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CONSTITUTIONAL LAW I o In accordance which powers are

REVIEWER exercised habitually

 Purpose
Political Law – a branch of public law o It prescribes the framework
 By nature, it regulates the of a system of government
relationship between the citizens and o It assigns powers
the State. Thereby, organizing both  Effect
sides o Foundation: necessary
 The parties and its effect: o Superior than
o Binding between the parties statutes/rules/ordinances
o Abrogated with Transfer of Module 1: Introductory Concepts and
Sovereignty Discussions
Constitutional Law –
 Subject The Philippines has had a total of six
o Powers and Function of the constitutions since the Proclamation of
State Independence on June 12, 1898. In 1899, the
o Structure and Organization of Malolos Constitution, the first Philippine
the state Constitution—the first republican
o Limitations and liberties constitution in Asia—was drafted and
adopted by the First Philippine Republic,
 Nature
which lasted from 1899 to 1901.
o Apportioning: apportionment
During the American Occupation, the
Philippines was governed by the laws of the
o Delimiting: delimits the
United States of America. Organic Acts were
power and scope of each passed by the United States Congress for the
department and branch administration of the Government of the
o Determining: Who can Philippine Islands. The first was the
exercise what power? Philippine Organic Act of 1902, which
 Extent provided for a Philippine Assembly
o Express provisions composed of Filipino citizens. The second
o Implications: implied matters, was the Philippine Autonomy Act of 1916,
principles, and policies that which included the first pledge of Philippine
exist in the Constitution independence. These laws served as
o Interpretation: of the text constitutions of the Philippines from 1902 to
above 1935.
 Nature In 1934, the United States Congress passed
o Body of rules the Philippine Independence Act, which set
the parameters for the creation of a
constitution for the Philippines. The Act Commonwealth Act No. 733. On March 11,
mandated the Philippine Legislature to call 1947 the Parity amendment gave United
for an election of delegates to a States citizens equal rights with Filipino
Constitutional Convention to draft a citizens to develop natural resources in the
Constitution for the Philippines. The 1934 country and operate public utilities. The
Constitutional Convention finished its work Constitution, thereafter, remained the same
on February 8, 1935. The Constitution was until the declaration of martial law on
September 23, 1972.
submitted to the President of the United
States for certification on March 25, 1935. It Before President Marcos declared Martial
was in accordance with the Philippine Law, a Constitutional Convention was
Independence Act of 1934. The 1935 already in the process of deliberating on
Constitution was ratified by the Filipino amending or revising the 1935 Constitution.
people through a national plebiscite, on May They finished their work and submitted it to
14, 1935 and came into full force and effect President Marcos on December 1, 1972.
on November 15, 1935 with the inauguration President Marcos submitted it for ratification
in early January of 1973. Foreseeing that a
of the Commonwealth of the Philippines.
direct ratification of the constitution was
Among its provisions was that it would
bound to fail, Marcos issued Presidential
remain the constitution of the Republic of
Decree No. 86, s. 1972, creating citizens
the Philippines once independence was assemblies to ratify the newly drafted
granted on July 4, 1946. constitution by means of a Viva Voce vote in
In 1940, the 1935 Constitution was amended place of secret ballots. Marcos announced
by the National Assembly of the Philippines. that it had been ratified and in full force and
The legislature was changed from a effect on January 17, 1973. Although the
unicameral assembly to a bicameral 1973 Constitution had been “ratified” in this
congress. The amendment also changed the manner, opposition against it continued.
term limit of the President of the Philippines Chief Justice Roberto V. Concepcion in his
from six years with no reelection to four dissenting opinion in the case of Javellana v.
years with a possibility of being reelected Executive Secretary, exposed the fraud that
for a second term. happened during the citizen’s assembly
ratification of the 1973 Constitution on
During World War II the Japanese-sponsored January, 10 – 15, 1973. However, the final
government nullified the 1935 Constitution decision of this case was that the ratification
and appointed Preparatory Committee on of the 1973 Constitution was valid and was
Philippine Independence to replace it. The in force.
