Obligations of The Agent

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Chapter 2

3. exercise of reasonable care

Obligations of the Agent
- He does not agree that he will make no
mistake whatsoever, or that he will
exercise the highest skill or diligence,
but he does agree that he will exercise
reasonable skill, and that he will take
Article 1884 the usual precautions.

Obligations of agent to principal in general Examples in page 449 to 451

1. Good faith and loyalty to his trust

Obligations of agent to principal in specific

- Relationship is a fiduciary one.
1. To carry out the agency which he has
a) Presumption accepted.
- Agents act that violates his 2. To answer for damages which through his
fiduciary duty is invalid to the non-performance the principal may suffer.
principal and is also against 3. To finish the business already begun on the
public policy. death of the principal should delay entail
- absence of proof to the any danger.
contrary the presumption 4. To observe the diligence of a good father of
arises that the agent has a family in the custody and preservation of
performed his duty in good the goods forwarded to him by the owner in
faith. case he declines an agency, until an agent is
- the principal may rely on the appointed.
agent’s faithfulness until a 5. To advance the necessary funds should
notice of the breach of duties there be a stipulation to do so.
is received. 6. To act in accordance with the instructions
of the principal, and in default thereof, to
b) GR as to loyalty when not do all that a good father of a family would
applicable do.
7. Not to carry out the agency if its execution
- when no relation of trust or
would manifestly result in loss or damage to
confidence exist between
the principal.
parties, agent is bound
8. To answer for damages if there being a
merely as an instrument
conflict between his interests and those of
or servant, to perform
the principal, he should prefer his own.
service, or when there is
9. Not to loan to himself if he has been
no showing of an agency
authorized to lend money at interest.
10. To render an account of his transactions and
to deliver to the principal whatever he may
have received by virtue of the agency.
2. obedience to principal’s instruction 11. To distinguish goods by countermarks and
designate the merchandise respectively
- If he fails to do so, he becomes liable belonging to each principal, in the case of a
for any loss the principal incurs even commission agent who handles goods of
though he can show that he acted in the same kind and mark, which belong to
good faith or exercised reasonableness. different owners.
- But an agent is not liable if he violates 12. To be responsible in certain cases for the
the principal’s instructions for a good acts of the substitute appointed by him.
reason. Related to the agent’s duty to 13. To pay interest on funds he has applied to
obey instructions is the duty to keep his own use.
within the limits of his authority when 14. To inform the principal, where an
acting for the principal. An agent must authorized sale of credit has been made, of
know the extent of his authority. If he is such sale (Art. 1906.);
in doubt, he should ask the principal for
15. To bear the risk of collection , should he
receive also on a sale, a guaranteed
commission (Art. 1907.);
16. To indemnify the principal for damages for
his failure to collect the credits of his
Article 1886
principal at the time that they become GR:
17. To be responsible for fraud or negligence. the principal must advance to the agent, should the
latter so request, the sums necessary for the
execution of the agency.
Obligation to carry out the agency.

- If the agent fulfills his duty, he is not XPN:

personally liable unless he expressly
binds himself. The contract of agency, however, may stipulate that
the agent shall advance the necessary funds.

Obligation to answer for damages.

XPN to the XPN:
- This rule is an application to agency of
the general rule in contracts that any The principal is insolvent. Insolvency of the principal
person guilty of fraud, negligence, or is a ground for extinguishment of agency.
delay in the fulfillment of his obligation,
or who in any other manner fails to
comply with the terms thereof, shall be In certain cases, the principal is not liable for the
liable for damages. (Art. 1170; see Art. expenses incurred by the agent (Art. 1918)
- The damages to which the principal is
entitled are those which result from the
agent’s non-performance.
Article 1887
- the principal must prove his damages
and the amount thereof.
- Example at page 453. Instruction of principal

