Wastewater Treatment H T N

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I hereby declare that the work in this thesis is my own work except for quotations and
summaries that have been duly acknowledged.

25 May 2019


‫ً اإِ بفضلى َ الحمدهلل علٍ نعمٌ اإلتمامَ‬‫الحمدُ هلل ما تناهٍ دربٌ وِ خُتـم جودٌ وِ تـم سع ٌ‬
‫الحمد هلل حمد ًا تدوم بى النعم‬
‫اهدي تخرجً ونجاحً إلٍ أول من انتظر هذه اللحظات ليفتخر بً إلٍ سندي فً الحياة ابً‬
‫والٍ من حفتنً بتراتيل دعواتوا الطاهرة وعلمتنً الصمود موما تبدلت الظروف إلٍ أغلٍ‬
‫مافً الوجود امً‬
‫والٍ اساتذتً الذين علمونً العطاء مع كل رسمٌ حرف ورفعٌ قلم‬
‫الٍ اخوتً وزمًُّ الذين عشت معوم أجمل لحظات الحياة‬
‫وفً الختام اتقدم بخالص الشكر واِمتنان الٍ مشرفتً الفاضلٌ‪/‬‬
‫الدكتورة اسراء عبد الواحد‬
‫التً لم تقصر فً مساعدتً ‪.‬دعواتً لوا بالميزيد من التألق والعطاء فً ابداعاتوا العلميٌ‬


I dedicate my thesis to my parents’.



Textile industry in undeniably one of the most important industry not only in

developed but also in developing country from hundred years back. The research

concerns on textile manufacturing processes. The natural fibres must be opened,

blended, carded and/or combed and drafted before spinning. The main steps used for

processing wool and cotton are briefed below. Furthermore, the research providing a

clear description of design a suitable Industrial Effluent Treatment System (IETS)

based on the parameters obtained so that the treated wastewater will meet the

regulation standard provided. Textile industry generates substantial quantity of

effluent, which is mostly treated by chemical and biological treatment processes.

These conventional treatment processes may not be very effective for the removal of

specific pollutants such as colour and the dissolved solids. Application of the advance

treatment technologies and processes, besides reducing these pollutants, facilitates

recovery of water and salt from the effluents. The project covers effluent treatment

practices, limitations and the scope for further improvements.





The textile industry has played an important role in the development of human
civilisation over several millennia. Coal, iron / steel and cotton were the principal
materials upon which the industrial revolution was based. Technical developments from
the second part of eighteenth century onwards lead to exponential growth of cotton
output, first starting in the UK, later also in other European countries, also in Germany.
The production of synthetic fibres started at the beginning of the twentieth century
showing also exponential growth. This development is indicated in Figure 1.1

The aim of this project is to first identify the typical wastewater characteristics of
textile industry from previous research done and to compare the values obtained with
the local regulations standard limit focusing on textile effluent itself. After that, the
aim is to design a suitable Industrial Effluent Treatment System based on the
parameters obtained so that the treated wastewater will meet the regulation standard

The objective of the present work was to:

1. To identify wastewater characteristics of textile industry.

2. To design a proper industrial effluent treatment system for textile wastewater
that meet the limits of local regulation.
3. To calculate the mass balance and heat balance of the textile manufacture and
wastewater treatment process.

This approach involves gaining a detailed understanding of production process and

identifies where, and how much, pollution is generated in terms of inputs and outputs
of those production processes.


Chapter 1: Introduction: This chapter describes background and overview of the

textile industry, depicting various textile processes involved in preparation of textiles
fabric in a first part and looks into the environmental regulation framework in a
second step.

Chapter 2: Approach to Pilot Work in Gujarat: The methodology, stakeholder

landscape and processes of implementing environmental friendly techniques in the
textile industry in Gujarat are outlined in this chapter.

Chapter 3: Findings – Focus on Textile Industry: Chapter three put its focus on the
Textile Industry with its structure, its challenges regarding environmental impact and
improvement potentials. Moreover, it has a look at technical solutions to improve the
efficiency of the textile sector in regard to water, energy and material consumption as
well as reduction of pollution.

Chapter 4: Case examples: In this chapter pilot cases of textile sector are presented as
success stories. The implementation experiences are presented in the similar line as
adopted from the EU-BREF documents, focusing amongst others on environmental,
social and economic benefits.




Textile is produced after undergoing a wide series of processes that varies on the type
of textile used. The main production of wastewater in textile industry comes from the
process called wet processing. The basic process flow diagram of a typical wet
process conducted in textile industry can be shown as in Figure 2.1 where both the
inputs and outputs of each and every unit included in the wet processes are shown.
Different units in the wet processing may be differs depending on the type of textile
Desizing is the process or removing the starch or size the covering the warp yarn
using enzyme, oxidizing agent, or other chemicals. There are three types of technique
in desizing and four method of desizing that has been used in wet processing.
Desizing technique are different depends on the kind of sizing agent to be removed. In
desizing, bacteria is a conventional method depend by others method. During this
process, the fabrics is wet out in water and allowed to lie damp for several hour. Other
than that, the method is most popular that has been used in this wet processing is by
using enzyme. This enzyme are named after the compound break down. Besides that,
the other method is acid hydrolysis. This method can remove metal contamination at
the fabrics, but it might affect the cellulosic since chemically starch and cellulose is
very similar. Lastly is oxidative desizing method. This method using hydrogen
peroxide and persulphate, which will degrade the starch with serious attack.
The term ‘scouring’ applies to the removal of impurities such as oils, was, gums,
soluble impurities and sold dirt commonly found in textile material and produce a
hydrophilic and clean cloth.
The objective of scouring process is to remove natural as well as added impurities of
essentially hydrophobic character as completely as possible, increase absorbency of
textile material and also to leave the fabric in a highly hydrophilic condition without
undergoing chemical or physical damage significantly. There are two types of textile
scouring processes namely Conventional Scouring process and Special Scouring
process. Sodium Hydroxide is often use in the scouring process of textile.

