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What is your brand personality?

After having an understanding about who you’re competing against, and who
you’re trying to reach, what kind of brand personality will help you stand out?
What kind of messaging would resonate?

What are the product details?

Approach this from the eyes of the consumer. What are the points of
difference it will have compared to other solutions on the market. What kind
of support do you plan on providing for the product/service? (Warranty,
return/exchange policy, refund period etc.)

“THE STAY” will have its own unique personality in the backpacking hostel
industry such as,

 Adventurous: The hostel can be positioned as a hub for adventurous

travelers who seek unique experiences and are open to exploring
offbeat destinations in India.

 Friendly: The hostel can create a welcoming and friendly atmosphere,

where travelers from different backgrounds can connect, share stories,
and form lasting friendships.

 Vibrant: The hostel can exude energy and vibrancy, with colorful decor,
lively common areas, and a sense of excitement that reflects the
dynamic nature of backpacking in India.

 Authentic: Emphasize the authenticity of the hostel experience,

showcasing local culture, traditions, and cuisine to provide travelers
with an immersive and genuine Indian experience.

 Eco-conscious: Promote sustainable practices and a commitment to

the environment, such as recycling, reducing waste, and supporting
local initiatives. This can resonate with environmentally conscious

 Affordable: Highlight the affordability and value for money offered by
the hostel, appealing to budget-conscious backpackers who want to
make the most of their travel experience without breaking the bank.

 Knowledgeable: Position the hostel as a valuable resource for

travelers, providing information about nearby attractions, local
customs, and insider tips to enhance their overall travel experience in

 Flexibility: Emphasize the flexibility and freedom that backpackers

crave, allowing guests to create their own itineraries and providing
various accommodation options to suit different budgets and

And that’s how we can different from other backpacking hostels in India.

Place: How will consumers purchase?

Where would they want to purchase your solution from? Where is convenient
for them? Are you selling direct? What channels of distribution have you
considered to be relevant?

For the booking,

In our hostel backpackers or other travelers should visit our website where
they find various booking options along with the price of sharing and private
rooms. Simply they just have to enroll their information such as date, num. of
people, and room information. That’s how they easily check the availability of
services. People can also booking through different travel booking websites
like,, or TripAdvisor.

How will you promote your business?

What forms of media does your customer archetype interact with on a day-to-
day basis? (Newsletters, Facebook/Instagram/Tik Tok/LinkedIn/Reddit, Blogs)
… what about pop-up events? Getting a booth at a relevant conference?
Think outside of the box.

For promotions:

 Utilize social media: We will establish a strong presence on popular

social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Share
captivating visuals, traveler testimonials, and regular updates about
events, promotions, and local attractions. Engage with your audience
by responding to comments and messages promptly.

 Content marketing: Our team will create and share valuable and
informative content related to backpacking, travel tips, and local
attractions in India. Start a travel blog, publish articles, and create
engaging videos that resonate with my target audience. This helps
establish my hostel as a trusted source of information.

 SEO optimization: My hostel's website is optimized for search engines.

Research relevant keywords and incorporate them into my website's
content, meta tags, and headers. This will help improve my visibility in
search engine results and drive organic traffic to my site.

 Email marketing: We will build an email list of interested travelers and

past guests. Send out regular newsletters featuring updates, special
offers, upcoming events, and local travel tips. Personalize the emails
and make them engaging to encourage recipients to book or share with
their friends.

 Influencer collaborations: Besides partnering with travel influencers,

consider collaborating with popular local influencers in India who have
a strong following among domestic travelers. Their recommendations
can significantly impact the decision-making process for potential

 Travel guides and publications: We will reach out to travel guide

publishers, both online and print, to get my hostel featured in their
recommendations for backpackers visiting India. Additionally,
contribute articles or insights to travel publications to establish my
hostel as an authority in the backpacking scene.

 Offline marketing: In this, we distribute brochures or flyers in tourist

information centers, travel agencies, backpacker hangouts, and
popular tourist attractions also Engage with local communities by
sponsoring or participating in events, festivals, or charity initiatives.

 User-generated content: Encourage our guests to create and share

user-generated content related to their experience at your hostel. This

can include photos, videos, blog posts, or social media posts. We also
create a branded hashtag and offer incentives or contests to motivate
guests to share their content, expanding our reach and authenticity.

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