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Lymphatic drainage of the breast

Functional drainage of the breast

Most (75-90%)of the lymphatic drainage of the breast is totheipsilateral (same
side) axillary nodes. Nearly alllymphatics of the breast drain along a subdermalplane
intothe axillae, typically collecting inasingle sentinel lymph node at the lateral border of
the pectoralis major muscle.
Superficial lymphatics of the nipple and areola collect in a dense network of pre
collectors known as the subareolar plexus (of Sappey). Lymphatics in the breast
Parenchyma originate in the interlobular tissue and within the walls of the lactiferous

A variable degree of deep breast tissue, Particularly of the medial breast, may collect
into lymphatic vessels that perforate the deep fascia to drain into parasternal
through tiny interval
nodes (a.k.a. internal mammary nodes). Lymphatics may also pass
nodes within the breast parenchyma, Sporadic drainage to the
subclavicular, supraclavicular, or contralateral parasternal nodes can
Axillary lymph nodes
The axillary lymph node chain may be divided into six groups:
Apical axillary nodes superior
known as the subclavicular group, they contain 8-12 nodes between the
pectoralis minor muscle and the clavicle, lateral to the first rib. This group
border of the subclavian
drainage from all other levels of axillary nodes and drains into the
the thoracic duct on the left and the right lymphatic trunk on the
trunk, which flows into
right side of the body.

Lateral (brachial) axillary nodes and

the axillary vein or humeral group, they consist of 4-6 nodes medial
Also known as
POSterior to the axillary vein and receive the
majority Of drainage from the upper
Anterior axidlary lymph nodes extremity and drains into the apical axillary

Central axillary nodes

Iymph plexus
Lying deep to the pectoralisminor muscle
of Sappey within adipose tissue of the axilla, they
contain about 4-5 nodes and receive
drainage from the breast, the brachial group,
the pectoral group, and the subscapular
lymphplexus group.
Fig. 3.11: Subareolar
Posterior (subscapular) axillary nodes

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