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The Birth of El Nino: Geoarchaeological Evidence

and Implications

Harold B. Rollins
Department of Geology and Planetary Science, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, P A 15260
James B. Richardson, I11
Section of Anthropology, Carnegie Museum of Natural History, Pittsburgh, P A 15213
Daniel H. Sandweiss
Department of Anthropology, Cornell University, Ithaca, N Y 14853

The oceanographic phenomenon known as El Nino is the subject of intensive recent study. Any hypotheses
regarding physical causes and predictability of El Nino should consider its geological history.
New geoarchaeological evidence suggests that the El Nido phenomenon did not exist along the northern
and central coasts of Peru before about 5000 years B.P. Molluscan faunas from archaeological sites at
Pampa las Salinas and Salinas de Chao permit temporal bracketing of a major structural change in the
East Pacific water mass. The boundary between the warm Panamic Province and the cold Peruvian
Province, which today occurs at about 5 degrees south latitude, was some 500 km further south from at
least 11,000 years B.P. to about 5000 years B.P. This conclusion is corroborated by many other lines of
evidence including phosphorite distribution, timing of glacial retreat, sea level change, radiolarian,
diatom and fish scale distributions, and beach ridge patterns. The present day arid coastal climate of
north central Peru is probably a post-5000 year B.P. development. Hunter-gatherer populations of the
area would most likely have exploited more land-based seasonal resources from grasslands and forests
before 5000 years B.P., and relied less upon the diminished productivity of warm water maritime

INTRODUCTION tectonic factors operating through time must

be an integral part of any hypothesis or model
The 1982- 1983 Pacific warming trend has
focused upon the question of maritime adap-
focused the attention of the scientific world
tations and subsequent development of com-
upon the El Nino/Southern Oscillation phe-
plex societies on the Peruvian central and
nomenon (Cane, 1983; Rasmusson and Wal-
northern coasts. On the other hand, archaeo-
lace, 1983, inter alia). A long term global re-
logical sites, such as coastal shell middens,
search effort has been launched to investigate
provide geologists and oceanographers with
the variability of the Tropical Ocean and
unique and often refreshingly independent
Global Atmosphere (TOGA), with particular
evidence of tectonic events, coastal landscape
emphasis upon the El Nino/Southern Oscilla-
alteration, and paleoclimatic and paleo-
tion (ENSO). Such a massive study should
oceanographic perturbations. The benefits of
incorporate all sources of data bearing on
such cooperative research along the coastal
ENSO, including the geological history of the
desert of Peru are just beginning to be re-
phenomenon! This paper presents new
alized (Ortloff et al., 1982; Moseley, 1983;
geoarchaeological evidence of the temporal
Richardson, 1981, 1983; Sandweiss et al.,
origin of El Nino and attempts to point out the
1983; Rollins et al., 1981).
advantages of reciprocal data exchanges
among archaeologists, geologists, and
On the one hand, an understanding of late THE BIRTH OF EL NI6JO:
Pleistocene and Holocene changes in the ter-
restrial and marine environments brought Inhabitants of coastal Peru have not only
about by climatic, oceanographic, and been subjected to the catastrophic impact of a

Geoarchaeology: An International Journal, Vol. 1, No. 1, 3-15 (1986)

01986 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. CCC 0883-6353/86/010003-13$04.00

convergent plate boundary, but have also had by warm Panamic Province waters which to-
to adapt to the vagaries of the much publicized day are found only north of Paita, about 5
El Nifio, a sporadic southward incursion of degrees south latitude (Figure 1).
warm water which occasionally disrupts the
cold Peruvian current that flows northward
along coastal Peru and initiates the nutrient Molluscan Data
rich upwelling culminating in the productive
fisheries of that region. In 1979, D. Sandweiss (Cornell University)
A growing body of evidence now suggests initiated a study of the molluscan faunas pre-
that we can only extend our present day model served in preceramic sites between the Santa
of the current pattern of this portion of the and Chao river valleys, north-central coastal
East Pacific Ocean back about 5000 years. Peru (Figure 1). In 1980, H. Rollins (Univer-
The evidence strongly suggests that, from a t sity of Pittsburgh) and J. Richardson (Carne-
least 11,000 B.P. to about 5000 B.P., the cen- gie Museum of Natural History) joined
tral and northern coasts of Peru were bathed Sandweiss to further investigate these sites.




t 420'


Figure 1. Location of study areas and present day pattern of oceanic currents along the coast of Peru.

