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From the Editors Desk…

Dear Readers,

This magazine is the outcome of the efforts put forth by the Students of
AIHT. The Magazine, which was started as a Supplementary to the
Department’s Symposium, grew to be a Important project, involving great
amount of enthusiasm, dedication and hard work of the students.

It was our Immediate and direct involvement that the Magazine got life
and this team effort took a mere two-week’s time to get done with. We were
able to maintain communication with the Team members through e-Mail.

The work was delegated by the Editors, and due to the co-operation and
commitment, we were able to achieve the feat. We dedicate this success to
our enterprising students, who supported us with thoughts and ideas.

Last but not the least, the articles provided by the team members apart
from the editors, proved valuable to the magazine and we thank their
commendable efforts.

We thank the management for providing us with this great opportunity.

Have Fun time reading our Magazine!

Chief - Editors:

1. Nithya P
2. Hariharan B
3. Rajhariny M

The Editorial Board:

Ganesa Lasmi S Aishwarya Soundaar

Deepika Gayathri M
Krithika R E Thileepan K
Sujatha S Hemachandran H
Prem Anand N Madan Kumar V
Joel Ronald Ebenezer D Marc V Zephyrin

Patron – T. Kalasalingam 3

IT 5

People who make us proud

Placements 8
Toppers 9

Technical Articles

The Artful Exploiter 11

The Dark Side of Computing 17
Virtual Killers 22
Artificial Intelligence 32

Decrypting the Ciphers 26

Trivia Times
Aptitude Questions 20
Quiz 14

Literary Talk - Poems

By Men to men 16
The Immortal Soul 24

Computing terminologies, A-Z 35

Review Time!
Software – Ubuntu 30
Websites – Pros n’ cons in cyber space 37

Fun-Entertainment – Jokes 25

IMPETUS 2K6 – Innovate your Passion 10



This college is the outcome of the vision and initiative of

Kalvi Vallal Thiru T.Kalasalingam, B.Com.

The Anand Institute of Higher technology is the founder’s

ardent desire to give back to the society that nurtured him.


“The end product of sustained an concerted action imbued

with lofty ideals and futuristic vision of the faculty and
management will bring forth the best in our students who by
dint of their innovative ideas and persistent efforts will reach
new heights, making them excellent corporate, academic and
social assets”.

The primary goal of the department is to prepare emerging
computer engineers with concept oriented subject knowledge supplemented
with practical orientation to face the challenges of modern computing industry.

The Department of CSE has been functioning since

the establishment of the college in the year 2000. A separate block has been
built to cater to the needs of the students and to facilitate them with adequate

The department of CSE has an infrastructural facility that is
the envy of most other institutes. The department to its credit has state-of-art
four Laboratories with over 200 computers that occupy an area of 5400 sq.ft.
The computing centre located in the academic block is supported with special
workstation running on Unix/Linux environment, dedicated workstation for
multimedia applications, all connected by a network that bring over 150
computers together.
The department is providing high-end software
training for the students within our campus, in collaborating with leading
software –training institutions. We have Internet facility with RF connectivity,
which has a speed of 1mbps.

The other labs, which are available, include:

• Microprocessor Lab
• Hardware Lab
• PC Troubleshooting Lab

• The projects developed by students for the fulfillment of their academic
requirements are well appreciated.
• Every year the department is also conducting a State Level Technical
Symposium and regular industrial visits are arranged for the students, to
impart practical knowledge and enable them to equip themselves to meet
the professional requirements of the industry.
• Our students have presented papers in various National and International

The final year students take up the projects in the following areas:
• Embedded Systems
• Networking
• Artificial Intelligence
• Mobile Computing
• Image Processing

• Our centralized computer center is open to students to update their
knowledge in their related areas by using Internet Facilities.
• We are working towards having students’ chapter in both IETE and CSI for
our institution to give more interaction to our student with other
• In addition to the curriculum, the department offers augmentation courses
in latest techniques in the computer science field and a personality
development program.
• In addition to these, the department is very keen on arranging special
lectures on the latest topics and happenings in the fields of engineering and

In current scenario our department brings an impeccable blend of theory

and practical approach to the learning of the subjects so as to enable students to
grasp better, compete, innovate and contribute their expertise to the world of
computer science


To provide quality education, to equip the students with the
advanced emerging new trends in the field of information technology, to
improve their technological skills via continues learning process and to enhance
their social responsibilities.
The department of Information Technology is established in
the year 2000 with the view to develop quality engineers to meet the current
trends in the emerging world of IT.

The department currently specializes in the areas of

information processing techniques, optical networking, mobile
communications, e-business, distributed computing, software testing, soft
computing, digital signal processing and embedded systems related to IT. The
faculty members keep abreast with the latest in the field of information
technology by attending seminars and technical workshop conducted at reputed
academic institutions and industrial organizations.


The department of IT has an infrastructure facility that is the envy of most
other institutes. The department to its credit has state of the art four
laboratories with over 200 computers that occupy an area of 5400 sq.ft. The
computing center located in the academic block is supported with special
workstation running on UNIX / Linux environment, dedicated workstation for
multimedia applications, all connected by a network that bring over 150
computers together.