1943 Constitution was used by the Second
Republic with Jose P. Laurel as President.
Upon the liberation of the Philippines in
1945, the 1935 Constitution came back into
effect. The Constitution remained unaltered
until 1947 when the Philippine Congress
called for its amendment through
For every constitutional change the
Philippines has experienced, a
corresponding proclamation was issued in
order to celebrate the date that each charter
was put into full force and effect—with the
exception the 1943 Constitution.
o Policies are programs that are
intended to be implemented
to uphold a principle.
 Whether it's a policy or a philosophy,
the court stated that the requirements
Module 7: Declaration of Principles and
in Article 2 are generally non-self
executory in many situations.
 The clauses throughout this article
cannot serve as the foundation for
actionable rights because they are not
 The preamble is included in the self-executory. The application of
constitution during our general these clauses requires the existence
education studies, although it does of enabling laws.
not contain any rights. Since the  These are declared in the constitution
preamble is merely meant to serve as because they are intended to be just
an introduction, it in no way confers mere guides for carrying out
any legally enforceable rights or governmental plans, formulating and
obligations. legislating and in interpreting the
 It encapsulates our goals and efforts constitution itself.
and is akin to a condensed version of  PRINCIPLES can be broken down
our constitution. into 6 major groups:
 It should be noted that the preamble o Philippines is a democratic
is the only part of the constitution to and Republican State
begin with the first-person singular, o Philippines renounces war as
"we." It is to underline that the a matter of state policy and
people are ultimately responsible for adheres to the generally
the constitution and not the framers, accepted principles of
our public officials, or our International Law and also
government. adheres to International
o Adheres to civilian
o Adheres to the government as
 Policies and principles are not the
the protector of the people
same thing:
and the people as the
 A principle and a policy are intended
protector of the state
to be different, according to the
o Adheres to promotion of
constitution's records.
general welfare
o A principle is an underlying
o Adheres to the separation of
reality or philosophical
church and state
precept that forms the basis
of all others.
Philippines is a democratic and Republican international law as part of the law of the
State land and adheres to the policy of peace,
equality, justice, freedom, cooperation, and
amity with all nations.
Section 1, Article 2 provides: The
Philippines is a democratic and republican
State. Sovereignty resides in the people and This provision only covers aggressive wars,
all government authority emanates from meaning, the Philippines will not participate
them. It is Republican because our in wars that are for the purpose of conquest,
government is not directly run by the people acquiring territory or attaining political
but by the representatives of the people objectives (ex: Turkey attacking the borders
(Representative government). It’s not that of Syria). Rightly so, our armed forces are
we do not have any sovereignty or power, not sufficient.
it’s that we surrender our power with
Note however: This provision does not
conditions- conditional surrender to our
renounce defensive wars. Because as matter
representatives in order for them to carry out
of international law and common sense,
the governmental functions necessary to
defensive wars are subsumed into the very
promote public welfare. So that ideally, we
existence and sovereignty of a nation.
elect those people as our representatives in
order to promote our public interest., but
then realistically, it’s not so much about us,
but it’s so much about them. Civilian Supremacy

In the 1935 and 1973 Constitution, because -in our government, it is the civilian who has
they are inspired so much by the American supremacy over the military
government, emphasis has been put too -exactly why our president is a civilian but
much in our Republican government, so he is the commander in chief of the armed
much so that our democratic part is forces of the Philippines which exhibits that
diminished, especially during the martial civilians have supremacy over the armed
law era. Because of the inspiration of the forces of the Philippines- we are a civilian of
EDSA Power, the democratic part of our the government.
