Dermatology Class Notes

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Mallela mahith

Mallela mahith

psoriasis vulgaris,
guttate psioriasis, flexural psoriasis pustular psoriasis
erythrodermic psioriasis
excess activity of all types of
Epidermis Bacteria , Excess all production, hormones.

Dermis Subcutaneous tissue

Keratinocytes congenital nevi, junctional nevi,
compound nevi

Type I,type II, type V

Primary Secondary treponema pallidum

The geniculate gangion angulation, bending, rotatory motion, back forth squiggle
Otalgia Herpetiform vesicles

On the external Facial paralysis sexual blood accidental, trans placental, vertical transmission.

Verruca vulgaris Verruca Human Immunodeficiency Virus,

Plana Verruca plantaris Condyloma acuminatum CD4 Lymphocyte

group-A β -hemolytic streptococcal
potassium hydroxide (KOH)
scraping and cultures 1% peripherally
Irritant contact dermatitis Allergic
situated black dots,
Contact dermatitis
irregular pseudopods of pigment
Medications , food and additives,infections ,insect
radial streaming of pigment .
Stings,emotional, systemic diseases
SSSS (Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome): Staphylococcal scalded skin
syndrome is a response to a staphylococcal infection and is characterized by
peeling skin. The disease mostly affects infants, young children, and individuals with
a depressed immune system or renal insufficiency. The disease can be life

A measure of the normal rate of cell loss and time required for labelled basal
nuclei to be displaced to the stratum corneum and the skin surface. BCC (Basal Cell Carcinoma): A type of skin cancer, most commonly
occurring on the face, which often invades surrounding tissue but seldom

wheals are obscure, edematous, like high plateaus of various sizes. The wheal is a round or flat-topped
papule or plaque that is typically indistinct, disappearing within hours. Wheals may be small papules 3 to 4
mm in diameter, as in cholinergic urticaria. Like allergies to penicillin, other drugs, or elementary allergens,
they can be large, unified plaques. An eruption with wheals is called urticaria and is usually itchy.
Any eruption caused by the ingestion, injection, or inhalation of a drug, most often the
result of allergic sensitization; reactions to drugs applied to the cutaneous surface are
not generally designated as drug eruption, but as contact-type dermatitis.

Loss of all or portion of the epidermis alone produces an erosion. It heals

without a scar.

Crusted scabies (otherwise known as Norwegian scabies) is an uncommon, highly

contagious infestation that affects patients with a weakened immune system. The infestation
Acantholysis Dispersion of keratinocytes resulting from the dissociation of presents with hyperkeratotic plaques with yellowish crusts located on the limbs, trunk, ears
intercellular adhesion between keratinocytes, particularly at the points of and eyebrows.
desmosomes. The phenomenon is found in pemphigus, Hailey Hailey disease and
Darier's disease.

Nickolsky sign refers to the ability to induce peripheral extension of a blister

as a consequence of applying lateral pressure to the border of an intact
Flat warts are smooth, flattened, slightly beaded, papules of various sizes and with clear boundaries. The blister.
lesion can be densely distributed or linear streaked from the scrotum. These types of warts are usually
caused by HPV-3. This face, forearms, and the backs of the hands are most frequently affected. The
typical lesions are skin-colored or brown papules of 1-5 mm in diameter. They may appear in a linear
pattern due to scratching or trauma (Koebner's phenomenon). The skin lesions can regress spontaneously
but may recur









1. Skin as an important organ of the immunology system, what
kinds of cells function in the immune response? (6 points)
2. Function of the skin (7 points)

The seven main functions of the skin are sensation, heat regulation,
absorption, protection, excretion, and secretion.
The skin provides protection against chemicals and particles (by horny
layer), UV radiation (by melanocytes), antigens and haptens (Langerhans
cells), microbes (Langerhans cells).
It preserves a balances internal environment (horny layer is involved)
It prevents loss of water, electrolytes and macromolecules (horny layer)
The skin is strong, yet elastic and compliant.
Other important functions of the skin are shock absorption, temperature
regulation, insulation, sensation, lubrication, protection & prising, calorie
reserve, vitamin D synthesis, body odour/pheromones production,
psychosocial importance and display.

3.Characteristics of Immunological drug reactions(5 points)

Less predictable. These reactions are not the normal pharmacological

effects of the drug but occur due to hypersensitivity to the drug, which has
developed during a previous exposure to the drug or to a chemically
related compound. Occur in only a minority of patients receiving the drug.
They can develop even with low dose. They appear after a latent period
(vary from a few seconds to a few days).
4.Definition and treatment methods for cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma
(7 points )

Cutaneous SCC is a malignant tumour, originating from keratinizing cells of

the epidermis and/or
its appendages. It usually affects elderly individuals with fair skin. SCC in
situ or Bowen's disease
is defined as a tumour that is limited to the epidermis and has not invaded
into the dermis.
Treatment: Curettage and electro-surgery in superficial and in situ SCC. Poor
results in subcutaneous invasion.
Mohs micrographic surgery in large, deeply invasive SCC. It has the highest
cure rates.
Surgery- Surgical excision of tumor, with a 0.5 cm border of normal skin all
around, (under margin for lesions >2 cm in size) is the treatment of

Cyrosurgery in primary SCC. Only for patients with bleeding disorders or

other contraindications. Radiotherapy- Though radiotherapy is effective; it
is generally reserved for the frail and the elderly. Chemotherapy comprising
bleomycin, peplomycin, cisplatin, methotrexate.
Interferons, retinoids, and PUVA are also used.

5.Treatment of anaphylactic reactions (5points)

Ensure that the airway is not compromised. Provide oxygen

supplementation, assisted respiration and even do an emergency
tracheostomy. Injection adrenaline (1:1000), 0.3-0.5 ml should be given
subcutaneously or intramuscularly. Chlorpheniramine maleate
(10-20mg), intravenous. Hydrocortisone (100mg) intravenously should
be given to prevent further deterioration in severely affected patients.
Patients should be observed for 6 hours after their condition is stable, as
delayed deterioration is known.
6. Diagnosis of MM (5points)

Diagnosis of MM
Asymmetrical pigmented nodule.
Border irregularity: Nodule shows scallops and notches.
Color variability: This is very striking.
Diameter: Size > 5 mm.
Elevation irregularity.

7.Deferential diagnosis between pemphigus vulgaris and bullous

pemphigoid ( 7 points )
8.Three steps to Auspitz sign (3 points)

Step A: Gently scrap the lesion with a glass slide. This accentuates the
silvery scales (Grattage test positive). Scrape off all the scales.
Step B: As you continue to scrape the lesion, a glistening white
adherent membrane (Burkley’s membrane) appears.
Step C: On removing the membrane, punctate bleeding points become

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