Labs Include: Microprocessor Lab, Hardware and PC trouble shooting Lab

The students are encouraged to implement their innovative ideas in
their project work with the guidance of the faculty. The project works span
both system and application domains.

The department association is very active in conducting seminars and guest

lectures related to the hardware and software, which provides proper
orientation towards the needs of changing IT world.

Envisioning the future technologists, the association provides maximum

opportunities for students to bring out their innate and creative talents through
technical symposia.

Besides our regular academic schedule, industrial visits are also arranged
periodically for the benefit of the students.

The department is proud of these students who continuously achieve greater

heights by winning innumerable prizes in various institutions, and co curricular
events include paper presentations apart from sports and cultural as extra
curricular activities.

Our students bagged first prices in sports quiz, entertainment quiz and
general quiz by Anna University and many more.

IT students take up the projects in the following areas:
JINI Environment
Implementation to real time streaming protocol
Wireless routing protocols
By P. Deepika

Placement Cell
Anand Institute of Higher Technology has an independent Placement Cell
devoted to cater to the needs of organizations in conducting campus interviews
for placements. It is headed by an industry experienced Professor A. Rajagopal
Director-Placement and also supported by a placement officer. Faculty co-
coordinators from various courses of study also assist the cell.

The placement cell ensures and takes care to provide the best arrangement
and hospitality for the visiting company’s officials. It plays a very important
and key role in counselling and guiding the students in the stages of completion
of academic programme of studies and entry into a suitable employment. The
office also co-ordinates various activities related to the career of the students
along with the industrial training. During every academic year our students are
placed in well-reputed multinational companies like

Tata Consultancy Services Verizon Data Services

Cognizant Technology Solutions HCL

Wipro Caritor

Satyam Accenture

Polaris Syntel

L&T InfoTech Ramco Systems

Infosys Sutherland Technologies



Ranjani Soundarya


Ashwini SivaShanmuga Shanggeetha



1. Ranjani - 81%
2. Soundarya G - 79.7%
3. Ashwini S - 79.2%

Impetus2k6, a technical symposium jointly conducted by the CSE and IT
department of our college, Anand Institute of Higher Technology, is the result
of the enthusiasm of the students, combined with hard work.

The plans for the symposium were finalized merely a month ago. After the
initial difficulties were ironed out, work for the symposium and the task of
acquiring sponsors started in full swing.

Committees for the events and other tasks such as refreshments and resources
were created and the final years students worked hard to involve all the
students in the planning and the execution of the symposium.

The final years did a commendable job in planning and executing many new
and innovative things such as using computers for most of the preliminary
events and distributing CDs and magazines about the symposium.

Posters for our symposium were distributed to over 250 engineering colleges in
and around Tamilnadu and we received a tremendous response in the form of
over 40 papers for the Paper Presentation event.

The support of the management and the staff was also helpful in planning and
conducting the symposium successfully and we could not have organized such a
large event without them.

Finally, we hope that our hard work pays off and Impetus2K6 becomes a grand
success and we hope that the participants have a great time.

Our Logo Unveiled!

“Treat your password like your toothbrush. Don't let anybody else use it,
and get a new one every six months.” - Clifford Stoll

Hacker: Computer and network security Expert

In the networking sense, a hacker is one who specializes in work with the access
control mechanisms for computer and network systems. This includes individuals who
work toward maintaining and improving the integrity of such mechanisms.

However, the most common usage of hacker in this respect refers to someone who
exploits systems or gains unauthorized access by means of clever tactics and detailed
knowledge, while taking advantage of any carelessness or ignorance on the part of
system operators. This use of hacker as intruder (frequent in the media) generally has
a strong negative connotation, and is disparaged and discouraged within the computer
community, resulting in the modern Hacker definition controversy.

For such hackers specializing in intrusion, the highly derogatory term “Script kiddie”
or “Cracker” is often used to indicate those who either claim to have far more skill
than they actually have, or who exclusively use programs developed by others to
achieve a successful security exploit.

Hacker species

§ Security Experts
§ Students
§ Underemployed Adults
§ Criminal Hackers
§ Corporate Spies
§ Disgruntled Employees

Hacking Techniques
v Target Selection : A Hacker identifies a specific computer to attack
v Target Identification :The Hacker probes the target to glean information
v Method Selection : The Hacker selects the attack methods to be used
v Attack Progression : The Hacker proceeds with the actual attack

Some of the Hacking Techniques are listed below

§ Eavesdropping and Snooping

§ Denial-of-Service
§ Impersonation
§ Man-in-the-Middle
§ Hijacking

Eavesdropping and Snooping

The first and easiest things a hacker can do to gain information about your
network is to listen, and then to ask your network computers information about
themselves. Hackers will attempt to exploit any data or network service that is
exposed to them.
Common practices employed:
v Password Capture
v Traffic analysis
v Network Address scanning
v Port Scanning
v Finger, WhoIS, NSLookup and DNS Grabbing
v SNMP Data Gathering

Denial Of Service

This is commonly known as DoS attack. This easy attack can either bring your
network down or disable some aspect of it, depends on the sinister purpose of the
Common practices employed:
v Ping of Death
v Synchronize connection establishment, ICMP (Internet
Control Message Protocol) Flooding
v Service specific Attacks
v DNS Redirection
v Route Redirection : RIP(Router Information Protocol) and
BGP (Border Gateway Protocol)
v SNMP Reconfiguration

Explaining the concepts would unnecessarily bore the interests of the reader.
So we just skip the explanation part and continue on with Hacking Techniques


This is the next step employed by the Hackers if they couldn’t access your
network computers. The Goal of the hacker is to penetrate your network security and
sabotage the resources on the computers in the network.