Scouring and
Woven Goods Desizing

Mercerisation Bleaching and Dyeing and

and washing washing washing

Figure 2.1 Simplified view of the textile process chain

Textile Industry answers one of the basic needs of human being and is of great
significance. Besides meeting the needs of consumers, it supports number of
other industries such as dyes, chemicals and packaging industries. Basically,
textile manufacturing consists of three main activities. The fibers are first
converted into yarns and threads. The yarns and threads are then converted by
weaving and knitting to fabrics. Finally, the fabrics are processed including
dyeing and finished as per the market demand. The processing of textiles
mainly constitutes large volume of fresh water and the effluents discharged are
heavily contaminated with pollutants such as colour and dissolved solids. Textile
industries use a number of dyes and chemicals to impart the desired quality in the
fabrics. During processing, considerable portion of these raw materials find their
way into waste effluent streams. It is estimated that out of dyes consumed by
textile industry about 10 to 15 % of dye is disposed of in the effluent, which can
cause environmental problems unless the effluent is properly treated. There have
been cases of soil and ground water quality deterioration due to indiscriminate
discharge of textile effluents. Pollution control in this sector requires more
concerted efforts. The pollution control in the textile industries is assuming greater
importance in recent times. This is because of the necessity of various textile
industries for complying with in-stringent regulatory requirement and general
awareness of entrepreneurs about the environmental problems. In addition, scarcity
of potable water and resource crunch has highlighted the need to go for the more
environmentally sound industrial practices.


The following sections describe each of these In general, the entire textiles
manufacturing process can be described in five different stages of production, as
given below:

1- Preparation of fiber: natural (e.g. wool, cotton) and manmade i.e. cellulosic (e.g.
rayon, acetate(and synthetic (e.g. polyester, nylon)

2- Conversion of fiber into yarn (spinning).

3- Manufacturing of textile from yarn (weaving and knitting).

4- Colouring and finishing of textiles.

5- Garmenting by cutting and stitching

The following sections describe each of these stages of production.


2.3.1 Natural fibers

The natural fibers must be opened, blended, carded and/or combed and drafted before
spinning. The main steps used for processing wool and cotton are briefed below.
Although the equipment used for cotton is designed somewhat differently from that
used for wool, the machinery operates in essentially the same fashion.

Image no. 2: Raw Cotton Image no. 1: Fibre

Opening/Blending: Suppliers deliver natural fibres to the
spinning mill in compressed ales. The fibres are sorted based
on grade, cleaned to remove particles of dirt, twinges and
leaves, and blended with fibres from different bales to

Carding: Tufts of fibre from the blending and opening operation are conveyed
by air steam and fed to a carding machine, which transports the fibre over a belt
equipped with wire needles. A series of rotating brushes rest on top of the belt.
The different rotation speeds of the belt and the brushes cause the fibres to tease
out and align into thin parallel sheets. A further objective of carding is to better
align the fibres to prepare them for spinning. Opening, blending and carding are
sometimes performed in integrated carders that accept raw fibre and output

Combing: Combing is similar to carding except the brushes and

needles are finer and more closely spaced. The carded silver after
combing becomes a finer, cleaner and more aligned comb silver.

Drawing: Several silvers are combined and fed to a machine known as a

drawing frame. The drawing frame contains several sets of rollers that rotate at
successively faster speeds. During drawing, silvers from different types of fibres
(e.g. Cotton and polyester) may be combined to form blends.
Spinning: The ravings’ produced in the drafting step are
mounted onto the spinning frame, where they are set up
for spinning.

Drafting: which takes place on the roving frame,

stretches the yarn further. This process imparts a slight
twist as it removes the yarn and winds it onto a rotating


A report on Textile Waste Minimization by LIFE-Environment Programme has listed

a various ways in reducing waste (focusing on waste water) in textile industry. This
initiative needed to be started by incorporating a good management environmental
practice in the textile manufacturing plant. General good management practices range
from staff education and training, improving the quality and quantity of chemicals
use, to optimizing water consumption and optimizing the use of energy. This efforts
includes staff educations and training, improving the quality and quantity of
chemicals used, including regular revision and maintenance of recipes, equipment and
systems for automated control of process parameters, optimizing and reducing water
consumption, and applying zero waste concept.

In order to identify environmental issues, environment friendly techniques and

technologies for the textile sector, following methodology was adopted:
The following core environmental issues were identified:
Issue 1: Less efficient electrical equipment
Issue 2: Inefficient water recovery & reuse
Issue 3: Waste water generated from various washing sections
Issue 4: Management of chemical usage
Issue 5: Inefficient boiler operation
Issue 6: High thermal energy losses through uninsulated areas, improper condensate
Issue 7: High heat loss through dryer
Issue 8: Waste due to manual operations

In a second step the reasons for these environmental issues were looked into closely.
The results were the basis to propose further measures to reduce resource
consumption and negative impact of textile sector on society and the environment


The challenges identified are:

 High water consumption - water consumption in wet processing varies from 146-
250 litre/kg of fabric processed.
 High thermal energy consumption – the thermal energy consumption in wet
processing varies from 7,739-14,617 kCal/kg of fabric processed.
 High wastewater generation - waste water generation in wet processing varies
from 146-250 Litre/kg of fabric processed with increased load
 High dose of chemicals & auxiliaries usage- These practices results in high
environment impacts.
 Inefficient processes & machinery


The environmental concerns of the textile industry are centred on the textile
processing, which generates wastewater during the process, mainly of dyeing. The
implementation of environmental friendly techniques aims at directly or indirectly
mitigating the potential negative impact of the various industrial operations. These
measures may be linked to either the processes or the equipment used. The European
IPPC Bureau, under ‘Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control’ Directive/ Act, has
prepared reference documents on Best Available Techniques Reference Documents,
called BREFs. This is for use by member countries in Europe for the purpose of
issuing operating permits for the installation of significant pollution potential. The
conclusions of Best Available Techniques (BAT) do not prescribe the use of specific
techniques, but a level of environmental protection that can be achieved by the
application of BAT as listed in Table 1.

Table 1. Application of Best Available Techniques (BAT)

Processes covered by BREF Environmental issues covered
Fibre preparation Waste water
Pre treatment Emission to air
Dyeing Energy consumption
Printing Solid and liquid waste
Finishing Hazardous material management

Further resources, which were also studied and analysed for identifying the potential
solutions are:
 Cleaner Production measures implemented in industries by the Gujarat Cleaner
Production Centre;
 Solutions available in the market;
 International case examples and national / local case examples; and
 Local and national technical consultants also were consulted while analysing the
possible solutions on their suitability and feasibility.

