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Blast Activities F1‐F5:

Use the ‘generic Blast lesson format’ for the problems. The following information and
prompts are provided for additional support.

Blast activity F1: Read and record 24 hour time

This activity builds on the grade 4 Blast activity on 12 hour time, focusing on the patterns between
12 hour and 24 hour time. You may need to have an analogue clock that all students can see for this
activity, and also one that you can manipulate. Having a digital clock would also be useful.

Teaching Tips:
Complete the table as a whole class, focusing on the patterns between 12 hour and 24 hour time.
Use the table to talk about the questions on the first page as a whole class. The second page should
be relatively easy once the first page is completed.
Support students: make sure that students understand the concepts of o’clock, half‐past and 12
hour time before completing this activity.

Follow up and application:

Interpreting a train or bus schedule and working out how many minutes there are until the next train

© Tierney Kennedy Back‐to‐Front Maths Teaching Resource Book


F1. Read and record 24 hour time

TR p105

‡ The following questions relate to 24-hour time. Imagine that midnight is

time 0000 hours, and one hour later (1am) the time is 0100 hours. Use this to
help you work out the times in the questions below.

1. Complete the following table, changing 12-hour time to 24-hour time. The time starts
from midnight on the left hand side at the top, and at midday on the left hand side at the

12 12
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
hour am
00:00 01:00

12 pm 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Use this table to answer the following:

2. If I start work at 0900 hours, what time is it in 12-hour time?

3. If I finish work at 1730 hours, what time is it in 12-hour time?

4. A movie starts at 7:30pm. What time is this in 24-hour time?

5. I went in the 40-hour famine. I started at 1900 hours Friday. When will I finish?

6. A marathon takes 15 hours. It started at 0400. When will it finish?

7. A girl is travelling by helicopter to her school formal. The formal starts at 7.30pm. The
helicopter ride takes one and a half hours. Her helicopter is booked for 1700 hours.
Will she arrive at the starting time? If not how late or early will she be?

Describe the pattern for changing between 12-hour and 24-hour time.

© Tierney Kennedy Back-to-Front Maths Blasts Book


The following analogue clocks show the time in 12-hour time. Write the time
in 24-hour time beneath each clock.

1. The following clocks show the time in the morning (am not pm). Write the 24-hour
time beneath.

2. The following clocks show the time in the afternoon (pm). Write the 24-hour time

3. Draw the following 24-hour times onto the 12-hour clocks beneath.

0300 hours 1115 hours 1530 hours 2245 hours

Backwards Question:
If I needed to leave the house at 14:25, but wanted an alarm to go off 34 minutes before I
left, what time would I set the alarm for? Draw it:

© Tierney Kennedy Back-to-Front Maths Blasts Book

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