By impersonating another computer that your network trusts, the hacker’s computer
may be able to trick your computers into revealing enough information to breach past
your security or weaken your security.
For that, he/she may use the following impersonation techniques
v Source Routed attacks
v DHCP, WINS and DNS Service Impersonation
v Password playback, Server Impersonation & Password

Man in the Middle

A special case of Impersonation attack is the man in the middle attack, where
the hacker operates between two computers on your network, or between a client
computer on the Internet or other WAN network.

à How is this done?

When the client computer opens a connection to the server computer, the
hacker’s computer intercepts it (perhaps via a DNS Service impersonation attack). The
hacker’s computer opens a connection on behalf of the client computer to the server.
Ideally, the client thinks he is communicating with the server and vice versa. The
Hacker is the Man in the middle to observe and alter the communications between


One last trick in the book. It is hijacking the already established and
authenticated network connection. This can occur at two layers of the networking
protocol- at the TCP Layer and at the SMB or NFS Session layer. The hacker will have
to hijack both the layers in this case.
While an exploit of this nature is theoretically possible, tools for hijacking SMB
Connections are not readily available

Pour Conclure (To Conclude)

Once we conclude with this Hacking techniques, we must learn how to

Prevent the hackers upon doing it. For that we will be needing a Secure Firewall.
Firewalls are used to create security checkpoints at the boundaries of private

Some of the Popular WinNT firewalls

v Firewall -1
v NetGuard Guardian NCC
v NAI Gauntlet
v Apex Raptor
It doesn’t matter how much resources Firewall is going to use, but how effectively it
protects matters. So, be wise and secure yourself.
By Hariharan

1) Which is the fastest computer today?

2) What is the name of the modem, which was shrunk?

3) What is one PETABYTE?

4) What is the Meaning of “Google”?

5) Name the popular LINUX server.

6) Name the term, which describes “Phone Hackers”?

7) A Good Politician. Identify the Term used for such a sentence?

8) Who is considered to be the father of modern Computer Science?

9) Expand DHCP, DNS

10) Who was the first Cryptographer?

11) How many syllables make up a haiku?

12) What is the official language of Brazil?

13) Of what was the Vulgate the version?

14) Profession: Police, Expand SOCO

15) Name the vowel in the standard keyboard, which is not in the top line.

16) What is the most popular non-alcoholic drink?

17) Which country in the world sends the most letters abroad?
18) George Bush is the ____ President of USA. Fill the Blank

19) What is the speed of sound at Sea Level called?

20) What type of animal is a CORVID?


By Thileepan


If you want to have a slide show of a PDF file, Press Ctrl+Shift+H

(However this Tip works only on Acrobat Reader 6.0+)

Glorious fingerprints of angel's thumb, or
Mysterious footprints of devil's feet,
Dilemmas existing between the two!
No doubt, a computer is a mirror;
Reflecting man's amazing power!!

From astrology to astronomy, genetics to robotics,

Glitters this Digital Gold, in the hands of optimistic Sisypheans.
Like copper in Gold, poison drop in milk,
Is Hacking, phishing, by educated barbarians.
Boon it is while problem solving, curse it is while problem creating.

Making true Twenty-Twenty dream of Abdul kalam's, and

Plenty, plenty dreams of future kalams’.
Hardware heart, software brain,
With wired nerves is this man-made miracle!
Making out of every field, astounding miracles!!

Madan Kumar
2nd year, CSE

To Log in to your Administrator’s Account in WinXP: In the login screen Press
Ctrl+Alt+Del two times. You will get a Classic Login Box. Type Administrator as
username and Press enter. 95% chances are there that this trick will work

“The Internet is just a world passing around notes in a classroom” ~Jon

Cyber crime consists of specific crimes

dealing with computers and networks (such as hacking) and the facilitation of
traditional crime through the use of computers. Computer technology presents
many new challenges to social policy regarding issues such as privacy, as it
relates to data mining and criminal investigations.

The cyber criminals constitute of various category. The
following are some of the category of cyber criminals

• Children and adolescents between the age group of 6 – 18 years:

The simple reason for this type of delinquent behaviour
pattern in children is seen mostly due to the inquisitiveness to know
and explore the things.

• Organised hackers:
These kinds of hackers are mostly
organised together to fulfil certain objective.
The reason may be to fulfil their political bias,
fundamentalism, etc.

• Professional hackers/ crackers:

Their work is motivated by the colour of money. These
kinds of hackers are mostly employed to hack the site of the rivals
and get credible, reliable and valuable information.