From the above sources, a list of possible solutions was identified against the
environmental issues and after consultation with industry experts, technology supplier
and consultants few solutions were zeroed in for pilot testing.
The solutions may be categorized in the following major categories in Figure 5:

Water use

Material use Pollution

efficiency control


Figure 5 Potential solutions against the environmental issues


The textile industrial processes are water-intensive and environmental friendly
techniques comes handy in increasing the water use efficiency and employing these
measures saves considerable water and water-related costs. Many factors influence
washing efficiency (e.g. temperature, residence time, liquor/substrate exchange, etc.).
The techniques applied in modern washing machines depend largely on the type of
fabric to be washed, e.g. light or very heavy fabrics, etc. Two basic
principles/strategies are applied in modern washing machines: counter current
washing and reduction of carry-over.
More measures to reduce water consumption are listed below:
Recovery and Reuse of Sizing Agents
Replacement of starch in de-sizing
One-step de-sizing sourcing and bleaching
Water reuse
Reuse of water from Bleaching Process
Water Consumption Optimisation at Jigger Machines
Pulsating Rinsing Technology
Re-use Cooling Water as Process Water


Most significant pollutant related to the textile is generated from the wet processes in
the form wastewater. Several methods are employed for the treatment and disposal of
waste water from textile industries. The treatment procedures are neutralization,
chemical treatment (precipitation), biological treatment and advanced treatment
systems. The choice of method differs from plant to plant and the method best suited
for a particular plant has to be evaluated with reference to the type of wastes to be
handled and the degree of treatment required in the multiple effect evaporators have
been installed but found to be unaffordable due to high operating cost beside capital
cost. Some of the possible waste water related techniques are presented briefly in
following sub sections. As the conventional treatment of physico-chemical and
biological treatment could not fulfil the requirement of achieving desired quality of
treated effluent that is suitable to discharge in water body due to high Total dissolved
solids (TDS) and residual Chemical oxyden demand (COD), the use of Reverse
Osmose (R.O.) for recovery for water from treated effluent and use of nano filtration
for recovery of brine from concentrated dye effluent with subsequent use in process
have come into practice in many textile industries. To take care of R.O rejects, the
multiple effect evaporators have been installed but found to be unaffordable due to
high operating cost beside capital cost. Some of the possible waste water related
techniques are described in named sub sections.

Efficient Wastewater Treatment Trains

Reduction of suspended solids load by usage of alkaline sizing agent in place of
acidic sizing agent
Reduction of suspended solids in wastewater through collection and saving system
Fibre recovery System
For detail description of the measures, refer to the Reference Document on
Environment friendly techniques in Textile Industry.
Figure 2.7 below shows a basic material balance of textile industry wet processing.

Grey fabric: 500 kg Desized Fabric: 950 kg

Desizing agent: 4 kg Desizing
Drain : 50 kg
Wetting agent: 4 kg Total: 1000 kg
LPSteam: 45 kg
Water: 447 kg
Total: 1000 kg

Bleached Fabric: 900 kg

Wastewater, 30 C: 24947.1 kg
Desized Fabric: 950 kg Bleaching
Vapour loss 80 C: 350 kg
Water 30 C: 24000 kg
Condensate: 7600 kg
LP Steam: 1200 kg
Total: 33,797.10 kg
HP Steam: 7600 kg
NaOH: 32.1 kg
Wetting agent: 2.4 kg
Peroxide (100%): 6 kg
Sodium Hydrosulphite: 4.2 kg
Peroxide stabilizer: 2.4 kg
Total: 33797.10 kg

Bleached Fabric: 900 kg

Filtered Water: 10000 kg Dyed Fabric(90% pickup):
Soft Water: 2200 kg 900 kg
LP Steam: 1200 kg Dyeing Wastewater, 50 C: 14415.1 kg
Dye: 10 kg Vapour(60 C): 350 kg
Sodium Carbonate: 31 kg Condensate: 7600 kg
Sodium Nitrite: 3.5 kg Total: 15665.5 kg
Wetting agent: 20 kg
Sulfuric acid: 1 kg
Total: 15665.5 kg

Figure 2.7 Material Balance of Textile Industry Wet Processing

(Source: Modak, P. 1996)

According to source ASM Tareq Amin et al., BTT, 2009, 2, 16, to produce
approximately 900 kg of final dyed fabric, 500 kg of grey fabric were mixed with 4
kg of desizing agent, 4 kg of wetting agent, 45 kg of low pressure steam and 447 kg of
water to undergo the desizing process. The influent with total of 1,000 kg produced
desized fabric of 950 kg which leads to drain of 50 kg (also can be labeled as

The 950 kg of desized fabric were mixed with 24,000 kg of water with temperature of
30˚C, 1,200 kg of low pressure steam, 7,600 kg of high pressure steam, 32.1 kg of
sodium hydroxide, another 2.4 kg of wetting agent, 6.0 kg of 100% peroxide, and 4.2
kg of sodium hydrosulphite and 2.4 kg of peroxide stabilizer. Total of 33,797.10 kg of
influent undergo the bleaching process that produce 900 kg of bleached fabric,
24,947.1 kg of wastewater at temperature of 30˚C, 350 kg vapo350 kg at r loss at
80˚C and another 7,600 kg of condensate. The volume of condensate are often being
recycle back into the process as part of the heating system, therefore will not be
considered as wastewater.

After undergoing the bleaching process, the produced textile then undergo the dyeing
process. 900 kg of bleached fabric were mixed with 10,000 kg of filtered water, 2,200
kg of soft water, 2,500 kg of low pressure steam, 10 kg of dye, 31 kg of sodium
carbonate, 3.5 kg of sodium nitrite, and another 20 kg of wetting agent and lastly 1 kg
of sulfuric acid. The 15, 665.5 kg of influent undergoes the dyeing process which
produced 900 kg of dyed fabric, 14,415.50 kg of wastewater at temperature of 50˚C
and vapor at 60˚C of temperature.



