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Web Marketing MKT-901

Website Link -

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree

Bachelor of Technology

(Computer Science & Engineering)

Submitted to

Submitted by: Vishal Sharma

Registration Number: 12011639
Signature of the Student: Vishal Sharma
To whomsoever it may concern

I,Vishal Sharma, 12011639, hereby declare that the work

done by me on “Web Marketing CA2” from September 2023 to October
2023,is a record of original
work for the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree,

Submitted by-

Vishal Sharma

Registration Number-



I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to my teachers and our college for
providing me with the golden opportunity to undertake this outstanding project on
the subject of Web Marketing. This project has not only enhanced my knowledge
but also allowed me to delve into various research aspects, enabling me to
discover new insights. I am truly thankful to them for their support and guidance

I would also like to extend my deepest appreciation to my parents, whose

unwavering support and encouragement played a pivotal role in the success of this
project. Without them, this endeavor would not have been possible.

Finally, I want to express my sincere thanks to my dear friends, who stood by

me throughout this journey, offering their invaluable assistance and

I extend my gratitude to everyone who provided guidance and motivation

during the execution of this project. I would also like to acknowledge the
support of the official and other individuals who contributed their expertise
during the project's duration.

Table of Contents:-

Serial Number Title Page Number

1 Student Declaration 2
2 Acknowledgement 3
3 Table Of Contents 4
4 Introduction 5
5 Key Metrics 7
6 SEO Audit Finding 8
7 Recommendations 15
and Key Activities
8 Conclusion 17


1.1 Purpose

The purpose of this report is to provide a comprehensive overview of ONU's

influencer marketing services, outlining our approach, capabilities, and offerings. By
delving into our methodology and the value we bring to our partners, this report aims
to elucidate the potential of influencer marketing in the contemporary digital

1.2 Scope

This report outlines ONU's expertise in influencer marketing, covering our

collaboration process with brands, content creation strategies, influencer and creator
partnerships, as well as advertising and promotion campaigns. It provides insights into
how ONU assists businesses in effectively engaging their target audiences, promoting
products or services, and achieving their marketing objectives.

1.3 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations

 ONU: Opportunities and You, the creative powerhouse specializing in

influencer marketing.

 Influencer Marketing: A form of marketing that focuses on utilizing

individuals with a strong online presence and following to promote products or

 Content Creation: The process of generating engaging and relevant content,

including videos, blog posts, and infographics, tailored to specific audiences.

 Influencers: Individuals with a significant online following and credibility in a
particular niche or industry, capable of influencing their audience's opinions and

1.4 References

This report draws on information provided by ONU and general industry knowledge
related to influencer marketing practices and trends.

1.5 Overview

In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, influencer marketing has become a

powerful tool for businesses to connect with diverse audiences authentically. ONU, as
a leading influencer marketing agency, plays a pivotal role in this realm. With a focus
on content creation, influencer partnerships, and tailored advertising campaigns, ONU
assists brands in reaching their marketing goals effectively and efficiently. This report
sheds light on ONU's methodologies and offerings, showcasing how we harness the
potential of influencer marketing for our partners


2.1 Product Perspective

The purpose of this report is to provide a comprehensive overview of ONU's

influencer marketing services, outlining our approach, capabilities, and offerings. By
delving into our methodology and the value we bring to our partners, this report aims
to elucidate the potential of influencer marketing in the contemporary digital

2.2 Product Functions

 Collaboration with Companies: ONU initiates the influencer marketing

process by partnering with brands to gain in-depth insights into their offerings,
target audience, and overarching marketing objectives. This foundational
collaboration sets the stage for meaningful influencer partnerships.

 Content Creation: At the heart of ONU's operations lies the art of content
creation. We employ a diverse range of mediums, including videos, blog posts,
infographics, and more, meticulously tailored to resonate with the brand's
specific audience and marketing goals. Through creativity and innovation, we
craft content that not only captures attention but also inspires action.

 Influencer and Creator Partnerships: ONU possesses an acute understanding

of the influencer landscape, enabling us to identify and partner with influencers
and creators whose followers align seamlessly with the brand's ethos. These
partnerships are carefully curated, ensuring an authentic representation of the
brand's message and values, thereby maximizing impact and engagement.

 Advertising and Promotion Campaigns: ONU goes beyond traditional
influencer collaborations by devising and executing customized advertising and
promotion campaigns. These campaigns encompass a spectrum of strategies,
including public relations initiatives, event marketing, and social media
campaigns. By amalgamating these diverse approaches, ONU amplifies brand
visibility, generates leads, and drives sales, creating a holistic brand experience.

2.3 User Characteristics

 Brands and Companies: ONU's primary clients are forward-thinking

businesses seeking to expand their market reach, enhance brand visibility, and
create meaningful connections with their audience through influencer

 Influencers and Creators: ONU collaborates with influencers and creators

who possess not just a substantial online following but also an authentic voice
and a genuine connection with their audience. These influencers are individuals
who actively engage with their followers, making them valuable partners in
conveying the brand's message effectively.

