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MGMT 8th Edition Williams Test Bank

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1 A work team is a small number of people who have been assigned

responsibility for pursuing a common purpose, achieving performance goals,
and improving interdependent work processes.

2 Companies are making greater use of teams because teams have been
shown to increase (1) customer satisfaction, (2) product and service quality,
(3) speed and efficiency in product development, and (4) employee job

3 In many industries, teams are growing in importance because they help

organizations respond to specific problems and challenges.


4 A company engaged in cross­training is training team members to do all or

most of the jobs performed by the other team members.


5 In the decision­making process, teams can do a much better job than

individuals in defining the problem and generating alternative solutions.


6 The three significant disadvantages that teams and teamwork are prone to
are initially high turnover, social loafing, and legal risk.


7 Since teams should be an end in themselves, it is appropriate to use them in

most situations.

8 Social loafing occurs when workers withhold their efforts and fail to perform
their share of the work.


9 Teams are typically required when tasks are complex, require multiple
perspectives, or require repeated interaction with others to complete.


10 Autonomy is the degree to which workers have the discretion, freedom, and
independence to decide how and when to accomplish their jobs.


11 The autonomy continuum shows how five kinds of teams differ in terms of
autonomy. The correct sequence from low team autonomy to high team
autonomy is (1) traditional work groups, (2) employee involvement groups,
(3) semi­autonomous work groups, (4) self­designing teams, and (5) self­
managing teams.

12 Employee involvement teams not only provide advice and suggestions to

management but also have the authority to make decisions and solve
problems related to the major tasks required to produce a product or service.

13 Self­designing teams have all the characteristics of self­managing teams,

but they can also control and change the design of the teams themselves, the
tasks they do and how they do them, and who belongs to the teams.

14 Cross­functional teams are purposefully composed of employees from

different functional areas of the organization.

15 Virtual teams are often, but not necessarily, temporary teams that are set up
to accomplish a specific task.


16 One of the disadvantages of project teams is their lack of flexibility.


17 Norms are informally agreed­upon standards that regulate team behavior.

They are valuable because they let team members know what is expected
of them.

18 Team norms may be associated with either positive or negative outcomes

for the company.


19 Cohesiveness refers to the extent to which members of a team are

experiencing job satisfaction.


20 Cognitive conflict is strongly associated with improvements in team

performance, and affective conflict is strongly associated with decreases in
team performance.

21 Sincere attempts to reach agreement on a difficult issue can quickly

deteriorate from cognitive to affective conflict.


22 ​s teams develop and grow, they pass through three stages of development.
These three stages are (1) perceived team, (2) felt team, and (3) manifest

23 Conflicts and disagreements often characterize the second stage of team

development, which is called storming.


24 Since teams that get stuck in the storming stage will be strained but
productive, it is important for team leaders to focus the team on balancing
cognitive and affective conflict.

25 Once teams have made it to the performing stage, they no longer need fear
a decline in performance.


26 To enhance work team effectiveness, managers should carefully set team

goals and priorities and take care when selecting, training, and
compensating team members.

27 Structural accommodation means giving teams the ability to change

organizational structures, policies, and practices if it helps them meet their
stretch goals.
28 A preference for teamwork (i.e., collectivism), team level, and team
diversity can help companies choose the right team members.

29 The most common type of training provided to members of work teams is

training in leadership skills.


30 In general, gainsharing is most effective for self­managing and self­directing

teams performing complex tasks, while skill­based pay works best in
relatively stable environments where employees can focus on improving the
productivity, cost savings, or quality of their current work system.

31 In general, skill­based pay is most effective for managing the performance

of self­managing and self­directing teams.


32 A(n) _____ is defined as a small number of people with complementary

skills who hold themselves mutually accountable for pursuing a common
purpose, achieving performance goals, and improving interdependent work
work team
work crew

33 A local hospital ran into a funding problem when it tried to build a new
state­of­the­art pediatric unit. The hospital management asked a group of
physicians, hospital volunteers, and administrative staff to develop and
implement a plan to raise the necessary money. This group of people with
complementary skills formed a(n) _____.
f​unctional department
autonomous unit
work team
skilled group

34 The employees at Run Shoes Inc. work in groups that work together by
collaborating their skills and cooperating with each other. Thus, they
develop and deliver their products while being accountable for them. From
the information given in this scenario, we can infer that Run Shoes Inc. uses
​utonomous units
ad hoc committees
work teams

impromptu groups

35 How are organizations using teams to help increase customer satisfaction?

By instituting a system of increased formalization

throughout the organization
By training teams to meet the needs of specific
By creating more autonomous units

By taking indirect responsibility for service quality
By ensuring ideal solutions for all customer issues

36 A research organization has project teams that perform field research for its
clients. Each member of these project teams is trained to conduct
observational research, interview clients, and understand the marketing
impact of what they learn. Thus, the team is able to work normally even
when one of its members is absent. The organization uses _____ to make its
project teams more efficient.
synergistic goals
stretch goals
vestibule training
on­the­job training

37 In order to cut costs and improve efficiency, old assembly line of a

chocolate manufacturing company is being replaced by a system of
employees working in groups. Under the new system, each person does
several jobs because each of them have been trained to do the others' tasks.
The chocolate manufacturing company is using _____.
autonomous units
job specialization
ad hoc groups
overlapping training

38 Evie's Diner, a restaurant, has different cooks for vegetarian and non­
vegetarian dishes. But all the cooks are trained to cook both kinds of food.
This is an example of _____.
task appraisal
job enlargement
overlapping training
extended training
39 An advantage of _____ is that it broadens workers' skills and increases their
capabilities while also making their work more varied and interesting.
job enlargement
job specialization
niche jobs
on­the­job training

40 _____ is one of the disadvantages associated with the use of work teams.

Storming behavior
Social loafing

41 _____ is a term used by work teams to describe when workers withhold

their efforts and fail to perform their share of the work.

Social loafing

Bystander apathy

42 Which of the following statements about social loafing is true?

It only occurs in organizational settings.

It is more likely to occur in larger groups.
It creates an accommodative decision­making
It preempts the usefulness of brainstorming.
It does not occur if there is a group leader.

43 Teams should NOT be used when:

tasks are complex.

ample resources are available.
there is no clear, engaging purpose.
rewards can be provided for groups.
tasks require repeated interaction with others to

44 An organization should use teams when:

​task does not require interdependence.

there is no clear, engaging reason or purpose.
rewards are provided for individual effort.
ample resources are available.
a task is simple.

45 Teams are typically required when:

tasks are simple.

tasks require multiple perspectives.
rewards are provided for individual efforts.
an organization has very limited resources.
no clear, engaging purpose is discernible.

46 The least amount of autonomy is found in ____.

traditional work groups

autonomous teams
semi­autonomous work groups
self­managing teams
ad hoc committees

47 A manager who wants to give his team the highest amount of autonomy
should select _____.

self­managing teams
self­designing teams
semi­autonomous work groups
employee involvement teams
reciprocal work teams

48 In the autonomy continuum, the correct sequence, from low team autonomy
to high team autonomy, is:

employee involvement teams, traditional work

groups, semi­autonomous work groups, self­managing
teams, and self­designing teams.
traditional work groups, employee involvement
teams, self­managing teams, semi­autonomous work
groups, and self­designing teams.
self­designing teams, traditional work groups,
employee involvement teams, semi­autonomous work
groups, and self­managing teams.
traditional work groups, employee involvement
teams, semi­autonomous work groups, self­managing
teams, and self­designing teams.
employer­mandated teams, traditional work groups,
employee involvement teams, project teams, and self­
managing teams.

49 Joshua, an employee at Waves Corp., is a member of a typical traditional

work group. Joshua should expect to be responsible for:

doing what he is told to do.

cross­training employees who are not part of his
work team.
making decisions and solving problems regarding
major production or service tasks.
giving advice and making suggestions to the
creating ideas through processes like brainstorming.

50 The only type of responsibility given to traditional work groups is to:

execute a task.
give advice and make suggestions.
make decisions and solve problems.
manage and control all major production tasks.
receive and process organizational information.

51 Spencer's Autotech Inc. is a car repair company. It maintains an employee

involvement group to track the company's goals and performance metrics.
This team would most likely:
control and change the design of the teams
provide advice to management concerning areas
that needed change.
solve problems related to marketing and
manufacturing issues.
control all of the major production tasks at
Spencer's Autotech.
manage and control the acquisition of materials.

52 _____ do NOT have the authority to make decisions.