4 VOL. 1, NO.1

Salinas de Chao beach clam D o n a , a sand dweller, and date

after 3500 B.P. (Table 2). The change in har-
The preceramic sites in Salinas de Chao had
vested molluscan species was directly
been previously studied by M. Cardenas attributed to tectonic uplift and the destruc-
(1979).These sites were specifically sampled
tion of Chao embayment (Sandweiss et al.,
for differences in preserved molluscan faunas
1983).Although the Salinas de Chao sites re-
and the following sequence of molluscan utili- cord a rather complex story of landscape alter-
zation was postulated (Sandweiss et al., 1981, ation, it is significant that all of the molluscan
1983; Rollins et al., 1981). species are cold water (Peruvian Province)
Salinas de Chao was a t one time a deep,
forms, identical to those found living in the
arcuate bay fronted by a 5 - 10 m high sea cliff
region today.
(Figures 2, 3, and 4). Of the four main site
clusters at Salinas de Chao, the earliest is a Pampa las Salinas
huge mound which may be a man made struc-
ture (Moseley, oral communication). Utilized An even more dramatic example of embay-
molluscan species a t this site are largely rock ment uplift and subsequent cultural abandon-
dwellers, suggesting a proximal rocky coast, ment is preserved at Pampa las Salinas, 15
although the presence of sand dwelling spe- km to the south of Salinas de Chao (Figure 1).
cies indicates accessibility to stretches of sand At this locality the present shoreline is 5 km
beaches (Table 1 and Figure 5). Five uncor- west of the earlier Holocene shoreline. The
rected radiocarbon dates on both shell mate- latter curves around a large bay bounded on
rial and charcoal from the large mound aver- the east by a 5-10 m high sea cliff. A
aged 4350 B.P. Molluscs from succeeding preceramic base camp is situated at its south-
Salinas de Chao sites consist largely of the ern edge, with extractive camps spread 10 km

Figure 2. Salinas de Chao. View to the west, along the ancient shoreline of the arcuate uplifted bay. Photo
taken from top of large mound site (see text).



Figure 3. Salinas de Chao. View to the northwest along the ancient shoreline. Photo taken from top of large
mound site (see text).

Figure 4. Salinas de Chao. Aerial photograph of the ancient uplifted bay. Note the large mound site atop the

6 VOL. 1, NO. 1

Table I. Molluscan species recovered from Salinas de Chao sites.

Species Geographic Range
Argopecten purpuratus (Scallop) South of Paita, Peru
Donax obesulus (clam)f = D. peruvianus) Ecuador to Chile
Mesodesma donacium (clam) South of Paita, Peru
Barbatia (Acar)pusilla (clam) South of Paita, Peru
Trachycardium procerum (clam) Whole Coast
Choromytilus chorus (mussel) South of Paita, Peru
Concholepas concholepas (snail) South of Callao, Peru
Sinum cymba (snail) South of Paita, Peru
Thais (Stramonita) haemastoma (snail) South of Paita, Peru
Thais (Stramonita) chocolata (snail) Whole coast
Mitra (Atrimitra) orientalis (snail) South of Paita, Peru
Fissurella crassa (limpet) South of Galapagos
Scurria parasitica (snail) South of Paita, Peru
Polinices (Polinices) intermeratus (snail) Baja, Calif. to Peru (14" 14's)
Crepidula c r C . onyx (snail) S. Calif. to Chile
Tegula atra (snail) South of Paita, Peru
Prisogaster niger (snail) South of Paita, Peru
?Acanthopleura echinata (chiton) Peru to Chile

