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Name: ________Jayden Muro________ Date: _____March 20, 2021________

Completed by: ____________Jayden Muro___________

Unsatisfactory (1) Developing (2) Proficient (3) Advanced (4)

E Teacher candidate:
• is late or absent three or more
Teacher candidate:
• is late or absent twice.
Teacher candidate:
• is late or absence only once
Teacher candidate:
• is always present and on time.

n • fails to contact instructor or • gives short notice to instructor or • notifies instructor or cooperating • only misses class for a true
cooperating teacher when cooperating teacher or provides a teacher in advance and makes emergency, provides
g absent and/or gives no or
suspicious reason for absence.
reason after the absence. arrangements (i.e. sub plans,
assignments emailed).
documentation for absences (jury
summons, doctor note, etc.), and
a makes arrangements well in
advance when possible (e.g., sub

g • does not participate, is not • is respectful but does not • is actively engaged and participates
plans, assignments emailed).
• initiates active engagement and

e engaged in learning and/or

teaching, seems lackadaisical or
necessarily engage or participate
in learning and/or teaching.
in the classroom with learners
and/or colleagues.
participation in the classroom
with learners and/or colleagues.
m • is unprofessional (e.g., reads • is professional in behavior most • is professional in behavior. • is unfailingly professional in

e newspaper, text messages, uses

cell phone, has side
of the time. behavior and builds professional

n • dresses unprofessionally for • dress is questionable in terms of • dresses appropriately for the • dresses professionally and

t the situation (i.e. sloppy,

cleavage showing, wrinkled,
appropriateness. situation. appropriately for the situation.

© Brewer, Lawrence, Peterson, Powers and Smith


Unsatisfactory (1) Developing (2) Proficient (3) Advanced (4)

• demonstrates negative • usually interacts positively and • always interacts positively and • interacts appropriately and builds
interactions with learners, appropriately with all learners, appropriately with all learners, positive relationships with learners,
colleagues, and/or instructors colleagues, and/or instructors. colleagues and/or instructors. colleagues and/or instructors.
(e.g., unprofessional
comments, peculiar demeanor
with others).

E Teacher candidate:
• pays little attention to quality;
sloppy or multiple errors (work
Teacher candidate:
• generally completes adequate
work with some revisions
Teacher candidate:
• completes work of high quality –
does what is expected .
Teacher candidate:
• completes exceptionally high
quality work; goes beyond
ff is not proofed). needed. expectations.
• lacks initiative; shows little • at times, demonstrates initiative • demonstrates initiative suitable to • demonstrates high level of
o interest in learning or
improving skills.
suitable to the context. the context most of the time. initiative suitable to the context.

rt • is uncertain and lacks

confidence when interacting
• inconsistently conveys
confidence when interacting with
• conveys confidence when
interacting with learners, peers,
• conveys a high level of
confidence when interacting with
with learners, peers, and/or learners, peers, and/or colleagues and/or colleagues in a large learners, peers, and/or colleagues
colleagues in a large group in a large group situations. group situations. in small and/or large group
situations. situations.
• does not seek out new • prepares and organizes materials. • is somewhat creative when • seeks resources and is creative in
resources when preparing preparing & organizing materials. preparing and organizing
materials or assignments, lacks materials.
organizational skills.
• is apathetic about • inconsistently follows through • demonstrates reliability by • demonstrates a high level of

fo commitments and does not

meet due dates.
with commitments and due dates. following through with most
commitments and due dates.
reliability by following through
with due dates and commitments.

rt • does not meet timelines for

task completion – work is
• follows most timelines and due
dates for tasks.
• follows timelines and due dates. • follows all timelines and due dates
– has many tasks completed prior
consistently late or missing. to date needed.

© Brewer, Lawrence, Peterson, Powers and Smith


Unsatisfactory (1) Developing (2) Proficient (3) Advanced (4)

• is resistive to feedback and • needs reminders to use feedback • uses feedback constructively and • seeks feedback and uses it
reflections are very surface in order to improve skills; some routinely reflects on work to constructively; reflects on
level. reflection is evident. improve skills. teaching and assignments.

• displays limited or no ability to • attempts to motivate and engage • motivates and engages all learners • creates flexible and engaging
motivate and engage all all learners; creates learning in learning by creating flexible learning environments with
learners; creates static learning environments to adequately meet learning environments to meet innovative materials and strategies
environments that have the needs of all learners. the needs of all learners including to motivate all learners including
minimally or do not address those from diverse backgrounds those from diverse backgrounds
the needs of all learners. and with exceptional learning and with exceptional learning
needs. needs.

Teacher candidate: Teacher candidate: Teacher candidate: Teacher candidate:
• displays little to no evidence of • fulfills minimum requirements. • strives to exceed basic • puts forth great effort of own
attempt to learn course requirements of class or field initiative, without the regard of
ni content. placement. grades.

ti • cannot articulate personal goals • has personal goals to complete

requirements satisfactorily.
• willingly accepts and occasionally
exceeds goals set by others (e.g.
cooperating teacher, instructor).
• asks questions when material,
concepts, or expectations are not
clear; sets individual goals and
at evaluates own learning.

• Unaware of professional • aware of professional • uses or references professional • actively involved with professional
organizations or publications; organizations and publications; organizations and publications; organizations and publications;
demonstrates little interest in occasionally participates in belongs to professional seeks opportunities to be involved
e growing professionally; shows
little or no interest in
professional activities and
understands the importance of
organizations; participates in
professional events when
in professional activities; takes
leadership roles in professional
professional activities, professional growth. available; values professional organizations when available;
publications or events. growth. makes professional growth a high
• appears unaware of rules, • aware of rules, restrictions, and • knows rules, restrictions and • dependably follows rules,
restrictions & policies; policies; usually follows them policies and dependably follows restrictions, and policies and
occasionally disregards them without being reminded. them. encourages others to do the same.
even with reminders.

