Compiler Design

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Compiler Design

Sl.No. Name of the Topic

1. Basics

2. Lexical
3. Parsing
4. SDT
5. ICG & TCG
6. Code Optimum
7. Miscellaneous

1) What is the result of the following program?

program side-effect (input, output);
var x, result: integer:
function f (var x:integer):integer;
x : x + 1; f := x;
x := 5
2 Marks GATE-CSE/IT-1998( )

[A] 5 [B] 25
[C]36 [D]42
2) Faster access to non-local variables is achieved using an array of pointers to activation records called a
2 Marks GATE-CSE/IT-1998( )

[A] stack [B] heap

[C]display [D]activation tree
3) Given the following Pascal like program segment
Procedure A;
Procedure B;
x,z:real S1
end B;
Procedure C;
end C;
end A;
The variables accessible in S1 and S2 are
2 Marks GATE-CSE/IT-1997( )

[A] x or A, y, x of B and z in S1 and [B] x or B, y and z in S1 and

x of B, y and i in S2 x of B, i and z in S2
[C]x or B, z and y in S1 and
[D]None of the above
x of A, i and y in S2
4) The pass numbers for each of the following activities
(i) object code generation
(ii) literals added to literal table
(iii) listing printed
(iv) address resolution of local symbols that occur in a two pass assembler respectively are
1 Marks GATE-CSE/IT-1996( )

[A] 1, 2, 1, 2 [B] 2, 1, 2, 1
[C]2, 1, 1, 2 [D]1, 2, 2, 2
5) The correct matching for the following pairs is
(A) Activation record (1) Linking loader
(B) Location counter (2) Garbage collection
(C) Reference counts (3) Subroutine call
(D) Address relocation (4) Assembler
2 Marks GATE-CSE/IT-1996( )

[A] A – 3 B – 4 C – 1 D - 2 [B] A – 4 B – 3 C – 1 D - 2
[C]A – 4 B – 3 C – 2 D - 1 [D]A – 3 B – 4 C – 2 D - 1
6) In the following Pascal program segment, what is the value of X after the execution of the program
X:=-10; Y:=20;
If X >Y then if X <0 then X:=abs(X) else X:=2*X;

1 Marks GATE-CSE/IT-1995( )

[A] 10 [B] -20

[C]-10 [D]None
7) What are x and y in the following macro definition?
macro Add x,y
Load y
Mul x
Store y
end macro
1 Marks GATE-CSE/IT-1995( )

[A] Variables [B] Identifiers

[C]Actual parameters [D]Formal parameters
8) which of the following strings can definitely be said to be tokens without looking at the input character a
pascal program?
I. begin II. program III. <>
1 Marks GATE-CSE/IT-1995( )

[A] I [B] II
[C]III [D]Alloftheabove
9) A shift reduce parser carries out the actions specified within braces immediately after reducing with the
corresponding rule of grammar
_S _→ _x_xW {_print"1"}
_S _→ _y {_print"2"}
1_W _→ _Sz {_print"3"}
What is the translation of xxxxyzz using the syntax directed translation scheme described by the above
2 Marks GATE-CSE/IT-1995( )

[A] 23131 [B] 11233

[C]11231 [D]33211
10) In which one of the following cases is it possible to obtain different results for call-by reference and call-by
-name parameter passing methods?
1 Marks GATE-CSE/IT-1994( )

[A] Passingaconstantvalueasaparameter [B] Passingtheaddressofanarrayasaparameter

[C] Passinganarrayelementasaparameter [D]Passinganarrayfollowingstatementsistrue

Key Paper

1. D 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. D

6. B 7. D 8. B 9. A 10. B
Lexical Anal

1) Consider the grammar rule E --> E1 – E2 for arithmetic expressions. The Code generated is targeted to a
CPU having a single user register. The subtraction operation required the first operand to be in the
register. If E1 and E2 do not have any common sub expression, in order to get the shortest possible code
1 Marks GATE-CSE/IT-2004( )