along the top of the stranded sea cliff (Figure river valleys (Table 3 and Figure 7). We ini-
6). tially considered the possibility that this oc-
A test pit in the largest of the extractive currence represented a thermally anomalous
camps exposed ca. 70 cm of shell material. molluscan assemblage (TAMA), similar to
Uncorrected radiocarbon assays on shell ma- those described by Zinsmeister (1974) from
terial dated the bottom of the pit (70 cm) at the Pleistocene of California (Rollins et al.,
about 5400 2 60 B.P. and the middle (35 cm) 1981). However, the Pampa las Salinas occur-
at about 5160 ? 60 B.P. (Sandweiss et al., rence includes a high diversity of Panamic
1983). species capable of providing a food resource
All of the shellfish specimens found at this base for a preceramic culture. Certainly this
site are referable to species that are today is not consistent with a short lived TAMA,
inhabitants of the warm water Panamic Prov- such as might occur with sporadic El Niiio
ince, north of ca. 5 degrees south latitude, events. Moreover, a n in situ beach association
about 500 km north of the Santa and Chao with multiple year age classes of the same

Table 11. Radiocarbon Dates (uncorrected).

Site Date Material Reference
Salinas de Chao
Mound Site
- 4040 -t 75 B.P. Shell This study
4380 ? 75 B.P. Shell This study
4010 % 85 B.P. Charcoal This study
- 4560 t 60 B.P. Charcoal Martin, 1979
- 4660 t 60 B.P. Charcoal Martin, 1979
Donax site
2980 2 70 B.P. Shell This study
Pampa las Salinas
Lower level
5400 t 60 B.P Shell This study
Middle level
5160 t 60 B.P. Shell This study
Santa Beach Ridge 4235 % 115 B.P. Shell This study



Figure 5. Representative species of the “cold water fauna at Salinas de Chao. All illustrated specimens
were recovered from the large mound site: A. Donax obesulus, x 1; B. Thais chocolata, x 1; C. Polinices
intermeratus, x 1; D. Mesodesma donacium, x 1; E. Scurriaparasitica, x 2; F.Sinum cymba, x 1; G .Argo-
pecten purpuratus, x 0.5; H. Mitra orientalis. x 1; I. Crepidula sp. cf. C . onyx, x 1;J. Concholepas con-
cholepas, x 0.5; K. Fissurella crassa, x 1.

Panamic species was found proximal to the which extend 5 km to the west. These ridges
cliff top midden (Figure 8).All evidence points originate at the mouth of the Santa River and
to the persistence of warmer water conditions consist of longshore current deposits of ma-
for a relatively long span of time at this site. rine sand and river cobbles (Figures9 and 10).
The moderately diverse warm water mollus- We have suggested elsewhere that these
can association is consistent with long term beach ridges represent lateral accretion asso-
ecological stability, in contrast to the low di- ciated with major El Nino events, possibly
versity eurytopic associations found in condi- accompanied by episodic tectonic uplift and/or
tions of environmental stress. sea level lowering (Sandweiss et al., 1983). A
Fronting the ancient shoreline at Pampa radiocarbon assay on a gastropod specimen
las Salinas is a series of nine beach ridges (Prisogaster niger) provided a date of 4235 ?

8 VOL. 1 . NO.1

Figure 6. Pampa las Salinas. View to the southwest. Photo taken from the site of an extractive camp on top of
the ancient sea cliff (see text).

