AGRASR Annual Action Plan

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The demographic transformation in India is soon becoming comprehensive and is likely to bring
about unprecedented changes in age composition of the population. This transformation is caused
by downward trend in fertility of couples and increased in life expectancy. This brings a rapid
increase in the size of 60+ age population from 1990s. The population of this age group
constituted 5.6 percent (25 million in absolute numbers) of India’s total population in 1961, there
were 8.3 percent or over 90 million elderly people in 2013, and the number continues to grow.
According to current trends, the population of elderly is projected to grow to a share of 12.4
percent (173 million) in 2026 and 18.3 percent (315 million) in 2050. In the context of this rapid
growth of elderly’ population, various new challenges are emerging specifically for them. The
challenges can be like livelihood insecurity, lack of psychological support from family, inadequate
resource transfer to the elderly and various health related issues.

To address health and other related issues, being faced by senior citizens, the Government has
come out with many policies. With the increase in the elderly population in India especially in
rural areas, there is an opportunity and need to reframe the lens that society to views the senior
citizens – not as a spent force relegated to the periphery of the society but as a population group
that is valuable, participates in the mainstream and a potential force for the nation building with
their experience and wisdom. Most Rural and Urban Elderly, especially from the economically
weaker sections struggle day by day to make ends meet. They are often compelled to work for
their survival and to supplement family income for regaining/retaining their dignity. Their
vulnerabilities stand further exposed during pandemics, disasters, and calamities.

The following are the guiding principle to support the Elderly:

Promotion of Right to Life with Dignity: There is a need for a shift in the old narrative where
the elderly have by default and design been kept in the recipient.

Promote the concept of Greying with Grace: Reaching out to the Senior Citizens to maintain
their independence, feel safer at home/society, and make their life easier.

Foster their capacity for meaningful life: Promote income and livelihoods among the elderly
not merely as earning for meeting the basic needs for survival but being gainfully engaged, help
remain productive and self-reliant; foster their capacity to attain a more meaningful and satisfying
life; and promotes entrepreneurship.
Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment and Ministry of Rural Development got collaborated
for promoting elderly by forming Self help group in name of AGRASR groups (Action groups
aimed at Social reconstruction) or E-SHGs and to make them empowered and financially
independent through DAY-NRLM. This intend was conveyed to all SRLMs by a joint letter from
Ministries of Social Justice and Rural Development vide Letter No. by DO Itr#J-11060/32/2014-
RL-part (1) dated 02/09/2021.

Tripura Rural Livelihood Mission selected 10 nos. of clusters in three of districts viz., Gomati,
Dhalai and South Tripura as pilot basis by analysing SECC, 2011. Ministry of Social Justice,
Govt. of India vide letter No. AG-15040/60/2021-Sr.C-1 dated 30 th October, 2021 has given target
to TRLM for forming of 100 nos. of E-SHGs out of which 94 nos. of E-SHGs is formed so far.

It is been observed that formation of more E-SHGs is taking place at the selected block levels of
foresaid districts. Enrolment of existed E-SHGs under the fold of DAY-NRLM and encouraging
livelihood activities in the elderly groups is planned to be initiated.


1. Continuation of AGRASAR project area under DAY-NRLM (registering the group under in
the NRLM portal)
2. Taking existing elderly groups formed by other agencies taking into the fold of NRLM
3. Reporting of Elderly inclusion in the SMF
4. Elderly led enterprises to be promoted with the Livelihood team.


1. Accelerating the process of enrolling existing E-SHGs in the NRLM portal.

2. The MOU with Help Age India is executed for promoting & strengthening elderly SHGs in
3. Training and Capacity Building of CRP dedicated for E-SHG with field exposure will be
initiated in FY-2023-24.
4. Livelihood activities to be encourage among the existing elderly groups in FY 2023-24.
5. Convergence with various line departments for availing the benefits of various Government
social schemes existed for elderly. Seeking support of CSR funds for providing assistive
devices and health care support to E-SHG members.
6. Integration of Elderly groups with Gender and FNHW components.
7. Initiating creation of recreational centers for the elderly person at selected block level in
aforesaid districts in FY 2023-24.

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