빠른독해 바른독해 구문독해 11쇄

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‘Grammar 와 Reading skills 를 결합한 대표적인 영어 교재’인

<빠른독해 바른독해> 시리즈가 개정판을 선보입니다.

<빠른독해 바른독해 - 구문독해>는 ‘실제 사용에 기반한 사례별 구문 학습’을 목표로

구성되었습니다. 개별 문법 지식을 나열하거나 형식적인 독해 지문을 제시하기보다
는 실제 독해를 하면서 반드시 필요한 대표 구문들을 사례별로 모으고 이를 48 개의
해석기법으로 만들었습니다. 최신 수능 지문과 그 경향을 철저히 분석하고, 선생님들
의 현장 경험을 반영하여 해석기법 하나하나가 생생하게 실제 독해에 적용될 수 있으
리라 믿습니다.

이번 개정판에서는, 최신 수능 경향에 맞춰 기출 문장을 비롯한 예문과 독해 지문들

을 대폭 교체하고, 학습한 구문을 적용할 수 있도록 독해와의 연계를 강화하였습니
다. 또한 12 회분의 <미니테스트>에서는, 좀 더 긴 글을 읽으며 수능 환경에 적응할
수 있도록 장문을 추가하였고, 고난도 지문을 제시하여 단계적인 학습 성취를 이루도
록 하였습니다. 또한, <미니테스트>의 각 지문 아래에 지문에 나온 문장의 구문을 스
스로 분석하면서 해석기법을 적용할 수 있도록 문항을 제시하였습니다.

<빠른독해 바른독해> 시리즈가 여러분의 독해 실력 향상에 밑거름이 되어, 여러분이

원하는 결실을 맺는 데에 큰 도움이 되길 바랍니다.
Structure Features

총 48개의 해석기법을 통해 구문을 파악할 수 다양한 주제의 독해 지문을 통해 학습한
있는 기본 실력을 쌓고, 이를 토대로 독해 지 해석기법과 구문을 다시 한번 확인하고
문을 정확히 이해할 수 있도록 하였습니다. 독해에 적용할 수 있도록 하였습니다.

본문에 제시된 문법 사항에 대해 추가 설명을 학습한 해석기법과 구문 내용을 적용할 수 있도록,

제공하여, 심화 학습이 가능하도록 하였습니다. 수능 기출 예문을 포함해 문장 단위의 연습을 제공
다양한 문제들을 통해 앞에서 학습한 해석 최신 수능 경향을 반영한 독해 문제들을 풀어보며 수능 유형에 익숙해지고 자신감
기법과 구문을 복습하고, 수능형 어법 을 가질 수 있도록 하였습니다.
문제와 학교 내신 문제에 동시에 대비할
수 있도록 하였습니다.

지문에 등장한 문장의 구조를 분석하며 앞서 학습한 해석기법과 구문을 적용할

수 있도록 하였습니다.

휴대용 어휘 암기장
본문에 나온 주요 어휘들을 부록으로 별도
제공하여, 간편하게 휴대하면서 틈틈이
어휘를 공부할 수 있도록 하였습니다.

01 문장의 머리를 찾아라 05 수식어는 괄호로 묶어라

해석기법 01
to부정사와 동명사로 시작되면 주어인지 의심하라 8 해석기법 17
전치사구의 수식은 괄호로 묶어라 48
해석기법 02
명사절과 문장 전체의 주어·동사를 구별하자 10 해석기법 18
뒤에서 수식할 경우에 대비하라 50
해석기법 03
문장이 주어로 시작하지 않을 수도 있다 12 해석기법 19
to부정사의 수식은 문맥을 통해 의미를 구분하라 52
해석기법 04
가주어 it 이 가리키는 내용은 뒤에서 찾아라 14 해석기법 20
수식어가 많은 문장은 우선 주어와 동사를 찾아라 54

02 동사는 문장의 틀을 결정한다 06 접속사로 문장 간의 논리를 간파하라

해석기법 05
동사의 의미를 통해 뒤따라올 내용을 예측한다 18 해석기법 21
짝이 되어 쓰이는 상관접속사를 기억하라 58
해석기법 06
복잡한 수동태는 하나의 표현처럼 생각하라 20 해석기법 22
접속사 전후에 나오는 대등한 어구를 각각 묶어 보자 60
해석기법 07
「조동사 + have + p.p. 」의 의미를 익혀 두자 22 해석기법 23
여러 개의 절이 있을 때는 먼저 주절을 찾아라 62
해석기법 08
동사와 함께 쓰이는 전치사를 알아 두자 24 해석기법 24
의미와 형태가 혼동되는 접속사를 알아 두자 64

03 형태와 위치가 다양한 목적어를 정복하라 07 관계사절이 꾸며 주는 말을 찾아라

해석기법 09
목적어로 절이 쓰인 경우에 유의하라 28 해석기법 25
생략된 목적격 관계대명사를 찾아보자 68
해석기법 10
같은 의문사절 목적어라도 의미가 다를 수 있다 30 해석기법 26
관계사 앞의 수식어나 술어부를 괄호로 묶어 보자 70
해석기법 11
목적어로 it 이 오면 뒤에 진목적어가 있는지 살펴보라 32 해석기법 27
관계부사의 선행사로 올 수 있는 말들을 알아 두자 72
해석기법 12
길이가 길거나 제 위치를 벗어난 목적어에 주의하라 34 해석기법 28
계속적 용법은 앞뒤 문맥으로 의미를 파악한다 74
해석기법 29
복합관계사의 두 가지 쓰임을 알아 두자 76

04 보어는 불완전함을 보충한다

해석기법 13
be동사 다음의 명사구·명사절은 주격보어이다 38
08 문맥을 통해 분사구문의 의미를 파악하라
해석기법 14
목적어와 목적격보어를 의미 단위로 구분하자 40 해석기법 30
분사구문의 의미는 문맥으로 판단하자 80
해석기법 15
목적격보어로 부정사가 오는 동사를 정리해 두자 42 해석기법 31
과거분사로 시작하면 수동형 분사구문인지 따져 보라 82
해석기법 16
보어로 쓰인 분사를 바르게 파악하자 44 해석기법 32
분사구문의 접속사나 주어는 생략되지 않을 수도 있다 84
해석기법 33
「with + 명사 + v-ing /p.p. 」도 분사구문처럼 해석하라 86
09 가정법의 형태와 의미를 혼동하지 마라
해석기법 34
가정법은 상황을 반대로 보면서 이해하라 90
해석기법 35
「주어+ wish /as if + 가정법」은 주절과 시제를 비교하라 92
해석기법 36
동사를 보고 가정의 의미가 숨어 있는지 확인하라 94 MINI TEST 1회 128
해석기법 37
도치된 가정법 문장은 동사를 통해 파악한다 96
MINI TEST 2회 132

10 비교 표현의 형태를 이해하라 MINI TEST 3회 136

해석기법 38
비교 구문의 기본 형태와 주요 구문을 파악하라 100 MINI TEST 4회 140
해석기법 39
비교 구문에서 무엇이 생략되었는지를 생각하라 102
MINI TEST 5회 144
해석기법 40
원급·비교급을 이용한 최상급 표현을 익혀 두자 104
해석기법 41
배수사를 포함하는 비교 표현에 주의하라 106 MINI TEST 6회 148

MINI TEST 7회 152

11 숨어 있는 부정의 의미를 찾아라
MINI TEST 8회 156
해석기법 42
부정의 의미가 포함된 단어들을 조심하라 110
해석기법 43
부분부정과 이중부정에 주의하라 112 MINI TEST 9회 160
해석기법 44
부정 강조어구는 해석하려고 애쓰지 마라 114
MINI TEST 10회 164

MINI TEST 11회 168

12 특수 구문의 질서를 익혀 두자
MINI TEST 12회 172
해석기법 45
어구의 생략에 주의하자 118
해석기법 46
삽입구나 삽입절은 어려우면 건너뛰어라 120
해석기법 47
동격 관계의 형태를 익혀 두자 122
해석기법 48
도치 구문의 주어와 동사를 찾아라 124
문장의 머리를 찾아라

주어는 문장 형성의 출발점이다. 따라서 주어를 제대로

파악해야 정확한 해석을 할 수 있다. 이러한 주어에는
명사나 대명사만 있는 것이 아니다. 다양한 형태와 길이를
가진 주어를 빠르고 바르게 찾아낼 수 있어야 성공적인
독해를 할 수 있다.
01 to부정사와 동명사로 시작되면 주어인지 의심하라

명사구 중 가장 흔히 사용되는 것이 to 부정사구와 동명사구이다. 문장이 to 부정사나 동명사로 시작되면

그것이 주어가 아닌지, 다음과 같이 확인해 보자.

문장의 동사 앞에서 일단 끊어 준다.

끊어 놓은 앞부분이 하나의 의미 단위(sense group )를 이루는지 확인한다.
하나의 의미 단위로서 ‘…하는 것은[이]’으로 해석되면 이 to 부정사구나 동명사구는 주어로 쓰인 것이다.

To bake a chocolate cake / was my plan for her birthday party.
Ignoring your mother’s advice on the problem / would be a huge mistake.
Downloading illegal movie files online / has a negative effect on the movie market.

명사구와 비슷한 형태가 문두에 나오는 경우 주어를 헷갈리지 않도록 유의해야 한다. 아래 두 문장을 위의
문장들과 비교해 보자.

1 To have a good relationship, you should be open-minded.

목적을 나타내는 to 부정사구 S V

2 Standing on top of the mountain, they could see the ocean.

시간을 나타내는 분사구문 S V

다음 각 문장의 주어를 찾아 밑줄을 그어 보자.

1 To be a good friend is to offer true understanding at all times.

2 Being assertive does not have to mean being disagreeable.
3 To treat people unfairly because you don’t like them is wrong.
4 Making a good first impression is very important in business.
5 Building a meaningful and successful East-West relationship will be possible only
with a proper understanding of Asia and Asians.

정답 및 해설 p.2

1 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?

In Switzerland, you won’t see a goldfish ⓛ swimming alone in a bowl. If you

do, you can call the police. This is because an animal rights law ② passed in
2008 set rules about how the Swiss can treat “social animals.” To own a single 3

goldfish is now illegal. Since goldfish naturally live in large groups, to make
them live alone is considered a form of cruelty. Therefore, they must have
at least one companion ③ when kept as pets. This law also applies to other 6

illegal 불법적인 animals. If you own a single cat, for example, you must let it ④ to go outside so
cruelty 잔인함; *학대
companion 동반자; *친구
that it can socialize with other cats. People who prefer to keep their cats indoors
apply to …에 적용되다 must own at least two. Owning a single parrot is also not allowed unless you 9
socialize with …와 사귀다,
교제하다 can get it a friend ⑤ to talk to.

2 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은?

What’s more, doing so can also cause a lot of stress, since no one can know

When unexpectedly asked a question, you’ll sometimes find yourself unable 3

to provide an answer. However, admitting this should not be viewed as a kind

unexpectedly 뜻밖에, 갑자기
view A as B A 를 B 로 여기다
of failure. ( ⓛ ) Instead, answering honestly should be looked at as a positive
strengthen 강화하다, 강화되다 thing, as it can strengthen your credibility. ( ② ) People who pretend to always 6
credibility 신뢰성
pretend …인 척하다 have the answer tend to be closed off to new ideas and the suggestions of others.
close off …을 차단하다
ignorance 무지, 무식 ( ③ ) On the other hand, admitting your ignorance makes a good impression
impression 인상, 느낌
cooperative 협력[협동]하는 and helps build cooperative relationships. ( ④ ) Rather than hesitating and 9

struggle 투쟁하다; *애쓰다

make up (이야기를) 만들어
struggling to make up an answer, it’s better to look the questioner straight in
the eye and explain that you need more information. ( ⑤ ) This will make you
straightforward 간단한, 쉬운;
*솔직한 appear confident and straightforward in the eyes of others. 12

문장의 머리를 찾아라 9

02 명사절과 문장 전체의 주어 · 동사를 구별하자

접속사(that , whether ), 의문사, 관계대명사 what 등이 이끄는 명사절은 문장의 주어 역할을 할 수 있다.
이와 같이 명사절이 문장의 주어로 쓰인 경우, 명사절을 이끄는 접속사, 의문사, 관계대명사 what 뒤에 먼저
나오는 동사는 명사절에 속하며, 문장 전체의 동사는 그다음에 나온다. 따라서 먼저 문장 전체의 동사를 찾아
그 앞에서 끊어 주면 문장 구조를 쉽게 파악할 수 있을 것이다.

That he did his best to pass the university entrance exam / is not in doubt.
Whether the criminal who escaped from jail committed another crime / is not known.
How much money was raised at the fundraising campaign / will soon be announced.
What I really want to do with my life / is to travel around the world.

다음 각 문장의 주어를 찾아 밑줄을 그어 보자.

1 Whether it was an accident or an intentional fire is under investigation.

2 That the earth must be flat seemed obvious until the 15th century.
3 What dreams people have depends on who they are and how old they are.
4 All I ask in return is that you take good care of yourself so that someday you can do
the same thing for someone else.
5 What's dangerous about the Internet is that it has a totally undeserved instant

정답 및 해설 p.3

3 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?

You’ve probably heard of graffiti, but did you know that there is also something
called reverse graffiti? What makes reverse graffiti different is the materials
that are used and the way it is created. Graffiti artists use spray paint to create 3

works of art in public places. Reverse graffiti artists, on the other hand, use
soap, water and sponges. They start by finding a dirty surface, such as a wall
or an old car. Then they create words or images by removing dirt from certain 6

parts of the surface. Unlike regular graffiti, reverse graffiti is environmentally

friendly and easily removed. Therefore, most people don’t have a problem with
it. In fact, some companies even hire reverse graffiti artists to create guerilla 9

graffiti (공공장소에 하는)

advertising campaigns.
낙서, 그라피티
reverse (정)반대[역]의
remove 없애다, 제거하다 ① Classic Art, New Materials
dirt 먼지, 때
environmentally friendly ② Turning Dirty Walls into Art
환경 친화적인, 환경을 해치지
③ Graffiti: Is It Art or a Crime?
advertising 광고
④ An Easy Way to Remove Graffiti
innovative 획기적인 ⑤ Innovative Graffiti Advertisements

4 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

The presence of lightning may be a clue to help forecasters understand when

a hurricane is approaching its peak intensity. Although satellite and radar
technology are generally able to predict the path of a storm with some accuracy, 3

how much and when a storm will intensify is harder to forecast. But according
to a new study, we can predict it to some degree because there is a link
between lightning and . The study found that lightning 6
presence 존재, 참석
clue 실마리, 단서 peaks approximately 30 hours before maximum winds occur. Whether this
forecaster (일기) 예보관
peak 최고의; 정점에 도달하다
information will help improve hurricane forecasts is still unknown. However,
intensity 강렬함; *세기, 강도 it can be used to help decide whether or not to evacuate people from towns and 9
(v . intensify 강해지다)
satellite (인공)위성 cities in a storm’s path.
predict 예언하다, 예보하다
path 작은 길; *경로, 진로
accuracy 정확(성)
approximately 대략 ① storm paths ② radar images
evacuate 대피시키다
③ wind speeds ④ rainfall amounts
formation 형성 (과정) ⑤ cloud formation

문장의 머리를 찾아라 11

03 문장이 주어로 시작하지 않을 수도 있다

문장이 항상 주어로 시작하는 것은 아니다. 실제 독해에서는 문장 앞부분에 부사구나 부사절이 놓여 주어가

문장의 중간이나 뒷부분에 위치하는 경우가 많다. 이런 경우에는 부사구나 부사절을 괄호로 묶은 뒤 주어와
동사를 찾아 밑줄을 그어 보면 문장의 의미를 훨씬 더 명확하게 이해할 수 있다.

[Based on past experiences], Joe decided it would be unwise to argue with his boss.
[Although it looks real], this diamond necklace is a fake that costs only $50.
[Now that we are living in the digital age], smart learning through mobile devices
is becoming more common.

다음 각 문장의 주어와 동사에 각각 밑줄을 긋고, S 와 V 로 표시해 보자.

1 Much to our dismay, there was a large spider in the sink.

2 There were, I’m sorry to say, no seats available at the baseball game.
3 After the child’s disappearance, his mother’s fear for his life kept her awake all night.
4 Throughout the late 1950s and early 1960s, Forman acted as either writer or
assistant director on several films.
5 Contrary to what Mr. Smith may believe, the role of computers in music and the
performing arts has been considerable.
6 As a system for transmitting specific factual information without any distortion or
ambiguity, the sign system of honeybees would win easily over human language
every time.

정답 및 해설 p.3

5 다음 글에서 필자가 주장하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?

Every year on the second Monday of October, the United States celebrates
Columbus Day. This holiday honors Christopher Columbus, the Italian explorer
who is credited with discovering America on October 12, 1492. However, 3

considering his mistreatment of Native Americans and the devastating effect of

his arrival, I think honoring the explorer makes no sense at all. After arriving on
the continent, Columbus killed and enslaved thousands of natives. Additionally, 6

the diseases that Columbus and other Europeans brought with them severely
reduced the native population. Therefore, I strongly believe that the entire
country should support the creation of a new holiday that honors the Native 9

Americans and remembers their suffering. As an alternative to Columbus Day,

credit A with B
B 를 A 의 공으로 믿다 Americans should celebrate Native American Day or Indigenous Peoples’ Day.
mistreatment 학대, 혹사
devastating 대단히 파괴적인,
엄청난 손상을 가하는
continent 대륙 ⓛ 아메리카 원주민 문화 보존을 위한 연구 지원이 필요하다.
enslave (사람을) 노예로 만들다
severely 심하게, 혹독하게
② 다양성을 인정하기 위해 더욱 많은 공휴일을 지정해야 한다.
creation 창조, 창출
③ 10월 두 번째 월요일을 Native American Day로 기념해야 한다.
suffering 고통
alternative 대안 ④ Native American Day를 공휴일로 지정하는 것을 재고해야 한다.
indigenous (어떤 지역) 원산의,
토착의 ⑤ Christopher Columbus의 업적을 기리는 행사가 더 많이 열려야 한다.

6 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은?

Coral reefs are sometimes called the ocean’s rainforests, as they are home
to so many species. However, there are places where no coral reefs ⓛ exist.
Therefore, artificial reefs are built in these areas to ② improve the marine 3

environment for numerous sea creatures. This basically involves placing large,
coral reef 산호초
artificial 인공[인조]의 old objects on the ocean floor, such as school buses and ships. Regardless of
marine 해양의
numerous 많은 what they are made from, artificial reefs work by giving shellfish and corals a 6
regardless of …에 상관없이
elimination 제거, 삭제 hard surface to attach themselves to. The ③ elimination of these creatures then
resident 거주자, 주민
conservationist 환경 보호
attracts fish, providing them with food and shelter. Artificial reefs are popular
with ④ coastal residents, including fishermen. In addition, conservationists use 9
habitat 서식지
restoration 복원, 복구 them for habitat ⑤ restoration, and scuba divers enjoy exploring their diverse
diverse 다양한
ecosystem 생태계 ecosystems.

문장의 머리를 찾아라 13

04 가주어 it이 가리키는 내용은 뒤에서 찾아라

to부정사구나 명사절 등이 주어로 쓰여 길어지는 경우, 종종 원래 주어를 뒤로 보내고 동사 앞의 주어 자리에

가주어 it 을 쓴다. 하지만 주어 자리에 쓰인 it 이 앞서 언급된 대상을 가리킬 수도 있고, 거리·시간·날씨 등을
나타내는 비인칭 주어 it 또는 「it is … that ~」 강조 구문의 it 일 수도 있으므로 잘 구별해야 한다. 가주어로
쓰인 경우에는 뒤에 진주어인 to 부정사구, 동명사구, 또는 명사절이 나오며 원래 주어를 it 자리에 넣어서
해석해야 의미가 통한다.

It is necessary for friends to help each other in times of trouble.
가주어 진주어 (to 부정사구)
It is unclear whether the director’s new film will be released this year.
가주어 진주어 (명사절)
It is believed that cats kill rats or bugs and bring them to their owners as a gift.
가주어 진주어 (명사절)

it을 포함하는 관용 표현은 숙어처럼 암기하자.

• 「It seems [appears ] that ...」 ‘…인 것 같다’
• 「It happens that ...」 ‘우연히 …하다’, ‘…하는 일이 있다’
• 「It follows that ...」 ‘…라는 결론이 나오다’

1 It seems that Andrew’s flight was delayed by the heavy snowfall.

2 It often happened that I got lost at night while walking home.
3 It follows from what you say that you are innocent.

다음 각 문장에서 밑줄 친 It 이 가리키는 내용을 찾아 [ ]로 묶어 보자.

1 It is necessary to change your password if you think your email account has been
hacked into.
2 It is important to have a website that provides your customers with the information
they need.
3 It is not surprising that humans use all their senses to analyze food quality.
4 It is surprising how many times our feelings of despair and anger can be eased if we
act instead of just thinking over problems.

정답 및 해설 p.4

7 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

is an important issue in the establishment of a nuclear

installation. Nuclear waste storage sites are generally built in rural areas far
away from densely populated centers. But can it be fair to expose someone to 3

a risk just because he or she happens to live in a rural area? And can it be
ethically justified for a particular group, based on their geographic location, to
establishment 설립
be given the benefits of nuclear energy while another group must carry the 6
nuclear installation 핵 시설
storage 저장(소) burden of it? The establishment of nuclear installations can radically change
rural 시골의, 지방의
densely populated 인구가 the environmental quality of life, so the dilemma of where to locate them is not
expose 드러내다; 폭로하다; an easy one to solve. 9
ethically 윤리적으로
justify 정당화하다
① Economic cost ② Population control
geographic 지리적인
burden 짐, 부담 ③ Industrial pollution ④ Political advantage
radically *근본적으로; 철저히
dilemma 딜레마, 궁지 ⑤ Geographic fairness

8 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

“Mama” and “dada” are common first words for babies, and scientists believe
they’ve discovered the reason why. It’s not just because a child’s mother and
father are around a lot. Instead, scientists point to . 3

A recent study measured the brain activity of babies as they listened to words
containing syllable repetition and words that did not. The language area of the
brain became more active whenever a word from the first group was heard. 6

This suggests that our brains may be designed to recognize repetitive sounds
when we are very young. It is also probably not by chance that many different
languages have babyish words with this feature, such as “baba” and “papa,” 9

the Chinese and Italian words for “father.”

measure 측정하다
syllable 음절
repetition 반복 ① the development of babies’ brains
(a . repetitive 반복적인)
by chance 우연히 ② the simple pronunciation of the words
babyish 유치한; *아기 같은
feature 특징 ③ babies’ tendency to make funny words
[문제] ④ the words’ patterns of repeating sounds
pronunciation 발음
tendency 경향 ⑤ the length of the words spoken by adults

문장의 머리를 찾아라 15

정답 및 해설 p.5

A 네모 안에서 어법상 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

1 Whether we have goals decide / decides our success in life.

2 Knowing the origin of words help / helps you remember them.
3 Who will be the next congressmen is /are becoming a big issue.
4 To discover how often patients experienced these symptoms was / were the goal
of the study.
5 Because of the rising cost of living, more families is /are discovering that both
husband and wife must work.

B 다음 문장의 밑줄 친 부분이 맞으면 O , 틀리면 X 로 표시하고 바르게 고쳐 쓰시오.

1 Paying taxes are every citizen’s obligation.

2 All I did during the weekends were sleep all day long.
3 Whether she will win the best actress award are not known.
4 There have been several nuclear bomb tests carried out by North Korea.
5 That housing prices keep decreasing seems to be affecting the whole economy.

C 다음 문장을 가주어 it 을 사용한 문장으로 고쳐 쓰시오.

1 To wear a seat belt is required by law.

2 To yawn without covering one’s mouth is considered impolite.

3 Whether there are Korean victims of this typhoon will soon be known.

4 That a number of students said they had experienced bullying is shocking.

동사는 문장의 틀을 결정한다

동사는 주어와 함께 문장의 기본이 됨과 동시에 문장

전체의 틀을 결정한다. 따라서 동사를 빠르고 바르게
파악할 수 있는 능력을 키우는 것은 빠른 독해에 있어
기초공사와도 같다.
05 동사의 의미를 통해 뒤따라올 내용을 예측한다

영어의 문장은 사용되는 동사에 따라 크게 다섯 가지 문형으로 나눌 수 있는데, 이들 중 주어와 동사로

이루어지는 1 문형을 제외한 다른 문형들은 동사 뒤에 다른 문장 성분을 필요로 한다. 다음 예문들을 살펴
보도록 하자.
① My brother became . ② They gave .
위 문장들은 밑줄 친 부분이 채워지지 않으면 의미가 성립되지 않는다. ①에는 무엇이/어떻게 되었는지에
대한 내용(a doctor , a policeman / angry , happy 등)이, ②에는 누구에게(me , him 등), 무엇을(a
book, money 등) 주었는지의 내용이 보충되어야 한다. 이처럼 동사에 따라 문장의 구성 요소가 결정되므로
동사의 의미를 파악하여 뒤에 올 내용을 예측해 보자.

2문형(「S + V + SC」)의 주요 동사: be, remain, get, become, grow, appear, look, feel 등
The donor remains anonymous.
We must be aware of how serious the problem is.

4문형(「S + V + O1 + O2」)의 주요 동사: give, teach, show, tell, offer, buy, make, get 등
The course taught me the basics of international trade.
V O1 O2
I regret to tell you that flight 494 to Tokyo has been delayed until tomorrow morning.
V O1 O2

5문형(「S + V + O + OC」)의 주요 동사: call, make, keep, leave, find, believe, consider 등
Some of the villagers found a strange man lying on the shore.
Please keep your fingers crossed for me when I go to the job interview.

밑줄 친 부분에 각 문장 성분을 표시해 보자.

1 The girl who used to live next door to me became a famous human rights lawyer.
2 To receive the discount, visitors must have their parking tickets stamped at the
visitor information desk.
3 Last year, your contributions helped more than 3,000 students achieve their dream
of a higher education.
4 It is our parents who have given us our sense of right and wrong, our understanding
of love, and our knowledge of who we are.

정답 및 해설 p.6

1 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은?

Have you ever been to a store that sells clocks? If so, you’ve probably noticed
that the shopkeepers set all the clocks to 10:10 ① prior to displaying them. This
may seem strange, but there’s a good reason for it. It’s all about marketing. The 3

companies that make clocks tend to place their names ② below the number 12.
Therefore, if the clock’s hands are placed at 10:10, a customer’s eyes will be
prior to …에 앞서
display 전시[진열]하다 drawn ③ upward directly to the brand name! There are other reasons as well. 6
hand 손; *시곗바늘
upward 위쪽으로 For one thing, when a clock is set at 10:10, the two hands ④ resemble a smile.
lead to (결과적으로) …에
This makes customers feel happy, which can lead to more sales. Also, keeping
ensure 반드시 …하게[이게] the clock set at 10:10 ensures that both hands are ⑤ invisible to customers. If 9
하다, 보장하다
invisible 보이지 않는 they were moved to 12 o’clock, for example, one would be covering the other.

2 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

Blinking is not something we control. It is a spontaneous action that keeps

our eyes healthy by ensuring they are wet and clean. Now, new research
suggests it is also involved in the way our brains function. In a study, both the 3

brain activity and blinking patterns of test subjects were monitored while they
watched movie clips. The results showed that immediately after blinking, the
part of a person’s brain associated with paying attention briefly shuts down. 6

This means that blinking gives the brain a short break, freeing it from its tasks
blink 눈을 깜박이다 and allowing it to idle. Scientists believe this shows that the brain needs to take
spontaneous 자발적인;
*저절로 일어나는 occasional “naps,” during which it temporarily the incoming 9
subject 주제; *연구 대상
associated with …와 관련된 flow of information and makes small adjustments to its functions.
briefly 간단히; *잠시
shut down 문을 닫다; *멈추다
idle 게으른; *빈둥거리다 ① keeps ② changes
occasional 가끔의
temporarily 일시적으로 ③ blocks ④ improves
incoming 들어오는
adjustment *조정, 수정; 적응 ⑤ increases

동사는 문장의 틀을 결정한다 19

06 복잡한 수동태는 하나의 표현처럼 생각하라

수동태가 완료형이나 진행형과 함께 쓰이면 동사의 형태가 복잡해진다. 이 같은 완료형·진행형의 수동태는

하나의 표현처럼 생각하고 해석하자.

완료형 수동태 「have [had ] been + p.p. 」: ‘…되었다’, ‘…된 적이 있다’, ‘…되어 왔다’
An old man reported to the police that his car had been stolen.
Alternative medicine has been used in East Asian countries for centuries.
‘사용되어 왔다’

진행형 수동태 「be being + p.p. 」: ‘…되고 있다’, ‘…당하고 있다’

The book is being read by people all over the world.
‘읽히고 있다’
Most scenes of the drama are being filmed in Seoul to attract foreign tourists.
‘촬영되고 있다’

밑줄 친 부분에 유의하여 다음 각 문장을 우리말로 해석해 보자.

1 My little cousin has been spoiled by his parents since the day he was born.
2 People have been fascinated by the mysteries of the night sky for thousands of
3 Sadly, many traditional houses in my neighborhood are being torn down these days.
4 The negative effects of extrinsic motivators such as grades have been shown in
students from different cultures.
5 In the case of human beings, the general shape and size of our body remains
relatively constant, while the cells within it are continually being replaced.

정답 및 해설 p.7

3 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은?

The great wealth brought by this trading allowed the city to prosper.

The ancient city of Petra, located deep in the desert of Jordan, was established
around the year 300 B.C. by a nomadic tribe called the Nabataeans. The 3

Nabataeans used their superior architectural skills to carve the city’s palaces,
prosper 번영하다
temples, and houses directly into sandstone cliffs. ( ⓛ ) They also built a system
nomadic 유목의, 방랑의 of waterways to supply the city with water. ( ② ) Because Petra was located at 6
superior 우수한, 우월한
architectural 건축학의 the crossroads of ancient trading routes, it became a major place of commerce.
carve 조각하다, 깎아서 만들다
sandstone 사암 ( ③ ) After many years, though, changing trade routes and a huge earthquake
cliff 절벽
commerce *무역; 상업 led inhabitants to abandon this remarkable city. ( ④ ) Petra had been forgotten 9

inhabitant (특정 지역의) 주민

remarkable 놀라운
for centuries when it was rediscovered by a Swiss explorer in 1812. ( ⑤ ) Since
archaeological 고고학의 then, the archaeological site of the city has been extensively excavated, and it
extensively 널리, 광범위하게
excavate 발굴하다 is now a popular tourist destination. 12

4 video pill에 관한 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?

Doctors have a new tool for examining the inside of a patient’s body: the video
pill. It is being used to identify traditionally tricky conditions, such as stomach
disorders. No larger than the average vitamin tablet, the video pill contains a 3

light, lens, antenna, and transmitter. Patients swallow it as if it were a normal

pill. While the pill is being pushed through the digestive system, it records and
transmits what it sees to a doctor, who can then make an assessment about the 6

patient’s condition. It later exits the body naturally without the patient even
examine 조사[검토]하다;
knowing. The video pill is being recognized as one of the most significant
tricky *(하기·다루기) 힘든, advances in medicine in recent years. 9
까다로운; 교활한
condition 상태; 질환
disorder 무질서; *장애, 병
tablet 판, 현판; *정제, 알약 ① 인체 내부를 검사하기 위한 도구이다.
transmitter 전달자; *송신기
(v . transmit 전송하다)
② 일반 비타민제와 비슷한 크기이다.
swallow (음식 등을) 삼키다 ③ 일반 알약처럼 삼키도록 되어 있다.
digestive system 소화기 계통
assessment 평가; *판단 ④ 촬영한 화면을 의사에게 전송한다.
significant 중요한, 의미 있는,
커다란 ⑤ 체내에서 자연스럽게 녹아 없어진다.

동사는 문장의 틀을 결정한다 21

07 「조동사+have+p.p.」의 의미를 익혀 두자

「조동사 + have + p.p. 」는 지나간 일에 대한 추측, 가능성, 후회 등을 나타내는 표현이다. 먼저 각 조동사의

의미를 확실하게 익히고, 「조동사 + have + p.p. 」의 쓰임을 서로 비교해서 기억하면 효과적일 것이다.

• 「should have + p.p. 」 ‘…했어야 했는데 (하지 않았다)’

• 「could have + p.p. 」 ‘…했을 수도 있다’, ‘…할 수 있었는데 (하지 못했다)’
• 「may [might ] have + p.p. 」 ‘…했을지도 모른다’
• 「must have + p.p. 」 ‘…했음에 틀림없다’
• 「cannot have + p.p. 」 ‘…했을 리 없다’
• 「would have + p.p. 」 ‘…했을 것이다’

We should have completed this project by last Friday.
If not for that terrible accident, he could have succeeded as a pitcher.
Claire is worrying that she may have made a mistake in her presentation.
Using force would have triggered a huge clash between the strikers and the

다음과 같이 조동사를 포함하는 관용 표현도 함께 기억해 두자.

• 「would like to-v 」 ‘…하고 싶다’

• 「would rather ... than ~」 ‘~하느니 차라리 …하겠다’
• 「may [might ] well ...」 ‘…하는 것이 당연하다’, ‘아마 …일 것이다’
• 「may [might ] as well ...」 ‘…하는 편이 낫다’
• 「cannot help v-ing 」 ‘…하지 않을 수 없다’
• 「cannot ... too ~」 ‘아무리 …해도 지나치지 않다’

1 There are many customs in our country that you may well think strange.
2 You might as well return home if you don’t have a good reason for staying.

밑줄 친 부분에 유의하여 다음 각 문장을 우리말로 해석해 보자.

1 I should have checked the refund policy before buying the flight ticket.
2 I know cleaning your room must have been a big effort for you.
3 The notion that events always occur in a field of forces would have been completely
intuitive to the Chinese.
4 The first contact lenses must have been pretty uncomfortable — they were made of
glass and covered the entire front of the eye.

정답 및 해설 p.7

5 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은?

Over time, the sunlight evaporated the oceans and broke up water
molecules, allowing the planet’s hydrogen to escape into space.

Venus is often referred to as Earth’s twin. Although Venus is about the same size 3

as Earth, it has an average temperature of 462 °C. ( ① ) However, about a billion

years ago, these two planets might have been more alike—in fact, Venus may
evaporate 증발시키다
molecule (화학) 분자 have even been habitable. ( ② ) There is little water in the atmosphere of Venus 6
hydrogen 수소
refer to A as B A 를 B 라고 today, but it could have had deep oceans in the past. ( ③ ) But because Venus
habitable (장소가 사람이)
is closer to the Sun, it receives much more sunlight. ( ④ ) With little water left,
거주할 수 있는 the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere increased. ( ⑤ ) This caused a 9
atmosphere (행성의) 대기
carbon dioxide 이산화탄소 greenhouse effect that led to higher temperatures.