• Theft of information contained in electronic form:

Theft may be either by appropriating the data physically or by
tampering them through the virtual medium.

• Email bombing:
This kind of activity refers to sending large
numbers of mail to the victim, which may be an
individual or a company or even mail servers there by
ultimately resulting into crashing.

• Virus / worm attacks:

Viruses are programs that attach themselves to a computer
or a file and then circulate themselves to other files and to other
computers on a network. They usually affect the data on a computer,
either by altering or deleting it.


• Cyber-stalking:
Cyber stalking involves following
a person's movements across the Internet by
posting messages (sometimes threatening) on the
bulletin boards frequented by the victim,
entering the chat-rooms frequented by the
victim, constantly bombarding the victim with
emails etc.

• Unauthorized control / access over computer system:
This activity is commonly referred to as hacking. The Indian law has
however given a different connotation to the term hacking, so we will
not use the term "unauthorized access" interchangeably with the term
"hacking" to prevent confusion as the term used in the Act of 2000 is
much wider than hacking.

E-mail spoofing:
A spoofed e-mail may be said to be one, which misrepresents
its origin. It shows it's origin to be different from which it actually originates.
It is not possible to eliminate cyber crime from the cyber space. It is quite
possible to check them. The only possible step is to make people aware of their
rights and duties and further making the application of the laws more stringent
to check crime.

Messenger – To chat between clients in LAN

Firstly, open Notepad and enter:

@echo off
: A
set /p n=User:
set /p m=Message:
net send %n% %m%
Goto A

“Getting information off the Internet is like taking a drink from a fire

Q. A stranger wants to go to south Newtown ,there are two roads and two guides
One road will leads to the town another road leads to a deadly forest ,one of the
guide always speaks the truth and other guide always lies. The stranger comes to
know about them but didn’t knew who speaks the truth .The stranger has to ask
only one guide for the road to the town, so he asks the guide for guidance for
which the latter responded promptly. Then he concluded that the road guided by
guide was wrong and so he took the other one and reached the town.

Now, what question he must have asked to either of the guides, not knowing which
one spoke the truth?


Q. There are two mugs, a 7L mug, a 3L mug.

What would be the steps to fill 5L water in the 7L jug??

a) Fill the 3L mug, pour its 3L water into 7L mug

b) Fill the 3L mug, pour its 3L water into 7L mug

c) Fill 3L mug and pour 1L water into the 7L mug

d) Empty the 7L mug, pour the remaining 2L water in 3L mug, into the 7L mug.

e) Fill the 3L mug, pour its 3L water into 7L mug

Options: a) abced b) acbde c) abcde d) acbed

Ans: abcde

Q. Square of sum of two numbers is ‘130’ more than the twice of the product of
the two nos. Find the sum of the squares of the two numbers.
Ans: 130 [Hints: (x+y)2 - 2xy =130. Find x2+y2 ]

Q. There is a 4 inch cube painted on all sides. This
is cut down into of 1 inch cubes. What is the no of
cubes which have no pointed sides?
Ans: 8

Q. At 6'o a clock ticks 6 times. The time between

first and last ticks is 30 seconds. How long does it
tick at 12'o clock.
Ans: 66 sec.

Q. Complete the series: 5, 20, 24, 6, 2, 8, ?

Ans: 12 (as 5*4=20, 20+4=24, 24/4=6, 6-4=2, 2*4=8, 8+4=12).

Q. If a clock takes 7seconds to strike 7, how long

will the same clock take to strike 10?

Ans: The clock strikes for the first time at the start and takes 7 seconds for 6
intervals-thus for one interval time taken=7/6. Therefore, for 10 seconds there are
9 intervals and time taken is 9*7/6=10 and 1/2 seconds.

Q. An escalator is descending at constant speed. A

walks down and takes 50 steps to reach the bottom. B
runs down and takes 90 steps in the same time as A
takes 10 steps. How many steps are visible when the
escalator is not operating?
Ans: 150 steps

By Hemachandran & Premanand

* To Send a message over LAN, Goto Run and Type:

Net Send <IP> Message

Eg: Net Send Hi! How do you do?

* To Shutdown: right click and select New > Shortcut and type

C:\windows\rundll.exe user.exe,exitwindowsexec

“The Internet is becoming the town square for the global village of
Tomorrow” ~ Bill Gates

The difference between a Virus and a Worm

A virus is a computer program that attaches itself to a computer system by

incorporating a small portion of data into other programs. Once triggered, usually
by some action performed on the part of the computer user such as clicking on a
file, the virus lies in wait for a command or certain date to deliver its payload,
sometimes harmless and other times devastating. Receiving or downloading files
such as "AOL4FREE.exe" or free screen savers are more likely to contain viruses
than not. "Trust everyone, but brand your cattle!"

