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Thin Solid Films 484 (2005) 225 – 231

Nanostructured zirconia–30 vol.% alumina composite coatings deposited

by atmospheric plasma spraying
Bo Lianga,*, Hanlin Liaob, Chuanxian Dinga, Christian Coddetb
Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academic of Sciences, Shanghai 200050, PR China
Laboratoire d’Etudes et de Recherches sur les Maériaux, les Procédés et les Surfaces, Université de Technologie de Belfort-Montbéliard,
90010 Belfort Cedex, France

Received 30 June 2004; accepted in revised form 25 February 2005

Available online 12 May 2005


Nanostructured zirconia – 30 vol.% alumina composite coatings were deposited by atmospheric plasma spraying using nanosized ZrO2
and Al2O3 powders. The microstructure and phase composition of the coatings were characterized by electron probe X-ray microanalyser
(EPMA), field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and Raman
spectroscopy. Microhardness (HV0.2 kg) and roughness (Ra) were also measured. The as-sprayed coating exhibited a bimodal structure: the
typical lamellar structure comprised of nanosized columnar grains and the nanosized equiaxed grains. Alumina-rich splats were dark grey
colored and non-uniformly embedded in light grey zirconia-rich splats. No monoclinic or cubic zirconia phase and alumina phase were
detected in the as-sprayed coating. Compared to pure zirconia coating, the microhardness of the as-sprayed coating increased from 5.7 GPa to
8.4 GPa, and the roughness increased from 3.74 Am to 6.03 Am with the addition of alumina into feedstock.
D 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Nanostructured; Zirconia – 30 vol.% alumina composite; Atmospheric plasma spraying

1. Introduction the coatings [5]. In addition, the combination of high

hardness alumina with the low thermal conductivity
ZrO2 – Al2O3 composite coatings deposited by plasma zirconia contributed to the development of the thermal
spraying or electron beam physical vapor deposition (EB- shock resistance, microhardness and wear resistance of the
PVD) have been actively studied in order to improve as-sprayed coatings [6 –9].
properties of zirconia thermal barrier coatings. It was Nanostructured coatings are attractive because of their
reported that deposits of ZrO2 and Al2O3 alternating layers potential superior mechanical and physical properties [10 –
manufactured using plasma spraying or EB-PVD exhibited 14]. The plasma spraying of nanostructured powders is one
the reduction of oxygen diffusion through the deposits. of the effective means for obtaining nanostructured coat-
Plasma sprayed laminated composites showed an increase ings because of its cost effectiveness [15 – 18]. Although
in thermal resistance, compared with EB-PVD and single the microstructure and other properties of the nanostruc-
bulk coatings [1– 3]. Mixing alumina into the zirconia tured as-sprayed zirconia coatings or alumina coatings
layers was effective in reducing the residual stresses and the have been discussed in many reports, only limited
formation of cracks [4]. The plasma spraying of these researches were published on nanostructured ZrO2 – Al2O3
premixed powders also improved mechanical and chemical composite coatings.
properties without compromising the thermal behavior of In this work, reconstituted nanosized premixed powder
was used as starting powders for manufacturing nano-
structured ZrO2 – 30 vol.% Al2O3 composite coatings by
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +86 21 52414103; fax: +86 21 52413903. atmospheric plasma spraying. The powders and coatings
E-mail address: (B. Liang). were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman
0040-6090/$ - see front matter D 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
226 B. Liang et al. / Thin Solid Films 484 (2005) 225 – 231

Fig. 1. (a) TEM image of the ZrO2 – 30 vol.% Al2O3 reconstituted granules. (b) Morphology of the spray-dried ZrO2 – 30 vol.% Al2O3 reconstituted granules.

spectroscopy, energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), field ball mill, then subsequently reconstituted into granules with
emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM), and the mean diameter of 60 Am by spray drying process. The
electron probe X-ray microanalyser (EPMA). The objective microstructure and morphology of the ZrO2 – 30 vol.%
of this work was to identify the phase composition and Al2O3 reconstituted granules are shown in Fig. 1. It can
characterize the microstructure of the ZrO2 –30 vol.% Al2O3 be seen that the spray-dried ZrO2 –30 vol.% Al2O3 granules
composite coating. The average roughness and microhard- are spherical or ellipsoidal, which improve powders feeding
ness of the as-sprayed coating were also measured. behavior during plasma spraying process. The nanosized
alumina particles were distributed homogeneously within
zirconia particles (Fig. 2).
2. Experimental details The coatings were deposited with the help of a Metco A-
2000 atmospheric plasma spraying system (Sulzer Metco
2.1. Preparation of coating AG, Switzerland).The powder was fed with Twin-System
(Plasma-Technick AG, Switzerland). A mixture of argon
Commercial nanosized powders of yttria stabilized and hydrogen was used as plasma gas. Compressed air was
zirconia (3 mol% Y2O3) with the mean diameter of 50 nm used as substrate cooling gas during plasma spraying. The
(Farmeiya Advanced Materials Co. Ltd., Jiujiang) and plasma spray parameters are listed in Table 1. Stainless steel
alumina powders with the mean diameter of 20 nm (High coupons with the dimension of 40 mm  20 mm  2 mm
Technology Nano Co. Ltd., Nanjing) were used as the were used as substrates. Before spraying, the substrates were
starting particles. The nanosized zirconia and alumina degreased ultrasonically in acetone and grit blasted with
powders were wet-mixed and milled together for 20 h in a white corundum.