Self­designing teams
Employee involvement teams
Semi­autonomous work groups
Self­managing teams
Autonomous work groups

53 A(n) _____ is defined as a group that has the authority to make decisions
and solve problems related to the major tasks of producing a product or
employee involvement team
traditional work group
self­designing team
semi­autonomous work group
conventional work team

54 Which of the following statements about semi­autonomous work groups is


They are not cross­trained.

They have the least autonomy.
They can control and change the design of the
They have the authority to make decisions that are
typically made by supervisors and managers.
They manage and control all of the major tasks
directly related to production of a product or service
without first getting approval from management.

55 Self­managing teams are different from semi­autonomous work groups in

that team members:

are responsible for doing the work or executing the

task, but they do not have direct responsibility or
control over their work.
offer advice and suggestions to the management,
they do not have the authority to make decisions.
manage and control all of the major tasks directly
related to production of a product or service without
first getting approval from management.
control and change the design of the teams
themselves, the tasks they do and how and when they
do them, and the membership of the teams.
have partial authority to make decisions that are
typically made by supervisors and managers because
their managers still play an important role.

56 Which of the following types of teams has the authority to change their
composition as well as all of their tasks and work methods?

Self­designing teams
Employee involvement groups
Self­managing teams
Semi­autonomous work groups
Traditional work groups

57 Raul, the CEO of Color Paints Inc. noticed that their plant loses
considerable time daily because the assembly line has to be cleaned
whenever the production schedule called for a different color to be
produced. He, thus, established a team which was composed of employees
from several different departments in order to solve this problem in a
creative manner. This team came up with a solution that resulted in a
significant increase in plant availability and an innovative alternative which
successfully decreased plant downtime. This team exemplifies a(n) _____.
traditional work group
normative team
virtual team
cross­functional team
conventional skilled team

58 Brown Beverages Corp. uses a cross­functional team to develop four to six

new beverages annually. Brown Beverages Corp. most likely uses a cross­
functional team because it:
allows the company to use employees from various
departments with varying perspectives to attack the
allows the team members to work individually.
ensures that the team members can go back to
their original teams once they have finished developing
the beverages.
ensures that the members will be able to work
together irrespective of their locations.
allows the company to get input from all of its
external stakeholders.

59 _____ are best defined as groups of geographically and/or organizationally

dispersed coworkers who use a combination of telecommunications and
information technologies to accomplish an organizational task.
Virtual teams
Ad hoc teams
Semi­autonomous teams
Self­managing teams
Horizontally organized teams

60 The Turnpike Authority of the state of Lakewood encountered several

challenges while constructing tunnels. Hence, it created a national team of
tunnel experts to develop road tunnel engineering principles, traffic flow
patterns, and maintenance practices through the use of telecommunications
and information technology. In this scenario, this group of tunnel experts
can be best categorized as a _____.
self­directed team
normative team
virtual team
multifunctional team
technological team

61 Which of the following statements is true of virtual teams?

They are also called illusionary focus groups.

They are often temporary teams that are set up to
accomplish a specific task.
They are required to send all the group
communication through a senior manager who acts as
a filter.
They are always self­managing teams.
They regularly meet face­to­face in informal group

62 Identify the statement that is true about virtual teams.

They are mostly permanent and are engaged in all

of the organization's business.
They are continuing to decline in popularity.
They find it difficult to include key stakeholders such
as suppliers and customers.
They are often inflexible.
They typically require smaller time commitment
than traditional teams do.

63 A drawback of virtual teams is that:

their members must learn to express themselves in

new contexts.
their members find them inflexible.
there is an absence of autonomy.
they have too much autonomy.
they establish several group norms.

64 Fervor Tax Service has a largely white, male demographic at present. A

new group has been established in Fervor to improve the employment,
retention, and promotion prospects of women and ethnic minorities. The
team has six months to gather information and create a plan. This group can
best be categorized as a(n) _____.
autonomous team
project team
virtual team
cross­functional team
traditional work team

65 _____ are often used to develop new products, significantly improve

existing products, roll out new information systems, or build new factories
or offices within a specific time, following which the team members either
move on to the next project or return to their functional units.
Traditional work groups
Project teams
Virtual teams
Joint committees
Standing committees

66 Which of the following kinds of teams is always temporary?

Cross­functional team
Project team
Self­designing team
Self­managing team
Virtual team

67 A group of medical specialists work in the neonatal unit of Bightlake

Medical College and Hospital. This group has agreed that they should
explain students the reasons of specific procedures as and when they are
performed although there are no hospital rules mandating that the students
should be given an explanation. What can this rule be best categorized as?
Behavioral policy
Ethical code
Operational guide

68 A group of workers in a medical examiner's office decided that they would

not wear light­colored denim jeans to work because such casual wear
seemed unprofessional. This informal agreement was made although the
office did not have a dress code policy. The workers created a(n) _____.
work model
code of ethics
operational guide

69 Lisa recently joined a famous multinational company. During her first few
days, she went to work wearing casual clothing. However, she gradually
came to know that this was not the expected dress code as everyone in the
office dressed in formal attire. This was not specifically told to her, nor was
it officially established as she later found out. The formal dress code is an
example of a(n) _____.
behavioral policy
ethical policy
operational guide

70 Which of the following statements regarding cohesiveness is true?

Engaging in non­work activities as a team can help

build cohesion.
Cohesive groups engage in less cooperative
Cohesive groups always perform better.
Cohesive groups have trouble retaining their
High group cohesiveness equates to low team

71 Minority domination will most likely be a problem _____.

as teams grow
in cross­functional teams of any size
in virtual teams because of the nature of the
communication medium
as teams decrease in size
in project teams because they are temporary

72 _____ refers to the emotional reactions that can occur when disagreements
become personal rather than professional.

High cohesiveness
Cognitive conflict
Affective conflict
Normative conflict
Behavioral conflict

73 Which of the following types of conflicts is most strongly associated with

improvements in team performance?

Cognitive conflict
Horizontal conflict
Behavioral conflict
Vertical conflict
Affective conflict

74 With _____ conflict, team members disagree because their different

experiences and expertise lead them to different views of the problem and

75 Identify the correct statement about team conflicts.

Managers who participate on teams that

experienced affective conflict usually describe their
teammates as manipulative, secretive, burned out, and
Cognitive conflict undermines team performance by
preventing teams from engaging in the kinds of
activities that are critical to team effectiveness.
Affective conflict is beneficial to a group while
cognitive conflict undermines group performance.
Affective conflict occurs when team members
disagree because their different experiences and
expertise lead them to different views of the problem
and solutions.​
Affective conflict is characterized by a willingness to
examine, compare, and reconcile differences to produce
the best possible solution.

76 Which of the following statements is true of a­type conflict?

It is strongly associated with improvements in team

It can make people more comfortable with their
relationships with group peers.
It can decrease team cohesiveness.
It usually precedes cognitive conflict.
It is characterized by a willingness to examine,
compare, and reconcile differences to produce the best
possible solution.

77 Which of the following is NOT one of the recommendations for minimizing

the occurrence of affective conflict and having a good fight?

Establish common goals

Work with more, rather than less, information
Maintain a balance of power
Inject humor into the workplace
Always resolve issues by consensus

78 Linda is a manager at a local restaurant. She wants to introduce a new

scheme that she thinks will improve customer satisfaction. But before this,
she needs to inform her team about this. Should Linda force consensus for
her new scheme? Why?
No, because requiring consensus gives veto power
only to Linda.​
Yes, because consensus eliminates problems
associated with minority domination.
No, because insisting on consensus usually
promotes affective rather than cognitive conflict.
Yes, because the scheme will get morphed till
everyone agrees.
No, because team consensus leads to more social

79 Which of the following statements is true of team development?

The development stages are forming, storming,

norming, and performing.
Group cohesion is relatively strong at the storming
Team performance begins to decline at the norming
Storming is the first stage of team development.
Positive team norms first start developing in the
performing stage.

80 A group of architects and engineers has been organized to plan the

construction of a new bridge. The team members are getting to know each
other and are setting some preliminary ground rules. This group is in the
_____ stage of team development.

81 Which of the following typically happens during the storming stage of team

Team members begin to work together, and

different personalities and work styles clash.
Team members engage in brainstorming.
Team members begin to settle into their roles as
team members.
The comfort level of team members begins to
Team members feel mutual accountability.

82 Benson & Parker Advertising recently hired a fresh batch of copywriters

and designers for their creative team. Initially, there was a lot of turbulence
among the new team. In which stage of team development is this group at
Benson & Parker Advertising most likely to resolve petty differences,
develop friendships, and establish strong group cohesiveness?

