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Learning new things

Do you like to learn new things?

Yes, I like to learn new things.

Do you think it is important to learn new things?

Yes, It is important to learn new things.

Why do you think learning new things is important?

Because, I think, learning new things keep us active.

Why do you like to learn new things? Because I like to get knowledge of things.

Do you take classes or do you learn by yourself?

I learned all the things with the help of Internet.

Do you learn things with your friends?

Yes, I like to learn new things from my friends.

How much time do you spend on learning things?

I spend one hour daily on learning new things.

What do you think what is the best age to learn new things?
I think there is no age limit.

What did you learn online?

I learned English Language online.

What other things did you learn online?

I learned cooking online.

What is your favorite way of learning?

I like to learn in class.

Because teacher can guide me better directly and it saves my time.

Are you taking any classes these days? Yes, I'm taking ielts classes these days.

How many days in a week you take classes?

I take classes five days in a week.

After learning do you teach others?

No, I don't teach others after learning.
Why not?
Because I think I'm not a good teacher.

Have you ever tried to learn cooking?

Yes. I tried to learn cooking.

What did you learn?

I learned to make chicken biryani.

In how much time did you learn this?

I learned this in 30 minutes.

What do you want to learn in future?

I want to learn how to play cricket in future.

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