1polvoriza Narrative-Report

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Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel of Caloocan, Inc.

Phase 10 Pkg. 6 Blk. 1 Lot 1-5 Bagong Silang, Caloocan City


Name : Katrina B. Polvoriza Date : December 1, 2023

Program / Year : BECED II Professor: Mr. Dela Cruz
Course : ECE 105
TOPIC: History Of The Field (ECE)

History of Early Childhood Education

Early childhood education is the core and instruction of the young children outside of the
home. Over the last half century,has become a dawnward extention of schooling and now,
it is become the first run on the educational ladder. However this most recent addition to
the pedagogical hierachy is quite different from elementary and secondary predecessors.

Early childhood curriculum is the most holistic and least diffferentiated at any level of
education. It is also the most solidly grounded in philosophy, in clearly articulated
methodology and in theory also research. Those who contributed to the dicipline of the
early childhood education came from occupations and proffesions outside the academic
domain, that they had in common was as understanding of children, and what makes ECE
unique its starts with the child and not with the subject matter.

The philosophical foundations of ECE were provided by John Amos Comenius, John Locke
and Jean Jacques Rousseau. While the curriculum and methodology were created by
Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi, Friedrich Froebel, Maria Montessori and Rudolf Stiener. Most
recently , it was grounded by the research and theories of Sigmund Frued , Jean Piaget
Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel of Caloocan, Inc.
Phase 10 Pkg. 6 Blk. 1 Lot 1-5 Bagong Silang, Caloocan City

and Erik Erikson. But there are differences in the approaches of these progenitors of ECE ,
that adapting to the maturing needs , abilities, and interest of the child.

In America, the Head Start Program, lauched in the 1960s for low income children, had an
unintended consenquences. Even it was very effective, the title gave parents the
impression that education was a race and that the earlier we finish.

With the raped expansion and acceptance of EC programs the basic principle of ECE ,
unsupported by an overwhelming amaunt of contemporary research and classrom
experience is dissmissed as irrelevant . Instead, we have had a politically and commercially
driven effort to make ECE the new first grade. A play based curriculum is the best suited to
meet the emerging needs, abilities , and interest of young children.

The evolution of early childhood education has transformed how adults and parents view
the importance of offering stimulating and exciting opportunities to the very young. Early
childhood education offers toddlers learning experiences that benefit them throughout their
educational career.

According to Pre-K Now, the concept of early childhood education started with a European
mother in the early 1800’s that educated children outside of their homes. The idea came to
America during the Industrial Revolution with “infant schools” set up in churches, factories,
and private homes to care for the young while parents were working.

The state of Wisconsin created constitutional amendments to include committees dedicated

to free education of children aged four to twenty in 1848 and then later, in 1873, started the
first four year old kindergarten program.
As time progressed, other states began to follow Wisconsin’s lead in the area of early
childhood education with preschools, day care centers, and nursery programs starting
across the country.

In 1926, the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) was
established dedicated to improving the well-being of all young children and focusing on the
quality of education and developmental services offered to children from birth to the age of

Head Start, founded in 1965 as a program through the United States Department of Health
and Human Services, was originally founded to ready low-income children over the
summer months for upcoming kindergarten. Over the years, Head Start has become a
respected preschool aged program found in many communities working with children of all
backgrounds and abilities.

Early Education Teaching Theories

The concept of educating young children within the family has been happening for many,
many years, but the evolution of early childhood education within an outside setting has
many different theories and facets. The studies conducted by Jean Piaget along with the
work he did with children, paved the way for educators to create different styles of teaching
to use within programs. Many of these theories of teaching are used in preschools around
the country. They include:
Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel of Caloocan, Inc.
Phase 10 Pkg. 6 Blk. 1 Lot 1-5 Bagong Silang, Caloocan City

 The Montessori Method: Maria Montessori was the first woman in Italy to
receive a medical degree with areas of study in psychiatry, education and
anthropology. Her belief was that every child was born with potential and that
children should be allowed to be free to explore and play within their
environment. In the early 1900’s, Montessori visited the United States to share
her unique style of teaching. The main focus is to always be attentive to the child
and follow the child in the direction they chose to go when learning. The
Montessori Method is practiced within many preschools around the country.
 Reggio Emilia Approach: Begun in Italy after World War II in the city of Reggio
Emilia, this preschool teaching style is based on children’s symbolic language
and the context of project-oriented curriculum. With the Reggio Emilia approach,
community is a large part of the educational process and with opportunities for
educational experiences for teachers to maintain their abilities and to enhance
and dedicate themselves as educators to the development of the young child.
The environment of the educational setting is also considered to be an important
aspect of the child’s development and often considered as the “third teacher.”
Along with Piaget’s constructivist thought, the Reggio Emilia Approach, the
community as well as teachers believe the child to be interested in learning and
experimenting through inner motivation, promoting educated and productive
future adults.
 Play-Based Learning: The concept of play-based learning is exactly what it
sounds like, playing to learn. Many educators have helped pave the way to
understanding the wonders of allowing children to learn through their play. Bev
Bos, both an educator and writer, has been sharing her ideas and concepts
through books and lectures for over 40 years. Her suggestions of teaching with a
hand’s off style encourages teachers to let children lead themselves through
problem solving and discovery with minimal intervention, and to learn through
 Direct Instruction: Siegried Engelmann and Wesley Becker coined this
teaching concept in the 1960’s. The goal is for children to be directed through
their development with teachers leading activities directed toward specific
learning. Often drilling methods are used as well as rote learning. Other
characteristics of direct instruction are fast-paced learning activities, active
involvement between teachers and children, and positive reinforcement offered
often and mistakes corrected immediately.

Early childhood education is an important step in educating children and offering

stimulating opportunities for exploring and learning.
Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel of Caloocan, Inc.
Phase 10 Pkg. 6 Blk. 1 Lot 1-5 Bagong Silang, Caloocan City
Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel of Caloocan, Inc.
Phase 10 Pkg. 6 Blk. 1 Lot 1-5 Bagong Silang, Caloocan City

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