6 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?

In 1974, 8,000 terracotta statues were discovered buried near the tomb of Qin
Shi Huang, the first emperor of China. They are a collection of sculptures
depicting the emperor’s army, including warriors, chariots and horses. 3

Interestingly, some experts have claimed that these terracotta statues may have
been influenced by Greek sculptors. ① When Qin Shi Huang was emperor,
Chinese sculptures were simple rather than life-like. ② However, the warrior 6

statues are life-sized and strikingly realistic, which was unusual in China at
statue 조각상 the time. ③ The details of the statues, such as hairstyles and facial features,
tomb 무덤
sculpture 조각품 are similar to ancient Greek sculpture. ④ Ancient Greek sculptors typically 9
depict 묘사하다
warrior 전사 used marble, terracotta or wood, and their sculptures usually served a religious
chariot 마차, 전차
sculptor 조각가
purpose. ⑤ Additionally, DNA samples of ancient Europeans were found in
life-like 실물과 똑같은 Xinjian province, and this suggests that Westerners could have traveled to 12
strikingly 두드러지게
serve 제공하다; *(…의 목적에) China 1,500 years earlier than previous claims.
알맞다, 도움이 되다
province (행정 단위) 주, 도 *terracotta: 테라코타(적갈색 점토를 유약을 바르지 않고 구운 것)

동사는 문장의 틀을 결정한다 23

08 동사와 함께 쓰이는 전치사를 알아 두자

동사와 전치사가 함께 쓰이면 각각의 뜻이 합쳐져 다양한 의미를 만든다. 동사와 전치사의 결합 형태와 그
의미를 기억해 두자.

People often associate the color green with spring.
The solar panel converts light into renewable energy.
The company accused him of stealing one million dollars of its funds.

동사와 전치사가 결합된 표현들은 전치사의 의미를 알고 있으면 이해하기 쉽다.

of ① 소속
• 「remind A of B 」 ‘A 에게 B 를 생각나게 하다’ • 「inform A of B 」 ‘A 에게 B 를 알리다’
• 「accuse A of B 」 ‘A 를 B 로 고발하다’
② 소속된 것으로부터의 분리
• 「deprive [rob ] A of B 」 ‘A 에게서 B 를 빼앗다’ • 「relieve A of B 」 ‘A 에서 B 를 덜다’

with 재료나 내용물

• 「provide A with B 」 ‘A 에게 B 를 공급하다’ • 「replace A with B 」 ‘A 를 B 로 교체하다’

for 교환의 대상
• 「exchange A for B 」 ‘A 를 B 로 교환하다’ • 「take A for B 」 ‘A 를 B 라고 여기다’
• 「mistake A for B 」 ‘A 를 B 로 오해[착각]하다’

from 분리
• 「distinguish A from B 」 ‘A 를 B 와 구별하다’
• 「keep [stop , prevent ] A from B 」 ‘A 가 B 하는 것을 막다’

to 도달점
• 「owe A to B 」 ‘A 를 B 의 덕택으로 돌리다’
• 「attribute A to B 」 ‘A 를 B 의 결과[탓, 덕분]라고 생각하다’

밑줄 친 부분에 유의하여 다음 각 문장을 우리말로 해석해 보자.

1 I sometimes mistake her for her twin sister.

2 It’s important to learn how to distinguish a common cold from the flu.
3 Not all residents attribute environmental damage to tourism.
4 Poetry provides us with what is missing in our own lives — the experience of
imaginative pleasure.

정답 및 해설 p.8

7 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?

Off the coast of Argentina, whales are being attacked by local gulls. Gulls
land on their backs and tear through whales’ skin to feed on their fat. This
kind of behavior has been observed for decades, but the number of attacks has 3

been increasing steadily. The gulls focus their attacks on mother whales and
their offspring, causing injuries and affecting the behavior of the whales. The
whales are forced to spend a lot of energy diving deep underwater to escape the 6

gull attacks, and it seems to prevent them from creating a layer of fat that is
whale 고래; 고래잡이에 종사
하다 important for their long migration. Some researchers attribute the attacks to an
gull 갈매기
tear 찢다
increasing gull population, and studies are underway to find a solution to this 9

steadily 꾸준히, 끊임없이

offspring 자식; *(동물의)
layer 층
migration 이주, 이동 ① why some whales eat gulls
(v . migrate 이동하다)
underway 진행 중인 ② a harmful effect of gulls’ behavior
③ the strange migrating behavior of whales
put an end to …을 끝내다,
(악습 따위를) 폐지하다 ④ efforts to put an end to the whaling industry
odd 이상한, 기묘한
partnership 공동, 협력 ⑤ an odd partnership between whales and gulls

8 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?

In the mid-1970s, a 26-year-old industrial designer named Patricia Moore

wanted to see what life was like for an 80-year-old woman. She put on glasses
that made her eyesight blurry, wore uneven shoes so that she needed a stick 3

to walk, and even put on makeup to appear old and wrinkly. She spent several
years experiencing the everyday challenges faced by the elderly, such as going
up and down stairs, catching buses, and opening refrigerator doors. These 6

experiences helped her design products that could be more easily used by
everyone. People now associate her innovations with the birth of Universal
Design, an approach that seeks to include people of all ages and abilities. 9

industrial designer 산업
blurry 흐릿한 ① Why It Is Important to Help the Elderly
uneven 평평하지 않은, 울퉁불
② Universal Design: Not Just for the Elderly
put on makeup 화장[분장]을 ③ The Elderly Face More Challenges than You Think
wrinkly 주름이 있는 ④ The Amazing Success of an 80-Year-Old Designer
innovation 혁신; *획기적인 것
approach 접근법 ⑤ Understanding the Elderly to Design Better Products

동사는 문장의 틀을 결정한다 25

정답 및 해설 p.9

A 네모 안에서 어법상 적절한 것을 고르시오.

1 You’re late! You would / should have gotten up earlier.

2 Truffles have used / have been used to make fancy food for centuries.
3 The company cannot help close / closing its less profitable stores.
4 Technologies are getting very complicated / complicatedly these days.
5 The police failed to find any clues. The thief must / cannot have worn gloves in
order not to leave any fingerprints.

B 다음 문장의 괄호 안에 주어진 동사를 알맞은 형태로 고쳐 쓰시오.

1 The children who asked for help are (be) rescued by local people.
2 The flight to Las Vegas has been (postpone) due to the heavy snowfall.
3 An incredible amount of crops have (be) destroyed by a plague of locusts.
4 Strong dissatisfaction over the territorial disputes with Japan is being (express) by

C 주어진 우리말과 일치하도록 빈칸을 채우시오.

1 그의 말투는 나에게 그의 아버지를 생각나게 한다.

The way he speaks reminds me his father.
2 어젯밤, 우리 아버지는 나를 도둑으로 착각하고 나를 거의 때릴 뻔했다.
Last night, my father mistook me a thief and almost hit me.
3 우리는 고객들에게 합리적인 가격으로 최고의 상품을 제공하기 위해 노력한다.
We try to provide our customers the best products at reasonable
4 의사들은 피부 질환의 증가를 환경적인 요인 때문이라고 생각한다.
Doctors attribute the increase in skin conditions environmental
5 온라인 게임에 중독된 사람들은 때때로 현실과 가상 현실을 구별하지 못한다.
Sometimes people addicted to online games cannot distinguish reality
virtual reality.

형태와 위치가 다양한 목적어를 정복하라

동사에 따라 동사의 대상이 되는 말, 즉 목적어가 없으면

의미가 완성되지 않는 경우가 있다. 주어와 마찬가지로
목적어도 그 형태나 위치가 다양하므로, 이를 빠르게 찾아
그 의미를 정확하게 파악할 수 있어야 한다.
09 목적어로 절이 쓰인 경우에 유의하라

목적어로 명사절이 쓰이는 경우는 자주 접하게 되므로 어렵게 느껴지지 않을 것이다. 그러나 다음과 같이
해석이 까다로운 경우들도 있으므로 이에 유의한다.

두 개 이상의 절이 목적어로 쓰인 경우
The president of the car company thinks that the company will grow this year and that
the quality of their cars is improving.

목적어절 안에 또 다른 절이 있는 경우
Research found that people [who live near bus stations] are at higher risk of suffering
from respiratory diseases.

접속사가 생략된 경우
He said (that) he would give his son a present every other day; he never realized (that)
this would spoil the child.

if[whether]가 이끄는 절이 목적어로 쓰인 경우: ‘…인지 (아닌지)’로 해석

Do you happen to know if there are any ATMs around here?
I have not decided whether I should go abroad to obtain a doctorate degree.

밑줄 친 부분에서 목적어절을 찾아 [ ]로 묶어 보자.

1 Many people wonder if there might be life forms inhabiting other galaxies.
2 Some people say that friends who offer helpful advice and support are really rare.
3 As I turned the corner off the tree-lined street, I realized the whole house was
shining with light.
4 Actors are fortunate because they can choose whether they will appear in a tragedy
or in a comedy.

정답 및 해설 p.9

1 (A ), (B ), (C )의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장 적절한 것은?

You may have been told that sitting too close to the TV is bad for your eyes.
However, (A) similar / contrary to popular belief, sitting close to the TV
will do nothing to hurt your eyesight. So where did this belief come from? In 3

the 1960s, there was a time when doing this would actually hurt your vision.
However, this was only true if you had a General Electric TV. Back in 1967,
GE’s color TVs were (B) absorbing / emitting too many x-rays due to a 6

“factory error.” The amount of radiation given off by these (C) flawless /
defective TVs was higher than what was considered acceptable. So, health
officials began telling TV owners that if they had these GE TVs, then they 9

shouldn’t sit too close to them. Soon the TVs were recalled and the problem
was fixed, making the issue go away. But the belief stuck around, even though
absorb 흡수하다 it’s no longer true. 12
emit 내다, 내뿜다
radiation 방사선
give off (냄새·열·빛 등을)
내다, 발하다 (A) (B) (C)
flawless 흠 없는, 완벽한
defective 결함이 있는
① similar ······ absorbing ······ flawless
acceptable 용인되는; *허용 ② similar ······ emitting ······ defective
할 수 있는
official 공무원, 관리; *관계자 ③ contrary ······ absorbing ······ flawless
recall 기억해 내다, 상기하다;
*(하자 있는 제품을) 회수하다 ④ contrary ······ emitting ······ flawless
stick around 가지 않고 머무
르다 ⑤ contrary ······ emitting ······ defective

2 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?

Broken heart syndrome, or Takotsubo Syndrome (TTS), is a condition that

occurs when stress weakens the heart’s ability to pump blood. TTS can occur
after stressful events such as the loss of a family member or a natural disaster. 3

① Surprisingly, researchers say people can also get TTS when happy things
happen, and they call this “happy heart syndrome.” ② The symptoms of TTS,
such as dizziness and shortness of breath, are similar to symptoms of a heart 6

weaken 약화시키다 attack. ③ A researcher discovered this syndrome while analyzing data from
disaster 재난, 재해
symptom 증상 1,750 patients with Takotsubo Syndrome. ④ Of the 485 patients diagnosed
dizziness 현기증
shortness 짧음; 부족
after emotional events, 20 were diagnosed after happy events. ⑤ The researcher 9

analyze 분석하다
concluded that the brain reacts similarly to extremely positive and negative
diagnose (질병·문제의 원인을)
진단하다 events, so both can result in Takotsubo Syndrome.
react 반응하다
extremely 극도로, 극히 *broken heart syndrome: 상심 증후군 혹은 스트레스성 심근증

형태와 위치가 다양한 목적어를 정복하라 29

10 같은 의문사절 목적어라도 의미가 다를 수 있다

의문사가 이끄는 「의문사 + 주어 + 동사」의 절은 목적어로 쓰일 수 있는데, 몇몇 의문사는 문장에서 쓰인 방식에

따라 의미가 달라진다. how 가 동사를 수식하는 경우에는 ‘어떻게’로, 형용사·부사를 수식하는 경우에는
‘얼마나’로 해석된다. 또한, what 이 이끄는 명사절은 의문사절일 수도 있고 관계사절일 수도 있다. 그 구분이
명확하지 않지만, 일반적으로 what 이 ‘…하는 것’으로 해석되면 관계대명사로, ‘무엇이[무엇을] …할지’로
해석되면 의문사로 볼 수 있다.

The manual explains how this device works.

You can see how easy it is to make mistakes under these conditions.

If you want to succeed in business, you have to be willing to give up what you enjoy.
관계사절 ‘…하는 것’

Do you know what the unemployment rate of college graduates was in 2012?
의문사절 ‘무엇이 …인지’

의문사절은 「의문사 + to-v 」의 형태로 축약해서 쓰는 경우가 많다. 이런 구문은 숙어처럼 암기해 두자.

• 「how to-v 」 ‘어떻게 …할지’, ‘…하는 방법’ • 「what to-v 」 ‘무엇을 …할지’
• 「when to-v 」 ‘언제 …할지’ • 「where to-v 」 ‘어디서[로] …할지’

1 Please tell me when to get off the bus.

‘언제 하차할지’

2 My grandmother started learning how to read English in her 60s.

‘읽는 법’

밑줄 친 부분에 유의하여 다음 각 문장을 우리말로 해석해 보자.

1 If you want to be a good speaker, then learn how to listen well.

2 Every student and office worker knows how important it is to back up data.
3 Can you tell me what your position is in your new company?
4 First, imagine what you would like to be, and then do what you have to do to reach
your goal.
5 When you attempt to do something and fail, you have to ask yourself why you have
failed to do what you intended.

정답 및 해설 p.10

3 (A ), (B ), (C )의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것은?

Everyone knows that gold is valuable, but few people understand how its
price is set. For investors, however, it is essential to understand the things that
can influence rising gold prices. As with most investments, the price of gold 3

depends on supply and demand. But the gold market is unique — nearly all
of the gold ever (A) mining / mined still exists. Therefore, during times of
depression, gold prices rise, as people lose faith in money and view gold as 6

an asset that can always (B) use / be used to purchase necessities. Another
common factor influencing gold prices both inside and outside of the country
is the real estate market. When real estate values drop, the demand for gold is 9

generally expected (C) to increase / increasing .

(A) (B) (C)

investor 투자자
essential 필수적인 ① mining ······ use ······ increasing
investment 투자
mine 채굴하다 ② mining ······ be used ······ to increase
depression 우울(증); *불경기
faith 믿음, 신뢰
③ mined ······ be used ······ to increase
asset 자산, 재산 ④ mined ······ use ······ to increase
necessity 필수품
real estate 부동산 ⑤ mined ······ be used ······ increasing

4 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?

Many shoppers wonder how to store their fresh tomatoes, in the refrigerator or
on the shelf. According to a new study, the people putting their tomatoes in the
refrigerator are making a mistake. ① Although most people consider tomatoes 3

a fruit, they are actually a vegetable. ② Researchers discovered that when

temperatures drop below 20 °C, the genes that create the familiar tomato flavor
gene 유전자
flavor 풍미, 향미, 맛 stop working. ③ They conducted an experiment to determine what makes 6
conduct (특정한 활동을) 하다
determine *알아내다, 밝히다; a tomato lose its taste. ④ In the experiment, they compared freshly picked
freshly 갓 …한
tomatoes with ones that had been kept in a refrigerator. ⑤ The ones that had
chill 아주 춥게 만들다; been chilled the longest had the fewest taste chemicals, while the fresh ones had 9
*(음식을[이]) 차게 식히다[식다]
chemical 화학의; *화학 물질 the most.

형태와 위치가 다양한 목적어를 정복하라 31

11 목적어로 it이 오면 뒤에 진목적어가 있는지 살펴보라

「S +V +O +OC 」의 문형에서 목적어로 to 부정사구, 동명사구, 명사절 등이 오면, 가목적어 it 을 목적어

자리에 두고 원래 목적어는 뒤로 보내는 경우가 많다. 문장을 읽다가 가리키는 대상이 없는 it 이 목적어로
나오면 문장 뒤쪽에 진목적어가 있는지를 확인해 보자. 이때, 진목적어를 가목적어 it 의 자리에 넣어서
해석하는 것이 자연스럽다.

Many people consider it impolite to point at a person.
가목적어 진목적어

I found it difficult living in a foreign country.
가목적어 진목적어

Customers find it convenient that the online shopping mall offers a delivery service.
가목적어 진목적어

밑줄 친 부분에서 진목적어를 찾아 [ ]로 묶어 보자.

1 Those who have a phobia of flying find it impossible to relax on an airplane.

2 Americans consider it rude to call people by their first name without being invited
to do so.
3 While traveling abroad, you might find it helpful to learn some key phrases in the
local language.
4 They repeatedly attempted to make it clear that visiting the theater was not merely
for entertainment, but for getting lessons from the play onstage.
5 As soon as people fall asleep, the levels of the hormones that stimulate their
nervous system begin to fall. As a result, blood vessels relax, which makes it easier
for blood to flow.

정답 및 해설 p.11

5 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은?

However, scientists have found it possible to fool the brain.

When we experience feelings of fatigue, they may seem to be physical. ( ① )

Yet studies show that these feelings don’t actually come from the body. ( ② ) 3

Even when people report being exhausted from exercise, there is still enough
energy in their muscle tissues to continue on for several minutes more. ( ③ )
fool 속이다, 기만하다 This is because it is actually the brain that sends us the message to stop 6
fatigue 피로
tissue (세포들로 이뤄진) 조직 exercising before we reach our physical limit, in order to prevent potential
potential (…이 될) 가능성이
있는, 잠재적인 injuries. ( ④ ) For example, running a small electrical current through their
electrical 전기의
current (물·공기의) 흐름;
brain increased cyclists’ output by 10%. ( ⑤ ) And other athletes have shown 9

*전류 improvements in their performance in hot conditions when given incorrect

output 생산량, 산출량
improvement 향상 information about the temperature.

6 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

When danger threatens dolphins, they literally take to the air in rapid leaps
ten feet high. This action is so different from the dolphins’ normal method
of travel — swimming just beneath the surface — that scientists have long 3

wondered why they do it. Two biologists have discovered the answer: at high
speeds, . They calculated the energy that dolphins
need to leap and swim. They also measured water friction and found that 6

dolphins waste energy by making waves when they swim close to the surface.
The faster they swim, the more energy they waste. Above ten knots, dolphins
find it more economical to propel themselves through the air in leaps. 9

*knot: 노트(배의 속도를 나타내는 단위)

literally 문자[말] 그대로 ① leaping saves energy

leap 도약; 도약하다
biologist 생물학자
② leaping strengthens muscles
calculate 계산하다 ③ swimming frightens attackers
friction 마찰
economical 경제적인, ④ leaping releases stored energy
실속 있는
propel 나아가게 하다 ⑤ swimming reduces water friction

형태와 위치가 다양한 목적어를 정복하라 33

12 길이가 길거나 제 위치를 벗어난 목적어에 주의하라

목적어에 수식어가 여러 개 붙어서 길이가 길어지면 어디까지가 목적어인지를 파악하기 쉽지 않다. 또한

목적어가 동사 바로 뒤에 오지 않고 강조를 위해 문장 맨 앞에 놓이거나, 동사와 목적어 사이에 다른 어구나
절이 삽입되어 의미 파악에 어려움을 주기도 한다. 이와 같이 목적어의 형태와 위치가 보통과 다른 경우들을
다양한 예문을 통해 집중적으로 훈련해 두자.

You can’t imagine how much you are going to learn about yourself through this three-
week course.
What effect this trend will have on the future of the species, scientists have yet to
The writer ruined, [whether she intended to or not], the plot of the play.
S V 삽입절 O

각 문장의 목적어를 찾아 밑줄을 그어 보자.

1 You must write in your cover letter what kind of career you’re interested in.
2 The little money that he had, he spent on rice, inexpensive vegetables, and spices.
3 What the world of our grandchildren will be like 50 years from now, we don’t know.
4 Thomas Davenport will now describe for us how the information explosion affects
5 The student president explained to her fellow students how she intended to improve
the school.

정답 및 해설 p.12

7 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?

What if your book knew where you were looking? A German research team
has developed new eye-tracking software for e-readers. While you read, this
software shines an infrared light into your eyes. It uses the reflected pattern to 3

analyze how quickly you read, where you pause and which parts you read
twice. This information can then be used by the software to enhance your
reading experience. For example, if the software senses you lingering over a 6

difficult word, it could automatically provide a definition. It could also help

eye-tracking 안구[시선] 추적
e-reader 전자책 단말기 with pronunciation, offer foreign translation, or even provide sound effects for
infrared light 적외선
reflect 비추다; *반사하다;
sentences as you read them. Whatever new reading experiences this technology 9

promises, we’ll surely benefit from them.
enhance 높이다, 향상시키다
linger 남다, 계속되다;
*(시선·생각이) 오래 머물다
automatically 자동적으로 ① Will New Technology Replace E-books?
definition 정의, 의미
sound effect 음향 효과 ② E-books: Are They Ruining Your Eyesight?
③ Choosing the E-reader That’s Best for You
interactive 상호적인, 상호
작용을 하는 ④ Making Reading an Interactive Experience
monitor 추적 관찰하다; *감시
[관리]하다 ⑤ New Software to Monitor Your Internet Activity

8 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?

The word “spoiler” sometimes refers to information that gives away important
details about a piece of fiction, particularly its ending. The term “spoiler alert”
① was created by online groups that discussed films and literature. Sometimes 3

a member would reveal a key part of the story, thus “spoiling” the enjoyment
for others who ② hadn’t yet finished the book or watched the movie. Nowadays,
give away 폭로하다, 누설하다
alert 경계경보 the posting of spoilers ③ is best avoided. However, it’s occasionally impossible 6
literature 문학
reveal 드러내다, 폭로하다 ④ to describe something without revealing important details. In this case,
spoil 망치다
post (우편물을) 발송하다;
you should place the warning “spoiler alert!” in the title or carefully hide the
spoiler itself so it can’t be easily viewed. Some people omit, accidentally or 9
occasionally 때때로, 가끔
omit *빠뜨리다; 생략하다 on purpose, these warnings, and as a result, others have their experience of
accidentally 우연히
on purpose 고의로 reading a book or watching a movie ⑤ ruin.

형태와 위치가 다양한 목적어를 정복하라 35

정답 및 해설 p.13

A 네모 안에서 어법상 올바른 것을 고르시오.

1 She asked me that / whether I like sugar in my coffee.

2 I found that / it very exciting to swim in the pool at night.
3 A warm climate year-round makes it pleasant live / to live here.
4 As I’ve never met the man, I can’t tell you how / what he looks like.
5 He told me that / what he had been a waiter before he became a taxi driver.
6 I called Kay and told her that / whether there were some problems with our plan.

B 괄호 안의 동사를 이용하여 우리말과 일치하도록 문장을 완성하시오.

1 나는 새 컴퓨터를 어디에 두어야 할지를 결정하지 못하겠다.

I can’t decide my new computer. (put)

2 나는 한 할머니께 현금 자동 입출금기에서 돈을 인출하는 법을 가르쳐 드렸다.

I taught an old woman money from an ATM.

3 나의 미국인 친구는 한국에 머무르는 동안에 젓가락질 하는 법을 배웠다.

My American friend learned chopsticks
while staying in Korea. (use)

4 모든 비행기 승무원들은 비상시에 무엇을 해야 할지를 알아야 한다.

All flight attendants should be aware of
in case of an emergency. (do)

5 만약 내가 버스 운전기사에게 언제 내릴지를 물어보지 않았다면, 내가 내릴 정류장을 지나쳤을 것이다.

If I hadn’t asked the bus driver ,
I would have missed my stop. (get off)

C 다음 문장의 괄호 안에 제시된 단어들을 바르게 배열하시오.

1 Critics tried to figure out (the writer, what, intended).

2 Your father asked me (would, when, come, you, home).
3 The technician hasn’t found out (stop, the whole system, made, what).
4 The feature story this week is about (the novel, much, influences, how, society).
5 I am wondering (the price, if, all meals and accommodation, includes).

보어는 불완전함을 보충한다

보어는 의미가 불완전한 동사를 보충하여 그 의미를

완성하는 역할을 한다. 보어에는 명사, 형용사, 동명사,
부정사, 분사, 전치사구, 명사절 등 다양한 형태가 있다.
동사에 따라 달라지는 보어의 형태와 그 의미를 확실히
파악하도록 하자.
13 be동사 다음의 명사구 · 명사절은 주격보어이다

동명사구나 to 부정사구, 명사절이 be 동사 다음에 오면 주격보어로 쓰여 ‘…는 ~이다’로 해석된다. 그러므로

수식어가 붙어 길어진 문장이라 해도 be 동사를 중심으로 앞뒤를 나눠 구조를 파악하면 이해하기 쉽다.
명사절이 보어인 경우에는 명사절을 이끄는 다양한 접속사(that , if , whether ), 의문사, 관계대명사 what
등의 쓰임에 익숙해지도록 하자.

My most precious childhood memory is camping out under the countless stars.
SC (동명사구)

The sole purpose of this performance is to raise money for charity.
SC (to부정사구)

What I’m not sure of is whether his injury will be fully healed before the season starts.
SC (명사절)

다음 각 문장에서 주격보어에 밑줄을 그어 보자.

1 What he liked most was going to the movies.

2 The woman’s job at the department store is selling cosmetics.
3 One easy way to reduce global warming is to turn off the lights when leaving a room.
4 To rehearse to them the findings of previous work is to bore them with unnecessary
5 One difference between winners and losers is how they handle losing.
6 Our body temperature drops during sleep, and that is why a person who is sleeping
must be covered.

정답 및 해설 p.13

1 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?

Television programs aimed at very young children are generally thought to be

effective in teaching early language skills. A study was done to test the ability
of children from the ages of 15 to 24 months to learn new words from either 3

a television program or an adult speaker. The results were not what parents
might have hoped. Children younger than 22 months could not identify an
object when taught the new word by a television program, but they did so easily 6

when taught by an adult. The researchers said this is because adults naturally
alter their speech patterns and facial expressions to help children understand
them better, which doesn’t happen on television. This indicates that children 9

must interact with adults for better language development.

aim 목표하다; *(…을) 대상으로 ① 유아들의 지나친 TV 시청은 학습 능력을 저하시킨다.

② TV에 나오는 언어가 아이들의 평생 언어 습관에 영향을 미친다.
하다, 겨냥하다
identify *식별하다; 동일시하다
object 물건, 물체; *대상 ③ 부모들은 유아용 TV 프로그램의 선택권이 다양해지기를 원한다.
alter 변경하다, 바꾸다
indicate *나타내다; 가리키다 ④ 유아들은 성인들과의 상호 소통을 통해 언어를 보다 쉽게 습득한다.
interact *소통하다; 상호 작용을
하다 ⑤ 아이들은 대개 생후 22개월부터 사물에 대한 인식 능력이 발달한다.

2 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

The Greek philosopher Aristotle lived during the fourth century B.C. He
believed that the key to happiness is having neither too little nor too much.
The idea behind this concept, which is known as the “golden mean,” is that 3

we need to find . The golden mean is a

balance that exists somewhere in the middle — for a soldier, for example, it
could mean having an attitude that is neither cowardly nor reckless. Aristotle 6

thought that happiness is knowing when enough is enough. He believed that

there is no simple formula for us to follow because everyone’s perfect balance
is different. Instead, we must all find our own personal balance. 9

① a group of people with similar ideas

concept 개념
golden mean 중용, 중도 ② a perfect midpoint between extremes
cowardly 겁이 많은
reckless 무모한, 신중하지 못한
③ a simple way of changing our attitudes
formula 공식
④ an enjoyable job that fits our personalities
extreme 극단, 극도 ⑤ an emotion more satisfying than happiness

보어는 불완전함을 보충한다 39

14 목적어와 목적격보어를 의미 단위로 구분하자

5 형식 문장에서 목적어나 목적격보어가 한두 단어로 이루어져 있다면 해석에 별 어려움이 없을 것이다.

그러나 실제로는 어디까지가 목적어이고 어디까지가 보어인지 구분하기 어려운 경우가 많다. 이때는 동사의
의미를 통해 이어질 내용을 짐작해 본 후, 의미 단위를 구분하여 해석해 보자.

He found the woman in the red dress stunning.

Personal trainers will help each member of our fitness club improve their health.

Huge downpours of rain make thousands of people in the country homeless each

전치사구가 보어로 쓰이는 경우도 있으므로, 목적어 뒤에 온 전치사구를 성급하게 단순 수식어로

판단하지 않도록 주의하자.

1 They will later find themselves in great trouble.

2 He considered it out of the question to take a vacation at this time.
가목적어 OC 진목적어

밑줄 친 부분에서 목적격보어를 찾아 [ ]로 묶어 보자.

1 The hurricane left many people wondering what to do next.

2 All in all, the sea songs made their stay aboard less difficult.
3 If you do not practice what you know, you will soon find your knowledge of no use.
4 Too little oil makes the popcorn dry and burnt, and too much oil makes it greasy.
5 The trust that this apparent objectivity inspires is what makes maps such powerful
carriers of ideology.

정답 및 해설 p.14

3 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?

A biotechnology company recently conducted a study to find ways to control

superbugs found in hospitals. During their research, they realized they had
discovered a method of sterilizing food. By concentrating high-powered 3

microwaves on bread, they were able to kill all forms of fungus before it began
to grow. This made the bread last up to two months without spoiling. The
researchers said bread exposed to microwaves for just 10 seconds can be safely 6

eaten 60 days later, without any change to its taste. They expect this discovery
to help reduce food waste. It may also lower the number of deaths from food
biotechnology 생명 공학
sterilize 살균[소독]하다 poisoning, which is often caused by food that has gone bad. 9
concentrate 전념하다;
*모으다, 집중시키다
high-powered 강력한;
*고출력의 ① Microwaves as a Cure for Illnesses
microwave 전자레인지;
*마이크로파, 극초단파
② Hospital Food: Healthier and Tastier
fungus 균류, 곰팡이류 ③ Dangerous Superbugs Found in Bread
last 지속하다; 상하지 않다
lower 낮추다; *줄이다 ④ Can a Fungus Be Used to Sterilize Food?
food poisoning 식중독
go bad (음식이) 상하다 ⑤ New Technology Makes Bread Last Longer

4 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?

From 1860 to 1916, the British Army required every soldier to have a
moustache. Soldiers who shaved their moustaches could be disciplined and
even put in prison. 3

(A) This unusual requirement began while Britain had a worldwide empire.
Since many people considered moustaches a symbol of strength and
manliness, wearing them was popular. 6

(B) Although many British soldiers in countries such as Afghanistan still wear
beards, as they often signal authority in Islamic areas, moustaches are now
optional for all British soldiers around the world. 9

(C) However, everything changed during World War I. Because moustaches

moustache 콧수염 could prevent gas masks from sealing well, soldiers started ignoring the
discipline *징계하다; 스스로를
단련하다 rule and it was eventually dropped in 1916. 12

empire 제국
manliness 남자다움, 용감함
beard (턱)수염 ① (A) – (B) – (C) ② (A) – (C) – (B)
signal 신호를 보내다; *표시하다
authority 권한; *권위 ③ (B) – (A) – (C) ④ (B) – (C) – (A)
gas mask 방독면
seal 봉하다; 밀봉[밀폐]하다 ⑤ (C) – (B) – (A)

보어는 불완전함을 보충한다 41

15 목적격보어로 부정사가 오는 동사를 정리해 두자

목적격보어로 부정사가 오는 경우, 동사에 따라 그 형태가 달라진다. 올바른 목적격보어의 형태를 찾는 것은

어법성 판단 유형의 빈출 문제이기도 하다. 부정사를 목적격보어로 취하는 동사 중 실제 문장에서 사용
빈도가 높은 것들을 중심으로 정리해 두자.

원형부정사를 목적격보어로 취하는 주요 동사

• have , let , make : ‘…가 ~하게 하다[시키다, 만들다]’
• see , watch , hear , smell , feel : ‘…가 ~하는 것을 보다[듣다, 냄새 맡다, 느끼다]’
He saw a strange-looking insect crawl on his arm and let it fly away through the

to부정사를 목적격보어로 취하는 주요 동사

• want , wish , like : ‘…가 ~하기를 바라다’
• tell , order , ask : ‘…에게 ~하라고 말하다[명하다, 요청하다]’
• allow , persuade , encourage : ‘…가 ~하도록 허락하다[설득하다, 장려하다]’
Queen Victoria encouraged her people to read books.

The company asked people who want an early retirement to hand in the required

밑줄 친 부분에서 목적격보어를 찾아 [ ]로 묶어 보자.

1 His parents persuaded him not to go backpacking alone.

2 I asked her to fix my laptop if she had time during the weekend.
3 The hospital director let the student volunteers play with the sick children.
4 Through the window, George watched them pass under the street light and cross
the street.
5 The rise in commerce and the decline of authoritarian religion allowed science to
follow reason in seventeenth-century Europe.

정답 및 해설 p.15

5 밑줄 친 he[his] 가 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은?

Braille, the universal reading and writing system for blind people, was named
after its creator, Louis Braille. As a child, Louis lost ⓛ his sight due to an
accident. But the boy did not let his disability hold him back. Eager to learn, 3

② he began attending France’s Royal Institute for Blind Youth. In 1821, when
creator 창조[창안/창작]자 Louis was 12, a military officer introduced a touch-based alphabet at this school.
sight *시력; 시야
disability (신체적·정신적) ③ His invention, called “night writing,” allowed soldiers to read messages at 6
hold back 저지하다; *(진전· night by touching raised dots on paper. Louis quickly realized how useful this
발전을) 방해하다
eager 열렬한, 간절히 바라는 style of reading could be. By using the basic idea behind night writing, ④ he
raised (주변보다) 높은, 높이
developed his own system, which was much more practical. Although Braille’s 9

practical 실용적인, 유용한 system was not well known during ⑤ his lifetime, later generations saw it
lifetime 일생, 생애
generation 세대 become the most helpful learning tool for blind people worldwide.

6 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?