Table 111. Molluscan species recovered from Pampa las Salinas site.
Species Geographic Range
Argopecten circularis (scallop) North of Paita, Peru
Ostrea chilensis (oyster) Entire coast
Anomia sp. cf. A . peruviana (oyster) North of Paita, Peru
Trachycardium procerum (clam) Entire coast
Chione subrugosa (clam) California to northern Peru
Protothaca (Colanche) ecuadoriana (clam) North of Tumbes
Anadara bifrons (clam) North of Paita
Cerithium (Thericium) stercusmuscarum (snail) North of Peru
Cerithidea rnazatlanica (snail) North of Peru
Nassarius (Arcularia) tiarula (snail) North of Peru

115 B.P. for the first (i.e., oldest) ridge west of events began to leave their imprint along
the aforementioned shoreline. Prisogaster coastal north-central 'Peru.
niger is a cold water (Peruvian) taxon and The first beach ridge to the west of the
occurs in the beach ridges with other cold wa- Pampa las Salinas shoreline most likely re-
ter intertidal gastropod species. This suggests cords the earliest major El Nino event along
that some time between 5160 60 and 4235 2 coastal Peru. This beach ridge has the great-
115 B.P. a major change in the East Pacific est amplitude of the nine ridge sequence, pos-
coastal water mass occurred at this latitude. sibly indicating an extensive period of arid
A cold water regime replaced a warm water weathering and formation of transportable
regime and El Nino/Southern Oscillation colluvium after the change in the coastal wa-



Figure 7. Representative species of the “warm” water fauna at Pampa las Salinas. All illustrated specimens were
collected from an extractive camp atop the ancient sea cliff. A. Anomia sp., x 1; B. Nassarius tiarula, x 2; C .
Ostrea chilensis, x 1; D. Chione subrugosa, x 1; E.Argopecten circularis, x 1; F. Cerithium stercusmuscarum,
x 1.5.

Figure 8. Pampa las Salinas. Test pit displaying in situ beach assemblage proximal to the cliff top midden of
Figure 6.

10 VOL. 1, NO. 1

Figure 9. Santa beach ridge. Coarsening upward marine deposit, possibly

associated with major El Nino event.

ter mass prior to the first major El Nino event If the warm Panamic Province and South
(see article by Sandweiss, this issue). Equatorial Current were present along the
The oldest date obtained from the Peruvian central coast before 5000 B.P., the
preceramic sites at Salinas de Chao is 4660 k rainfall pattern would be substantially differ-
60 B.P. (Cardenas, 1979) and this suggests ent from that of today. The present day
that one of the most historically significant coldwater Peru Current forces all moisture
oceanographic events of coastal South across the coast to be released in the Andes. If
America-the reorganization of the East Pa- the pre-5000 B.P. coastal waters were warm,
cific current system and the birth of El Nino- seasonal rainfall would have occurred on the
may have occurred in an interval of only 500 now arid coast, creating a savannalike
years. environment.



Figure 10. Santa beach ridge. Close-up of cobble deposit shown in Figure 9. Note shell of the marine gastro-
pod Tegula atra.

CORROBORATING EVIDENCE level rise beginning about 15,000 B.P. and

reaching present level about 5000 B.P. Pre-
The presumed correlation between warm
coastal water and seasonal rainfall permits sumably, this interval was marked by colder
and wetter environments along coastal Peru.
integration of several otherwise anomalous
Significantly, the attainment of modern sea
observations into our model.
level about 5000 B.P. coincides with the pos-
tulated reorganization of the East Pacific wa-
ter mass and the birth of El Nino. Richardson
Mangrove molluscs
(1981) suggested that the El Nino phenome-
Mangrove molluscan species (e.g.,Anadara non did not occur during the Pleistocene, as-
tuberculosa) occur at archaeological sites as suming that the Indonesian low pressure cen-
far south as Quebrada de Chorrillos on the ter would not have weakened to permit the
southern edge of the Llescus Peninsula, just warm countercurrent to reach the Peruvian
north of the Lambayeque Valley (about 7 de- coast.
grees south latitude). These occurrences date
around 5500 B.P. and attest to wetter condi- Beach ridges
tions along Peru’s north coast (Richardson,
1978,1981,1983; Cardenas, 1979). Campbell Comparison of the aforementioned Santa
(1982) postulated annual monsoon rains, sa- beach ridges with those of the Chira river
vannas, forests, lakes, and marshlands along (Richardson, 1983) affords some striking sim-
northwestern Peru at 14,000 B.P. and Rich- ilarities. The latter consist of a well docu-
ardson (1981, 1983) presented a model of sea mented and dated sequence of nine ridges

