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Activity Instruction: Are all experience moral experience?

Which do you think is right, a morality

or moral humanism? If you would take a position other than these, explain your position and
how it will work.
A-morality or Moral Humanism

These two takes regarding what is believed about morality in life seem to contradict.

According to moral humanism, all experiences in life are moral experiences. On the other hand,

a-morality states that not all experiences in life are considered moral experiences because some

can be considered a-moral, wherein such experiences are neither good nor bad as they have their

meaning and goals which makes them independent of moral evaluation.

Taking into consideration both ideas and relating it to our everyday life, I would say both are

true and correct and they are coexisting in our life at every moment. A lot of people tend to say

that the best life an individual can lead, is a balanced life, and I think it is best to apply this to the

presence of a-morality and moral humanism in our life. We can take both these ideas into our

everyday life by balancing them. It is by taking both into your life instead of choosing just one

and not believing the other.

The right balance is knowing which one to lead you in decision-making and which one is to be

set aside, based on the situation or circumstances you are faced with. In the concept of a morality

most mundane actions cannot be considered moral, while on moral humanism it is still

considered moral. For instance, listening to music is a simple action, one just wants to listen to

music, there is no need to put too much thinking if it is good or evil hence it is best to let the

concept of a-moral lead you in deciding to just listen to music as much as you like and keep the

concept of moral humanism in the background. On the other hand, if the situation changes and

you are present in a place where listening to music as you like would cause harm, for instance,

you want to listen to music but then you don’t have any earphones and you’re currently in the
library, this is when it is best to let the concept of moral humanism lead you in decision making

and let the concept of a-moral be in the background because the effect of the action determines

whether it is good or bad and this is affected by situations and circumstances around people

doing a certain action.

Now, letting both ideas coexist in an individual’s life gives us the benefit to keep ourselves in

check whether our actions are still on the right path or remain morally correct, at the same time

enables us to learn to still enjoy life by choosing when it is best to weigh a decision or action’s

morality (moral humanism) as well as when it is best to just let yourself enjoy at the moment

without thinking too much (a-moral). In this way we get to enjoy the best of both world.

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