When Harriet Beecher Stowe published the novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin in 1852,
it had a significant effect on the United States. At that time, slavery was illegal
in the northern part of the country, but it was still legal in the southern part. 3

The book’s anti-slavery message made people in the Northern states begin
to realize just how bad slavery was. This was partly because Stowe wrote in a
very personal, informal style that enabled readers to empathize with the slaves 6

in her novel. Stowe’s novel had a stronger effect than newspaper articles and
political speeches. It inspired many ordinary Americans to believe that they
slavery 노예 (상태·신분);
노예 제도 could help make the world a better place. Nine years after Uncle Tom’s Cabin 9
legal 법률과 관련된; *합법적인
(↔ illegal )
was published, the American Civil War began, which eventually led to the end
informal 격식에 얽매이지
of slavery.
empathize 공감하다
political 정치적인
inspire *고무[격려]하다; ① the issues that led to the American Civil War
영감을 주다
② a former slave who wrote a best-selling novel
former 예전[옛날]의; *과거 ③ a realistic novel about the American Civil War
realistic 현실적인 ④ a novel that helped turn Americans against slavery
turn … against ~ …로 하여금
~에게서 등을 돌리게 하다 ⑤ the reasons why slavery was legal in the United States

보어는 불완전함을 보충한다 43

16 보어로 쓰인 분사를 바르게 파악하자

분사는 단순 수식어로 쓰였는지 보어로 쓰였는지 구분하기가 쉽지 않기 때문에 분사가 보어로 쓰인 문장은
해석하기가 까다롭다. 현재분사는 능동이나 진행의 의미를 가지며 ‘…하는’, ‘…하고 있는’으로 해석되고,
과거분사는 수동이나 완료의 의미를 가지며 ‘…된’, ‘…한’으로 해석된다.

I heard his voice shaking when he was asked the question.

He saw a small child drowning in the pool and called 911.

I was shocked when I saw pieces of glass scattered all over the room.

They had the furniture delivered to their new apartment a few weeks ago.

다음 각 문장에서 보어로 쓰인 분사에 모두 밑줄을 그어 보자.

1 He stopped when he heard his name called, but there was no one in sight.
2 Now that Kate has a Spanish e-pal, she is becoming interested in learning Spanish.
3 He didn't want to find himself working longer and longer hours just to pay for more
space and the stuff to fill it with.
4 My grandfather, not knowing much about computers, gets frustrated easily when
using them.
5 The people you communicate with will feel much more relaxed around you when
they feel heard and listened to.

정답 및 해설 p.16

7 다음 글에 드러난 Roger 의 심경으로 가장 적절한 것은?

At nine o’clock on a dark, moonless night, Roger thought he saw a large

black shadow passing across his window. Thinking little of it, a few minutes
later he went outside to walk his dog. The night seemed quiet and peaceful, 3

but as they walked along, his dog appeared to get very nervous, with his tail
pointing straight back and his body shaking strangely. “What’s wrong?” Roger
whispered to his dog. Soon, he also began to tremble with fear. Suddenly a 6

loud noise broke the calm. Strange little creatures with their heads glowing like
lanterns appeared all around them, and Roger noticed a huge object floating
several feet off the ground in front of him. He tried to run away, but he couldn’t 9

move at all.
moonless 달이 없는, 달이
뜨지 않은
① angry and upset ② calm and peaceful
think little of …을 대수롭지
않게 여기다 ③ relieved and joyful ④ curious and excited
tremble (몸을) 떨다, 떨리다
float (공중에) 뜨다 ⑤ alarmed and frightened

8 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?

Voter advice applications, sometimes referred to as VAAs, are short online

quizzes. Voters who take them have their opinions on social issues matched to
the policies of political parties. VAAs get users engaged in the political process 3

by encouraging them to do further research on these policies and participate

in the election more. They also help users decide on who they should vote for.
What’s more, most VAAs collect and save data anonymously, allowing it to 6

be used to create informative reports about the country’s political situation.

Currently, VAAs are popular in a number of European countries, including the
Netherlands, Germany, and Finland. They are expected to become more widely 9

used in elections around the world in the near future.

match 어울리다; *연결시키다 ① New Classes for Future Politicians

policy 정책, 방침
engage in …에 종사하다;
② Online Guides for Interested Voters
*…에 관여[참여]하다
③ A Group of Voters Making a Difference
election 선거
anonymously 익명으로 ④ Technology: Helping or Hurting Elections?
informative 유용한 정보를
주는, 유익한 ⑤ Different Voting Traditions around the World

보어는 불완전함을 보충한다 45

정답 및 해설 p.17

A 네모 안에서 어법상 올바른 것을 고르시오.

1 The air we breathe in and out keeps our hearts beating / beaten .
2 He saw a small child step / to step out into the street in front of a car.
3 The woman had her lawyer prepare / to prepare all the documents for the lawsuit.
4 That accident caused my friend to spend / spending the rest of his life in a
5 Many hospitals offer patients a chance to get their minds engaging / engaged in
caring for plants.
6 The curator’s explanation made the intricate works of art understandable /
understandably .
7 When you are talking with someone, you should allow the other person finish /
to finish speaking before you take your turn.

B 다음 문장의 밑줄 친 부분을 바르게 고쳐 쓰시오.

1 The drop in exchange rates made the situation badly.

2 The passenger asked the bus driver open the back door.
3 Noise issues can cause neighbors argue with one another.
4 One of the most depressing things is go to the movies alone.
5 He felt his legs trembled when he walked into the haunted house.
6 One fact about sleep disorders is whether they decrease your ability to

C 다음 문장의 괄호 안에 제시된 단어들을 바르게 배열하시오.

1 My dream in life is (a more peaceful, to make, the world, place).

2 The best way to avoid arguments is (other, listen to, to, perspectives, people’s).
3 One reason for declining birth rates is (that, a lot of, raising children, money, costs).
4 The question is (the athlete, took, whether, before the competition, the prohibited

수식어는 괄호로 묶어라

수식어란 주어, 동사, 목적어, 보어를 제외한 나머지 문장

요소를 말한다. 수식어가 길고 복잡하면 주어와 동사를
찾기가 어려울 수 있다. 문장의 중심 요소와 수식어를
정확하게 가려 내는 것이 빠른 독해의 방법임을 명심하자.
17 전치사구의 수식은 괄호로 묶어라

문장에 전치사구가 많으면 중심 요소와 수식 관계를 파악하기가 어려워진다. 각 전치사가 이끄는 의미 단위가
어디까지인지를 파악하여 괄호로 묶어 보자. 그러면 문장의 중심 요소와 수식 관계가 분명해질 것이다.

He couldn’t understand the answer [ on page 32 ] [ of this book ].

I need the document [ on the desk ] [ next to the photocopier ].

The house [ with solar cells ] [ on its roof ] enables its inhabitants to save energy.

다음 각 문장에서 전치사구를 찾아 [ ]로 묶어 보자.

1 That large building with shiny windows on the top floor is my former office.
2 A small, blue car with an unknown driver at the wheel was following close behind.
3 My class went to the park beside the lake and took a tour around the gardens.
4 Their knowledge of the deadly effects of extreme altitude was limited, and their
equipment was poor.
5 The chart above shows the changes in the number of frogs on an island off the
coast from December 2011 to November 2012.

정답 및 해설 p.18

1 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A ), (B )에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한


The Venus flytrap, a meat-eating plant, has a pair of leaves that act as jaws
and a stomach. If an insect touches the trigger hairs on the surface of these
leaves, the leaves close, trapping the insect. Amazingly, a recent experiment 3

showed that the Venus flytrap knew how many times its trigger hairs were
touched and could even count the time between these stimuli. The trap only
closed if the plant sensed two stimuli within a 20 second time span. Once 20 6

seconds passed, the process was reset. In addition, more than three stimuli
were required for the plant to begin producing the enzymes that digest
the trapped insect. Thanks to this process, the Venus flytrap doesn’t make 9

wasted efforts trying to trap and digest raindrops or fallen leaves.

Venus flytraps save (A) by trapping and digesting their prey only
when they sense a certain number of (B) in a set amount of time.
*Venus flytrap: 파리지옥풀

jaw 턱
(A) (B) (A)
stimulus 자극 (pl . stimuli ) ① water ······ hairs ② time ······ insects
enzyme 효소
digest (음식을) 소화하다, 소화 ③ food ······ enzymes ④ energy ······ touches
prey 먹이, 사냥감 ⑤ leaves ······ raindrops

2 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?

In the future, salads ① may still be serving in bowls. But the vegetables we
put in them may be grown not in fields but in skyscrapers. This is one option
② being considered by scientists who are concerned about how to feed a 3

growing population on a planet with limited farmland. They hope ③ to be able

skyscraper 고층 건물 to cultivate everything in high-rise buildings right in the middle of big cities,
option 선택 사항
cultivate 경작하다; *재배하다 from salad greens to staple grains. However, they face many challenges. For 6
high-rise (건물이) 고층의
staple 주된, 주요한 example, they’re not sure ④ how to guarantee that the crops receive enough
grain 곡물, 곡류
guarantee 보장하다
light. More research is clearly called for. It ⑤ must be done quickly though, as
call for …을 필요로 하다 many places in the world are already seeing increased social unrest due to food 9
unrest (사회적인) 불안
shortage 부족, 결핍 shortages.

수식어는 괄호로 묶어라 49

18 뒤에서 수식할 경우에 대비하라

현재분사는 다른 수식어구를 동반하여 길어지면 명사를 뒤에서 수식한다. 특히 주어 뒤에서 주어를 수식하는
경우에는 v-ing 가 이끄는 어구를 괄호로 묶어 보자. 그러면 뒤에 나오는 동사를 파악하기가 훨씬 수월하다.

In 1950, they decided to set up a charity to help those [ living on the streets ].

All laborers [ working at the construction site ] should wear protective helmets.

과거분사 역시 명사를 뒤에서 수식할 때가 많다. 그런데 과거분사가 주어 뒤에서 주어를 수식하는 경우, 이를
문장 전체의 동사로 혼동하기 쉽다. 주어 뒤에 v-ed 형이 나오면 동사로 단정짓지 말고 조금 더 읽어 보자.
뒤에 또 다른 동사가 나오면 앞의 v-ed 는 과거분사일 가능성이 높다.

The environmental issues [ mentioned above ] will be discussed next time.

The woman [ elected as the mayor of the city ] is being investigated for bribery.

형용사도 수식어구를 동반해 길어지면 명사를 뒤에서 수식한다. 명사 뒤에 형용사가 나오면 수식어일
가능성을 염두에 두고 이 부분을 의미 단위로 묶어 보자.

1 I have been searching for an English-learning website [ suitable for beginners ].

2 Lots of stars [ invisible to the naked eye ] can be observed through a telescope.

밑줄 친 부분을 수식하는 말을 찾아 [ ]로 묶어 보자.

1 I found some websites for pet owners trying to train their dogs.
2 The armor worn by knights was designed to protect them in warfare.
3 The company I work for offers tours led by guides with more than 10 years of
4 The locker rooms used for half-time breaks were painted to take advantage of the
emotional impact of certain hues.
5 The people doing the survey put a ladder against a wall in a busy London street and
filmed the reactions of people walking along the road.

정답 및 해설 p.19

3 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?

It has been believed that the ability to contemplate one’s own thoughts, also
known as “metacognition,” was limited to humans. However, recent research
performed with rhesus monkeys proves otherwise. Researchers gave 120 3

rhesus monkeys the chance to search for food placed in one of two tubes
arranged in a “v” shape. When the monkeys saw which tube the food was
put into, they ran directly to it. However, when they didn’t know which tube 6

contained the food, they ran to the spot where the two tubes were joined so that
they could easily check both. This experiment shows that, when confronted
contemplate 고려하다, 생각 with a task or a problem, rhesus monkeys are aware of what they know and 9
otherwise (만약) 그렇지 what they don’t know. *metacognition: 초인지[상위 인지]
않으면[않았다면]; *(…와는)
contain …이 들어 있다 ① Metacognition: Not Just for Humans
confront (문제나 힘든 상황이)
닥치다 ② Using Metacognition to Help Monkeys
be aware of …을 알다
③ The Surprising Way Monkeys Locate Food
locate …의 정확한 위치를 찾 ④ Rhesus Monkeys: Humans’ Closest Relatives
relative 친척 ⑤ Are Rhesus Monkeys the Most Intelligent Animals?

4 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?

One common misbelief about lightweight, fuel-efficient cars is that they are
less safe than other kinds of cars. Of course, it is true that larger cars have
traditionally protected passengers better. These days, however, lightweight 3

cars engineered with stronger, lighter materials can be just as safe in a crash.
Lighter cars have another safety advantage. They are less likely to injure
people outside the vehicle, such as cyclists, pedestrians, or passengers in other 6

cars. In objects moving at a given speed, less mass means less energy during
a collision. Statistically, lighter cars traveling at the same speeds as heavier
misbelief 그릇된 신념
lightweight 경량의 conventional cars cause fewer traffic deaths. So you don’t have to worry about 9
fuel-efficient 연료 효율이
좋은, 저연비의 safety when buying lightweight cars; they are actually safer for passengers as
engineer (설계해서) 제작하다
crash (자동차 충돌) 사고
well as pedestrians.
pedestrian 보행자
mass 덩어리; *질량
collision 충돌 (사고) ① efforts to make light, fuel-efficient cars safer
statistically 통계적으로
conventional 관습적인; *전통 ② a way to improve traditional cars’ fuel consumption
③ the relationship between car weight and fuel efficiency
consumption 소비(량) ④ the danger of heavy conventional cars in traffic accidents
efficiency 효율(성)
misconception 오해 ⑤ a misconception and the truth about the safety of lightweight cars

수식어는 괄호로 묶어라 51

19 to부정사의 수식은 문맥을 통해 의미를 구분하라

to부정사는 명사를 수식하는 형용사의 역할뿐 아니라 동사, 형용사, 부사, 절을 수식하는 부사의 역할도 할 수
있다. to 부정사의 다양한 의미를 문맥을 통해 파악하도록 한다.

Julie was the only student in the class to pass the test.
(명사 수식)

He got a part-time job at a fast-food restaurant to save money for a trip next year.
‘…하기 위해서’ (목적)

Water skiing is a sport which is not easy to learn in a short time.
‘…하기에’ (형용사 수식)

Alex’s injury was too serious to be treated at home.
‘너무 …해서 ~할 수 없다’ (정도)

The woman was terrified to realize that a strange man was following her.
‘…해서’ (원인)

I left for the airport, only to realize that I had left my passport at home.
‘…해서 ~하다’ (결과)

밑줄 친 부분에 유의하여 다음 각 문장을 우리말로 해석해 보자.

1 Galileo was the first person to study how things fall.

2 What does democracy mean to us if we don’t have the freedom to tell the truth?

3 People pushed and shoved to the front of the crowd to see the king, only to be
blocked by his guards.
4 To solve a problem, you must look beyond how you feel and combine information
that you already know with new observations.
5 Words have weight, sound, and appearance; only by considering these can you
write a sentence that is enjoyable to read.

정답 및 해설 p.20

5 (A ), (B ), (C )의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장 적절한 것은?

The French Ministry of Public Instruction wanted a fair and (A) objective /
subjective way to identify those children that could not succeed in public
schools because of serious intellectual difficulties. Such children would be put 3

into special classes for the mentally (B) slow / quick . The task of identifying
these children had been left entirely to medical doctors in the past. But different
doctors had different standards for judging mental ability, and there was no 6

way to resolve their disagreements. So a type of fair test was needed. To serve
this (C) impractical / practical purpose, the first IQ tests were devised by two
French psychologists, Alfred Binet and Theodore Simon. 9

(A) (B) (C)

instruction 설명; 지시;
*가르침, 지도 ① objective ······ slow ······ impractical
intellectual 지능의, 지적인
mentally 정신적으로; *지적으로
② objective ······ slow ······ practical
(a . mental 정신의; *지적인)
③ objective ······ quick ······ practical
resolve 해결하다
disagreement 의견 차이 ④ subjective ······ slow ······ impractical
devise 고안하다
psychologist 심리학자 ⑤ subjective ······ quick ······ practical

6 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?

From 1934 to 1963, Alcatraz was the most secure prison in the United States.
① Located in San Francisco Bay, Alcatraz imprisoned the worst criminals in
the country. Officials insist that no prisoner successfully ② escape during its 3

years of operation. But in truth, three prisoners did escape in 1962. John Anglin,
Clarence Anglin, and Frank Morris came up with one of the most elaborate
secure 안전한, 보안이 철저한
prison escapes ever devised. First they removed the air ventilation units from 6

imprison 투옥하다, 수감하다 their prison cells and replaced them with fakes. Then they made fake bodies
criminal 범인, 범죄자
operation 운영, 경영 ③ to place in their beds. Finally, on June 11, they used the vents to get outside
prisoner 재소자, 죄수
elaborate 정교한 and into the water. There they used rafts made from raincoats to sail away. 9
ventilation 통풍, 환기
unit 구성 단위; *장치, 설비 They were never seen again, ④ which prompted most to think they were the
cell *감방; 세포
fake 모조[위조]품; 가짜의
first to successfully escape. However, parts of their rafts and some letters were
vent 통풍구, 환기구 later found in the water, which suggested that the men ⑤ may have drowned in 12
raft 뗏목; *비닐 보트
prompt *촉발하다; 유도하다 San Francisco Bay.

수식어는 괄호로 묶어라 53

20 수식어가 많은 문장은 우선 주어와 동사를 찾아라

전치사구, to 부정사구, 분사구 등의 수식어로 인해 복잡해진 문장에서는 우선 문장 전체의 주어와 동사를

찾아라. 그런 다음 각 수식어가 무엇을 꾸며 주는지를 파악하면 문장의 의미를 보다 쉽게 이해할 수 있다.

Cacao beans [ harvested by child workers {in Africa} ] are used to make chocolate.

On the desk, there is a university brochure [ containing information {about the

application procedure} ].

The percentage of children [ under the age of six {diagnosed with asthma} {in

Canada} ] decreased.

다음 각 문장의 주어와 동사를 찾아 밑줄을 그어 보자. (수식어구 제외)

1 All the items in the store marked with a red tag are on sale.
2 Fifteen minutes in warm water before going to bed helps those who suffer from
3 Those who cannot succeed in their business or profession are the ones whose
concentration is poor.
4 All over the world today, the milk of cows, goats, sheep, buffaloes, and even horses
is used to make cheese.
5 In all stages of life, for both sexes and in all classes and cultures, friendship is one
of the most important relationships.

정답 및 해설 p.21

7 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?

In 2011, Joao Pereira de Souza, an old man living on an island village near
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, found a penguin struggling on the beach.

(A) Amazingly, though, Dindim returned! It is believed that he traveled around 3

5,000 miles between Mr. de Souza’s house and the coasts of Argentina and
(B) What is more, he makes this journey every year. After spending about eight 6

months with Mr. de Souza, he goes on his annual migration for his breeding
routine, only to return once again.
(C) The helpless, starving creature covered in oil was adopted by Mr. de Souza 9

migration (사람·철새·동물의 and named Dindim. Mr. de Souza nursed him back to health and released
대규모) 이주, 이동
breeding 사육; *번식 him, thinking they would never meet again.
starve 굶주리다
adopt 입양하다
nurse … back to health ① (A) – (C) – (B) ② (B) – (A) – (C)
…을 병간호해서 건강을 되찾게
하다 ③ (B) – (C) – (A) ④ (C) – (A) – (B)
release 석방[해방]하다; *놓아
주다 ⑤ (C) – (B) – (A)

8 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은?

Metadata is often collected and made available in a single location.

Metadata is data about data. Let’s consider books. They contain a lot of
information, but we can also find information about them, such as their title or 3

author. ( ① ) This information, which isn’t found in the text itself, is metadata.
( ② ) Bookstores, for example, often use a database filled with nothing but
metadata about every book. ( ③ ) Also, publishers usually provide information 6

about their publications in catalogs. ( ④ ) In addition, there is a lot of metadata

nothing but 오직; *단지 …뿐 found on computers—for example, information about files, including the file
publisher 출판사
publication 출판물
type, its title, and the date it was created, can be found in their properties tab. 9

catalog (ue ) 목록, 카탈로그 ( ⑤ ) All of this is metadata: information about a thing, rather than the thing
property 재산, 소유물;
*(사물의) 속성 itself.

수식어는 괄호로 묶어라 55

정답 및 해설 p.21

A 네모 안에서 어법상 올바른 것을 고르시오.

1 All those wishing to come to the party is / are welcome.

2 One of the best ways to make friends is / are to join a club.
3 People living / lived in big cities cannot breathe fresh air and see green spaces.
4 The couples sitting on the blue sofas behind the front desk is / are speaking
5 The baseball game played between the Chicago Cubs and Atlanta Braves
was / were very exciting.
6 Students who want to apply for the student exchange program must satisfy the
requiring / required conditions.

B 다음 문장의 괄호 안에 주어진 동사를 알맞은 형태로 고쳐 쓰시오.

1 Some people believe that golf began in Holland as a game (play) on ice.
2 A cash discount is a lower price (offer) to people who pay in cash.
3 The World Cup is an international soccer tournament (hold) every four years.
4 The number of people (learn) several foreign languages is larger than before.
5 A strange phenomenon (add) to the list of global warming effects is that sheep are
becoming smaller.

C 제시된 단어들을 바르게 배열하여 우리말과 일치하도록 문장을 완성하시오.

1 거실의 탁자 위에 있는 꽃들이 아름답다. (the table, in, the flowers, the living room, on)
are beautiful.

2 그녀는 그 회사의 최고 경영자로 임명된 최초의 여성이 되었다. (be named, to, woman, the first)
She became CEO of the company.

3 너는 웹 지도 서비스를 이용해서 공항에 접근하고 있는 비행기를 볼 수 있다.

(approaching , the airport , airplanes )

You can see by using a web map service.

4 나는 하와이에서의 일주일간의 휴가 동안 머물 방을 예약했다.

(during , my , to stay in , one-week vacation )

I made a reservation for a room in Hawaii.

접속사로 문장 간의 논리를 간파하라

접속사는 단어와 단어, 구와 구, 절과 절을 연결하여

상호 간의 논리적 관계를 명확하게 해 주는 역할을 한다.
하나의 접속사가 여러 가지 뜻으로 쓰일 수 있고, 형태는
비슷해도 뜻이 전혀 다른 접속사들도 있으므로 각각의
의미를 정확하게 기억하도록 하자.
21 짝이 되어 쓰이는 상관접속사를 기억하라

both 가 나오면 뒤에 and 가 오지 않을까, either 가 나오면 뒤에 or 가 오지 않을까 예상하며 읽어 보자.

이것이 상관접속사가 사용된 문장을 빠르게 해석하는 요령이다. 형태상 상관접속사의 일부로 보이는 것이
있으면 표시해 두고, 뒷부분을 읽으면서 나머지 짝을 찾아 보자. 이때 서로 멀리 떨어져 있는 상관접속사나
생략 또는 변형된 요소가 있는 상관접속사의 쓰임에 주의하도록 한다.

• 「both A and B 」 ‘A 와 B 둘 다’
• 「not A but B 」 ‘A 가 아니라 B ’
• 「either A or B 」 ‘A 또는 B ’
• 「neither A nor B 」 ‘A 도 B 도 아닌’
• 「not only A but (also ) B 」 ‘A 뿐만 아니라 B 도 (= B as well as A )’

She can both speak and write Chinese well, so she will be hired as an interpreter.
The purpose of the program is not to give you money but to provide work for you.
Either the teachers or the principal is responsible for the problem.
Neither he nor I can understand these new theories on education.
The cook not only prepared the food but also carried it to each room.

밑줄 친 부분에 유의하여 다음 각 문장을 우리말로 해석해 보자.

1 Maps do indeed reflect the world views of either their makers or, more probably, the
supporters of their makers.
2 Neither my computer nor yours has enough memory to run the program.
3 Our fatigue is often caused not by work but by worry, frustration, and resentment.
4 In this new world, both differences and similarities in culture determine partners and
5 Farming was a revolutionary discovery which not only made a reliable food supply
available but also made settlements possible.

정답 및 해설 p.22

1 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?

The term “derby match” is sometimes used in sports to describe a game

between two local teams. ① Some people believe its origin dates back to the
12th century, when two teams from a town in Derbyshire, England began 3

playing the annual Royal Shrovetide Football Match. ② Over the years, the two
teams became such rivals that these games gradually grew rougher and more
date back to …까지 거슬러 violent. ③ The matches soon became famous as wild events that involved not 6
annual *매년의; 연간의 only the two teams but also the entire town. ④ Since then, people have used
rival 경쟁자
rough (행동이) 난폭한
this term to refer to a major game between two rivals from any region in any
violent 폭력적인 sport. ⑤ Nowadays, many European countries are trying to pass laws to prevent 9
involve 포함하다; *참여시키다
aggressive 공격적인 the violent behavior that often occurs among aggressive football fans.

2 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?

Our world is aging— not the planet itself but the people who inhabit it. It seems
the global elderly population is now increasing at the fastest rate ever recorded.
This global aging phenomenon is not only altering the economic considerations 3

of countries around the world but also leading to certain social changes. Japan,
where 100-year-olds are expected to make up 1% of the population by 2040,
is already experiencing these changes. A booming robot industry is creating 6

machines to aid in the care of the elderly, and many other industries are altering
their strategies to take advantage of the growing old-age market. As this trend

inhabit …에 살다, 거주하다

continues, it may well redefine how we think about middle and old age. 9

phenomenon 현상
consideration 사려, 숙고;
*고려 사항 ① the treatment of old people in Japan
make up …을 이루다
booming 급속히 발전하는 ② the characteristics of the robot industry
take advantage of …를 이용
③ policies involved in caring for the elderly
redefine 재정립하다
④ the increasing elderly population and its effects
consequence 결과; *영향(력) ⑤ the economic consequences of an older population

접속사로 문장 간의 논리를 간파하라 59

22 접속사 전후에 나오는 대등한 어구를 각각 묶어 보자

등위접속사( and , but , or , so , for 등)나 일부 상관접속사로 연결되는 어구들은 대등한 개념 또는

기능을 나타내기 위해 문법적으로 동일한 구조를 취한다. 이렇게 동일한 구조가 연속될 때는 각각을 하나의
의미군으로 묶어 보자.

He [has a lot of experience] and [is known for his integrity and confidence].
I like [to watch musicals], [(to) eat at fancy restaurants], [(to) go to art museums], and
[(to) visit my friends].
When you feel sad, [allowing yourself to cry], rather than [holding back your tears],
could be a better solution.
The tennis coach neither [confirmed] nor [denied] the rumor that he is going to leave
for another school next year.

다음 각 문장에서 등위접속사나 상관접속사에 의해 연결되는 어구를 찾아 [ ]로 묶어 보자.

1 Huge amounts of space are given over to parking lots rather than to trees and birds.

2 One of the major problems we face both as individuals and as a society is egoism.
3 When she plays her guitar and when she takes voice lessons, she feels great
because she is doing what she wants.
4 The northern countries either banned hunting or established rules limiting the
number of polar bears that hunters could kill.
5 Easter eggs are usually painted with bright colors to represent the sunlight of spring
and are used in egg-rolling contests.

정답 및 해설 p.23

3 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

There will soon be a large number of self-driving cars with an Internet

connection on the road. Although these cars have many benefits, experts
warn that more self-driving cars also means . 3

Researchers recently demonstrated that even today’s “smart” cars are

vulnerable. They used a computer to take control of a car while someone else
was driving it. They were not only able to change the radio’s volume, adjust 6

the air conditioner, and switch the windshield wipers on, but they also took
control of the transmission and stopped the car as it drove down the highway.
Fortunately, it was just a demonstration, but it sends a clear message to both 9
benefit *혜택, 이득; 득을 보다
demonstrate 입증하다 the auto industry and the government: automotive cybersecurity is a real issue
(n . demonstration 시위;
*실증) that must be taken seriously.
vulnerable 취약한, 연약한
*transmission: (자동차) 변속기
adjust *조정[조절]하다;
windshield wiper (자동차 앞
창에 있는) 유리 닦개(와이퍼) ① more accidents on our highways
automotive 자동차의
cybersecurity 사이버 보안 ② more potential targets for hackers
③ more traffic jams during rush hour
unemployed 실직한, 실업자인
incident (범죄·사고 등) 사건 ④ more unemployed factory workers
automobile 자동차
theft 절도 ⑤ more incidents of automobile theft

4 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은?

This collaborative use of resources has several positive effects.

The “sharing economy” is a system based on the idea of individuals renting

things from each other through the Internet. ( ⓛ ) Things now commonly rented 3

in this way include houses, cars, boats, and power tools. ( ② ) These items are
too expensive for many people to buy but are owned by others who are willing
to share them for a price. ( ③ ) Owners make money from the things they 6

own, and renters pay less than they would if they bought the things themselves
or rented them from a company such as a hotel or car rental agency. ( ④ )
collaborative 공동의 The environment also benefits because sharing a product with others rather 9

rent 임차하다, 빌리다

commonly 흔히, 보통
than buying the product for yourself means fewer resources are consumed in
agency 대리점 making products. ( ⑤ ) As more people use sharing services, these benefits are
consume (연료·에너지·시간
을) 소모하다 likely to grow. 12

접속사로 문장 간의 논리를 간파하라 61

23 여러 개의 절이 있을 때는 먼저 주절을 찾아라

절과 절은 등위접속사로 연결될 수도 있고 종속접속사로 연결될 수도 있는데, 이 두 가지가 함께 나와

문장이 길어질 때가 많다. 이 경우 접속사가 몇 개가 되든 먼저 주절을 찾아 핵심 의미를 파악하자. 수식어에
해당하는 종속절은 여기에 조금씩 살을 붙이듯 해석하면 된다.

The researchers believe [that the spiders have grown larger {because their hunting
season has become longer}].
I think [that {if people want to be teachers}, {they must be responsible} and {they
should like spending time with children}].
How would you feel [if {your classmates asked you to join a club}, but {a few days
later, they changed their minds}]?

다음 각 문장에서 주절을 찾아 밑줄을 그어 보자.

1 A few years ago, I was traveling in the country when I came upon a well.
2 I was going to the school library when I witnessed the motorcycle accident.
3 If one is an artist, with the help of concentration one can produce wonderful works.
4 When a light beam in a smoke detector is interrupted by smoke in the air, a sensor
causes an alarm to ring.

정답 및 해설 p.24

5 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

Dark green leaves allow plants to photosynthesize as much energy as possible,

but some plants have leaves that are multicolored. Scientists believe these plants
may be . To test this theory, researchers 3

applied correction fluid to the leaves of some plants to imitate the damage left
behind by caterpillars. They found that while caterpillars infested about 8% of
the green leaves, they infested less than 2% of the naturally multicolored ones, 6

and just 0.4% of those painted with correction fluid. Although multicolored
leaves can’t photosynthesize as much energy as green ones, they offset this loss
photosynthesize 광합성 하다
by increasing the plant’s chances of survival. 9
apply 신청하다; 적용하다;
*(약 등을) 바르다
correction fluid 수정액
imitate 모방하다; *…와 비슷하 ① unable to photosynthesize energy
게 하다
caterpillar 애벌레 ② damaged by environmental pollution
infest (해충·병 등이) …에
횡행하다, 몰려들다
③ changing colors due to lack of sunlight
offset 상쇄하다
④ mimicking illness to avoid being eaten
mimic 흉내 내다 ⑤ more likely to be attacked by caterpillars

6 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?

Baseball players sometimes behave in curious ways while they are playing a
game. One example is that players usually hold their batting gloves in their
hands when they run the bases rather than put them in their pocket. This might 3

sound like a simple superstition, but it ① does serve a useful purpose. Squeezing
curious 호기심 많은; *특이한 something in their hands makes the players ② feel more comfortable. In fact,
batting glove ((야구)) 타격용
장갑 players that hold their batting gloves in their hands are able to relax mentally, 6
superstition 미신; *미신 행위
squeeze *꽉 쥐다; 짜내다 which allows them ③ to perform better. Furthermore, doing so protects their
slide 미끄러지다;
*((야구)) 슬라이딩하다
fingers when they slide head first into a base. By holding their gloves, they
fist 주먹 force ④ them to make fists, which means that their fingers are not spread out 9
spread 펼치다, 펴다
expose 드러내다 and exposed. This prevents them from ⑤ being broken easily.

접속사로 문장 간의 논리를 간파하라 63

24 의미와 형태가 혼동되는 접속사를 알아 두자

하나의 접속사가 여러 가지 의미로 쓰이거나, 서로 의미는 다르지만 형태가 비슷해서 헷갈리는 접속사들이
있으므로, 이들을 잘 기억해 두고 문맥을 통해 그 의미를 파악하도록 하자.

여러 가지 의미를 지닌 주요 접속사
• while : ‘…하는 동안’, ‘…이긴 하지만’, ‘…인 반면’
• as : ‘…할 때’, ‘…하는 대로’, ‘…함에 따라’, ‘…때문에’
• if : ‘만약 …라면’, ‘비록 …이지만’, ‘…인지 (아닌지)’
He promised to take care of my cats while I’m away.
I’m tired, as I stayed up late last night doing my homework.
It is true that he is very knowledgeable, if a little overconfident.

형태는 비슷하지만 서로 다른 의미를 가지는 주요 접속사

• 「so ... that ~」 ‘너무 …해서 ~하다’ <원인·결과>
• 「so that ... may [can ] ~」 ‘…가 ~하기 위해’ <목적>
The movie was so touching that I saw it three times.
She will record her son’s play so that she can watch it later at home.

다음과 같이 부사(구), 전치사구, 명사구, 분사 등의 모습을 한 어구들이 접속사의 기능을 하기도 한다.

• 「now that 」 ‘…이므로’ • 「for fear (that )」 ‘…할까 우려하여’

• 「in case 」 ‘…할 경우를 대비하여’ • 「the minute [moment ]」 ‘…하자마자’
• 「each [every ] time 」 ‘…할 때마다’ • 「the next time 」 ‘다음에 …할 때’
• 「by the time 」 ‘…할 때까지’ • 「provided [providing ]」 ‘만약 …라면’

밑줄 친 부분에 유의하여 다음 각 문장을 우리말로 해석해 보자.

1 I followed the directions as I was told to do, but the outcome wasn’t satisfying.
2 In the absence of other information, you probably conclude that the shorter one is
a woman while the taller one is a man.
3 The woman of the house tells me that she hopes to learn to read so that she can
study a handbook on raising children.

정답 및 해설 p.25

7 (A ), (B ), (C )의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장 적절한 것은?

Like the smell of freshly cut grass or the taste of hot chocolate, a bubble bath
is one of the greatest (A) sensory / sensible pleasures in life. As most of us
are very busy, however, we rarely take the time to ease into a bubble bath in 3

the evening. Instead, we “run” or “hop” into the bathroom for a quick shower.
If you seek true relaxation, however, taking a bubble bath will certainly
(B) increase / decrease your stress. Try to establish a bubble bath routine in 6

your weekly life. While you’re enjoying your bubble bath, why not create a
(C) foam / form beard or a floating island? No one will know!