[A] E1 should be evaluated first [B] E2 should be evaluated first

[C]Evaluation of E1 and E2 should necessarily be [D] Order of evaluation of E1 and E2 is of no
interleaved consequence
2) In a simplified computer the instructions are :
OP Rj, Ri – Performs Rj OP Ri and stores the result in register Ri
OP m, Ri – Performs val OP Ri and stores the result in Ri. Val denotes the content of memory location m.
MCV m, Ri- Moves the content of memory location m to register Ri.
MCV m, Ri, m- Moves the content of register Ri to memory location m.
The computer has only two registers, and OP is either ADD or SUB. Consider the following basic block :
T1 = a + b
T2 = c + d
T3 = e – t2
T4 = t1 – t3
Assume that all operands are initially in memory. The final value of the computation should be in memory.
What is the minimum number of MOV instructions in the code generated for this basic block ?
1 Marks GATE-CSE/IT-2007( )

[A] 2 [B] 3
[C]5 [D]7
3) Consider the grammar rule E E1 E2 for arithmetic expressions. The Code generated is targeted to a
CPU having a single user register. The subtraction operation required the first operand to be in the
register.If E1 and E2 do not have any common sub expression, in order to get the shortest possible code
1 Marks GATE-CSE/IT-2004( )

[A] Removing left recursion alone [B] E2 should be evaluated first

[C]Evaluation of E1 and E2 should necessarily be [D]Order of evaluation of E1and E2 is of no
interleaved consequence
Lexical Anal

Key Paper

1. B 2. D 3. B

Common Data for Q1 and Q2 is given below

Consider the CFG with {S,A,B} as the non-terminal alphabet, {a,b} as the terminal alphabet, S as the start
symbol and the following set of production rules.
S bA S aB

A a B b

A aS B bS

1) Which of the following strings is generated by the grammar ?

2 Marks GATE-CSE/IT-2008,GATE-CSE/IT-2007( )

[A] aaaabb [B] aabbbb

[C]aabbab [D]abbbba
2) For the correct answer string to Q.33 how many derivation trees are there ? 2 Marks GATE-CSE/IT-2007( )

[A] 1 [B] 2
[C]3 [D]4
Common Data for Q3 and Q4 is given below

Consider the following expression grammar. The semantic rules for expression calculation are stated
next to each grammar production.
E number E.val= number.val
|E’+’E E .val= E(2).val + E(3).val

|E’+’ E E(1).val=E(2).val x E(3).val

3) The above grammar and the semantic rules are fed to a yacc tool (which is an LALR(1) parser generator)
for parsing and evaluating arithmetic expressions. Which one of the following is true about the action of
yacc for the given grammar ?
2 Marks GATE-CSE/IT-2005( )

[A] It detects recursion and eliminates recursion [B] It detects reduce-reduce conflict, and resolves
[C] It detects shift-reduce conflict, and resolves the [D] It detects shift-reduce conflict, and resolves the
conflict in favor of a shift over a reduce action conflict in favor of a reduce over a shift action
4) Assume the conflicts in Part (a) of this question are resolved and an LALR(1) parser is generated for
parsing arithmetic expressions as per the given grammar. Consider an expression 3 x 2 + 1. What
precedence and associativity properties does the generated parser realize ?
2 Marks GATE-CSE/IT-2005,GATE-CSE/IT-2006,GATE-CSE/IT-2005( )

[A] Equal precedence and left associativity; [B] Equal precedence and right associativity;
expression is evaluated to 7 expression is evaluated to 9
[C]Precedence of ‘ x ‘ is higher than that of ‘+’, and
[D]Precedence of ‘+’ is higher than that of ‘x’, and
both operators are left associative; expression is both operators are left associative; expression is
evaluaterd to 7 evaluaterd to 9
Common Data for Q5 and Q6 is given below

Consider the CFG with {S,A,B} as the non-terminal alphabet, {a,b} as the terminal alphabet, S as the start
symbol and the following set of production rules.

S -->bA S --> aB

A -->a B --> b

A --> aS B --> bS

A --> bAA B --> aBB

5) Which of the following strings is generated by the grammar ?

1 Marks GATE-CSE/IT-2007( )

[A] aaaabb [B] aabbbb

[C]aabbab [D]abbbba
6) For the correct answer string to Q.33 how many derivation trees are there ?
2 Marks GATE-CSE/IT-2007( )

[A] 1 [B] 2
[C]3 [D]4
Common Data for Q7 and Q8 is given below

Consider the following expression grammar. The semantic rules for expression calculation are stated
next to each grammar production

7) The above grammar and the semantic rules are fed to a yacc tool (which is an LALR(1) parser generator)
for parsing and evaluating arithmetic expressions. Which one of the following is true about the action of
yacc for the given grammar ?
2 Marks GATE-CSE/IT-2005( )