- are private directions which the

principal may give the agent in regard
Obligation to finish business upon principal’s death. to the manner of performing his duties
- The rule is in accord with the principles as such agent but of which a third party
of equity. But the duty exists only is ignorant.
should delay entail any danger. - They are said to be secret if the
- The agency shall also remain in full principal intended them not to be made
force even after the death of the known to such party
principal if it has been constituted in
the common interest of the latter and
of the agent, or in the interest of a third Instruction vs authority
person who has accepted the
stipulation in his favor.
1. Authority
- Sum total of the power committed or
permitted to the agent by the principal.
Article 1885
- It may also be a limitation of the scope
This rule is based on equity. The owner, however, of the agent’s authority.
must act as soon as practicable either:
1. by appointing an agent. - Directs the manner of transacting the
2. by taking charge of the goods. authorized business.
- It is a private rule of guidance to the
The obligation of an agent who withdraws from an agent.
agency is provided in Article 1929.
2. Authority
- Relates to the subject the agent is 1. Duty to obey reasonable and lawful
empowered to deal with or the kind of instructions.
business the agent is empowered to
act. - He must follow instructions even if he
thinks they are capricious or unwise. He
Instruction violates his duty of obedience
- Manner or mode of the agent’s action. whenever he disregards or deviates
from such instructions. But an agent
3. Authority need not follow instructions that are
- Limitation is operative in nature. outside the scope of the agency
relationship agreed upon or that may
Instruction subject him to unreasonable risk of
- Limitation to the agent is without injury to himself.
significance as against those dealing
with the agent. 2. Liability for loss or damage.

4. Authority - if an agent fails to effect an insurance as

- Expected to be made known by the 3 rd instructed, or sells on credit or for a less
party dealing. price where he has been given
instruction to sell for cash, or for a
Instruction certain price, or sells to irresponsible
- Not expected to be made known to persons when instructed to sell only to
those the agent deals with. those of undoubted solvency, or fails to
take security for a loan as instructed, he
is liable for the consequent loss.
Effect of violation of principal’s instructions
3. Duty to act in good faith and with due care.

- If he acts in good faith and with due

1. Liability of principal to third person
care, the agent is not liable for losses
due to errors or mistakes of judgment
- If an act done by an agent is within the
as regards to matters with which he is
apparent scope of the authority with
vested with discretionary powers. It will
which he has been clothed, it matters
be presumed that the agent acted in
not that it is directly contrary to the
good faith and in accordance with his
instructions of the principal.
power as he understood it.
- Principal is liable unless the 3rd person
with whom they are dealing knows that
4. Exemption from liability for failure of
the agent has exceeded his authority or
violating his instructions.
- 3rd persons are not required to
- Agent has the power and not the right
investigate the instructions of the
in many cases to bind his principal even
when he acts beyond his authority.
- Principal cannot privately communicate
- when an agent, in executing the orders
the agent in limiting the authority given
and commissions of his principal,
to the latter.
carries out the instructions he has
- The principal will be liable to third
received from his principal, and does
persons, under the doctrine of estoppel
not appear to have exceeded his
(see Art. 1911.), for any unauthorized
authority or to have acted with
acts of the agent who exceeds the
negligence, deceit, or fraud, he cannot
instructions given to him.
be held responsible for the failure of his
principal to accomplish the object of
the agency.
2. Liability of agent to principal
- Since an agent is required to exercise
only ordinary care, skill, and diligence,
- Examples at page 457
he is not, in the absence of an
Obligation to act in accordance with principal's agreement, an insurer of the success of
instructions. his undertaking, and does not
guarantee the principal against
incidental losses.
5. Right to disobey principal’s instructions.
Article 1889
- Illegal acts.
- He is privileged to do so to protect his
security interest in the subject matter.
Obligation not to prefer his own interests to those
of the principal.

When departure to principal instruction is justified

1. Reason for the rule

- Agency is fiduciary relation.
1. By a sudden emergency.
- He must look after the principal’s
- Unexpected emergency or unforeseen
interests as if it is his own.
event which will admit no delay for
- As the law does not distinguish, the rule
communication with the principal, the
is the same whether the agency is
agent is justified in adopting the course
onerous or gratuitous.
which seems best to him under the
2. Basis of the rule
- The rule is applicable only where the
- The underlying basis of the rule
principal cannot be consulted and
precluding an agent from engaging in
where the circumstances cannot admit
self-dealing is to shut the door against
temptation and keep the agent’s eye
single to the rights and welfare of his
2. Ambiguous instructions - Principal may waive the benefit of the
- Customs and usage may aid in the rule so far as he is concerned.
interpretation of ambiguous - It has been held that an agent who has
instructions but not to the extent of been authorized to sell some
overruling positive instructions to the merchandise cannot bind the principal
contrary. by selling to himself (agent) directly or
- Nor will the agent be justified in indirectly. It results that the principal is
following ideas of his own which are not required to fill orders taken by the
not within any interpretation of the agent from his own sub-agent unless
instructions. the principal ratifies such sale after he
- It is the duty of the principal to couch has full knowledge of the facts.
his instructions in clear terms. - Example at page 462 and 463.