(A) (B) (C)

① sensory ······ increase ······ foam
sensory 감각의
② sensory ······ decrease ······ foam
sensible 분별 있는; 실용적인
ease 편하게 하다; *천천히 … ③ sensory ······ decrease ······ form
하다; 수월하게 하다
seek 찾다; 추구하다 ④ sensible ······ increase ······ foam
relaxation 휴식
routine 판에 박힌 일, 일과 ⑤ sensible ······ decrease ······ form

8 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?

To tantalize someone is to make them ① want something, often something they

can never get. The word comes from the Greek myth of King Tantalus, who
was so proud that he tried to fool the gods. When ② inviting to eat with them, 3

Tantalus stole their special food so that he could bring it to his friends. As a
tantalize 감질나게 하다
myth 신화
punishment, he was sent to the underworld. He had to stand in a pool of water
punishment 벌, 처벌 with delicious ripe fruit ③ hanging from a tree above him. ④ Whenever he tried 6
underworld 암흑가; *(고대
그리스 신화 등에서) 지하 세계 to drink the water, it would drain away. If he tried to pick the fruit, the branches
ripe (과일·곡물이) 익은
drain away (물이) 빠지다 would move out of reach. Tantalus was already in the underworld, so ⑤ no
out of reach 손이 닿지 않는
곳에, 힘이 미치지 않는 곳에 matter how hungry or thirsty he got, he would never die. 9

접속사로 문장 간의 논리를 간파하라 65

정답 및 해설 p.26

A 네모 안에서 어법상 올바른 것을 고르시오.

1 My classmate both understood and accepted / to accept my proposal.

2 I spend weekends reading, gardening, and to take / taking care of my dog.
3 When I went to the U.S. and have to / had to speak English, I was terrified.
4 Cro-Magnons, who lived about 43,000 years ago, were about two meters tall, stood
straight, and had / had had large brains.
5 Your posture and facial expressions can either contribute to or take / taken away
from the effective delivery of your message.

B 다음 문장의 밑줄 친 부분을 바르게 고쳐 쓰시오.

1 Take extra clothes if you get wet.

2 I neither gave her a present or sent her flowers on her birthday.
3 The actor appears not only in many films and also in countless TV programs.
4 You must submit the application such that you can participate in the competition.

C 제시된 단어들을 바르게 배열하여 우리말과 일치하도록 문장을 완성하시오.

1 이 섬은 너무 작아서 그곳을 돌아다니는 데 차가 필요 없다. (small, that, so)

This island is you don’t need a car to get around.

2 날씨가 더 따뜻하기 때문에 공원은 사람들로 붐빈다. (that, is, now, warmer, the weather)
, the park is packed with people.

3 카메라가 아니라 모델들이 좋은 사진을 찍는 것을 어렵게 만들고 있다.

(but , the models , the camera , not )

are making it difficult to take good pictures.

4 그 선생님은 숙제를 내는 것뿐만 아니라 학습 자료들을 제공하기 위해서도 블로그를 사용한다.

(learning materials , to provide , to assign , as well as , homework )

The teacher uses his blog .

5 아기들을 달래는 것보다 울게 내버려 두는 것이 부모와 자녀들이 더 오래 자도록 해 줄 수 있다.

(rather than , comforting them , cry , letting babies )

can allow parents and their children to sleep longer.

관계사절이 꾸며 주는 말을 찾아라

관계사는 뒤의 절을 이끌어 앞에 나온 명사 또는 대명사를

수식하거나 부연 설명하는 기능을 한다. 관계사에는
「접속사 + 대명사」의 역할을 하는 관계대명사와
「접속사 + 부사」의 역할을 하는 관계부사가 있다.
25 생략된 목적격 관계대명사를 찾아보자

목적격 관계대명사가 생략되면 어디서부터 어디까지가 관계사절이고, 그것이 수식하는 말이 무엇인지를 찾기

어려워진다. 이렇게 목적격 관계대명사가 생략된 경우에는 선행사 바로 뒤에 「주어 + 동사」가 나온다는 사실을
기억하자. 선행사와 「주어 + 동사」 사이를 끊어 주고 관계사절을 하나의 의미 단위로 묶어 보면 문장의 구조를
파악하기가 훨씬 쉬울 것이다.

He doesn’t remember the woman [ (whom/that) he met at the party last night ].

The novel [ (which/that) I bought a few months ago ] is so hard to understand that I

haven’t finished it yet.

There are some things [ (which/that) you should take into consideration ] when

choosing which country to go to as an exchange student.

다음 각 문장에서 목적격 관계대명사가 생략된 부분에 모두 ∧표시를 해 보자.

1 Every product we buy has an effect on the environment.

2 Try to find some physical activities you can enjoy in your free time.
3 We hear about the wonderful changes people have made in their lives, and we want
to duplicate those results.
4 People who lose weight quickly through extreme measures usually gain back all of
the pounds they’ve lost.
5 Take time out to do things you enjoy after work in order to reduce the stress you
experience during your workday.

정답 및 해설 p.26

1 다음 글에서 필자가 주장하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?

The traditional mathematics curricula we see in schools begin by establishing

skills in arithmetic and algebra and lead up to a single point: calculus. Most
people view calculus as the highest level of achievement in mathematics. While 3

it’s no doubt an important subject, I would like to suggest that probability and
statistics are in fact the true summits of mathematical study. This is because
these are the skills we use on a daily basis. They help us analyze trends and 6

predict the future. They also help us quantify uncertainty and make better
decisions. Therefore, they are important in a variety of fields of study, including
economics, science and engineering. For these reasons, I say we should 9

reevaluate our mathematics curricula to give probability and statistics more

curriculum 교육과정
(pl . curricula ) attention. *calculus: 미적분
arithmetic 산수
algebra 대수학
no doubt 아마 (…일 것이다);
*틀림없는 ⓛ 산수와 대수학은 실용적이지 않은 분야이다.
probability 확률
statistics 통계(학)
② 수학 공부는 매일 꾸준히 하는 것이 중요하다.
summit 정상; *정점 ③ 수학 교육과정에서 확률과 통계를 강화해야 한다.
on a daily basis 매일, 날마다
quantify 수량화하다 ④ 미적분은 수학 교육과정에서 가장 수준 높은 성취이다.
uncertainty 불확실성
reevaluate 재평가하다 ⑤ 교육과정은 학생들의 흥미를 최우선으로 고려해야 한다.

2 Honeynet Project에 관한 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?

The Honeynet Project is an international project aimed at improving Internet

security by studying the behavior of hackers. It does this by creating fake
versions of the files that tempt hackers and observing how the hackers 3

break into and use the files. It then teaches organizations about the kinds of
measures they can take to protect their computer networks from hackers.
While information provided by previous security systems has traditionally 6

been limited to the tools hackers use, the Honeynet Project provides more
detailed information about hacking, such as when and why hackers operate,
and how they communicate. Plus, for organizations interested in starting their 9

own research into hacking behavior, the Honeynet Project offers the tools and
techniques it has already developed at no charge.

tempt 유혹하다, 부추기다 ⓛ 인터넷 보안 강화를 위한 프로젝트이다. ② 의도적으로 해커들을 유인한다.

break into 침입하다
measure 조치, 정책 ③ 기관에 네트워크 보호 방안을 교육한다. ④ 해킹에 대한 상세한 정보를 제공한다.
operate 작용하다; *행동을
취하다 ⑤ 개발한 도구와 기술의 보안 유지에 철저하다.

관계사절이 꾸며 주는 말을 찾아라 69
26 관계사 앞의 수식어나 술어부를 괄호로 묶어 보자

대개 관계사절의 선행사는 관계사 바로 앞에 위치하지만, 관계사절과 선행사가 서로 떨어져 있는 경우도 종종

있다. 대표적인 경우는 다음 두 가지인데, 이럴 때는 관계사 앞에 있는 수식어나 술어부를 괄호로 묶어 구분해
보면 문장을 더 쉽게 파악할 수 있다.

선행사에 관계사절 외에 또 다른 수식어가 붙는 경우

I saw a girl [with blue eyes] [ whose hair came down to her waist ].

The green skirt [in size 28] [ that I was looking for ] was sold out.

술어부가 관계사절보다 짧아서 문장의 균형상 관계사절의 앞에 위치하는 경우

The moment [ has arrived ] [ that I’ve feared the most ].

The day [ will come ] [ when you will regret your decision ].

다음 각 문장에서 관계사절이 수식하는 부분을 찾아 밑줄을 그어 보자.

1 There is a cloud in the sky that looks like a fish.

2 A man came to our town who changed our lives.
3 There was a certain panic in his voice that demanded attention.
4 Ways to improve our website that don’t cost a lot of money will be discussed.
5 Eventually, a solution was found that made both groups happy.

정답 및 해설 p.27

3 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?

Recently, I attempted to go six weeks without ① buying anything plastic.

The biggest challenge came during trips to the supermarket — it seems as
if everything comes ② packing in some kind of plastic. Finding plastic-free 3

shampoo or bottled water was impossible. ③ Despite this difficulty, I managed

to do quite well. I discovered a sandwich shop near my office that still uses
pack (짐을) 싸다; *포장하다 paper bags and a fruit shop that sells everything unwrapped. I even made a 6
wrap (포장지 등으로) 싸다,
포장하다 (↔ unwrap ) birthday cake without using any products wrapped in plastic at all. Best of all
supportive 지지하는;
was ④ how supportive and interested people were in my experiment. They were
encouraging 힘을 북돋아 very encouraging and offered lots of suggestions. Even though my six weeks 9
suggestion 제안 are up, I’ll continue ⑤ trying to avoid using plastic whenever possible.

4 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은?

If the border line runs through the middle of buildings such as houses and
cafés, it cuts them in half and each part belongs to a different country.

Baarle is a small border village where areas of Belgian land are scattered 3

within surrounding Dutch territory. To make things more confusing, there are
some Belgian areas within the Dutch territory that contain smaller Dutch
properties. ( ⓛ ) It is one of only a few places in the world that have such 6

a complicated border. ( ② ) In 1995, the Belgian and Dutch governments

border 국경[경계] (지역)
scatter (흩)뿌리다; *흩어지다, decided to clearly mark the unusual border with a line on the ground. ( ③ )
흩어지게 만들다
surrounding 인근의, 주위의
Which country do you live in if your house is divided by this line? ( ④ ) This is 9

territory 지역, 영토 determined by where your front door is! ( ⑤ ) So if the Dutch annoyed you last
complicated 복잡한
relocate 이전하다, 이전시키다 week, all you have to do is move your front door to relocate to Belgium.

관계사절이 꾸며 주는 말을 찾아라 71
27 관계부사의 선행사로 올 수 있는 말들을 알아 두자

관계부사 when , where , why , how 의 선행사로는 각각 시간, 장소, 이유, 방법을 나타내는 명사가 온다.
그런데 실제 문장에서는 종종 선행사 없이 관계부사만 쓰이거나, 반대로 관계부사가 생략되기도 한다. 특히
how는 선행사 the way와 함께 쓰지 않고 반드시 둘 중 하나만 쓴다는 점에 주의하자.

I remember the day [ when the butterfly festival was first held in my town ].

I recently visited the town [ where I was born and spent my childhood ].

He didn’t tell me the reason [ why he lost his temper at the meeting ].

This video shows you the way [ the bears react to different environmental conditions ].

다음 각 문장에서 관계부사절을 [ ]로 묶어 보자.

1 There are many reasons why people resist change in their lives.
2 This is the place where you can watch long-forgotten movies.
3 Computer technology can improve how a work is performed, broadcast, and
4 The settings of your dreams represent the feelings you have about the way your life
is going at the moment.
5 During the stages when the aquaculture industry was rapidly expanding, mistakes
were made, and these were costly both in terms of direct losses and in respect to
the industry’s image.

정답 및 해설 p.28

5 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A ), (B )에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한


We humans use considerably more than just our ears to understand speech.
When someone speaks, we tend to note the facial movements of the speaker.
A good example of this is known as the McGurk Effect. In a study, people 3

were shown a video of a speaker overdubbed with a different audio. At the

moment when the audio sounded like “ba,” the face appeared to be saying
“va.” The participants’ brains took in this conflicting information, causing 6

them to hear a combination of the two sounds, “da.” It is believed that the
reason we integrate speech in such a way is that it allows us to understand
others more easily. 9

considerably 상당히, 꽤 The McGurk Effect illustrates how our auditory and visual senses
facial 얼굴의, 안면의
overdub (다른 음성을) 겹쳐 (A) to help us (B) speech.
conflicting 모순되는
combination *결합(물); 연합
integrate 통합하다
(A) (B) (A)
auditory 귀의, 청각의
① break ······ generate ② work ······ deliver
generate 발생시키다 ③ operate ······ produce ④ separate ······ understand
blend 섞이다; *조합되다
comprehend 이해하다 ⑤ blend ······ comprehend

6 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은?

Insomnia sufferers face a vicious cycle. First they fail to sleep well for a few
nights in a row, and then they begin to experience stress about their ① lack of
sleep. This stress, in turn, leads to further trouble sleeping. While many patients 3

feel medication is the only remedy for their problem, doctors ② disagree. They
believe that a ③ physical condition is often responsible for insomnia. This
insomnia 불면증
vicious cycle 악순환
condition can be treated with cognitive behavioral therapy, which focuses on 6

in a row 잇달아, 연속으로 changing the way these people think about insomnia, thereby ④ enabling a
medication 약물 (치료)
remedy *치료(법); 치료 약 change in behavior. The therapy involves showing patients that they can still be
cognitive 인식[인지]의
behavioral 행동의 ⑤ healthy even if they fail to get a good night’s sleep once in a while. 9

관계사절이 꾸며 주는 말을 찾아라 73
28 계속적 용법은 앞뒤 문맥으로 의미를 파악한다

콤마(,)와 함께 쓰이는 계속적 용법의 관계사는 문맥에 따라 다양한 접속사의 의미를 취할 수 있다. 따라서
어떤 의미로 쓰였는지를 바르게 이해하기 위해서는 앞뒤 내용의 흐름을 잘 따져 보아야 한다. 단, 관계대명사
that 은 계속적 용법으로 쓰일 수 없으므로 콤마 뒤에 나온 that 은 관계사처럼 해석하지 말아야 한다. 또한
계속적 용법으로 쓰인 which 는 명사와 대명사뿐만 아니라 앞에 나온 구나 절 전체를 선행사로 취할 수도
있다는 점에 주의하자.

The company will lay off the newly hired employee, who is lazy and dishonest.
(= The company will lay off the newly hired employee, for he is lazy and dishonest.)
I forgot the deadline of the project, which I had written down on my calendar.
(= I forgot the deadline of the project, though I had written it down on my calendar.)
The scientists tested more than ten raincoats, none of which was completely
(= The scientists tested more than ten raincoats, and none of them was completely

밑줄 친 부분에 유의하여 다음 각 문장을 우리말로 해석해 보자.

1 I admire my cousin, who was awarded a scholarship to Oxford University.

2 He got the new job through Tony, whom he has known since elementary school.
3 Infrasound is a low-pitched sound, whose frequency is far below the range of human
4 One of the most famous theme parks in the world is Universal Studios Hollywood,
which was initially created to offer tours of real film sets.
5 The dead bodies of organisms in the forest are broken down and turned into soil,
which in turn nourishes other organisms.

정답 및 해설 p.29

7 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은?

The best way to avoid these problems is to put a ripe apple in the bin with
the potatoes.

Compared to other vegetables, potatoes seem less likely to go bad. But improper 3

storage can stress potatoes, creating a green-colored substance called solanine,

which is poisonous. ( ① ) Solanine can’t be destroyed by cooking, so the green
parts need to be cut off before using the potato. ( ② ) Solanine also develops 6

when potatoes are exposed to sunlight for an extended time. ( ③ ) Not only does
the sunlight cause the skin to become green, it also makes the potato grow new
improper *부적절한; 잘못된
cut off …을 잘라 내다
buds. ( ④ ) These sprouts should also be removed before cooking the potato, as 9

develop 발달하다; *생기다 they are full of solanine, too. ( ⑤ ) This prevents potatoes from sprouting and
bud 싹
sprout (새)싹; 싹이 나다 keeps them in good shape for up to eight weeks.

8 (A ), (B ), (C )의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것은?

Mount Vesuvius is a volcano in Italy (A) which / where had been

inactive for hundreds of years until August 24, 79 A.D., when it suddenly
erupted. The eruption began in the morning, as rock and lava began to 3

(B) expel / be expelled at an amazing rate of 1.5 million tons per second. The
sky darkened and about six inches of ash fell to the ground each hour. The lava
started to flow around midnight, and the next morning a cloud of toxic gas 6

reached Pompeii, where around 20,000 people lived. At the time, the region
was a popular resort spot, with many tourists. Most of the people who did not
leave at the start of the eruption (C) was / were buried alive in rock and ash. In 9

the end, it is believed that approximately 16,000 people died.

(A) (B) (C)

inactive 활동하지 않는
① which ······ expel ······ was
erupt (화산이) 분출하다
(n . eruption 분화, 분출)
② which ······ be expelled ······ were
lava 용암
expel 쫓아내다; *배출하다 ③ which ······ be expelled ······ was
darken 어두워지다
ash 재 ④ where ······ expel ······ was
toxic 유독성의
region 지방, 지역 ⑤ where ······ be expelled ······ were

관계사절이 꾸며 주는 말을 찾아라 75
29 복합관계사의 두 가지 쓰임을 알아 두자

관계사에 -ever 를 붙인 복합관계사는 명사절 또는 부사절을 이끌어 부정(不定)과 양보의 의미를 나타낼 수
있다. 여기서 부정이란 불특정한 사람, 사물, 수량 등을 막연히 표시하는 것을 말한다. 복합관계사의 두 가지
용법은 다음과 같다.

부정: ‘…하는 누구든지[무엇이든지, 어느 쪽이든지, 언제든지, 어디든지, 어떤 방법으로든지]’

Whoever purchases a computer will get a chance to enter our giveaway event.
(= Anyone who )

I hope he feels free to say whatever is on his mind.
(= anything that )

You can call me whenever you are available to discuss our new project.
(= at any time when )

You can decorate the classroom however you want.
(= in any way )

양보: ‘누가[무엇을, 어느 쪽을, 언제, 어디서, 어떻게/아무리] …하더라도, …하든지 간에’

Whoever is elected chairman, there will be some people who are upset.
(= No matter who )

Whatever happens, you should know that your parents are on your side.
(= No matter what )

I’ll remember our time together wherever you may go.
(= no matter where )

However hard she tried, she couldn’t beat her rival.
(= No matter how )

밑줄 친 부분에 유의하여 다음 각 문장을 우리말로 해석해 보자.

1 Jonathan always tries to do whatever his older brother does.

2 Try all the shirts on, and I’ll buy you whichever you like best.
3 Whoever wins the game, how well we play is the most important thing.
4 However much money you make, your health isn’t something you can buy.
5 Many of us fall into the trap of trying to please people by going along with whatever
they want us to do.

정답 및 해설 p.30

9 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?

Food packaging waste is a troublesome issue in the United States. Each year, an
enormous amount of packaging is thrown out, while only half of it is actually
recycled. This has become a serious environmental problem, which has led 3

some Harvard University scientists to come up with a unique solution: edible

packaging. This packaging can be used to make wrappers or bottles for any
food, and it actually takes the taste of whatever it contains! This packaging was 6

first used in December of 2012, when a fast-food chain in Brazil introduced

edible wrappers for their hamburgers. Customers could simply bite into the
wrapper and eat everything inside without needing to unwrap it! It’s unclear 9

whether or not this new packaging will be used by other businesses, but if it is,
it will help protect the environment.

packaging *포장지; 포장 ① How to Make Edible Wrappers

troublesome 골칫거리인,
② A Clever Solution to Wrapper Waste
enormous 막대한, 거대한 ③ Ways to Reduce Food Packaging Costs
throw out 버리다
edible 먹을 수 있는, 식용의 ④ Why Food Wrapper Waste Is Increasing
wrapper 포장지
introduce 소개하다; *도입하다 ⑤ Failed Attempts to Change Food Packaging

10 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

People of all cultures laugh, and it’s commonly believed that they do so when
they find something funny. But a recent study suggests that instead of humor,
laughter has more to do with . For example, 3

mildly humorous phrases uttered among a group of people are 30 times more
likely to cause laughter than when we hear them alone. The same goes for TV
sitcoms. People who watch them alone are more likely to smile or even talk to 6

themselves than laugh. But watching with someone else, whoever it is, is sure
mildly *다소, 약간; (태도를) to cause giggles. However funny we find something, our laughter is a signal
utter 말하다, 이야기하다 we send to others to show them we’re enjoying their company. 9
go for …에 해당되다
giggle 낄낄 웃다; *낄낄거리는
① social interaction ② basic intelligence
interaction 상호 작용 ③ personal experience ④ emotional insecurity
intelligence 지능
insecurity 불안 ⑤ professional training

관계사절이 꾸며 주는 말을 찾아라 77
정답 및 해설 p.31

A 네모 안에서 어법상 올바른 것을 고르시오.

1 Sue is the only one in this office who / which is able to understand my feelings.
2 Many of the films I watched with my brother was / were too complicated for me to
3 The flower basket the boy bought for his parents remind / reminds them of that
wonderful day.
4 This can create an atmosphere where / which children have more chances to
experience nature.
5 Egyptian civilization was built along the Nile River, that / which flooded each year,
depositing soil on its banks.

B 다음 문장의 밑줄 친 부분을 바르게 고쳐 쓰시오.

1 I got a lot of apples, that were grown by my father.

2 Now is the time which I have to make my final decision.
3 Whomever wants to be great must serve others.
4 The history books you lent me last weekend was very interesting.
5 I want to know the way how I can solve this math problem.
6 There are three boys in the classroom which have not submitted their homework.

C 다음 두 문장이 같은 의미가 되도록 빈칸을 채우시오.

1 He skipped school and did whatever made him happy.

= He skipped school and did made him happy.
2 Whoever is responsible, everyone wants the manager to deal with the situation.
= is responsible, everyone wants the
manager to deal with the situation.
3 However hard you may try, you won’t be able to remove the stain from your pants.
= hard you may try, you won’t be able to
remove the stain from your pants.
4 Lake tsunamis can happen wherever there are steep mountains around deep
bodies of water.
= Lake tsunamis can happen
there are steep mountains around deep bodies of water.

문맥을 통해 분사구문의 의미를 파악하라

부사절의 접속사와 주어가 생략되어 분사로 시작하는

형태의 간결한 구를 분사구문이라고 한다. 분사구문은
현재분사로 시작하는 분사구문과 과거분사로 시작하는
수동형 분사구문이 있다. 이들 분사구문은 문맥에 따라
시간, 이유, 조건, 양보, 동시동작, 연속동작[결과] 등의
다양한 의미로 해석될 수 있다.
30 분사구문의 의미는 문맥으로 판단하자

분사구문은 접속사와 주어가 생략되어 있어서 의미 파악에 어려움을 느낄 수 있다. 이는 분사구문이

시간, 이유, 조건, 양보, 동시동작, 연속동작[결과] 등 여러 가지 의미로 해석될 수 있기 때문이다. 따라서,
분사구문을 하나의 부사절로 보고, 여러 가지 접속사 중 어느 것이 분사구문이 이끄는 부분의 내용을 가장
자연스럽게 나타낼지 생각해 보자.

(Being) Satisfied with the result of the experiment, I moved on to the next step.
분사구문 (이유)

(= Because[As] I was satisfied with the result of the experiment, I moved on to the
next step.)
They talked about their vacation plans, eating dinner together.
분사구문 (동시동작)

(= They talked about their vacation plans while they ate dinner together.)

(Being) Used properly in class, the teaching method will help students of all levels.
분사구문 (조건)

(= If it is used properly in class, the teaching method will help students of all levels.)

밑줄 친 부분에 유의하여 다음 각 문장을 우리말로 해석해 보자.

1 I handed in my paper, leaving the question blank.

2 She threw the ball too far to the left, breaking a window.
3 Taking the train instead of driving, you can save not only time but also money.
4 Not having enough money to go to the festival, we had a party at home instead.
5 Motivated by feelings of guilt, they are inclined to apologize for their actions.

정답 및 해설 p.31

1 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은?

Despite the popularity of e-books, most kids still ⓛ prefer printed books.
Unfortunately, making books means cutting down trees. But a Brazilian
children’s book called My Father Was in the Jungle can actually be turned 3

back into a tree. Making it from acid-free paper and with non-toxic ink, the
publisher ensured the entire book is ② environment-friendly. Seeds are sewn
into its pages, so it can be ③ transformed into a tree. Once they finish reading 6
popularity 인기
turn back …을 되돌리다 the book, children are encouraged to water its cover and put it in a sunny spot.
acid-free paper 중성지
non-toxic 무독성의 Placing the book in the dirt when the seeds begin to sprout, children can
ensure 보장하다
④ abandon it like any other plant. Although this is just a one-time project, the 9
sew (바느질로) 만들다, 꿰매다
(sew –sewed –sewn ) publisher hopes it will make people ⑤ aware of the resources needed to produce
transform 변형시키다
abandon 버리다 everyday items such as books.

2 (A ), (B ), (C )의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것은?

Eclipses have inspired cultures all over the world (A) develop / to develop
myths about them. In many cultures, eclipses were thought to predict the
coming of a disaster. There were often myths about how to defend against the 3

harmful effects of an eclipse. In India, for example, people sometimes went

into the water up to their necks, believing this would protect them during an
eclipse. Of course, not all cultures see eclipses as a (B) frightened / frightening 6

phenomenon. Today, for instance, some cultures in the North American Arctic
(C) consider / considers eclipses to be a blessing, a sign that the sun and moon
are looking over the people on Earth. But no matter what our beliefs, eclipses 9

will always happen, obeying the schedule set by our solar system.

(A) (B) (C)

① develop ······ frightened ······ consider
② develop ······ frightening ······ considers
eclipse 일식, 월식
myth 신화; *근거 없는 믿음 ③ to develop ······ frightened ······ consider
defend 방어하다
Arctic 북극 (지방) ④ to develop ······ frightening ······ consider
blessing 축복
obey 따르다, 준수하다 ⑤ to develop ······ frightening ······ considers

문맥을 통해 분사구문의 의미를 파악하라 81

31 과거분사로 시작하면 수동형 분사구문인지 따져 보라

콤마(,)로 독립된 어구가 과거분사로 시작하면 대개는 수동형 분사구문이다. 따라서 이런 형태가 나오면
분사구문으로 간주하고 그 의미를 생각해 보자. 이런 분사구문은 「 being [ having been ]+ p.p. 」 에서
being[having been]이 생략된 형태로 수동적인 동작이나 상태를 나타낸다.

(Being) Left alone in the dark room, the boy began to cry.
(= When he was left alone in the dark room)
(Being) Surprised to hear the news, he was unable to speak.
(= Because he was surprised to hear the news)
(Having been) Badly injured in the explosion, she was taken to the nearest hospital.
(= Since she had been badly injured in the explosion)

밑줄 친 부분에 유의하여 다음 각 문장을 우리말로 해석해 보자.

1 Viewed from space, Earth appears to be perfectly smooth.

2 Cooked too quickly, food from the microwave can often be burned on the edges.
3 Given this situation, these people have striven to conserve the wild plants growing
in Korea.
4 Designed to last 15 years, Hubble was put into orbit in 1990 and immediately began
transmitting data to Earth.

정답 및 해설 p.32

3 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?

Something extraordinary happened to Danny London, a 15-year-old amateur

boxer. Born deaf, he had lived his whole life without hearing a single sound.

(A) However, one night in 1929, he was deep into the second round of a fight 3

when he was struck on his right temple by his opponent’s glove. A few
seconds later, the bell rang to end the round.
(B) Amazed at the sounds suddenly surrounding him, Danny continued to 6

fight. Despite the distractions, he won by a knockout that night.

(C) Shocked, Danny turned towards the iron bell. He could hear it! Back in
his corner, he tried to communicate what had happened to his trainer, but 9

extraordinary 기이한, 놀라운 having never spoken before, his words were unintelligible.
amateur 아마추어의,
비전문가의 *temple: 관자놀이
opponent 적수, 상대
surround 둘러싸다
distraction *(주의) 집중을 ① (A) – (B) – (C) ② (A) – (C) – (B)
방해하는 것; 오락 (활동)
knockout ((권투)) 녹아웃 ③ (B) – (A) – (C) ④ (C) – (A) – (B)
(= KO )
unintelligible 이해할 수 없는 ⑤ (C) – (B) – (A)

4 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은?

These books introduced Mary to a whole new world.

When Mary was growing up, girls weren’t expected to pursue an advanced
pursue 추구하다
education. All they were taught in school was to read, write, and manage 3

advanced 고급의, 고등의 the household finances. ( ① ) Mary, however, showed interest beyond these
household 가정, 가구
finance 재원, 자금; 재정, 재무 subjects, so her uncle tutored her in Latin. ( ② ) At the age of 15, she first
tutor 개인 교습을 하다
encounter 맞닥뜨리다; encountered the strange symbols used in the subject of algebra, and they 6
fascinate 매혹하다, fascinated her. ( ③ ) Determined to learn more, she asked her uncle to buy her
반하게 하다
take up (시간·공간을) 차지
algebra books. ( ④ ) While her days were taken up with traditional women’s
하다, 쓰다 tasks, she enjoyed free time at night, absorbed in her studies. ( ⑤ ) Before long, 9
absorb 흡수하다; *열중시키다
geometry 기하학 she had mastered algebra and was moving on to geometry.

문맥을 통해 분사구문의 의미를 파악하라 83

32 분사구문의 접속사나 주어는 생략되지 않을 수도 있다

분사구문의 의미를 명확히 하기 위해 분사 앞의 접속사를 그대로 두는 경우가 있다. 또 분사구문의 의미상

주어가 주절의 주어와 일치하지 않을 때는 분사 앞에 주어를 두는데, 이런 경우 분사구문을 수식어로
혼동하기 쉽다. 그러나 분사구문의 앞이나 뒤에 나오는 콤마(,)에 주목하고 문맥을 잘 살펴보면 분사구문임을
알 수 있을 것이다.

While running on a treadmill, he was listening to music.
접속사 분사구

The traffic being heavy, I took the subway instead of driving my car.
의미상 주어 분사구

Hands held high, the children danced in a circle.
의미상 주어 분사구

밑줄 친 부분에 유의하여 다음 각 문장을 우리말로 해석해 보자.

1 When working, just focus on what you are doing.

2 The day’s work done, she phoned home to check on her kids.
3 Many workers learn new skills while keeping their regular jobs.
4 There being no time to make a cake, we bought one from a bakery.
5 While playing in the forest, the children saw a small snake on a rock.
6 Although tired, he continued to prepare for his presentation the next day.
7 After checking her watch, Mia said we wouldn’t make it to the stadium before the
game started.

정답 및 해설 p.33

5 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?

Imagine that you ask a man for directions and he gives you a rude response.
You will probably assume that he has an unpleasant personality. In fact, though,
he might have just received some terrible news that has seriously affected his 3

mood. His response may have resulted from these circumstances, not from
his true nature. It is quite common to blame someone’s personality without
considering situational factors that may have contributed to his or her actions. 6

What is especially interesting is that while we often do this to other people, we

rarely do it to ourselves. When looking at our own actions, we always believe
that we have good reasons for the things we do. However, we are quick to judge 9

assume 추정하다
others negatively while ignoring possible contributing factors.
unpleasant 불쾌한;
*불친절한, 무례한
circumstance (일·사건 등을
둘러싼) 환경, 상황 ① Can Our Mood Be Improved by Bad News?
blame …을 탓하다, … 책임
[때문]으로 보다 ② Personality: The Motivating Factor for Our Actions
situational 상황에 따른
contribute 기부하다;
③ Changing Negative Impressions into Positive Ones
*(…의) 한 원인이 되다
④ Learning How We Are Affected by Those around Us
generously 관대하게 ⑤ We View Ourselves More Generously Than We View Others

6 다음 글의 빈칸 (A ), (B )에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

It has long been taken as common knowledge that people prefer media
messages that support their views. (A) , given a choice between
reading an article we’re likely to agree with and one we’re likely to disagree 3

with, we more often choose the former. To determine whether this notion is
in fact true, researchers monitored the online reading habits of 156 college
students. The students chose to read articles that supported their views 58% of 6

the time, which showed the hypothesis to be correct. Time permitting, many
students did try to balance their exposure by reading articles written from both
friendly and unfriendly perspectives. (B) , very few selected only 9

articles that opposed their views.

support 지지하다
article (신문·잡지의) 기사
notion 생각, 개념 (A) (B) (A) (B)
hypothesis 가설
permit 허락하다 ① In contrast ······ Besides ② In contrast ······ However
balance 균형을 이루다
exposure 노출; *접함 ③ In fact ······ Besides ④ In other words ······ However
perspective 관점, 시각
oppose 반대하다 ⑤ In other words ······ Consequently

문맥을 통해 분사구문의 의미를 파악하라 85

33 「with+명사+v-ing/p.p.」도 분사구문처럼 해석하라

「 with +명사+ v-ing / p.p. 」도 분사구문의 한 형태이므로, 이 형태가 나오면 일단 하나의 의미군으로
묶어라. 이는 분사의 의미상 주어가 주절의 주어와 다른 경우에 나타나는 분사구문의 일종으로 ‘…가 ~한
채로[하면서]’의 의미로 해석한다.

The angry teacher scolded the students with her arms folded.
(= while her arms were folded)
I can’t concentrate on the lecture with other students chatting with each other.
(= when[while] other students are chatting with each other)
With December approaching, we need to set up this year’s holiday schedule.
(= As December approaches)

밑줄 친 부분에 유의하여 다음 각 문장을 우리말로 해석해 보자.

1 The dog ran all around the park with my shoe held firmly in his mouth.
2 My father was sleeping on the sofa with his legs stretched toward the fire.
3 By nightfall, with the day’s work done, the family would gather together for the
evening meal.
4 The bargaining in the noisy market became spirited, with Paul stepping up his price
slightly and the seller going down slowly.
5 In both cases the focus is exclusively on the object, with no attention paid to the
possibility that some force outside the object might be relevant.

정답 및 해설 p.34

7 snake caterpillar에 관한 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?

