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BiB @Q Trey are gitis. They are tall. ( AH#%—AI ) They are Q ve you tke (apple/apples ) ? Q Tere are many ( bus ) in the street, Q Ws write is a doctor. She works in ah Q icixe a (pineapple ) QQ) ihe a doctor? ( s5STH ) 4 Arca see four___ana A keyia B. keys; an ©. akey; an orange bag on the desk. a Day is coming, | will buy some for Miss Liu. A. Teacher's; lower 8. Teachers’; flowers C. Teachers’; flower _D. Teacher's; flowers QQ 4 youn the same class? —No. We are in different A. the classes B. classes C. class SBI (FSR) SR Q mannose book is this? its Look name is on it. A. Mary's; Her B. Mary; Her ©. Mary's; Hers D. Mary; She portant in many ‘A. country B. countries C. countrys: A. any sticker B. some stickers C. any stickers Q -Here's some for you, —Thank you A tea B. eggs C. grape @ My favourite food is A. onions B, noodles ©. sandwiches @Q Wy home isnt far from the supermarket Its only walk, A. five minutes! 8. five minutes ©. five minute's D. five minute ay are too I need to buy a new pair. A. short; short B, shorts; short ©. short shorts Q@ open the please, ( dooridog ) (Japan/ English ) and French. Q Peonle nee speak @ Pustraia has many beautiful __ (beach) SB2H (SR) Q Tre __ on the wall mean "Wet floor. A. sign B. signs ©. thing D. things Q wy mumis cooking in the She is cooking fish and tofu A. living room B. kitchen ©. bathroom Q ans your is This new classmate Q ssa eeues. We have two Q trsisa (ARB ) about my grandfather. There is a book b ther Q vote can play football. can play b Q vote hurt his leg last Saturday. So he went o the h and saw a doctor. Q xeens—ees. There any ducks on the QQ We have dinner in the (moming/evening ) Q wy tavouite food is A. dumplings B, grass ©. water S830 ( FSR) Q —wrat ao you 2 Alike A. have; mangoes B. like; mangoes ©. like; mangos QQ —nto’s the woman with hair? —She's my A. long; brother B. short; uncle ©. short; aunt @Q | have two long _and two big A. fest; leg B. legs; foot ©. legs; feet QQ The rabbit has four (foot ) @Q Imi my ___ ( bathroomibedroom ) .'m washing my hair. Q shanghaiis a famous A. country B. city ©. street @ —can help your —Please show me the It's today. A. raincoat; sunny B. sweater; snowy C. T-shirt; cold Q | have orange and some A. a; peach B. an; peaches C. an; peachs D. a; peaches Q) Trisis our Chinese teacher. Her are so big A. nose B. mouth C. eyes @ ort play t00 many ( FBERYARE ) . It's bad for your eyes SRA (FSR) SR @ =wio is the _ of our school? Mr Doing is. A. leading B. leader ©. lead Q These are not my drinks. They are my two A. brothers B. brother's ©. brothers’ D. Brother Q sits a dictionary? ( SestseHaEst ) Are ? Q Wy brother and boty ke He kes volleyball an! ike badminon A. sport B. books: CC. animals @wotters aay on the sunday i A. secon May B. thi May 6. thre se Q aeutensudm These men are talking, Those are singing Qy These are my (friend: friends ) — The () are eating grass on the hill now. SASH (FSR) sesen7y wiaaBA @Q Tere is__ refrigerator the kitchen refrigerator is white, AA B. a; The ©. the; A D. the; The QQ There's ___min__word "mother QQ We cant see _sun at _ night A. the; the B. the;/ cal @Q inave A. apencil B. pene Q vr rating rowan Aa B. an ©. 7 @Q We can't see _sun at _ ight. A. the; the B. the;/ cas D. a the @a woman over there is____ teacher in our school. AKa B. The: a ©. The; the Q Wom tes her tte daughter old story every night. Aa B/ ©. an D. the a man in the photo is engineer. AKa B. The; an ©. An; the D. The: a a are Lily's neighbours. They are friends too. A. Wangs B. The Browns ©. The White SAL ( F128) @ = eer se our and___orange bag on he desk A. key, a B. keys; an C. akey; an Q raat that? it's ___ magazine Aa B. an ©. the Dy a man in black is from __ Australia. A. The; the BAS ©. The;/ D. As the Q_ mat cotouris it? A. Itis orange, B. Itan orange. C. It's an orange, Q rave __. A. an storybook B. an English book C. a English book Q@ wane. aan (1) Ihave ruler (2) Ihave apple. (3) Ihave book. (4) Ihave orange. (5) Ihave ___ pear. choose a ora to he banks, SB2m ( H12H) ___ orange ___umbrella ___ skirt ——eye cupboard dog Aa B. an a ‘Summer Palace is one of ____most beautiful parks in __world A. ithe; the B. The; a; the ©. The; the; the D. Aaa Q rave English book in my bag A. an Ba ©. my Q sesnwa (een, TeERETA) Be. elephant 2 egg apple hour 5_English teacher useful book 7Z_ orange evening play__9 piano play__10 _football|at__11__ night on__12__ Monday 13 umbrella QQ) There is __ standin tele Aan Boa are siting athe table and having their supper. A. Green B.TheGreen ©. Greens Q) | met a group of people trom Aa B. an QQ The word “ish” has_ Aan Ba USA on my way to school ©. the ©. the 583m ( H12H) ©. the D. The Greens QQ — doe your father go to work by car every day? —No, he sometimes takes bus. A. a, the B. the, a C. Ha D. a7 QQ doing ios of tistening practice is one of best ways of becoming good language learner. A. the, the B. the, a C. 7H a D. the, 73% Qea hot dog or drink milk Aaa B. a...some ©. Some...some A. eye B. mouth Q—©> you tke Yes, itis movie Zootopia? interesting film, A aan B. the; an C. a; the egg. Q trisis Aa QQ Bean 3h "some" sass, (1) ___ tiger (2) ___ elephant (3) ___ orange dog (4) _____ apple (5) ___ big apple (6) lions (7) —_pig (8) _____ monkeys @) ___egg SR4m ( H12) a UFO landed on earth (85%) yesterday morning. A. An, the B.A. the cAa D. Ana QQ irave_ eraser Aa B. an ©. the QQ) cts ady wit white har spoke English wellat_ meeting A. Anjan;a B. The; / jan ©. The; / ja D. The; / ; the @ takes sue hait___ hour to walk to the Bus Stop. Aa B. an ©. the @ Eric is not going to Zhengzhou by _ plane. Instead, he is taking train Aha Bay ©. athe D. the; a Q Lxyis university student. She likes playing piano, Aa Bathe ©. ans D. an; the Q tts__ant Aan Ba @ book at __ calendar. it's June 22 Aa Ban . the D./ Q Wee stay at ___ very nice hotel, ut | can't remember __ name. Aaa B. the, the ©. athe D. the, a QA that time Tom was one-year-old baby. Aa 8. an ©. the D/ SASH ( H12m ) Q | rave _ eraser. Aa B. the ©. an Q Hts raining, You should take umbrella, Aa B. an c.\ Q wvoua you tke a__? A. ice cream B. orange skirt C. blue T-shirt @ reve tests goo ta Aaa B. an; an ©. ana Q wyauntis pretty, she is _ driver, Aan Ba cr Q There: apple tree in front of__ house. A. an,/ B. the, the ©. an, the D. a, the Q Tre boys sometimes play _ basketball after school Al B. with ©. the Q —Wary, who's woman over there? She's my aunt, __English teacher A. the; the B. athe ©. the; an D. aan @ | have _ eraser. Aa B. an Q) wy sistertikes paying vioin white my brother ikes playing ___basketbal A. the; the B. the;\ ©. \ the Daa SR6mR ( $12) a are my neighbours A, Greens B. The Green C. The Greens a useful book itis! ‘A. What an B. Howa C. What a D. What Q Look and chose the coect answer A. Its.a sock. B, There're two socks. ©. There isn't any socks. Q ~00 you ike movie Zootopia? —Yes, itis___interesting film A aan B. the; an ©. athe D. the; a Q Wee ike piaying violin very much, A. the Ba cr @ vce has __e-tiend in the UK Aa B. an . the important city in ‘America. A. an; the B. the;/ cal D. an;/ 7H (FIR) oa a clever boy. A. What a B. What an QA she a French student? —No, she She is__English student. A is; an B. isn'ta ©. isnt; an D. isn't/ Q 