[A] It detects recursion and eliminates recursion [B] It detects reduce-reduce conflict, and resolves
[C] It detects shift-reduce conflict, and resolves the [D] It detects shift-reduce conflict, and resolves the
conflict in favor of a shift over a reduce action conflict in favor of a reduce over a shift action
8) Assume the conflicts in Part (a) of this question are resolved and an LALR(1) parser is generated for
parsing arithmetic expressions as per the given grammar. Consider an expression 3 x 2 + 1. What
precedence and associativity properties does the generated parser realize ?
2 Marks GATE-CSE/IT-2005( )

[A] Equal precedence and left associativity; [B] Equal precedence and right associativity;
expression is evaluated to 7 expression is evaluated to 9
[C]Precedence of ‘ x ‘ is higher than that of ‘+’, and [D] Precedence of ‘+’ is higher than that of ‘x’, and
both operators are left associative; expression is both operators are left associative; expression is
evaluated to 7 evaluaterd to 9
9) Consider the following grammar.

S --> S*E

S --> E

E --> F + E

E --> F
F --> id
Consider the following LR(0) items corresponding to the grammar above.

(i) S --> S* .E

(ii) E --> F. + E
(iii) E --> F +.E
Given the items above, which two of them will appear in the same set in the canonical sets-of-items for the
grammar ?
2 Marks GATE-CSE/IT-2005( )

[A] (i) and (ii) [B] (ii) and (iii)

[C](i) and (iii) [D]None of these

10) Consider the following grammar

In the predictive parser table, M, of the grammar the entries M[S,id] and M[R,$] respectively
2 Marks GATE-CSE/IT-2006( )

[A] { S --> FR} and { R --> } [B] {S --> FR} and { }

[C]{ S --> FR} and { R --> *S} [D]{F -->id}and {R --> }
11) Which one of the following grammars generates the language
L=(ai bj | i #j} ?
2 Marks GATE-CSE/IT-2006( )

[B] S -->aS | Sb | a | b

[C] [D]

12) Which one of the following is a top – down parser ?

1 Marks GATE-CSE/IT-2007( )

[A] Recursive descent parser [B] Operator precedence parser

[C]An LR(k) parser [D]An LALR(k) parser
13) In the correct grammar above,what is the length of the derivation(number of steps starting from S) to
generate the string a/ bmwith l # m ?
1 Marks GATE-CSE/IT-2007( )

[A] max (l,m) + 2 [B] l + m + 2

[C]l + m + 3 [D]max( l,m) +3
14) Consider the grammar with non-terminals N = {S, C,S}, terminals T= {a,b,i,t,e}, with S as the start symbol,
and the following set of rules

S --> iCtSS1 | a

S1 --> eS |
C -->b
The grammar is NOT LL(1) because:
2 Marks GATE-CSE/IT-2007( )

[A] It is left recursive [B] It is right recursive

[C]It is ambiguous [D]It is not context-free
15) Consider the following two statements:
P: Every regular grammar is LL(1)
Q: Every regular set has LR (1) grammar
Which of the following is TRUE ?
1 Marks GATE-CSE/IT-2007( )

[A] Both P and ! are true [B] P is true and Q is false

[C]P is false and Q is true [D]Both P and Q are false

16) Consider the following two sets of LR(1) items of an LR(1) grammar
X → c . X, c / d X→ c . X, $
X → . cX, c / d X → . cX, $
X → . d, c / d X→ . d, $
Which of the following statements related to merging of the two sets in the corresponding LALR parser
is/are FALSE?
1. Cannot be merged since look aheads are different
2. Can be merged but will result in S–R conflict
3. Can be merged but will result in R–R conflict
4. Cannot be merged since goto on c will lead to two different sets
2 Marks GATE-CSE/IT-2013( )

[A] 1 only [B] 2 only

[C]1 and 4 only [D]1, 2, 3 and 4 only
17) Assume that the SLR parser for a grammar G has states and the LALR parser for G has states.The
relationship between and is
1 Marks GATE-CSE/IT-2003( )

[A] is necessarily less than [B] is necessarily equal to

[C] is necessarily greater than [D]None of the above
18) In a bottom-up evaluation of a syntax directed definition,inherited attributes can
1 Marks GATE-CSE/IT-2003( )

[A] always be evaluated [B] be evaluated only if the definition is L-atributed

[C] be evaluated only if the definition has
[D] never be evaluated
synthesized attributes
19) Consider the grammar shown below.
S --> C C
C --> c C | d
The grammar is
2 Marks GATE-CSE/IT-2003( )

[A] L L (1) [B] SLR (1) but not LL (1)

[C]LALR (1) but not SLR (1) [D]LR (1) but not LALR (1)
20) Which of the following grammar rules violate the requirements of an operator grammar ? P,Q, R are non
terminals, and r,s, t are terminals.