83 Group cohesion tends to be relatively strong at the _____ stage of team



84 Which of the following is one of the stages that teams pass through as they
develop and grow rather than decline?


85 A team finally matures into a fully functioning team at the _____ stage of


86 In the stages of team development, a team first moves from growth to

decline during the _____ stage.


87 PRO Pharma Corp. went bankrupt in the year 2009. In 2014, the CEO of
PRO Laboratories established a project team and wanted it to help the
company to become "the most valuable pharmaceutical company." In this
scenario, the project team is given a(n) _____.
temporal mission
myopic mission
proximity goal
options­based objective
stretch goal

88 _____ can be best defined as the ability to change organizational structures,

policies, and practices if doing so helps teams meet their stretch goals.

Structural accommodation
Bureaucratic immunity
Minority domination
Administrative reciprocity

89 Which of the following factors is necessary for stretch goals to effectively

motivate teams?

Formalized rules and regulations

Bureaucratic immunity
Administrative reciprocity
Minority dominance

90 The achievement of stretch goals is made easier when the team members
have _____.

dominant minority
bureaucratic immunity
strategic diversity
vast scope
limited cohesiveness

91 _____ means that teams no longer have to go through the frustratingly slow
process of multilevel reviews and sign­offs to get management approval
before making changes.
Administrative reciprocity
Structural accommodation
Minority domination
Virtual accommodation
Bureaucratic immunity

92 Which of the following is NOT necessary for stretch goals to effectively

motivate teams?
High degree of autonomy
Empowerment to control resources
Structural accommodation
Conflict management training
Ability to change organizational policies and

93 Jessica works in the Human Resources department of a social media

organization. The organization is currently hiring a team of designers to
revamp its current interface. Which of the following factors would best help
Jessica in selecting the right team?
Team diversity
Team synergy
Team level
Team conformity
Team performance

94 A research group is composed of students of theology, actors, and

musicians as well as the more traditional marketing experts and
statisticians. Given this information, it is can be inferred that the group is
high in _____.
team cohesiveness
team diversity
team level
structural accommodation

95 The finance team of a start­up company has a majority of white employees.

It, however, plans to hire more people from various other ethnic
backgrounds in the near future. The organization is trying to increase its
group norms
team diversity
aggregated creativity
structural accommodation

96 Which of the following statements about team training is true?

Organizations often overestimate the amount of

training required to make teams effective.
Cross­training is less appropriate for teams of highly
skilled workers.
The most common type of training provided is
training in technical skills.
Team leaders typically do not require training.
The most common type of training provided is
training in conceptual skills.

97 A producer of mobile aerial work platforms rewards employees for the

number of basic skills they can perform rather than for the jobs to which
they are assigned. Prior to initiating this system, pay increases were based
on a merit system. The merit system is still in effect; however, the new
program emphasizes continued acquisition of new skills. The new program
can be best categorized as _____.
hourly wage
retained earning
skill­based pay

98 _____ is defined as a compensation system in which companies share the

financial value of performance gains, such as increased productivity, cost
savings, or improved quality, with their workers.
Skill­based pay
Profit sharing
Structural accommodation

99 An organization that rewards its team members through gainsharing is


using a nonfinancial reward

sharing the financial value of performance gains
paying employees to gain new skills
paying hourly wages
engaging in cross­training

100 _____ range from vacations to T­shirts, plaques, and coffee mugs and are
especially effective when coupled with management recognition, such as
awards, certificates, and praise.
Hourly wages
Piecework pay
Retained earnings
Nonfinancial rewards

101 Which of the following statements about team compensation is generally


Skill­based pay works best in relatively stable

environments where employees can focus on
improving productivity, cost savings, or quality.
Skill­based pay is more effective for self­directing
teams performing complex tasks.
In skill­based pay programs, companies share the
financial value of performance gains, such as
productivity increases, cost savings, or quality
improvements, with their workers.
Gainsharing programs pay employees for learning
additional skills or knowledge.
Skill­based pay programs tend to be most effective
when teams or team­based interventions, such as
total quality management, are first introduced.

102 In general, _____ works best in relatively stable environments where

employees can focus on improving the productivity, cost savings, or
quality of their current work system.
piecework pay
hourly wage
nonfinancial reward
skill­based pay

103 What are work teams? Briefly comment on why work teams have become
increasingly popular in business since the mid­ to late­1980s.


Work teams consist of a small number of people with complementary skills

who hold themselves mutually accountable for pursuing a common purpose,
achieving performance goals, and improving interdependent work processes.
In many industries, teams are growing in importance because they help
organizations respond to specific problems and challenges. Though work
teams are not the answer for every situation or organization, if the right
teams are used properly and in the right settings, teams can dramatically
improve company performance over more traditional management
approaches and instill a sense of vitality in the workplace that is
otherwise difficult to achieve.

104 Define cross­training. Briefly explain how cross­training can lead to

increased job satisfaction.


Cross­training involves training team members to do all or most of the jobs

performed by the other team members. Since this procedure gives workers
a chance to improve their skills, it is one of the reasons why teamwork can
be more satisfying than traditional work. It can lead to increased job
satisfaction. The advantage for the organization is that cross­training allows
teams to function normally when one member is absent, quits or is
transferred. The advantage for workers is that cross­training broadens their
skills and increases their capabilities while also making their work more
varied and interesting.

105 What are the four guidelines managers use to determine the use of teams?


Teams should be used (1) when there is a clear, engaging reason or

purpose; (2) when the work requires that people work together; (3) when
rewards can be provided for both teamwork and team performance; and (4)
when ample resources can be provided.

106 List the five types of teams on the team autonomy continuum. What is each
team's highest level of responsibility (i.e., the highest level of task that they
have independent control over)?

Autonomy is the key dimension that makes teams different. Traditional

work groups employee involvement groups have the lowest levels of
autonomy. Traditional work groups have no authority; they simply execute
their assigned task. Employee involvement groups have authority only to
make suggestions; their suggestions may or may not be taken up by
management. Semi­autonomous work groups have more autonomy, in
particular over decisions that relate to the production of the product or
service that is their assignment. Self­managing teams and self­ designing
teams have the highest levels of autonomy. Self­managing teams have
authority over all matters directly related to the project, while self­designing
teams have authority to control everything down to who is on the team and
how tasks are done.

107 Identify the three special kinds of teams that can't be easily categorized in
terms of autonomy. For each of these teams, identify the probability that it
would be formed on a temporary or permanent basis.

These special kinds of teams are cross­functional teams, virtual teams, and
project teams. Cross­functional teams are intentionally composed of
employees from different functional areas of the organization. Cross­
functional teams can be used almost anywhere in an organization and are
often used in conjunction with matrix and product organizational structures.
They can also be used with either part­time or temporary team assignments
or with full­time, long­term projects. Virtual teams are groups of
geographically and/or organizationally dispersed coworkers who use a
combination of telecommunications and information technologies to
accomplish an organizational task. Virtual teams can be employee
involvement teams, self­managing teams, or nearly any kind of team
discussed in this chapter. Virtual teams are often (but not necessarily)
temporary teams set up to accomplish a specific task. Project teams are
created to complete specific, one­time projects or tasks (such as developing
new products or improving existing products) within a limited time. When
projects are finished, project team members either move on to the next
project or return to their functional units.

108 What are project teams? List the advantages associated with their usage.


Project teams are created to complete specific, one­time projects or tasks

within a limited time. Project teams are often used to develop new products,
to significantly improve existing products, to roll out new information
systems, or to build new factories or offices. Because project tasks are
typically unique, project teams are often staffed by employees from
different functional areas. One advantage of project teams is that drawing
employees from different functional areas can reduce or eliminate
communication barriers. In turn, free­flowing communication encourages
cooperation among separate departments and typically speeds up the design
process. Another advantage of project teams is their flexibility. When
projects are finished, project team members either move on to the next
project or return to their functional units. Because of this flexibility, project
teams are often used with the matrix organizational designs.

109 How does a team's size influence its performance?


There appears to be a curvilinear relationship between team size and

performance. In other words, very small or very large teams may not
perform as well as moderately­ sized teams. For most teams, the right size
is somewhere between six and nine members. Teams of this size are small
enough for the team members to get to know each other and for each
member to have an opportunity to contribute in a meaningful way to the
success of the team. However, they're also large enough to take advantage
of team members' diverse skills, knowledge, and perspectives. By contrast,
when teams get too large, team members find it difficult to get to know one
another and may splinter into smaller subgroups, suffering from problems of
social loafing, self­limiting behavior, minority domination, or other logistical
problems. Teams that are too small, with just a few people, may lack the
diversity of skills and knowledge found in larger teams. Also, they are
unlikely to gain the advantages of team decision making (multiple
perspectives, generating more ideas and alternative solutions, and stronger
commitment) found in larger teams.

