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Buan, Ivan Kyle N.


Chinese Filipino Christian

Source of the World A big black egg None Heaven and Earth

Originator of the World Pan Gu None God

Pan Gu woke up and

cracked the egg because The world had only the
he was inside it. He sea and the sky, and
cracked it and push it between the sea and the
apart with his feet sky, flew a beautiful kite. In the beginning when
planted at the bottom Unfortunately, this God created the heavens
and his hands at the top. lovely bird had no home, and the earth, the earth
The upper half became and in frustration, began was a formless void, and
the sky and the lower to stir up the sea. The darkness was over the
How the Earth Formed half became the earth. sea angrily crashed surface of the deep, and
He continued pushing against the sky, and the the Spirit of God was
them apart that he kept sky threw pieces of land hovering over the
on growing and the two to quell the sea’s anger. waters. He created
halves kept on getting The pieces of land that everything including all
thicker. When he died the sky threw became life forms in six days.
after 18000 years, his islands. Then, the sky
body parts formed ordered the kite to live
various parts of the on an island.
He is typically depicted
as a dwarf even though The great creatures of
he was actually a giant the sea and every living
covered in hair or thing of every kind that
First Life Forms bearskin or leaves, with Beautiful Bird or Kite moves in the teeming
horns fixed atop his head water, and every winged
and either a chisel or a bird of every kind that
hammer or an egg in his God Created.
The land breeze and sea
breeze’s marriage God created humankind
produced a bamboo, in his own image and
which struck the heel of likeness. He created a
the kite who pecked at man from dust and
it, and from one section created a woman from a
came out a man and man’s rib for him to have
another a woman who a companion. God
The parasites on his
bore many children. blessed them and said to
How Humans are formed body became the first
Their father out of them, “Be fruitful and
life forms.
desperation over their increase in number; fill
offsprings’ uselessness the earth and subdue it.
started beating his Rule over the fish in the
children, who happened sea and the birds in the
to be the different races sky and over every living
of the world: chiefs, creature that moves on
slaves, free men, the ground.”
negroes, and white men.
I do not really understand the relationship of religion and science but what I try to do is to
believe that these two coexist. I did not choose between the two that I did was I tried to connect or
relate the things I read or understand with these two in order to fully understand our origin or how we
are made. I believe that religion tells us how we are made, how we started, how we lived before and
science, on the other hand, explains these things properly. Religion is the overview of our origin while
science is the detailed explanation of it. I believe that we have a God who created the universe, the
earth, and us human beings but I really think there is something more than that, something beyond our
present knowledge. Where in the only one who can explain this is science. For example, we know that
God created everything we know, he created the universe but the real question is how. How did he
come up with these masterpiece, did he just snap his fingers then all this were created? Did he just let a
word out of his mouth then all these stars, planets, or this universe just showed up? I do not think so. I
believe there is a specific explanation, detailed process that can only be unveiled by science. If you will
think of it, a lot of things make sense when you interconnect these two, a lot of things will be easier to
understand. Like, God created man with dust in his own image and likeness and here is science
explaining how can a man create an offspring. God said, “Let there be lights in the dome of the sky to
separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark sacred times, and days and years,
and let them be lights in the dome of the sky to give light on the earth.” And it was so. God made two
great lights — the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night. He also made
the stars. God set them in the dome of the sky to give light on the earth, to govern the day and the
night, and to separate light from darkness. And God saw that it was good. And there was evening, and
there was morning. And here is science how are stars created, how were the sun and moon created, and
why we have morning and night. These two for me does not contradict each other, what I see are two
sides of the same coin wherein they are filled with different perspectives, beliefs, and ideas which are
really meant to be understood together, meant to be interconnected in order to fully understand
everything we should know in our lives starting from the very beginning up to the last breath of our
lives. Because I think the answer that we are looking for, the one we are waiting for can be discovered
once these two really interconnected and learn how to really coexist with one another.


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