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‫التمثيل املسراحّي‬

‫بمعهد دار الرحمة للتربية اإلسالمية الحديثة‬
Jl. KH. Tb Asep Basri Kp. Sanding Ds. Bojongnangka Kec. Gunungputri Kab. Bogor
‫التمثيل املسراحّي‬
‫بمعهد دار الرحمة للتربية اإلسالمية الحديثة‬
Jl. KH. Tb Asep Basri Kp. Sanding Ds. Bojongnangka Kec. Gunungputri Kab. Bogor

One day in city of sandfield there were many of very brave pirate gruups known for their
cruity (in the kingdom king morgan) the king was eager to find tresure that could make him
eternal. But the king could not sail alone. then, he decided to hold a contest. He also gat
hered the pirates from the city of sandfield, he asked them to find the treaser and who ever
cand find it will be given a very special prize. After along wait a black bird pirate is known for
him courage and captain jack sparraw is the king of the seos who will be his rival in the
The next day captain sparraw begins his courney to find the enternal treasure which is
desired by king morgan, then he enterd the bar so meet his crew.
(jack meet the vallet)
(so jack sparraw came into his protage were played a biliard)
After they went to seal at the ocean, to go in parodays island along the time met with black
bird pirates suddly jack sparraw ship was shooced at by canoon, of black bird pirates
Captain jack sparraw thought about the trick to face the pirates of blackbird through a
long time captain jack sparrow was gotten an idea to face them!
The fight between jack sparrow and blackbird was so sharp, they are fighting to reach the
treasure which is wanted by king morgan. Untrough a long time blackbird ships was broken
in the side of behind the ship.
(by full power blackbird said)
After jack sparraow hearing what blackbird said, he felt happy, cause there is no pirate
that will become his rival to find a treasure. But blackbird unadmitted about of his defeated.
Blackbird got an idea to get the treasure which is wanted by king morgan, he delegated
one of his protage to spy jack’sparrow by a small boat.
Finally the one protage of blackbird was going by a small boat to follow jack sparrow but he
didn’t find jack sparrow’s ship and he went to back without anything.
A long the trip that spent enough of the time least their arrived in one of island. Captain
jack sparrow and his protage arrival in paradays island.
‫التمثيل املسراحّي‬
‫بمعهد دار الرحمة للتربية اإلسالمية الحديثة‬
Jl. KH. Tb Asep Basri Kp. Sanding Ds. Bojongnangka Kec. Gunungputri Kab. Bogor

Finally jack sparrow and his protage return to continue their journey on the island of
paradays , they continue to search for the enternal treasure.
When they arrival at the place of treasure, the pirates of jack sparrow met the guider ofb
the of the treasure enternal
The fight between protage of jack sparrow and the guider of treasure was so sharp, but the
protage of jack sparrow unable to face him as the guider of his island, finally jack sparrow
went on to face him.
At the least the guider of the the treasure is defeated and die by jack sparrow’s and
carried up back to sandfield city to give it to king morgan.
When jack sparrow and his protage arrived at the palace, they brought the treasure
desived by the king, facing jack sparrow and his protage to the king.
Suddenly came a blackbird pirate and his protage into the palace and he intended to kill
the king!
Feeling unacceptable accompanied by anger after hearing what the king said, finally
blaclbird killed not the king, but failure that was killed not the king, but the prime minister
who protected the king
Blackbird anger gets higher and he again triess to kill the king, but fails again because jack
sparrow protecs the king.
Finally jack sparrow and his protage retrun to fight against blackbird, to protect the king.
The fight was very fierceness, and in the end jack sparrow and his protage again beat
Appropiated by the promise of the king. Jack sparrow and his protagge gotten a great
surprite that the tittle the king of pirate in sandfield city, and in th end jack sparrow was in
appointed as the king of pirates, in city of sandfield.
‫التمثيل املسراحّي‬
‫بمعهد دار الرحمة للتربية اإلسالمية الحديثة‬
Jl. KH. Tb Asep Basri Kp. Sanding Ds. Bojongnangka Kec. Gunungputri Kab. Bogor

























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