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(Draft – 24 January 2024)

Memo to: All Members of the Rotary Club of San Juan North Inc. (RCSJN)
From : PE Valwin Danao, Corporate Secretary
Date : 02 February 2024
Subject. : Cessation/termination of membership by reason of Non-payment of
Membership Dues and/or Excessive Absences

For your information & guidance, hereinbelow is:

Resolution no. 2024-02-002 adopted on 01 February 2024 by the Hope

Creating Board of Trustees of the Rotary Club of San Juan North Inc.

WHEREAS, an Active Member in Good Standing of RCSJN has the right to enjoy
the following privileges & benefits:

i. To participate in all the activities, programs, projects, functions and events

of the organization;
ii. To receive documents and materials relative to the activities, programs,
functions and events of the organization;
iii. To nominate persons for membership;
iv. To nominate and cast votes for Trustees during the annual membership
meeting of the organization;
v. To be nominated for election and voted into the Board of Trustees during
the annual membership meeting of the organization;
vi. To be nominated for election and voted as an Officer of the organization:
vii. To receive support and assistance from the RCSJN Secretariat on all
matters pertaining to the activities, programs, projects, functions and
events of the organization.
WHEREAS, such Active Member likewise has the following duties & obligations:
i. To pay religiously membership dues and other accountabilities relative to
his RCSJN membership and as required for participation in the activities,
programs, projects, functions and events of the organization.
ii. To attend and actively participate in the activities, programs, projects,
functions and events of the organization
iii .To contribute ideas, insights, suggestions and recommendations that will
redound to the furtherance of the objectives, goals, vision and mission of
iv. To serve faithfully and well when called upon or elected to serve in
whatever capacity.
v. To conduct one’s self in a professional, ethical manner at all times.
WHEREAS, the following shall constitute grounds for termination or cessation of
RCSJN Membership, which after due process are found to be true, fair and just,
subject to affirmative majority vote of the members of the Board of Trustees:
i.Non-payment of membership dues
ii.Excessive absences or non-attendance at meetings
iii.Other grounds which the Board of Trustees may deem sufficient and just for
membership termination including but not limited to physical incapacity or
conduct unbecoming of a Rotarian and a gentleman.
WHEREAS, in accordance with the RCSJN Bylaws, the Board of Trustees
determines and fixes the amount of annual membership dues and other fees for
participation in its activities, as it may deem reasonable and appropriate;


a) Annual membership dues, covering the period from July 1 to June 30 of the
following year, shall be payable on the 31st of July of each year; provided,
however, that said annual membership dues may be paid quarterly and,
accordingly, Statements of Account (SOA) shall be issued by the Corporate
Secretary to all Members quarterly, on the 1st week of July, 1st week of
October, 1st week of January, and 1st week of April;

b) The Treasurer shall issue Official Receipts for all payments of membership
c) Members who fail to pay membership dues on time, more specifically within
30 days from receipt of SOA, will be issued collection letters by the Treasurer
until their accounts are fully settled.
d) A grace period of two months for settlement of quarterly accounts shall be
allowed, i.e., until September 30, December 29, March 31, and June 30 of each
e) Members who fail to settle accounts after the 2-month grace period shall be
deemed delinquent and their accounts shall be brought by the Treasurer to
the attention of the Board of Trustees at its monthly meeting; the Board shall,
upon proper deliberation, direct that appropriate measures to collect shall be
undertaken immediately by the President.
f) Members who fail to settle accounts within 30 days from the President being
directed to take remedial measures shall cease to be deemed “members in
good standing” and shall be recommended for disciplinary action including
termination of membership , subject to the final decision of the Board of
g) Members who fail to pay annual dues and other accountabilities and thus
cease to be “in good standing” shall not be entitled to cast a vote in any
proceedings of the organization, shall not be included in the determination of
a quorum at meetings, and shall be disqualified from being voted into, or
holding, any elective office of the organization.

RESOLVED FURTHER, that an RCSJN Member shall be considered as having

incurred ‘excessive absences” for failing without judicious cause to attend at least
four (4) consecutive Club regular meetings or at least 30% of all Club regular or
special meetings within one 6-months period of the Rotary year; thereupon, the
Corporate Secretary shall bring the matter to the attention of the Board of Trustees
at its monthly meeting. The Board upon proper consideration shall direct the
President and/or the Membership Committee Chairman to communicate in
writing with the Member involved, giving him 10 days from receipt within which
to explain his absences. Should the Member fail to submit any explanation or his
explanation is deemed unsatisfactory, he shall cease to be a ”member in good
standing” and, subject to the final decision of the Board of Trustees, shall be
delisted as a member of the organization.

RESOLVED FINALLY, that the Corporate Secretary and the Club Admin Chair be
directed to promulgate this Board Resolution to the entire Club membership, the same to
take effect after 24 hours from the holding of a Club meeting at which it shall be formally
disseminated to the RCSJN Members who shall be duly given opportunity for appropriate

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