A worm is a sub-classification of a virus. A worm contains a small computer

program that can replicate itself, and like a worm, wiggles its way through a
computer system or network until it finds a way onto the Internet. Many worms
have shut down corporate America for days at a time. Microsoft, IBM, and other
large businesses have had their e-mail systems literally collapse due to the volume
of incoming and outgoing e-mail that these worms generate. Once the user
connects to the Internet, the worm goes into action e-mailing itself to the user's
family, friends, colleagues and any other e-mail address it came across on the
user's system or network.

Information on some popular computer Virii:

Anna Kournikova Virus

AVERT first discovered this virus family in August of 2000. Our advanced
technology and detection techniques provided customers with accurate protection
from this new variant prior to its release, starting more than six months ago with
the 4092 DAT release. Users are reminded to regularly update to the current
engine and DATs to ensure maximum protection against today's threats.

Bubbleboy Virus

This is an Internet worm that requires Internet Explorer 5 with Windows

Scripting Host installed - WSH is standard in Windows 98 and Windows 2000
installations. It does not run on Windows NT due to hard-coded limitations. The
Internet worm is embedded within an email message of HTML format and does not
contain an attachment. This worm is written in VB Script.

Nimda Virus

The mass mailing Internet worm. Its main goal is simply to spread over the
Internet and Intranet, infecting as many users as possible

Mydoom aka Novarg Virus

Its main goal is to infect as many computers as possible and on a given date
have those computers launch a Denial of Service attack on a specific website. This
worm is ranked as a high risk. From McAfee Online.

Sasser Virus

This worm, unlike many others, does NOT spread by e-mail. Rather, this
worm works by instructing infected computers to stealthy download and
execute the real virus payload. Its creator, an 18 year old from Germany,
has since been arrested. This worm is ranked as a medium risk.

List of Popular Anti-Virii Software available commercially

1. Kaspersky version - 99.62%

2. Active Virus Shield by AOL version - 99.62%
3. F-Secure 2006 version 6.12.90 - 96.86%
4. BitDefender Professional version 9 - 96.63%
5. Cyber Scrub version 1.0 - 95.98%
6. EScan version 8.0.671.1 - 95.82%
7. BitDefender freeware version 8.0.202 - 95.57%
8. Bull Guard version 6.1 - 95.57%
9. AntiVir Premium version - 95.45%
10. Nod32 version 2.51.30 - 95.14%
11. AntiVir Classic version - 94.26%
12. ViruScape 2006 version 1.02.0935.0137 - 93.87%
13. McAfee version 10.0.27 - 93.03%
14. McAfee Enterprise version 8.0.0 - 91.76%
15. F-Prot version beta - 87.88%
16. Avast Professional version 4.7.871 - 87.46%
17. Avast freeware version 4.7.871 - 87.46%
18. Dr. Web version 4.33.2 - 86.03%
19. Norman version 5.90.23 - 85.65%
20. F-Prot version 3.16f - 85.14%
21. ArcaVir 2006 - 83.44%
22. Norton Professional 2006 - 83.18%
23. AVG Professional version 7.1.405 - 82.82%

“The problem with troubleshooting is that trouble shoots back” ~ Unknown

Oh! The Soul which cared for the poor

Has left suddenly; leaving us to suffer,
Grief stricken we are at this hour,
Looking blank and dark all over

Oh Mother! you are the real mother for all of us

For the love, affection and concern shown for us
Leaving us as orphans with no one to look after us
You will have to come alive, born again to protect us

With tears rolling down our eyes we recall

The service you had rendered to one and all
Sacrifice is the only word we can say in all
For the service you had rendered to mankind over all

Mother you are no more with us to give comfort and guidance

Your blessing only, we seek to brush gloom aside
The soul, resting in peace may shower
Its blessings, to mitigate our sufferings for ever


By M.Srinivasan
Final year, CSE

“A journey of a thousand sites begins with a single click”~Unknown

Undocumented Windows95 Error Codes

WinErr 001: Windows loaded - System in danger
WinErr 002: No Error – Yet
WinErr 003: Dynamic linking error - Your mistake is now in every file
WinErr 004: Erroneous error - Nothing is wrong
WinErr 005: Multitasking attempted – System confused
WinErr 006: Malicious error - Desqview found on drive
WinErr 007: System price error – Inadequate money spent on hardware
WinErr 008: Broken window - Watch out for glass fragments
WinErr 009: Horrible bug encountered – God knows what has happened
WinErr 00A: Promotional literature overflow - Mailbox full
WinErr 00C: Memory hog error - More Ram needed. More! More! More!
WinErr 00D: Window closed - Do not look outside
WinErr 00E: Window open - Do not look inside
WinErr 00F: Unexplained error - Please tell us how this happened
WinErr 010: Reserved for future mistakes by our developers

• Tech Support: "I need you to right-click on the Desktop."
• Customer: "Ok."
• Tech Support: "Did you get a pop-up menu?"
• Customer: "No."
• Tech Support: "Ok, sir. Can you tell me what you have done up until this
• Customer: "Sure, you told me to write 'click' and I wrote click'."