Batch size of fiber is 200 kg/h

To wet the fabric same equil amount of water is needed
Water inlet = 200 kg
Material balance on washing unit
Water used for washing is 200 kg
Fabric + clean water = washed water + clean fabric
400 + 200 = 400 + X
Washed water is 200 kg

3.2 Material balance Bleaching unit

1:40 ratio of H2O2 is used for bleaching along with 1:2000ratio of NaOCl
So H2O2 required is 400/40 = 10 kg
NaOCl required is 400/2000 = 0.2 kg
All NaOCl is separeted with the waste water along with 90% of the peroxide
Water water = 200 kg water + 0.9*10 peroxide + 0.2 NaOCl = 209.2
Fabric leaving = bleached fabric ( no losses assumed) + 1% peroxide
=400 + 0.1*10 = 401 kg
Washing after bleaching
The fabric is washed to remove the peroxide completely with 200 kg water

Second bleaching material balance

For this second treatment a mixture of soap as foaming agent + soda as a base with
peroxide as a strong oxidizaing agent

The mixture was 0.2 kg soap + 0.5 kg soda + 0.5 kg peroxide

All the treated chemicals were removed completely with 200 kg washing water
3.3 Optical britning treatment material balance
This treatment is used to remove any colour from the fabric and to make it much
cleaner . the most common chemical used is 4,4′-Diamino-2,2′-stilbenedisulfonic acid
, 1 kg of this chemical is enough and it can be removed completely using 200 kg

3.4 Neutraulization and drying

The fabric is lettel bacis ph> 7 due to the use of soda and to ajust the ph a 0.1 kg of
acetic acid is used . the final step is to evaporate the water from the wet fabric

Waste water from textile industries


Cotton textile industry with an annual production of about 400 million meters of cloth
and approximately 1000 million Kg of yarn is one of the biggest industries in the
country. A large volume of waste water is originated from the different process in the

Dye bath wastewater generated by textile mills is often rated as the most polluting
among all industrial sectors. The pollution load is characterized by high color content,
suspended solids, salts, nutrients and toxic substances such as heavy metals and
chlorinated organic compounds. Many textile mills in the state currently discharge
their wastewater to local wastewater treatment plants with minimum treatment such as
pH neutralization. This process removes much of the residual dye colour. Larger mills
can discharge more than 2 million gallons of wastewater of this kind per day.

4.2 Characteristics of waste water

The three main characteristics of wastewater are classified below.

1. Physical Characteristics
· Turbidity
· Color
· Odor
· Total solids
· Temperature

2. Chemical Characteristics due to Chemical Impurities

· Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)
· Total Organic Carbon (TOC)
· Nitrogen
· Phosphorus
· Chlorides
· Sulfates
· Alkalinity
· pH
· Heavy Metals
· Trace Elements
· Priority Pollutants

3. Biological Characteristics due to Contaminants

· Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD)
· Oxygen required for nitrification
· Microbial population

Wastewater characteristics, as well as water treatment processes, are important for

environmental engineers to understand. Our FE Environmental exam review course
thoroughly reviews the characteristics of wastewater.

Physical Characteristics of Wastewater

· Color - Fresh sewage is normally brown and yellowish in color but over time
becomes black in color.
· Odor – Wastewater that includes sewage typically develops a strong odor.
· Temperature - Due to more biological activity, wastewater will have a higher
· Turbidity - Due to suspended solids in wastewater, wastewater will have a higher
turbidity, or cloudiness.

Chemical Characteristics of Wastewater

Wastewater contains different chemicals in various forms as mentioned below.
· Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) - COD is a measure of organic materials in
wastewater in terms of the oxygen required to oxidize the organic materials.
· Total Organic Carbon (TOC) - TOC is a measure of carbon within organic materials.
· Nitrogen - Organic nitrogen is the amount of nitrogen present in organic compounds.
· Phosphorous - Organic phosphorous (in protein) and inorganic phosphorous
(phosphates, PO4- )
· Chlorides (Cl-)
· Sulfates (SO4-2)
· Heavy metals
Mercury (Hg)
Arsenic (As)
Lead (Pb)
Zinc (Zn)
Cadmium (Cd)
Copper (Cu)
Nickel (Ni)
Chromium (Cr)
Silver (Ag)

Analyzing the physical and chemical characteristics of wastewater plays a critical role
in the wastewater treatment process. Our FE Environmental review course greatly
emphasizes wastewater treatment methods based on the physical and chemical
characteristics of the water.

Biological Characteristics of Wastewater

· Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) - BOD is the amount of oxygen needed to
stabilize organic matter using microorganisms.
· Nitrogenous Oxygen Demand (NOD) - NOD is the amount of oxygen needed to
convert organic and ammonia nitrogen into nitrates by nitrifying bacteria.
· Microbial life in wastewater - Wastewater contains the following microbes:

· Oil and Grease - Oil and grease originate from food waste and petroleum products.
The amount of oil and grease in raw wastewater varies from 10 to 109 mg/L.

It is important that those who are striving to obtain their FE certification fully
understand how to regulate the biological characteristics of wastewater through
appropriate treatment methods.

4.3 treatment of waste water process

Primary treatment
The first step in textile wastewater treatment is the removal of suspended solids,
excessive quantities of oil and grease and gritty materials . The effluent is first
screened for coarse suspended materials such as yarns, lint, pieces of fabrics, fibres
and rags using bar and fine screens . The screened effluent then undergoes settling for
the removal of the suspended particles. The floating particles are removed by
mechanical scraping systems. Neutralization is done to reduce the acidic contents of
the effluents. Sulphuric acid and boiler flue gas are the most commonly used
chemicals to alter the pH. A pH value of 5-9 is considered ideal for the treatment
process .
. The reductions in pollution parameter of the primary treatment process.
The first step of screening (coarse screening), the effluent is carried out to prevent
damages from plastics, metals paper and rags. Coarse screens have an opening of 6
mm or larger. Coarse screening is followed by fine screening (1.5-6 mm opening) and
very fine screening (0.2- 1.5mm opening). Fine screening helps in the reduction of
suspended solids in the effluent [75]. Screening is followed by sedimentation which
makes use of gravity to settle the suspended
particles such as clay or silts present in the effluent. According to Das , simple
sedimentation was not found to be effective because it does not remove colloidal
particles in the effluents. Another disadvantage of the process is the large space it
occupies. Therefore, settling could be carried out by coagulation. Colloidal particles
in the effluent carry charges on their surfaces and addition of chemicals to the effluent
changes the surface property of the colloids hence causing them to clump together and
settle. Ferrous sulphate, lime, alum, ferric sulphate and ferric chloride are some of the
most commonly used chemicals in the coagulation step . The settled particles are
collected as sludge. Disposal of sludge is one of the biggest challenges of treatment
Mechanical flocculation is a physical process which involves slow mixing of the
effluent with paddles bringing the small particles together to form heavier particles
that can be settled and removed as sludge . Some of the disadvantages with
flocculation system are: (a) they are in a risk of getting short-circuited and (b) the floc
formation in the system is difficult to control. Care should be taken that the sludge
disposed from the bottom of the system would not suspend the solids into the system
again .