With predators hiding around every corner, it’s not easy for many animals
to survive in the wild. That’s why some have developed camouflage to trick
their predators. The caterpillar of a moth called Hemeroplanes triptolemus, 3

found in many areas of Africa and South America, is one example. It mimics
a snake to scare away birds, which like to eat the caterpillars but are preyed
upon by snakes. The snake caterpillar does this by inflating its front part to 6

form a diamond-shaped head. When it does this, eye-shaped markings on its

head get bigger, so the caterpillar looks like a snake with large eyes. With the
caterpillar’s camouflage giving it a frightening appearance, the birds stay 9

away. It can also move its body like a striking snake, even though it can’t bite
and isn’t poisonous.
predator 포식자, 포식 동물
camouflage (보호색이나 형태
등을 통한 동물들의) 위장
mimic …을 모방하다, 흉내를 ① 아프리카 및 남아메리카 지역에 서식한다.
② 천적을 쫓기 위해 그 천적의 천적을 모방한다.
scare away 쫓아 버리다
prey upon …을 잡아먹다 ③ 몸통 뒷부분이 부풀면 뱀의 머리처럼 보인다.
inflate 부풀리다
frightening 무서운 ④ 뱀의 생김새뿐만 아니라 행동도 흉내 낸다.
strike 때리다, 치다; *공격하다
poisonous 독이 있는 ⑤ 유해한 독성 물질을 가지고 있지 않다.

8 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?

Are you interested in working in a bank? Then you should stop by this
institution, which is located on the grounds of the Fordham Leadership
Academy in the Bronx, New York. However, it’s not at all similar to your 3

average bank, with the banking staff made up entirely of seniors at the school.
The application process, which includes interviews, cover letters, and résumés,
isn’t easy, but the students selected to run the bank are now receiving invaluable 6

real-world experience in an important industry. They’re also making money,

institution 기관 earning 11 dollars per hour in these part-time internship positions. Because of
ground ((pl .)) (큰 건물 주위의)
the experience gained through the program, many students now view banking 9

entirely 전적으로, 전부
as a career to pursue after graduation.
senior 마지막 학년 학생
application 지원
cover letter 첨부[동봉] 편지;
*자기소개서 ① An Economics Class on Banking
résumé 이력서
invaluable 매우 귀중한 ② A Boost for the Banking Industry
internship 인턴사원 근무
(기간); *인턴직
③ Why Banking Attracts Young People
[문제] ④ A Program to Help Students Learn Banking
economics 경제학
boost 증가; *부양책 ⑤ Banks’ Efforts to Attract Student Customers

문맥을 통해 분사구문의 의미를 파악하라 87

정답 및 해설 p.35

A 네모 안에서 어법상 올바른 것을 고르시오.

1 Losing / Lost in thought, he didn’t notice me.

2 Being / It being sunny, the kids will fly the kites they made.
3 He is giving a lecture with his students listening / listened attentively.
4 With the crowds cheering / cheered , the royal party drove to the palace.
5 After / If running around the track, he was too tired to attend history class.
6 He sat there and watched TV, completely forgetting / forgotten about the apple
pie in the oven.
7 Nobody wanted / wanting to take a break, the meeting continued.

B 다음 문장의 밑줄 친 부분을 바르게 고쳐 쓰시오.

1 With his car keys losing, he couldn’t get into his car.
2 Walked on the street, I tried not to use my cell phone.
3 There was no bridge, we couldn’t cross the river.
4 Leaving alone for the weekend, the girl had a party with her friends.
5 Not been a fan of baseball, she refused to go see the baseball game.

C 다음 두 문장이 같은 의미가 되도록 분사구문을 이용하여 빈칸을 채우시오.

1 The weather was mild and little wind was blowing.

= The weather was mild with .
2 As it is a holiday, the company parking lot is empty.
= , the company parking lot is empty.
3 When I arrived at the station, I got a call from my mother.
= , I got a call from my mother.
4 Because my right hand was bandaged, I couldn’t type properly.
= , I couldn’t type properly.
5 As it was written in haste, the essay had a lot of spelling errors.
= , the essay had a lot of spelling errors.

가정법의 형태와 의미를 혼동하지 마라

직설법과는 달리 가정·상상·소망 등을 나타내는 가정법에

자신 없어 하는 학생들이 많다. 가정법을 공식처럼
암기하려 하면 오히려 해석하기 힘들어진다.
가정법을 혼란스럽게 만드는 형태와 의미 사이의 규칙을
이해해야 가정법이라는 고지를 정복할 수 있다.
34 가정법은 상황을 반대로 보면서 이해하라

가정법 문장에서 의미 파악의 핵심은 상황을 반대로 보는 것이다. 가정법 문장은 현재나 과거의 사실을
반대로 가정·상상하거나 현재나 미래의 실현 가능성이 거의 없는 일을 상상·소망할 때 사용되기 때문이다.
이때, 동사의 시제와 실제로 나타내는 시점이 어떻게 다른지 파악하는 일이 중요하다. 아래 세 가지 형태와
쓰임을 기본적으로 알아 두자.

가정법 과거: 현재 사실과 반대되는 일 또는 현재나 미래의 실현 가능성이 거의 없는 일을 가정한다.

• 「If + 주어 + 동사의 과거형, 주어+조동사의 과거형+동사원형」
If it were not raining, we could have a picnic in the park.
If everyone in the world donated just one dollar, we could solve all of the earth's

가정법 과거완료: 과거 사실과 반대되는 일을 가정한다.

• 「If + 주어 + had + p.p. , 주어 + 조동사의 과거형 + have + p.p. 」
If she had been awake, she could have heard the sound.
If I had known it was your birthday, I would have made you a cake.

조건절의 형태가 「If + 주어 + were to-v 」인 가정법: 실현 가능성이 없거나 희박한 미래의 일을 가정한다.
If I were to win the lottery, I would buy a large house with a pool.

밑줄 친 부분에 유의하여 다음 각 문장을 우리말로 해석해 보자.

1 If someone offered you a new personality, would you accept it?

2 If you had asked me to go to the dance, I would have said yes.
3 If I were to find any fault with you, it would be that you are not always on time.
4 If they worked in a well-organized environment, they would be surprised at how
much more productive they were.
5 What would the world be like if we could produce another Michael Jordan, Elvis
Presley, or Albert Einstein?

정답 및 해설 p.35

1 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?

In recent years, there’s been a sharp decline in honeybee numbers. By some

measures the wild population has nearly disappeared. If honeybees were to
become extinct, we would be in trouble. Approximately one-third of the food 3

we eat comes from plants pollinated by insects, and honeybees perform 80%
of that job. If honeybees were to stop pollinating our crops, the consequences
would be disastrous. If these pollinators disappeared, our food supply would 6

be severely threatened, and many ecosystems would be destroyed. In fact,

some experts predicted that if the bee population died out, humankind would
not last more than four years. Clearly, a decrease in honeybees means more 9

than just our honey supply being threatened.

sharp 날카로운; *급격한
decline 하락, 감소
pollinate 수분(受粉)하다
(n . pollinator 수분 매개자) ① How Honeybees Pollinate Plants
disastrous 처참한, 피해가
막심한 ② A Solution for the Honeybees’ Decline
threaten 협박[위협]하다;
위태롭게 하다
③ The Search for an Alternative Pollinator
die out 멸종되다
④ Why Honeybee Populations Are Declining
alternative 대안; *대신의 ⑤ Bees’ Decline: A Warning to Human Beings

2 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은?

In the 1800s, the people of Ireland used potatoes as their basic food source.
Unfortunately, everyone was growing the same type of potato, which meant the
crops all had the same genes. The farmers did not realize the ① danger in this. 3

strike 치다, 때리다; *(재난· In the 1840s, a new potato disease struck. The genetically identical potatoes all
질병 등이 갑자기) 발생하다
(strike –struck –struck ) ② possessed the ability to fight the disease, so they all rotted. Because people
genetically 유전적으로
identical 동일한, 똑같은 were mainly ③ dependent on potatoes for their food, Ireland suffered a famine 6
possess 소유하다; *(자질·
특징을) 지니다, 갖추고 있다 in which one in eight people died during the following years. If people had
famine 기근
identify 확인하다; *찾다, 발견
grown many types of potatoes, they could have identified ④ resistant ones and
하다 grown more of them, making the famine less serious. Despite knowing this, 9
resistant 저항력 있는, …에 잘
견디는 many countries today take the same ⑤ risk with their crops.

가정법의 형태와 의미를 혼동하지 마라 91

35 「주어+wish/as if+가정법」 은 주절과 시제를 비교하라

「주어+wish /as if +가정법」이 쓰인 문장에서는 시제의 파악에 특히 주의해야 한다. 왜냐하면 일반 가정법
문장에서처럼 단순히 가정법 과거가 현재를, 가정법 과거완료가 과거를 나타내지 않을 수도 있기 때문이다.
이 경우의 해결 방법은 다음과 같다.

「주어 + wish /as if + 가정법 과거」: 주절의 시제와 같은 시점의 일을 나타낸다.

I wish we could get along like we used to several years ago.
(= I am sorry we can’t get along like we used to several years ago.)
She always talks to me as if she were my mother.

「주어 + wish /as if + 가정법 과거완료」: 주절의 시제보다 이전 시점의 일을 나타낸다.

I wished I had studied harder for the history test.
(= I was sorry I hadn’t studied harder for the history test.)
When she entered the room, they acted as if nothing had happened.

가정법에 유의하여 다음 각 문장을 우리말로 해석해 보자.

1 Michael behaves as if he didn’t care what others think.

2 I wish I could camp in the wild and enjoy the company of mosquitoes, snakes, and
3 He wishes that he had learned to play a musical instrument.
4 I wish that all of us were able to help others as much as Steve has.
5 Animals have no memories about what the elderly once were and greet them as if
they were still children.
6 Laura is the only person who will laugh at my jokes as if she hadn’t heard them

정답 및 해설 p.36

3 다음 글에 드러난 ‘I ’의 심경 변화로 가장 적절한 것은?

In 1985, my husband and I moved to his hometown, located in China’s Ordos

Desert. When I first saw our new home, I burst into tears. There was nothing
but sand for miles around. “I wish I could see some plants,” I thought. Then 3

one day, I saw a small tree growing beside a nearby well. I realized that if this
tree could survive, others might be able to, too. I started to plant more trees.
At first, many of them ended up buried in sandstorms, but my husband and I 6

burst into (갑자기) …을

eventually managed to get most of the trees to survive. We have now planted
터뜨리다, 내뿜다 more than 600,000 trees in the desert. We have turned one of the most desolate
end up 결국 (어떤 처지에)
처하게 되다 places in China into something beautiful. 9
buried 파묻힌
sandstorm 모래 폭풍
desolate 황량한, 적막한
① curious → hopeless ② desperate → proud
desperate 필사적인; 간절히 ③ annoyed → relieved ④ excited → indifferent
필요로 하는
indifferent 무관심한 ⑤ amused → disappointed

4 Socotra 섬에 관한 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?

Socotra Island, a small island belonging to Yemen and located in the Arabian
Sea, looks as if it were part of another planet. In fact, it separated from the
mainland of Africa six or seven million years ago, causing unique forms of 3

life to develop on it. It is home to about 800 species of rare plants and animals,
many of which are found nowhere else on earth. Because the island experiences
extreme heat and frequent droughts, many of its plants have evolved unusual 6

appearances. One striking example is the dragon’s blood tree. Its branches make
it look like a giant umbrella. It gets its name from a thick, red substance that
comes out when its bark is cut. When this happens, it appears as if the tree were 9

separate 분리하다; *갈라지다, bleeding.

(따로) 떨어지다
mainland 본토 *dragon’s blood tree: 용혈수
rare 드문, 희귀한
frequent 잦은, 빈번한
drought 가뭄
evolve 발달하다; *(동식물 등이) ① 아라비아 해에 위치한 작은 섬이다.
진화하다, 진화시키다
appearance (겉)모습, 외모
② 약 6~7백만 년 전에 아프리카의 본토에서 분리되었다.
striking 눈에 띄는, 두드러진 ③ 약 800여 종의 희귀 동식물이 서식한다.
branch 나뭇가지
substance 물질 ④ 높은 온도와 잦은 강우로 인해 식물들이 독특한 모습으로 진화했다.
bark *나무껍질; (개 등이) 짖는
소리 ⑤ 대표적인 식물인 ‘용혈수’는 큰 우산처럼 생겼다.

가정법의 형태와 의미를 혼동하지 마라 93

36 동사를 보고 가정의 의미가 숨어 있는지 확인하라

가정법 문장은 대개 if 절을 포함하지만, if 절을 쓰지 않고도 가정의 의미를 나타내는 표현들이 있다. 글을

읽다가 조동사의 과거형이 이끄는 동사 형태가 발견되면 가정의 의미가 숨어 있는 것은 아닌지 의심해 보자.

부사구가 if 절을 대신하는 경우
Without immigrant farm workers, the vast agricultural industry could not exist.
(= If it were not for immigrant farm workers)

주어인 명사(구)에 가정의 의미가 함축되어 있는 경우

A fair election would have ended at the time announced beforehand.
(= If the election had been fair, it)

분사구문이나 to 부정사에 가정의 의미가 함축되어 있는 경우

Happening during wartime, the same thing would have caused a lot of trouble.
(= If it had happened during wartime)
To hear him talk about Nancy, you would think she was his girlfriend.
(= If you heard him talk about Nancy)

다음 각 문장을 우리말로 해석해 보자.

1 You’d be surprised to see him dance on the stage.

2 A road through the forest would destroy the national park.
3 Born in better times, he could have become a great painter.
4 Would one not be better off without grief altogether?
5 Medical treatments that many people now think of as simple would have been
considered risky 50 years ago.

정답 및 해설 p.37

5 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?

Our planet is surrounded by a magnetic field, but it could vanish at any time.
Around every 200,000 years the field reverses, which causes it to temporarily
disappear. Earth’s magnetic field plays a major role in protecting the planet 3

from the Sun’s solar wind. Without the magnetic field, particles carried by
solar wind would directly impact Earth. This would consequently lead to
disruptions in our communications systems and an expansion of the holes in 6

the ozone layer. Any change could also disturb animals’ migration patterns
magnetic field 자기장
because they depend on the magnetic field to navigate. Clearly, Earth would be
vanish 사라지다
reverse 역으로 되다
seriously affected by a reversal of the field in many ways. 9

(n . reversal 역전)
particle 입자
impact 영향을 미치다; *충돌 ① The Effects of Solar Wind on Earth
disruption 붕괴; *혼란 ② The Reasons Earth’s Magnetic Field Flips
expansion 확장, 확대
disturb 방해하다
③ The Dangers of a Magnetic Field Reversal
navigate *길을 찾다; 항해하다
④ Animal Migration Using the Magnetic Field
flip 뒤집(히)다 ⑤ The Timing of the Next Magnetic Field Reversal

6 다음 글에서 필자가 주장하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?

When I went to school, none of my teachers ever asked me about what kind
of work I’d like to do in the future. In fact, there was never a discussion about
possible careers during all the years that I was at school. Since one of the main 3

objects of going to school is to prepare for adult life, a good school would
organize lectures or discussions intended to give students a broad view of
different occupations. Of course some students might follow their parents’ 6

careers, but even these students could benefit from the chance to learn about
other kinds of job opportunities.

① 학교 교육과정에 실용적인 과목이 추가되어야 한다.

② 졸업 후 학생들에게 취업 기회가 공평하게 주어져야 한다.
object 물체; 대상; *목적, 목표 ③ 학교에서 직업에 대해 학습하고 고민할 기회를 제공해야 한다.
organize (어떤 일을) 준비
[조직]하다 ④ 학생들이 사회 문제에 관심을 가질 수 있도록 지도가 필요하다.
occupation 직업
opportunity 기회 ⑤ 정부는 직업 교육 활성화를 위해 학교에 대한 지원을 강화해야 한다.

가정법의 형태와 의미를 혼동하지 마라 95

37 도치된 가정법 문장은 동사를 통해 파악한다

조건절의 (조)동사가 were 나 had 인 경우에는 if 를 생략하고 주어와 동사를 도치하여 쓰기도 한다. 이러한
구문은 가정법 구문인지 파악하기가 쉽지 않으므로, 주절의 동사 형태와 문맥으로 판단해야 한다.

Were I asked to work on weekends, I would quit my job.
(= If I were asked to work on weekends)
Had they known the facts, they would not have reacted that way.
(= If they had known the facts)

밑줄 친 부분에 유의하여 다음 각 문장을 우리말로 해석해 보자.

1 Were the sun to go out, all living things would die.

2 Were I to take over my father’s business, I would make changes.
3 Were you to be injured, your insurance would cover the hospital bills.
4 Had the weather been warmer, all the snow would have melted.
5 Had I been wearing glasses, I would have recognized you at once.
6 Had I been at the party, I would not have missed the chance to dance with Sarah.

정답 및 해설 p.38

7 다음 글의 목적으로 가장 적절한 것은?

All of Dr. Lloyd Pinkham’s students owe him a debt of gratitude. Had it not
been for his guidance, none of us would be in the position of success we
enjoy today. One of Dr. Pinkham’s gifts was that, in addition to having an 3

extraordinary grasp on world cultures, he was very easygoing. I remember the

first time we met him. He was sitting in the classroom, wearing shorts and a
T-shirt and sipping a soda. No one realized who he was, so we started chatting 6

casually. It wasn’t long before his knowledge showed through, and at that point
he stood up, introduced himself, and delivered the best lecture I’ve ever heard.
It’s hard to believe he is no longer with us. I can barely hold back my tears at 9

owe 빚지고 있다; *…의 은혜를 the thought of never seeing or talking with him again.
입고 있다
debt 빚, 부채
gratitude 고마움, 감사
extraordinary 비상한, 보통이 ① 교수님의 은퇴를 축하하려고
grasp 움켜잡기; *이해
② 졸업하는 학생들을 격려하려고
easygoing 태평한, 마음 편한 ③ 고인이 된 교수님을 추모하려고
sip 조금씩 마시다
casually 우연히; *아무 생각 ④ 새로 부임하는 교수님을 환영하려고
barely 간신히, 가까스로 ⑤ 수상의 공로를 동료들에게 돌리려고

8 다음 글의 목적으로 가장 적절한 것은?

Aspiring writers often submit their work to writing contests in hopes of

receiving a cash prize and, even better, recognition. Yet, were many of these
writers to learn how many entries competitive contests actually receive, 3

they might begin to despair. It’s true that the best contests are entered by
thousands, if not tens of thousands, of writers. But there are ways to ensure
your submission rises above the others. To help your piece make it out of the 6

preliminary judging rounds, you must guarantee that it meets all contest rules,
including word limits and requests for personal information. There are many
talented writers thrown out in the early stages who, had they followed the rules, 9

would have had a shot at winning.

aspiring 장차 …가 되려는
submit 제출하다
(n . submission 제출(물))
recognition 인식; *인정 ① 재능 있는 작가들을 칭찬하려고
entry 출입; *출품작
② 공모전 운영 방식을 비판하려고
competitive *경쟁적인;
경쟁력 있는
③ 공모전 규정을 준수할 것을 조언하려고
despair 절망[체념]하다
make it 성공하다, 해내다 ④ 공모전 심사를 맡아 준 것에 감사하려고
preliminary 예비의
have a shot at …을 시도하다 ⑤ 작품 제출 기한을 지킬 것을 당부하려고

가정법의 형태와 의미를 혼동하지 마라 97

정답 및 해설 p.39

A 네모 안에서 어법상 올바른 것을 고르시오.

1 We feel as if we are / were walking on the moon.

2 I wish I went / had gone with you that day.

3 If you were to run for president, I will / would vote for you.

4 I left at once; otherwise, I would miss / have missed the bus.

5 Supposing you have / had a million dollars, what would you do first?

6 Had you studied harder, you wouldn’t fail / wouldn’t have failed the test.

7 If I had told you that, you might panic / have panicked and none of us would
make / have made it.

B 다음 문장의 밑줄 친 부분을 바르게 고쳐 쓰시오.

1 A stranger would think that we were fighting last night.

2 If you are an actor, what role would you want to play?
3 If it had not been for your help, I could not finish the work.
4 I wish I could have taken care of your house while you’re away.

C 다음 두 문장이 같은 의미가 되도록 빈칸을 채우시오.

1 Were you to give her a deadline, the work might get done faster.
= If her a deadline, the work might get done faster.
2 Without television, most people wouldn’t know what to do these days.
= If television, most people wouldn’t know what to
do these days.
3 A stronger earthquake would have knocked down the building.
= If the earthquake stronger, it would have knocked down
the building.
4 Living in the city, the family would have a more exciting life.
= If they in the city, the family would have a more
exciting life.
5 I am sorry the police didn’t give me the address of the woman who found my
= I wish the police me the address of the woman
who found my wallet.

비교 표현의 형태를 이해하라

많은 학생들이 비교와 관련된 표현을 공식처럼 암기하려고

한다. 그러나 비교 표현의 형태에 대한 기본적인 이해가
없으면, 실제 문장 속에서 표현을 구별해 내기가 쉽지 않다.
빠른 독해를 위해서는 비교 표현의 형태를 숙지하고 그것이
포함된 문장을 많이 접해야 한다. 특히 비교되고 있는
대상을 정확하게 파악하는 눈을 기르도록 하자.
38 비교 구문의 기본 형태와 주요 구문을 파악하라

비교 구문은 무엇과 무엇을 비교하는지를 바르게 파악하는 것이 중요하다. 기본 비교 구문에서는 than 의

앞뒤 내용을 살펴보면 비교하는 대상을 찾아낼 수 있다.

I sometimes feel more comfortable talking to strangers than to people I know.

다음은 자주 나오는 비교 구문이므로 잘 익혀 두자.

• 「the + 비교급 … , the + 비교급 ~」 ‘…하면 할수록 더욱 ~하다’
• 「비교급 + and + 비교급」 ‘점점 더 …한[하게]’
• 「much [still ] less … 」 ‘하물며[더구나] …은 더욱 아니다’
• 「no more than … 」 ‘겨우 …일 뿐’
• 「no less than … 」 ‘(자그마치) …만큼이나’
• 「no [not … any ] longer 」 ‘더 이상 …이 아니다’

The sooner you plan, the more likely you are to enjoy yourself after your retirement.
More and more people are becoming aware of the necessity of protecting the
You can no longer use this security program unless you pay for renewal.

다음과 같이 라틴어에서 유래한 형용사들은 비교 대상을 나타낼 때 than 대신 to 를 사용한다.

• 「superior to … 」 ‘…보다 뛰어난’ • 「inferior to … 」 ‘…보다 열등한’

• 「senior to … 」 ‘…보다 연상의’ • 「junior to … 」 ‘…보다 연하의’
• 「prior to … 」 ‘…보다 먼저[앞서]’

밑줄 친 부분에 유의하여 다음 각 문장을 우리말로 해석해 보자.

1 In courts of law, photographs often had more value than words.

2 In general, the older the surface of a planet is, the more craters it has.
3 I didn’t even speak to him, much less discuss your problems with him.
4 Influenza no longer causes the deadly epidemics that it once did, but it still has the
potential to.

정답 및 해설 p.39

1 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 적절한 것은?

The male peacock’s large tail is much more colorful than those of most
birds. But this tail is not just visually impressive — the peacock can also
. By shaking its tail, the male peacock 3

produces low-frequency sounds. Although humans can’t hear them, since they
are less than 20 Hz, other peacocks can. Scientists believe that male peacocks
shake their tails for two reasons. The first is to attract female peacocks to mate 6

with, and the second is to chase away other male peacocks from their territory.
In both cases, low-frequency sounds seem to be an effective way of catching
the attention of other peacocks that are out of sight. 9

impressive 인상적인 ① fold it up quickly ② fight rivals with it

low-frequency 저주파의
attract 마음을 끌다 ③ see it from far away ④ use it to communicate
mate with …와 교미하다
out of sight 보이지 않는 곳에 ⑤ protect itself with it

2 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?

Long-distance travel is easier than ever, thanks to the continued expansion of

the airline industry. Unfortunately, there’s a downside to this trend: The more
we travel, the more we add to our carbon footprint. That is, the airplanes that 3

transport us release huge amounts of carbon dioxide, which is responsible for

global warming. Recognizing this fact, several airlines have begun to take
action. The fuel efficiency of aircraft is being increased, and planes are spending 6

less time lined up on the runway waiting to take off. In addition, some airlines
are adopting a policy of carbon offsetting, in which passengers are asked to pay
a voluntary carbon fee for flights. This income is used to fund green campaigns 9

that combat global warming.

*carbon footprint: 탄소 발자국(온실효과를 유발하는 이산화탄소의 배출량)

downside 부정적인 면 ① Creating Zero-Carbon Airplanes

fuel efficiency 연료 효율성
aircraft 항공기 ② Making Air Travel More Eco-Friendly
runway 활주로
fund 자금을 제공하다 ③ Boosting the Number of Air Travelers
combat 싸우다, 투쟁하다
④ Limiting Air Travel to Save the Planet
boost 신장시키다 ⑤ The Effect of Global Warming on Air Travel

비교 표현의 형태를 이해하라 101

39 비교 구문에서 무엇이 생략되었는지를 생각하라

「as … as ~」 비교 구문에서 보통 두 번째 as 다음에는 핵심이 되는 비교 대상만 남고 반복되는 표현이 생략

되거나 대동사로 표현된다. 그러므로 이것을 기준으로 무엇과 무엇을 비교하는지를 파악하도록 한다.

Summer classes are as challenging and rewarding as regular classes (are).
Doing volunteer work is not as hard as you think (it is).

다음은 자주 나오는 비교 구문이므로 잘 익혀 두자.

• 「as … as possible [주어 + can ]」 ‘가능한 한 …한[하게]’
• 「as many [much ] as … 」 ‘(수·양 등이) …나 되는’
• 「as far as … 」 <거리·범위·정도> ‘…하는 한’
• 「as long as … 」 <조건> ‘…하는 한, 한다면’
• 「not so much A as B 」 ‘A 라기보다는 B ’
• 「may [might ] as well A as B 」 ‘B 하기보다는 차라리 A 하는 편이 낫다’

He wanted to get the work done as soon as possible.
As many as 100,000 people from all over the world came to see the parade.
As long as you try your best, it doesn’t matter if you fail.
The important thing in this contest is not so much winning as taking part.
You may as well clear the table yourself as have him do it.

밑줄 친 부분에 유의하여 다음 각 문장을 우리말로 해석해 보자.

1 She is not as talkative as her sister.

2 They imagine others are as interested in them as they are in themselves.
3 He plays basketball not so much out of love for the sport as for exercise.
4 The police said as many as 26 people were killed in the attack, including two
suspects found dead.
5 As we agreed during the meeting, please send a service engineer as soon as
possible to repair the washing machine.

정답 및 해설 p.40

3 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?

Have you ever seen rows of identical fruit or vegetables in the supermarket?
They may look pretty, but consider this—perfectly fine produce that looks a
little different is being wasted. In fact, some farmers end up throwing away as 3

much as 50% of their harvest because it doesn’t look quite right. Fortunately,
this is beginning to change. All of this wasted produce tastes just as good as
what they sell in the supermarket. So there are now some organizations that buy 6

ugly produce from farmers and sell it to consumers at prices as much as 30%
lower than normal. Not only does this practice benefit farmers and consumers,
but it also helps protect the environment, since farmers don’t have to waste 9

water growing unwanted produce.

① 슈퍼마켓의 농산물 평가 기준을 강화해야 한다.

② 농산물의 품질을 개선하기 위한 연구가 시급하다.
produce 생산물, (특히) 농산물 ③ 지역 농산물을 소비하는 것이 환경보호의 첫걸음이다.
harvest 수확(기); *수확물,
수확량 ④ 농가의 무분별한 농업용수 사용에 대한 규제가 필요하다.
consumer 소비자
unwanted 원치 않는 ⑤ 외형적으로 상품 가치가 떨어지는 농산물을 구매해야 한다.

4 다음 글의 목적으로 가장 적절한 것은?

Caricatures are drawings of people that exaggerate certain characteristics in

order to create a humorous or satirical effect. Until now, you generally had to
go to an amusement park to have your caricature drawn, but that’s all changed 3

thanks to Caricature Artist 2.0. With this program, as soon as a photograph has
been uploaded to your computer, you can turn it into a caricature. Add funny
images and distort parts of the photo, and then use your creation any way you’d 6

like. You can turn it into a poster, a greeting card, or even put it on a coffee mug
or T-shirt. As long as you’re using Caricature Artist 2.0, there’s no limit to what
you can do! 9

① 캐리커처의 역사를 소개하려고

caricature 풍자 만화,
② 캐리커처를 그리는 방법에 대해 설명하려고
③ 캐리커처와 일반 사진의 차이점을 비교하려고
exaggerate 과장하다
satirical 풍자적인 ④ 물건에 캐리커처를 그려 넣는 과정을 알려 주려고
distort 왜곡하다
creation 창조; *창작물 ⑤ 사진을 캐리커처로 바꿔 주는 프로그램을 홍보하려고

비교 표현의 형태를 이해하라 103

40 원급 · 비교급을 이용한 최상급 표현을 익혀 두자

원급이나 비교급을 이용해서 다양한 최상급 표현을 만들 수 있다. 이 경우 비교 표현에 주로 no , any , any
other, ever 등을 덧붙여 사용한다. 이런 표현은 단순히 암기하기보다는 원급 및 비교급의 기본 형태에 유의
하여 차근차근 우리말로 옮겨 보면 의미를 파악할 수 있다.

다음은 원급·비교급을 이용한 최상급 표현으로, 자주 나오는 구문이므로 잘 익혀 두자.

• 「부정주어 + as [so ] … as ~」 ‘어떤 누구[것]도 ~만큼 …하지 않다’
• 「부정주어 + 비교급 + than … 」 ‘…보다 더 ~한 사람[것]은 없다’
• 「비교급 + than ever … 」 ‘(과거) 그 어느 때보다도 더 …한[하게]’
• 「비교급 + than any other … 」 ‘다른 어떤 누구[무엇]보다 더 …한[하게]’

In relationships, nothing is as important as faith.
(= In relationships, faith is the most important thing.)
There is no other place that would be better than Cancun for a vacation.
(= Cancun would be the best place for a vacation.)
I had a headache that was more painful than any other I’ve ever experienced.
(= I had a headache that was the most painful that I’ve ever experienced.)

다음 각 문장을 우리말로 해석해 보자.

1 No other art form is more beautiful to me than music.

2 That night he slept more deeply than ever before in his life.
3 At that time, no other author was as famous as her.
4 Nothing could be more satisfying than making your dreams come true through your
own efforts.
5 On August 27, when Mars was closer to Earth than ever before in human history, the
one-way travel time of light was just 3 minutes and 6 seconds.

정답 및 해설 p.41

5 다음 글의 목적으로 가장 적절한 것은?

People who have experienced zorbing say that no other extreme sport is more
exciting than it. Invented in New Zealand in 2000, zorbing has allowed people
worldwide to experience the fun of rolling down hills in zorb balls. All you 3

need for a great zorbing experience is an enormous plastic ball and a hill. For
maximum fun, however, you need a quality zorb ball which provides high
levels of safety. Not only is our zorb ball made from strong, flexible plastic, but 6

it also has a large air cushion inside to protect users from any harm. We provide
two distinct types of zorb balls: Our harness zorb ball holds you in place as you
roll down the hill, and our hydro-zorb ball allows you to slide around in a small 9

amount of water. Order one of these great zorb balls today, and you can enjoy
zorbing, too!
*zorbing: 조빙(사람을 투명한 비닐 공 안에 넣어 언덕 아래로 굴리는 스포츠)

roll down 굴러떨어지다

maximum 최고의, 최대의 ① 스포츠 용품을 홍보하려고
quality 고급의, 양질의
② 스포츠 행사 장소를 공지하려고
flexible 융통성 있는; *잘 구부
러지는, 유연한
③ 새로운 스포츠 교실을 소개하려고
distinct 뚜렷한; *별개의, 다른
harness (사람 몸에 매는 마구 ④ 스포츠 활동 시 주의 사항을 안내하려고
비슷한) 벨트
in place 제자리에 ⑤ 위험한 스포츠 기구 사용의 자제를 촉구하려고

6 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?

No other solo violin performance was as impressive as yesterday’s solo

violin performance at Memorial Auditorium. The choice of modern pieces
① was refreshing, a noticeable departure from the classical material ② what is 3
noticeable 눈에 띄는; *주목
할 만한 usually performed at this hall. The violinist was remarkably talented, and while
departure 출발; *벗어남, 일탈
material 소재; *(공연) 내용 it’s true that his risk-taking led to ③ a few mistakes and out-of-tune notes, he
remarkably 두드러지게, 매우
risk-taking 위험 감수 made up for it with his passion. The backup orchestra also did a wonderful 6

note 메모; *음(音)

make up for …을 보상[만회]
job, ④ enhancing the solo all the more. From the very first note of the night,
the audience knew they were going to witness ⑤ something special, and that
all the more 더욱 더
witness 목격하다, 보다 impression was carried through to the end of the show. 9

비교 표현의 형태를 이해하라 105

41 배수사를 포함하는 비교 표현에 주의하라

배수사를 포함하는 비교 표현은 도표 또는 숫자 정보가 나오는 문제에 자주 등장하므로 반드시 익혀 두도록

한다. 그 형태는 다음과 같이 배수사와 함께 원급 또는 비교급을 사용하여 나타낼 수 있다.

• 「배수사 + as + 형용사[부사]의 원급 + as … 」 ‘…보다 몇 배만큼 ~한[하게]’

• 「배수사 + 비교급 + than … 」 ‘…보다 몇 배 더 ~한[하게]’

Women are twice as likely to suffer from insomnia as men.
We spent ten times more money on the campaign than we did last year.
(= We spent ten times as much money on the campaign as we did last year.)

밑줄 친 부분에 유의하여 다음 각 문장을 우리말로 해석해 보자.

1 A chameleon’s tongue is twice as long as its body.

2 On Earth, everything is six times as heavy as on the Moon.
3 A spider’s thread is only about one-tenth the diameter of a human hair, but it is
several times stronger than steel of the same weight.
4 Since getting a new customer costs six times more than keeping an existing one,
customer service is very important.
5 A study of the 1974 Canadian federal elections found that attractive candidates
received more than two and a half times as many votes as unattractive candidates.

정답 및 해설 p.42

7 다음 도표의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?

