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Modals of Deduction (saying what we believe to be an explanation)

MUST – sure

MAY, MIGHT, COULD – possible

CAN’T – impossible

Modal + base form – present tense

It must be Jenny. (I feel certain that it is Jenny)

It may be Jenny. (I think it is possibly Jenny)

It can’t be Jenny. (I know it’s not Jenny)

Modal + have + past participle – past tense

It must have been Jenny. (I feel certain it was Jenny)

It may have been Jenny. (I think it was possibly Jenny)

It can’t have been Jenny. (I know it wasn’t Jenny)

First Conditional (if)

If clause (simple present) result clause (simple future)

If it rains, you will get wet. You will get wet if it rains.

If you study a lot, you will pass the exam. You will pass the exam if you study a lot.

As soon as

As soon as I finish work, I will go home. As soon as + simple present, simple future

As soon as I graduate, I will get a job.

As soon as he had finished, he went home. As soon as + past perfect, simple past

As soon as I graduated, I got a job. As soon as + simple past, simple past

Relative Clauses

My wife is a doctor. She speaks English.

My wife, who is a doctor, speaks English. (non-defining relative clause)

My best friend who is a doctor speaks English. (defining relative clause) – Which one?????

*****Relative pronouns – who (person), that (person/thing), which (thing), where (place),
when (time), whose (possession)

I bought a new bike. It has big wheels.

I bought a new bike which has big wheels. (defining relative clause)

My grandmother is 100 years old. Her name is Doris.

My grandmother, whose name is Doris, is 100 years old.

***never use “that” after a comma

Conjunctions of Contrast (BUT)


DESPITE, IN SPITE OF + gerund (verb+ING=noun) / noun

HOWEVER _______________. However, _________________.

It was raining. We went for a picnic.

Though it was raining, we went for a picnic.

Alhough it was raining, we went for a picnic.

Even though it was raining, we went for a picnic.

Despite the rain, we went for a picnic.

In spite of the rain, we went for a picnic.

It was raining. However, we went for a picnic.

He studied very hard. He failed the exam.

Though he studied hard, he failed the exam.

Although he studied hard, he failed the exam.

Even though he studied hard, he failed the exam.

Despite studying very hard, he failed the exam.

In spite of studying very hard, he failed the exam.

He studied very hard. However, he failed the exam.

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