100K! wno's boy over there? —Oh, he's my cousin, Bob. He is__ honest boy. A. a,the B. thea ©. the, an D. aan Q Look and choose the correct answer A, There's a book. B. It's an egg C. The monster is in the book Q wren we were on holiday, we stayed at __ hotel. Sometimes we had our evening meal at__hotel Aaa B. athe ©. the; a Aa B. any ©. some Bam ( H12R) Q Mini ikes playing football, but she doesn't like playing piano. ALI B. the; ©. the; the D. I: the Q trisis elephant, That is giraffe. A aan B. an; an ©. ana anpl ree in our garden. Under___ tee thereis__ young man Aastha Banthethe Cantos D, the thea @ ice is fondo paying ___piano but her father bought her__ vin A. the; a B. the; the Caa D. a; the Q!bovaht_ camera last month, anditis__ useful machine Aaa B. aan C. a; the D. the; an Q Wetxe__ A. drink a glass of water. todrink glass of water. —_C. to drink a glass of juice @ ore afternoon he found handbag, There was s" on the comer of. handbag. A. a;an; the Baza; the ©. an; an; an D. the ;a;a Q wren do people usually eat breakfast? They usually eat itin evening. A. the; a the B. [i /:the ©. i:han D. the; / the Q There is_ airport in xiaoshan airportis very large. Aaa B. an; The ©. /:The D. the; The @ ovrscrot nas _—_ at Festa evr yer Aa Ban c. the D./ Q 1021 who beautiful girl in red? 589m ( H12H ) —Oh, she is my deskmate. Aa ©. the D/ Q wat ___ beautitul fowers! Aa B. an c 1015 took. t8___ Ena booe Aaa B. aan ©. ana @ verso be engneroe day want ___ Gorman a Aaa Baan ©. an;an D. an:a sen is__ out manana vay wats ne dog ater supe A. athe Bana ©. ans D. the; / a nice pen A. What a B. What an a Great Wall is longest wall in the world. AKa B. The; the ©. A; the D. The: a Q Wve oot ideal Aa B. the ©. an Q wmysisteris __ dentist Aa B. an ©. the a NY, A. aeraser B. an eraser BLO ( 34128 ) in’ in the word "man. A aan 8. an;an Cana Daa Q's your aunt _ actress? A. an Ba er GQ Tris is__ interesting book Aa B. an ©. the Q have egg and a hamburger. Aan Ba ©. the Q) | have uncle and he works in Shanghai. Aal ©. athe D. an; the a new bridge has been built over_ Huangpu River. A. Thea BA/ ©. As the D. An; the in the word “full” Aa B. an ©. the DT @ % yoyr9__ anton, ty tors ploy lan Aaa B. athe ©. ithe Q Tre boy kes playing basketball very much Aa ©. the D./ Q we have _art lesson in _ afternoon Ala B. an; the ©. the; an a computers are very useful in our life. BLK (F412) AA B. The c/ @ vovcan soe __engisn vookunder te phone Aa B. an ©. some QQ wr Reads university professor. He is old professor. A. an; an B. athe ©. aan @ these chinese ook, mas book ané__Engis book A. avazan B. an; a; an ©. aan; an @ Livis good at music and tikes piaying_ piano. Aa B/ ©. the B12 (F412) ‘{RielEBD (— ) @Q - Mice is this_ bay? No, | think it's . A. your, her B. yours; his C. your, hers a pen is red and is red, too. A. She; my B. Her; mine ©. She}! D. Her, me Qui aboy. is in Class 5. A. am, He B. is, She . are, His D. is, He @ =e tke some nooates —Here are. A you B. your © sian sto os, but she thes paying A. She's B. She C. Her D. Hers QW orandimtneris very od and hairs A her ite B. his white ©. hs; ytow new toy? | can't find it. A you 8. your ©. yours D. mine Q many peopte lost homes in Yushu earthquake. A. them B. they ©. their D. theirs Q Misis not English book. is in the classroom. A. my; My B. my; Mine ©. me; Mine D. mine; My 1A (ATR) SR @ Fess sn choose tne coe answer Hove Alice, | love (ity her/him / them ) Q were - in the bedroom, my dogs? A is; Its B. are; Theyre ©. is; Theyre @ —excuse me what's _name, please? —____name is Jerry A. you; Your B. your, My ©. his; My D. her; Your Q wyuincte is funny and cool. We all ke _! A. you B. he ©. him Q —¥y mom oves my grandma. ~Yes, loves very much! A. she; her B. she; him C. her; her Q wamnrszs? Is that ruler? this book yours? --No, its not book. It is A. Is, mine, her B. Is, my, hers C. Are, mine, hers. Are, my, her Q@ diss iis music teacher, We all ike her very much Awe B. us ©. our D. ours Q-n. ‘A. something important; yourselves; some —_B. important something; yourselves; some to tell you, please help to fish, children. C. important everything; yourself; little D. something important; us; some 32K (ATR) SR Q wat are __ going to do on Sunday? A. them B. they ©. their Q nose toys 2 A. are these; Its mine Bist, They're mine ©. are these; They're mine QQ) eto! rm Linda eyes are big A My B. Me cl @ Ke doesn't have any son or daughter, so he ives by A. his B. him Che D. himself @) —s the mode! plane Andy? No, it isn't is at home. A. yours B. yours; My ©. yours; Her D. my; His Q rrrereisnt food in the fridge. —Let's go to the supermarket to buy A. any; some B. any; any ©. some; any QQ —dinneris ready, Help _ Kids! —Wow! It delicious. You are really good at cooking, Mum. A. yourself; looks B. yourselts; feels C. yourselves; sounds D. yourselves; tastes @ Liv was 9 years oid was old enough to go to school A. She, herself B. She, she ©. Her, herself D. Her, she €Q our friend wang Fang she told (read ) a book about the writer Shen Shixi and then (we ) something interesting in it. 33K (ATR) Q) The dog can eat with mouth. A. their B. its ©. its Q) Late loves robots and favourite robot is always Kuan. A. his B. their ©. her @) Wiss Lis an English teacher. teaches English A. He; we B. His; us ©. She; us Q_—+__intne sua? Yes, she is. A he B. she c. her QQ Pony isa tend ot Al 8. my ©. mine b. me a have a new schoolbag schoolbag is heavy. A lmy B. |, My c. Myt Qs this your suitcase? —No,itisn't Ie A. mine; hers B. my; she's ©. mine; her D. my; hers a is a policeman, English name is John. A. He; Her B. Her; His ©. He; His D. His; Her Q tisis (ourlwe) classroom. A. she B. him C. her SB4m (ATR) @ Please come in and make _at home A. you B. your ©. yours D. yourself Q Mike is my pen pal. | often help him with Chinese. A he B. his ©. him D. himself Q ris is my uncie.__ is a policeman A. She B. He ct QT vetris vey taous, tke book very uch A he B. his ©. him @ rreeiss now aryn_—_ sete A they B. them ©. their Q wisteris a cier works in a bank near here. A. She B.He el D. You Q biyisa beautiul gin is very thin A. He B. Him ©. She D. Her a penis red. pencil is green. A. Those; This B. This; Those ©. That; Those D. This; That Q —#2cuse me, is tis___ school? —No, __ is next to the post office A. your, our B. yours; ours ©. your, ours D. you; our Q = Mike, whatis —its ake A. this B. these ©. those SASH (ATR) SR Q Here's 2 postar or you, 0h, _isrom my end, Mary A he ait ©. she baits Q sits book? A. your B. you ©. yours Q can __show me hands? A. you; you B, you; your ©. your; you Q Eating too many sweets is bad for Awe BI cus D. our Q Im going skating. Would you ike to go with 2 Ame BI c. my D. mine Q Tre teachers are happy when_students win the prize. A. they B. th ©. theirs Qo orton, are aay rey thao us A. They B. You ©. We D. He @ Pess__ a fork, please A me 8 my cl @ Tomorrow is our teacher's birthday and we are going to give__a big surprise A. him B. his ©. himself GQ —wrat’s ___ telephone number? —____ telephone number is 6872-36 A. your: My B. you; My ©. his; Her D. her; His SRO (TR) Al B. me A. she B. her @ vont worn ean doit A. by me B. inme C. in myself SATA (ATR) he D. by myselt ‘{RielzBD (= ) a my English book and books are theirs. A. This is; that B. Thisis; those ©. Theseare; that. _D. These