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of the

Name of the Performer/s

or Name of the Group
(selected performance) My Personal Safety Protocol/s

1. Warm Up
Before you dance, do some stretches to get your muscles
ready and lower the chance of getting hurt.

2. Check Props
Look closely at any items you'll use in the dance to make sure
they're safe and don't have any sharp parts.

3. Wear Comfortable Clothes

Make sure your clothes let you move easily and don't block
your vision. Practice in them to fix any issues.

4. Practice Your Moves

Keep practicing all your dance moves, especially the tricky
ones, many times.

5. Stay Hydrated

Beat Group Drink water to keep your energy up, avoid feeling tired, and
help your muscles work well during the dance.

6. Be Ready for Emergencies

Know what to do if something goes wrong. Everyone should
know how to leave safely.

7. Watch Your Space

Pay attention to where you are and other dancers to avoid
bumping into each other.

8. Talk Clearly
Make sure you can communicate with other dancers, even
without talking.

9. Place Props Safely

Plan where to put any items you'll use in the dance so they
don't get in the way and everyone stays safe.

10. Cool Down After Dancing

After you finish dancing, do some easy moves to cool down.
It helps you not feel sore later.
of the

Name of the Performer/s

or Name of the Group My Personal Safety Protocol/s
(selected performance)

1. Given the energetic and vigorous nature, extend the

warm-up session to adequately prepare for backflips and
intense movements.

2. Schedule brief breaks within the performance to ensure

hydration despite changing clothes and energetic dance

3. Train meticulously with props to prevent accidents

during their use within the performance.

4. Rehearse clothing changes to ensure smooth transitions

without compromising movement safety.

Extreme Force 5. Prioritize correct technique over speed to prevent

injuries during hip-hop and cheer dance moves.

6. Ensure proper spotting techniques during backflips to

avoid falls or miscalculations.

7. Emphasize controlled movements even in high-energy

segments to prevent accidental collisions or falls.

8. Incorporate short breaks between vigorous segments to

prevent exhaustion.

9. Rehearse collaborative moves with caution to prevent

collisions or mistimed movements among performers.

10. A longer cool-down period to allow the heart rate to

gradually return to normal after the intense performance.
of the

Name of the Performer/s

or Name of the Group My Personal Safety Protocol/s
(selected performance)

1. Prioritize an extensive warm-up to prepare for the

fast-paced, robotic movements and backflips.

2. Consistent hydration before and after the performance

despite the rapid movements and intensity.

3. Rehearse with sword props extensively to ensure safe

handling and prevent accidental injuries.

4. Emphasize precision in robotic actions to prevent

overextension or strain.

Body Mechanix 5. Practice backflips with proper technique and spotter

assistance to avoid injuries.

6. Even in fast movements, stress control and precision to

prevent accidents due to high velocity.

7. Plan segments with short, intense bursts followed by

brief breaks to prevent fatigue-related accidents.

8. Prioritize flexibility training to execute fast tumblings

and maintain agility throughout the performance.

9. Emphasize controlled breathing patterns during fast

movements to avoid fatigue or dizziness.

10. Allocate time for a thorough cool-down to gradually

lower heart rates and prevent muscle cramps or strains.
Quarter 2-Module 1: Week 1:
Personal Safety Protocol during Moderate - Vigorous
Physical Activities (MVPA) Participation

What I can do:

U Can Dance Show!
“Make a Personal Safety Protocol”

Submitted By:
Gracelyn M. Gador
STEM 12 – Osborn

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