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Theories of Development the growth of wealth, the creation of new knowl-

edge and technology, etc. Economic development
Mario Coccia is fostered in appropriate social systems with high
CNR – National Research Council of Italy, democracy and culture, good economic gover-
Torino, Italy nance, efficient higher education system, and
Yale University School of Medicine & Yale New high innovative outputs (Coccia 2010, 2014,
Haven Hospital, New Haven, CT, USA 2014b, 2018a). Economic development can be
explained with different theories that are
discussed in next sections (Fig. 1).

Development economics; Economic develop-

Theories of Development in Economics
ment; Economic growth; Human development;
Social progress
The study of economic development is one of
the most important research fields in economics,
political economy, and other social sciences
Definition (Nafziger 2005). The schools of classical and
neoclassical economics analyze the development
Development is a process of disproportionate in terms of the efficient allocation of scarce pro-
growth of systems. In economics, development ductive resources to support optimal growth, pro-
is a multidimensional process that generates eco- duce and expand the range of goods and services.
nomic, technological, social and institutional Instead, new economic approaches explain the
change to support wealth of nations and a com- development with socioeconomic, political, and
prehensive wellbeing of people in society. institutional factors that accelerate economic
growth, improve the levels of living, and reduce
poverty of population, income inequality between
Introduction people, and violent crime in society (cf., Todaro
and Smith 2003; Coccia 2017). A traditional eco-
Economic development is a process that generates nomic measure of development is given by gross
economic, social and technical progress of domestic product (GDP): the sum of gross value
nations. The fundamental elements of develop- added by all resident producers in the economy
ment in society are: the improvement of health, plus any product taxes and minus any subsidies

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

A. Farazmand (ed.), Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance,
2 Theories of Development

Classical Theories of Development

 Linear stages theory

-Rostow’s stage of growth
-Harrod-Domar growth model

 Structural-change models
-The Lewis theory of development
-Empirical patterns of development

 The international-dependence models

-The neocolonial dependence model
-The dualistic-development model

-The false-paradigm model

THEORIES OF NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT  The neoclassical counter-revolution

-Solow neoclassical model of growth
-Public-choice theory

Contemporary Theories of Development

 Endogenous growth theory (Romer model)

 Approaches based on complementarities and

coordination failure

 Approach of multiple equilibria

 The Big Push model

 Kremer’s O-Ring theory

THEORIES OF REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT  Growth pole theory (studies by Perroux,

Aydalot, Boudeville, etc.)

Theories of Development, Fig. 1 Theories of Development in Economics

not included in the value of the products. Contem- In this context, theories of development can be
porary studies and theories have added noneco- divided in two macro categories (cf., Fig. 1):
nomic indicators for measuring development in
society, such as Human Development Index • Theories of development of national systems
(HDI): • Theories of regional development
a summary measure of average achievement in key
dimensions of human development: a long and
Theories of Development of National Systems
healthy life, being knowledgeable and have a
decent standard of living. . . The health dimension
is assessed by life expectancy at birth, the education Classical Theories of Economic Development
dimension is measured by mean of years of school- • Linear stages theories are: Rostow’s stages of
ing for adults aged 25 years and more and expected
growth and the Harrod-Domar growth model
years of schooling for children of school entering
age. The standard of living dimension is measured (cf., Todaro and Smith 2003). The theory of
by gross national income per capita (Human stage of growth suggests that more saving and
Development Reports 2018).
Theories of Development 3

