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bay A Study of the Twenty Aspects of Sunyata (Based on Haribhadra’s Abhisamaydlankara-aloka and the Patcavim Satisthasrikd-prajndpdramitd-sitra) The present article has for its aim the elucidation of the term danyata, as interpreted by the Madhyamika school of the Buddhists. It forms a part of my Analysis of the 8 principal subjects and the 70 topics of the of the Abhisamayalamkara of Maitreya-A: subject dealt with at present refers to the first chapter of the aiga.® ‘The Abhisamayilamkara (Sarva-dhara-jnita-adhikara), to its 9th topie,—the action of Accumulation (of the factors for the attainment of Enlighten- meut by the Bodhisattva; sambhara-pratipatti), and more particularly to the Bodhisattva’s Accumulation of Wisdom (jidana-sambhara; Abhisam. Kariki I 47a contains only the word jndnam). This Accu- mulation of Wisdom represents the cognition of the principle of Sinyata=Non-substantiality or Relativily—in its various aspects by the Bodhisattva on his Path. he subject, which is only pointed to by a single word is discussed in detail in the Abhisa- ammayiilam floki of Haribhadra. We quote the . corresponding passages of the said work (according to the MS. of Prof. ¥, Minaev, now in possession of the Public Library at Leningrad), along with its Tibetan translation (Tangyur, MDO, VI, Peking Edition). The classification into 20 Aspecis has been made by Haribhadra (as well as by his predecessors) in accordance with the Paicaviméatisahasrikaprajaaparamithi sitra. The passages of the latter are quoted and translated in the foot-notes, in order to show the full concordance between the texts. For other works as for instance in the Ma dh yantavibhanga of Maitreya-Asaatga, in Ditnunaga’s Astasahasrikapindartha ete. we have 16 or 18 aspects ‘This Analysis has been undertaken, for publication in the Caleutta Oriental jes, ; : A Study of the Twenty Aspects of Sanyata 171 of sanyaté as the number usually admitted (cf. Mahdvyutpatti § 37). The last four forms which appear in the Paficaviméatisdhasrika are evidently later additions. As regards the translation of the term sinyata by ‘Relativity’, § adopted by Prof. Th. Sicherba of Buddhist Nirvana. Objections have been raised against this render- it has heen. firs y in his Conception ing. It is however in any case correct if we take the term from the standpoint of the Madhyamika school (as in the Abhis, dloka, Arar Haribhadra is a Madhyamika, since he belongs to the Yo; Madhymika-svatantrikas). In the Tibetan Commentaries it is especially pointed to the fact that the term sanyaté has the same meaning as pratitya-samutpada which latter term in the Madhyamika interpreta- jion has the meaning of Relativity. This is most eloquently confirmed by the Soka of Nagirjuna’s Lokitita-stava :— a: MalerayeaTa: YeaaT Ga A Hart ara eaeeat areca fegargraaiga: “

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