“Never let a computer know you're in a hurry” ~Author Unknown

Cryptography is a discipline of mathematics

concerned with information security and related issues, particularly encryption
, authentication , and access control . Its purpose is to hide the meaning of a
message rather than its existence. The study of how to circumvent the
confidentiality sought by using encryption is called cryptanalysis or, more
loosely, "code breaking."
For a cipher to be
useful, several things must be known at both the sending
and receiving ends:

• The Algorithm or method used to encipher the

original message called the ‘plain text’.

• The key used with the algorithm to allow the

plaintext to be both enciphered and Backward Mirror
deciphered. Substitution

• The period or the time during which the key is valid.

Ciphers are broken into two main categories, substitution
ciphers and transposition ciphers.
Substitution ciphers replace letters in the
plaintext with other letters or symbols, keeping
the order in which the symbols fall the same.
Transposition ciphers keep all of
the original letters intact, but mix up their
order. The resulting text of either enciphering
method is called the ‘cipher text’.

We use substitution ciphers all the time.
(Actually, substitution ciphers could properly be called
codes in most cases.) Morse code, shorthand, semaphore,
and the ASCII code (American Standard Code for
Information Interchange) with which these characters are
being stored in, are all examples. The only difference
between these and the spy codes is that the above
examples are standardized so that everybody knows them.

The Captain Midnight decoder ring (which is an
"encoder" ring as well) allows you to do a simple substitution
cipher. It usually has two concentric wheels of letters, A through
Z. You rotate the outside ring and substitute the letters in your
message found on the outside ring with the letters directly
below on the inside ring.
Captain Midnight Decoder Ring
Julius Caesar needed a way of communicating his battle
plans and tactics to everyone on his side without the enemy finding out
. He used this simple scheme of offsetting by 3 characters (He would
have put the "A" on the outer ring of letters over the "D" on the inner
ring if he had owned a Captain Midnight decoder ring.)

Caesar’s Message – ATTACK AT DAWN

Cipher text - DWWDEFN DW GDZQ

In 5th century B.C., the Spartans used an
interesting transposition cipher called a ‘scytale’.
The scytale utilized a cylinder with a ribbon wrapped
helically around it from one end to the other. The
message was written across the ribbons, and then
unwrapped from the cylinder. Only someone with an
identical diameter cylinder could re-wrap and read the message.

the Enigma was a portable cipher machine
to encrypt and decrypt secret messages. It was a
family of related electro-mechanical ‘rotor
machines’ — comprising a variety of different models.

The Enigma was used commercially from the early

1920s on, and was also adopted by the military and
governmental services of a number of nations — most
famously by ‘Nazi Germany’ before and during World
war II .

The Enigma code was first broken by the Poles, under the leadership
of mathematician Marian Rejewski, in the early 1930s. In 1939, with the
growing likelihood of a German invasion, the Poles turned their information
over to the British, who set up a secret code-breaking group, known as Ultra,
under mathematician Alan M. Turing.

By Nithya
Cipher text
1. Xszinh hvwfxv gsv hrtsg yfg nvirg drmh gsv hlfo.
2. vploh lv d fxuyh wkdw fhw orw ri wklqjv vwudljkw.
3. gsrmp dszg blf hkvzp yfg mlg hkvzp zoo blf gsrmp.
4. kybbigi xvyhiuuyv eu yzi qfy tmbcu nz ytfiv xiyxbi’u ubiix.
5. ipxiveizki eu tfi qyvut timkfiv et geriu tfi tiut lihyvi timkfezg tfi biuuyz.
6. zlqqhuv gr qrw gr gliihuhqw wklqjv wkhb gr wklqjv gliihuhqwob.
7. uvzi zodzbh hkirmth uiln rtmlizmxv.
8. mzo yzi qfy kmz tfezc yh yzbo yzi qmo ty uxibb m qyvj ylreysubo
bmkcu eamgezmteyz .
9. wr dfkhlyh wkh pduyhorxx lw lv mohflvhob wkh xqqklqnaeoh qkdq pxvw eh
10. hmebsvi eu zyt tfi hmbbezg jyqz lst utixxezg jyqz..
11. zodzbh xlmwvnm gsv xirnv mlg zodzbh gsv xirnmrmzo.
12. mrb lv pruh lqihfwlrxv wkdq glvhdvh.
13. qfmt beiu lifezj su mzj qfmt beiu lihyvi su mvi tezo amttivu tfmz qfmt beiu
qetfez su.
14. rmtizgrgfwv rh gsv wzftsgvi lu kirwv.
15. krqhvwb lv wkh ehvw srolfb.

Plain Text
Caesar’s code:
This code can be broken by simply applying Caesar’s code, which is to
replace any letter by another letter that comes three places further on in the
alphabet. Thus the letter ‘a’ will be substituted by letter ‘d’ , letter ‘b’ by
letter ‘e’ …and so on..

2. Smile is a curve that can set many things straight.

6. Winners do not do different things they do things differently
9. To achieve the marvelous it is precisely the unthinkable that must be
12. Joy is more infectious than disease
15. Honesty is the best policy

Convert a, b…z to z, y…a

These codes can be broken by a simple method…Just reverse
the alphabets and substitute from a to z. Hence, for ‘a’, the code will be ‘z’,
for ‘b’ it is ‘y’, for ‘c’ it is ‘x’ …and so on...