12 VOL. 1, NO. 1

capped by natural and cultural accumula- aeological evidence presented in this paper.
tions of shell material. Richardson (1983) His postulated episode of decreased precipi-
noted that these beach ridges have been in tation and glacial retreat falls exactly within
continual use as shellfish collecting sites for the hiatus between the dates of the Pampa las
about 5000 years, or ever since the attain- Salinas site and the oldest beach ridge.
ment of modern sea level. The Chira, like the
Santa, is one of the major rivers reaching the
west coast of Peru. The same types and inten- Phosphorite deposits
sities of longshore currents distribute sedi- A recent study of phosphorite deposits
ments northward from the mouth of the along the coast of Peru and Chile is also sup-
Chira, and, as is the case with the Santa, the portive of a major late Pleistocene displace-
ridges reflect a combination of episodic major ment of the Peru Current (Burnett, 1980).
El Nino activity and tectonic uplift and/or sea Burnett noted a long term north-south vacil-
level lowering. Careful study and dating of lation of these deposits, suggesting coincident
the beach ridges in the Santa and Chira re- movement of the intersection of the oxygen
gions might lead to temporal correlation of minimum layer with the continental margin.
major tectonic episodes and/or El Nino events Thus, it follows that the site of maximum up-
along the central and northwestern coasts of welling would similarly move. Burnett also
Peru over the last 5000 years. remarked on the southward displacement of
Quaternary land based guano-derived phos-
Glacial deposits phate deposits. As guano birds are dependent
upon the anchovy-rich upwelling areas, such
Some of the geological evidence for a wet- deposits should track the movement of the
ter climate in western South America just cold water current.
prior to 5000 B.P. was summarized by Rich-
ardson (1978) and Malpass (unpublished
manuscript). The occurrence of moraines in Diatom and Fish Scale Distribution
the Cordillera Blanca (9-10 degrees south
latitude),which date a t 7000-5000 B.P., indi- DeVries (1979) and DeVries and Schrader
cate greater glacial extent and, therefore, (1981) present the results of an investigation
higher precipitation rates for that time span of diatoms and fish scales from cores taken on
(Clapperton, 1972; Caviedes, 1975). Malpass the upper continental slope of central Peru.
(ms) postulated a decreased sea temperature The cores, ranging from about 11 to 13 de-
along the Peruvian and Chilean coasts for the grees south latitude, exhibited marked strati-
interval between 5000 and 4500 B.P., due to graphic variation in proportions of tropical
the northward installation of the upwelling (warm water) and subtropical (cooler water,
Peru Current. He suggested that this upwell- upwelling) diatom species. Late Pleistocene
ing would initiate an intensification of the sediments contained a mixture of tropical and
south Pacific anticyclone, which would, in subtropical species, whereas late Holocene
turn, cause decreased precipitation off north- sediments contained mainly tropical species
ern Chile and Peru, and increased precipita- (north of 12 degrees south latitude). Diatom
tion in southern Chile. This scenario is sup- data were consistent with a southward shift-
ported by the documentaion of maximum ad- ing of climatic belts during the last ice age,
vance of the Llanquihue Glacier in south- with increased precipitation along coastal
central Chile at 4600-4200 B.P. (Mercer, Peru. They suggested that tropical waters
1976).The documented retreat of Peru’s gla- would then have spread farther south for long
ciers at about 5000 B.P. is predicted by the periods of time until tropical water assem-
sudden onset of dry conditions due to the initi- blages would eventually replace subtropical
ation of upwelling. The model developed by assemblages. The diatom and fish scale data
Malpass is strongly supported by the geoarch- are consistent with the molluscan evidence.



