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Time alotted: 60 minutes

A. LEXICAL RANGE: Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.
1. The suspect will __________ in court tomorrow for his alleged crime.
A. appear B. pay C. get D. commite
2. It's important to __________ wisely and save money for the future.
A. pay B. choose C. spend D. take
3. The police officer decided to __________ the thief after a high-speed chase.
A. commit B. sentence C. arrest D. admit
4. The judge decided to __________ the defendant with a hefty fine and community service.
A. offend B. punish C. release D. appear
5. The company CEO was accused of embezzlement and was arrested for __________.
A. crime B. charge C. fine D. bill
6. The witness was asked to __________ a statement about what he saw at the crime scene.
A. talk B. pay C. respond D. provide
7. I need to __________ some groceries from the supermarket on my way home.
A. bring B. get C. have D. do
8. Don't forget to __________ your bills on time to avoid late fees and penalties.
A. spend B. waste C. pay D. take
9. A journey to school shouldn’t be__________ , but in Ohio 1,256 teens have been hit by a car on their way to
school since 2008.
A. usual B. unsafe C. safe D. unusual
10. 66% of females in the world are __________ because of a lack of access to education.
A. litterate B. illiterate C. happy D. polite
11. More and more teachers are complaining that in recent years students have become very ____________ and
they can’t do anything about it.
A. illiterate B. rude C. dangerous D. poilite
12. Three-quarters of Canadian teenagers are ____________ about their lessons in school and homework. What
they like about school are their friends.
A. sad B. happy C. safe D. exciting
13. In our school we have very ____________ laws. One thing is that bringing a mobile phone to lessons is
A. limited B. dangerous C. rare D. usual
14. Is it __________ to drive a car without a valid driver's license?
A. easy B. dangerous C. legal D. possible
15. It is considered __________ to interrupt someone while they are speaking.
A. happy B. safe C. illegal D. impolite
16. The hiker took all the necessary precautions to ensure a __________ journey in the mountains.
A. safe B. dangerous C. sad D. impossible
17. It is __________ for a child to make important decisions without adult guidance.
A. impossible B. easy C. happy D. exciting
18. The magician performed an __________ trick that left the audience amazed.
A. hard B. usual C. safe D. normal
I. Fill in the blank to make a meaningful sentence.
1. If you _________ (squeeze) an orange, you ___________ (get) orange juice.
2. You _______ (put) on some more weight if you _______ (eat) too much sugar.
3. If I ________ (study) a lot, I ________ (pass) the year.
4. If I __________ (be) you, I ___________ (study) for the final exam.
5. If my parents __________ (be) rich, I __________ (not / need) to work so much.
6. If Sara ___________ (have) a good handwriting, I could understand her texts!
7. It ________ (be) damaged if you _________ (press) it too much.
8. If you _____ (touch) the dog, it ______ (bite) you.
9. I __________ (not / do) the chores myself if I __________ (have) more money.
10. We could stay in Tom’s house, if he ___________ (live) in a big house.
11. I wish I __________ taller. (be )
12. I wish I __________ her now. (meet)
13. I wish he __________ here tomorrow. (leave)
14. She wishes she __________ her homework last night. (finish)
15. I wish they __________ here last Sunday. (come)
II. Choose the correct option to complete the sentences:
1. How would you explain the meaning of this word if you it?
A. didn’t know B. don’t know C. knew D. know
2. If he immediately, he won't be able to do it on time.
A. hadn’t started B. didn’t start C. doesn’t start D. started
3. I'll take Jonathan to the cinema if he a decent score on his Spanish presentation.
A. would get B. gets C. got D. had got
4. If Danny really you, he wouldn't break your heart all the time.
A. didn’t love B. doesn’t love C. loved D. loves
5. ‘What are your plans for the summer?’ ‘My dad bought a caravan, so we __________ travel around Europe.’
A. will B. won’t C. are going to D. aren’t going to
6. ‘What do you want to do when you finish school?’ ‘I’m not sure yet, but I think I __________ go to
university to study physics.
A. will B. won’t C. am going to D. am not going to
7. ‘I don’t understand this exercise.’ ‘Don’t worry, I __________ explain it to you.’
A. will B. won’t C. am going to D. am not going to
8. ‘Are you going to the football match?’ ‘No, look at the sky. I think it __________ rain, so I’m staying at
A. will B. won’t C. is going to D. isn’t going to
9. ‘Do you think you __________ like your new school?’ ‘Well, I hope so.’
A. will B. won’t C. are going to D. aren’t going to
10. ‘Get up! It’s 8.30. You __________ miss the bus.’
A. will B. won’t C. are going to D. aren’t going to
1. Read the text and choose the correct answer.
Singapore’s laws
If you spend time in another country, it’s always a good idea to find out how to behave there and what the
local laws are. It will help you to show respect towards the citizens of the country and even more