(i) P --> Q R (ii) P --> Q s R

(iii) P--> (iv) P --> Q t R r

1 Marks GATE-CSE/IT-2004( )

[A] (i) only [B] (i) and (iii) only

[C](ii) and (iii) only [D](III) and (iv) only
21) The grammar A AA|(A)| is not suitable for predictive-parsing because the grammar is
1 Marks GATE-CSE/IT-2005( )

[A] ambiguous [B] Left-recursive

[C]right-recurisve [D]n operator-grammar
22) Consider the grammar E E + n|E x n|n
For a sentence n+n x n, the handles in the right-sentential form of the reduction are
1 Marks GATE-CSE/IT-2005( )

[A] n, E + n and E + n x n [B] n, E + n and E = E x n

[C]n, n + n and n + n x n [D]n, E + n and E x n
23) Consider the grammar
S (S) | a
Let the number of states in SLR (1), LR(1) and LAKR(1) parsers for the grammar be n1 n2 and n3
respectively. The following relationship holds good
2 Marks GATE-CSE/IT-2005( )

[A] n1 <n2 <n3 [B] n1 = n3 <= n2

[C]n1 = n2 = n3 [D]n1 >= n3>= n2

24) Which of the following describes a handle (as applicable to LR-parsing)

appropriately ?
2 Marks GATE-CSE/IT-2008( )

[A] It is the position in a sentential form where the [B] It is a non-terminal whose production will be used
next shift or reduce operation will occur for reduction in the next step
[C]It is a production that may be used for reduction [D]It is the production p that will be used for
in a future step along with a position in the reduction in the next step along with a position in
sentential form where the next shift or reduce the sentential form where the right hand side of
operation will occur the production may be found
25) An LALR(1) parser for a grammar G can have shift-reduce (S-R) conflicts if and only if.
2 Marks GATE-CSE/IT-2008( )

[A] the SLR (1) parser for G has S-R conflicts [B] the LR(1) parser for G has S-R conflicts
[D]the LALR(1) parser for G has reduce-reduce
[C]the LR (0) parser for G has S-R conflicts conflicts
26) The grammar A AA|(A)| is not suitable for predictive-parsing because the grammar is
2 Marks GATE-CSE/IT-2005( )

[A] ambiguous [B] Left-recursive

[C]right-recurisve [D]n operator-grammar
27) Consider the grammar E E + n|E x n|
For a sentence n+n x n, the handles in the right-sentential form of the reduction are
2 Marks GATE-CSE/IT-2005( )

[A] n, E + n and E + n x n [B] n, E + n and E = E x n

[C]n, n + n and n + n x n [D]n, E + n and E x n
28) Consider the grammar
S (S) | a
Let the number of states in SLR (1), LR(1) and LALR(1) parsers for the grammar be n1 n2and n3
respectively. The following relationship holds good
2 Marks GATE-CSE/IT-2005( )

[A] n < n < n [B] n1 = n3 <n2

1 2 3
[C]n1 = n2 = n3 [D]n1 n3 n2
29). Consider the following grammar.



E F +E

F id
Consider the following LR(0) items corresponding to the grammar above.

(i) S S* .E

(ii) E F. + E
(iii) E F +.E
Given the items above, which two of them will appear in the same set in the canonical sets-of-items for the
grammar ?
1 Marks GATE-CSE/IT-2006( )

[A] (i)and (ii) [B] (ii) and (iii)

[C](i) and (iii) [D]None of these

30) Consider the following grammar


R *S|
F id
In the predictive parser table, M, of the grammar the entries M[S,id] and M[R,$] respectively.
2 Marks GATE-CSE/IT-2006( )

[A] { S FR} and { R } [B] {S FR} and { }

[C]{ S FR} and { R *S} [D]{F id} and {R }
31) Which one of the following grammars generates the language