Charitable Behavior in Five Countries in 2015
100 91
60 55
46 44 42
30 Donating money
23 23
20 17 to charity
Myanmar U.S. Kenya Iraq Japan

This bar graph displays the average percentage of people who donated money
or volunteered in five different countries in 2015. ⓛ According to the graph,
Myanmar had the largest percentage of donors and volunteers of any country. 3

② Japan, however, was the least charitable country of the five, as its citizens
were the least likely to donate money or volunteer. ③ In fact, the portion of
the population that donated money in Myanmar was about four times greater 6

donate 기부[기증]하다
than that of Japan. ④ The U.S. was the second-most charitable country, and the
volunteer 자원봉사로 하다;
percentage of people who donated money was nearly twice as high as that of
donor 기부자, 기증자 Iraq. ⑤ The percentage of volunteers in Kenya, the third-highest ranked country 9
charitable 자선을 베푸는
portion (더 큰 것의) 부분 on the graph, was more than twice as much as that of Iraq.

8 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?

Bottled water remains a popular choice with many shoppers. However, in

some places, steps are being taken to reduce its consumption. In New York,
for example, the city government created an ad campaign to promote the use 3

of tap water in place of bottled water. One of the issues with bottled water is
that it costs a thousand times more than tap water, although it is neither safer
nor cleaner. There are also concerns about the plastic used to make the bottles. 6

It is safe when used only once, but recycling this kind of plastic can cause the
release of chemicals that potentially put the health of consumers at risk.

ad campaign 광고 캠페인
tap water 수돗물 ① 병에 든 생수의 제조 비용을 줄여야 한다.
in place of … 대신에
issue 발행물; *쟁점
② 정부의 수돗물 관리 실태에 대한 조사가 필요하다.
release 석방; *방출 ③ 병에 든 생수는 비용과 건강 측면에서 문제가 있다.
potentially 가능성 있게,
잠재적으로 ④ 환경에 유해한 플라스틱 제품의 사용을 지양해야 한다.
put … at risk …을 위험에
처하게 하다 ⑤ 수돗물 이용을 장려하는 광고의 제작 결정을 철회해야 한다.

비교 표현의 형태를 이해하라 107

정답 및 해설 p.42

A 다음 문장의 밑줄 친 부분을 바르게 고쳐 쓰시오.

1 They cannot read English, much more write it.

2 It’s my job, and no one cares about it as more as I do.
3 The more you watch TV, more likely you are to get exhausted.
4 As much as 1,000 physicians attended the annual conference this year.
5 House prices in London rose as three times much as incomes over the last ten
6 The documentary challenges the common belief that humans are superior than
other living things.

B 다음 문장의 괄호 안에 제시된 단어들을 바르게 배열하시오.

1 This year’s audition was (competitive, than, before, ever, more).

2 It’s hard for me to persuade him, (less, his, much, parents).
3 This watch is (to, a bit, the one, inferior) I bought last year.
4 Violence and property crimes were (in city areas, as high, twice, as) in rural areas.
5 The longer you get stuck in your solitude, (it, the harder, the pain and sorrow,
to share, becomes).

C 다음 두 문장이 같은 의미가 되도록 빈칸을 채우시오.

1 This website is more popular and accessible than any other source.
= other source is as popular and accessible as this website.
2 This company has a higher productivity than any other company in its field.
= This company has productivity in its field.
3 No other drug in the world is taken more often than aspirin.
= Aspirin is taken more often than in the world.
4 The tuatara has a faster molecular evolutionary rate than any other animal ever
= The tuatara has molecular evolutionary rate of all animals
ever tested.
5 Those who had experienced depression were four times more likely to have a heart
attack than those who had not.
= Those who had experienced depression were four times to
have a heart attack those who had not.

숨어 있는 부정의 의미를 찾아라

not이나 never와 같은 부정어 없이도 부정의 의미를

나타내는 어구들이 있다. 또한 전체가 아닌 부분만을
부정하거나, 얼핏 봐서는 부정문인 것 같으나 실제로는
긍정의 의미를 나타내는 경우도 있다. 이러한 부정 구문을
확실히 알아 두면 빠르고 바른 독해에 도움이 될 것이다.
42 부정의 의미가 포함된 단어들을 조심하라

not 이나 never 와 같은 부정어 없이도 부정의 뜻을 나타내는 표현들이 있다. 이러한 표현들에 익숙하지
않으면 문장의 의미를 완전히 반대로 이해하게 될 수도 있으니 반드시 알아 두도록 한다.

• 「little 」 ‘거의 없는’, ‘소량의’

• 「few 」 ‘거의 없는’, ‘소수의’
• 「hardly [scarcely , barely ]」 ‘거의 … 아닌’
• 「rarely [seldom ]」 ‘좀처럼 … 않는’
• 「free from … 」 ‘…이 없는’
• 「beyond + 명사(구)」 ‘…할 수 없는’
• 「fail to-v 」 ‘…하지 못하다’, ‘…하지 않다’
• 「too … to-v 」 ‘~하기에는 너무 …하다’, ‘너무 …해서 ~할 수 없다’
• 「anything but [far from ] ...」 ‘결코 …이 아닌’
• 「the last + 명사 + to-v [관계사절]」 ‘가장 …할 것 같지 않은 ~’

The new car is very expensive, so few people can afford it.
She got fired because she failed to meet her deadlines.
When he heard that he had won the contest, he was too excited to sit down.
My father would be the last person to force me to study for a test all night.

다음 각 문장을 우리말로 해석해 보자.

1 Why he did it is beyond my comprehension.

2 These diets are far from being nutritious or balanced.
3 They are hardly what I would call professional entertainers.
4 Medical checkups, even if you feel healthy, are anything but a waste of time.
5 Generally, you have little difficulty performing each of your roles because you know
what is expected of you.
6 Teenagers’ behavior changes when they realize others are too busy with their own
lives to be watching them.

정답 및 해설 p.43

1 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?

Over time, certain biological and behavioral features of humans stop serving a
purpose. Instead of disappearing completely, they remain ⓛ intact but have no
function. This is what happened with the grasp reflex. If you place an object in 3

an infant’s hand, he or she will automatically grab it. This reflex was helpful
for our distant ancestors ② whose babies held tightly to their mothers’ fur. But
the grasp reflex is of little use to human babies, as they don’t have to cling for 6

survival. Another unnecessary feature we inherited from our ancestors ③ are

biological 생물학의 goose bumps. Goose bumps occur when we are cold or frightened and the hairs
intact (하나도 손상되지 않고)
온전한 on our body stand straight up. Today, they are anything but useful. But they 9

of use (…에) 쓸모 있는
cling 꼭 붙잡다, 매달리다
kept our hairy ancestors warm because the erect hairs prevented body heat from
inherit 물려받다 ④ escaping. They also made our ancestors ⑤ appear larger, helping them scare
goose bumps 소름
erect 똑바로 선 away predators. 12

*grasp reflex: 움켜잡기반사

2 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?

The iris is a muscle found in the eye. It can control the amount of light that
enters the eye by opening and closing the pupil. ① Each of a person’s two
irises has a pattern of textures which is different from that of the other, as these 3

patterns are not genetic. ② DNA decides the color and structure of the iris,
iris (안구의) 홍채
pupil 학생; *눈동자, 동공 but the patterns are formed randomly while the baby is still developing in the
genetic 유전의
structure 구조 womb. ③ A baby’s DNA is far from random, as it comes from both parents. 6

randomly 무작위로
④ As the baby opens and closes its eyes, the tissue of the iris moves and folds,
womb 자궁
unique 유일무이한, 독특한 creating patterns. ⑤ Like fingerprints, iris patterns are unique and rarely change
identification 신원 확인,
신분 증명 over time, so they are now often used for identification. 9

숨어 있는 부정의 의미를 찾아라 111

43 부분부정과 이중부정에 주의하라

보통 not 이나 never 와 같은 부정어는 문장의 내용 전체를 부정하지만, 특정한 단어들과 함께 쓰여 일부만을

부정할 수도 있다. 부분부정을 나타내는 다음의 표현들을 기억해 두자.

• 「not both … 」 ‘둘 다 …인 것은 아니다’

• 「not always … 」 ‘항상 …인 것은 아니다’
• 「not all [every ] … 」 ‘모두 …인 것은 아니다’
• 「not exactly … 」 ‘정확히 …인 것은 아니다’
• 「not necessarily … 」 ‘반드시 …인 것은 아니다’
• 「not quite [entirely , completely ] … 」 ‘전적으로 …인 것은 아니다’

Good luck does not always come to those who deserve it.
Great wealth does not necessarily guarantee great happiness.

부정의 뜻을 가지는 단어 앞에 not , no , never 등의 부정어를 써서 이중부정을 만들 수 있다. 이 경우에는

강한 긍정의 의미로 해석해야 한다.

Child labor is not uncommon in developing countries.
He wasn’t irresponsible, but an accident occurred while he was working.

다음 각 문장을 우리말로 해석해 보자.

1 Solving the puzzle is not impossible, but it is very difficult.

2 Dogs’ noses may be remarkable, but they’re not always switched on.
3 I haven’t read all of his novels, but judging from the one I have read, he seems
to be a fairly promising writer.
4 These days it is not unusual to see people wearing interesting costumes on
Halloween in Korea.
5 Although not every book is expected or intended to go on the bestseller list,
publishers expect every new book at least to earn a profit.

정답 및 해설 p.44

3 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?

Self-confidence is an important factor in our lives. It affects not only how we

are perceived by others, but also how successful we are at work and school.
Traditionally, it was assumed that a person’s self-image was created by life 3

experiences and that the person’s level of self-confidence could be determined

by his or her attitude and behavior. But interestingly, a recent study suggests
that the self-confidence a person displays may not always be what it seems. 6

The study found that self-confidence levels vary only slightly from person
to person. The real difference is in the way we express this confidence to
others. Therefore, a person who talks loudly and moves confidently does 9

not necessarily have a better self-image than someone who seems shy and

① 자신감이 높은 사람이 성공할 가능성이 더 크다.

self-confidence 자신감
perceive 인식하다, 감지하다
② 자신감이 높은 사람은 더 확신에 찬 행동을 하게 된다.
self-image 자아상 ③ 어린 시절의 경험이 자신감 형성에 중요한 영향을 미친다.
display 전시하다; *드러내다
vary 다르다 ④ 자신감은 유전적 요인보다는 환경의 영향을 더 많이 받는다.
slightly 약간, 조금
unassuming 잘난 체하지 않는 ⑤ 자신감이 표출되는 방식으로 자신감의 수준을 판단할 수는 없다.

4 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은?

It has a lot to do with the amount of vanilla extract used in the food.

As we all know, vanilla-flavored products such as ice cream, cake and shakes
are white. ( ⓛ ) Why is this the case, when vanilla extract is actually brown? 3

( ② ) Although vanilla extract is popular, it is not inexpensive, so manufacturers

have to do with …와 관련이 tend to use as little of it as possible. ( ③ ) In other words, the amount of extract
extract 발췌; *추출물 that is put into the product is not enough to change the color. ( ④ ) For example, 6

flavored (…의) 맛이 나는
inexpensive 비싸지 않은,
vanilla ice cream contains much more cream, milk, and sugar than vanilla
저렴한 extract, which is the reason why the ice cream is white. ( ⑤ ) This is also true of
manufacturer 제조자, 제조
회사 vanilla shakes and all other white vanilla products. 9

숨어 있는 부정의 의미를 찾아라 113

44 부정 강조어구는 해석하려고 애쓰지 마라

예기치 못한 곳에 at all , whatsoever , in the least , by any means 등의 어구가 나올 때, 이 표현이

어디에 연결되는 것인지 몰라 당황할 수 있다. 이런 어구들은 부정어와 함께 쓰여 부정의 의미를 강조하는
관용적인 표현들이므로, 따로 기억해 두는 것이 좋다.

• 「not [no ] … at all [whatsoever ]」 ‘전혀 … 않다’

• 「not … in the least 」 ‘조금도[전혀] … 않다’
• 「not … by any means 」, 「by no means 」 ‘결코 …이 아니다’

There is no doubt at all that technology has changed our lives.
He has no interest whatsoever in the problems of others.
I am not in the least worried about my test scores.
Getting hold of this information was not a simple task by any means.

밑줄 친 부분에 유의하여 다음 각 문장을 우리말로 해석해 보자.

1 War achieves nothing whatsoever.

2 I will by no means take the job if I have to move to another city.
3 She had had little experience of the countryside, and none at all of swimming in
4 The school has no plan whatsoever to build a new gymnasium in the next two years.
5 She was irritated because the man didn’t care in the least about how his dog’s
barking was affecting his neighbors.

정답 및 해설 p.45

5 밑줄 친 he[him] 가 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은?

Late one night, Malcolm looked out of his bedroom window. ① He was
surprised to see a thief stealing things from his garden shed. Malcolm
immediately called the police, who told ② him that all their patrol cars were 3

too busy to come. “Fine,” said Malcolm, and he hung up. Thirty seconds later,
③ he called the police again. “Hello, I’m the man who just reported the burglar.
There’s no problem whatsoever now because I’ve just shot ④ him. Bye.” 6

Minutes later, three patrol cars arrived, and the police caught the thief at once.
shed (작은) 헛간
One of the police officers said to Malcolm angrily, “I thought you said you’d
patrol car 순찰차 shot him!” Malcolm smiled. Then ⑤ he answered, “And I thought you said 9
hang up 전화를 끊다
burglar 도둑, 절도범 there were no available patrol cars!”

6 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?

For 18 months, I followed a large male leopard, filming every aspect of his life.
The most interesting part of the filming was at the beginning. That’s when the
leopard came to accept me into his life. On the first day, I sat on the ground 3

about 30 meters away from him. He was not interested in me in the least. He
walked towards me and then stepped right past me. He barely even looked at
me. I quickly realized that I had gained the incredible advantage of meaning 6

nothing to this mighty animal. He treated me as a mere rock or tree. That

leopard 표범
acceptance meant that I was able to document his natural behavior.
aspect 측면
acceptance 수용
incredible 놀라운, 굉장한 ① How I Escaped a Fierce Leopard Attack
mighty 강력한, 힘센
mere 단순한, 단지 …에 불과한 ② How I Was Able to Film an Amazing Creature
document 문서로 증명하다;
*상세히 기록하다 ③ How Leopards Come to Accept Life in Captivity
[문제] ④ Why Male Leopards Are the Best Subjects for Filming
fierce 사나운
captivity 감금, 사로잡힌 상태 ⑤ Why I Love to Document the Behavior of Wild Animals

숨어 있는 부정의 의미를 찾아라 115

정답 및 해설 p.45

A 네모 안에서 문맥상 올바른 것을 고르시오.

1 English grammar is very difficult, so few / little writers can avoid making mistakes.
2 Daniel hates sports. He is the very / the last person I’d expect to be interested in
golf lessons.
3 She has to study math more. She fails to get / never fails to get good scores on
all her math exams.
4 It is not common / uncommon to find such a bird here. You can see them
everywhere you look.
5 Unlike / Not unlike many of our successful graduates, your children will have the
chance to succeed in the fields of politics and economics.

B 보기에서 알맞은 단어를 골라 우리말과 일치하도록 문장을 완성하시오.

보기 every not entirely always whatsoever beyond

1 동해의 아름다운 일출은 형용할 수 없었다.

The beautiful sunrise over the East Sea was description.
2 나는 사용 설명서를 읽어 보았지만, 그것은 전혀 도움이 되지 않았다.
I read the instruction manual, but it was helpful .
3 소송을 제기하는 것이 항상 법적 분쟁을 해결하는 최선책은 아니다.
Going to court is the best way to solve a legal dispute.
4 장마 때 그 지역의 모든 집이 침수된 것은 아니었다.
house in the neighborhood was flooded in the monsoon.
5 그는 자신이 축구 경기에 갈 수 있을지 전적으로 확신하지는 못하지만, 그럴 수 있기를 정말로 바란다.
Though he is sure he can go to the soccer game, he
really hopes that he can.

C 다음 문장의 괄호 안에 제시된 단어들을 바르게 배열하시오.

1 I have (never, without, a speech, given, making a mistake).

2 He lives (from town, too, use, to, far away) public transportation.
3 In my opinion, he would be (the, to betray, last, his friends, person).
4 I love her very much. So in my eyes, she seems (free, to be, any faults, from).

특수 구문의 질서를 익혀 두자

독해를 하다 보면 문장의 일부가 생략 또는 삽입되었거나,

동격을 포함하거나 어순이 도치된 문장들을 접할 수 있다.
그렇다고 해서 이런 문장들이 영어의 틀에서 벗어난 것은
아니며 이들 나름대로의 질서가 있다. 독해의 고지를
정복하려면 바로 이러한 특수 구문들에 강해져야 한다.
45 어구의 생략에 주의하자

같은 내용이 되풀이될 때에는 반복을 피하기 위해서 종종 생략이 일어난다. 생략이 일어난 문장은 연결이
자연스럽지 못하고 뚝뚝 끊어지는 느낌을 줄 수 있으므로, 문장 성분이 생략된 부분이 보이면 먼저 문장
안에서 생략된 공통어구가 무엇인지를 찾아보자.

Some people remember their dreams, while others don’t (remember their dreams).

특정 어구가 없어도 의미 전달에 어려움이 없기 때문에 관용적으로 생략이 일어나는 경우도 있다. 자주
쓰이는 다음과 같은 표현들은 숙어처럼 암기해 두자.

• 부사절의 「접속사 + 주어 + be 동사 ...」에서 「주절의 주어와 동일한 주어 + be 동사」 생략

• 「what if (= what would happen if ) … ?」 ‘만약 …하면 어떻게 될까?’
• 「if any (= if there is any )」 ‘만약에 있다면’, ‘설령 있다 할지라도’
• 「if possible (= if it is possible )」 ‘가능하면’
• 「if necessary (= if it is necessary )」 ‘필요하면’

When (they are) working late, they drink a lot of coffee.
What (would happen) if you lost your passport while you were traveling in another
Most people in that country enjoyed few, if (there were) any, civil and political rights.

다음 각 문장에서 생략이 일어난 부분을 찾아 ∧로 표시하고, 생략된 어구에 밑줄을 그어 보자.

1 The groups which encourage individual members to think creatively will prosper,
whereas those which do not will fail.
2 A business manager should not be expected to perform the duties of a human
resources representative, nor a financial officer the job of a CEO.

다음 각 문장을 우리말로 해석해 보자.

3 What effects, if any, do the holes in the ozone layer have on global warming?
4 We can offer alternative solutions, if necessary, in order to keep costs to a minimum.
5 The manager believed that the new employee would be able to handle the
responsibility if given the opportunity.

정답 및 해설 p.46

1 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

When our ears hear a threatening sound approaching us, our brains make
us believe that the source of the sound will reach us sooner than it actually
will. In this way, our brains give us extra time to escape. Recently, however, 3

researchers have discovered that the length of the escape time our brains
provide depends on . When we are threatened
by approaching danger, those with weaker bodies are more likely to depend on 6

escape to survive. This is because they generally lack the strength to fight back.
Therefore, the weaker we are, the longer our escape time.

① our physical fitness

② our mental condition
③ the degree of danger
approach 다가오다, 접근하다
depend on 의지하다; *…에 ④ the loudness of the sound
달려 있다
strength 힘 ⑤ the possibility of survival

2 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?

Researchers recently studied the sleeping patterns of a colony of fire ants

① containing three queens, 30 workers and 30 larvae. A glass cover atop the
colony allowed them ② to be continuously filmed. The researchers found that 3

worker ants take approximately 250 short naps a day at irregular intervals,
③ with each one lasted about a minute. They also found, however, that queen
colony 식민지; *(개미·꿀벌
등의) 집단, 군생 ants sleep at regular intervals, usually at the same time and together. After they 6

larva 애벌레, 유충 (pl . larvae)

atop …의 꼭대기에
wake up, they separate. ④ While the workers averaged about four hours of sleep
irregular 불규칙적인 per day, the queens averaged more than nine. This may explain ⑤ why queens
interval 간격
average 평균하여 …하다 live for years and worker ants only live for months. 9

특수 구문의 질서를 익혀 두자 119

46 삽입구나 삽입절은 어려우면 건너뛰어라

삽입구의 앞뒤에는 보통 콤마(,)나 대시(—)가 함께 사용된다. 이렇게 삽입되어 쓰일 수 있는 어구는 부사구,

전치사구, 분사구문, 접속부사 등 매우 다양하다. 그러나 I think 나 it seems , I believe 와 같은 절은 흔히
콤마 없이 삽입되기도 한다. 특히 관계대명사 다음에 이러한 절이 나오고 이어서 동사가 온다면 삽입된
경우로 생각하자. 삽입구나 삽입절이 나오면 먼저 그 부분을 괄호로 묶어서 문장의 전체 구조를 이해한 후,
삽입된 부분의 뜻을 덧붙이는 것이 효과적이다.

New Zealand, [well known for its wonderful landscapes and wildlife], has many laws to
S 삽입구 V

protect nature.
We called him, we emailed him, and we went to his home — [ in short ], we did
everything we could to contact him.
They will choose the one that [ they think ] is most efficient.

다음 각 문장에서 삽입된 부분을 찾아 [ ]로 묶어 보자.

1 He is the candidate that I believe will win the election next year.
2 Most of the decisions people make are based on what they feel will be the best
3 Villagers in Cambodia have discovered a cow that they believe is sacred and can
bring luck to people.
4 Going to the park, whether with friends or family, is a fun way to spend the afternoon.
5 This infrasound, as a means of communication, has a special advantage: It can
travel a greater distance than higher-pitched noise.

정답 및 해설 p.47

3 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?

In the 1920s, a theory that the faster an animal’s metabolism is, the sooner
it dies, known as the rate-of-living theory, was first introduced. The basic
concept is that aging is caused by expending energy. In other words, the more 3

quickly you expend your energy, the shorter your life span becomes. An
experiment was conducted to test this theory. One group of mice was kept at
cold temperatures throughout their lives, while the other group was kept at 6

warm temperatures. According to the theory, the cold group, which had to
expend more energy to maintain body temperature, would have had shorter
life spans than the warm group. However, there was no significant difference 9

between the two groups, casting considerable doubt on the theory.

*metabolism: 신진대사

① 몸집이 작은 동물이 더 오래 산다.

rate *속도; 비율
② 체온은 수명과 밀접한 관련이 있다.
aging 노화 ③ 에너지 소비량과 수명은 상관관계가 없다.
life span 수명
maintain 유지하다 ④ 우연한 실수가 중요한 발견을 이끌기도 한다.
cast doubt on …에 의구심을
제기하다 ⑤ 가설과 실험 결과가 정반대로 나타나기도 한다.

4 Jungle Marathon에 관한 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?

Brazil’s Jungle Marathon, held in the Amazon rainforest every October, is

one of the world’s most challenging competitions. There are three races — a
42-kilometer marathon, a 127-kilometer four-stage race, and a 254-kilometer 3

six-stage race — that participants can choose from. The six-stage race is
clearly the most difficult, taking participants more than a week to complete.
The race course goes through swamps, across rivers and along beaches. Only 6

basic necessities such as shelter, first aid and drinking water are provided, so
the runners have to carry their own food and survival equipment. Despite its
difficulties and dangers, the event attracts athletes from around the world who 9

can’t resist the opportunity to compete in a beautiful natural environment.

challenging 도전적인, ① 매년 10월 개최된다.

도전 의식을 북돋우는
② 3가지의 코스 중에 선택할 수 있다.
competition 경쟁; *대회, 시합
participant 참가자 ③ 가장 긴 코스는 완주하는 데 일주일 이상 걸린다.
swamp 늪, 습지
first aid 응급 처치 ④ 마라톤 코스에는 늪과 강이 포함된다.
equipment 장비, 용품
resist 저항하다, 반대하다 ⑤ 참가자들에게는 경주하는 동안 식수와 음식이 제공된다.

특수 구문의 질서를 익혀 두자 121

47 동격 관계의 형태를 익혀 두자

명사(구)의 의미를 보충하거나 부가 설명하기 위해 다른 명사(상당어구)를 뒤에 두는 경우, 이 관계를 동격

관계라고 한다. 자주 쓰이는 형태들을 잘 익혀 두어 동격 관계를 파악할 수 있도록 하자.

• 「the belief [fact , thought , news ] that + 주어 + 동사」 ‘…라는 믿음[사실, 생각, 소식]’
• 「명사(상당어구) + 콤마(,) + 명사(상당어구)」 ‘~인 …’
• 「명사 + of + 명사(상당어구)」 ‘~라는 …’, ‘~한다는 …’

I was troubled by the thought that I might miss the bus and be late for the conference.

Nuts encourage the brain to release serotonin, a hormone that makes you feel good.

My sister is in the habit of looking at other people’s clothes.

밑줄 친 부분에 유의하여 다음 각 문장을 우리말로 해석해 보자.

1 The habit of biting one’s fingernails is hard to break.

2 Buying a house had been a big step for my parents, a sign of their growing wealth.
3 Some of this decline in newspaper reading has been due to the fact that we are
doing more of our newspaper reading online.
4 Tempted by fame, I told my art professor that I wanted to leave university to go to
Paris, the home of many well-known artists.

정답 및 해설 p.48

5 (A ), (B ), (C )의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장 적절한 것은?

U.S. presidents can be reelected, but most (A) offer / suffer scandals and
problems in their second term. This is often called the “second-term curse.”
For example, the Watergate scandal forced Nixon to resign, and Reagan 3

was accused of selling weapons to Iran. This happens because second-term

presidents can’t be reelected again and lack political strength. Therefore, they’re
more (B) favorable / vulnerable to opponents who want to investigate them. 6

The troubled history of these second-term presidents may (C) raise / decrease
the possibility that some future presidents might decide not to run for an
additional term! 9

(A) (B) (C)

① offer ······ favorable ······ raise
reelect 재선하다
term 용어; *임기
② offer ······ vulnerable ······ raise
resign 사임[사직]하다 ③ suffer ······ vulnerable ······ decrease
be accused of …로 비난을
받다 ④ suffer ······ favorable ······ decrease
investigate 조사[수사]하다
run for …에 입후보하다 ⑤ suffer ······ vulnerable ······ raise

6 James Harrison에 관한 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?

When Australian James Harrison was just 13, he underwent major surgery on
his lungs and required 13 liters of blood. He realized that donated blood had
saved his life, so he vowed to begin donating his own when he turned 18. He 3

kept his pledge, and doctors soon made a surprising discovery. Harrison’s blood
contains a rare antibody that can prevent Rh disease, a condition that occurs
when the blood types of a mother and her unborn child are incompatible. This 6

disease can lead to the child’s red blood cells being destroyed, causing brain
damage or even death. After learning this, Harrison agreed to take part in the
development of a vaccine that could be given to pregnant mothers at risk of Rh 9

disease. Since that time, he’s donated blood more than 1,000 times and saved
the lives of more than two million babies.

undergo (검열·수술을) 받다
lung 폐 ① 13세 때 폐 수술을 받으면서 수혈받았다.
vow 맹세[서약]하다
pledge 약속, 맹세, 서약
② 18세가 되면 헌혈을 하겠다는 맹세를 했다.
antibody 항체 ③ 혈액에 Rh 질환을 예방할 수 있는 항체가 있다.
unborn 아직 태어나지 않은,
태내의 ④ Rh 질환 위험에 있는 임신부용 백신을 직접 개발했다.
incompatible 양립할 수 없는
pregnant 임신한 ⑤ 1,000회 이상의 헌혈로 2백만 명 이상의 아기들을 구했다.

특수 구문의 질서를 익혀 두자 123

48 도치 구문의 주어와 동사를 찾아라

부정어(구), 부사(구), 보어 등의 특정 어구를 강조하기 위해 이를 문장 맨 앞으로 보내면, 뒤에 오는 주어와

동사의 어순은 종종 뒤바뀌게 된다. 이 경우 문장의 주어와 동사를 빨리 찾는 것이 빠른 독해의 지름길이다.
일반적으로 주어가 대명사일 경우에는 도치가 일어나지 않지만, 부정어(구)가 문두에 나오면 주어와 동사의
도치가 일어난다.

Never did I imagine that I would speak to such a large group.
부정어 V S

On the right side of the road stood a small house with a backyard.
부사구 V S

Long and cold are the winter nights in the lands of the north.
보어 V S

밑줄 친 부분에서 주어와 동사를 찾아 각각 S , V 로 표시해 보자.

1 Out of the dark came a vague voice: “Who’s there?”

2 No longer were the shores densely wooded, nor could I see any wildlife anywhere.

3 So impressive was the team’s record that no other team dared to challenge them.
4 No sooner had the budget been announced than it was criticized for being too high.
5 To the west of the mountain lies the largest stretch of old-growth forest in the nation.

정답 및 해설 p.48

7 The Eye 섬에 관한 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?

In the Parana Delta near Buenos Aires, Argentina is a small island called “The
Eye.” The island floats in the middle of a small lake, which is about 120 meters
in diameter. Interestingly, both the island and the lake are perfectly circular. 3

What’s more, the lake around which the island rotates is extremely cold and
clear — an unusual phenomenon for the area. So strange and mysterious is
the island that people have wondered if it occurred naturally or was created 6

by UFOs. An Argentinian film director Sergio Neuspiller, who accidentally

discovered the island, has been asking for donations to support an expedition to
the island. Currently, scientists are working on finding out how it was formed. 9

① 아르헨티나의 작은 호수에 있다.

② 섬과 섬을 둘러싼 호수 모두 완벽한 원형이다.
diameter 지름 ③ 섬을 둘러싼 호수의 물은 차갑고 맑다.
circular 원형의, 둥근
rotate 회전하다, 회전시키다 ④ 과학자 Sergio Neuspiller에 의해 발견되었다.
mysterious 불가사의한
expedition 탐험, 원정(대) ⑤ 형성 경위에 대한 연구가 진행되고 있다.

8 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은?

In medieval Europe, to keep track of what they ① owed, most people used what
is called a tally stick. This ② widespread practice served as a sort of credit card.
People made small notches on the side of a stick to show how much money 3

had been borrowed. Then, by ③ splitting the stick in half, both the creditor and
the debtor could keep a record. They later matched the sticks and made another
medieval 중세의 mark when the loan was repaid. One benefit of tally sticks was that they were 6
keep track of …을 기록하다
notch 급수, 등급; *표시 ④ easy to copy. Not only did each stick have a specific size, shape and texture,
creditor 채권자
debtor 채무자 but the two halves had to match perfectly. Tally sticks were especially common
loan 대출(금)
repay (빌린 돈을) 갚다 in England and were used to collect taxes for several centuries until 1826, when 9

abolish (법률·제도·조직을)
they were abolished. Finally, in 1834, the British government decided to burn
leftover 나머지의, 남은 all of the ⑤ leftover tally sticks in an underground furnace, which resulted in a
furnace 용광로
massive 거대한; *대규모의 massive fire. 12

특수 구문의 질서를 익혀 두자 125

정답 및 해설 p.49

A 네모 안에서 어법상 올바른 것을 고르시오.

1 Rarely are / do we have a chance to think about life.

2 When writing / written , don’t worry about what the reader will think.
3 Most helpful to the calm and peaceful atmosphere that a two-year-old girl needs
is / are the love of her mother.
4 Hiring, they believe, is / are not about finding people with the right experience;
it’s about finding people with the right attitude.
5 James Cook, the owner of two supermarkets, want / wants to shut down one of
his stores because of financial difficulties.

B 다음 문장의 밑줄 친 부분을 바르게 고쳐 쓰시오.

1 No sooner I had returned home than it began to rain.

2 I do not agree with the idea what success is a matter of luck.
3 Not until the wound on my foot had healed I could go swimming.
4 A nine-year-old girl was injured this morning when hitting by a car.
5 ADHD, one of the most common mental disorders, affect adults as well as children.
6 People will be willing to come forward if they have information that they believe are
related to the case.

C 다음 문장의 괄호 안에 제시된 단어들을 바르게 배열하시오.

1 (stood, on the sidewalk, an old woman) named Susan.

2 So (that, was, the movie star, arrogant) he told everyone what to do.
3 Never (I, had, that, imagined) he could have survived the terrible accident.
4 Hardly (anything, she, could, eat) because of her severe stomachache.
5 Not only (we, in Rome, visit, did, many places), but we also learned the city’s




정답 및 해설 p.50

다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?

Imagine that you decided to subscribe to a popular magazine. There are three offers

listed on its website. The first is an online-only subscription for $50 a year. The second
is a print-only subscription for $90. But the third offer is quite surprising. For the same 3

price of $90, you can get an “online and print” subscription. At first you might think it
doesn’t make any sense. B
But the marketer’s strategy is to get you to buy the online
and print subscription rather than the cheaper online-only one. Since consumers judge 6

prices on their comparative value, the third option seems to have a real advantage in
relation to the first two. Therefore, it comes across as the logical choice.

① 기업들이 소비자들의 충동구매를 조장하고 있다.

② 소비자들은 합리적이기보다는 감성적인 판단을 한다.
③ 결합 상품의 증가가 소비자들의 제품 선택을 제한한다.
④ 소비자들은 최초로 접한 제품을 구매하는 경향이 있다.
⑤ 소비자들은 상대적인 가치에 기반하여 제품을 구매한다.

A 밑줄 친 three offers 를 수식하는 부분을 [ ]로 묶은 후, 문장을 해석하시오.

There are three offers listed on its website.

B 문장의 주어, 동사, 주격보어에 각각 밑줄을 긋고 S , V , SC 로 표시한 후, 문장을 해석하시오.

But the marketer’s strategy is to get you to buy the online and print subscription rather
than the cheaper online-only one.

1 subscribe 구독하다 (n . subscription 구독) offer 제안; (금전적) 제의 make sense 의미가 통하다, 말이 되다 strategy
전략 comparative 비교의; *상대적인 in relation to …에 관하여; *…와 비교하여 come across as …라는 인상을 주다
logical 논리적인

2 National Book Festival에 관한 다음 안내문의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?

National Book Festival

We invite you to attend the 17th annual National Book Festival! Along with having
a chance to purchase hundreds of books, you will be able to listen to dozens of 3

authors, illustrators and poets speak at the Author Stages. Many exciting activities
and programs are prepared for family attendees. And a special guidebook for
children is now available at our website. All these are provided for free for anyone 6

who wants to join us.

• Date: Saturday, September 2

• Hours: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. 9

• Place: Washington Convention Center

To attend the special program at Expo Hall, you must register at the festival.

For further information, please visit our website at www.bookfest.org. 12

① 올해로 17번째 개최되는 행사이다.

② 저자와 삽화가들의 강의를 들을 수 있다.
③ 아이들을 위한 가이드북은 웹사이트에 있다.
④ 누구나 무료로 입장이 가능하다.
⑤ Expo Hall에서 열리는 프로그램 참석은 온라인 신청이 필요하다.

A 문장의 주어와 동사에 각각 밑줄을 긋고 S 와 V 로 표시한 후, 문장을 해석하시오.

