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Table 2.

1 Cooling tower types and characteristics

Sketch Characteristics and application notes

Tower type
(Typical) (Typical)

Air Flow • Air movement depends on induction forces.

• Fluid movement is parallel or crossflow.
Hot water
• Low maintenance as no moving parts.
• No recirculation of air occurs.
Natural • High pump head required as towers are high.
draft • Unobstructed location necessary.
• P
 erformance depends on prevailing
tower wind velocity and direction.
• C
 apital cost almost as high as for mechanical
draft tower.
Cold water
out • Quiet operation and lower running costs.
• Rarely used in HVAC&R systems.
Natural draft spray tower

• Stack effect increases with height.
• Better and more consistent performance
than atmospheric towers.
• Low maintenance costs.

Natural • Not suitable for high dry bulb applications.

draft • High capital cost due to size.
hyper-bolic • Close water temperature control difficult.
• U
 sed for high heat loads, large water flow rates
and large approach temperatures.
Hot water
in • Rarely used in HVAC&R systems.
Air in
• C
 ommon in power generation and large
Cold water out industrial applications.
Natural draft hyperbolic tower

• Fan situated at air intake.

• High air entry and low exit velocities.
Air out
• May be susceptible to recirculation.
• T ypically centrifugal fans with high resistance
Hot water capability.
• Generally noisier than towers with axial flow fans.
Fill • Generally incorporate fill.
• Discharge and intake air may be ducted.
• F an, drive and motor located in dry air stream
so less maintenance and corrosion is likely.
• F ans located at lower level so less vibration
Air in
and better access.
Cold water
out • Higher fan power requirement.
• Less physical space required for fan.
• Generally zero performance at zero fan speed.
• Common in HVAC&R applications.
Forced draft counterflow tower
Sketch Characteristics and application notes
Tower type
(Typical) (Typical)

Air out

Hot water

• F an situated at air outlet usually

at high level.
Fill Air in
• H
 igh air exit and low air entry
velocities so less prone to recirculation.
Basin • L arge fans with low speed
Cold water Sump and noise possible.
• Lower drift potential.
Induced draft, single flow cross flow tower with fill
Induced • Can operate with or without fill.
draft • F an, drive and motor located in moist
tower air stream so electrical protection is required
Air out
and more maintenance and corrosion is likely.
• Fan more susceptible to vibration.
• Less access for maintenance.
Hot water
• Generally smaller footprint than forced draft.
Fill • G
 enerally up to 10–15% performance
at zero fan speed.
Air in Air in • Common in HVAC&R applications.

Cold water

Induced draft counter flow tower with fill

• Vertical
 air movement is induced
Air out in opposition to the water flow
across the fill.
• C
 oldest water contacts the driest air
for maximum performance.
Hot water

in • C
 an be difficulties with access
for maintenance.
• Flexible air inlet location.
tower • A
 ir inlets on all sides reduce height
Air in Air in
and pump head.

Cold water
• Better suited to sub zero operation.
• Good
 option with small packaged
towers using centrifugal fans.
Induced draft counter flow tower without fill
• Common in HVAC&R applications.
Sketch Characteristics and application notes
Tower type
(Typical) (Typical)

• Horizontal
 air movement is induced over
the fill and water flows across the air stream.
• Generally a larger plan area but lower height.
Air out • Better access for maintenance.
• Lower pump head required due to reduced height.
Crossflow Hot water
Hot water
induced • Higher water loading reduces fouling potential.
Air in Fill Fill Air in
draft • Risk of recirculation higher due to reduced height.
tower Basin • Less tolerant of obstructions to airflow.
Cold water out
• Air inlets on two sides desirable.
• G
 ood option with small packaged towers
using propeller fans.
• Common in HVAC&R applications.
Induced draft double-flowcrossflow tower

Air out • A
 closed circuit cooling tower in which the
process fluid does not contact the cooling air.
• D
 ifferent types of fluids can be cooled including
water, plating solutions, quenching oils, chemical
Cooling solutions, gases, refrigerants and air.
Water water in
system Hot • The fluid cannot contact the atmosphere.
• O
 nly a small quantity of water is required
exchanger in the open evaporating water circuit.
Fluid Cool
• Can be natural, forced or induced draft.
cooler Centrifugal
• Reduced water treatment and corrosion.
• Reduced pumping requirement.
Air in • C
 an be heavier and larger
than open circuit alternatives.
• Increased fan energy requirement.
water out • T he tubes are sensitive to local
dry areas caused by solid deposits.

Closed circuit cooling tower • Common in industrial applications.

Air out

Water Cooling • See Fluid coolers.

distribution water in
• A
 closed circuit cooling tower in which the
Refrigerant refrigerant is cooled or condensed directly
Heat in
in a closed coil.
Evaporative • Can be air or water cooled or both.
condenser Refrigerant
out • R
 efrigerant management issues may restrict
system location or size.
in • Sometimes referred to as DX systems.
• Common in industrial/refrigeration applications.
Water basin
water out
Evaporative condenser
Sketch Characteristics and application notes
Tower type
(Typical) (Typical)

• A
 n attempt to combine the cooling tower heat
rejection effect with an architectural water feature.
• Water quality issues.
Ponds • Public exposure issues.
• Lower performance levels expected.
Cold water • P
 erformance depends on prevailing wind velocity
Hot water
out and direction.
• Rarely used in HVAC&R systems.

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