Secondary treatment
The Secondary treatment process is mainly carried out to reduce the BOD, phenol and
oil contents in the wastewater and to control its colour. This can be biologically done
with the help of microorganisms under aerobic or anaerobic conditions. Aerobic
Bacteria use organic matter as a source of energy and nutrients. They oxidize
dissolved organic matter to CO2 and water and degrade nitrogenous organic matter
into ammonia. Aerated lagoons, trickling filter and activated sludge systems are
among the aerobic system used in the secondary treatment. Anaerobic treatment is
mainly used to stabilize the generated sludge .

Aerated lagoons are one of the commonly used biological treatment processes. This
consists of a large holding tank lined with rubber or polythene and the effluent from
the primary treatment is aerated for about 2-6 days and the formed sludge is removed.
The BOD removal efficiency is up to 99% and the phosphorous removal is 15-25% .
The nitrification of ammonia is also found to occur in aerated lagoons. Additional
TSS removal can be achieved by the presence of algae in the lagoon . The major
disadvantage of this technique is the large amount of space it occupies

and the risk of bacterial contamination in the lagoons .

Trickling filters are another common method of secondary treatment that mostly
operates under aerobic conditions. The effluent for the primary treatment is trickled or
sprayed over the filter. The filter usually consists of a rectangular or circular bed of
coal, gravel, Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC), broken stones or synthetic resins [82]. A
gelatinous film, made up of microorganisms, is formed on the surface of the filter
medium. These organisms help in the oxidation of organic matter in the effluent to
carbon dioxide and water [83]. Trickling filters do not require a huge space, hence
making them advantageous compared to aerated lagoons. However, their
disadvantage is the high capital cost and odour emission [82].

Aerobic activated sludge processes are commonly used. It involves a regular aeration
of the effluent inside a tank allowing the aerobic bacteria to metabolize the soluble
and suspended organic matters. A part of the organic matter is oxidized into CO2 and
the rest are synthesized into new microbial cells [84]. The effluent and the sludge
generated from this process are separated using sedimentation; some of the sludge is
returned to the tank as a source of microbes. A BOD removal efficiency of 90-95%
can be achieved from this process, but is time consuming .

Sludge’s formed as a result of primary and secondary treatment processes pose a

major disposal problem. They cause environmental problems when released untreated
as they consist of microbes and organic substances . Treatment of sludge is carried out
both, aerobically and anaerobically by bacteria. Aerobic treatment involves the
presence of air and aerobic bacteria which convert the sludge into carbon dioxide
biomass and water. Anaerobic treatment involves the absence of air and the presence
of anaerobic bacteria, which degrade the sludge into biomass, methane and carbon
dioxide .

Tertiary treatment
There are several technologies used in tertiary treatments including electrodialysis,
reverse osmosis and ion exchange as shown in Figure 6. Electrolytic precipitation of
textile effluents is the process of passing electric current through the textile effluent
using electrodes. As a result of electro chemical reactions, the dissolved metal ions
combine with finely dispersed particles in the solution, forming heavier metal ions
that precipitate and can be removed later. One of the disadvantages is that a high
contact time is required between the cathode and the effluent .

Reverse osmosis is a well-known technique which makes use of membranes that have
the ability to remove total dissolved solid contents along with ions and larger species
from the effluents. A high efficiency of >90% has been reported ]. Cotton dyeing
processes use electrolytes such as NaCl in high concentrations. These high
concentrations of salts can be treated using reverse osmosis membrane .

Electrodialysis is another process which uses membranes, that has the ability to
separate dissolved salts. The electricity used in electrodialysis influences the ions to
get transported through a semi permeable membrane by passing an electrical potential
across water . The membranes used are charge specific and anion-selective which
allows negatively charged particles to pass through and traps positively charged
particles and vice versa. Placing numerous membranes throughout the system hinders
the flow of effluent and the effluent would reach a point at which the ions are trapped
or settled down and the remaining ions are neutral in charge . Membrane fouling (the
process where solutes or other particles get attached to the membrane or into the
membrane pore) has to be prevented by removing suspended solids, colloids and
turbidity prior to electrodialysis .

Ion exchange method is a commonly used tertiary method which involves the passage
of effluents through the beds of ion exchange resins. These ion exchange resins are
either cationic or anionic charged. Effluent passing thorough a cationic resin would
have its cations removed by the resin and replaced with hydrogen ions making it
acidic. When the acid solution is passed through anion resin, the anions would be
substituted with hydroxyl ions .
Photocatalytic degradation is another method by which a wide range of dyes can be
decolourized depending on their molecular structures . Adsorption is also found to be
effective in the removal of colours. Thermal evaporation using sodium persulfate is
also found to have a good oxidizing potential. This process is found to be ecofriendly
because they do not have the property to form sludge and also do not emit toxic
chlorine fumes during evaporation .

4.4 Impacts of wastewater on safety:


The process of making fabric and garments from fibre involves a variety of processes,
which include spinning, weaving, dyeing, printing, finishing. There are several safety
and health issues associated with the textile industry.
The main safety and health issues in the textile industry can be classified as exposure
1. Cotton dust
2. Chemicals
3. Noise
4. Ergonomic issues
Exposure to cotton dust:
The workers engaged in the processing and spinning of cotton are exposed to cotton
dust and other particles which lead to a respiratory disorder called Byssinosis,
commonly known as brown lung. The symptoms of this disease include tightening of
the chest, coughing, wheezing and dumpiness of inhalation. Also there is an increase
in the incidence of chronic bronchitis and acute respiratory illness.

Exposure to chemicals:
Especially those engaged in the activities of dyeing, printing and finishing, are
exposed to chemicals. These chemicals containing Benzedrine, ocular brighteners,
solvents and fixatives, crease-resistance agents release formaldehyde. Flame
retardants have organ phosphorus and organ bromine compounds. Antimicrobial
agents which are used in textile operations are also detrimental to health.