L=(ai bj | i j} ?
2 Marks GATE-CSE/IT-2006( )
[A] S AC | CB

C aCb | a | b
[B] S aS | Sb | a | b
A aA |
B Bb |
[C] S AC CB [D] S AC | CB
C aCb | C aCb |
A aA | A aA | a
B Bb | B bB | b
32) Which of the following describes a handle (as applicable to LR-parsing) appropriately ?
1 Marks GATE-CSE/IT-2008( )
[A] It is the position in a sentential form where the [B] It is a non-terminal whose production will be used
next shift or reduce operation will occur for reduction in the next step
[C]It is a production that may be used for reduction
[D]It is the production p that will be used for
in a future step along with a position in the reduction in the next step along with a position in
sentential form where the next shift or reduce the sentential form where the right hand side of
operation will occur. the production may be found
33) An LALR(1) parser for a grammar G can have shift-reduce (S-R) conflicts if and only if.
2 Marks GATE-CSE/IT-2008( )

[A] the SLR (1) parser for G has S-R conflicts [B] the LR(1) parser for G has S-R conflicts

[C]the LR (0) parser for G has S-R conflicts [D]the LALR(1) parser for G has reduce-reduce
34) The grammar is
2 Marks GATE-CSE/IT-2010( )
[A] LL(1) but not LR(1) [B] LR(1) but not LR(1)
[C]Both LL(1) and LR(1) [D]Neither LL(1) nor LR(1)
35) Which of the following statements is false?
1 Marks GATE-CSE/IT-2001( )

[A] An unambiguous grammar has same leftmost

[B] An LL(1) parser is a top-down parser
and rightmost derivation
[D]An ambiguous grammar can never be LR(k) for
[C]LALR is more powerful than SLR any k
36) A grammar that is both left and right recursive for a non-terminal, is
2 Marks GATE-CSE/IT-1999( )
[A] Ambiguous [B] Unambiguous

[C] Information is not sufficient to decide whether it

[D] None of the above
is ambiguous or unambiguous
37) Which of the following statements is true?
1 Marks GATE-CSE/IT-1998( )

[B] LALR parser is more powerful than Canonical LR

[A] SLR parser is more powerful than LALR parser
[C] Canonical LR parser is more powerful than LALR [D] The parsers SLR, Canonical CR, and LALR have
parser. the same power
Statement for Linked answer Q38 and Q39 is given below
38) For the grammar below, a partial LL(1) parsing table is also presented along with the grammar. Entries
that need to be filled are indicated as E1, E2, and E3. ε is the empty string, $ indicates end of input, and
separates alternate right hand sides of productions.
S--> aAbB bAaB
A --> S
B --> S

The First and Follow sets for the non-terminals A and B are
2 Marks GATE-CSE/IT-2012,GATE-CSE/IT-2012( )

[B] FIR5T(A) = {a, b, $}

[A] FIR5T(A) = {a, b, ε } = FIR5T (B) FIR5T(B) = {a, b, ε }
FOLLOW(A) = {a, b}
FOLLOW(B) = {a, b, $} FOLLOW(A) = {a, b}
FOLLOW(B) ={$}
[C]FIR5T(A) = {a, b, ε } = FIR5T(B) [D]FIR5T(A) = {a, b,} = FIR5T(B)
FIR5T(A) = {a, b} FIR5T(A) = {a, b}
FOLLOW(B) = ∅ FOLLOW(B) ={a, b}
39) The appropriate entries for E1, E2, and E3 are

2 Marks GATE-CSE/IT-2012( )

[A] E1: S → aAbB, A → S [B] E1: S → aAbB, S → ε

E2: S → bAaB, B → S E2: S → bAaB, S → ε
E3: B → S E3: S → ε
[C]E1: S → aAbB, S → ε [D]E1: A → S, S→ ε
E2: S → bAaB, S → ε E2: B → S, S→ ε
E3: B → S E3: B → S

Key Paper

1. C 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. C

6. B 7. C 8. C 9. C 10. A

11. D 12. A 13. A 14. A 15. A

16. D 17. B 18. D 19. A 20. B

21. A 22. D 23. B 24. D 25. B

26. A 27. D 28. B 29. C 30. A

31. D 32. D 33. B 34. C 35. D

36. A 37. C 38. B 39. C


1) Consider the translation scheme shown below

S --> TR

R --> T {print (‘+’);} R |

T --> num {print (num.val);}
Here num is a token that represents an integer and num, val represents the corresponding integer value.
For an input string ‘9 + 5 + 2’, this translation scheme will print
2 Marks GATE-CSE/IT-2003( )