110 Explain what managers can do to manage conflict in teams effectively.


The key to dealing with team conflict is to maximize cognitive conflict,

which focuses on problem­related differences of opinion, and minimize
affective conflict, or the emotional reactions that occur when
disagreements become personal rather than professional. It is important for
managers to note that while cognitive conflict is helpful in teams because of
its association with a willingness to examine, compare, and reconcile
differences to produce the best possible solution, it can easily deteriorate
into affective conflict if the discussion turns personal and tempers and
emotions flare. Thus, six recommendations have been provided for
minimizing the occurrence of affective conflict. First, work with more,
rather than less, information. Second, develop multiple alternatives to enrich
debate. Third, establish common goals. Fourth, inject humor into the
workplace. Fifth, maintain a balance of power by involving as many people
as possible in the decision process. And, sixth, resolve issues without
forcing a consensus.

111 List the stages that teams pass through as they develop and grow. Also list
the stages of decline that may occur if teams are not managed properly
once they achieve peak performance.

As teams develop and grow, they pass through four stages of development:
forming, storming, norming, and performing. The performing stage typically
represents peak performance for the team. However, after a period of time,
if not managed well, performance may decline as teams progress through
the stages of de­norming, de­ storming, and de­forming. If teams are
actively managed, decline is not inevitable. However, managers need to
recognize that the forces at work in the de­norming, de­ storming, and de­
forming stages represent a powerful, disruptive, and real threat to teams
that have finally made it to the performing stage.

112 What are stretch goals? What four things must occur for stretch goals to
motivate teams effectively?


Stretch goals are extremely ambitious goals that workers don't know how
to reach. They can be used to motivate teams as long as those teams have
(1) autonomy, (2) control over resources, (3) structural accommodation
(the ability to change organizational structures, policies, and practices),
and (4) bureaucratic immunity (the ability to make changes without first
getting approval from managers or other parts of an organization).

113 List and briefly describe the three methods of compensating employees for
team participation and accomplishments.


The three methods of compensating employees for team participation and

accomplishments are (1) skill­based pay (a compensation system that pays
employees for learning additional skills or knowledge), (2) gainsharing (a
compensation system in which companies share the financial value of
performance gains such as productivity, cost savings, or quality with their
workers), and (3) nonfinancial rewards (which can range from vacation
trips to T­shirts, plaques, and coffee mugs).

114 Briefly identify the advantages and disadvantages of using teams. Describe
a situation in which you or someone you know worked in a team setting. Be
sure to specify which of the general advantages and/or disadvantages of
using teams were manifest in that situation.

There are four advantages to using teams: (1) Teams have been shown to
increase customer satisfaction through the use of specific customer
service teams as well as problem­solving teams. (2) Teams have been
shown to increase product and service quality by allowing teams to take
direct responsibility for their output. (3) Teams have been shown to
increase employee job satisfaction through cross training, providing unique
leadership responsibilities. (4) Teams have been shown to improve group
decision makingbecause different team members will inevitably have
different perspectives on an issue. Teams can generate more alternatives,
and they can pool their collective knowledge and skills, yielding better

While teams can produce significant improvements in these areas, using

teams does not guarantee these positive outcomes. Teams have three
specific disadvantages: (1) Initially high turnoveroccurs because teams
aren't for everyone and some workers will balk at the responsibility, effort,
and learning required in team settings. (2) Social loafing may occur. This is
a behavior in which team members withhold their efforts and fail to perform
their share of the work. Social loafing is especially problematic in large
groups. (3) Disadvantages of group decision making such as groupthink,
excessive time, poorly­run meetings, domination by a few team members,
and weak accountability may occur, although teams also share many of the
advantages of group decision making such as multiple perspectives,
generation of more alternatives, and more commitment for implementation.

(Student examples will often revolve around class assignments that were
completed in small groups. As such, desired advantages would include
increased product quality and problem solving with the possibility of
increased student satisfaction­if the experience is a good one. However,
given the widely differing levels of student motivation and interpersonal
skills in any given classroom, many students will report bad experiences.
Better answers will clearly provide enough background information on the
situation, behaviors, and outputs involved to assess the degree of
appropriateness of the examples cited.)

115 Identify the key dimension on which teams differ. Define and describe the
continuum of teams used by companies along this dimension. If a manager
had a high need for personal power and control, explain which of these
types of teams he or she would probably be most happy working with in a
managerial capacity. Also explain how he or she might react to a proposal
to introduce teams into his or her work unit.

Studies indicate that the amount of autonomy possessed by a team is the

key dimension that makes teams different from each another. Autonomy is
the degree to which workers have the discretion, freedom, and
independence to decide how and when to accomplish their jobs. A team
autonomy continuum identifies five different kinds of teams, each with
increasing levels of autonomy (i.e., decision­making authority). In order of
increasing autonomy, these are (1) traditional work groups (groups
composed of two or more people who work together to achieve a shared
goal), which have the lowest level of autonomy and simply execute the
task; (2) employee involvement groups,which are teams that provide
advice or make suggestions to management concerning specific issues, but
still have no decision­making authority; (3) semi­autonomous work groups,
which have considerably more autonomy since they not only provide advice
and suggestions to management but also have the authority to make
decisions and solve problems related to the major tasks required to produce
a product or service; (4) self­ managing teams, where team members
manage and control all of the major tasks directly related to production of a
product or service without first getting approval from management; and,
finally, at the highest level of autonomy (5) self­designing teams, which
have all the characteristics of self­managing teams but can also control and
change the design of the teams themselves, the tasks they do and how they
do them, and who belongs to the teams.

If a manager had a high need for personal power and control, it is likely
that he or she would prefer to make decisions unilaterally rather than
delegate such authority to a team. Thus, it is most likely that such a
manager would prefer to work with either traditional work groups or
employee involvement groups since all information and all problem­solving
and decision­making authority remains in his or her hands with both of these
types of teams (i.e., the manager retains power and control). Such a
manager is likely to resist the introduction of any of the other three types of
teams to his or her work unit since each of them possesses significant
decision­making authority, which directly reduces the power and control of
their manager.
116 What are virtual teams? Discuss the advantages of using virtual teams.


Virtual teams are groups of geographically and/or organizationally dispersed

coworkers who use a combination of telecommunications and information
technologies to accomplish an organizational task. In other words, members
of virtual teams rarely meet face to face. The idea of virtual teams is
relatively new and has been made possible by advances in communications
and technology such as e­mail, the Web, videoconferencing, and other
products. Virtual teams can be employee involvement teams, self­managing
teams, or nearly any kind of team. Virtual teams are often (but not
necessarily) temporary teams that are set up to accomplish a specific task.
The characteristics of virtual teams make them an excellent asset for use in
global organizations, where individual workers may need to collaborate but
are separated by both time zones and great distances. Thus, we speculate
that global organizations will make increasing use of virtual teams in an
attempt to gain or maintain competitive advantage in the future.

The principal advantage of virtual teams is that they are very flexible.
Employees can work with each other regardless of physical location, time
zone, or organizational affiliation. Thus, they are likely to become much
more prevalent in global organizations in order to overcome these barriers.
Because the team members don't meet in a physical location, one of the
unique qualities of virtual teams is that it is much easier to include other key
stakeholders such as suppliers and customers. This. can be a particularly
strong advantage to a global organization, which potentially faces
considerably greater diversity in both suppliers and customers. Plus, virtual
teams have certain efficiency advantages over traditional team structures.
Because the teammates do not meet face to face, the time commitment
involved in participating in a virtual team is typically not as great as that for
a traditional team. Moreover, employees can fulfill the responsibilities of
team membership from the comfort of their own offices, without the travel
time or downtime typically required by "real" face­­to­­face meetings. This
final advantage is a crucial factor for global organizations, where
considerable travel time for face­to­face meetings is a very real and
significant organizational cost.

117 What are norms? What is cohesiveness? Why is team size an important
consideration? How should a manager cope with team conflict? Specify
how each of these four characteristics of teams are related to team

Norms are informally agreed­upon standards that regulate team behavior

and are valuable because they let team members know what is expected of
them. Studies indicate that norms are one of the most powerful influences
on work behavior. Team norms are often associated with positive outcomes
such as stronger organizational commitment, more trust in management, and
stronger job and organizational satisfaction. However, they can also
influence team behavior in negative ways. Research has shown that teams
with negative norms strongly influence their team members to engage in
negative behaviors. Thus, norms may result in either increases or decreases
in performance and should be closely monitored by managers.
Cohesiveness is the extent to which team members are attracted to a team
and motivated to remain in it. Cohesiveness is related to team performance
because cohesive teams quickly achieve high levels of performance and
consistently perform better. By contrast, it takes teams low in cohesiveness
much longer to reach the same levels of performance.