1. Charms seduce the sight but merit wins the soul.

3. Think what you speak but not speak all you think
7. Fear always springs from ignorance
11. Always condemn the crime not always the criminal
14. Ingratitude is the daughter of pride

Convert ‘a, b…. m’ to ‘m, l…a ‘ and ‘n, o…. z’ to’ z, y…n’
These codes are just a little modified version of the second
one…The first 13 alphabets, from ‘a’ to ‘m’, are reversed and substituted for
the same... ‘a’ replaced by ‘m’, ‘b’ replaced by ‘l’....Like wise, the last 13
alphabets , from ‘n’ to ‘z’ are reversed and substituted for the same…which
would be, ‘n’ replaced by ‘z’, ‘o’ replaced by ‘y’ and so on…

4. College professor is one who talks in other people’s sleep

5. Experience is the worst teacher .it gives the test before teaching the
8. Any one who can think of only one way to spell a word obviously lacks
10. Failure is not the falling down .it is the stepping down
13. What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters than
what lies within us. By Nithya

“Computers are useless. They can only give you answers.” ~Pablo Picasso

The actual installation was smooth, easy and provided an excellent desktop for
a user who is new to Linux, Someone who wanted only basic options.

Simplicity - I work with complicated systems and management all day, and
most nights, it was very refreshing to find a distribution that has a focus on
simplicity. Give the user what they need, no more unless they want to add that
themselves. Good idea!

There is no clutter and unnecessary icons on the desktop. A modified Gnome

2.8 desktop provides toolbars at the top and bottom of the page.

The panel provides system configuration and applications using the Applications
Option and personal preferences using the Computer Option. Well thought out
and intuitive. The whole system seems designed to aid in the transition from
Windows to Linux.

Easy Install - Ok a distribution has to be easy for the user to install and one CD
is about as easy as it gets. The steps of installation are quick effective and to
the point. Again, it is nice to have options of thousands of programs but really
1 CD can contain everything you need. The install will allow you to setup your
network with a static IP during the install just like any other system.

USB Detection - When I shoved in a Thumb Disk...nothing. Well, I had to
modify the fstab file to try to get it to work, no luck. So...I tried a different
Thumb Drive...suddenly auto detection. My conclusion is that some of the
cheap, USB1 drives will not work without some configuration changes, but the
better USB2 drives will auto detect.

Network Tools - Gnome now offers a handy tool to use for networks. It is
actually 8 tools in one interface. The tools are Devices, Ping,
Netstat,Traceroute, Port Scan, Lookup, Finger and WhoIS.

My Dislike

My biggest complaint by functional firewall exists on the system. I

went to the website and found that the concept of the designers is that since
you are not using a daemon by default so you do not need a firewall.
PLEEEASE...don’t let our Linux future put at risk security and force us all to
return the constant hacks and fixes we all hated in Windows. Security is
important and the system does need a simple to install firewall. Now I noticed
in the Help files as I was searching for a firewall setup, there is the How To set
up a firewall using Packet Filtering. Have you ever read this
certainly is great information but not for a new user...which the distribution is
focusing on. To be fair I will say this, putting together a new distribution that is
perfect is impossible, leaving out a firewall is a mistake but you certainly can
add one.

Here is a quick way to setup a firewall with apt-get.

Multimedia Limitations - By default you will find limited resources for

multimedia. However, Gimp, CD Player, Music Player, Sound Juicer, Sound
Recorder and Totem Movie Player are loaded. Most users will find themselves
searching for new options in this area.

If you are looking for a simple distribution, you are a new user with modest
requirements and you will make sure you load a simple firewall...take a look at
Ubuntu. For a home user that needs basics it is a good choice.

"Internet: absolute communication, absolute isolation” ~Paul Carvel

Imagine coming home from a rough day at the office.

Your meal is waiting for you prepared by your oven on its own .Your TV has
turned itself on. An intelligent vacuum cleaner comes out and cleans the place
by itself. So, at the end of the day you lay down to a
peaceful sleep. If all this happens, no doubt you are in
the world of Artificial intelligence!

In 1956 John McCarthy, regarded as the father

of AI, organized a conference to draw the talent and
expertise of others interested in machine intelligence,
for a month of brainstorming. He invited them to
Vermont for "The Dartmouth summer research
project on Artificial Intelligence." From that point
on, because of McCarthy, the field came to be known
as Artificial intelligence.

What is artificial intelligence?

“It is the science and engineering of making intelligent machines,
especially intelligent computer programs. It is related to the similar task
of using computers to understand human intelligence.”

Machines that can play master level chess have some AI in them, but
they play well against people mainly through brute force computation--
looking at hundreds of thousands of positions.
SPEECH RECOGNITION: In the 1990s, computer speech recognition reached a Head AI
practical level for limited purposes. Thus United Airlines has replaced its keyboard Project
tree for flight information by a system using speech recognition of flight numbers and
city names. It is quite convenient

Just getting a sequence of words into a computer is not enough. The
computer has to be provided with an understanding of the domain the text is about,
and this is presently possible only for very limited domains, because of AI.

