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Pursueing a dreams

There are two children who have been friends since childhood, named Rudi and Rajib. They were always
together, but since Rudi's father moved for work the two of them were separated. One day, without
realizing it, they met again.

When they met, they talked about college plans.

Rajib: "Rudi, your plan is to go to college

where?" Rudi: "I want to study at UPI.

"Rajib: "You really want to choose

What major?"

Rudi: "Art. I want to be a famous painter hehehe. Hmm but I..."

Rajib: "why?"

Rudi: "But I'm Bad at drawing."

Rajib: "It's okay. If you study harder you can definitely do it. Keep trying, don't give up. Chase your
dreams. Eits! But don't forget we also have to keep praying."

Rudi: "Yes, thank you for your input. I will definitely learn more."

Rajib: "Well, that's it!" Rudi : “What about you? Where do you want to study?"

Rajib: "I don't know yet. Where do you think it is? Then, what major?"

Rudi: "In my opinion, it's better for you to just follow your heart. Of course it suits your talents and
interests too."

Rajib: "Yes, but the problem is I don't know where my talents lie."

Rudi: "Yes, in my opinion, regarding talent you should ask someone for their opinion. For example, to
friends, teachers and also parents.

Rajib: "Wow, thanks for the advice, Rudi. I'll try to follow your advice. Oh, it's already afternoon. I'm going
home, okay?" Rudi: "Oh yeah, okay, you're welcome. Thanks too, Rajib."

After that conversation, they both became more active in studying. Finally, Rajib recognized his talent
and interest in continuing his studies.

Time continues to pass. It didn't feel like they had both passed the exam and they wanted to continue
their studies to the universities they wanted. Thanks to Rudi and Rajib's persistence, they were finally
accepted into the college of their dreams.

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