To attend the special program at Expo Hall, you must register at the festival.

2 purchase 구입[구매]하다 dozens of 수십의, 많은 illustrator 삽화가 attendee 참석자 register 등록하다 further 더
이상의, 추가의

MINI TEST 1회 129

다음 글에서 필자가 주장하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?

In the past, news reporters were usually very diligent about identifying the sources
of information they presented. Recently, though, I’ve noticed a troubling trend.
Reporters seem to be neglecting their duties to the public, choosing to keep their 3

sources anonymous. Of course, in some cases this is called for, such as when quoting a
whistleblower about corruption in his or her organization. National security stories may
also require a source to remain anonymous. But I’m talking about general, everyday 6

news stories in which the sources of statements and information aren’t provided.
Today’s reporters overuse phrases like “Experts say ...” and “According to politicians
....” I want to know who the experts and the politicians are. B
If I’m going to believe 9

something I read in the newspaper, I need to know who said it.

① 뉴스 정보원을 익명화하는 경향은 바람직하지 않다.

② 기사 작성 시 기자의 주관적인 의견은 배제해야 한다.
③ 부정부패 관련 기사에서는 정보원의 실명을 밝혀야 한다.
④ 뉴스의 객관성을 위해 전문가 집단의 조언을 들어야 한다.
⑤ 기자들은 정보원의 신변 보호에 좀 더 주의를 기울여야 한다.

A 분사구문을 찾아 [ ]로 묶은 후, 문장을 해석하시오.

Reporters seem to be neglecting their duties to the public, choosing to keep their
sources anonymous.

B 밑줄 친 something 을 수식하는 관계사절을 [ ]로 묶은 후, 문장을 해석하시오.

If I’m going to believe something I read in the newspaper, I need to know who said it.

3 identify 확인하다; *밝히다 neglect 무시하다; *소홀히 하다 anonymous 익명의 call for …을 필요로 하다 quote 인용하다
whistleblower 내부 고발자 corruption 타락; *부정행위, 부패 security 안전; *안보 statement 진술 overuse 과도하게
쓰다, 남용하다

다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A ), (B )에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

Progesterone, a hormone found in women, reduces stress and anxiety and
facilitates social bonding. A recent experiment demonstrated that engaging in social
activities such as talking can increase the levels of progesterone in women. First, 3

the subjects were divided into two groups. Next, members of the first group were
directed to ask each other questions in order to get to know one another. The other
group’s members were assigned the individual task of editing an essay on botany. 6

After 20 minutes of these activities, the progesterone levels of all the subjects were
measured. Compared to their hormone levels prior to the experiment, those in the
first group showed either stability or an increase, while those in the second group 9

actually showed a decline in progesterone.

Research shows that women who engage in (A) with a partner tend to
feel more (B) .

*progesterone: 프로게스테론, 황체 호르몬

(A) (B)
① friendly chats ······ stressed
② friendly chats ······ anxious
③ friendly chats ······ relaxed
④ difficult assignments ······ worried
⑤ difficult assignments ······ comfortable

A 밑줄 친 Progesterone 을 설명하는 동격어구를 [ ]로 묶은 후, 문장을 해석하시오.

Progesterone, a hormone found in women, reduces stress and anxiety and facilitates
social bonding.

4 facilitate 용이하게 하다; *촉진하다 bonding 유대 engage in …에 종사하다; *…에 관여[참여]하다 subject 주제; 대상;
*피실험자 assign 할당하다 (n . assignment 과제) botany 식물학 stability 안정(성); *부동, 불변(성)

MINI TEST 1회 131

정답 및 해설 p.51

다음 글에 드러난 ‘I ’의 심경 변화로 가장 적절한 것은?

I finally got my first part in a movie, and I went to the hairdresser’s in a light mood.
I loved feeling the summer breeze blow through my long, straight hair. But I knew I
had to get it curled and cut short to play my character in the movie. When I told my 3

hairdresser what I wanted to do, he was surprised but said okay. I didn’t tell him the
reason for the new hairdo because I wanted to keep the big news of my first-ever movie
role a secret before the first shooting began. I sat eagerly flipping through the dog-eared 6

pages of the movie script and studying my lines. Suddenly, my phone rang. It was the
director. “Sorry, Julia. The project’s been canceled.” A
The hairdresser held up a mirror
for me to see my short, curly hair, but all I wanted was to cry. 9

① scared → frustrated ② pleased → frightened

③ depressed → relieved ④ excited → disappointed
⑤ indifferent → interested

A [ ]로 묶인 절에서 to부정사구는 { }로 묶고 to부정사의 의미상 주어를 나타내는 부분에 밑줄을 그은 후,

문장을 해석하시오.
[The hairdresser held up a mirror for me to see my short, curly hair], but all I wanted was
to cry.

1 curl (머리털을) 곱슬곱슬하게 하다 (a . curly 곱슬곱슬한) hairdo 머리 모양, 헤어스타일 shooting 사격; *(영화) 촬영 flip
through (책장을) 휙휙 넘기다 dog-eared 페이지의 모서리가 접힌 line 선; *대사 [문제] indifferent 무관심한

다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?

According to a study, traffic tickets are sometimes used by local governments to make
up for a lack of funds. ① After studying 14 years of data, the researchers found that the
number of traffic tickets issued would generally go up the year after there was a drop 3

in revenue. ② As tax revenues declined, local governments were often forced to lay off
employees. ③ A
The researchers came up with the formula that a revenue drop of 1%
equaled a 0.32% increase in traffic tickets the next year. ④ B
Many drivers may have 6

already suspected that road safety wasn’t always the only motivation behind a police
officer’s decision to give a ticket. ⑤ And now this study seems to confirm that belief.

A 밑줄 친 the formula 를 설명하는 동격절을 [ ]로 묶은 후, 문장을 해석하시오.

The researchers came up with the formula that a revenue drop of 1% equaled a 0.32%
increase in traffic tickets the next year.

B 문장의 목적어절을 [ ]로 묶고, 밑줄 친 a police officer ’s decision 을 수식하는 부분을 { }로 묶은 후,

문장을 해석하시오.
Many drivers may have already suspected that road safety wasn’t always the only
motivation behind a police officer’s decision to give a ticket.

2 traffic ticket 교통 위반 딱지 make up for …을 보상하다, 보충하다 fund ((pl .)) 자금, 재원 issue 발행하다 revenue
(정부·기관의) 수익, 세입 lay off 해고하다 come up with 찾아내다, 내놓다 formula 방식; *공식 equal …에 해당하다
suspect 의심하다 motivation 자극; *동기 부여 confirm 확인하다, 확증하다

MINI TEST 2회 133

3~4 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.

It is likely that astronauts will travel to Mars sometime in the near future.
Because the average distance between Mars and Earth is about 225 million
kilometers, the entire journey will probably take two years or longer. Therefore, 3

is a major challenge. A
With this in mind,
scientists are looking for ways to allow astronauts to extend their food supply by
growing crops. This is an attractive solution because seeds would take up far less 6

storage space on a spacecraft than packaged meals. Once the astronauts arrived at
their destination, they could set up special gardens and plant the seeds.
NASA, in fact, has already been conducting experiments to find out what might 9

grow on Mars. One big difference between Mars and Earth is the soil. On Mars, the
soil is mostly made up of crushed rocks, so it has few or no nutrients. B
NASA used
crushed volcanic rock from Hawaii, which also contains few nutrients, for their 12

test garden and found that they could grow lettuce. Although the lettuce had weak
roots and took a long time to grow, it tasted normal. They plan on trying a number
of different vegetables next, to find out how long they would take to grow on Mars. 15

The information they are learning now is likely to be very valuable in the future.

윗글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?

① Mars: Did It Once Have Plants?

② Why Seeds Grow Faster in Space
③ Using Space Soil on Earth’s Farms
④ The Link between Mars and Hawaii
⑤ Will Future Astronauts Be Farmers?

윗글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

① deciding which planet to travel to next

② building a spaceship that is large enough
③ learning about conditions on Mars’ surface
④ providing the astronauts with enough to eat
⑤ choosing the scientists who will be involved

A 밑줄 친 ways 를 수식하는 부분을 [ ]로 묶은 후, 문장을 해석하시오.

With this in mind, scientists are looking for ways to allow astronauts to extend their food
supply by growing crops.

B 문장에서 등위접속사로 연결된 어구를 각각 [ ]로 묶은 후, 문장을 해석하시오.

NASA used crushed volcanic rock from Hawaii, which also contains few nutrients, for
their test garden and found that they could grow lettuce.

3~4 extend 더 길게[크게/넓게] 만들다 supply 공급, 비축(량) take up (시간·공간을) 차지하다, 쓰다 storage 저장, 보관
destination 목적지, 도착지 nutrient 영양소, 영양분 volcanic 화산의, 화산 작용에 의해 만들어진 [문제] link 관련(성), 관계

MINI TEST 2회 135

정답 및 해설 p.53

1 cockpit에 관한 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?

The term “cockpit” originally referred to an actual pit in the ground, where trained
roosters, also called “cocks,” would fight one another. This brutal practice, known as
cockfighting, originated in ancient China and eventually spread to Europe. B
By the 3

16th century, the word “cockpit” was being used in the English language. In the 1700s,
people began to use it to describe any area where combat took place, such as traditional
battlefields. Later, during World War I, pilots adopted the term to describe the small, 6

uncomfortable area in their fighter planes in which they were confined. In modern
English, a “cockpit” refers to the area of an airplane used by the pilots and flight crew.
Although today’s cockpits are much larger and more luxurious than in the past, the 9

word is still commonly used.

① 처음에는 투계장을 가리키는 용어였다.

② 1500년대에 영어에서 사용되고 있었다.
③ 18세기에는 전쟁터를 가리키는 의미로 사용되었다.
④ 제1차 세계 대전 때 전투기를 일컫는 말로 쓰였다.
⑤ 오늘날에는 조종사와 승무원들이 사용하는 비행기의 구역을 가리킨다.

A 밑줄 친 an actual pit 을 부연 설명하는 관계사절을 찾아 [ ]로 묶은 후, 문장을 해석하시오.

The term “cockpit” originally referred to an actual pit in the ground, where trained
roosters, also called “cocks,” would fight one another.

B 과거진행형 수동태에 밑줄을 그은 후, 문장을 해석하시오.

By the 16th century, the word “cockpit” was being used in the English language.

1 pit 구덩이 rooster 수탉 cock 수탉 brutal 잔인한, 야만적인 practice 실행; *관행 cockfighting 닭싸움 originate
시작되다, 유래하다 combat 전투 adopt 채택하다; *차용하다 confine 한정하다; *(좁은 장소나 폐쇄된 곳에) 넣다, 가두다
flight crew 비행기 승무원 luxurious 호화로운; *아주 편안한

(A ), (B ), (C )의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장 적절한 것은?

Clever and cute, cats are beloved by people around the world. A
That’s why, in the
1960s, the CIA decided they would make perfect spies. Who would (A) suspect /
suspend a cat of working for the government? After choosing a female cat, doctors 3

placed a tiny transmitter in her chest, along with a microphone in her ear and an antenna
running along her backbone. Performing the operation was not that difficult. B
But then
came the hard part—training the cat. Anyone who has ever owned a cat knows how 6

(B) obedient / stubborn they are! However, after five years of training, the CIA
concluded their animal agent was ready. So, they sent her to record a conversation
between two men from the Soviet Union. Sadly, the cat was hit by a passing taxi after 9

taking only a few steps. The experiment was a total (C) failure / success !

(A) (B) (C)

① suspect ······ obedient ······ failure
② suspect ······ stubborn ······ failure
③ suspect ······ stubborn ······ success
④ suspend ······ obedient ······ failure
⑤ suspend ······ stubborn ······ success

A [ ]로 묶인 절에서 목적어를 찾아 밑줄을 그은 후, 문장을 해석하시오.

That’s why, [in the 1960s, the CIA decided they would make perfect spies].

B 문장의 주어와 동사에 각각 밑줄을 긋고 S 와 V 로 표시한 후, 문장을 해석하시오.

But then came the hard part — training the cat.

2 beloved 사랑받는 suspend 매달다, 걸다; 중지하다 along with …와 함께 backbone 척추 operation 수술 own
소유하다 obedient 순종적인, 복종하는 stubborn 완고한, 고집 센 agent 대리인; *첩보원

MINI TEST 3회 137

다음 도표의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?

Percentage of Volunteers Who Did Specific Activities on an Average Day


12 10.9 11.2 11.3
10.2 10.3
5.2 5.9 Men
Teaching and Working with Cleaning and Food Organizing
counseling the elderly maintenance work preparation community events

The above graph shows the types of activities selected by volunteers, based on data
provided by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. ① Teaching and counseling was the
most common type of activity among men, while women were most likely to work with 3

the elderly. ② Cleaning and maintenance work was the least common type of activity
among women, performed by slightly more than five percent of female volunteers.
③ Nearly twice the percentage of men, on the other hand, took part in cleaning and 6

maintenance work activities. ④ The smallest percentage of men participated in activities

that involved food preparation, and this number was less than half the percentage of
women. ⑤ The final category, organizing community events, was selected by roughly 9

the same percentage of men and women.

A 밑줄 친 the types of activities 와 data 를 수식하는 부분을 각각 [ ]로 묶은 후, 문장을 해석하시오.

The above graph shows the types of activities selected by volunteers, based on data
provided by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

3 bureau (미국 정부의) 부서, 국 counsel 상담하다, 조언하다 maintenance 유지, 보수 관리 perform 수행하다 participate
in …에 참가[참여]하다 involve 포함[수반]하다; *관련시키다 preparation 준비

다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

Dr. Viktor Emil Frankl was an Austrian psychiatrist who thought that feeling emotional
pain is a natural part of life but that it was important to remember that humans have the
ability to choose how to respond to situations. But most importantly, he believed that 3

our main motivation in life is the search for meaning. According to Frankl, in order to
find this meaning in their lives, people have to .
For example, Frankl was helping a man who was severely depressed after his wife’s 6

death. So he asked the man to think about what would have happened if he had died
first and his wife had been forced to live without him. The man realized his own grief
and pain meant that his wife did not have to experience what he was going through. 9

This helped end his depression.

① look towards the future and forget about the past

② change their attitude toward unavoidable suffering
③ stop worrying about others and focus on themselves
④ figure out what makes them happy and what does not
⑤ give up their freedom by accepting more responsibility

A 밑줄 친 an Austrian psychiatrist 를 수식하는 관계사절을 찾아 [ ]로 묶고, 그 안에서 접속사로 병렬

연결된 두 개의 절을 각각 { }로 묶은 후, 문장을 해석하시오.
Dr. Viktor Emil Frankl was an Austrian psychiatrist who thought that feeling emotional
pain is a natural part of life but that it was important to remember that humans have the
ability to choose how to respond to situations.

4 psychiatrist 정신과 의사 respond 대답하다; *대응[반응]하다 depressed 우울한, 우울증을 앓는 grief (특히 누구의
죽음으로 인한) 비탄, 비통 go through 겪다, 경험하다 [문제] look towards …쪽으로 향하다[기울다]; *…을 생각하다 attitude
태도, 자세, 사고방식 unavoidable 불가피한, 어쩔 수 없는 figure out …을 이해하다, 알아내다

MINI TEST 3회 139

정답 및 해설 p.54

다음 글의 상황에 나타난 분위기로 가장 적절한 것은?

The rain fell in heavy drops that made a loud slapping sound as they struck the
windshield. The night sky was black with thunderclouds, but frequent bolts of lightning
illuminated the highway. The car began to shake from the 40 mph gusts of wind, and 3

visibility was very poor. The only thing Jack could do was peer at the road in front of
him and try to stay in his lane of the narrow highway, away from the cars zipping by in
the opposite direction. B
In the car with him was his young son Tony, gripping his seat 6

belt in terror and praying his father could get them home safely.

① sad ② tense
③ exciting ④ pleasant
⑤ mysterious

A 밑줄 친 heavy drops 를 수식하는 관계사절을 찾아 [ ]로 묶은 후, 문장을 해석하시오.

The rain fell in heavy drops that made a loud slapping sound as they struck the

B [ ]로 묶인 절에서 주어와 동사에 각각 밑줄을 긋고 S 와 V 로 표시한 후, 문장을 해석하시오.

[In the car with him was his young son Tony], gripping his seat belt in terror and praying
his father could get them home safely.

1 slap 찰싹 때리다 windshield (자동차의) 앞유리 thundercloud 뇌운(雷雲) illuminate (…에 불을) 밝히다, 밝게 하다
gust 돌풍, 질풍 visibility 눈에 보임; *시야 peer 자세히 들여다보다, 응시하다 lane 도로, 길; *차선 zip by 빠르게 지나가다
grip 꽉 잡다, 움켜쥐다 pray 기도하다

다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A ), (B )에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

A long-term study was conducted to compare the effects of sign language and
verbal language on the development of infants. The researchers began by dividing
11-month-old babies into two groups. The first was taught simple sign language, 3

while the second received only verbal training. Interestingly, the speaking skills
of the signing group developed more rapidly than those of the group given verbal
training. This gap continued to grow over time: A By the age of two, the verbal skills 6

of the signers were three months ahead of those of the non-signers. Afterwards, the
two groups grew closer in terms of ability, but the signers remained more advanced
up to the age of three. These results suggest that sign language has the potential 9

to be used in early infant education. It can also help parents communicate more
effectively with their infants, allowing them to better understand and respond to
their needs. 12

Research shows that sign language can both increase the rate of (A)
development in infants and strengthen the (B) between parent and child.

(A) (B) (A)

① physical ······ trust ② mental ······ tension
③ social ······ relationship ④ visual ······ cooperation
⑤ verbal ······ communication

A 밑줄 친 those 가 가리키는 말을 찾아 [ ]로 묶은 후, 문장을 해석하시오.

By the age of two, the verbal skills of the signers were three months ahead of those of
the non-signers.

2 sign language 몸짓 언어, 수화 verbal 언어[말]의 infant 유아, 아기 gap 격차, 차이 ahead of … 앞에; *…보다 앞선 in
terms of … 면에서, …에 관하여 advanced 진보한, 발달한 potential 가능성, 잠재력 strengthen 강화하다 [문제] tension
긴장 cooperation 협력, 협동

MINI TEST 4회 141

3~5 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.


In December 1938, a British stockbroker named Nicholas Winton got a call

from a friend who was working with refugees in Czechoslovakia. When
(a) he invited Winton to visit the refugee camps, Winton accepted. A
Arriving in 3

Czechoslovakia, (b) he was stunned by the poor living conditions of the refugees,
most of whom were Jewish families fleeing the Nazis. Realizing that war could
break out at any moment, Winton knew something had to be done. 6


Surprisingly, few people knew of (c) his amazing efforts for many years after the
war had ended. In fact, it was not until nearly 50 years after the first transport,
when Winton’s wife found a scrapbook with information about the project, that 9

the general public found out. After this, Winton finally received recognition for
his brave work and was even made a knight by Queen Elizabeth II.

He had heard of rescue efforts to bring Jewish children to Britain and find homes 12

for them, so (d) he decided to do the same. Winton began taking applications from
the refugee parents, working alone at first. But the project quickly expanded, with
thousands of parents lining up outside the office he established in Prague. Next, 15

Winton returned to London to raise money and find British families who would take
care of the children. By day, he continued to work as a stockbroker, while devoting
his evenings to the project. 18


The first group of children was finally transported to London by plane just one day
before the Nazis invaded Czechoslovakia. Winton went on to organize the departure
of seven more groups of children, who were brought to the coast by train and then 21

to Britain by ship. However, when the Nazi’s invasion of Poland began World War
II, Europe’s borders were closed and (e) his rescue project was forced to come to an
end. 24

주어진 글 (A )에 이어질 내용을 순서에 맞게 배열한 것으로 가장 적절한 것은?

① (B) – (C) – (D) ② (B) – (D) – (C)

③ (C) – (B) – (D) ④ (C) – (D) – (B)
⑤ (D) – (C) – (B)

밑줄 친 (a ) ~ (e ) 중에서 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은?

① (a) ② (b) ③ (c) ④ (d) ⑤ (e)

윗글의 Nicholas Winton 에 관한 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?

① 체코에 있는 난민 캠프를 방문했다.

② 50년 가까이 그의 업적은 세상에 알려지지 않았다.
③ 난민 아동을 위해 기금을 모으고 위탁 가정을 찾아 다녔다.
④ 낮에는 계속 증권 중개인으로 일했다.
⑤ 아이들을 처음 수송하는 데에는 기차를 사용했다.

A 분사구문을 찾아 [ ]로 묶고 밑줄 친 whom 의 선행사를 찾아 { }로 묶은 후, 문장을 해석하시오.

Arriving in Czechoslovakia, he was stunned by the poor living conditions of the refugees,
most of whom were Jewish families fleeing the Nazis.

B 밑줄 친 rescue efforts 를 수식하는 부분을 [ ]로 묶은 후, 문장을 해석하시오.

He had heard of rescue efforts to bring Jewish children to Britain and find homes for
them, so he decided to do the same.

3~5 stockbroker 증권 중개인 refugee 난민, 망명자 stun 기절시키다; *망연자실하게 하다 flee 달아나다, 도망하다 transport
수송; 수송하다 recognition (공로 등에 대한) 인정, 표창 rescue 구출, 구조 application 지원, 신청(서) expand
확대[확장/팽창]되다 devote (…에) 바치다, 쏟다 invade 침입[침략]하다, 쳐들어가다[오다] (n . invasion 침략, 침입) go on
to …으로 나아가다, 계속해서 …을 하다 departure 떠남, 출발 come to an end 끝나다

MINI TEST 4회 143

정답 및 해설 p.56

밑줄 친 he[him] 가 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은?

“The Man in the Iron Mask” is a fictional character in books and films. But he was
also a real person; A
King Louis XIV of France had ① him imprisoned during the 17th
century. His true identity is unknown because he was forced to wear a mask, which was 3

actually made of black velvet, not iron. The first record of the prisoner comes from a
letter written in 1669, which instructed the head of the prison to keep ② him in a cell
with multiple doors in order to make sure he could not be heard. The prisoner himself 6

was warned that he would be killed if ③ he spoke to anyone unnecessarily. B

The head
of the prison was the only person allowed to interact with the prisoner, but ④ he visited
him only to bring meals. When the prisoner finally died in 1703, all his possessions 9

were destroyed to ensure nobody would ever know who ⑤ he was.

A 문장의 동사, 목적어, 목적격보어에 각각 밑줄을 긋고 V , O , OC 로 표시한 후, 문장을 해석하시오.

King Louis XIV of France had him imprisoned during the 17th century.

B 밑줄 친 the only person 을 수식하는 부분을 찾아 [ ]로 묶은 후, 문장을 해석하시오.

The head of the prison was the only person allowed to interact with the prisoner, but he
visited him only to bring meals.

1 fictional *허구의; 소설의 imprison 투옥하다, 감금하다 instruct *지시하다; 가르치다 multiple *많은, 다수의; 다양한,
복합적인 unnecessarily 불필요하게 interact 소통[교류]하다 possession pl . 소유물, 소지품

2 Pamukkale에 관한 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?

Pamukkale is an amazing natural site located in southwestern Turkey. Its name means
“cotton castle” in Turkish, A
and it is home to numerous hot springs and travertine
terraces made up of minerals left behind by the flowing water. This phenomenon began 3

when earthquakes created fractures in the ground thousands of years ago. Powerful
underground hot springs rose up through these cracks, bringing mineral-rich water to
the earth’s surface. When this water evaporated, it left behind calcium carbonate that 6

slowly built up in layers, like stalactites in a cave. A town called Hierapolis, meaning
“Holy City,” was later built above the site by the Greeks, who believed the milky waters
had healing powers. Pamukkale is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and its pools 9

have been partly closed off to prevent damage.

*travertine terrace: 석회화단구 **stalactite: 종유석

① 터키 남서부에 위치한 자연 지대이다.

② 무수히 많은 온천과 석회화단구들이 있다.
③ 지진으로 인해 땅에 균열이 생기면서 형성되기 시작했다.
④ 그리스인들에 의해 ‘성스러운 도시’라는 의미의 마을이 건설되었다.
⑤ 유네스코 세계 문화유산 지정을 위해 관광객의 출입을 금하고 있다.

A 밑줄 친 hot springs and travertine terraces 를 수식하는 부분은 [ ]로, minerals 를 수식하는 부분은
{ }로 묶은 후, 문장을 해석하시오.
…, and it is home to numerous hot springs and travertine terraces made up of minerals
left behind by the flowing water.

2 cotton 면, 목화 hot spring 온천 mineral 광물; *미네랄 phenomenon 현상 fracture 균열, 금 crack 갈라진 금, 틈
surface 표면 evaporate 증발하다 calcium carbonate 탄산칼슘 holy 신성한 healing 치료하는, 치료의 heritage
(국가·사회의) 유산 close off 폐쇄하다

MINI TEST 5회 145

(A ), (B ), (C )의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것은?

When you use a tool, your brain thinks of it as an actual extension of your body. One
experiment demonstrated that after performing tasks with a long mechanical grabber,
people behaved as if their arm (A) were / had been longer. A
This may seem strange, 3

but it’s a phenomenon you experience each day. For example, when you brushed your
teeth this morning, you didn’t have to look at your mouth or your arm, because your
brain has fully incorporated the idea of the toothbrush with that of your arm. Therefore, 6

if you were to change toothbrushes, you might find the task of brushing a bit more
(B) difficult / difficultly . This is because it would take your brain a moment
(C) processing / to process the new tool’s characteristics. 9

(A) (B) (C)

① were ······ difficult ······ processing
② had been ······ difficult ······ processing
③ had been ······ difficultly ······ to process
④ were ······ difficultly ······ to process
⑤ were ······ difficult ······ to process

A 밑줄 친 a phenomenon 을 수식하는 부분을 찾아 [ ]로 묶은 후, 문장을 해석하시오.

This may seem strange, but it’s a phenomenon you experience each day.

3 extension 연장, 확장; *연장[확장] 부분 task 일, 과제 mechanical 기계의; *기계 장치의 grabber 부여잡는 것[사람]
incorporate 법인으로 만들다; *통합시키다 process 과정, 절차; *처리하다 characteristic 특징, 특질

다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?

Have you ever walked through a city on a windy day? If you have, you probably
noticed that the wind was stronger near tall buildings. This is called the “downdraught
effect.” Generally, the higher you go, the stronger the winds are. A
When strong winds 3

high above the ground hit a tall building, they can’t go through it. Instead, they go up,
down or around the sides of the building. The wind that shoots down to the ground
then blows strongly at street level. B
Having several tall buildings near one another can 6

also increase wind speeds. This is due to the “channeling effect,” which occurs when
the wind blows through the narrow spaces between the buildings. It’s similar to water
flowing in a river—the narrower the space, the faster it moves. 9

① the relationship between water and wind

② the problems caused by narrow buildings
③ important safety features of tall buildings
④ the reasons for high winds in urban areas
⑤ how cities are designed to decrease winds

A 부사절의 주어와 동사에 각각 밑줄을 긋고 S 와 V 로 표시한 후, 문장을 해석하시오.

When strong winds high above the ground hit a tall building, they can’t go through it.

B 문장의 주어와 동사에 각각 밑줄을 긋고 S 와 V 로 표시한 후, 문장을 해석하시오.

Having several tall buildings near one another can also increase wind speeds.

4 downdraught 하강 기류, 하향 통풍 shoot (총 등을) 쏘다; *휙 움직이다 narrow 좁은 be similar to …와 비슷하다

[문제] urban 도시의 decrease 줄이다, 감소시키다

MINI TEST 5회 147

정답 및 해설 p.57

다음 글의 빈칸 (A ), (B )에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

In 1941, Disney made Dumbo, a short, animated film about a baby elephant who could
use his giant ears to fly. The movie was made at an important time for the company.
Disney had wanted its previous animated film, Fantasia, to become a yearly series. 3

However, Fantasia did not become popular and was, rather, a very expensive failure.
(A) , Disney decided to make Dumbo to recover some of the losses. Dumbo,
based on a short story, was made simply and inexpensively. At 64 minutes, the film was 6

one of Disney’s shortest animated features. Without a large budget, the animators didn’t
need to spend much time on detailed backgrounds. (B) , the acting became
central to the film, and the animators focused on making the characters appealing. 9

Today, Dumbo is recognized as an outstanding example of American animation.

(A) (B)
① In addition ······ However
② In addition ······ Instead
③ As a result ······ Instead
④ As a result ······ Otherwise
⑤ Therefore ······ Otherwise

A 문장의 주어와 동사, 목적어, 목적격보어에 각각 밑줄을 긋고 S , V , O , OC 로 표시한 후, 문장을

Disney had wanted its previous animated film, Fantasia, to become a yearly series.

1 animated 활기찬; *만화 영화로 된 previous 이전의; *바로 앞의 recover 회복되다; *되찾다, 만회하다 loss 분실; *손실
feature 특징; 특집; *영화 budget 예산 animator 만화 영화 제작자 detailed 상세한 background 배경 central
중심이 되는, 가장 중요한 appealing 매력적인, 흥미로운 recognize 알아보다; *인정하다 outstanding 뛰어난

주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?

Stamped bottle stoppers from Mesopotamia may be the oldest evidence of product
branding ever found.

(A) At first, such stoppers were not necessary. Rural Mesopotamians made food and 3

drinks, and they traded these goods directly with others. There were no problems
because people knew the producers personally.

(B) A
These seals let consumers know they were getting high-quality products. 6

Gradually, the stamps of skilled producers became recognizable, and the concept of
product branding was born.

(C) As rural villages transformed into big cities, however, the origins of products 9

became harder to determine. B

This is when personalized stone seals were first
created for producers of food and drinks.

① (A) – (B) – (C) ② (A) – (C) – (B) ③ (B) – (A) – (C)

④ (B) – (C) – (A) ⑤ (C) – (A) – (B)

A 밑줄 친 let 의 목적격보어로 쓰인 동사를 찾아 밑줄을 긋고, 문장을 해석하시오.

These seals let consumers know they were getting high-quality products.

B 문장에서 시간을 나타내는 관계사절을 찾아 [ ]로 묶은 후, 문장을 해석하시오.

This is when personalized stone seals were first created for producers of food and

2 stamp (발을) 구르다; *(도장·스탬프 등을) 찍다; 스탬프, 도장 bottle stopper 병마개 evidence 증거; *흔적 rural
시골의 seal *인장; 봉인 consumer 소비자 high -quality 고급의 recognizable (쉽게) 알[알아볼] 수 있는 transform
변형시키다; 바뀌다, 변화하다 personalize 개인화하다; *…에 자기의 이름을 넣다

MINI TEST 6회 149

(A ), (B ), (C )의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장 적절한 것은?

When people get angry and behave rudely on a passenger airplane, it is known as
air rage. A
Unlike similar situations that occur on land, air rage can be extremely
problematic. Airplanes travel at (A) altitudes / attitudes where the air pressure can 3

affect people’s mental state. B

This becomes worse when they are under the influence
of medication or alcohol, sometimes causing them to behave violently. Unfortunately,
the airplane’s crew can’t ask the (B) defending / offending passenger to leave, and 6

an emergency landing is seldom a practical solution. Furthermore, there is generally

(C) sufficient / insufficient space to hold an angry passenger in isolation until the plane
reaches its destination. 9

(A) (B) (C)

① altitudes ······ defending ······ sufficient
② altitudes ······ offending ······ sufficient
③ altitudes ······ offending ······ insufficient
④ attitudes ······ defending ······ sufficient
⑤ attitudes ······ offending ······ insufficient

A 밑줄 친 similar situations 를 수식하는 부분을 찾아 [ ]로 묶은 후, 문장을 해석하시오.

Unlike similar situations that occur on land, air rage can be extremely problematic.

B 분사구문을 찾아 [ ]로 묶은 후, 문장을 해석하시오.

This becomes worse when they are under the influence of medication or alcohol,
sometimes causing them to behave violently.

3 air rage 기내 난동 problematic 문제가 있는; *해결하기 어려운 altitude *고도; 고지 mental state 정신 상태 medication
*약물; 약물 치료 violently 난폭하게, 폭력적으로 defend 방어하다; 옹호하다 offend 기분을 상하게 하다; (규칙 등을)
위반하다 emergency landing 비상 착륙 practical 현실[실질]적인 sufficient 충분한 insufficient 불충분한, 부족한
isolation *격리; 고립

다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?

It has been said that the biggest problem in communication is ambiguity. A group
of researchers, however, disagrees. They claim that ambiguity actually helps us
communicate by allowing us to use short, simple words whose meaning can be 3

understood in context. These ambiguous words are helpful because of the nature
of communication. The goal of speakers is to try to deliver as much information as
possible using as few words as possible, while the goal of listeners is to accurately 6

understand the speaker’s message. When a speaker has to explain something in a long
and complicated way, neither of these goals is met. A
It therefore makes sense for
speakers to use “easy” words with multiple meanings, and for listeners to figure out 9

their meaning based on the topic of the conversation.

① 잘못된 단어 선택은 오해를 불러일으킬 수 있다.

② 화자는 청자에 따라 적절한 어휘를 사용해야 한다.
③ 언어의 모호성이 보다 효율적인 의사소통을 가능하게 한다.
④ 상대의 말을 정확히 이해하기 위해 대화 기술을 알아야 한다.
⑤ 쉬운 단어로 이야기하는 것은 언어 발달에 도움이 되지 않는다.

A 문장에서 진주어를 찾아 각각 [ ]로 묶고 그 의미상 주어를 나타내는 부분에 밑줄을 그은 후, 문장을

It therefore makes sense for speakers to use “easy” words with multiple meanings, and
for listeners to figure out their meaning based on the topic of the conversation.

4 ambiguity 애매성, 애매모호함 context 맥락, 전후 사정 ambiguous 애매모호한, 여러 가지로 해석할 수 있는 accurately
정확히, 정밀하게 complicated 복잡한

MINI TEST 6회 151

정답 및 해설 p.58

다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

An aunt of mine often says, “Youth is wasted on the young.” This statement has stirred
my curiosity for years. People usually smile when she says it, and I have always smiled,
too. But I think I’m just now beginning to understand the meaning of the saying. 3

I believe it is similar to a statement Thornton Wilder made in his play Our Town.
Toward the end of the play Emily, one of the main characters, says, “I didn’t realize
that so much was going on and we never noticed! Do any human beings ever realize 6

life while they live it—every, every minute?” B

Older people, looking back, can value
youth, its real meaning and its importance. But young people, while they are in the
middle of youth, . 9

① have little respect for the old

② are only interested in getting rich
③ never fully realize what they have
④ refuse to follow what older people say
⑤ don’t know how painful it is to grow up

A 문장의 목적어를 찾아 [ ]로 묶고 밑줄 친 a statement 를 수식하는 관계사절을 찾아 { }로 묶은 후,

문장을 해석하시오.
I believe it is similar to a statement Thornton Wilder made in his play Our Town.

