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1. Who is Bassanio? Why does he want to borrow the money from Antonio?

Ans: Bassanio is a gentleman of Venice, a kinsman and dear friend to Antonio. Bassanio
needed to borrow money in order to woo the wealthy and beautiful Portia, a noblewoman
with an estate. To woo such an important woman, Bassanio needed to dress well, prepare
gifts for her, travel to her estate, and generally spend money to present himself in the best
possible way.
2. Describe the character of Antonio. What is the nature of his occupation?
3. Who is Portia? How is she helped by her father to find her a suitable match?
4. Justify with evidence the title of the play “The Merchant of Venice”.
The title of the play seems to refer specifically to Antonio, who is indeed the Venetian
merchant of the story. This is odd, as Antonio is more of a secondary character, remaining
offstage and silent through much of the story. Shylock, the Jewish moneylender, is far more
central to the story. This raises the much-asked question of why Antonio is the title
character and not Shylock or Portia, who also takes centre stage in this play.
5. Describe in detail the various themes around which the play revolves.
6. How is the first act important in the play?
William Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice is a five-structured play. The first act of the
play acts as the expository act of the play. Its relevance lies in the fact that it introduces all
the characters and, establishes the setting, themes and conflicts.
7. Write a character sketch of Antonio or Shylock.
8. What condition does Portia’s father designed to find her a suitable match?
9. Which themes has Shakespeare bought out in act one of the plays? Give evidence to support
your answer.
10. Do you think the title of the play the Merchant of Venice is appropriate? Mention few
qualities of the character referred in the title.
Even though Antonio has a significant role and the play's title alludes to his character, The
Merchant of Venice primarily concerns the actions of Shylock, the Jewish moneylender.
Shylock is one of Shakespeare's most dynamic characters, and his decision to ask for a pound
of Antonio's flesh creates conflict throughout the play.
11. What qualities of Portia are revealed in her decision of fighting Antonio's case?
12. Describe your feelings towards Sherlock after reading the play.
13. How has Sherlock character developed in the merchant of Venice? Describe how the writer
has brought out the value of friendship in the play.

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