Exposure to formaldehyde can cause:

Cancer of nose, lung, brain and blood (leukemia), which can be fatal in the long run.
Respiratory difficulty and eczema.
Contact of the chemicals and dyes with skin can cause contact dermatitis and
inhalation can lead to
several serious health effects.

Other cancers which are notably high in textile workers are of the:
Oral cavity
Gastrointestinal tract
Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
Exposure to noise:
High levels of noise from ill maintained machinery in the long run, is known to
damage the eardrum and cause hearing loss.
Other problems like exhaustion, skiving, aggravation, anxiety, reduction in efficiency,
changes in pulse rate and blood pressure as well as sleep disorders have also been
noted on account of continuous exposure to noise.

Ergonomic issues:
In most developing countries most of these units have a working environment that is
unsafe and unhealthy for the workers.

4.5 regulations by countries:

GB 4287-2012 +XG1-2015 Discharge Standards of Water Pollutants for Dyeing and
Finishing of Textile Industry (China Ministry of Environmental Protection, 2015)
• Table 2 applies to an existing facility as of 1 January 1 2015, a new facility as of 1
January 2013 and Table 3 for special discharge that applies to areas in which the
ecological environment is vulnerable. These standards apply to discharge to the
environment and to the public wastewater treatment system.
GB 8978-1996 Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standard (China Ministry of
Environmental Protection, 1996)
• Tables 1 and 4 apply to wastewater discharge to water bodies. Table 4 applies to
enterprises built after 1 January 1998.
• This document also includes parameters such as Chloro benzene, oxy benzene and
total organic carbon that are not listed in Appendix A.

Tolerance Limits for Industrial Effluents Discharged into Inland Surface Waters
(Bureau of Indian Standards, 1981)
• Part I, general limits schedule covers effluents discharged to a variety of receiving
• Percent sodium is listed in this regulation, but only for discharge to public sewers or
irrigation. It is not included in the table in Appendix A.
Environmental (Protection) Rules (India Ministry of Environment, Forest and
Environment Change, 1986).
• Schedule VI is a general standard for discharge of environmental pollutants and
schedule I that is specific to cotton textile and dye industries. These schedules cover
effluents discharged to a variety of receiving bodies.

Environmental Quality (Industrial Effluent) Regulations (Malaysia Department of
Environment Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, 2009)
• Schedule 7 is specific to the textile industry and Schedule 5 pertains to industrial
effluent. This regulation applies to the discharge of industrial effluent or mixed
effluent onto or into any soil, inland waters or Malaysian waters.

4.6 waste minimizations

Waste minimization is a set of processes and practices intended to reduce the amount
of waste produced. By reducing or eliminating the generation of harmful and
persistent wastes, waste minimization supports efforts to promote a
more sustainable society.[1] Waste minimization involves redesigning products and
processes and/or changing societal patterns of consumption and production.[2]
The most environmentally resourceful, economically efficient, and cost effective way
to manage waste often is to not have to address the problem in the first place.
Managers see waste
minimization as a primary focus for most waste management strategies. Proper
waste treatment and disposal can require a significant amount of time and resources;
therefore, the benefits of waste minimization can be considerable if carried out in an
effective, safe and sustainable manner.
Traditional waste management focuses on processing waste after it is created,
concentrating on re-use, recycling, and waste-to-energy conversion.[2] Waste
minimization involves efforts to avoid creating the waste during manufacturing. To
effectively implement waste minimization
the manager requires knowledge of the production process, cradle-to-grave
analysis (the tracking of materials from their extraction to their return to earth) and
details of the composition of the waste.


Waste minimization can protect the environment and often turns out to have positive
economic benefits. Waste minimization can improve:[1]
 Efficient production practices. Waste minimization can achieve more output of
product per unit of input of raw materials.
 Economic returns. More efficient use of products means reduced costs of
purchasing new materials improving the financial performance of a company.

 Public image. The environmental profile of a company is an important part of

its overall reputation and waste minimization reflects a proactive movement
towards environmental protection.
 Quality of products produced. New innovation and technological practices can
reduce waste generation and improve the quality of the inputs in the
production phase.

 Environmental responsibility. Minimizing or eliminating waste generation

makes it easier to meet targets of environmental regulations, policies, and
standards. The environmental impact of waste will be
 reduced.

 Reuse of scrap material

Scraps can be immediately re-incorporated at the beginning of the

manufacturing line so that they do not become a waste product. Many
industries routinely do this; for example, paper mills return any damaged rolls
to the beginning of the production line, and in the manufacture of plastic
items, off-cuts and scrap are re-incorporated into new products.
 Improved quality control and process monitoring

Steps can be taken to ensure that the number of reject batches is kept to a
minimum. This is achieved by increasing the frequency of inspection and the
number of points of inspection. For example, installing automated continuous
monitoring equipment can help to identify production problems at an early
 Waste exchanges

This is where the waste product of one process becomes the raw material for a
second process. Waste exchanges represent another way of reducing waste
disposal volumes for waste that cannot be eliminated.
 Ship to point of use

This involves making deliveries of incoming raw materials or components

direct to the point where they are assembled or used in the manufacturing
process to minimize handling and the use of protective wrappings or
 Zero waste

This is a whole systems approach that aims to eliminate waste at the source
and at all points down the supply chain, with the intention of producing no
waste. It is a design philosophy which emphasizes waste prevention as
opposed to end of pipe waste management.[4]Since, globally speaking, waste
as such, however minimal, can never be prevented (there will always be
an end-of-life even for recycled products and materials), a related goal
is pollution prevention.