are; those @Q) 0 you tke ring? It was my birthday present. A. this B. those ©. these —Mike, whatis__? —its ake. A. this B. these ©. those Q -Wihose tousers__? —I guess they are A. is this; hers B. are these; her C. is this; her D. are these; hers © opts are ary ana tinda A. This B. That C. These Q wesnane mennanines? A. This is my sister. B. This is my father. Q wis (2%) __ @ A havent got any small change A. Sedo! B. Sohave| ©. NeitherIhave _D. Neither have | Q wit you please give the boy to eat? A. favorite something B. different anything 1A (ATR) C. popular everything D. something delicious @ There mistbe something wrong wih my ear. cant hear A. nothing B. anything ©. something D. somebody Q rrreveisnt food in the fridge. Let's go to the supermarket to buy A. any; some B. any; any ©. some; any @ sts sve nom toa A. something diferent B. different something C. anything different D. different anything @ reer pert ett cort nave sao A. any, some B. some; any ©. any; any Q potas tatheris hungry, but there is_ for dinner. A, something B. nothing ©. anything D. everything Q@ can go back home, There's to do here. A. thing B. nothing ©. allthings a lovely the roses are! Would you like to buy > A. How; some B. How; much ©. What; any D. What; some a of my parents are on holiday in Hainan now. A All B. Some ©. Any D. Both Q@ come ere! i have to tell you A. something important B, important something C. Some important thing D. very important something 32K (ATR) orange juice? Q — wouts you ke Yes, please. A. some B. any D. many QQ) The teacher has __ to tellus. A. something important B, Important something ©. some important QQ Lary asks Bill and Peter to go on a picnic with him, but of them wants to, because they have work to do A. either B. any C. neither D. none Q Eat ____hot dog or drink _mik Aaa B. a...some ©. Some...some Q Eventing here _ very good and healthy. Ais B. are c. am QQ | had looked _, but | couldnt find my glasses. A. nowhere B. anywhere ©. everywhere D. where Q—nat___are your —lam A. nation; China B. national; Chinese C. nationality; China D. nationality; Chinese QQ —__r your scootoag? —A maths book and a pencil box. A. What B. What's C. what's @Q-__e: —You should do more exercise. ‘A. What should B. How should C. What do 33K (ATR) Q murs rm hungry. for ane A. Wats 2. What c. where Q) — brie the window? —ts Liming. ‘A. Who B. What c. Which D. Where a nationality is Hans? A. Where B. What Cc. How D. Which. —t's 11 o'clock, A. How's the time B. What the time C. What's the time @ — incur new classroom? Many desks and chairs A. Where's B. What's ©. Who's a- is Mr Wang? —He is our PE teacher. A. Why B. How C. Who QQ — one do you tke the biue one othe red one? —The red one, please. A. Which B. What Cc. Where Q sais ‘on chair the What is ? @_ pores are nese 7 Are hey L Ming's? A. Wino 8. Whose ©. What b Where SB4m (ATR) Q | iine that Do you like ? A. pictures: it B. picture: it ©. picture; picture a is ver col today A. tis B. Its c. It's Dit = wiry does he tke running? — Because __ cool A, they are B. itis ©. they is @ =i nat your cousin? A. Yes, itis. B. No, he isn't, ©. Yes, itisn't @ —itresecapietns? A. It's Amy. B. It's Amy's, ©. They're Amy's, @ Tre woman bought a pet dog for_ son and he likes_ very much. A her: it B. her: its ©. she; it Q@ tetot rm Linda eyes are big A My B. Me el Q ronyisaroy. (He/she ) is my cousin. @ This new kind of ice cream tastes so delicious that | must share with my friends. Please give me___ two. A. other B. the other ©. another D. the others Q Achrisimas people like to give © ° gifts. (BAG) SASH (ATR) SR Try made te machine by A. themselves BI ©. himself @ Peter eared English by (he) Q | coute took atter when | was six A. herself B. myself ©. yourself D. himself @ Please come in and make _at home A you B. your ©. yours D. yourself Q) Peter and his sister Amy enjoyed ___at the dancing party. A. themself B. himself C. herself D. themselves Q vor wor tan doit A. bye & inme ©. inmyselt b. by myselt Q Hep Linda A. youself B. yourself C. yourselves @ boys, dont touch the machine, _ you may hurt A. of; myself B. and; themselves _C. so: yourself D. o yourselves @ -tave to tell you, please help to fish, children. A. something important; yourselves; some _B. important something: yourselves; some C. important everything; yourself litle D. something important; us; some @ Ke doesn't have any son or daughter, so he lives by A. his B. him c. he D. himself SRO (TR) Q@re to some fish, children, A. yourselves B. your ©. yours D. youself Q) Trey all enjoyed in the birthday party last night. A. them B. themself ©. themselves D. theyselves Q —dia you fina inthe park? =-No,|found there, A. somebody, everybody B. anybody, nobody C. anybody, somebody D. everybody, anybody Q Boys and girs, help _ to some steak A. yourselves, B. themselves C. yourself SATA (ATR) Wa wsAidBss @Q mvt cotour is the mango? —its A. amango B. nice ©. yellow QQ] wit you please give the boy to eat? A. favorite something B. different anything C. popular everything D. something delicious @Q Changchun is one of the Cities in China. A. cold B. colder ©. coldest @Q wusic courses are __to me than science courses A. interesting B. more interesting _C. interested D. more interested QQ sre was and she told us the news A. excited: happily 8. excitedly; happy _C. excitedly; happily. excited; happy Q _ te Han beonn ne trary? A. How long B. How soon C. How far D. How often Q@ Me auestion is _for me A. easyenough --B. enougheasy —C. easier enough _D. enough easier @Q tom is___ than Jack. But lam _ of the three A. tal tallest B. taller; tallest ©. taller; the tallest Q—__ ism writer —He's in the office, SB1 (HR) ‘A. Who B. Where C. What Q wricnis . singing, dancing or watching TV? A. relaxing B. more relaxing. most relaxing D. the most relaxing Q Etephants are animals on land. A. the heaviest B. the heavier ©. the heavy @ ooritbe Let me help you. A. sad B. sadly ©. excited D. excitedly @ Weider sisters two years ___ than | A. older B. old ©. the oldest Q Tre hamburgers smell {like them, A. salty B, healthy ©. delicious Q ceercise and smoke is good for your health A. most; least B. less; more C. more; less D. least; most a- do you go to school? —0n foot A. What B. Where ©. How a does Pat brush her teeth? Once a week A. How long B. How often ©. How much D. What ime @ tr 401g, You ar 46, Soyouare than me A. tal 8. taller ©. heavy D. heavier @ tts sure non te weather is geting 582m ( HR) A. higher and higher B. lower and lower —_C. hotter and hotter. colder and colder QQ —__tsthe scence museum? Q—__ tea — It's in the garden A. Where's B. Who's C. What's QQ Tree boys ony thre years ol, He's__ young to go to schoo A. enough B. very ©. too D. quiet @ Waresis Sze. Your tess Sze. Your eressis__than A. bigger; my B. smaller; my C. bigger; mine D. smaller; mine QQ tom and Jerry are in the _school. But they are in different A. same, class B. same, classes ©. difference, classes _D. different, class QQ Mats the ( heavier/heaviest ) dinosaur in this hall Q woumis in our family A. busier B. the busiest Cc. busiest D. the most busy iv 1.50 reves, Yu ar 161 mates, Youre tan me A. shorter B. taller C. younger Qtr re ood stents nat ney ofen gt ful mars in re exans A. asuch B. such C.soa D. such a QA rtre movie's Yeah , and we are really very when we see it 583m ( HR) A relaxing; relaxing 8. relaxed relaxed. relaxing; relaxed. relaxed: relaxing Q)~__ coves go tote cham wn yourtaniy2 Once a month A, How often 8. How soon . How long D. How far QQ Liming gets up tate every moming, and he late for schoo. A. always is B. is always C. never is D. isnever @ or re toss, ey 8___on, ant shes ao he oe wh ves oe ai A. the younger B. a youngest C. a younger D, the youngest Q conins makes chocolate cakes because we don't like chocolate A. sometimes B, never ©. often Q Tris is my elder sister. She is three years _ than me. A. old B. older ©. elder D. eldest Q wost dinosaurs are pandas A. heavy than B. heavier than ©. heaviest than _D. heavy more Q vou may be if you have a problem. A. exciting; worrying B. worried; worried C. worrying; worried _D. worried; worrying a apple juice would you lke to drink? A. How many B. How much ©. How D. What @© cornet une much money toby the phone. is A. cheap B. expensive C. beautiful Qs phone ie very big. ata a tablet SR4m ( HLL) A. small B. smaller C. bigger D. big Q Frank watches movies because they are boring. A. often B. usually C. never Q— #2 yournave nen? —At 12: 00 every day. A. When B. Where c. Who Q Look. its a ( ZLEBBY ) door. A ted 8. blue than all of his friends. A. tall 8. taller ©. tallest D. the tallest Q wren is the the train station, the bus station or the airport? A. far 8. farthest ©. father D. more far Q sma she does work Where ? Q mricnis the sun, the moon or the earth? A. smal B. smaller C. smallest D. the smallest @)2r12_ ante, noie_boyn nce A. talltaller 8. taller‘taler ©. taller; the tallest ©) —_pieres are nre on ne wat? —Five A. How many B. How much C. How tong D. How often 585m ( HLL) SR Qa. does your son go to school? B: He always goes to school at seven in the morning A. What B. Where ©. When Q's youre sister old to go to school? A. too B. enough ©. very D. quite Qtr pancake usualy tastes A. delicious: B. deliciously C. well D. wonderfully Qian __tat___my ee brtrr A. as; so B. such; as C. as; as D. as;such of my classmates. Q wromeie A. bigger B. the most biggest C. the biggest D. big Q Tre boy is _ young to carry the box. Let's go and help him, A. too B. so ©. very D. quite a- is the girl from? —She is___ the UK. A. Where's; from B. Where; from ©. Where; in Qitre you are, the you can work out the math problems. A. more carefully; more easily B. more carefully; easier C. more careful easier D. more careful; more easily GQ To keep a good diet, you should eat fruits and vegetables. A. more B. less C. litle Q twas raining when we went out. A. easily B. heavily ©. heavy D. softly SR6mR ( HLL) SR Qi iiss smn doesnt have housework to do today A. much B. many ©. alot D. apiece Q ts ctevenoctock, but ne A. sill works B. stil working C. is stil working _D..stillis working Q) Timmy is one of __ in Class Two. A the tallest boy ——_B. the tall boy ©. the tallest boys _D. the tall boys Q wy brother tikes that painting very much. A. old French interesting __—B. interesting French new _. interesting new French Q Mike has many good habits. He gets up early in the morning and goes to bed late. A. always; never _B. sometimes; always C. never; always _D. often; sometimes Q rave A. long black hair B. black long hair C. black long hairs @ Video games are___toysin he USA A. the most popular B. the more popular C. popularest dress. We don't have a cheaper one, Q mats ine A. biggest B. smallest C. cheapest D. longest GQ — ate there in your family? —Three. A How many peoples 8, How much people ©. How many people Q Your book is__and tam so_ init A. interesting; interesting B, interested; interested 7H (FIR) C. interested, interesting D. interesting, interested A. happy B. happily ©. badly Q veingis than Shanghai, but Shanghai is than Bejing, A. biger, modemer B. bigger; modemer C. bigger; more modem D. more big; more more modern @ ret mangoes. __eat nam A. always B. never girl and she does homework Qrmics A. careful; carefully 8, careful; careful C. carefully; carefully Q Tis picture is one of __ pictures at present, ‘A. mostpopular. —-B. more popular. the most popular. popular Q Shenzhen is one of the __ beautiful cities in China A. most B, much ©. more Q i wit buy the red pen, itis than the green one. A. cheaper B. cheaper ©. cheapir Q — tonyis a great footbal player. Yes, And Jason can play footvall___him, A. as good as B. aswell as C. as bad as D. as badly as trea you eat A, How much B. How many C. How well $B8m ( HR) Q ‘He walks to school every day". This means "he walks to schoo!" A. often B. usually C. always -— Where shall we eat tonight? — Lets call Mike. He ___ knows the best places to go A. only B. nearly ©. seldom D. always Q) the weatheris today. ( sun ) © Arona te sudo, Sly rade the mistakes inthe exams on February 2%, 2047 A. fewer B. fewest C. less D. least big to eat Q Meares ‘A, too much B. too many ©. too D. many Q tts29°c.1ts (7889) QQ —wvnere isthe red book? A. It's on the floor. B. It's so big! C. Its a book. Qn than my friend, Jim A, short B. shortest C. shorter D, the shortest QQ The Yangtze Riveris one of in the world. A. the longest river B. longer river ©. the longest rivers D, longer rivers @ Wy siser__a bog A. sometimes write B. sometimes writes C. write sometimes Q eayourto0a please, You don't need to hurry! 589m ( HLL) A. slow B. slowly C. quick Q Tremere oxorcseyoutake, —__youwi be A. healthier B. happier C. the healthier D. the weaker Q Pandas are A. blue and black B. white and yellow CC. white and black Q Me nis very A. interesting B, interested C. interest @ He found a phrase book and read it A. slow B. tobe slow ©. slowly D. being slow Q There must be __with the machine. it cannot work A. something wrong 8. wrong something C. anything wrong. wrong anything QY rotayis very | want to go swimming. A. rainy B. hot . windy @ Mike is__ than me. He is the __in our cass. A. tal: taller B. tallest; taller ©. taller tallest Q isin A. badly; well B. good; badly ©. bad; well D. well; bad but she swims ae cate ooke —Yes, and it tastes even A. well; good B. good; better ©. good; worse D. better, best Qin summer, the sun rises early and sets_ ‘S10 (F110) A quick 8. early C. late @ tomis____ than Jack. But |am the _ of the three. A, short: shortest B, shorter; shortest © Mrs reels hotto eat ‘A. too much B. too many ©. too 1K (11M) D. high C. short; the shortest D. many more Slab Q setssenesex 1. threeHwo= A. one 2. onexthree= B. two 3. five-four= ©. three 4, fourstwo= D. four 5. onetthree= E. five A. Ihave seven pens. B. | have six pens. Q woonis Today is his birthday. A. twelve; twelfth -B. twelve; twelve. twelfth; twelve. twellth; twelfth QQ) Trere are months in a year, and September is the month A. twelve; nineth —_B. twelfth; nineth—_C. twelve; ninth D. twelfth; ninth Qo #8 Hsie (TB «F) 1 —What time is it? It's four o'clock SAL ( F128) —What time is it? it's six thirty, —What time is it? t's twelve o'clock. Q-wirat me ist - (840) A. Itis twenty to eight B. Itis twenty to nine. Itis forty to eight —_. Itis eight to forty @ Ther Engen teacher's teaching them tesson A. first B. the first C. one D. the one Q How say 6:35 n Engin? A. Twenty ve osx &, Twente to seven C. Thitty five to six. D. Thirty five to seven @ tuto page and look at the _ picture. A. twenty-third; second B, twenty-three; second _—_C. twenty-three; two Q Tre boy is only and today is his birthday. A. nine; nine B. ninth; nine ©. nine; ninth D. ninth; ninth Q — How much is this CD player? dollars A. Two hundreds B. Two-hundreds ©. Two hundred SB2m ( H12H) SR students watch this film A, Hundreds of B, Hundred ©. Hundred of Q mwrat time is it? —It's 6:45. A. six forty B. a quarter to six ©. a quarter to seven a of people were homeless ( Je2IISAY ) after the storm A. Hundred B. Hundreds C. Two hundred D. Two hundreds: @ she went to the bookstore and bought ‘A, dozen books B. dozens books C. dozen of books —_D. dozens of books Q tere are (four ) seasons in a year. Qo many pats? A. Fine, thanks. B. Four. C. I'd like some cake. @ Ter are nunareds of teachers nour school and of hem are__ teats. A tree hundreds, woman B. three hundred, woman C. three hundreds, women D. three hundred, women © — How many books are thereon your bookshet? —About A, one hundreds five B. one hundred five C. one hundred and five D. one hundred fives QQ —n0e8 te movebegn at 207 Yes. It's now. We still have twenty minutes. A. ten eight B. ten to eight C. ten past eight D, ten to nine 583m ( H12H) SR QQ —How olds this tree? —its___years old A. three hundreds B. third hundred C. three hundred Q tts745.1tis A. a quarter to eight B, a quarter past eight ©. a quarter on eight Q) There are _ seconds ina minute A. six B. sixteen ©. sixty D. sixth Qj —How much __ these clothes? —Theyre A. are; ninety B. is; ninety yuan ©. are; ninety yuan Qicisht—tve= A. two B. three Q sre nas nine yuan. Wha bout you? A. hundreds B. hundred C. hundreds of How or are your —'m old. A. six B. six year ©. six years Q) The next two numbers after thirty-nine are A. forty and forty-one 8. thirty-nine and forty C. thirty-eight and thirty-seven D. forty, forty-two Q) There are__months ina year. A. twelve B. ten ©. thirteen SR4m ( H12) Q) there are days in a week AT B. seventh ©. seven QQ The teacher wanted us to write a__artcle A. five-hundred-words B. five-hundreds-word C. five-hundredword D. five-hundreds-words A. three hundreds book B. three hundred books C. three hundreds books D. three hundreds'book @ —fxcus0 me, now many students are there in your a ub? —There are A. twelve B. twelfth C. the twelfth D. twentieth Qi Trere are days in Apri, and today is the day. A. three; third B. thirty; thirtieth C. thirtieth; thirty Q trate area students in that school. A. hundred B. hundreds C. hundreds of D. hundred of a people watched Beijing Olympic Games on TV in 2008 A. Thousandof -B. Thousands ef _—. Thousands D./ Q Tre school has eight students, A. hundred B. hundreds ©. hundred of D. hundreds of Q) there are days ina year. A. three hundred and sixty five B. three hundred and sixty-five C. three hundreds and sixty five D. three hundreds and sixty-five Q) —wrrat time is it? SASH ( H12m ) —A quarter to eleven. A. 10:45 B. 11:15 c. 11:00 Q How do you say the year"1809" 2 A. One eight O nine B. One thousand eight hundred and nineteen C. Eighteen nine. D. One thousand eighty-nine. Q proatt of the workers in the factory were bom in the A. two thirds; 1970 B. two thirds; 1970s C. two third; 1970 _D.. two third; 1970s = do you come back home? —leome back home ata___to twelve. @ Each of us has to write a report every two weeks. A. two-hundred-word B. two-hundreds-word C. two-hundreds-words D. two-hundredwords Q emsmmsnsmmsiee 1. eight A. thirteenth 2. nine B. eighth 3. eleven ©. eleventh 4, thirteen D. ninth Q@ oo straight ahead and take right, A. second B. third ©. the second Q i ive on__foor. A. the five B. the fiveth ©. the fith SR6mR ( $12) months in a year. The month is December. Q rere ae A. twelve, twelve B. twelfth, twelve C. twelve, twelfth Q tnssimasnesemcee, meu: ‘A. My schoolbag is on the second floor. B. My schoolbag is on two floors @ fe many foreigners, Guangzhou is becoming their_ hometown, A. two B. second ©. the second D. the two Q) Mrisis senys birthday. | want to buy him a present. A. twelve B. tweltths ©. twelveth D. twelfth a month is September. A. Nine B. The nine C. Ninth D. The ninth A. four B. fourth ©. fourteen D. forty @ Pre arroomisontne tox A. two B, second ©. one QY Today is my grandpa's birthday. A. seventy B. seventieth ©. the seventieth _D. seventeenth Q 0 on__ tor. A. Room 303; the two B, 303 Room; two ©. Room 303; the second D. 303 Room; second Q Tre teachers! office is on _ floor. A. one B. second ©. the second 7H (FIR) GQ Tre building has floors and | live on the floor, ‘A. twentyefirst; eighth B. twenty-one; eighth C. twenty-one; eight. twenty-first; eight Q How many trends will come to your birthday party? A. fifteen B. the fiteenth ©. fiteenth D. fiteens Q arteannmrane. (1) There are__ (four) seasons in a year. (2) Look at the picture, the _( five ) boy is my brother. (3) My English teacher lives on the _( one ) floor. (4) Ihave ____( three ) classes in the afternoon. (8) My ttle brother is (two ) years old. Q seviemers__ot the yer A. the ninth month B. the nineth month —_C. nineth month D. ninth month a —How can | (getigets ) to your school? Tum left at the (twolsecond ) traffic lights @ —can you ten te way ote museum? —Walk along this street, tum right at__ crossing A. the third B. three ¢. thira Q) Today is my fathers _ birthday. A. fourth B. fourteenth ©. fortieth D. forty Q inthe UK Ive on the ground floor, but in the US, itis called the _ floor. A. first B. second ©. one D. underground Q sername. (1) one Bam ( H12R) SR (2) two (3) three (4) eleven ____ (5) eight___ (6) twelve Q — ters a wrong word in Line B. Two, second C. Second, two D. Second, second @— How ott your daunier = We had a special party for her birthday last week. ‘A. Nine; nineth B. Nine; ninth C. Nineth; nine D. Ninth; nine Q —reout of the students in our class were born under the Year Horse Oh, that is to say they were born in A. four-fifths; 2002 B. four-fifths; the 2000s C. four-fifth; the 2000s D. four-fifth; 2002 @ retary iste month ofthe year A. first B. second C. third D. fourth (twenty/ twentieth ) birthday. Q terey i ry ster Q There are so many new words in the lesson A. twenty-one B. twentieth-first ©. twenty-first Q —aich room are you ving in? sin on floor. ‘A, Room 303; the two B. 303 Room; two C, Room 303; the second D. 303 Room; second 589m ( H12H ) Q ive on the second floor and Tom lives on the __ floor. (nine ) Q —wrereis cass — It's on the floor. A. Six; third B. Sixth; third C. Six; three D. Sixth; three @ Mrs iene time in__ ays that he nas mace he same mistake A. second; three B. two; three C. two; third D. second; third months in a year. The month of a year is December. Q rere ae A. twelve; twelve B. twelfth; twelfth _C. twelfth; twelve D. twelve; twelfth, A. five B. fifth C. the fifth Q mare's your birthday? its on the ___ of Octobe A. thirty-first B. thity rst ©. thirty-one Q Thursday is the day of the week A. third B. fifth ©. sixth @Q) — were is the computer room? Its on the floor Al B, fist ©. one Q) Fevnaryis the month of a year. A, second B. third ¢. fourth There re sues onthe box, THe one 80 A. fh five B. five; five C. fives fith BLO ( 34128 ) Q rourciass of the students girls A threesfith; are. threesfifth is ©. three-fifths: are. three-fifths; is Q our ciassroom is on the (one ) floor. QQ wvrere isthe art room? sits A. at the second floor B. on the second floor C. on the two floor Q Mother's Day is on the s ‘Sunday of May. Q@ Mayisthe month of a year. (five ) Q) Tre teachers’ office is on __ flor A. one B, the second ©. second Q septemberis the (nine ) month of the year. QY Tomorrow we are going to learn the (two) lesson. Q) He is my sisters _ teacher. A first B. the first ©. one Q wy pirthday is on July the (one) ©) mivtats the date today? =its A. May the fourth 8. May four ©. the May fourth. fourth May BLK (F412) A. one B. two ©. second Q oak is the largest city in Japan, (two ) Q 0 you know the (five ) boy in the picture? @ = Wihen is your ithaay? —Wy bitdeyison eof October. A eit B. eighth ©. elgty Q) Today is August A. the twelfth B. twelve C. the twelve D. twelveth Q tis Apri today. A. twenty-one B. twenty-first ©. twentieth-one @ christmas day is on of December. A. twenty-five B. the twenty-five C. twenty-fifth D. the twenty-fifth B12 (F412) BsaugZs il abD @ ste cats __fo04, so she is_fat ‘A. much too; too many B, too much; much too ©. to0 much; many too D. much too; too much @ rave oranges and orange juice. A. allite; afew B. afew; alitle ©. afew; afew @Q bought exercise books with money. A. afew; afew B. afew; alitle ©. allt; a few D. alle; a title @©Q There are some books on the desk. ( BUSES ) © pave some an some A. candy: egg @. ik; broad ©. robot te Qe pot 409 and ink mie Aaa B. a...some ©. some...some Q@ wre there __ flowers near the river? Yes, there are ‘A. some; some. B. any; some A. acup of B. an ©. acup Q There's only milk and tomatoes in the fridge. A. allie; a litle B. afew; alitle ©. allt; a few SBI (FSR) Q wa s0 hungry that | ate two A. bowis of noodle B. bowls of noodles C. bow! of noodles Q trees ice-cream in the reftigerator. A. any B. some ©. few @ can! nave __ rice? Aa B. an ©. some @ cortnave __tessns_—_ sunday morn A. some; on B. any; on ©. any: in Q ~can you see _ apples _the tree? —Yes, | can A. some; on B. some; in ©. any; in D. any; on Q There isn't___ meat. Pass me a piece of meat A. some B. few ©. any Q —Wey I have orange juice? Here's Here you are A. some; a few B. any; some ©. some; alittle —D. anyrallitle Q wet axmnion, The king isn't clothes. @ Wee shouldnt eat too __candies, and we shouldn't drink too _cold water. A. much; much B. much; many ©. many; many D. many; much @p —Lo0k. there are so __cakes on the table. —Yes, but had too___food this morning A. many; many B. much; many ©. many; much D. much; much SB2H (SR) @ 10011 __sheop___ grass over there A Atew eating —B. Alitl,eat —-—C. Afew.areeatng _D. Few is eating food every day, there are still hungry people in the world, we shouldn't A. too many; much B. too much; many C. too many; many @Q | have lessons _ Monday morning. A. some; on B. any; on ©. any: in Q —00 you see birds in the tree? NO, but! see ___ monkeys init A. some; any B. any; some ©. any; any Q rrrereisnt food in the fridge. Let's go to the supermarket to buy A, any; some B. any; any ©. some; any Q 0 you have 2 A. any sticker B. some stickers ©. any stickers QQ There are __ books on the table. A. any B. some ©. an Da @— Wis youtke ting tank —Thank you. But| don't want to drink A. some; some B. some; any ©. any; some D. some; some @)— oo vau nave toy care Yes. |have___ toy cars. A. some; any B. any; any ©. any; some 583K (FSR) in the street, A. tree B. car ©. people ©) There is___ bread in the fridge, let us go to buy some, ? A ttle; will you B. few: shallwe C. afew; will you. some; shall we Q) sre has ‘eggs and milk for breakfast. A. afew; afew B. afew; alitle ©. allie; a few Q —woutd you tke juice? —Yes, please. A. some B. any ©. little D. many @Q Trey nave__ A. many tea B. much oranges ——_C. much burgers D. much bread B: Some please. A. hot dog B. noodles ©. ball @ There are___ grapes on my uncle's farm A. lot of B. lots of C. alot rain this year, so the trees and grass don't grow well, A. little B. alittle ©. few D. afew did you walk back to the hotel? Because | didn't have money ataxi / no; for C. Why; any; for D. When; some; to A, How; no; to B. Wh SRA (FSR) Q —orinking too cola is bad for your health —Thank you, Doctor. | just drink ‘A. many; a few B. many; a little C. much; a few D. much; a little Qs tke milk —OK! Here you are. Aa B. some ©. an Q —can have apple juice? —Sorry, there isn't___apple juice. A. any; any B. any; some ©. some; any SASH (FSR) @ sites . mee: ‘A. Look! They are near the bed B. Look! They are on the bed. C. Oh! It’s here Q©>y ke tikes to play football Sunday, A. the; at B. Ion ©. fat D. fin Q rev have a party seven o'clock. A. is going to; on B. are going to; in ©. are going to; at @©Q He 008 10 work _ every day. A. by their bikes —_B. by his bike ©. by the bike D. on his bike @ bese ends youtorme ne way te pat A. me; on B. me; to ©. hte the post office. A, far B, near C. near from Qcaiiyou fish me? ~Yes, | A. cooking; to; wil B. cook; for; do ©. cook; for; will Q) Mita do you have Thursdays? Aat B. on ©. in SBIR ( HOR) Q Wee dont go to school _ Friday A at Bin ¢. on D. by @ — 20 you g0 to Beijing from New York? —___ plane A. Where; By B. How; On ©. How; By Q vou show your books order. A. putting; in B, put; in ©. puts; on Q@ 100, the cinema is_ the restaurant. A. next B. next to ©. to Q Protos are _the wal Aon B. in ©. under D. at @ Piease tum right __the crossing A at B. in c. on —Where ___my sunglasses? Theyre the floor. A. are; in B. is; on ©. are; on the shop at 8 am. Ato B. along C. beside D. at Q tts warm September Ain B. on cat D. for Q@ You should walk __the street A. along B. for ©. with D. at SB2H (OR) A. behind B. next C. in Ain B. under Cc. on Qi Hretenis infront of me. tamer A. behind B. in front of C. beside D. next Q Breve Jobs died_ 2011 Aon B. in ©. at QQ) Mike usually gets up _ o'clock _ Saturday A. al,on B. on,on ©. in at D. at. In Q setup 10 o'clock every morning Ain B. on ©. at a you tell me the way the lake? A. Could, on B. Could, to ©. Are, to @ We can meet___ the park gate__ 3:00 pm, A. at on B. on, at ©. atat QQ) The birds are fying _ the rivers and mountains A. over B. to con @)—0e you ust got schoo! foot, ane? —Yes, ut tke to goby ar Aon! Bona ©.by/ D bya 53H (OR) SR @) | usually get up _ 9:00 am A at B. in ©. on D. with QQ ann birthday is January 11" Ain B. on cat Q #8, weisz (7) BOF). This is a classroom. There are three desks and two chairs ‘The computer is on the teacher's desk. There are three windows. ek Oena The blackboard is near the door. Q Ley artives in Shi 11:00 the moming February 2. A. in on; at B. at; at; on ©. at in; on Q The young men walked the forest and came to a big river at last A. on B. over ©. through D. across Qs cold in Guangzhou January. Ain B. for ©. of Q tre arivea__ Being _10:30_ May 12 A. atin; at B. to; on; at ©. in; on; at D. in; at;on London six this morning. SR4H ( HOR) A. at, at 8. at,on ©. in,at D. in, for Q) There is a cooking class ‘Sunday morning 9:00. A. in;on B. on;at ©. atvat @ ie cisntgo ote party not thee but___ ne wa A, because of, because B, because, because ©. because, because of D. because of, because of @©)Acatis runing ster a mouse. Te cats the mouse A. in front of B. behind cin different cities come to visit Shenzhen every year. Q Areter eon Aon B. at ©. from Q Weetthave a meeting