There appears to be a curvilinear relationship between team size and

performance. In other words, very small or very large teams may not
perform as well as moderately sized teams. For most teams, the right size
is somewhere between six and nine members. Teams of this size are
cohesive and small enough for team members to get to know each other and
contribute in a meaningful way but are also large enough to take advantage
of team members' diverse skills, knowledge, and perspectives. Both
cohesiveness and a diversity of skills, knowledge, and perspectives produce
better team performance.

Conflict and disagreement are inevitable in most teams. The key to dealing
with team conflict is to maximize cognitive conflict, which focuses on
problem­related differences of opinion and is strongly associated with
improvements in team performance, and minimize affective conflict, the
emotional reactions that occur when disagreements become personal rather
than professional. Affective conflict is strongly associated with decreases in
team performance because it prevents teams from engaging in the kinds of
activities that are critical to team effectiveness.

118 ​escribe the four factors that companies can manage to make teams more
effective. Specify which of these four factors you feel is of greatest
importance in enhancing team performance. Explain the reason for your

Companies can make teams more effective by (1) setting team goals and
priorities as well as managing how work team members are (2) selected,
(3) trained, and (4) compensated. Team goals clarify team priorities by
providing a clear focus and purpose. Since specific and challenging team
goals regulate how hard team members work, they also reduce the
incidence of social loafing. Team goals lead to much higher team
performance 93 percent of the time. Extremely difficult stretch goals can be
used to motivate teams as long as those teams have autonomy, control over
resources, structural accommodation (the ability to change organizational
structures, policies, and practices), and bureaucratic immunity (the ability to
make changes without first getting approval from managers or other parts of
an organization).

Not everyone is suited for teamwork. When selecting team members,

companies should do three things. First, they should select people who
have a preference for teamwork. While collectivists are generally more
desirable in teams, individualists may be appropriate if team diversity is
desired. Second, they should consider the importance of team level, which is
the average level of ability, experience, personality, or any other factor on a
team. Team level is used to guide selection of teammates when teams need
a particular set of skills or capabilities to do their jobs well. Third,
companies should consider team diversity, or the differences in ability,
experience, personality, or any other factor on a team. Team diversity is
used to guide selection of teammates when teams are asked to complete a
wide range of different tasks or when tasks are particularly complex.

Organizations that create work teams often underestimate the amount of

training required to make teams effective. The organizations that
successfully use teams provide thousands of hours of training to make sure
that teams work effectively. The most common types of team training are
for interpersonal skills, decision­making and problem­solving skills, conflict
resolution skills, technical training to help team members learn multiple jobs
(i.e., cross training), and training for team leaders.

There are three methods of compensating employees for team participation

and accomplishments: (1) skill­based pay (a compensation system that pays
employees for learning additional skills or knowledge), (2) gainsharing (a
compensation system in which companies share the financial value of
performance gains, such as productivity, cost savings, or quality, with their
workers), and (3) nonfinancial rewards (which can range from vacation trips
to T­shirts, plaques, and coffee mugs). In general, skill­ based pay is most
effective for self­managing and self­directing teams performing complex
tasks. In these situations, the more each team member knows and can do,
the better the whole team performs. By contrast, gainsharing works best in
relatively stable environments where employees can focus on improving the
productivity, cost savings, or quality of their current work system.
Nonfinancial rewards are especially effective when coupled with
management recognition.

(Many students will select team goals as the single most important factor in
enhancing team performance. The research indicating that they lead to
much higher

performance 93% of the time is a strong argument in favor of this position.

However, depending upon particular assumptions and circumstances
specified in an answer, a reasonable argument could be made for selection,
training, or compensation. In essence, severe weaknesses or inadequacies
in any of these areas has the potential for significantly reducing term
performance. Thus, the specific content and logical arguments of student
answers would need to be assessed for these options.)
Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
The Project Gutenberg eBook of Saksanmaa
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Title: Saksanmaa
Talvinen tarina

Author: Heinrich Heine

Translator: Otto Manninen

Release date: October 26, 2023 [eBook #71963]

Language: Finnish

Original publication: Helsinki: Otava, 1904

Credits: Jari Koivisto



Talvinen tarina




O. Manninen

Helsingissä, Kustannusosakeyhtiö Otava, 1904.


Heinrich Heine on meillä kuten muuallakin tunnettu etupäässä

"Laulujen kirjan" runoilijana. Keliäpä ei olisi kerran — koulun
yläluokilla ollessaan — ollut nuorien haaveidensa hartauskirjana
tämä lemmenrunouden klassilliseksi tullut codex? Ja onhan yksi sen
helmiä, "Lorelei", kesäisten vettemme vierillä jo ammoin koteutunut
helkkymään omien kansanlaulujemme joukossa. Laulujen kirjasta
ovat myös miltei yksinomaan ne muut Heinen runoelmat, joita siellä
täällä on ollut suomeksi tulkittuina. Onpa niitä aikoinaan jo ilmestynyt
pieni valikoimakin, Uotilan suomentama.

Laulujen kirja, 'Buch der Lieder', on kuten sanottu se teos, joka on

laajimmalle kantanut Heinen nimen kautta koko sivistyneen
maailman, tehnyt hänet tutuksi sellaisissakin piireissä, jotka muuten
ovat korkeammalle kirjallisuudelle vieraat. Eikä ihme. Onhan se aihe,
jota tämä pienoinen kirja kauttaaltaan käsittelee, tuo kaikkein yleisin
ja ymmärrettävin, joka ei lukijalta vaadi sen suurempia kirjallisia
edellytyksiä, jolla kunkin elämässä on ollut tärkeämpi tai vähemmin
tärkeä osansa. Ja ennen kaikkea ilmeneehän siinä yksi noita kykyjä,
jotka ovat maailmankirjallisuuden harvinaisimpia, synnynnäinen,
jumalan armosta runoileva lyyrikko. Uutta laulun kevättä, täynnä
säveliä, värejä ja tuoksua, nuoria uudistavia voimia, merkitsi tämä
kirjanen Saksan runoudessa, ja koko runotaiteen uudemmassa
kehityksessä on tunnettavana sen käänteentekevä vaikutus.
Ihastuksella, samantapaisella kuin ennen "Sturm und Drang"-polven
päivinä Goethen 'Werther', se otettiin ilmestyessänsä vastaan, ja
Saksan suuret sävelrunoilijat ovat siivittäneet sen laulut niiden
helkkyvään lentoon kautta maiden mannerten, niin että laulettu
Heine sävellyksien lukumäärään nähden jättää kauas jälkeensä
kaikki muut nimet koko maailman runoudessa.

Neljännestä vaille vuosisata on jo kulunut siitä kuin tämä nuoren

Heinen laulu ensimäisellä uutuuden viehätyksellään lumosi mieliä.
Lahjomattomin arvostelijoista, aika, on sen arvon jo moneen kertaan
vaa'alla punninnut, saattanut selvemmin kuin silloin näkyviin sen niin
vahvat kuin heikotkin puolet. Tunnemme, ettei tuo Heinen nerokas
sydämentunnustus aina ole tositunteen kannattama, että se
mielellään valitsee vaikuttavaisuutta tavoittelevia kaunoasentoja,
yhtäläisiä kuin hänen samanaikaisissa 'Ratcliff' ja 'Almansor'
tragedioissaan, että siinä monestikin on enemmän päässä kuin
sydämessä liikkunutta tekotunnelmoimista. Mutta kaikesta tästä
huolimatta on noissa enimmäkseen nimettömissä
pikkusoinnahdelmissa säilynyt aarre himmenemättömiä laulun
helmiä, runoilijan sointuvan tuskan synnyttämiä, jotka jo yksinään
olisivat tuottaneet sepittäjälleen kuolemattoman nimen.

Nykyajan-ihmisen yksilöllinen sielunelämä on se sointupohja, jolta

tämä uusisäveleinen runous on virinnyt, levoton, tuhatvivahteinen
niinkuin meri, jonka ensimäisenä suurena laulajana Heine samalla
kertaa esiintyy kotimaansa kirjallisuudessa. Meren maininkien vapaa
käynti on suonut poljennon Laulujen kirjan loppusoitolle, ihanalle
'Pohjanmeri'sikermälle, ja niin on Heine tässä kirjassaan, ehkä
varsinaisemmin kuin sitten vähää myöhemmin Grillparzer
kuuluisassa draamassaan, saattanut "Des Meeres und der Liebe
Wellen" — meren ja lemmen aallot — ikuisesti soilumaan
saksalaisen runon säveleissä.