2.2. Characterization of coatings

The phase composition of the as-sprayed coating was

examined by XRD using nickel filtered CuKa (k = 1.54056
Å) radiation on a Rigaku D/Max2550 diffractometer and a
LabRam-1B micro-Raman spectrometer (Dilor, France).
The surface and cross-section morphologies of the
coatings were studied using EPMA (EPMA-8705QH22,

Table 1
Plasma spraying parameters for nanostructured ZrO2 – 30 vol.% Al2O3
Parameter Current Voltage Primary Secondary Carrier Spray Feeding
(A) (V) gas (Ar, gas (H2, gas (Ar, distance distance
slpm) slpm) slpm) (mm) (mm)
Fig. 2. The line scanning result of electron probe microanalysis of the
Value 620 68 40 12 4 100 6
reconstituted granule.
B. Liang et al. / Thin Solid Films 484 (2005) 225 – 231 227

Fig. 5. XRD pattern between 2h = 72- and 76- of the as-sprayed coating.
Fig. 3. XRD patterns of (a) the as-sprayed coating and (b) starting powders.

including the metastable tetragonal zirconia phase, cubic

Shimadzu, Japan) with EDS detector (IneA Energy, Oxford
zirconia phase, monoclinic zirconia phase, gamma alumina
Instruments, UK), and FESEM (JSM-6700F, JEOL, Japan).
phase and alpha alumina phase. The relative amounts of
monoclinic and tetragonal zirconia phase in the reconsti-
2.3. The roughness and microhardness
tuted powder were calculated by the following formula [19]:

The surface roughness of the as-sprayed coating was m 111̄þ mð111Þ
determined using a TK300 HOMMEL WERKE roughness m ð% Þ ¼ 
m 111̄þ t ð111Þ þ mð111Þ
tester (Wave, Germany) with 0.5 mm/s traverse speed at 4.8
mm length. The results from five measurements were where m(111), m(111̄) and t(111) represent the intensity of
averaged to determine roughness data. The Vickers micro- the corresponding diffraction peaks in the XRD patterns of
hardness was measured by HX-1000 microhardness tester the reconstituted powder. The percentage of monoclinic
(Shanghai, China) at 0.2 kg loads for 15 s on polished cross- phase calculated was at least 35%.
section area of the as-sprayed coatings, and the average However, in the as-sprayed coating, only the broad
microhardness resulted from 20 measurements. zirconia diffraction peaks at 2h = 30.2-, 35.0-, 50.5-, 59.5-
and 74.2- were observed. The characteristic peaks of
monoclinic zirconia phase at 2h = 28.2-, 31.5- disappeared
3. Results and discussion after plasma spraying. This result is consistent with the
results of Raman scattering measurements on the same
3.1. Phase composition analysis sample (Fig. 4). Comparing Fig. 4a with Fig. 4b, it can be
seen that only the very broad spectra lines of tetragonal
Fig. 3 shows the XRD patterns of the reconstituted phase located at 154.7 cm1, 260 cm1, 472.8 cm1 and
powder and the as-sprayed coating. It shows that the 639.7 cm1 were observed. The typical characteristic
reconstituted powders were composed by a mixture, Raman lines of monoclinic phase at 177.1 cm1, 188.1

Fig. 4. Raman spectrum of (a) the as-sprayed coating and (b) the reconstituted powders.
228 B. Liang et al. / Thin Solid Films 484 (2005) 225 – 231