at Hiton Hotel May, 2015. A. on B. in ©. at D. from @ —sxcuse me, __ can | get tothe restaurant? You can turn left__the bookstore. A. Where; at B. How; on ©. How; at Q_ the morning of June 27, they visited the Great Wall Ain BAt ©. From D. On @ Sunisatall gi__glasses. Do you know_? A. with, her B. in, she ©. by, herself D. at, she Q Trev lve the floor. A. in; ninth B. in; nine . on; ninth D. on; ninetn SASH ( FOR) A. is, in B. was, in C. were, on @Q —wen were you born? —1was born May ‘st, 1990. Ain B. at on @© He vavaty goes to schoo! __bus, ut he went soho! A. by; in B. by; by ©. on; by @___ Honey we goto senoot___sevenezock A. In; at B. At, in ©. On; at SHOR ( FOR ) D. was, on. D. for his father's car today. D. in; by D. On; for las @ Shanghaiis a beautitul city its quite noisy, A. and B. but ©. also QQ —'s yournew bike red green? = Its green Aor B. but ©. and @ He has no brothers _ sisters Aor B. and . but D. with QQ werd better hury itis getting dark A. and B. but cas D. unless Qt song ingtng_showas rest A. because B. so c. but @ Hews about goto bed__the door arg A. while Bas ©. before D. when @a | work hard, |__pass my exam. A If will B. If; won't ©. Unless; wil @ susan wit not arive at the airport on time _ she hurries up. A. when Bit ©. once D. unless Q ‘cont have nice clothes ___shoes. A. some, and B. any, and ©. any, or SBI (FSR) a you [ike art, so let's go to art club together. A. And, and B. Either, or ©. Both, and Q ke likes Engtish its easy. A. and B. or C. because Qi hurries | wouldn't be late for class. A. since B. so that ©. asi D. unless @1 shore wer closed adr get ny i Aso B. but cor Iwas at middle school Q earned ate Russon A though B. although ©. asif D. when Q wy hobby is swimming my favourite season is summer. A. 80 B. but cit Q i ite music my brother likes video games. Aor B. but ©. s0 Q Vout miss the train you hurry up. A. unless B. as cit D. until Q wy grandpa is 67 years old, __he looks young A. so B. but ©. and D. however @ Hr eryou now ne comes back A. before B. because C. as soon as D. although Qe crtren cart read we SB2H (SR) A. and B. to C. or Trey wentto he ocean park they got up A. before B. after C. when Qq— toes tne car stop? an old man is crossing the road. A. What; so B. Why; Because C. Why; So D. What; because @ wiricn would you tke, si; toa___ coffee? A. all B. and Cc. or Qiteore ie ea A. but; don't B. but; doesn't ©. and, doesn't QQ | don't ke temons _ they are too sour. A. but B, or ©. because QQ | don't have any pens pencils, A. and B. or ©. too D. also X's the school on your right ‘on your left? B: On my right A. and B. or c. but Q) ice spring, A why C. because D. for Qe home she was satisfied his answer yesterday. A. didn't go; unt with B. wasn't go: after to C. doesn't go; before; with D. didn't gor until, to 583K (FSR) SR I don't like spicy food, either. Qo doe te spy fod A. and B. or ©. s0 QQ ive in Canada, 1'm not a Canadian, A. but B. and ©. s0 D. because Q = dorittke singing dancing, What about you? —Idon'tiike dancing ___1 like singing A. of, and B. and, but ©. of, but Q catiataxi, you will miss the train. A. and B. though ©. because D. or Q's yourart teacher tal short? A. for B. and cor QF tke to go with you, I'm too busy. A. and B. or c. but D. so ©) __ restore sats utes covered by wate eth watr ivr rare ane rectus AAS B. Once cit D. Although basketball? €Q —can you play ping-pong —1can play ping-pong A. and Bor c. but D. with @ wy mother tikes litle animals _ they are friendly and gentle, A but Band cor D. because | was a little girl Q) wanted to be a scientist A. after B. before ©. since D. when SRA (FSR) a we are old, we still work in the fields every day. A. Although B. But ©. However D. Because SASH (FSR) ahilebss @ | tke __ because they can _ mie A. cats; catch B, cat; catching ©. cat; catch QQ Tre sandwiches very hot Als B. am ©. are @Q — wat those? —They ducks. A. are; is B. are; are C. is; are Qe because they can an they ara A. rabbits; hop: cute B. rabbits; hopping; cute C. rabbits; cute; hop @— sou sepaneser — A: tam B. Are Lam not 6. estan Q's 0y ty name Tom My ends inthe payoroun A. amare Bare: amis am: areis a bank manager in 1919. @ Areer he finished school, he A. works as: B. worked ©. worked as Que get up late, but now he getting up early. A. used to; is used to B, used to; used to C. is used to; used to D. is used to; is used to Q Tre coat be Lily's. She wears it very often. SB1m ( HO ) A. may B. might @ wyrwieris__acako__ my vita. ‘A. making: to B. making; for C. doing; to @ trey ary citron? A. Have ot a. Has; oct @ Hier eon devng at day, ne __bo tre A. need 2. can ©. sha my friends. Q vane and Tom A am B. is Q were you from? Ais B. do C. are a this an___car? A. Am; Italian B. Is; Korea Q sax (1) tall (2Sti5) (2) go (SB=AeeX) (3) Li Ming ( iT) —__ (4) he (28) —__ (5) black ( f2Si5)) __ Q@ tesuensmes. (1) HAT? HR LER, HORA EINbRRTRS.. —What's_ She 582m ( HOR) C. must D. doing: for C. Have; get D. must ©. are C. Is; English —She____ her new pen. (2) AERA? BREWER RREARL. Mase. —What do you ike ____Christmas? like the on the bed. Then, | for the (3) BARMTERRLT : 00 B43, 1 books seven o'clock the evening Q Fin the bianks with am, is, are, have or has ( F3 am, is, are, have, hasiBZ= ) (1) —What that? —It's a goose, (2) —___they cows? —Yes. The cows ___ white and black. (3) |___Old MacDonald. |__a farm. My farm _big. (4) 1____five ducks. They ___lovely. Q wemsemes sea. () FATE, There isacar____ (2) FT ROTRE BE ? What ___ you @) mECER. Please give (4) BOER, im ___ these books (5) AEST ER MENR. that vase. the house. those plates? QQ Bitvere be wt have poTEMAZStE, (1) |__anew dress. (2) He____anniice cake. (3) ___ any books on the desk? (4) ____ some water in the bottle, (5) Whatdo you___? (6) Ourteacher__ some interesting books. (7) Your parents ___a big tent. 583m ( HOR) (8) a lot of skirts and a dress on the sofa (9) _____ any soup on the table. (10) What does your mother___? Q wezawss. (1) ___you like some beet? A. Can B. Would Are (2) What would you ite dinner? A. for B. of in (3) Here you A am B. is are (4) We _____ some fish and rice. A. have B. has. to have (5) Can!____ some juice? A. have B. has. like Q cams. () fe (2) eee ___ @ FC) @) Fe __ (6) Fru _ © WH. Bb (7) HE (8) +a QQ) Read and write ( FaRTHBRNIAANIEAL SURE ) (1) Mysister____(be) a student. She ___ (have) some good friends. (2) Myfathercan____ (drive) a car. He ___ (be) a good driver. (3) Eddie,___ (close) the door, please. It's cold. (4) My brother likes (ride) a bicycte in the park (6) Lucy (walk) to school every day. (6) |____ (be) acook.Ican____ (cook) nice food. SR4m ( HOR) SR (7) Here (be) some books, Q isa. (1) find can't dog | my @ 3 matter What's the ? tom the going ask gatekeeper «4 6 © ago saw half | hour an her help Thank for you your can help tourists way find | their Q weusemer sea. (1) (OATREEERRB EE, He ___ inthe library. (2) BRilROR RE, We______of the grades of the exam, (3) PRARIREER SH. Mysister___— TV. (4) (BRTRE CSTE (BITRE T. He __ealling his mother. (5) PARERTRERIC. Mr Brown ____very busy. QQ complete the sentences (1) He has had some cabbage. ( HUSA ) (2) Susan has had a haircut. ( 79—AREEIEIAD ) (3) Have you had dinner? ( fF} ) (4) Ihave finished my work. ( S—AREEIONS) , FHEMM TEES ) They have been to that place. ( BUNZEA ) 6 QQ xnr (1) ORBAN , TEMES. He is good at making and he does it very well (2) Tom —MF BK , (ATLASES, SASH ( HOR ) SR Tom is a good boy, and he can Q) serpiansnowacst, (1) (2) @) (4) (5) (6) ” (8) (9) try ___ free live ___ lose win take start___ sell__ leave (10) make (11) keep (12) love (13) get___ (14) read (15) have Q aerxee , srr. a @ @ — HERRERO LPR. Some farmers are___on the farm. EATSI0S REF. We have 30 ducks. BVABSART AIRE. The boy feeds the pigs___every day, Tai, BER | BILAN. Tom, ___ I It’s time for schoo! RELL P PRBS AMM, Ihave things to do in the morning than in the afternoon. DEAR There are in the river. SR6mR ( H10m ) SR f @ sx5% () om 2) ere @) Sab ae (5) 43aaB____ (6) in the playground 4 7 by the river (8) live in China after school (10) have Chinese lessons a ARBESENCS 7 AY , FARE. RYE, Can you speak English? Yes, Ican.1___ ARBEIT 2 What____you__? © savsrenas, sey seame roel, go ice-skating make acard go for lunch open the gift Mother's Day wake up 37H ( FOR) @ Read, choose and write (GR , HRIMIESFERRTF ) can have has do does can't a apink skirt. q a yellow skirt (2) Ahorse____run, but it__ fly (3) — a cup of tea. —Thank you. (4) —___ you have any cousins? —Yes,|___ two cousins. (5) —What ____ Mrs Black do? —She is a cook. Q wy eretrer ana students, Bis ©. are @ 100k at the leatet. Complete it with the verbs below ( RIL RAPATSAMIREE SH , 7S 1B SE SIANRS) « A fly B. drive C.ride D. go Welcome to the World's Greatest Activity Center! Try these amazing activities: SBE ( HOR) 1) in a hot air balloon, 2) on a banana boat. (3) ____a motorbike or mountain bike. (4) a go-kart And have fun! a has to traffic lights walk to. have arest showhim round great fun (1) There is a big party at the prince’s house. It's (2) The library is not far. Let's the library together. (3) Yang Ling tums right at the (4) You have a cold. You should and drink some warm water. (5) My mother has a bad cough, she take some medicine. (6) Ben is new in our class. We can our school. @ -How cant ( getizets ) to your school? Turn left at the (two/second ) trafic lights @) We must follow the rules on the road. ( WRIABY HRI ) do on the road? Q youn keep your desk clean. You m talk loudly in class. Q)SWAT Peter aes , manera this book yours? No, it’s not book. Itis A. Is, mine, her B. Is, my, hers ©. Are, mine, hers @— Wen are you going to_for Sangha? — Tomorrow moming A. getot 8 tunot 6. take ot 589m ( HOR) D. Are, my, her D, set off @ sre is__now. She can_well A. dance; dancing B. dancing; dance C. dancing; dances Q Vou __ pay inte street. t's dangerous. A. may B. can . mustn't D. must @_— cen your sister sing? A. Yes, he can B. Yes, he does C. No, she doesn't —_D. Yes, she can @ = Wnat can youd forthe pay, Chen Je? lean — Wonder Lots dance together A. draw cartoons B. play the pipa ©. dance be quiet in the library. aw A. must B, mustn't ©. don't @ she can ciean the classroom. ( BLISHEH ) A. She can't clean the classroom, B. She doesnt clean the classroom C. Dor't she clean the classroom @ re there any apples on the tree? No, A. they are B. there aren't ©. are QQ —wnat cotouris it? att red, A was, B. is ©. are SBLOR ( 3410 ) TASER ZN. Sal Q — owat schoo! iast night? —No,|___at home A. Was; was B. Were; were ©. Were; was D. Was; were QQ tom often TV on Sundays. Today is Sunday. He TVnow. A Is watching; is watching B. watches; watches C. watches; is watching D. is watching: watches Q cate five hundred English words so far. A. has leamed B. leamed ©. is learning D. leans @©® Listen! Tom __ to music now. A. listen B. listens ©. is liste @® sem ___ chinese food very much A. like B. had like ©. likes >a. The sudens_an Ertan cas A. are having B. have ©. had D. were having in the music room, Q Esstent The ehitaren A. sing B. sings ©. are singing a. she home at six every day? B: Yes. A. Is; leave B. Does; leave ©. Does left Qtr back at six o'clock next week. SB1 (HR) A. come B. going tocome —_C. have come D. will ome Q you dont walk quickly, we late. A will B. willbe ©. are Qwy for a walk after dinner every evening. A. go B. goes ©. going Q titer cory ver aay But she tte is moming A. gets up; was B. get up: is C. is getting up; was @ they have a party _ seven o'ciock. A. is going to; on B. are going to; in ©. are going to; at Q Fomorrow moming they wil for Shenzhen. A. leave B, leaves ©. let @ someone knocked the door while | my breakfast A. on; had B. at; were having C. on; amhaving _D. at, was having Qin football after school yesterday afternoon A. play B. plays ©. played @ He __a worker last year. Now he _a teacher. A. was; is B. is; was ©. is; is © _vesrteter_ is ar vey Suny? A. Does; wash B. Do; wash C. Is; washing @ Linda ___ a git just nove A. receive B. receives ©. received D. is receiving 582m ( HR) SR QQ) —How ___ Tom come to school? He often ___ by car. A. do; come B. is; come ©. does; comes Q wiatrer car next year. A. buys B. buy ©. is buying D. is going to buy Q Listen! wno __ in the next room? A. sing B. sings C. singing D. is singing football on the playground yesterday. A. play B. played ©. plays Q she is__ now. She can _ well. A. dance; dancing B. dancing; dance ©. dancing; dances @ He had a cold because he _wet clothes yesterday. A. wear B. wore ©. wears Que see Big Ben in the UK next month, A. are goto B. went to ©. are going to Qvu all the chores. You can go to play outside. A. have done B. will do ©. do QQ) They often have a picnic. ( Fishea SOF) often a picnic. QQ — Wat are nose men ding? A. They were very happy. 8. Theyareplantingtrees. —_C. He is cutting grass. 583m ( HR) on the playground. Avtun 8. running ©. runs D. ran @Q He ___very busy this week, but he _ tree next week A. willbe; is B. is;is C. will be; willbe. is; will be Q his hair short and his ears small when he was a baby. A. was; were B. were; was ©. are; am a: the book already; | it last week. A. have read; read B. read; read C. have read; have read D. read; have read ar me about 15 minutes to get to school every day. A. takes B. took ©. taking @ Tre tiger _ angry and he wanted to eat the monkey. Ais B. was ©. were A. come B. coming ©. comes @Q We ____ my grandparents last weekend. A. are visiting B. visit ©. visited a: ‘Space Museum in Moon Town before. A. have been B.havebeento GC. have gone to —_—D. have gone @ koko _bananas, but now she _a banana A. doesn't like; eats B. don't like; is eating C. doesn't ike; is eating SR4m ( HLL) Q my auntoten the old woman _ clothes A. help, wash B. helps, wash C. helps, washes Q she __ busy for three weeks. A. has be B. has been cis D. was Q —wret iss wang ? She's cooking A. are; working B. is; doing ©. does; do D. are; doing @ Be auiet! The babies A. sleep B. are sleeping ©. slept Q Bobby is rude, and he always his friends. A. shout at B. shouting at C. shouts at a you___ameeting next Tuesday? A. Would... have B. Wil. have ©. Do... have @ | ote __ sre water ory day, ut |___cok yesterday A. dink, drank B. is drinking, drink C. drank, am drinking our grandparents at weekends. Q we ottenv Q Trev 90 to school every day. ( Beds —ARHEIEED ) ___ they go to school every day? Q timainays pictures at home. He a beautiful forest yesterday. A. draws; drew B. drew; drew ©. draws; draw @ Read and complete the sentences 585m ( HLL)

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