Mutta tämä tunnetuin ja tunnustetuin Heine ei ole vielä koko se

henkinen mahtaja, jona hän esiintyy muissa kypsyneemmän ikänsä
tuotteissa, eikä se, jona hän voimakkaimmin voi kiinnittää ja kiehtoa
yhä vielä lukijansa mielen. Syvällisempiä, ikuisemmin väräjäviä ovat
ne soinnut ja ne epäsoinnut, joissa hän pitkällisen kärsimyksensä
vuoteella, "patjahautaansa" kahlehdittuna, lauloi ilmi kaiken sen
elämän ja kohtalon tuskan, jonka syvyydet hän miltei yli-inhimilliseen
määrään sai mitata, 'Romanzero'ssaan, sen 'Lamentationen' ja
'Letzte Gedichte' runoelmissa, ja vasta ennustettuna on tässä
kirjassa se Heine, jonka nimi säteilee samassa tähtisikermässä,
niissä Aristophaneen, Cervantesin, Rabelais'n, Swiftin ja Voltairen —
'Matkakuvain', 'Atta Trollin' ja 'Talvisen tarinan' kirjoittaja.

Harvinaiseen suuren laulurunoilijan lahjaan yhtyi näet hänessä tuo

kenties vieläkin harvinaisempi suuren ivarunoilijan, jona hän esiintyy
yhtenä noista maailmankirjallisuuden ensimäisistä, kotimaansa ja
oman aikansa suurimpana. Herkkä lyyrillinen tunteellisuus ja sen
rinnalla säkenöivä äly, sini-ilmoille vetävä haaveilu ja leikkelyveitsen
terävyinen erittelevä järki — molemmat hänen rotunsa
tunnusmerkillisiä hengenlahjoja — nehän ovat Heinen omituisen
runoilijatemperamentin vastakkaiset päätekijät, ne muodostavat jo
synnynnäisen pohjan sille särähtävälle kaksinaisuudelle, joka hänen
runoudessaan niin rehellisesti tulkitsee ajanelämän sisintä sielua,
sen raatelevia ristiriitoja, jossa on ikäänkuin palanen Faustia ja
palanen Mefistoa yhdistyneenä yhdeksi henkilöksi. Elämän
suuruuden ja elämän kauneuden polttava kaipaus, joka sitä
elävämmin tajuaa näiden vastakohtiin vangitun elämän ikuisen tragi-
komedian, se tekee Heinestä tuon suuren kaiken-ivaajan, jolle hänen
kirjallishistoriallisessa henkilökuvassaan kaikki muu tuntuu jäävän
miltei vain vaikutusta kohottavaksi taustaksi.

Sillä niin taiteellisesti oma itsensä kuin Heine kauttaaltaan onkin,

on hän tässä kohden kuitenkin enimmin mukana koko olennollaan,
antautuu enimmin alttiiksi ajan taistelurinnassa. Ranskasta käsin,
kun kotimaassa olo kävi hänelle mahdottomaksi, hän jatkoi
taukoomatonta taisteluaan Euroopan taantumussuuntaa vastaan.
Hänen sähköisessä ivassaan oli iskevä väkevimmät salamansa kohti
pimeämielisen ennakkoluulon ja sortovallan yökkötorneja se
kapinamieli, jolla pyhän alliansin ja ruhtinas Metternichin —
Mitternachtin — ajan ilman täytyi latautua. Tässä taistelussaan hänet
saattaa sanoa Byronin suureksi seuraajaksi. Muutamia vuosia sen
jälkeen kuin ivan säilä herpoo kuolevan Byronin kädestä, tarttuu
siihen Heine ja käyttää sitä miespolven ajan yhtä kätevästi ja
tehokkaasti. Mutta viimeiset kahdeksan vuotta tämän aseen käyttäjä
itse kantoi kuoleman haavaa rinnassaan.

Jo alusta alkaen on Heine, kuten sanottu, runoilijana

harvinaisessa määrin oma itsensä. Ne monenmoiset herätteet ja
vaikutukset, jotka voidaan osottaa hänen henkisen erikoisuutensa
muodostumisessa, koko se ajan ilma, jossa hän oli kasvanut,
vanhan Goethen varjossa kukoistava romantiikka, Byronin
taistelukaunis esikuva, kaikki se ei vaikuta hänessä vieraina
aineosuuksina, vaan on sulautunut omaksi voimakkaasti
yksilölliseksi runoilijasävyksi. Ja alusta alkaen hän on tuo suuri
runomuodon, samoinkuin proosatyylinkin, mestari, joka oli vallitseva
saksankieltään häikäisevämmällä taituruudella kuin kukaan muu.
Hänen herkkävireistä mielikuvitustaan johtaa tosirunoilijan välitön
vaisto löytää vaihteleville tunnelmilleen niiden luontaisin ilmaisu.
Mutta tälle vaistolle tulee hänessä tueksi itsetietoinen
taiteilijapyrkimys, joka on pienintä yksityiskohtaa myöten punninnut
tarkoittamansa vaikutuksen, joka ei jätä mitään satunnaisuuden
varaan. Tuo luonnonäänen tapainen välittömyys, millä hänen
laulunsa tuntuu soinnahtaneen ilmoille, on moninkertaisen
taiteellisen muodostelutyön hienoksi hioutunut tulos. Sen
kiirastulessa on koeteltu niiden muodon hivelevä notkeus ja
sisällyksen voimakkaasti tihennetty, alati vastakohtaansa hypähtävä
tunnelmaelo, joka ei salli mitään kuolleita kohtia väreilyssään.
Aikakaudellemme ovat erikoisesti ominaisia suuret keksijät, joiden
ihanteena on kehittää koneistojensa sirous ja teho yhä lähemmäksi
täydellisyyttä, supistaa yhä vähempään määrään voimaenergian
hukkaankulutus. Samantapainen runollinen ja ajatustaiteellinen
keksijä-äly on Heine. Hänen tyylinsä välähtelevä sanansattuvuus ja
nopeakäänteisyys, sen kyky sanoa vähässä paljon, sen joka
tuokiossa uudeksi polttopisteeksi keskittyvä elävyys ovat
ominaisuuksia, joiden merkitys on ollut mittaamattoman tärkeä sen
hengensävyn muodostumiselle, jota erikoisesti sanomme
nykyaikaiseksi. Sen jälkeen kuin Byronin, runouden Napoleonin,
romanttinen uhmarunous oli tehnyt nopean
maailmanvalloitusretkensä, nostaen kaikkiin maihin, varsinkin
slaavilaisiin, vasalliruhtinaitaan, tuli Heinen vuoro. Hänen
vaikutuksensa maailmankirjallisuuteen on ollut yhtä laaja, mutta
meluttomampi, kestävämpi ja taiteellisesti hedelmällisempi,
samoinkuin hän itse kaikkinaisen dilettantismin kukoistusajalla,
samanhenkisen Musset'n keralla, oli kenties ainoa runoilija, joka ei
sallinut riviäkään, mistä hän ei olisi voinut taiteellisesti vastata.

Omituisena ja mieltäkiinnittävänä ilmiönä edustaa Heine

aatteellisesti 19:nnen vuosisadan toista neljännestä yhtenä aikamme
tärkeimmistä henkisistä tekijöistä. Kasvaneena saksalaisen
romantiikan maaperältä, itse sen kehtomailla Reinin varrella, saaden
ranskalaisen sivistyksen ja viettäen suurimman osan voimansa
vuosia gallialaisen maailman sydämessä, ollen sitäpaitsi jo
rotuperältään erotettu kotimaansa yhteiskunnalliselta ja kirkolliselta
yhteispohjalta saattoi hän sitä helpommin henkisesti vapautua
näkemään kaikkia perinnäisyyden pyhittämiä olojen ja käsityskantain
yksipuolisuuksia puolella ja toisella ja sitä ennakkoluulottomammin
luomaan katseensa kohti uusia, inhimillisyyttä lähempiä
tulevaisuuden ihanteita.