3. Insubstantial departure 3. Where agent’s interests are superior

- As long as it does not affect the result. - where the agent’s interests are
- if A is instructed to execute a deed on superior, such as where he has a
July 1st but it is mistakenly executed on security interest in goods of the
July 2nd without damage to principal, it principal in his possession, he may
would seem that the principal should protect this interest even if in so doing
not be able to treat the departure so he disobeys the principal’s orders or
seriously as to constitute it a breach of injures his interest.
the agency contract.

Article 1890
Article 1888

- agent must have SPA in order to loan or

- The duty of the agent who is merely an borrow money.
extension of the personality of the - Agen can be the lender since the
principal is to render service for the principal does not suffer any damages.
benefit of the principal and not to act - Agent may not be the borrower without
to his detriment. Furthermore, an agent the consent of the principal because
must exercise due diligence in carrying the agent may prove to be a bad
out the agency. debtor.
transactions and other material facts
relevant to the agency, so much so that
Article 1891 the law does not countenance any
stipulation exempting the agent from
such obligation and condemns as void
such stipulation.
Obligation to render accounts.

- All money, property and gifts given by

Liability for conversion
the third party in connection with the
agency. - If the agent fails to deliver and instead
converts or appropriates for his own
1. Source of profit use the money or property belonging to
the principal, the agent is liable for
- if profit accrues from his violation of estafa.
duty while executing the agency, that
likewise belongs to the principal, not
only because the principal has to
When obligation to account not applicable
assume the responsibility of the
transaction, but also because the agent a) If agents acted only as middleman
cannot be permitted to derive bringing together the vendor and
advantage from his own default. vendee.
b) agent or broker had informed the
2. Secret profit principal of the gift or bonus or profit he
- By taking such profit or bonus or gift or received from the purchaser and his
propina from the vendee, the agent principal did not object thereto.
thereby assumes a position wholly c) Right of lien exists in favor of the agent.
inconsistent with that of being an agent
for his principal, who has a right to
Obligation to turn over proceeds of agency.
treat him, insofar as his commission is
concerned, as if no agency existed. - All profits made and any advantage
- A principal is entitled to have an honest gained by an agent in the execution of
agent, and it is only the honest agent his agency should belong to the
who is entitled to any commission. If an principal.
agent directly or indirectly colludes
with the other side, and so acts in
opposition to the interest of his
Nature of agent’s possession of goods or proceeds
principal, he is not entitled to any
received in agency.

The principle of Salomons vs Pender

1. Distinguished from possession of messenger
- an agent who was himself interested in
or servant.
a contract to purchase property of his
- An agent, unlike a servant or
principal was not entitled to any
messenger, has both the physical and
commission from the principal.
juridical possession of the goods
received in agency, or the proceeds
thereof, which take the place of the
- Examples on pages 467-469 goods after their sale by the agent.

2. distinguished from possession of teller of

Stipulation exempting agent from obligation to - Teller is payment to the bank itself.
account void. - Teller is merely a custodian or keeper of
funds received.
- No independent right to retain or
- Article 1891 (and Art. 1909.) imposes possess the same as against the bank.
upon the agent the absolute obligation - An agent, on the other hand, can even
to make a full disclosure or complete assert, as against his own principal, an
account to his principal of all his independent, autonomous right to
retain the money or goods received in
consequence of the agency, as when substitute or sub-agent in behalf of the
the principal fails to reimburse him for principal is deemed an act of the
advances he has made, and indemnify principal.
for damages suffered without his fault. - neither the agent nor the substitute can
- Where a sales agent misappropriates or be held personally liable so long as they
fails to turn over to his principal act within the scope of their authority.
proceeds of things or goods he was - The sub-agent may also be the agent of
commissioned or authorized to sell for the principal if he is in actual control of
the latter, he is guilty of estafa. the business and the principal knows of
- teller of a bank who misappropriates his appointment, or knows that his
money received by him for the bank is appointment is necessary, and the
guilty of qualified theft. agent was not prohibited from
employing a sub-agent.

3. Effect of death of principal/agent

- If the authority of the sub-agent
Article 1892 proceeds from the principal, the death
of the agent who appointed him does
Article 1893 not affect his authority.
- But where the sub-agent is a substitute
for the agent and acts under authority
from him and to whom he is
Sub-agent accountable, the death of the agent
terminates his authority even though
- a person employed or appointed by an
the power of substitution is given in the
agent as his agent, to assist him in the
original power.
performance of an act for the principal
which the agent has been empowered
to perform.

