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Hands-On Project Week 12: Declarative Automation

This project will reference previous weeks projects. Please use the previous
week’s playground to complete.

Allied Kicks would like to do more with less and begin to understand how automation
can make this happen. During this lesson we’ll be exploring the range of automation to
take care of particular day to day tasks. Data quality will be a key factor alongside
improving users job efficiency by allowing automation to replace time consuming tasks.

As a group, you will need to plan a demonstration, meeting the project requirements,
that you will play back to your mentor. You need to explain and demonstrate each step
in your playback as if your mentor is new to Salesforce.

Answer the questions in the project individually.

Use a Trailhead Playground for your demonstration.

1. Your manager has informed you that the marketing team would like a faster
consistent way of sending email that has the same look and feel. You will need to
create a folder for marketing email templates and create a public facing email
2. Sales reps who tick the active customer plan checkbox are required to also
provide an expiration date. Create a validation rule to say that once the checkbox
is ticked, the expiration date field is required before the user can save the record.
3. As Allied Kicks continues to grow we need to do more with less. The service
team would like cases to be directed to the correct team of people depending on
the nature of the case. You will need to create an assignment rule to direct
Product Support cases to a Product Support Tier 1 queue. Then create a second
assignment for Inquiry cases to be directed to a Product Support Tier 2 queue.
Tier 1 queue members will be yourself and tier 2 queue members will be Ada
Balewa.Once a case comes into each queue, members should receive an email
to notify them. Click here to complete the steps.
4. The service manager would like unresolved high priority cases to be escalated to
the Support Tier 2 queue if they are not resolved within 4 hours. The owner of the
case should also be notified that their case has been escalated via email. Create
an escalation rule to facilitate this.
5. Your manager would like to be able to accept/reject opportunity discounts at the
click of a button.

2 fields will need to be created for this process:

Discount percentage - Number field as a percentage format

Discount percentage status - Picklist with 2 values, Approved and Not Approved

Create an approval process so managers are able to act on this. Click here to
complete the steps.

6. The marketing team would like to allow customers to send leads via our website.
Leads from the banking industry should feed directly into a banking queue.
Create an assignment rule to direct leads from our website using web-to-lead
into a banking queue.
7. Customer service is a top priority at Allied Kicks and your manager wants to
make sure the larger accounts are receiving a high level of service.

Once a case is created for a high value Account (annual revenue greater than
20,000,000) our product support specialist would like to be sent an email.Use
process builder to create this process sending our specialist an email for these
high value cases.Click here to complete the steps.

Important: The playground you complete this project will be needed for later
weeks projects also. Make sure to name the playground something memorable
and DO NOT delete it.

Now answer the following questions individually and submit them to your mentor:

1. What action is possible with workflows that is impossible with process builder?


2. What are the different types of system validations?


3. Who can be a member of a queue?


4. When a lead is converted, which records can be automatically created?

5. Which four actions can workflows produce?


6. In the order or execution which runs first, system data validation or custom validation?


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