© Brewer, Lawrence, Peterson, Powers and Smith


Unsatisfactory (1) Developing (2) Proficient (3) Advanced (4)

• wants exceptions to be made • does not habitually attempt to • accepts responsibility for • exemplary patterns of behavior
for him/her, or tries to get circumvent policies in patterns of behavior and dress, language, and dress; takes responsibility for
around established rules of behavior, dress, language, etc.; emotions, etc. errors and seeks ways to improve.
behavior, dress, etc; thinks periodically needs reminders to
rules were made for others; take responsibility for own
blames others for mistakes or actions.

Teacher candidate: Teacher candidate: Teacher candidate: Teacher candidate:
• shares learner information with • attempts to maintain • maintains confidentiality of all • maintains confidentiality of all
individuals not in a “need to confidentiality of information learner records and information. learner records and information;
ai know” position. and records. advocates for the maintenance of
confidentiality with others.

r • has little regard for others or

their ideas.
• accepts ideas of others. • incorporates ideas of others and
credits others for their work.
• encourages the use of ideas from
all; willingly acknowledges others’
n • demonstrates a limited lack of • attempts to communicate • communicates respectfully and
• communicates respectfully and
e respect when speaking with
learners, families, peers and
respectfully and effectively with
learners, families, peers and
effectively when speaking with
learners, families, peers and
positively when speaking with
learners, families, peers &

ss colleagues; uses poor or

negative judgment during
colleagues; minimal use of
positive statements and good
colleagues including those from
diverse backgrounds and with
colleagues including those from
diverse backgrounds and with
interactions. judgment and discretion during exceptional learning needs; exceptional learning needs; uses
a interactions. demonstrates good judgment and
discretion during interactions.
exceptional judgment during
© Brewer, Lawrence, Peterson, Powers and Smith

Unsatisfactory (1) Developing (2) Proficient (3) Advanced (4)

n • uses minimal or no effective • attempts to utilize a variety of • uses a variety of effective • uses and promotes various
communication strategies communication strategies to communication strategies to effective communication
d when presenting and/or
present peers to or teach all
present to peers or teach all
strategies to present to peers or
teach all learners.

e • demonstrates favoritism to
some peers, colleagues, or
• presumes that most learners can
learn and be successful.
• expects all learners to learn and
be successful, including those
• expects and promotes
opportunities for all learners to be
q learners. from diverse backgrounds and
with exceptional learning needs.
successful, including those from
diverse backgrounds and with

ui • is concerned with self not • relates adequately with others, • maintains confidentiality of
exceptional learning needs.
• creates a safe learning

ty others, rarely listens to others,

is unprofessional in addressing
uses discretion in keeping
confidences, attempts to address
conversations where appropriate,
communicates issues directly with
environment where concerns are
addressed and resolved following
issues, pattern of dishonesty or issues in a professional manner, is individuals involved and those a professional hierarchy. Respects
deceitful behavior. truthful and honest in dealing within a professional hierarchy; others with differing opinions and
with others. respects differences of opinion. discusses issues in a professional
• may sacrifice truth for personal • strives to be trustworthy and • demonstrates strong personal • demonstrates impeccable
advantage, exhibits keep his/her word, exhibits character; is a good role model character and is held in high
questionable integrity. personal integrity. of personal integrity. regard as a role model by others.
Adapted from the UNC Sport and Exercise Program Dispositions Rubric.

© Brewer, Lawrence, Peterson, Powers and Smith


In this row I had a box that was highlighted as developing and this was because there has been a couple times I had been absence to
class, but in most cases I knew prior to the class and was able to communicate and explain why I had to be gone. I know there has been once
or twice where I felt as if I needed a mental day and so that was why I did not show up, therefore I think I can be better about
communicating that to my teacher and not being afraid to explain that is why I am absent. This is why I marked it as a developing stage for
myself. The rest of the boxes are all marked pretty high because I think I tend to be rather engaged in class and though I may not be the one
to start a conversation, I do like to be apart of them and share what is on my mind.

In this row I had two boxes that were marked in the developing stage and this is because the first one I felt as if I try my best in order
to motivate and engage everyone in class or wherever I am, but sometimes I think that I do not do it correctly, so I would say that I am in the
developing stage and that I am working on ways to get myself to the advanced range. I want to be able to engage and motivate everyone that
I’m around and I will do this by watching how others do it and then work with it myself in order to get my own way going.
Another box I had marked in the developing stage was being more aware of professional organizations and participating in them. I
know of a couple so I am not completely out of the loop, but I would like to discover more and be more engaged with them in order for me
to grow my knowledge and have these as resources while I grow. Ways I can do this are researching organizations around us and becoming
more familiar with what is being offered from them.

In the last couple of rows I had one that was marked in the developing stage and this was because I know that most learners can learn
and be successful, but I have yet to make sure everyone is getting the proper treatment in order to make sure that happens. In order for me to
improve this I think that I really just have to keep growing as a teacher candidate and watch how others are able to do it, getting ideas and
see how others are doing it will help me explore new ways and how I eventually want to do it. I marked this as developing because I am still
learning on ways to be best at this and to make sure everyone is included along the way.

© Brewer, Lawrence, Peterson, Powers and Smith

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