpha codes.

STATE: The standard state code.

Two character alpha codes listed in
Appendix E. When used, it will
always be preceded by a country

AIRPORT: The standard industry

airport code.
Three letter alpha codes. (Fourth and
fifth positions reserved for future


character User defined geography
Biodirect Not Currently Used Must Be Blank yes U 100

Carrier 1 Carrier code for which the data in The standard industry alpha-numeric yes U 101-103
May25, 2011 13:23:55
this record applies. code for the airline.
Page 2 of 5

Carrier 2 Carrier code for which the data in The standard industry alpha-numeric yes U104-106
this record applies. code for the airline.
AIRPORT: The standard industry
airport code.
Three letter alpha codes. (Fourth and
fifth positions reserved for future


Country and Currency Table Viewer character User defined geography
Biodirect Not Currently Used Must Be Blank yes U 100

Carrier 1 Carrier code for which the data in The standard industry alpha-numeric yes U 101-103
this record applies. code for the airline.
Carrier 2 Carrier code for which the data in The standard industry alpha-numeric yes U104-106
this record applies. code for the airline.
Carrier 3 Carrier code for which the data in The standard industry alpha-numeric yes U 107-109
this record applies. code for the airline.
Carrier 4 Carrier code for which the data in The standard industry alpha-numeric yes U 110-112
this record applies. code for the airline.
Carrier 5 Carrier code for which the data in The standard industry alpha-numeric yes U 113-115
this record applies. code for the airline.
Carrier 6 Carrier code for which the data in The standard industry alpha-numeric yes U 116-118
this record applies. code for the airline.
Cat 1 A code for a group of passenger Three alpha characters yes U 119-121
types as stored in the ftcptcgrp

Cat 2 A code for a group of passenger Three alpha characters yes U 122-124
types as stored in the ftcptcgrp

Cat 3 A code for a group of passenger Three alpha characters yes U 125-127
types as stored in the ftcptcgrp

Cat 4 A code for a group of passenger Three alpha characters yes U 128-130
types as stored in the ftcptcgrp

Cat 5 A code for a group of passenger Three alpha characters yes U 131-133
types as stored in the ftcptcgrp

Cat 6 A code for a group of passenger Three alpha characters yes U 134-136
types as stored in the ftcptcgrp

Ptc 1 Specific passenger type codes Three character ptc code or Blank (If yes U 137-139
valid for a particular record. all six ptc fields are blank ALL
passenger types permitted).

Ptc 2 Specific passenger type codes Three character ptc code or Blank (If yes U 140-142
valid for a particular record. all six ptc fields are blank ALL
passenger types permitted).

Ptc 3 Specific passenger type codes Three character ptc code or Blank (If yes U 143-145
valid for a particular record. all six ptc fields are blank ALL
passenger types permitted).

Ptc 4 Specific passenger type codes Three character ptc code or Blank (If yes U 146-148
valid for a particular record. all six ptc fields are blank ALL
passenger types permitted).

Ptc 5 Specific passenger type codes Three character ptc code or Blank (If yes U 149-151
valid for a particular record. all six ptc fields are blank ALL
passenger types permitted).

Ptc 6 Specific passenger type codes Three character ptc code or Blank (If yes U 152-154
valid for a particular record. all six ptc fields are blank ALL
passenger types permitted).

Pos Geo Type Point of sale geographic types. Blank or yes U 155
a = Area s = Country/State
z = Zone c = City
n = Country p = Airport
q = Geographic Group
Pos Geo Code Point of sale geographic code. AREA: A one-digit numeric area yes U 156-160
1 = Western Hemisphere
2 = Europe, Africa and Near East
3 = Far East, Australia, the Pacific

ZONE: A numeric value assigned to

a non-standard geographic
description of cities, states,
countries, sub- continents and/or
traffic conferences.
Refer to Appendix C.

COUNTRY: The standard IATA

country code.
May25, 2011 13:23:56 Two letter IATA country codes in Page 3 of 5
Appendix D.

CITY: The standard industry city

Three letter alpha codes.
Pos Geo Type Point of sale geographic types. Blank or yes U 155
a = Area s = Country/State
z = Zone c = City
Country and Currency Table Viewer n = Country p = Airport
q = Geographic Group
Pos Geo Code Point of sale geographic code. AREA: A one-digit numeric area yes U 156-160
1 = Western Hemisphere
2 = Europe, Africa and Near East
3 = Far East, Australia, the Pacific

ZONE: A numeric value assigned to

a non-standard geographic
description of cities, states,
countries, sub- continents and/or
traffic conferences.
Refer to Appendix C.

COUNTRY: The standard IATA

country code.
Two letter IATA country codes in
Appendix D.

CITY: The standard industry city

Three letter alpha codes.

STATE: The standard state code.

Two character alpha codes listed in
Appendix E. When used, it will
always be preceded by a country

AIRPORT: The standard industry

airport code.
Three letter alpha codes. (Fourth and
fifth positions reserved for future


character User defined geography
Fare Rnd Act Indicates rounding action that is n = Round Off yes U 161
required. u = Round Up
d = Round Down

Fare Rnd Unit Indicates the rounding unit for fares. Nine numerics plus one decimal. yes U 162-171
The decimal may be placed at any
point in the nine character string.

Fare Dec Indicates the number of decimal One Numeric yes U 172
places used for fares.
Tax Rnd Act Indicates rounding action that is n = Round Off yes U 173
required for taxes. u = Round Up
d = Round Down
Blank = selcu usage
Note: Must be n, u, or d when usage
is 'ntlcu'. Must be blank when usage
is 'selcu'.
Tax Rnd Unit Indicates rounding unit for taxes. When usage is 'ntlcu' use 9 numerics yes U 174-183
plus 1 decimal. The decimal may be
placed at any point in the 9
character string. When usage is
'selcu' must be blank.
Tax Dec Indicates number of decimal places Any numeric value when usage is yes U 184
used for taxes. 'ntlcu'. Must be blank when usage is

Prime Curr Indicates that this is the prime Must be y or n no U 185

currency for the geography
specified in this record.

Deflt Curr Indicates under what circumstances n = Do not default to prime currency. yes U 186
multiple currencies may apply. Retrieve fares only in this currency.
b = retrieve fares in both this
currency and the prime currency and
use the cheapest.
y = Default to prime currency only if
no fares exist in this currency.
Note: For sel records If Prime Curr =
y, then Deflt Curr must be n. If Prime
Curr = n then Deflt Curr must be y, n,
or b.
Emu Member Not Currently Used Must be Blank yes U 187

Euro Itin Not Currently Used Must be Blank yes U 188

Description Description of field 40 alphanumerics yes U 189-228

May25, 2011 13:23:56 Page 4 of 5
use the cheapest.
y = Default to prime currency only if
no fares exist in this currency.
Note: For sel records If Prime Curr =
y, then Deflt Curr must be n. If Prime
Curr = n then Deflt Curr must be y, n,
Country and Currency Table Viewer or b.
Emu Member Not Currently Used Must be Blank yes U 187

Euro Itin Not Currently Used Must be Blank yes U 188

Description Description of field 40 alphanumerics yes U 189-228

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