5.1 layout of ITES:

Common Industrial Effluent Treatment System used in industries in Malaysia

1. Physcio-Chemical Treatment Processes
• Chemical Precipitation
• Oxidation/reduction
• Dissolved Air Floatation (DAF)
2. Biological Treatment Processes
Activated Sludge...
equential Batch Reactor
Oxidation Ponds
Trickling filters
Anaerobic Up flow Sludge Blanket (AUSB)

3.Advanced Treatment Processes

4. Treatment of Sludge
ng bed
Industrial effluent treatment system:

Sedimentation tank desing

Calculation and results
Data Given:
Sewage Flow = 70000 m3/day = 0.8102 m3/s
Temperature = 29 °C

Assumptions taken:
Specific gravity of water = 0.99
Specific waste = 0.92

Viscosity of wastewater = 0.0062 poise = 0.3871 cm2/s

globule size = 0.015 cm
Design constraints
• VH ≤ 1.5 cm/s or VH = 15 Vt, whichever the smaller
• 1.0 m ≤ d ≤ 2.5 m
• 0.3 ≤ d/B ≤ 0.5
• 1.8 m ≤ B ≤ 6.0 m
• n = 2 (minimum 2 channels)
• L/B ≥ 5

Calculating Vt using:
Vt = 0.0123[(Sw - So)/μ]
Vt = 0.0123[(990 – 920)/ (0.3871)]
Vt = 2.224 cm/s
Vertical Velocity = 2.224 cm/s
Horizontal flow velocity is taken as 1.5 cm/s
Ac = (0.8102 x 100)/1.5
Ac = 54 m2
Therefore the minimum vertical cross-sectional area is 54 m2
By assuming ‘B’ to be 8m and n = 2
d = 54/ (8 x 2)
d =3.38 m
Depth of channel = 3.38 m
Depth/width ratio = 3.38/8 = 0.4
Calculating L using:
Using the following graph:

F is found to be 1.46
L = F x (VH/Vt) x d
L = 1.46 x (1.5/2.224) x 3.38
L = 1.46 x 0.67446 x 3.38
L = 3.33 m
Length of channel = 3.33 m
Activated sludge tank sizing
Sludge age or sludge retention time
As per methodology, the SRT for a membrane bioreactor tank is typically 5 to15 days
so as to achieve efficient achieve BOD & nitrogen removal. Therefore, the average
SRT is assumed: 𝑆𝑅𝑇=5+15/2=10 𝑑𝑎𝑦𝑠
Feed to microorganism ratio
As the biomass is actively removing the organic substrate in the wastewater, it follows
that the BOD loading should be related to the volume of the biomass in the aeration
tank (i.e. Sludge Loading)
Assume F/M ratio for conventional process = 0.2-0.4
The lower the f/m ratio, the lower the rate of metabolism and the greater the BOD
removal and sludge settleability. However, as removal efficiency increases so does
the overall oxygen demand of the system and so the overall cost of BOD removal.
F/m ratio is also the rate of BOD or COD applied per unit volume of mixed liquor.
From Metcalf and Eddy, 2003; F/M ratio can be expressed as: 𝐹𝑀=𝑄0(𝑆0−𝑆𝐸)𝑉𝑥
F/M = food to microorganism ratio, 𝐾𝑔𝐵𝑂𝐷/𝐾𝑑𝑀𝐿𝑆𝑆,𝑑𝑎𝑦⁄
𝑄0 = Inlet Flowrate, 𝑚3𝑑𝑎𝑦⁄
𝑆0= Inlet 𝐵𝑂𝐷,𝑚𝑔𝐿⁄ 𝑆𝐸= 𝑂𝑢𝑡𝑙𝑒𝑡𝐵𝑂𝐷,𝑚𝑔𝐿⁄
X = Reactor solids, 𝑚𝑔𝐿
V = Volume of Aeration tank, 𝑚3
Total aeration volume and dimensions of the MBR tank
From the equation of food to microorganism ratio 𝐹𝑀=𝑄0(𝑆0−𝑆𝐸)/𝑉𝑥 𝑊ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑏𝑦:
F/M =0.3 𝐾𝑔𝐵𝑂𝐷𝐾𝑑𝑀𝐿𝑆𝑆,𝑑𝑎𝑦⁄
𝑄0 = 70,000 𝑚3𝑑𝑎𝑦⁄
𝑆0= 200𝑚𝑔𝐿⁄ = 14000 kg/day
𝑆𝐸=Taking into consideration permissible limits,that is 40 mg/L = 2800 kg/day
X = Reactor solids, 𝑚𝑔𝐿⁄
Assuming that the bioreactor have a concentration varying in the range 2000 𝑚𝑔𝐿⁄-
3000𝑚𝑔𝐿⁄ Hence, an average MLSS concentration is calculated which equals to 2500
V = Volume of Aeration tank, 𝑚3 0.3 (𝐾𝑔𝐵𝑂𝐷)(𝐾𝑑𝑀𝐿𝑆𝑆,𝑑𝑎𝑦) =70,000
𝑚3𝑑𝑎𝑦⁄(200𝑚𝑔𝐿⁄−40𝑚𝑔𝐿⁄)𝑉×2500 𝑚𝑔𝐿⁄
𝑉=14934 𝑚3
Oxidation bond tank
Volumetric BOD loadings
The volumetric BOD loading is defined as the ratio of BOD (Kg/day to the Volume
(m3). 𝑉𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒𝑡𝑟𝑖𝑐 𝐵𝑂𝐷
𝐿𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔=𝐵𝑂𝐷,𝐾𝑔/𝑑𝑎𝑦𝑉𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒,𝑚3=13,968.5𝐾𝑔/𝑑𝑎𝑦14934 𝑚3=0.938𝐾𝑔𝑚3.𝑑𝑎𝑦

Oxygen Requirements
Air requirement = 0.8 Kg/ Kg BOD removed
𝐴𝑖𝑟 𝑅𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑟𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡 = 0.8 Kg × 11200 Kg/ day = 8960 Kg / day
Also since density of air = 1.202 Kg/𝑚3 Air Requirement = 8960 Kg / day1.202
Kg/𝑚3=7454.24 𝑚3𝑜𝑓 𝑎𝑖𝑟𝑑𝑎𝑦⁄
Assuming 21% of oxygen in air; Oxygen Requirement =7454.24 𝑚3𝑜𝑓 𝑎𝑖𝑟𝑑𝑎𝑦⁄×0.21
=1565.40 𝑚3𝑜𝑓 𝑂2𝑑𝑎𝑦⁄
Air supplied per 𝑚3 of wastewater treated
𝐴𝑖𝑟𝑠𝑢𝑝𝑝𝑙𝑖𝑒𝑑=7454.24 𝑚3𝑜𝑓 𝑎𝑖𝑟𝑑𝑎𝑦⁄70000 𝑚3𝑑𝑎𝑦⁄=0.106𝑚3𝑜𝑓𝑎𝑖𝑟𝑚3⁄𝑤𝑟𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟
Oxygen supplied per 𝑚3 of wastewater treated 𝑂𝑥𝑦𝑔𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑢𝑝𝑝𝑙𝑖𝑒𝑑=1565.40 𝑚3𝑜𝑓
𝑂2𝑑𝑎𝑦⁄70000 𝑚3𝑑𝑎𝑦⁄=0.022𝑚3𝑜𝑓𝑂2𝑚3⁄𝑤𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟

