Topic 1 General Concepts of Cybercrime

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- Prof. Emerjhon D. Hernandez

The Trends in Internet Usage

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Worldwide statistics for social media app… (,


 330 million monthly active users

 145 million daily active users

 1 billion monthly active users

 500 million daily active users

 2.70 billion monthly active users

 1.30 billion monthly active
Messenger users

ACTIVE USERS - those who have

logged in to social media app in
the last 30 days.
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Worldwide statistics for internet usage… (, 2020)
More than 4.57 billion people across the world
are using Internet.
The average Internet users now spend 6 hours
and 43 minutes online each day. (9 hours and 45
minutes online each day in the Philippines)
e-communication, e-banking, e-learning, e-games,
and e-commerce have been embraced
dramatically by people.

This means that we are certainly embracing

the digital world.
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⬡ These are the people who do not know a world without
computers, Internet, and phones. They spend large
amount of time in digital environments and use
technological resources in their daily lives.


⬡ These are the people who were born prior to the creation
of Internet and digital technologies. They need to adapt to
the digital environment which changes much more rapidly
than they may be prepared for otherwise.

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General Concepts

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What is Cybercrime?
⬡ It refers to any criminal activity which has been committed
through or facilitated by the internet. (Blitz, 2013)
⬡ It refers to: (1) offenses against the confidentiality, integrity
and availability of computer data and systems; (2) computer-
related offenses; and (3) content-related offenses. (R.A. No. 10175)
⬡ It is sometimes used synonymously to:
 Technological Crime
 High Tech Crime
 Internet Crime
 Digital Crime
 Computer Crime (McQuade, 2009) emerjhondhernandez criminology files
Three-Stage Classification of Cybercrime
According to US-DOJ

1. Crimes in which the computer/computer network is the

target of criminal activity. Examples are hacking, malware,
2. Crimes where the computer is a tool used to commit the
crime. Examples are child pornography, cyber-stalking, etc.
3. Crimes in which the computer is an incidental aspect of the
commission of the crime but may afford evidence of the
crime. Example is phone record conversations between
offender and victim before a homicide.
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What is Cyberspace?
It refers to indefinite place where individuals
transact and communicate. (Britz, 2013) It is a
term used to describe millions of
interconnected computers, servers, routers,
and switches that sustain the digital
infrastructure. (Girard, 2015)

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What is Digital Evidence?
It refers to information and data of value to
investigation that are stored, received, or sent by a
digital device or attachment. (Harris & Lee, 2019).
Its features are:
1. It is latent;
2. It crosses jurisdictional borders quickly and easily;
3. It can be altered, damaged, or deleted with little
effort; and
4. It can be time-sensitive.

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What is Ephemeral
Electronic Communication?
It refers to telephone conversations, text
messages, chatroom sessions, audio
streaming, video streaming, and other
electronic forms of communication, and the
evidence of which is not recorded or retained.

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What is Computer Forensics?
It is the used of scientifically derived and proven
methods toward the preservation, collection,
validation, identification, analysis, interpretation,
documentation and presentation of digital
evidence derived from digital sources, for the
purpose of facilitating the reconstruction of
events found to be criminal.

It is also known as DIGITAL FORENSICS.

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