constitution was emphasized, we now have
provisions that allow people to directly
exercise their sovereignty Protector of the people
-government protects the people while the
Renunciation of War and International people is the protector of the state
Amity -because when we are invaded- the people
Section 2, Article 2: will defend the state, so when there are
emergencies, civilians may be compelled to
The Philippines renounces war as an render military or civil service
instrument of national policy, adopts the
generally accepted principles of
Separation of Church and State or section by the constitution that
says “section” of separation of
-when the constitution said that the
separation of church and state is inviolable,
 It is implied from the division of
it pertains only to these two:
powers of the branches of the
1. Non-establishment of religion government by virtue of the
2. Free exercise of religion
 And in the same case sc said (2nd
phrase stated above)
 There are instances or provisions in
In the case of North Province of Cotabato
the constitution, scenarios that some
Vs. The Government of the Philippines, it
powers if not all of the powers will
said that Section 28 was intended by the
framers as a splendid symmetry to the
 Example: Power of Judicial Review
right to information under the bill of
– expanded certiorari jurisdiction
o The court said: “the court
-It would be absurd absurd according to the exercises the power of
courts because the right to information is judicial review is augmented
self- executory but the splendid symmetry in by the expanded certiorari
Article 2 is not self executory, so how come powers, it process the
that this right conferring provision and this borders, it process the lines
provision which recognizes the duty of the given by the constitution and
government to release information even of reaching out to that
no one demands them is no-self executory? instrumentality or branch of
the government for the very
-According to the courts, necessarily, since
purpose of ascertaining the
these two are symmetrical, Sec. 28 should
compliance of the
also be self-executory, its effectivity
constitution or by the
therefore need not require the passing of an
presence of grave abuse of
enabling law.
discretion amounting to lack
or excess of its jurisdiction
o So separated but not to be
Module 8: Principle of Separation of
intended to be restrained or
independent of each other
 The Separation of Powers is the (read 2nd paragraph)
building block for the existence of
Judicial Review
 In the case of Angara vs Electoral Thus, delegations of powers by the
Commission – the principles of legislature is allowed in the following
separation of powers is adhere to in instances:
this jurisdiction not by virtue of an
express provision of its constitution;
you cannot find any provision, article
1. Delegation of tariff power to the initiative to pass a law,
president under sections 28 (2) of the people would directly
article 6 of the constitution passes a law without the
intervention of congress
 Congress by way of obstructions,
the President is allowed to be 4. Delegation to the local government
delegated with tariff powers units
because the President has more
 Local government units have
competence in determining tariff
their own delegated powers
o Example: delegated
 Tariff Powers – customs imposed
police power, delegated
to the goods coming from other
taxation (these are valid
exceptions to the rule)
2. Delegation of emergency powers to the
5. Delegation to administrative bodies
presidents under section 23 (2) of
article 6 of the constitution  Now, Administrative bodies are
so called the experts on specific
 Allows delegation of legislative
powers for limited purposes to
the president by virtue of o If you have concerns
emergency powers about health, the experts
on health are the
3. Delegation to the people at large
Department of Health
 We have discussed people’s (DOH)
initiative, to propose amendment
o If you have concerns on
to the constitution, legislation,
education, the experts are
and total ordinance
Department of Education
 Case: Defensor Santiago vs (DOE)
 They are specialized
o “That law is insufficient agencies because of their
only as so far as specialization, they have
constitutional gained expertise in their field
amendments is
 Because they have expertise
in every department for
o But it is sufficient for example in the matter of
legislative and local Health for DOH, they are
ordinance (recognized in therefore given/granted
the exception of delegated powers by
legislature to its Congress
legislative power because
then if there is a people’s
o The Congress, by the
Supreme Court, they
are not competent to
address and provide
specific solutions in
specific problems
requiring specific
In order for the delegation of powers to
valid, there must be:
1. Law – because the delegation is from
the legislature. The law delegating such
power must be able to pass these tests which
are also important or the valid delegation of
powers – completeness test and sufficient
standard test.
2. Completeness Test – it means or
requires that the law must be complete in all
its terms and conditions when it leaves the
legislation, such that when it reaches the
delegate the only thing that he needs to do is
enforce it.
3. Sufficient Standard Test – the law
must provide for sufficient standards,
standards which may be vague and general
in nature, but sufficient enough that it gives
the delegate a limit to the exercise of the
delegated powers. It means adequate
guidelines or limitations in the law to
determine the boundaries of the delegate’s
authority and prevent the delegation from
running riot.

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