Effects of substitution.
Power of agent to appoint sub-agent or substitute.
1. Substitution prohibited.
- Unless prohibited by the principal, the - the agent exceeds the limits of his authority.
agent may appoint a sub-agent or (Art. 1881.) The law says that all acts of the
substitute. The agent in this situation is substitute in such a case shall be void.
a principal with respect to the
2. Substitution authorized.
- the substitution has the effect of releasing
- Principal has a right of action not only the agent from his responsibility unless the
against the agent but also against the person appointed is notoriously
substitute with respect to the incompetent or insolvent.
obligations which the latter has - But if the substitute is the person
contracted under the substitution. designated by the principal, the
consequence is the absolute exemption of
the agent.

Relation among the principal, agent, and sub-agent 3. Substitution not authorized, but not prohibited.
1. Sub-agent appointed by agent on latter’s - the law recognizes the validity of the
substitution if the same is beneficial to the
sole account.
principal because the agency has thus been
- The principal will not be liable to third executed in fulfillment of its object.
parties for the sub-agent’s acts, but the - If the substitution has occasioned damage
agent will be liable to the principal or to the principal, the agent shall be primarily
third parties if the sub-agent acts responsible for the acts of the substitute.
wrongfully. - It has been held that an attorney who takes
a claim “for collection” without qualification
2. Sub-agent appointed by agent with as to his liability is liable for the defaults of
authority from principal. his own clerks and agents, and if he sends
the claim to another attorney for collection,
- a fiduciary relationship exists between
he is generally held liable for the latter’s
the principal and the agent, the agent defaults.
and sub-agent, and the principal and - Example at page 477.
the sub-agent. Any act done by the
Article 1896

Article 1894 Liability of agent for interest

- The agent who converted to his

Article 1895 personal use the fund of the principal is
liable for interest by way of
compensation or indemnity.
Necessity of concurrence where there are two or - the agent who is found to owe the
more agents. principal sums after the extinguishment
of the agency is liable for interest from
- A principal, however, may appoint more the date the agency is extinguished.
than one agent, each one to act
separately in a particular branch of his
principal’s business or in a particular Demand not essential for delay to exist.
- It is clear that if by provision of law the
- Such agents are called several agents in
agent is bound to deliver to the
American law, and are to act separately
principal whatever he may have
and when more than one agent is
received by virtue of the agency (Art.
appointed with reference to the same
1891.), demand is no longer necessary.
business, they are still several agents if
it appears that it was the intention of
the principal that they should act
separately, and an execution of the
Article 1897
power by one of them is valid and - The agent is liable to third persons for
binding on the principal. his torts which result in an injury to the
third person.
- if no damages have been sustained, no
Nature of liability of two or more agents to their
liability for the agent’s false assumption
of authority exists.
- In a joint obligation, each debtor is - Agency is no defense to action against
liable only for a proportionate part of an agent based upon commission of
the debt. tort, his liability being neither increased
- If it is solidary, each debtor is liable for nor decreased by the fact of his agency.
the entire obligation. (Art. 1216.8) If the tort is committed by the agent
- The presumption is that an obligation is within the scope of his authority (see
joint. (Arts. 1207, 1208.9) discussion on this matter under Art.
- The rule in Article 1894 follows the 1910.), both the principal and the agent
general principle respecting solidarity. are liable. It is no defense by the agent
- If solidarity has been agreed upon, each that the benefit obtained by the tort
of the agents becomes solidarily liable: has been turned over to the principal.
(a) for the non-fulfillment of the agency - An agent who acts as such within the
even though in this case, the fellow scope of his authority represents the
agents acted beyond the scope of their principal so that his contract is really
- authority; and (b) for the fault or the principal’s. Hence, the agent is not
negligence of his fellow agents provided personally liable to the party with
the latter acted within the scope of whom he contracts unless he expressly
their authority. binds himself.
- The innocent agent has a right later on - A suit against an agent cannot, without
to recover from the guilty or negligent compelling reasons, be considered a
agent. suit against the principal.
- An agent who exceeds his powers does - Examples at page 485 to 489
not act as such agent, and, therefore, - A third party’s liability on agent’s
the principal assumes no liability to contracts is to the principal, not to the
third persons. Since this is so, solidary agent, because such contracts are not
liability cannot be demanded by the his own but his principal’s.
principal. - There are few instances in which a third
party subjects himself to liability at the
hands of an agent. The four main
instances are these:
Article 1899
(1) Where the agent contracts in his
own name for an undisclosed principal
(see Art. 1883.), in which case, the
agent may sue the third party to If the principal appoints an agent who is ignorant,
enforce the contract. the fault is his alone. Equity demands that the
principal should be bound by the acts of his agent.
(2) Where the agent possesses a
beneficial interest in the subject matter
of the agency. A factor selling under a Article 1900
del credere commission (see Art. 1907.)
would illustrate such an agent, as would
also an auctioneer by virtue of his lien
(see Art. 1914.). Scope of agent’s authority as to third persons.