investment can accelerate the rates of eco- not, in many cases, generated pathways of
nomic growth. However, the theory of stages development within and between countries.
does not clarify the economic development of • The international-dependence models consider
poor nations, because suggested drivers (e.g., developing countries in a relationship of
physical capital) are necessary but not suffi- dependence with developed countries. Major
cient factors for supporting economic growth. approaches are: neocolonial-dependence,
In fact, high investments of physical capital in false-paradigm, and dualistic models. These
many developing nations have not generated approaches reject neoclassical theory of devel-
historical paths of economic development opment designed to accelerate growth of
because of lack of other socioeconomic fac- gross national product; they also reject the
tors, such as, an efficient higher education sys- empirical results by Chenery about some char-
tem and good economic governance. European acteristics of development that poor countries
countries after World War II, by contrast, should pursue (cf., Todaro and Smith 2003).
increased physical capital in a context with These international-dependence models stress
good institutions and high-skilled human the imbalance of socioeconomic power
resources, generating long-run economic between rich and poor nations. According to
growth. the American sociologist Immanuel Maurice
• Structural change models. This approach Wallerstein, the world system has core and
focuses on mechanisms that transform eco- periphery regions, in which powerful and
nomic structure of nations from traditional wealthy core societies dominate and exploit
agriculture to industrial and service system. weak and poor peripheral societies. In particu-
In particular, structural change approach is lar, the strong nations reinforce and increase
based on theories of neoclassical price and the flow of surplus because their governments
resource allocation. Two main approaches provide economic assistance to capitalist clas-
are: the model of two-sector surplus labor by ses on world market. The major weakness of
Lewis (1954) and econometric analysis of the this approach is the actual experience of Least
patterns of development by Chenery and col- Developed Countries (LCDs) that have had
leagues (1975). The model of Lewis (1954) nationalization of firms and state-run produc-
considers a process of modern sector self- tion with negative effects on long-run patterns
sustaining growth and employment expansion of economic growth.
that are assumed to continue until all surplus of • Neoclassical counterrevolution considers
rural labor is absorbed in new industrial sectors underdevelopment of LCDs as internally
of urban areas. However, a limitation of the induced phenomena caused by government
model by Lewis (1954) is the assumption of intervention and bad economic policies.
diminishing returns in industrial sector, Neoclassical counterrevolution’s approach
whereas empirical evidence shows increasing suggests that market price and resource alloca-
returns in that sector (Todaro and Smith 2003). tion usually produces better results than state
Empirical patterns of development consider intervention. Moreover, the liberalization of
the steady accumulation of physical and national markets generates additional domestic
human capital, the change in consumer and foreign investments that increase the rate
demand from food and basic necessities to of capital accumulation. In this context, the
manufactured goods and services, the growth neoclassical growth model by Solow (1956)
of cities and firms associated with migration of expanded the Harrod-Domar model, adding to
people from farms and small towns to large growth equation a second factor, labor, and
cities, decline of family size and of overall inserting a third independent variable, technol-
rate of growth of population. However, eco- ogy. Solow’s model shows diminishing returns
nomic policies based on this approach have to labor and capital separately and constant
returns to both factors jointly. In this theoretical
4 Theories of Development

framework, technological progress is the resid- (with low capital-labor ratios) are eroded by
ual factor that explains long-run economic low levels of investments in education, infra-
growth (cf., Coccia 2011, 2018a, 2018b). The structure, and R&D (cf., Coccia 2011, 2018b).
output growth is due to increases in labor quan- Especially, new growth theory depends on neo-
tity and quality (population growth and educa- classical premises that are inappropriate for
tion), increases in capital (through saving LCDs. Finally, empirical studies provide a lim-
and investment), and improvements in technol- ited support to the predictions of endogenous
ogy. Closed economies grow more slowly, growth theory (Todaro and Smith 2003).
whereas open economies have an income • New theory of economic development stresses
convergence at higher levels because capital complementarities between several factors
flows from rich countries to poor countries necessary for successful development of
where capital-labor ratios are lower and returns nations. Investments have to be done by
on investments are higher. However, free mar- many agents to produce results for any individ-
kets and open economies may also increase ual agent. When complementarities are pre-
income inequality, violence, and public debts sent, an action taken by one firm, worker,
that may reduce the well-being of people in the organization, or government, it increases the
long run (Coccia 2017, 2017a). incentives for other agents to take similar
Contemporary Models of Development (cf., actions. In particular, complementarities
Todaro and Smith 2003) involve investments whose returns depend on
• Endogenous growth theory argues that the investments done by other agents. In this
growth of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is context, the model of Big Push suggests that
determined by production processes within production decisions by modern-sector firms
economic system, rather than by forces are mutually reinforcing (cf., Todaro and
outside that system. This theoretical frame- Smith 2003). Another model in this theoretical
work has been developed by Kenneth Arrow framework is the Kremer’s O-ring model
in 1962, Hirofumi Uzawa in 1965, Paul Romer (1993). This approach focuses on a production
in 1986, Robert Lucas in 1988, and Sergio function with many tasks, which must be
Rebelo in 1991. Subsequently, Paul Romer in proficiency all completed to have a full value
1987, Philip Aghion and Peter Howitt in 1992, of product. Mistakes during the process of
and Gene M. Grossman and Elhanan Helpman production can be extremely costly, reducing
in 1991 incorporated imperfect markets and the product’s value (the name O-ring comes
Research and Development (R&D) to endoge- from the accident of the space
nous growth model. This new growth theory shuttle Challenger that exploded because one
endeavors to explain different growth rates of the components, the O-rings, failed).
across countries and factors associated with Underdevelopment of countries can be also
the rate of growth of GDP that are left due to a coordination failure: agents have
unexplained and exogenously determined in inability to coordinate their behavior
the Solow neoclassical model of growth (i.e., (choices), generating frictional factors for pat-
residual factor; cf., Solow, 1956). In general, terns of economic growth.
investments in human capital generate external
economies and productivity improvements that Theories of Regional Development
offset to explain the existence of increasing Geoeconomic space with regional disparities can
returns to scale. Endogenous growth models generate poverty, unemployment, social issues,
also explain anomalous international flows of income inequality, violent crime, etc. (Coccia
capital that generate wealth inequalities 2009, 2017). The goal of the theory of regional
between rich and poor nations. However, eco- development is to reduce regional disparities
nomic literature shows that high rates of return within a country to support a general development
on investment within developing economies of nation as a whole system. In this context,
Theories of Development 5