Mutta kaiken tämän takaa, ja sisällykseltään kaiken tämän

määräämänä, hänen maailmankansalaishenkensä perussävy
osottaa koko runollisessa ilmauksessaan ominaisuuksia, jotka
epäilemättä on katsottava johtuneiksi sen rodun sielullisista
erikoisuuksista, mihin hän kuului. Hänellä ei ole suuria,
sopusuhtaisia kokonaisuuksia vallitsevaa plastillisuutta, mutta sen
sijaan musiikin sisäisiä maailmoja avaava kyky, hänen runovoimansa
ei vietä voittojaan ulkokohtaisen todellisuuden rikkaassa
kuvaamisessa, vaan kohotessaan sen piiristä omituisiin haaveellisiin
ilmestysnäkyihin. Mielialojen asteikossa soivat väkevässä värinässä
vain äärimmäiset intohimoiset sävelet, kaikki saksalainen
gemyyttisyys on siinä olematonta. Se on sama runohenki, joka
ammoin hänen hebrealaisten esi-isiensä suulla runoili Korkean
veisun ja Salomon saarnaajan, siirrettynä meidän aikaamme ja
aatemaailmaamme, hänen sanansa siivittää sama hillitön
vääjäämättömyys, millä vanhan testamentin miehet julistivat
tuomionsa kansoille ja valtiaille, ja myöskin väre samaa halki aikojen
kaikuvaa kantovoimaa. Heine liittyy niiden miesten lukuisaan
sarjaan, joissa hänen vainojen karaiseman heimonsa henki ajasta
toiseen on tärkeällä tavalla astunut vaikuttamaan ihmiskunnan
Puolen vuosisadan aika erottaa meidät jo Heinrich Heinestä. Ne
ajanolot, jotka olivat hänen runoutensa kehyksenä, kuuluvat jo
historiaan, siinä aatteiden taistelussa, jonka Tyrtaios-laulajana hän
seisoi tuona modernin hengenelämän murrosaikana, ovat jo
polttopisteet paljon silloisestaan siirtyneet. Mutta vielä on hänen
runoutensa varsinaisesti nuorta runoutta, ei ainoastaan siinä
merkityksessä, missä kaikki tosirunous on ikuisesti nuorta, vaan
siten että se vielä suoranaisesti vaikuttaa elävänä voimana
keskellämme, että nousevat polvet omistavat sen omana laulunaan,
ja että sitä vastaan myös vielä elää kaiken kaatuvan vanhan
ainainen kammo ja epäluulo kaikkea nuorta, uudistavaa vastaan.
Samalla tenholla kuin syntymisensä päivinä se laulu yhä vielä
herättää mielissä ihastusta ja vihastusta, ei vain kolmatta:
välinpitämättömyyttä. Yhä vielä kuuluu Heine runouden taistelevaan
kirkkoon. Vieläkään ei hänelle ole annettu anteeksi niitä
kuolemansyntejä, joita hän teki poroporvarillisuutta ja kansallista
omahyväisyyttä vastaan. Yhä vielä kummittelevat saksalaisen
kuntomielisyyden kiivailut häntä vastaan kieltäen hänen arvonsa
sekä runoilijana että ihmisenä, julistaen hänet pannaan kaiken pyhän
ja korkean pilkkaajana, epäuskon, epäsiveellisyyden,
epäisänmaallisuuden apostolina. Hänen maanpakonsa ei ole vielä
laannut — onhan tähän päivään saakka runoilijan muistopatsas
koditon hänen synnyinmaassaan, samoin kuin hän oli itsekin koko
loppupuolen ikäänsä, neljänneksen vuosisataa. Mutta sitä enemmän
hän on saanut laajaksi kodikseen koko sivistyneen maailman, tullut
ihmiskunnan omaksi niinkuin harvat runoilijat. Jälkeisen ajan
parhaissa, hienoimmissa hengissä voidaan havaita hänen
vaikutustaan, ja koko uudemman laulurunouden yli liikkuu vielä
hänen elävä henkensä. "II morto Enrico poetava ancora."
Tässä vaikutuksen yleismaailmallisessa laajuudessa on Heineen
verrattava vain yksi ainoa viime vuosisadan Saksan henkisistä
suurmiehistä, Friedrich Nietzsche, — filosofian lyyrikko. Hänkin oli
samanlainen joustava voima, jonka mullistavaa vaikutusta koko
aikamme henkiseen käsityskantaan eivät voi tehdä tyhjäksi mitkään
puoskariksi-julistelut ammattifilosofien puolelta, kumpaisenkin
häikäisevä esitystapa on merkinnyt uudistavaa käännettä
nykyaikaisessa tyylitaiteessa, ja lopuksi, kumpaisenkin osana oli
sama traagillinen murtuminen viimein yli voimien käyvässä
taistelussaan niitä valtoja vastaan, joille kuolematonten jumalainkaan
ei sanota mitään mahtavan.

Niinpä on sillä runoelmalla — toisella Heinen kahdesta

suuremmasta yhtenäisestä runoteoksesta — joka täten
suomenkielisessä asussa esiintyy, muukin kuin pelkästään
kirjallishistoriallinen mielenkiintonsa Heinen säkenöivimpänä satiirina
ja yhtenä koko satiiriilisen kirjallisuuden huippuja. Se aatteiden
taistelu, joka on virittänyt tämän runoelman rohkeat soinnut, ei ole
loppuun taisteltu. Samat sovittamattomat ristiriidat, sama
vapaudenvaino ovat ominaisia nykyisenkin yhteiskunnan elämälle.
Kaikki se satunnainen ajallisuus ja paikallisuus, jonka otsalle
runoilijan iva on leimannut ikuisen polttomerkkinsä, on vain tullut
tunnuskuvaksi samojen takana olevien voimien vaihtuville ilmiöille.
Niiden yhä uudestaan kasvavia päitä vastaan viuhuu myös yhä
uudestaan runoilijan kärventävä salamavaaja. Ikäänkuin leimuava
ukkospilvi yli aikamme sotilasvaltaisen, kansa- ja luokkasortoisen
taantumuskauden on tämä laulu silloisesta 40-luvun Saksanmaasta.
Ja paljon täytyy olla toisin, ennenkuin se on jäänyt vain kaukaiseksi,
kaikkien turvallisesti katseltavaksi tulitukseksi takaiselle taivaalle.
Umpimähkään iskee ukkonen luonnossa. Tässä on vasamiaan
singahuttamassa aatteellisen pyrkimyksen korkealle tähdätty joutsi.
Kaiken tuon kirvelevän, hillittömän pilkan takana on sydän, joka
enemmän rakastaa isänmaataan kuin vihaa sen vikoja, on runoilijan
tietoisuus tehtävänsä suuresta oikeutuksesta, on usko voitolliseen
inhimillisyyteen. Sitä pilkkaa ei asesta aution epäilyn ja kieltämisen
hävitysiloinen henki, vaan sen epäilyn ja kapinan, joka on ihmisten ja
kansain ainainen edistyskannus kohti vapautumista ajatuksessa ja
elämässä, sen jolle Carducci on laulanut "Inno a Satana'nsa", se
Lucifer, jonka nimelle henkisesti peloitetut ristivät silmiään ja jonka
nimi myös on Foibos Apollon, valoisan lyyryn ja valoisien nuolten