Earlier Quaternary and Tertiary Patterns (1983) on the preceramic sites of the Santa
and Nepena-Casma Valleys.
Romine (in press) has recently completed a
It is also clear that archaeologists must be
study of temporal variation in the distribu-
appreciative of paleooceanographic phenom-
tion of radiolarian assemblages during the
ena. The hunter-gatherers and maritime re-
last 127,000 years in the eastern equatorial
source users of coastal Peru would have en-
Pacific. She concluded that there have been
joyed a greater abundance of land-based re-
wholesale changes in the oceanic circulation
sources in grass lands and forests across the
pattern throughout this time interval. Spe-
wide expanse of the continental shelf prior
cific water mass elements of the region (e.g.,
to 5000 B.P. The warm water maritime re-
Peru Current, Equatorial Undercurrent,
sources would have been considerably less
North Equatorial Countercurrent, etc.) have
than those enjoyed by post-5000 B.P. popula-
discrete radiolarian assemblages and permit
tions subsisting on cold water faunas. The
detailed tracking of the relative positions of
dramatic change from a warm water to a cold
the water mass structure through time. Al-
water oceanic regime at 5000 B.P. decreased
though the scenario developed by Romine in-
rainfall on the coast to the point of turning the
volves a different scale of resolution than we
landscape into its present desert environ-
are addressing in this paper, it places the pos- ment. The increase in cold water resources,
tulated 5000 B.P. current reorganization into not previously available, were intensively ex-
a broader temporal perspective and suggests
ploited and formed the base for the succeeding
that it was but one (albeit the latest)of several
rise of complex maritime adapted societies on
similar events in the Quaternary of the East
the central to northern coast of Peru.
Caviedes (1972) presents diverse evidence
for major changes in the coastal environment CONCLUSIONS
of Chile duringthe late Tertiary and Quater-
1. Molluscan faunas from two preceramic
nary. Late Tertiary duricrusts, indicative of
sites in the Santa River Valley area of north-
tropical conditions, along with Tertiary fossil
central Peru provide direct evidence of a ma-
palms and molluscan species similar to those
jor reorganization of the East Pacific water
of the modern Panamic Province attest to an
mass structure ca. 5000 B.P. Prior to this date
approximate 30" southward displacement of
the boundary between the warm Panamic
warm coastal waters in the Pliocene.
Province and the cold Peruvian Province was
Caviedes concludes that the western coast of
displaced southward at least 500 km.
South America to 37" S lat. was, in the late
2.5000 B.P. is a significant date for under-
Tertiary, warm and humid, much like the
standing both oceanographic and cultural his-
present day western coast of South America
tory of coastal Peru. It marks the approximate
north of the equator.
attainment of modern sea level in the region,
the birth of the phenomenon known as El
Nino, and, probably, the initiation of mari-
time adapted societies along coastal north-
The recent research by Moseley and his as- central Peru.
sociates on Moche and Chimu irrigation sys- 3. A variety of evidence, geological, archae-
tems, and the work by Richardson on beach ological, and oceanographic, supports the
ridge preceramic sites, have pointed out the aforementioned scenario. Future efforts
absurdity of attempting to explain cultural should be directed toward finding other
processes without reference to the geomorphic geoarchaeological evidence of the 5000 B.P.
impact of tectonism and sea level change oceanographic change. The study and radio-
(Moseley et al., 1981; Ortloff et al., 1982; carbon dating of post-5000 B.P. beach ridges
Richardson, 1983).A similar conclusion must will most likely be an important tool in the
be drawn from the research of Sandweiss et al. more precise temporal resolution of the event.