[A] 9 + 5 + 2 [B] 9 5 + 2 +
[C]9 5 2 + + [D]+ + 9 5 2
2) Consider the syntax directed definition shown below

S -->id : = E { gen ( =;);}

E -->E1 + E2 {t = newtemp ( ) ;
Gen (t= E1. place + E2. place ;);
A. place = t}
E --> i {E. place=id. place;}Here, gen is a function that generates the output code, and
newtemp is a function that returns the name of new temporary variable on every call. Assume that ti’s are
the temporary variable names generated by newtemp.For the statement ‘X:=Y + Z’, the 3-address code
sequence generated by this definition is
2 Marks GATE-CSE/IT-2003( )

[A] X = Y + Z [B] = Y + Z ; X =
[C] = Y ; = + Z ; X = [D] = Y ; = Z ; = + ; X =
3) Consider the grammar with the following translation rules and E as the start symbol.

E --> E1 # T {E.value=E1.value* T.value}

|T {E.value=T. value}

T --> T1 &F {T.value= T1.value + F.value}

|F {T.value= F.value}

F --> num {F.value = num.value}

Compute E. value for the root of the parse tree for the expression :
2 # 3 &5 # 6 &4.
1 Marks GATE-CSE/IT-2004( )

[A] 200 [B] 180

[C]160 [D]40
4) Consider the following translation scheme.

S -->ER

R -->*E {print{‘*’); R |

E -->F + E {print(‘+’); | F
F --> (S) | id {print (id.value);}
Here id is a taken that represents an integer and id. Value represents the corresponding integer value. For
an input ‘2 * 3 + 4’, this translation scheme prints
2 Marks GATE-CSE/IT-2006( )

[A] 2*3 + 4 [B] 2* + 3 4

[C]2 3 * 4 + [D]2 3 4 + *

5) Consider the grammar with the following translation rules and E as the start symbol.

E E1 # T {E.value=E1.value* T.value}
|T {E.value=T. value}
T T1 &F {T.value= T1.value + F.value}
|F {T.value= F.value}
F num {F.value = num.value}
Compute E. value for the root of the parse tree for the expression :
2 # 3 &5 # 6 &4.
2 Marks GATE-CSE/IT-2004( )
[A] 200 [B] 180
[C]160 [D]40
6) Consider the following translation scheme.


R *E {print{‘*’); R |

E F + E {print(‘+’); | F
F (S) | id {print (id.value);}
Here id is a taken that represents an integer and id. Value represents the corresponding integer value. For
an input ‘2 * 3 + 4’, this translation scheme prints
2 Marks GATE-CSE/IT-2006( )

[A] 2*3 + 4 [B] 2* + 3 4

[C]2 3 * 4 + [D]2 3 4 + *
7) Consider evaluating the following expression tree on a machine with load-store architecture in which
memory can be accessed only through load and store instructions. The variables a, b, c, d and e are
initially stored in memory. The binary operators used in this expression tree can be evaluated by the
machine only when the operands are in registers. The instructions produce result only in a register. If no
intermediate results can be stored in memory, what is the minimum number of registers needed to
evaluate this expression?

2 Marks GATE-CSE/IT-2011( )

[A] 2 [B] 9
[C]5 [D]3
8) Type checking is normally done during
1 Marks GATE-CSE/IT-1998( )

[A] lexical analysis [B] syntax analysis

[C]syntax directed translation [D]code optimization
9) Generationofintermediatecodebasedonanabstractmachinemodelisusefulincompilersbecause
1 Marks GATE-CSE/IT-1994( )

[B] syntax-directed
[A] itmakesimplementationoflexicalanalysisandsyntax
translationscanbewritten forintermediatecodegen
[C]itenhancesthe portabilityofthefrontendofthe compi [D] itisnotpossibletogeneratecodeforrealmachinesdire
ler ctlyfromhighlevellanguageprograms

Key Paper

1. B 2. B 3. C 4. D 5. C

6. D 7. D 8. C 9. C

1) Consider the grammar rule E --> E1 – E2 for arithmetic expressions. The Code generated is targeted to a
CPU having a single user register. The subtraction operation required the first operand to be in the
register. If E1 and E2 do not have any common sub expression, in order to get the shortest possible code
1 Marks GATE-CSE/IT-2004( )