Talvinen tarina


Seuraavan runoelman kirjoitin tämän vuoden tammikuulla

Pariisissa, ja sikäläinen vapaa ilma puhalsi moneen säkeesen paljoa
kirpeämmin kuin oikeastaan olisin suonut. Jo heti kohta koetin
lieventää ja erottaa pois sellaista, mikä ei näyttänyt Saksan
ilmanalaan soveltuvalta. Yhtäkaikki, kun maaliskuussa lähetin
käsikirjoituksen kustantajalleni Hampuriin, asetettiin mietittäväkseni
vielä monenmoisia arveluttavuuksia. Minun oli vielä kerran pakko
ryhtyä tukalaan korjaustyöhön, ja niinpä on kyllä saattanut sattua,
että vakavat sävelet ovat tulleet hillityiksi yli tarpeen tai niiden ääni
hukkunut huumorin kulkusten liian hilpeään helinään. Muutamilta
alastomilta ajatuksilta olen pikastuksissani jälleen riistänyt
viikunalehdet pois, ja sievistelevän arkoja korvia olen kenties
loukannut. Olen siitä pahoillani, mutta lohtunani on tieto että
suuremmatkin kirjailijat ovat tehneet itsensä vikapäiksi samanlaisiin
rikoksiin. Aristophanesta en tahdo mainitakaan puolustuksekseni,
sillä hän oli sokea pakana, ja hänen ateenalainen yleisönsä oli tosin
saanut klassillisen kasvatuksen, mutta ei tietänyt paljoakaan
siveydestä. Cervantes ja Molière olisivat minulle jo paljon parempia
puoltomiehiä; kirjoittipa edellinen vielä molempain Kastiliain
ylhäiselle aatelille, jälkimäinen taas Versaillesin suurelle kuninkaalle
ja suurelle hoville! Ah, minä unohdan, että elämme hyvin
porvarillisessa ajassa, ja näen ikäväkseni jo ennakolta, kuinka moni
sivistyneiden säätyjen tytär Spreen, jopa aina Alsterinkin varrella, on
runoelma-rukalleni nyrpistävä enemmän tai vähemmän pystyä
nenän-typykkäänsä! Mutta se, minkä näen edessäni suuremmalla
suruntunteella, on noiden kansallisten fariseusten sadattelu, jotka nyt
käyvät käsityksin hallitusten nurjamielisyyden kanssa, jotka myös
nauttivat sensuurin täyttä rakkautta ja kunnioitusta ja
sanomalehdistössä osaavat antaa oikean tunnussanan, kun on
käytävä niiden vastustajien kimppuun, jotka ovat heidän
kaikkeinkorkeinten isäntäinsäkin vastustajia. Sydämemme on
pantsaroitu noiden sankarillisten, musta-puna-kulta-livreessä
liikkuvain lakeijain epäsuosiota vastaan. Kuulen jo heidän olut-
äänensä: "Sinä herjaat meidän värejämmekin, isänmaan
ylenkatsoja, ranskalaisten ystävä, joille sinä tahdot luovuttaa vapaan
Reinin!" Rauhoittukaa! Tahdon antaa väreillenne arvon ja kunnian,
kun ne sen ansaitsevat, kun ne eivät enää ole joutilasta tai orjailevaa
ilveilyä. Pystyttäkää musta-puna-kultainen lippunne saksalaisen
ajatuksen kukkulalle, tehkää se vapaan ihmisyyden viiriksi, ja minä
olen antava parhaan sydänvereni sen edestä. Rauhoittukaa, minä
rakastan isänmaata yhtä paljon kuin tekin. Tämän rakkauden tähden
olen elänyt kolmetoista vuotta elämästäni maanpaossa, ja juuri
tämän rakkauden tähden palaan jälleen maanpakoon, kenties
ainiaaksi, joka tapauksessa ruikuttelematta tai vääntämättä
suupieltäni väärään irvistäväksi kärsimysnaamaksi. Olen
ranskalaisten ystävä, kuten olen kaikkien ihmisten ystävä, jos he
ovat järkeviä ja hyviä, ja koska en itse ole niin tyhmä enkä paha, että
soisin omien saksalaisteni ja ranskalaisten, molempien ihmiskunnan
valittujen kansain, taittavan niskat toisiltaan Englannin ja Venäjän
eduksi ja kaikkien aatelisjunkkarien ja pappien vahingoniloksi tämän
maan kamaralla. Olkaa rauhassa, minä en ole ikinä luovuttava
Reiniä ranskalaisille, jo siitä aivan yksinkertaisesta syystä, että Rein
on minun omani. Niin, minun omani luovuttamattomana
synnyinperintönä, minä olen vapaan Reinin vielä paljoa vapaampi
poika, sen rannalla keinui kehtoni, enkä ensinkään käsitä, miksi
Reinin pitäisi kuulua keillekään muille kuin maan omille lapsille.
Elsassia ja Lothringia en tosin voi yhdistää Saksan valtakuntaan niin
helposti kuin te sen teette, sillä näiden maiden asukkaat ovat lujasti
kiintyneet Ranskaan niiden oikeuksien vuoksi, jotka he Ranskan
vallankumouksen kautta ovat saaneet, noiden tasa-arvoisuuslakien
ja vapaiden laitosten, jotka ovat hyvin mieluisia porvarilliselle
mielelle, mutta joissa suuren joukon vatsalle on vielä paljon
toivomisen varaa. Kuitenkin kaikitenkin, elsassilaiset ja lothringilaiset
ovat jälleen liittyvät Saksaan, kun me täytämme, mitä ranskalaiset
ovat alottaneet, kun me voitamme heidät teossa, niinkuin jo olemme
heidät voittaneet ajatuksessa, kun me kohoamme aatteen
äärimmäistenkin johtopäätöksien tasalle, kun me hävitämme
orjailevaisuuden viimeisestäkin piiloloukostaan, taivaasta, kun me
pelastamme sen jumalan, joka asuu maan päällä ihmisissä,
alennuksestaan, kun me tulemme jumalan lunastajiksi, kun me
asetamme köyhän, onnenorvon kansan ja pilkatun neron ja raiskatun
kauneuden jälleen arvoonsa, niinkuin meidän suuret mestarimme
ovat lausuneet ja laulaneet, ja niinkuin me sen tahdomme, me,
opetuslapset — silloin, ei ainoastaan Elsass ja Lothringi, vaan koko
Ranska on silloin joutuva haltuumme, koko Eurooppa, koko maailma
— koko maailma on tuleva saksalaiseksi! Tästä Saksan
kutsumuksesta ja maailmanvallasta uneksun usein käyskellessäni
tammien alla. Tämä on minun isänmaallisuuteni.

Jossakin seuraavassa kirjassani olen palaava tähän aineesen,

äärimmäisellä päättäväisyydellä, ankaralla vääjäämättömyydellä,
mutta kuitenkin kaikella lojaalisuudella. Jyrkimmänkin vastustuksen
olen pitävä arvossa, jos se lähtee vakaumuksesta. Raaimmankin
vihamielisyyden olen silloin antava anteeksi; itse tyhmyydellekin
tahdon tehdä tiliä, jos se vaan on rehellisesti tarkoitettua. Koko
äänettömän ylenkatseeni omistan sitävastoin niille tunnottomille
roistoille, jotka ilkeästä kateellisuudesta tai katalasta yksityiskiukusta
tahtovat alentaa minun hyvän maineeni yleisen mielipiteen silmissä
ja sitä tehdessään pukeutuvat isänmaallisuuden, jopa itse uskonnon
ja siveellisyyden naamioon. Saksan valtiollisen ja kirjallisen
sanomalehtimaailman anarkia-tilaa on tässä suhteessa toisinaan
käytetty kyvyllä sellaisella, jota minun suorastaan täytyy ihaella.
Toden totta, Schufterle, Schillerin rosvosissi, ei ole kuollut, hän elää
yhä edelleen ja on jo vuosia johtanut hyvin järjestettyä kirjallisten
maantierosvojen joukkoa, jotka tekevät tekosiaan päivälehdistömme
böömiläismetsissä, ovat joka pensaan, joka lehden takana
väijyksissä, valmiina noudattamaan kelpo päämiehensä hiljaisintakin

Hampurissa, 17 p. syyskuuta 1844.

Heinrich Heine.

Ah Pariisi, kallis kaupunki, nyt eroomme — Herran huomaan!

Sinut heitän riemua, hekkumaa ma täysin maljoin juomaan.

Sydän saksalainen mun rinnassain

tuli sairahaks äkkipikaa,
tuolla pohjolass' ainoa poppa on,
joka lääkitä voi sen vikaa.

Hän kohta sen korjaa, on kuulut maan

tuon lääkärin suuret kuurit;
vaan mua, sen myönnän, jo hirvittää
ne ankarat mikstuurit.

Ah ranskalaiset te rattoisat,
iloveikkoni, huomaan Herran!
Minut kaiho lapsekas ajaa pois,
mut en viivy kuin täytymän verran.

Ken uskois — mun haikea kaihoni on

käry turpeen, on lammaskullat
tuoll' Lüneburgin nummella, on
hapankaalit, perunapullat.
Savu tupakan on, salaneuvokset
ja parvet yöpatrullein,
alasaksa, ruislimppu, raakuuskin,
papintyttäret poskin pullein.

Myös äitiä on minun ikävä,

sitä peittelisin ma suotta;
siit' onkin, kuin emo-vanhan näin,
jo kolmetoista vuotta.

Ah vaimoni, vaimoni kaunis, et

tuta vaivaani voi, et lientää,
sinut vasten rintaani painallan,
vaan pois mun täytyy rientää.

Luota suloimman onneni ajaa pois

minut vaino polttavan vaivan —
jos en ilmaa saa minä Saksanmaan,
niin tukahdun ma aivan.

Kipu, tuska, kiihko hillitön

ihan kouristuttaa rintaa.
Mun jalkani halusta vapisee
taas astua Saksan pintaa.

Tulen ennen loppua vuoden jo pois, ja taas olen mies mitä

vankin, sen lupaan, ma lahjat kauneimmat iloks uuden vuotesi

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