14 VOL. 1 , NO. 1

By the same token, other preceramic sites Malpass, M. (1981). Climatic variation and culture
should be carefully scrutinized for the evi- change, a test case from the coast of Peru, unpub-
lished manuscript.
dence of anomalous warm water faunas. Mercer, J.H. (1976). Glacial history of southernmost
Pozorski and Pozorski (unpublished South America. Quaternary Research 6 , 125- 166.
manuscript) have recently described a second Moseley, M., Feldman, R.A., and Ortloff, C.R. (1981).
Living with crises: Human perception of process and
occurrence of an anomalous warm water mol- time, in M. Nitecki, Ed., Biotic Crises in Ecological
luscan fauna from an undated preceramic site andEvolutionary Time,pp. 231-267. New York: Aca-
at Huaynuna, south of the Santa region. demic Press.
Moseley, M. (1983).The good old days were better: Agra-
rian collapse and tectonics. American Anthropologist
Several of the ideas presented in this paper were en- 85,773-799.
hanced by discussion with other investigators of Ortloff, C.R., Moseley, M., and Feldman, R.A. (1982).
Peruvian geoarchaeology, especially Jack Donahue and Hydraulic engineering aspects of the Chima
Michael E. Moseley. We are grateful to Robert L. Chicama-Moche intervalley canal. American
Stuckenrath of the Radiation Biology Laboratory of the Antiquity 47,572-594.
Smithsonian Institution for radiocarbon age determina- Pozorski, T., and Pozorski, S. (n.d.). Almejas: Early
tions. We gratefully acknowledge field support from exploitation of warm-water shellfish on the north
Fulbright and National Science Foundation fellowships central coast of Peru, unpublished manuscript.
to D.H. Sandweiss and from the Programa Riego Anti- Rasmusson, E.M., and Wallace, J.M. (1983).Meteoro-
quo, the university of Pittsburgh Provosts Fund, and logical aspects of the El Nino/Southern Oscillation.
the M. Graham Netting Research Fund ofcarnegie Mu- Science 222, 1195-1202.
seum of Natural History. We, however, accept responsi- Richardson, J.B., I11 (1978).Early Man on the Peruvian
bility for all conclusions and interpretations reached in North Coast, Early maritime exploitation and the
this article. Pleistocene and Holocene Environment, in A. Bryan,
ed., Early Man in America From a Circum-Pacific
Perspective, pp. 274-289. Edmonton: Univ. Alberta
Richardson, J.B. I11 (1981).Modeling the development
Burnett, W. (1980).Apatite-glauconite associations of of sedentary maritime economics on the coast of Peru:
Peru and Chile: Palaeo-oceanographic implications. A preliminary statement. Annals of Carnegie Mu-
Journal of the Geological Society of London 137, seum 50 (5),139-150.
757 - 764. Richardson, J.B., I11 (1983).The Chira beach ridges, sea
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ed., Biological Diversification in the Tropics, pp. 52 (111, 265-276.
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Cane, M.A. (1983). Oceanographic events during El (1981). A thermally anomalous molluscan
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Cardenas, M. (1979).A chronology of the use of marine coastal Peru: paleoecological implications and
resources in ancient Peru. Pontificia Universidad biostratigraphicalutility.Geological Society of Amer-
Catolica Del Peru, Znstituto Riva-Aquera 104,1-30. ica Abstracts 13,540.
Caviedes, C. (1972). On the paleoclimatology of the Romine, K. (in press). Late Quarternary history of atmo-
Chilean littoral. The Iowa Geographer 29, 8 - 14. spheric and oceanic circulation in the eastern equato-
Caviedes, C. (1975). Quaternary glaciations in the rial Pacific. Marine Micropaleontology.
Andes of north-central Chile. Journal of Glaciology Sandweiss, D.H., Rollins, H.B., and Anderson, T. (1981)
14, 155-170. A single large magnitude uplift in the Holocene re-
Clapperton, C. (1972).The Pleistocene moraine stages of cord of the Peruvian north coast. Geological Society
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