[A] E1 should be evaluated first [B] E2 should be evaluated first

[C]Evaluation of E1 and E2 should necessarily be [D]Order of evaluation of E1 and E2 is of no
interleaved consequence
2) In a simplified computer the instructions are :
OP Rj, Ri – Performs Rj OP Ri and stores the result in register Ri
OP m, Ri – Performs val OP Ri and stores the result in Ri. Val denotes the content of memory location m.
MCV m, Ri- Moves the content of memory location m to register Ri.
MCV m, Ri, m- Moves the content of register Ri to memory location m.
The computer has only two registers, and OP is either ADD or SUB. Consider the following basic block :
T1 = a + b
T2 = c + d
T3 = e – t2
T4 = t1 – t3
Assume that all operands are initially in memory. The final value of the computation should be in memory.
What is the minimum number of MOV instructions in the code generated for this basic block ?
1 Marks GATE-CSE/IT-2007( )

[A] 2 [B] 3
[C]5 [D]7
3) Consider the grammar rule E E1 E2 for arithmetic expressions. The Code generated is targeted to a
CPU having a single user register. The subtraction operation required the first operand to be in the
register.If E1 and E2 do not have any common sub expression, in order to get the shortest possible code
1 Marks GATE-CSE/IT-2004( )

[A] Removing left recursion alone [B] E2 should be evaluated first

[C]Evaluation of E1 and E2 should necessarily be [D]Order of evaluation of E1and E2 is of no
interleaved consequence

Key Paper

1. B 2. D 3. B
Code Optim

1) Some code optimizations are carried out on the intermediate code because
1 Marks GATE-CSE/IT-2008( )

[A] They enhance the portability of the complier to [B] Program analysis is more accurate on
other target processors intermediate code than on machine code
[C]The information from data flow analysis cannot [D]The information from the front end cannot
otherwise be used for optimization otherwise be used for optimization
2) Some code optimizations are carried out on the intermediate code because
1 Marks GATE-CSE/IT-2008( )
[A] They enhance the portability of the complier to [B] Program analysis is more accurate on
other target processors intermediate code than on machine code
[C]The information from data flow analysis cannot [D]The information from the front end cannot
otherwise be used for optimization otherwise be used for optimization
3) What is the value of X printed by the following program?
program COMPUTE (input, output);
procedure FIND (X:real);

2 Marks GATE-CSE/IT-1995( )

[A] 2 [B]
[C]Run time error [D]None of the above
Code Optim

Key Paper

1. B 2. B 3. A

1) Consider a program P that consists of two source modules M1 and M2 contained in two different files. If
M1 contains a reference to a function defined in M2, the reference will e resolved at
1 Marks GATE-CSE/IT-2004( )

[A] Edit-time [B] Compile-time

[C]Link-time [D]Load-time
2) Which of the following suffices to convert an arbitrary CFG to an LL(1) grammar ?
1 Marks GATE-CSE/IT-2003( )

[A] Removing left recursion alone [B] Factoring the grammar alone
[C] Removing left recursion and factoring the
[D] None of this
3) Which of the following grammar rules violate the requirements of an operator grammar ? P,Q, R are
noterminals, and r,s, t are terminals.

(i) P Q R (ii) P Qs R

(iii) P (iv) P Q t Rr
1 Marks GATE-CSE/IT-2004( )

[A] (i) only [B] (i) and (iii) only

[C](ii) and (iii) only [D](III) and (iv) only
4) Consider a program P that consists of two source modules M1 and M2 contained in two different files.If
M1 contains a reference to a function defined in M2, the reference will e resolved at
1 Marks GATE-CSE/IT-2004( )

[A] Edit-time [B] Compile-time

[C]Link-time [D]Load-time
5) The weight of a sequence , ,…, of real numbers is defined as + / 2 + ... + / .
A subsequence of a sequence is obtained by deleting
some elements from the sequence, keeping the order of the remaining elements the same. Let X denote
the maximum possible weight of a subsequence of , ,..., . Then X is equal to
2 Marks GATE-CSE/IT-2010( )

[A] max (Y, + Y ) [B] max(Y, + Y /2)

[C]max(Y, + 2Y) [D] + Y / 2
6) A simple two-pass assembler does the following in the first pass:
2 Marks GATE-CSE/IT-1993( )

[A] It allocates space for the literals. [B] It computes the total length of the program
[C] It builds the symbol table for the symbols and [D] It generates code for all the load and store
their values. register instructions.
[E] None of the above.

Key Paper

1. C 2. C 3. B 4. C 5.

6. A

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