cm1, 219.9 cm1 and 379.8 cm1 disappeared. Also, a However, none of the two characteristic Raman lines of
new Raman line appeared at 688.6 cm1, which was not alumina was observed in the as-sprayed coating. This was
identified in the present work and needs to be further consistent with result of the XRD analysis. This phenom-
examined in the future. All the results obtained from XRD enon could be partially explained in terms of formation of
and Raman spectra showed clearly broadening phenomenon the metastable Al2O3 – ZrO2 solid solutions with tetragonal
occurring in the as-sprayed coating. This indicated that the structure.
tetragonal structure was seriously distorted. This result was The solubility of Al2O3 in ZrO2 could be up to 2 mol% at
in agreement with many previous studies [20 –22]. Such temperatures 1400 -C, and slightly increases with the
tetragonal zirconia phase with distorted structure was increase of temperature [24 – 26]. In the present work,
defined as t¶-phase, resulting from the good melting of nanosized Al2O3 or ZrO2 particles experienced a very high
particles and high rate of cooling during plasma spraying temperature in plasma jet ranging from 3000 -C to 10,000
process. The good melting of reconstituted particles resulted -C [27]. Such a high temperature combined with the high
in the transformation of monoclinic to tetragonal or cubic surface energy of nanosized composite particles resulted in
phase, and subsequently, these high temperature stable the perfect melting and the formation of solid solution. It
phases were retained at room temperature under the high was verified by the EDS results, as shown in Fig. 6. The
cooling conditions. results of points A and B revealed that there was a certain
Although it seemed that there were overlap diffraction amount of Al element in the ZrO2 splat and some Zr
peaks of cubic and tetragonal phase around 2h = 29.8-, elements in the Al2O3 splat. The different splat colors
35.0- and 74.2- in XRD pattern of the as-sprayed resulted from the different Al2O3 amounts. The dark grey
coating, no characteristic Raman lines of cubic zirconia color indicated the high alumina in the as-sprayed coating.
phase were observed in the as-sprayed coating. The In addition, it was also observed that the dark grey alumina-
further XRD study between 2h = 72- and 76- was rich splats were non-uniformly embedded in light grey
conducted on the same sample (Fig. 5). The result zirconia-rich splats. The boundaries between the zirconia-
showed that the (004) and (400) diffraction peaks of rich and alumina-rich splats were clearly discernable and
tetragonal zirconia phase were observed, corresponding to relatively free of voids.
2h = 73.1- and 74.2-, respectively. The characteristic cubic
phase diffraction peak at 2h = 73.7- was not detected. 3.2. Microstructural analysis
Associated with the Raman spectra analysis, it can be
concluded that there was no cubic zirconia phase in the Fig. 7a shows the representative splat morphology of
as-sprayed coating. As the cubic phase in 3 mol% yttria the ZrO2 – 30 vol.% Al2O3 composite particle on the glass
partially stabilized zirconia is not stable, therefore it substrate processed at room temperature (T = 293 K). The
should not appear [23]. splat morphology was a nearly regular disk-like shape with
Alumina phase exhibited a similar phenomenon as that of limited splashing, indicating a rather good particle flat-
the monoclinic zirconia phase. In the Raman spectra of tening [28 – 32] and a strong bonding [33]. These results
starting powder, the Raman line occurring at 978.4 cm1 conformed to the SEM analyses (Fig. 7b and c). Fig. 7b
was clearly observed, which was characteristic of alumina, revealed that the as-sprayed coating possesses a rather
and another in the vicinity of 400 cm1 appeared to be smooth surface. In fact, the measured average roughness
masked by the strong broad lines of zirconia phase with (Ra) of the as-sprayed coating was about 6.03 Am. Fig. 7c
wave number ranging from 379.8 cm1 to 473.0 cm1. shows that excellent bonding exists between the substrate

Fig. 6. EDS analyses of zirconia-rich splats (point A) and alumina-rich splats (point B).
B. Liang et al. / Thin Solid Films 484 (2005) 225 – 231 229

observed in the cross-section area. One kind was smaller

pores of less than 5 Am; the other was some large pores of
more than 30 Am. The thickness of the as-sprayed coating
was approximately 450 Am.
Fig. 8a– c presents the high resolution FESEM morphol-
ogies of the surface and fracture surface of the as-sprayed
coating. It shows that the grains visible on the top surface

Fig. 7. SEM morphology of (a) single splat, (b) surface of the coating and
(c) cross-section area of the coating.

and the as-sprayed coating. The bonding strength was

about 40 MPa, tested on American standard of testing
materials C 633-79 [34]. The porosity of the as-sprayed Fig. 8. FESEM micrographs of (a) as-sprayed coating surface morphology,
coating was approximately 6%, measured using SEM (b) fracture surface morphology of lamellar structure, and (c) fracture
image of the cross-section. Two kinds of pores were surface of bimodal structure.
230 B. Liang et al. / Thin Solid Films 484 (2005) 225 – 231

are less than 100 nm (Fig. 8a), and the as-sprayed coating Acknowledgement
exhibited the typical lamellar structure with the average
splat thickness of about 1 Am, comprised of columnar grains This work was supported by Chine –France PRA dans
with the average diameter size less than 150 nm (Fig. 8b). It ledomaine des mat é riaux 2002 under grant PRA MX02-
was noted that there was a bimodal structure in the as- 03(C.Coddet and C.Ding). The authors gratefully acknowl-
sprayed coating (Fig. 8c). One was the above lamellar edge Mrs. Gao Jianhua, Mrs. Qian Weijun for FESEM and
structure, which was invariably aligned parallel to the EDS analysis, and Mrs. Zhou Xiaming for preparing the
substrate and previously deposited material, similar to the specimens.
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37]; the other was the equiaxed grains with the grain size
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