The inputs to the human eye and computers' TV cameras are
two dimensional. A few programs works efficiently only with three
dimensions. At present there are only limited ways of representing three-
dimensional information directly, mainly due to A I.

One of the first expert systems was MYCIN in 1974, which diagnosed
bacterial infections of the blood and suggested treatments.

One important application is homodynamic analysis the evaluation of blood
pressure, heart rate and blood flow to the heart. The A.I
computer system produces three-dimensional maps, or graphs,
on a computer screen which illustrates each patient's
homodynamic status over designated periods of time.


“Instead of trying to produce a programme to simulate the adult mind, why not
rather try to produce one which simulates the child's? If this were then subjected
to an appropriate course of education one would obtain the adult brain.”
Alan Turing, 1950


Recently, 50 Th anniversary summit on artificial intelligence
was held at University of Zurich-Switzerland on July was organized by
ASAI50.The main objectives of their celebration are celebrating AI, coming together
and broadening views of intelligence.

Adaptive A.I. Inc was formed in
December 2001 to develop and
commercialize the world's first general
intelligence software engine. The complete
AGI engine plus associated support programs
are implemented in (Object Oriented) C#
under Microsoft's .NET framework.

AIB Artificial Intelligence Being

2003 (C) Isomer Programming(TM)
is an advanced chatterbox
intended to
be used as a desk assistant and
for entertainment purposes

According to BRUCE DARNER the future of AI lies in, the
so-called Tiny A.I.Bots and agents-micro intelligent prostheses –will argument
reality. They’ll extend the capacity and reach of the human mind and
community communications. His vision is that a person will exist in cyberspace
as avatar embodying their real-time presence. They will be surrounded by Tiny
AI’s that proxy them into many processes and aspects of virtual community.

Acia Hog
It is an integrated circuit that can be Refers to a program that makes
used in data communication use of a vast quantity or the
interfaces. exclusive use of some available
resource like main memory.
Refers to the phenomenon of cross Infonet
talk among a number of It is an international network
communication channels. system that can hook subscribers
into a range of data bases world
Cook-Book wide.
It is a step by step directory issued by
manufacturers which gives all Journal
instructions about installing and using It is a chronological record of
a program. entry made in a file or block of
It is software for use on commodore- Kludge
64 home computer that uses a lot of Refers to any hardware or
colour, sound and movement to software system obtained by
sustain child’s interest. temporarily improvising any
mismatched parts.
To imitate one hardware system with Lex
another with the help of electronic It is data conversion software
attachment. used for converting data in one
language format to another

Fail Safe It is a powerful, comprehensive,
It is a system designed to avoid management control system.
catastrophes, possibly at the expense
of convenience. Number Cruncher
Refers to a computer with a high
Genera degree of computational power.
A data conversion software used to
convert data in one language
format to another

It is a multiuser program system that Warm Boat
is used for operating a number of It is the process of fooling the
micro computer system. computer through the program
to realize that its power has
Parsing been turned off though the
power is still on.

Refers to the process X-Window

whereby the statements are broken It is an application programming
into syntactic units. language.

Quad density
It is used for specifying data storage
capacity versus space of the
computer disk.

Retro Fit Yoke

Refers to the process of improving an Refers to read/write heads
existing system by updating additions which are fastened together and
and operations. which moves as one unit over
two or more adjacent tracks on
Stub magnetic tape of disks.
Refers to a substitute component that
is used temporarily in a program so
that progress can be made.

Tag Sort
It is a sort of tag file but not a full
file used for quick retrieval of record
from the original file.

It is a home micro computer used for
education and home computing.
Video Digitizer Set storage location to zero
It is an input device which digitizes
the signals received from a video
camera and stores the information in
the computer memory

1. CLUSTY Search engine


This is one of the popular search engines, far more better than Google. It collects the
Search results by content and displays them in a Tree-Like View


URL: is a unique experiment in social book marking. What this means is that
members get to choose what news is displayed on the main page.



A directory of wonderful things! This is a mix between Lifestyle, Technology and

just about everything else. Art, literature, gadgets and stuffed animals… it’s all here!

4. Warez-BB


This is a Discussion forum. E-books, Software, Movies and Music are collected and
reviewed. You can make friends, hang out etc.

By Marc V Zephyrin

“Computing is not about computers any more. It is about living”

Quotes collected by Aishwarya Soundaar

We would like to Thank

v Pothys
v Farm Group
v Five Star Exports
v British Education
v Bohara Metal Products
v Sriram
v Sathya
v Rajalakshmi Associates
v Image Infotainment Ltd
v Vasanth & Co
v Kamakshi Lamipack Ltd
v Parvathy Ortho Hospital

APOLLO Garden designer

S.Raja B.Sc Agri
Ornamental plant

PWED constructor
HARDWARE Surathur Other available material
ENGINEERING Pandruthi • Humic acid
• Aulphuric acid
TECHNOLOGIES (District) • Organic manure
THIRUVANMIYUR Arun farm product
PH 24455038 25 Krishna Samy Nagar
cuddalore – 2
NEAR SIGNAL Ph-9344434867


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