(10 Marks) : DP Biology

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10/11/23, 7:57 PM IB Questionbank

DP Biology

9.4 [10 marks] 10

1. [Maximum mark: 1] 22N.1.HL.TZ0.34

A hummingbird is shown visiting a large flower.

[Source: Nussbaumer, R./Naturepl.com, n.d. Black chinned hummingbird

(Archilochus alexandri). Available at:

What makes this a mutualistic relationship?

A. The bird feeds on nectar and transfers pollen to the stamen of a flower of
the same species.

B. The bird obtains nutrients and the plant is assisted with pollination for
sexual reproduction.

C. The bird requires pollen as a protein source and, while obtaining this,
disperses seeds for the plant.

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D. The bird transfers pollen to the stigma of flowers of a different species [1]
while feeding.

2. [Maximum mark: 1] 21N.1.HL.TZ1.34

The graph shows how the mass of a bean seed from which all water has been
removed (dry mass) changes during germination.

What can be deduced from the graph?

A. The plant loses more water during period X than during period Y.

B. During period Y, photosynthesis occurs but not respiration.

C. During period Y, more CO2 is fixed in photosynthesis than is released by cell


D. The seeds were not exposed to the correct temperature for germination
during period X. [1]

3. [Maximum mark: 1] 21M.1.HL.TZ1.34

Which method can be used to induce short-day plants to flower out of
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A. Grow them in winter

B. Grow them in summer

C. Expose them to a brief period of light during the night time

D. Cover them with opaque cloth for several hours before sunset

4. [Maximum mark: 1] 20N.1.HL.TZ0.34

Plants were given four different light treatments to investigate the influence
of light on flowering. Which method can be used to induce a short-day plant
to flower?

A. 8 hours light, 8 hours dark, 8 hours light

B. 14 hours light, 10 hours dark

C. 8 hours light, 16 hours dark

D. 10 hours light, 14 hours dark with a flash of light halfway through [1]

5. [Maximum mark: 1] 19N.1.HL.TZ0.34

A pollen tube grows down the style to an egg inside the ovary of a flower.
What is the next process that occurs?

A. Dispersal

B. Fertilization

C. Germination

D. Pollination [1]

6. [Maximum mark: 1] 19M.1.HL.TZ1.32

The image shows a cross-section of a flower.

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[Source: © International Baccalaureate Organization 2019]

Where does production of haploid gametes occur?

A. I and II only

B. III and IV only [1]

C. I and III only

D. II and IV only

7. [Maximum mark: 1] 19M.1.HL.TZ1.34

Which statement describes the control of reproduction in flowering plants?

A. Flowering in short-day plants results from changes in gene expression in

the shoot apex.

B. Flowering in long-day plants is controlled by the production of auxins in

the shoot apex.

C. All flowering plants depend on the duration of periods of light and

darkness to regulate the timing of reproduction.

D. Flowering in short-day plants occurs when day length is longer than 12

hours. [1]

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8. [Maximum mark: 1] 18N.1.HL.TZ0.33

What is a difference between pollination and fertilization in flowering plants?

A. Pollination is movement of pollen from one flower to another whereas

fertilization occurs after self-pollination.

B. Pollination is movement of seeds away from the parent plant whereas

fertilization is union of two seeds.

C. Pollination is movement of pollen from anther to stigma whereas

fertilization depends on the growth of a pollen tube from the stigma to the

D. Pollination is movement of pollen whereas fertilization is movement of

gametes from flower to flower. [1]

9. [Maximum mark: 1] 18N.1.HL.TZ0.34

The diagram shows results of experiments into flowering in a species of plant.

What can be used to promote off-season flowering in long-day plants?

A. Interrupt the day with a period of darkness.

B. Close blinds at the end of the night to delay the start of the light period.

C. Turn on the lights during the night for a brief period.

D. Extend the cycle of light and dark to more than 24 hours. [1]

10. [Maximum mark: 1] 18M.1.HL.TZ1.34

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Fruit-eating bats living in protected Brazilian rainforests are attracted out of

the forests to fly over adjacent cleared land. Which phase of plant life could
the bats be assisting?

A. Germination

B. Flowering

C. Pollination

D. Seed dispersal [1]

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