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TECH / EE/ R-18 / TEST-I/ SEM-1/EE302/2023-24

ROLL NO.: _______________________________________


Time Allotted: 1 hour Full Marks: 30
COs BLs CO Statement
CO1 2,3 Study various methods of load flow and their advantages and disadvantages
CO2 2,3 Understand how to analyze various types of faults in power system
CO3 2,3 Understand power system security concepts and study the methods to rank the contingencies
CO4 2,3 Understand need of state estimation and study simple algorithms for state estimation
CO5 2,3 Study voltage instability phenomenon

Group – A
(Answer the following questions) Marks: 5 × 2 = 10
1 I What is the significance of load flow analysis in a power system? 2 1 2
II What are the advantages of Ybus over Zbus? 2 1 2
III What are the advantages of the tie-bar system over the ring system? 2 2 2
IV Define the terms reactance diagram and Impedance diagram. 2 1 2
V What are the advantages of per unit system? 2 1 2

Group – B
(Answer the following questions) Marks: 5 × 4 = 20
2 In a 3 Phase ,4 wire system, the currents in R ,Y and B under abnormal conditions of 5 2 3
loading are as under IR=100<300,IY=50<3000; IB=30<180 0A.Calculate Positive sequence
and zero sequence current.
3 A 3 phase, 20 MVA, 10 KV alternator has internal reactance of 5% and negligible 5 2 3
resistance. Find the external reactance per phase to be connected in series with alternator so
that steady state current on short circuit does not exceed 8 times the full load.
4 5 1 3

Formulate the Y bus matrix from given fig.

5 Derive the expression for per unit impedance of a given base MVA and base KV in terms 5 1 3
of new base MVA and new base KV.
6 A portion of a power system consists of two parallel, connected to a step-up 5 1 3
transformer that links them with a 230 kV transmission line. The ratings of these
JISCE/M.TECH / EE/ R-18 / TEST-I/ SEM-1/EE302/2023-24

ROLL NO.: _______________________________________

components are:
Generator1: 100 MVA, 12% reactance
Generator2: 5 MVA, 8% reactance
Transformer: 15 MVA, 6% reactance
Transmission line: (4+j60) ohm, 230 kV
Where the %reactances are computed on the basis of individual component ratings. Express
the reactance’s and the impedance e with 15 MVA as the base value.

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