development was defined by Perroux (1955, growth. From the viewpoint of policymakers, the
p. 308) as “a selective, cumulative process which major advantage of these approaches is the oppor-
does not appear everywhere at the same time but tunity for integrating industrial policy, physical
becomes manifest at certain points in space with planning, and inter-regional and intra-regional
variable intensity.” Perroux (1955, p. 309) also economic planning.
argues that the growth does not appear every-
where at the same time and with the same inten-
sity; it appears at specific spatial points or poles of Sustainable Development and
growth with varying intensity of socioeconomic Conclusions
interaction; after that, it these poles spread eco-
nomic activities along various channels, generat- The global and industrial society, driven by new
ing different effects on growth of regional and technology, is generating economic growth rather
national economic systems. Growth pole theory than a sustainable development of nations (Coccia
was proposed for solving inequalities in economic 2015). Scholars assert that one of the main effects
growth of regions within nation. A critical factor of development on environment is pollution,
of this approach is the concept of growth pole: a which started with the Industrial Revolution in
large cluster of firms and/or industries strongly Europe and North America, driven by technical
related through input-output linkages to a leading and economic change of steam engine, internal
industry (or propulsive) firm and/or industry. Pro- combustion engine, and other new technology
pulsive industry and interrelated industries inno- (Coccia 2015). In general, economic development
vate and grow faster than other industries external of the last decades is causing demographic, envi-
to the pole, generating economic development in ronmental, and climate change. In particular,
specific areas by their capacity to stimulate differ- European, North American, and Chinese develop-
ent forces within socioeconomic system. ment is generating socioeconomic progress and
The concept of growth pole was subsequently well-being of people but also the diffusion of
developed by Jacques Raoul Boudeville consid- some mutagens and genotoxic carcinogens from
ering a set of expanding industries located in an industrialization processes (e.g., pollutants, pesti-
urban area that induces the development of cides in agriculture, several chemicals, asbestos,
economic activitis throughout zones of influence. processed or chemically preserved food, etc.;
The essence of growth pole analysis is that spatial Coccia 2015). Hence, development of nations
concentration of economic activities and agglom- generates economic growth but also a general
eration of population are the most efficient factors pollution that has negative consequences on envi-
to support economic growth of regional systems. ronment, health (e.g., cancers), and food safety in
Although agglomeration of industries is a key society (cf., Coccia 2015, p. 62; Coccia 2013,
element in spatial organizational efficiency, 2014a, 2016).
of course, it is not the sole force supporting Overall, then, the concept of development is
regional growth (Coccia 2009). Other factors, driven by the expanding content of human life
supporting economic growth associated with pro- interests, using new technology and science
pulsive industry, are an efficient higher education advances (Coccia 2019, Coccia and Wang,
system, low corruption and criminality, good eco- 2016). Human society should focus on patterns
nomic governance, high innovative outputs and of sustainable development, rather than economic
new technology in democratic contexts, etc. (cf., growth, for improving long-run environmental
Coccia 2010, 2014, 2015a, 2015b, 2018a, 2018c, and social factors, and health of people. However,
2018d, 2019). Moreover, the growth pole has to development is also affected by economic, social,
be created in spatial areas with at least 250,000 psychological, anthropological, and perhaps bio-
people before the above mechanisms work within logical factors that can generate uncertain and
geoeconomic space for supporting regional unknown long-term effects in environment and
6 Theories of Development

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