- Scope of agent’s authority includes not

(3) Where the agent pays money of his
only the actual authorization conferred
principal to a third party by mistake or
upon the agent by his principal, but also
under a contract which proves
that which has apparently or impliedly
subsequently to be illegal, the agent
been delegated to him.
being ignorant with respect to its illegal
nature; and
- (1) Where authority not in writing. —
Every person dealing with an assumed
(4) Where the third party commits a
agent is put upon an inquiry and must
tort against the agent. We have seen
discover upon his peril, if he would hold
that an agent may not utilize his agency
the principal liable, not only the fact of
as a defense to an action based on a
the agency but the nature and extent of
tort committed by him. The converse is
authority of the agent.
also true: an agent may sue for a tort
committed against him, even though
- The fact that one is dealing with an
the alleged tortious act is also a wrong
agent, whether the agency be general
against the principal.
or special, should be a danger signal.

- The mere opinion of an agent as to the

extent of his powers will not bind the
principal who may act on the
Article 1898
presumption that third persons dealing
with his agent will not be negligent to
ascertain the extent of his authority as
Effect where 3rd person aware of limits of agent’s well as the existence of the agency.
- In case the fact of agency or the extent
- The liability of an agent who exceeds of the authority of the agent is
the scope of his authority depends controverted, the burden of proof is
upon whether the third person is aware upon the third person to establish it.
of the limits of the agent’s power.
- The agent is not bound nor liable for - (2) Where authority in writing. —
damages in case he gave notice of his Nevertheless, if the authority of the
powers to the person with whom he agent is in writing, such person is not
has contracted (Art. 1897.) nor in case required to inquire further than the
such person is aware of the limits of the terms of the written power of attorney.
powers granted by the principal. As far as he is concerned, an act of the
- However, if the agent promised or agent within the terms of the power of
undertook to secure the principal’s attorney as written is within the scope
ratification and failed, he is personally of the agent’s authority, although the
liable. If the ratification is obtained, agent has in fact exceeded the limits of
then the principal becomes liable. his actual authority according to the
secret understanding between him and
the principal. (see Arts. 1887, 1902.) In The ratification shall have retroactive effect. It relates
such a case, the principal is estopped back to the time of the act or contract ratified and is
from claiming that the agent exceeded equivalent to original authority.
his authority. The rule is necessary to
It can hardly be said that there was ratification on his
protect the interests of third persons.
part in the absence of proof that he had knowledge
of what was to be ratified.
- Illustrative cases at pages 496-501.
Before ratification by the principal or expression of
willingness on his part to ratify, the third person may
Methods of broadening and restricting agent’s
repudiate the act of the agent.
authority. (page 502)
a principal may not accept the benefits of a
An agent’s authority may be enlarged or restricted in
transaction and repudiate its burdens.
a number of ways:
A principal is deemed to have received the benefits
1. By implication
of the unauthorized sale of his property and thereby
2. By usage and custom
ratified the transaction where the checks issued by
3. By necessity
the buyer in favor of the principal were credited to
4. By certain doctrines
the latter’s account with a bank or endorsed and
- The doctrines (a) of apparent authority
negotiated by him.
(see Art. 1911.), (b) of liability by
estoppel (Ibid.; see Art. 1873.), and (c)
of ratification (Art. 1910.) are additional
methods by which authorization may Article 1902
be created.

5. By the rule of ejusdem generis As a rule, a third person deals with an agent at his
- a method for stating the rule that peril. Hence, he is bound to inquire as to the extent
where, in an instrument of any kind, an of the agent’s authority, and this is especially true
enumeration of specific matters is where the act of the agent is of an unusual nature.
followed by a general phrase, the Ignorance of the agent’s authority is no excuse. So, it
general phrase is held to be limited in is his duty to require the agent to produce his power
scope by the specific matters. of attorney to ascertain the scope of his authority. He
may also ask for the instructions of the principal.