Membrine for reverse osmoses sizing

From methodology, range of depth should vary from 4m to 7 m
Assuming depth 4 m and width 4.4 m typical length to width ratio for MBR
Width = 4.4 m
Length = 44 m 𝑆𝑢𝑟𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑒 𝐴𝑟𝑒𝑎 =14934 𝑚34 𝑚=3733.33 𝑚2
𝑁𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑛𝑒𝑙𝑠 =3733.33 𝑚24.4 𝑚×44𝑚=19.28 =20 𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑛𝑒𝑙𝑠
Actual Length = 𝑆𝑢𝑟𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑒 𝐴𝑟𝑒𝑎𝐴𝑐𝑡𝑢𝑎𝑙 𝑤𝑖𝑑𝑡ℎ=3733.334.4×20=42.42 𝑚
Dimensions of one channel = 42.5 m × 4.4m ×4.5 m
Total surface area of the Aeration tank = 42.5m × (4.4m × 20) = 3740 𝑚2
Energy Balance on Aeration
Normally the newer technology include centrifugal blowers or positive displacement
blowers, since positive displacement blowers is limited to only 425 m3/min
volumetric flow rate and centrifugal blowers can be used for volumetric flow rate
beyond 80 m3/min, a centrifugal pump is preferred in this case.
By the methodology of Frank R. Spellman (2013), the power requirement for aeration
is calculated as follows: Average power required for aeration = Pav = Q x R x T3600
x 29.7 x 0.283 x η x [(Pdis /P) 0.283– 1]

P is the atmospheric pressure

Q is the air flow rate

T is the inlet temperature in Kelvin (280C = 301.15 K)

η is the efficiency of the blower which is normally within the range 70%-80%

R is the gas constant, 8.314kJmol-1K-1

Pdis = discharge pressure of blower which varies between 1.7 and 2.4 bar for fine
bubble diffusers. Therefore: Pav = 1,447.22 𝑚3𝑚𝑖𝑛⁄x 8.314 x 301.15 K 3600 x 29.7 x
0.283 x0.75 x [(2.05 𝑏𝑎𝑟1.01325 𝑏𝑎𝑟)0.283– 1] Pav =35.24 x 24=845.76 kWh/d

Energy Balance on membrane bio filter

Using the equation:𝑇=𝑤𝑅2


T is the torque in Kg.m

W is the work kg/m

R is the radius of the clarifier, m

Assuming W = 20 lb/ft, W = 20 x 1.49 = 29.8 kg/m

Since Diameter of clarifier = 26m

Radius of clarifier, R = 13 m

𝑇=29.8kgm×13.02𝑚2= 5036.2 𝐾𝑔.𝑚=49,405.12 𝑁𝑚

From N.F Gray (2005), the speed of rakes varies between 3-6m/min and taking an
average speed; Speed of rake = 4.5m/min = 0.075m/s

𝐴𝑛𝑔𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑟𝑉𝑒𝑙𝑜𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦=Speed of rake 𝑟𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑢𝑠=0.075𝑚𝑠⁄13.0𝑚=0.00577𝑟𝑎𝑑𝑠⁄

Hence: 𝑃𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟=49,405.12 𝑁𝑚×0.00577𝑟𝑎𝑑𝑠⁄=285.07 𝑥 24=6841.68 𝑊ℎ/𝑑

Since 6 clarifiers are used, overall power requirements= 6841.68 x 6 = 41.05 kWh/d

Energy balance on the amount of pumps

As illustrated in the process flow diagram, 13 pumps are being used, therefore, the
energy required by the pumps are calculated as follows:

Number of pumps= 12 centrifugal pumps which operate 24 hours + 1 centrifugal

blower which operate only 5.12 hours /day

The wattage of the centrifugal pump = 25.1 kW

Energy required = (12 × 25.1 x 24hr) kW + (25.1 ×5hr) = 7354.3 kWh/day


Mass Balance on the MBR

Influent = Waste Sludge + Effluent
Q = Influent Flowrate

SE = BOD in Effluent, 𝑚𝑔𝐿 ⁄

S0 = BOD in influent, 𝑚𝑔𝐿 ⁄

Hence BOD efficiency can be calculated as follows:

Given: BOD in domestic wastewater entering Primary Settling Tank = 307 𝑚𝑔𝐿 ⁄
Assuming BOD removal efficiency in primary clarifier = 40 %
Primary effluent BOD = 307 𝑚𝑔𝐿 ⁄×(1−0.40)= 184𝑚𝑔𝐿 ⁄
As assumed permissible limits,that is 40 mg/L = 2800 kg/day is in the effluent
BOD Removal Efficiency in MBR = 184 𝑚𝑔𝐿 ⁄−40𝑚𝑔𝐿 ⁄184𝑚𝑔𝐿 ⁄×100=78%

Hence; 𝑂𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝐸𝑓𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑦 =(307 𝑚𝑔𝐿⁄−40𝑚𝑔𝐿⁄307𝑚𝑔𝐿⁄)×100=87%

Typical recycle ratio for conventional activated sludge process = 0.25 – 0.50

Average Recycle Ratio = 0.375

Therefore; 𝑅𝑒𝑐𝑦𝑐𝑙𝑒 𝐹𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒,𝑄𝑅=𝑅𝑒𝑐𝑦𝑐𝑙𝑒 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜 ×𝐼𝑛𝑓𝑙𝑢𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑓𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒,𝑄0=0.375

×70000𝑚3𝑑𝑎𝑦⁄ 𝑅𝑒𝑐𝑦𝑐𝑙𝑒 𝐹𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒,𝑄𝑅=26250𝑚3𝑑𝑎𝑦⁄


Recycling of Industrial Wastes

Some types of waste [glass/plastic/paper] can be easily
recycled, and are being recycled
With some minor treatment, waste of one industry can
become the raw material for another industry [gypsum/fly ash]
Wastes can be reprocessed in the factory to produce products
that can be sold [fluorine] or reused in the same process
Sent (or sold) to recyclers{spent catalyst}


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34- https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waste_minimisation
35- Waste minimisation - Wikipedia

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