importantly, it will help you to stay out of trouble! This advice is especially useful in Singapore, a small
country in south-east Asia which is famous for its modern buildings, its hard-working people, its delicious
and unusual food and its very, very strict laws.
Many of Singapore’s citizens believe that respecting the place where you live, work and study is important.
The streets of their crowded city centres are clean and tidy, and everybody behaves well in public. This is
because Singapore’s laws are designed to make sure that everything in Singapore is perfect! So, a lot of
things that people often do in other countries are crimes in Singapore. For example, if you smoke in public,
drop litter in the street, eat or drink on the metro, or walk across the road without finding an official place to
cross, you’ll get into serious trouble. You’ll probably face a big fine. You may also have to do work in the
community, for example picking up rubbish or cleaning a park. And the punishment for acts of vandalism,
such as graffiti, is severe. It’s possible that the police will punish you by hitting you with a stick. In most
countries, it’s unlikely that you’ll be arrested and punished for committing a small crime, but in Singapore
there is zero tolerance towards any offence.
Singapore even has laws against things that many people don’t even think are crimes at all. For example, if
you start chewing gum in the street or on the metro, everyone will look at you because it is a very rude thing
to do. In fact, it’s illegal to sell chewing gum in any of Singapore’s shops, and if someone brings the product
into the country in large quantities and tries to sell it, the police will arrest them. And, if you go to the
bathroom in a public place, and forget to flush the toilet, you might find yourself in trouble. The fine for not
flushing the toilet is 500 Singapore dollars – over 300 euros – and that’s a lot of money!
Like other countries in south-east Asia, people in Singapore are very careful about how they behave in public
places. It’s not illegal to hold hands or kiss in the street, but it is very impolite, and if you visit the country,
this is something you should avoid doing. And, if you are left-handed, you shouldn’t greet people with your
left hand, or eat with it.
Despite its strict laws, however, Singapore is an exciting place to visit, and the people are very friendly and
welcoming. Just remember to behave!
1 Why does the writer think it is a good idea to understand local laws and behaviour?
a It’s a good way of meeting new people.
b Everyone will feel upset if you don’t.
c You won’t have problems finding your way around.
d It will help you to behave well in a new place.
2 In the second paragraph, what does the text say about people in Singapore?
a They think that some of their laws are too strict.
b They don’t mind if the streets are messy or dirty.
c They always show respect for public places.
d They often clean and tidy the streets in the centre.
3 Which of the following ‘crimes’ will result in getting a fine in Singapore?
a lighting a cigarette outside in the street
b eating food while walking in the street
c walking on an official pedestrian crossing
d ordering alcohol in a restaurant
4 Which of the following is illegal according to the text?
a bringing your own chewing gum into Singapore
b selling chewing gum in Singapore
c chewing gum on public transport
d staring at people who are chewing gum
5 What does the text say about how people behave in public in Singapore?
a They are more careful to behave correctly than people in neighbouring countries.
b They greet people by kissing them on both cheeks.
c People are friendly and often hold hands when they are out together.
d They often avoid using their left hand when they meet people.

2. Complete the text with the correct words

The flapjack ban
There are some school rules that 1____ understands. For example, we all know that it’s dangerous to run in
the corridors. If somebody falls over, they 2____ themselves. However, some rules seem crazy. In a British
school, the head teacher 3____ flapjacks with three sides from the school lunch menu. Flapjacks are a type of
biscuit 4____ are very popular in the UK, and children often have them for lunch. But the head teacher
banned three-sided flapjacks because they are easy to throw. In fact, 5____ weeks ago, one boy threw a
flapjack at another boy as he was walking out of the school canteen, and it 6____ him in the eye. That’s why
the head teacher wanted 7____ the biscuit. A lot of people agree with the head teacher, but other people think
that if you ban things, it doesn’t really make a difference. Young people should try to 8____ on with each
other at school, and behave well. If they want to behave badly, they’ll always find something to throw.
1 a somebody b nobody c everybody d. anybody
2 a hurts b are hurting c will hurt d. won’t hurt
3 a has just banned b just has banned c has banned just d. jusst banned
4 a who b which c where d. why
5 a a few b a little c a lot d. much
6 a hit b has hit c was hitting d. has hit
7 a ban b to ban c banning d. banned
8 a go b get c make d. take

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