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Grade & Section: ___________________________

Test I
Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. All of these metals are solid uniform mixtures except:

a. brass c. gold
b. bronze d. steel
2. Which of the following liquids is immiscible with water?
a. kerosene c. soy sauce
b. liquid soap d. vinegar
3. Which of following substances is insoluble in the water?
a. salt c. sugar
b. stone d. vinegar
4. What do you call a soft, heated mass of crushed leaves and other substances that is spread
over the skin to treat swelling or pain?
a. bandage c. poultice
b. ointment d. solution
5. What is a heterogeneous mixture’s base component?
a. It occurs naturally. c. It is the most abundant component.
b. It comes in small amounts. d. It is usually called additive.
6. Which of the following ingredients produce a heterogeneous mixture when mixed together?
a. oil and water c. salt and vinegar
b. sugar and water d. molten copper and zinc
7. Milk is a mixture a liquid butter fat and water. What kind of mixture is it?
a. colloid c. solution
b. foam d. suspension
8. Why does the sky looks blue in daytime and looks red during sunset?
a. Because of Brownian movement
b. Because of the suspended particles in the air
c. Because of Tyndall effect
d. Because of particles that are easily seen by the eye
9. What kinds of colloids are cloud and fog?
a. liquid dispersed in solid c. gas dispersed in solid
b. gas dispersed in liquid d. liquid dispersed in gas
10. What process is appropriate to get drinking water from seawater?
a. condensation c. rectification
b. evaporation d. evaporation and condensation
11. What do you call the liquid that evaporates, then condenses via a long tube into a collecting
vessel during distillation?
a. solute c. residue
b. solvent d. distillate
12. How do you separate into its different components the mixture of miscible liquids?
a. centrifugation c. evaporation
b. distillation d. rectification
13. The modern way of harvesting rice using a rice mill machine is an example of separating
mixtures by__________?
a. filtering c. panning
b. gravity d. straining
14. When you wash rice for cooking, you let the husks and dirt float in the water, then carefully
pour out the water until only rice remains. What is this process of separating water and dirt
from rice?
a. decantation c. panning
b. filtration d. straining
15. Which of the following mixtures can be best separated using magnet?
a. water and sand c. oil and water
b. sugar and salt d. sand and iron nails
16. What process is used to clean up polluted air?
a. dialysis c. homogenization
b. filtration d. electrostatic precipitator
17. Which process is appropriate in purifying water?
a. centrifugation c. distillation
b. condensation d. filtration
18. Which of the following is NOT a function of the skeletal system?
a. It protects the delicate organs of the body.
b. It supports the body.
c. It transports food to the different parts of the body.
d. It enables the body to move.
19. Which of the following bones protects the brain?
a. backbone c. ribs
b. hipbones d. skull
20. Which of the following components of the skeletal system holds two bones together?
a. cartilage c. ligaments
b. joint d. tendon
21. How does a muscle pull a bone?
a. The muscle expands. c. The muscle twist.
b. The muscle contracts d. The muscle flattens out.
22. What happens to the muscles when they are not often used?
a. They become toned. c. They become weak.
b. They become strong. d. They become big.
23. Which activity is made possible by smooth muscles?
a. blinking c. running
b. digesting d. writing
24. When does a person experience goosebumps?
a. The skin bumps on a hard surface.
b. He or she is surprised.
c. Someone has a phobia with geese.
d. The small muscle in the skin pulls the hair making it erect.
25. Which of the following is not a layer of the skin?
a. sebaceous c. dermis
b. subcutaneous d. epidermis
26. Which is the outermost layer of the skin?
a. dermis c. glands
b. epidermis d. subcutaneous layer
27. What do you call the opening at the end of the digestive tract when undigested materials
are excreted?
a. anus c. small intestine
b. rectum d. large intestine
28. What happens to the food after chewing?
a. It is broken into smaller pieces
b. It combines into bigger pieces
c. It becomes drier for easy swallowing
d. It is mixed with acids in the mouth
29. Which is NOT an accessory organ in the digestive process?
a. appendix c. pancreas
b. liver d. gallbladder
30. These parts are lined with mucus that help filter dust particles.
a. nasal cavity and larynx
b. nasal cavity and lungs
c. nasal cavity and epiglottis
d. nasal cavity and trachea
31. Where is the diaphragm located?
a. below the voicebox or larynx
b. covering the top of the voicebox or larynx
c. at the bottom of the trachea
d. below the lungs
32. What happens during in inhalation?
a. The ribs and the diaphragm contract.
b. The ribs and the diaphragm relax.
c. The chest cavity becomes smaller.
d. Air rushes out of the lungs.
33. What organ of the urinary system acts as a temporary storage of urine?
a. kidney c. urethra
b. ureter d. urinary bladder
34. What is NOT filtered from the blood by the kidneys?
a. excess salt c. oxygen
b. excess water d. urea
35. What will happen to the body when the kidneys stop working?
a. The body accumulates poisonous substances in the blood.
b. The body becomes healthy and strong.
c. The body sweats a lot.
d. The body will be dehydrated.
36. Ho many percent of the blood is made up of water?
a. 60% c. 80%
b. 70% d. 90%
37. On what kind of blood vessel does an oxygen-rich blood flow?
a. artery c. vein
b. capillaries d. venules
38. Why blood is important?
a. because it helps us keep healthy
b. because it has water that flows with it
c. because the blood is color red and it flows like a river
d. because it delivers vital nutrients and nourishments to the body.
39. What type of blood cell defends your body from infections?
a. platelets c. white blood cells
b. red blood cell d. plasma
40. Why is our nervous system important?
a. It absorbs the nutrients needed by our body.
b. It removes waste from the body.
c. It controls the other body systems so that they work properly.
d. It protects our body from harmful external elements.
41. What does the Greek word “mamma” mean?
a. breast c. milk
b. hair d. mother
42. Which of the following animals is NOT a reptile?
a. lizard c. snake
b. salamander d. turtle
43. Which of the following animals is an amphibian?
a. chicken c. frog
b. dog d. goose
44. Which of the following birds have strong, sharp claws and beak for catching other animals?
a. Birds prey c. Perching birds
b. Flightless birds d. Water birds

45. What layer of the Earth is made up of tectonic plates?

a. crust c. outer core
b. Inner core d. mantle
46. Where does an earthquake originate?
a. epicenter c. seismology
b. focus d. volcanology
47. What does PHIVOLCS means?
a. Philippine Institute of Volcanology
b. Philippine Institute of Volcanologist
c. Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology
d. Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismologist
48. Which of the following refers to the ground above the focus?
a. epicenter c. seismology
b. focus d. volcanology
49. How many hours does the Earth takes to complete its rotation?
a. 6 c. 24
b. 12 d. 48
50. Which is true about the Sun?
a. The Earth rotates around it.
b. The Earth revolves around it.
c. It is the farthest star to Earth.
d. It rises in the west and sets in the east.

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