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Read the text and pay attention to the words in bold

This St. Peter’s hospital. Mary and John work here. They like the
work. Mary is a doctor. John is an ambulance driver. He is a
paramedic too. They do not work every day. They work in
shifts. Sometimes they work at night, too. The work is not
easy. They help people in different situations. When people have problems with health
then John drives to take the people to hospital. It is a very good work to help people but it is
stressful, too. Doctors need good reaction, strong nerves and rich experience to help
patients. Mary started to work at St. Peter’s hospital ten years ago. She was 27. Now she is
37. She has a very rich experience. John started to work at St. Peter’s hospital 12 years ago.
He was 25. Now he is 37, too. He has a very rich experience, too. He is a good driver and an
excellent assistant. Mary can do a lot of things. She has good education. She has a lot of
certificates, too. She always does the work well. She is a very responsible person.
She is very clever. John always helps Mary if it is necessary. They are a very good team
because they can work in a team. It is not a problem for Mary to be a leader. They are very
good workers.

Translate the words and learn them by heart

hospital good reaction

doctor strong nerves
ambulance rich experience
paramedic clever
shifts can do a lot of things
different do the work well
health responsible person
take can work in a team
help be a leader
stressful be a good worker

Medical English for beginners By I.S. (A.K.) Page 1

Translate the sentences and rewrite them in negative
1. This is a big hospital.
2. I am a doctor.
3. This is an ambulance.
4. He is a paramedic.
5. I work in shifts.
6. Mary works in shifts.
7. My work is different form Mary’s.
8. Health is important.
9. John takes patients to hospital.
10. I take patients to hospital.
11. Mary helps people.
12. I help people.
13. The work is stressful.
14. I have good reaction.
15. He has good reaction.
16. I have strong nerves.
17. He has strong nerves.
18. I have rich experience.
19. John has rich experience.
20. She is clever.
21. I can do a lot of things.
22. She can do a lot of things.
23. I do the work well.
24. He does the work well.
25. I am a responsible person.
26. I can work in a team.
27. He can work in a team.
28. I am a leader.
29. He is a leader.
30. I can be a leader.
31. He can be a leader.
32. I am a good worker.
33. He is a good worker.
34. I can be a good worker.

Choose as many sentences as you can to describe your

personality if you were at a job interview. Write the number of the sentences. Write down
the sentences in your notebook.


Answer the questions.

1. Is Mary an ambulance driver?

2. Is John an ambulance driver?
3. What does Mary do?
Medical English for beginners By I.S. (A.K.) Page 2
4. Does Mary like the work?
5. Does John like the work?
6. When did Mary start to work at St. Peter’s hospital?
7. Is John a paramedic?
8. Is Mary a paramedic?
9. Do they work every day?
10. Do they sometimes work at night?
11. Is the work easy?
12. Is the work stressful?
13. Do doctors need good reaction?
14. What other qualities do doctors need?
15. What of the qualities do you have?
16. How old was Mary when she started to work at Peter’s hospital?
17. How old is she now?
18. How old was John when he started to work at Peter’s hospital?
19. How old is he now?
20. Where do you work?
21. How old were you when you started to work?
22. How old are you now?
23. Does Mary have rich experience?
24. Does John have rich experience?
25. Do you have rich experience?
26. Why do doctors need rich experience?
27. Does Mary have good education?
28. Do you have good education?
29. Why do doctors need good education?
30. Where did you study?
31. Does Mary have a lot of certificates?
32. Do you have a lot of certificates?
33. Is Mary a responsible person?
34. Is John a responsible person?
35. Are you a responsible person?
36. Does Mary always do the work well?
37. Does John always do the work well?
38. Do you always do the work well?
39. Can Mary do a lot of things?
40. Can John do a lot of things?
41. Can you do a lot of things?

Medical English for beginners By I.S. (A.K.) Page 3

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