B 분사구문을 찾아 [ ]로 묶은 후, 문장을 해석하시오.

Older people, looking back, can value youth, its real meaning and its importance.

1 youth 젊음, 청춘 statement *진술; 의견 stir 휘젓다; *자극하다 curiosity 호기심 play 희곡, 연극 character 성격;
특징; *등장인물 go on 일어나다, 발생하다 look back (과거를) 되돌아보다 value 평가하다; *소중히 여기다

(A ), (B ), (C )의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장 적절한 것은?

The “veil of ignorance” is a concept that was first proposed by the political
philosopher John Rawls. The idea can be summed up as follows: When setting up laws
for a society, you should assume that you could (A) end up / turn up in any social 3

position. Following this way of thinking, people would likely (B) reject / accept
slavery, B
because there is a chance that they could find themselves slaves instead of
slave owners. Rawls believed that by keeping the “veil of ignorance” in mind, society 6

would naturally (C) adopt / overlook fair, social-democratic policies. When you
don’t know where you will be on the socioeconomic ladder, strong redistribution and
generous social welfare policies become much more attractive. 9

(A) (B) (C)

① end up ······ reject ······ adopt
② turn up ······ reject ······ overlook
③ end up ······ reject ······ overlook
④ end up ······ accept ······ adopt
⑤ turn up ······ accept ······ overlook

A 밑줄 친 a concept 를 수식하는 부분을 찾아 [ ]로 묶은 후, 문장을 해석하시오.

The “veil of ignorance” is a concept that was first proposed by the political philosopher
John Rawls.

B 밑줄 친 a chance 를 설명하는 동격절을 찾아 [ ]로 묶은 후, 문장을 해석하시오.

…, because there is a chance that they could find themselves slaves instead of slave

2 veil 베일, 면사포; *(진실을 가리는) 장막 ignorance 무지, 무식 sum up 요약하다 turn up (사람이) 도착하다, 나타나다
slavery 노예 제도 overlook 간과하다, 못 본 체하다 social-democratic 사회 민주주의적인 socioeconomic 사회
경제적인 ladder 사다리; *단계 redistribution 재분배 welfare 복지, 후생

MINI TEST 7회 153

3~5 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.

One Friday during freshman year, I noticed a classmate named Jason carrying an
armload of books across the campus parking lot. He caught my attention because
he must have been holding every single one of his books. I watched (a) him, 3

feeling intrigued. But then a group of tough guys spotted him and began pushing
him around. They didn’t stop until he had dropped all of his belongings and was
scrambling to collect the scattered books. 6


I listened in disbelief as he recounted the story of when we met, how he had planned
to kill himself that weekend, and how he was carrying home the contents of his
locker so his mom wouldn’t have to later. “But that’s when I met a true friend,” he 9

said, smiling at me. “(b) He is the reason I’m here today.”



I ran over to him and saw that (c) he had tears in his eyes. We chatted as I helped
him pick up his books, and as it turned out he lived near my house, we walked 12

home together. That chance meeting turned into a close friendship. Over the years,
we became best friends and Jason grew more confident and excelled in school.
By the time graduation rolled around, (d) he had earned the position of school 15

*valedictorian: (고별 연설을 하는) 졸업생 대표


On the day of our graduation, I beamed with pride as Jason took the stage to deliver
his speech to the school. He cleared his throat, shot a glance at me, and smiled. 18

“Graduation,” (e) he began, his eyes fixed on me, “is a time for thanking people
who got you to where you are today: your teachers, your parents, and especially
your friends.” 21

주어진 글 (A )에 이어질 내용을 순서에 맞게 배열한 것으로 가장 적절한 것은?

① (B) – (C) – (D) ② (B) – (D) – (C)

③ (C) – (B) – (D) ④ (C) – (D) – (B)
⑤ (D) – (B) – (C)

밑줄 친 (a ) ~ (e ) 중에서 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은?

① (a) ② (b) ③ (c) ④ (d) ⑤ (e)

윗글의 Jason 에 관한 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?

① 거친 아이들에게 괴롭힘을 당했다.

② 자살을 계획한 후 사물함의 짐을 꺼냈다.
③ 필자의 집과 가까운 곳에 살고 있었다.
④ 필자와 친해진 이후 자신감을 갖게 되었다.
⑤ 졸업생 대표로 연설하는 필자를 자랑스러워했다.

A 문장의 동사, 목적어, 목적격보어에 각각 밑줄을 긋고 V , O , OC 로 표시한 후, 문장을 해석하시오.

One Friday during freshman year, I noticed a classmate named Jason carrying an
armload of books across the campus parking lot.

B 밑줄 친 the reason 을 수식하는 관계사절을 찾아 [ ]로 묶은 후, 문장을 해석하시오.

“He is the reason I’m here today.”

3~5 armload 한 아름(의 양) intrigued 호기심을 가진, 궁금해하는 spot 발견하다 push around …을 괴롭히다 belonging
((pl .)) 소지품 scramble 재빨리 움직이다; *허둥지둥 해내다 disbelief 믿기지 않음 recount 이야기하다 content ((pl .))
내용(물) chance 기회; *우연한 excel 빼어나다, 탁월하다 roll around (…의 때가) 되다 beam (빛을) 발하다; *환하게 미소
짓다 shoot a glance at …을 힐끗 보다

MINI TEST 7회 155

정답 및 해설 p.60

다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?

In 1887, Polish physician L. L. Zamenhof published a book titled International

Language: Foreword and Complete Textbook. ① This book marked the beginning of
a new artificial language known as Esperanto. ② The purpose of Esperanto was not to 3

replace any other language. ③ Rather it was created as a second language to improve
communication between people of different lands and cultures. ④ A
We use languages
to express not only our emotions and bodily needs, but also our abstract thoughts and 6

complicated reasoning. ⑤ Today there are several million speakers of this language
around the world, making it by far the most popular artificial language.

A 상관접속사에 밑줄을 긋고 상관접속사로 병렬되는 부분을 찾아 각각 [ ]로 묶은 후, 문장을 해석하시오.

We use languages to express not only our emotions and bodily needs, but also our
abstract thoughts and complicated reasoning.

1 Polish 폴란드의, 폴란드 사람[말]의 physician 의사 foreword 머리말, 서문 mark 표시하다, 나타내다; *…일 것임을 보여
주다 artificial 인공의 bodily *신체의; 구체적인 abstract 추상적인 reasoning *추론; 논법

글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은?

Some people think this is no big deal, pointing out that kids have always teased one

It seems that bullying is no longer merely a playground phenomenon. ( ① ) Over half 3

of all adolescents say they’ve been bullied by peers on the Internet. ( ② ) Forty percent
say they’ve experienced such harassment more than once. ( ③ ) A
But there have been
many cases recently in which young people have been so upset by cyberbullying that 6

they’ve committed suicide. ( ④ ) Countless others suffer from psychological problems

and feelings of isolation due to mistreatment online. ( ⑤ ) B
While cyberbullying will
probably never go away, it’s necessary to try to prevent it by teaching online manners. 9

A 밑줄 친 many cases 를 수식하는 관계사절을 찾아 [ ]로 묶은 후, 문장을 해석하시오.

But there have been many cases recently in which young people have been so upset by
cyberbullying that they’ve committed suicide.

B [ ]로 묶인 절에서 진주어를 찾아 밑줄을 그은 후, 문장을 해석하시오.

While cyberbullying will probably never go away, [it’s necessary to try to prevent it by
teaching online manners].

2 tease 괴롭히다, 놀리다 bully (약자를) 괴롭히다 merely 단지 (…에 불과한) adolescent 청소년 peer (나이·지위·능력이)
동등한 사람, 또래 harassment 괴롭힘 commit suicide 자살하다 countless 셀 수 없이 많은, 무수한 psychological
심리(학)적인 mistreatment 학대

MINI TEST 8회 157

다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?

Some scientists say that the urine we flush away every day could be used to generate
new brain cells. A
According to a new study, this waste can create cells that could
possibly help scientists study diseases related to the loss of nerve cells. These recycled 3

urine cells could also help doctors treat certain brain diseases, such as Alzheimer’s. In
addition, creating cells from urine could allow scientists to avoid the controversial issue
of embryonic stem cell research altogether. Also, unlike embryonic stem cells, which 6

have a high risk of developing tumors, urine-derived cells are not likely to develop
tumors. B
This makes using urine to develop cells safer. Plus, urine is more available
and easier to access than other sources such as blood or skin samples. 9

*urine: 소변 **embryonic stem cell: 배아줄기세포

① new processes to recycle urine

② ways to generate new stem cells
③ the dangers of embryonic stem cells
④ dangerous treatments for brain diseases
⑤ the benefits of using urine to create brain cells

A 밑줄 친 cells 를 수식하는 부분을 [ ]로, diseases 를 수식하는 부분은 { }로 묶은 후, 문장을 해석하시오.

According to a new study, this waste can create cells that could possibly help scientists
study diseases related to the loss of nerve cells.

B 문장의 동사, 목적어, 목적격보어에 각각 밑줄을 긋고 V , O , OC 로 표시한 후, 문장을 해석하시오.

This makes using urine to develop cells safer.

3 flush (얼굴이) 붉어지다; *(변기의) 물을 내리다 nerve cell 신경 세포 controversial 논란이 많은 develop 발달시키다,
발달하다; *(병·문제가) 생기다 tumor 종양 derived 유래된, 파생된 access 접근하다; *입수하다, 이용하다

4 Kurt Gödel에 관한 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?

The mathematician Kurt Gödel was born in what is now the Czech Republic. He is
known mostly for elaborating on Einstein’s theory of general relativity. Gödel also did a
lot of scientific and philosophical work, such as the incompleteness theorem, which has 3

far-reaching implications for mathematics and computer science. When young, Gödel
was a shy and sickly boy. When he was eight, he had rheumatic fever. A
Though it did
not cause him to have lasting physical damage, it kept him at home for quite a long 6

time. This may also have contributed to his increasing concern for his health over the
years. Later he even developed an obsessive fear of being poisoned. Because of this, he
would only eat food made by his wife, Adele. Unfortunately, when she was hospitalized 9

for six months in 1977, Gödel refused to eat and eventually starved to death.
*theorem: (특히 수학에서의) 정리(定理) **rheumatic fever: 류머티스성 열

① 현재의 체코공화국에 속하는 지역에서 태어났다.

② 수학과 컴퓨터 과학에 큰 영향을 미친 연구를 수행했다.
③ 어린 시절 류머티스성 열을 앓고 평생 불구가 되었다.
④ 독살에 대한 두려움 때문에 아내가 만들어 준 음식만 먹었다.
⑤ 아내가 입원한 후 먹기를 거부하다가 결국 아사했다.

A [ ]로 묶인 절에서 동사, 목적어, 목적격보어에 각각 밑줄을 긋고 V , O , OC 로 표시한 후, 문장을

[Though it did not cause him to have lasting physical damage], it kept him at home for
quite a long time.

4 mathematician 수학자 (n . mathematics 수학) elaborate 정교하게 만들다 general relativity 일반 상대성 이론
philosophical 철학의, 철학에 관련된 incompleteness 불완전(성) far-reaching (효과·영향 등이) 멀리까지 미치는
implication *영향, 결과; 함축, 암시 sickly 병약한 lasting 영구적인, 지속적인 contribute 기부하다; *(…의) 한 원인이
되다 obsessive 사로잡혀 있는, 강박적인 poison 독; *독살하다 hospitalize 입원시키다 starve to death 굶어 죽다

MINI TEST 8회 159

정답 및 해설 p.61

주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?

When considering the causes of road rage, we must remember that human beings
are territorial. We protect our personal space and act aggressively when others
invade it. 3

(A) Such an attempt may include flashing our headlights or sounding our horn to chase
off the invader. However, sometimes this is not enough to express our irritation.

(B) Our cars and the area immediately surrounding them are extensions of our personal 6

space. If another vehicle invades this territory by cutting us off, we take steps to
defend ourselves.

(C) Therefore, we may resort to nonverbal communication like offensive hand gestures 9

to express our contempt for the invading driver. Some call this road rage, but it’s
simply an instinctual reaction.
*road rage: 도로 위 분노(도로에서 운전 중 분통 터뜨리기)

① (A) – (B) – (C) ② (A) – (C) – (B) ③ (B) – (A) – (C)

④ (B) – (C) – (A) ⑤ (C) – (A) – (B)

A 분사구문을 찾아 [ ]로 묶은 후, 문장을 해석하시오.

When considering the causes of road rage, we must remember that human beings are

1 territorial 영토의; *영역의 권리를 주장하는 aggressively 공격적으로 invade 침입하다; *침범하다 (n . invader 침입자)
horn 뿔; *경적 chase off 쫓아내다 irritation 짜증, 화 immediately 즉시; *직접(적으로) extension 확장, 연장 cut
off …을 차단하다, 가로막다; *끼어들다 resort to 의지하다 nonverbal 비언어적인 offensive 모욕적인 contempt 경멸,
멸시 instinctual 본능에 따른

다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

Some German researchers wanted to know how human-made noises, especially
traffic sounds, affect the communication of bow-winged grasshoppers. To find
out, they captured almost 200 male grasshoppers — half from quiet places and the 3

other half from roadsides. They then placed the grasshoppers in a laboratory along
with a female grasshopper and recorded their courtship songs. After analyzing
the recordings, the experts determined that the songs from the two groups of 6

grasshoppers were, in fact, quite different. Both groups of bow-winged grasshoppers

produced songs with both high and low sounds. However, the grasshoppers from the
roadsides made the low frequencies much louder than the other grasshoppers did. 9

In other words, the male grasshoppers had adapted to their noisy environment by
. B
The researchers concluded that this behavior
allows females to hear the calls over the loud sounds of traffic. 12

*bow-winged grasshopper: 극동애메뚜기

① altering their tunes ② living closer together

③ mating less frequently ④ communicating silently
⑤ imitating human sounds

A [ ]로 묶인 의문사절의 주어, 동사, 목적어를 찾아 각각 밑줄을 긋고 S , V , O 로 표시한 후, 문장을

Some German researchers wanted to know [how human-made noises, especially traffic
sounds, affect the communication of bow-winged grasshoppers].

B [ ]로 묶인 that 절의 동사, 목적어, 목적격보어에 각각 밑줄을 긋고 V , O , OC 로 표시한 후, 문장을

The researchers concluded [that this behavior allows females to hear the calls over the
loud sounds of traffic].

2 capture 포로로 잡다; *잡다, 포획하다 roadside 길가, 도로변 laboratory 실험실 courtship (동물의 짝짓기를 위한) 구애
analyze 분석하다 determine *알아내다, 밝히다; 결정하다 frequency 빈도; *주파수 adapt 맞추다, 조정하다; *(상황에)
적응하다 [문제] alter 바꾸다 tune 곡, 곡조 mate 짝짓기를 하다 imitate 모방하다, 흉내 내다

MINI TEST 9회 161

3~4 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.

When our skin is broken by a sharp object, our nerve fibers are damaged, which
causes us to experience feelings of pain. It seems logical to expect that a large cut
would hurt more than a small one. However, most people agree that tiny paper 3

cuts are significantly more painful than “normal” cuts of a larger size. One reason
for this is location. Paper cuts usually occur on the palms of our hands or on the
fingertips, two parts of the body with a large number of nerve fibers. 6

A paper cut on the hand, however, will generally hurt more than a normal
cut in the same spot. This is because, compared to most sharp objects, paper
. For this reason, it causes more damage to the 9

skin than something like a razor, which tends to cut through material smoothly and
quickly. It’s like cutting steak with a knife that isn’t sharp. A
You have to saw at it
more times than you do with a sharp one, so the steak gets torn up. Another reason 12

is that paper cuts are not deep, so they don’t bleed very much. B
As a result, the
nerve fibers are exposed to the air for a longer period of time, during which they
continue to send pain messages to the brain. 15

윗글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?

① How Do We Feel Pain?

② So Small yet So Painful
③ The Brain’s Big Mistake
④ Fooling Our Nerve Fibers
⑤ The World’s Sharpest Object

윗글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

① does little harm to nerve fibers

② is made from a natural substance
③ can also be used to stop bleeding
④ falls apart when exposed to liquid
⑤ has edges that are dull and flexible

A 문장에서 밑줄 친 do 가 가리키는 말을 찾아 [ ]로 묶은 후, 문장을 해석하시오.

You have to saw at it more times than you do with a sharp one, so the steak gets torn

B [ ]로 묶인 관계사절의 선행사를 찾아 밑줄을 그은 후, 문장을 해석하시오.

As a result, the nerve fibers are exposed to the air for a longer period of time, [during
which they continue to send pain messages to the brain].

3~4 nerve fiber 신경 섬유 logical 타당한, 논리적인 significantly 상당히, 크게 razor 면도기, 면도칼 smoothly 부드럽게
saw 톱; *톱질하다 [문제] substance 물질 fall apart 허물어지다 dull 따분한; *무딘

MINI TEST 9회 163

정답 및 해설 p.63

(A ), (B ), (C )의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것은?

Some people suffer from what are known as circadian rhythm sleep disorders. When
(A) allowed / allowing to fall asleep and wake up according to the natural schedule of
their body clocks, they enjoy a normal quality of sleep. A
Yet, when forced to conform 3

to a schedule of work or school that is imposed on them by society, these people

experience serious problems with their sleep. Like everyone else, they have natural
biological rhythms, called circadian rhythms, (B) what / which control their daily 6

biological clocks. Unfortunately, their clocks are not set the same as most people’s.
(C) Due to / Since this difference, they experience sleepiness and wakefulness at
different times from the rest of society. 9

*circadian rhythm: ((생물)) 24시간 주기 리듬

(A) (B) (C)

① allowed ······ what ······ Due to
② allowed ······ which ······ Due to
③ allowed ······ which ······ Since
④ allowing ······ what ······ Due to
⑤ allowing ······ which ······ Since

A [ ]로 묶인 관계사절의 선행사를 찾아 밑줄을 그은 후, 문장을 해석하시오.

Yet, when forced to conform to a schedule of work or school [that is imposed on them
by society], these people experience serious problems with their sleep.

1 sleep disorder 수면 장애 conform (규칙·관습 등에) 따르다, 순응하다 impose (힘들거나 불쾌한 것을) 지우다, 부과하다
biological 생물학의, 생물학적인 sleepiness 졸음, 졸림 wakefulness 잠들지 않음; *불면

다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?

Your peers don’t always encourage you to behave in positive ways. In fact, they may
sometimes try to pressure you into doing something harmful. If you’re worried about
negative peer pressure, you should be prepared. Practice what you’ll say if someone 3

wants you to act irresponsibly. That way you can respond naturally, and you’ll be less
likely to give in. Another strategy is to believe in yourself and stand up to people who
pressure you. You can also make helpful suggestions about better ways to behave. For 6

instance, if your classmates pressure you to cheat on a test, refuse and suggest that you
help each other study instead. A
Finally, be proud of your strength when you choose not
to do something that you know is wrong. 9

① peer pressure and how it works

② things you can do to fight peer pressure
③ choosing friends with a positive influence
④ how to encourage friends to act responsibly
⑤ why young people are vulnerable to peer pressure

A 밑줄 친 something 을 수식하는 부분을 찾아 [ ]로 묶은 후, 문장을 해석하시오.

Finally, be proud of your strength when you choose not to do something that you know
is wrong.

2 pressure 압력을 가하다; 압력, 압박 irresponsibly 무책임하게 give in …에 항복[굴복]하다 stand up to 저항하다, 맞서다
cheat 속이다; *(시험·경기 등에서) 부정행위를 하다 strength 힘; *용기 [문제] vulnerable 취약한

MINI TEST 10회 165

다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

Imagine you’ve done something wrong at school. You know your parents are very
angry and waiting for you to come home. At the end of the school day, you might
say to your friends, “It’s time to go home and face the music.” So what does “face 3

the music” mean, and what are its origins? A

It is believed that this expression comes
from the military. In the past, when a soldier was kicked out of the army for doing
something bad, he would be walked out of the camp by an officer. His fellow soldiers 6

would gather to watch this shameful ceremony, and a drummer would play a slow beat.
This was the music he had to face. In other words, “face the music” means to accept
. These days, the expression can refer to accepting 9

the unpleasant consequences for your behavior in any situation.

① a busy schedule ② out-of-tune songs

③ a sincere apology ④ military criminals
⑤ an inevitable punishment

A 문장의 진주어를 찾아 [ ]로 묶은 후, 문장을 해석하시오.

It is believed that this expression comes from the military.

3 kick out …를 쫓아내다 camp (군인들의) 막사 shameful 수치스러운, 창피한 ceremony 의식 unpleasant 불쾌한
consequence 결과 [문제] out-of-tune 음정이 안 맞는 sincere 진실된, 진심 어린 apology 사과 inevitable 피할 수
없는, 필연적인

글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은?

However, negative pressure is not always beneficial, such as in the case of pipes
carrying drinking water to a city.

“Negative pressure” refers to a situation in which the pressure of an enclosed area 3

is lower than that of the surrounding area. ( ① ) If the barrier between these two areas
breaks, any substances in the high-pressure area will immediately flow into the low-
pressure area. ( ② ) For example, undersea pipes used to transport oil are in a state of 6

negative pressure; therefore, any break in the pipeline will cause it to fill with ocean
water. ( ③ ) This is much better than the opposite scenario, in which oil would be
released into the ocean. ( ④ ) If these municipal waterlines are damaged, they can 9

potentially suck in contaminated groundwater, which would then enter the water supply.
( ⑤ ) For this reason, a system of gauges and valves is used to adjust and control their
pressure. 12

*negative pressure: 부압 **gauge: 계량기

A 밑줄 친 pipes 를 수식하는 부분을 찾아 [ ]로 묶은 후, 문장을 해석하시오.

However, negative pressure is not always beneficial, such as in the case of pipes
carrying drinking water to a city.

B 밑줄 친 a situation 을 수식하는 부분을 찾아 [ ]로 묶고 밑줄 친 that 이 가리키는 말은 { }로 묶은 후,

문장을 해석하시오.
“Negative pressure” refers to a situation in which the pressure of an enclosed area is
lower than that of the surrounding area.

4 beneficial 유익한 enclosed 에워싸인 barrier 장벽, 장애물 undersea 해저의 state 상태 municipal 지방 자치의,
시(市)의 suck 빨아들이다 contaminated 오염된 groundwater 지하수 water supply 상수도 adjust 조정하다

MINI TEST 10회 167

정답 및 해설 p.64

주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?

At first sight, Mars does not appear very welcoming to life. It has very little oxygen
and water, and the temperature at night is -50 °C.

(A) However, it is believed that the planet would be covered with water if all the ice at 3

the poles melted. Although there is no life on Mars now, some scientists think that
Mars was once similar to Earth, where life exists.

(B) Although the whole process might take more than 100,000 years, people wouldn’t 6

have to wait that long to live there. By building special glass-covered structures to
stay in, people could begin living on the planet in the next century.

(C) They also believe that Mars could support life in the future if the right conditions 9

were created. A
The first step would be to find a way to heat up the planet’s
atmosphere. With warmth and water, simple plants could begin to grow. B
plants could slowly make it possible for people to live on the surface of Mars. 12

① (A) – (B) – (C) ② (A) – (C) – (B) ③ (B) – (A) – (C)

④ (B) – (C) – (A) ⑤ (C) – (A) – (B)

A 문장의 주어, 동사, 주격보어를 찾아 각각 밑줄을 긋고 S , V , SC 로 표시한 후, 문장을 해석하시오.

The first step would be to find a way to heat up the planet’s atmosphere.

B 문장의 진목적어를 찾아 [ ]로 묶고 그 의미상 주어를 나타내는 부분에 밑줄을 그은 후, 문장을

These plants could slowly make it possible for people to live on the surface of Mars.

1 welcoming 반갑게 맞이하는; *(장소가) 안락해 보이는 pole 막대기; *극(極) melt *녹다; 녹이다 support 지지하다; *존재하게
[살게] 하다 condition ((pl .)) (물리적) 환경 atmosphere *대기; 분위기

다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은?

Scientists have discovered that trees use an underground web of fungi to interact with
one another. These fungi are ① beneficial because they allow healthy trees to share
resources such as carbon, water, and nutrients with trees in need. Thanks to this close 3

relationship with another species, the whole system of trees is able to ② flourish. The
scientists took their research further to see if trees ③ recognize their own relatives.
They performed an experiment in which they grew Douglas firs together with their 6

own seedlings and with those of other trees, and they learned that “mother” trees
actually send their own seedlings more carbon. They also ④ reduce the spread of their
own roots to create growing space for their relative seedlings. They even send defense 9

signals to the next generation, allowing the young trees to increase their ⑤ vulnerability
to future stresses.
*Douglas fir: 미송(美松), 미국 서부산 커다란 소나무

A 밑줄 친 an experiment 를 수식하는 관계사절과 learned 의 목적어를 찾아 각각 [ ]로 묶은 후, 문장을

They performed an experiment in which they grew Douglas firs together with their own
seedlings and with those of other trees, and they learned that “mother” trees actually
send their own seedlings more carbon.

2 underground 지하의 fungus 균류, 곰팡이류 (pl . fungi) nutrient 영양소, 영양분 in need 어려움에 처한; 궁핍한 flourish
번창하다; *잘 자라다 seedling 묘목 vulnerability 취약성

MINI TEST 11회 169

3~5 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.


Several decades ago, a group of young male poets, novelists, and essayists at
the University of Wisconsin imagined that (a) they could become the next great
American writers. (b) They formed a club and began holding meetings where they 3

critiqued each other’s work, never holding back or toning down their meanest
comments. Their criticism was actually so harsh that even (c) they began to refer to
themselves as the Stranglers. 6

*strangler: 교살자, 옭죄는 사람


It might not be fair to suggest that (d) they simply had more talent and that this is
the key difference accounting for their later success. A
Instead, it is more likely that
the eventual achievements of the two groups were influenced by the environment 9

in which the members got their start. The Stranglers fueled self-doubt, while the
Wranglers fostered self-confidence.
*wrangler: 논쟁하는 사람


Having heard about (e) them, a group of women writers on the University of 12

Wisconsin campus formed a literary circle of their own. They decided to call their
group the Wranglers, and like their male counterparts they shared their writing and
listened to suggestions. But there was one important difference: they did not focus 15

on criticism. Rather, they were supportive of fellow Wranglers.


Some time later, after the Wranglers and Stranglers had left the university, an
alumnus studying the careers of Wisconsin graduates made an interesting discovery. 18

Not a single one of the bright young people in the Stranglers had made any sort
of relevant literary contribution in life. B
But the Wranglers had produced several
important writers, including the award-winning author Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings, 21

who wrote The Yearling.

주어진 글 (A )에 이어질 내용을 순서에 맞게 배열한 것으로 가장 적절한 것은?

① (B) – (C) – (D) ② (B) – (D) – (C)

③ (C) – (B) – (D) ④ (C) – (D) – (B)
⑤ (D) – (B) – (C)

밑줄 친 (a ) ~ (e ) 중에서 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은?

① (a) ② (b) ③ (c) ④ (d) ⑤ (e)

윗글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?

① Stranglers는 남성으로만 구성된 작가 모임이었다.

② Stranglers는 서로의 작품에 대해 신랄한 비평을 했다.
③ Stranglers가 결성된 후 Wranglers가 결성되었다.
④ Wranglers는 서로를 격려하는 여성 작가 모임이었다.
⑤ Stranglers와 Wranglers 모두 저명한 작가를 배출해 냈다.

A 문장의 진주어를 찾아 [ ]로 묶고, 밑줄 친 the environment 를 수식하는 관계사절은 { }로 묶은 후,

문장을 해석하시오.
Instead, it is more likely that the eventual achievements of the two groups were
influenced by the environment in which the members got their start.

B [ ]로 묶인 관계사절의 선행사를 찾아 밑줄을 그은 후, 문장을 해석하시오.

But the Wranglers had produced several important writers, including the award-winning
author Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings, [who wrote The Yearling].

3~5 critique (비판적으로) 논평[비평]하다 tone down (어조·견해 등을) 부드럽게 하다 mean 인색한; *심술궂은 harsh 가혹한
fair *타당한; 공정한 account for *설명하다; (부분·비율을) 차지하다 eventual 궁극적인, 최종적인 achievement *업적;
달성, 성취 fuel …에 연료를 공급하다; *자극하다 self-doubt 자기 회의 foster *조성하다; 위탁 양육하다 literary 문학의,
문학적인 counterpart 상대방 supportive 지원하는, 힘을 주는 fellow 동료; 동료의 alumnus 졸업생, 동문 relevant
관련된; *유의미한, 중요한 contribution 기부(금); *공헌, 기여

MINI TEST 11회 171

정답 및 해설 p.66

다음 글에서 필자가 주장하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?

I’m the coach of a youth basketball team made up of players under 18 years of age.
Recently, I was shocked to read an article in which an official from another youth team
admitted that not all of their players were actually under 18. B It’s disappointing enough 3

that this team, and possibly others, has been winning games by breaking the rules. But
more importantly, it’s the young players themselves that are suffering. Youth teams
are designed to help develop promising young athletes into professional basketball 6

players. It’s a shame that this goal is being compromised by dishonest officials hoping
to win more games. Strong steps must be taken to stop this kind of cheating as soon as
possible. 9

① 청소년 농구 선수들은 학업과 운동을 병행해야 한다.

② 18세 미만의 선수들에게도 프로 경기 출전 자격을 주어야 한다.
③ 프로 농구팀의 무분별한 유망주 스카우트 관행을 제재해야 한다.
④ 농구 경기의 판정에 각 팀의 관계자가 관여하는 것은 불합리하다.
⑤ 청소년 농구팀의 부정행위를 근절하기 위한 대책을 마련해야 한다.

A 밑줄 친 a youth basketball team 을 수식하는 부분을 찾아 [ ]로 묶은 후, 문장을 해석하시오.

I’m the coach of a youth basketball team made up of players under 18 years of age.

B 문장의 진주어를 찾아 [ ]로 묶은 후, 문장을 해석하시오.

It’s disappointing enough that this team, and possibly others, has been winning games
by breaking the rules.

1 admit 인정하다 design 설계하다; *(특정한 목적을 위해) 만들다 promising 장래성 있는, 유망한 shame 수치심; *애석한
일 compromise 타협하다; *(명성 등을) 더럽히다, 손상하다 take a step 조치를 취하다

2 electric eels에 관한 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?

Electric eels are not really eels. In fact, they are much more like carp or catfish. They
inhabit rivers such as South America’s Amazon and Orinoco. They eat fish, frogs, and
sometimes even small birds. A
Electric eels are so named because their bodies generate 3

a large amount of electricity, which they use to stun prey. Their bodies have electric
organs with around 6,000 cells, called electrocytes, which act like tiny batteries to
store energy. When electric eels attack, the cells release at least 600 volts of electricity. 6

Electric eels also use their electrocytes to navigate. Since they have bad eyesight, they
release a low charge of less than 10 volts that functions like a sort of natural radar
system. Luckily for us, electric eels rarely kill people. But a person shocked multiple 9

times could suffer heart failure and drown even in shallow water.
*electrocyte: 발전(發電) 세포

① 뱀장어보다는 잉어나 메기에 가깝다.

② 물고기, 개구리, 새 등을 먹이로 삼는다.
③ 전기를 발생시켜 먹이를 기절시킨다.
④ 최소 600볼트 이상의 전기를 이용해 길을 찾는다.
⑤ 전기 충격을 여러 번 가하면 사람에게도 해를 끼칠 수 있다.

A 밑줄 친 a large amount of electricity 를 부연 설명하는 관계사절을 찾아 [ ]로 묶은 후, 문장을

Electric eels are so named because their bodies generate a large amount of electricity,
which they use to stun prey.

2 electric 전기의, 전기를 생산하는 (n . electricity 전기) eel 뱀장어 carp 잉어 catfish 메기 inhabit 살다, 서식하다 stun
기절시키다 organ (인체 내의) 장기, 기관 navigate *길을 찾다; 항해하다 charge 요금; 담당; *전하(電荷) function 기능
[작용]하다 radar 레이더, 전파 탐지기 heart failure 심장마비 drown 익사하다 shallow 얕은

MINI TEST 12회 173

3~4 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.

Because everyone’s DNA is unique, it can be used by the police to find

criminals. It also helps archaeologist better understand the human remains they dig
up. However, DNA degrades over time, which can make it less useful. That’s why 3

some scientists are now looking at human hair protein as a possible alternative.
The protein found in human hair is more stable than DNA, and its structure differs
from person to person. They therefore believed that this protein could possibly be 6

used as another way of .

To test their theory, the scientists studied six hair samples from people who
lived as long as 250 years ago, along with samples of 76 living people from various 9

ethnic backgrounds. They discovered many different structures, which allowed

them to find the person’s identity. B
Now they are trying to find a set of 100 basic
structures that would make it possible to tell one person from another using a single 12

strand of hair. Research is still underway, but the scientists hope their work will
make it easier for police and archaeologists to do their jobs in the future.

윗글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?

① A Surprising Use for Hair Protein

② Archaeologists Helping the Police
③ Ancient DNA Found in Modern People
④ Hair: An Excellent Source of DNA Samples
⑤ How Do Police Use DNA to Find Criminals?

윗글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

① preserving DNA ② sharing information

③ preventing diseases ④ identifying individuals
⑤ studying ancient diets

A 밑줄 친 The protein 을 수식하는 부분을 찾아 [ ]로 묶은 후, 문장을 해석하시오.

The protein found in human hair is more stable than DNA, and its structure differs from
person to person.

B [ ]로 묶인 절에서 진목적어를 찾아 밑줄을 그은 후, 문장을 해석하시오.

Now they are trying to find a set of 100 basic structures [that would make it possible to
tell one person from another using a single strand of hair].

3~4 criminal 범인, 범죄자 archaeologist 고고학자 remains 나머지; 유적; *(죽은 사람·동물의) 유해 dig up …을 땅에서
파내다 degrade 비하[모멸]하다; *(화학적으로) 분해되다 protein 단백질 stable 안정된, 안정적인 differ 다르다 ethnic
민족[종족]의 strand (실·전선·머리카락 등의) 가닥, 올 [문제] preserve 지키다, 보호하다; *보존하다

MINI TEST 12회 175


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