Responsibility of principal where agent acted with

improper motives. Third person not bound by principal’s private

GR: is not bound and cannot be affected by the private or

secret orders and instructions of the principal in the
The motive of the agent in entering into a contract same way that he cannot be prejudiced by any
with a third person is immaterial. understanding between the principal and the agent.
(Art. 1900.) Such secret orders or instructions cannot
be invoked as against third parties if the agent has
third person knew that the agent was acting for his apparent authority.
private benefit. In other words, the principal is not
liable to the third person.
Article 1903
Thus, where an agent entrusted with a diamond ring Factor or commission agent defined.
for sale to a named party, had in fact a preconceived
one whose business is to receive and sell goods for a
design to steal it and convert the proceeds, and did
commission (also called factorage) and who is
in fact pledge it for his own debt, the principal is
entrusted by the principal with the possession of
entitled to recover the ring.
goods to be sold, and usually selling in his own
name. He may act in his own name or in that of the
principal. An ordinary agent need not have
Article 1901 possession of the goods of his principal, while the
commission agent must be in possession.
principal of such sale on credit with a statement of
the names of the buyers.
Liability of commission agent as to goods received.
The purpose of the provision is to prevent the agent
The phrase “in the terms and conditions and as
from stating that the sale was on credit when in fact
described in the consignment” refers to the quantity,
it was made for cash.
quality, and physical condition of the goods.
Again, the agent shall be entitled to the benefits
To avoid liability, the commission agent should make
arising from the credit sale.
a written statement of the damage or deterioration if
the goods received by him do not agree with the The principal may also choose to ratify the sale on
description in the consignment. credit with all its resulting benefits and risks.

Article 1904 Article 1907

Meaning and purpose of guarantee commission
Obligation of commission agent handling goods of
same kind and mark 1. Guarantee commission (also called del credere
commission) is one where, in consideration of an
The evident purpose is to prevent any possible
increased commission, the factor or commission
confusion or deception. He may not commingle the
agent guarantees to the principal the payment of
goods without authority.
debts arising through his agency. (Mechem on
Two exceptions exist to these general rules. First, by Agency, Sec. 2534.) An agent who guarantees
custom, some agents, such as auctioneers, normally payment of the customer’s account in consideration
are permitted to mingle their principal’s property of the higher commission is called a del credere
with their own. Second, some agents, such as agent.
collecting banks, are permitted to mingle the funds
2. The purpose of the guarantee commission is to
of their principal (depositor) with their own and the
compensate the agent for the risks he will have to
property of other principals.
bear in the collection of the credit due the principal.

Article 1905 Article 1907 applies to both cash and credit sales
because it makes no distinction.
Right of principal where sale on credit made
without authority.

A commission agent can sell on credit only with the Nature of liability of a del credere agent.
express or implied consent of the principal. If such
sale is made without authority, the principal is given Is liable to the principal if the buyer fails to pay or is
two alternatives: incapable of paying. But he is not primarily the
debtor. On the contrary, the principal may sue the
(1) He may require payment in cash, in which case, buyer in his own name notwithstanding the del
any interest or benefit from the sale on credit shall credere commission, so that the latter amounts to no
belong to the agent since the principal cannot be more than a guaranty.
allowed to enrich himself at the agent’s expense; or
In other words, the liability of the del credere agent
(2) He may ratify the sale on credit in which case it is a contingent pecuniary liability — to make good in
will have all the risks and advantages to him. the event the buyer fails to pay the sum due.

A del credere agent may sue in his name for the

purchase price in the event of non-performance by
the buyer.
Article 1906
Obligation of commission agent where sale on
credit authorized.
Article 1908
Obligation of commission agent to collect credits of
Under this article, an authorized sale on credit shall
be deemed to have been on a cash basis (Art. 1905.)
insofar as the principal (not third parties) is Where the agent is not liable, the principal’s remedy
concerned, upon failure of the agent to inform the is to proceed against the debtor.
This article does not apply to a case where there is a
guarantee commission.

Article 1909
Liability of agent for fraud and negligence/
intentional wrong.

It is his duty to notify the principal of all relevant and

material facts or any information having a bearing on
the interests of the principal as soon as reasonably
possible after learning them.

The circumstance that the agency is or is not

gratuitous will be considered by the courts in fixing
the liability of the agent for negligence (not fraud).

Agency is presumed to be for compensation.

But the agent is liable when he does not discharge

the agency with due promptness, or according to the
instructions of his principal, or within the limits of his
authority, or when he does not make use of the
powers conferred on him.

Examples at pages 518-521

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