 Target Audience: At the core of ONU's strategies are the consumers

themselves. Ranging across various demographics, these individuals are
discerning, socially connected, and influenced by authentic content and
recommendations. ONU tailors its campaigns to resonate with the diverse
sensibilities and preferences of this audience, ensuring meaningful interactions
and conversions.

2.4 General Constraints

 Platform Algorithms: The ever-changing algorithms of social media platforms

pose a challenge, impacting the visibility and reach of influencer-generated
content. ONU continuously adapts its strategies to navigate these algorithmic
shifts, ensuring sustained engagement and impact.

 Market Saturation: In certain niches, market saturation poses a challenge in

finding unique angles for influencer campaigns. ONU tackles this challenge
through innovative storytelling, creativity, and a deep understanding of
consumer psychology, ensuring that even in saturated markets, the brand
message stands out.

 Budgetary Limitations: Budget constraints are a reality for many businesses.

ONU recognizes this and works closely with clients to optimize their influencer
marketing initiatives within the available budget, ensuring cost-effectiveness
without compromising on impact.

2.5 Assumptions and Dependencies

 Assumption: ONU operates on the fundamental belief that influencer

partnerships are built on mutual interest and shared values between the brand
and the influencer. This synergy ensures the authenticity of the collaborations,
fostering genuine connections with the audience.

 Dependency: The success of influencer marketing campaigns is intricately tied

to the influencers' ability to authentically represent the brand. ONU's strategies
are built upon this dependency, relying on the influencers' credibility and
relatability to drive meaningful engagement and conversions.

In essence, ONU's influencer marketing services are characterized by a harmonious
blend of strategic collaboration, creative excellence, and audience-centricity. By
embracing the complexities of the digital landscape and leveraging the power of
genuine connections, ONU propels brands into the spotlight, transforming ordinary
campaigns into extraordinary success stories..



3.1.1 ONU's Workflow:

3.1.2 Software Interfaces

 Laravel Framework: The project is built using the Laravel PHP framework,
harnessing its powerful features and elegant syntax. Laravel provides a robust
foundation for developing secure, scalable, and maintainable web applications.
ONU leverages Laravel's extensive ecosystem to implement essential
functionalities such as routing, authentication, and database interactions.

 Composer: ONU utilizes Composer, a dependency manager for PHP, to manage

the project's libraries, packages, and dependencies. Composer ensures that the
project is equipped with the latest versions of required packages, enhancing its
stability and security. By managing dependencies efficiently, ONU ensures a
smooth development workflow and seamless integration of external components.

 Visual Studio Code (VS Code): ONU's development team relies on Visual
Studio Code, a popular source code editor developed by Microsoft, to write, edit,
and debug code efficiently. VS Code offers a range of extensions and plugins
that enhance the development experience, including Laravel-specific extensions
that provide features like code completion, syntax highlighting, and integrated
terminal access. This streamlined development environment boosts productivity
and ensures code quality.

 Database Management Systems: The Laravel project interfaces with database

management systems such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, or SQLite, depending on the
project requirements. These systems store and manage crucial data related to
influencer profiles, campaign details, and user interactions. Laravel's built-in
ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) facilitates seamless communication with
databases, enabling efficient data retrieval and storage.

 Version Control Systems (e.g., Git): ONU employs version control systems
like Git to track changes, collaborate on development, and maintain code
integrity. Git enables multiple developers to work concurrently on the project,
ensuring version history, code collaboration, and streamlined deployment
processes. ONU utilizes platforms like GitHub or GitLab for centralized
repository management and collaborative development workflows.


Header: The header section of your website is meticulously designed to provide a

visually appealing and intuitive user experience. It offers quick access to essential
navigation options, ensuring seamless interaction for visitors. The navigation bar
includes links to vital pages such as Home, About Us, Services, Pricing, Contact Us,
Register, and Login, allowing users to navigate the platform effortlessly.

Home Page: The home page of your website features a clean and intuitive layout,
enhancing user exploration. A prominently placed search bar allows visitors to search
for specific courses, services, or content tailored to their preferences, streamlining their
journey through the platform.

Services Page: The Services page provides comprehensive details about the range of
services your platform offers. Users can gain insights into influencer partnerships,
campaign management, content creation, and more, enabling them to make informed
decisions about the services that best meet their needs.

About Us Page: The About Us page offers valuable insights into your platform's
mission, values, and the dedicated team behind it. It allows users to connect with the
core principles that drive your platform's operations, fostering trust and credibility.

Pricing Page: On the Pricing page, users can explore different plans and pricing
options transparently. This page provides clarity regarding the cost of services,
empowering users to choose plans that align with their requirements and budget,
enhancing user confidence and satisfaction.

Contact Us Page: The Contact Us page provides a user-friendly interface for visitors
to reach out to your platform. A well-designed contact form allows users to submit
inquiries, request information, or leave messages, facilitating seamless communication
and engagement.

Footer: The footer section of your website acts as a valuable resource and navigation
aid for users, enhancing usability and professionalism. Key elements in the footer

 Contact Information: Prominent display of email address and phone number

for easy communication.

 Quick Links: Direct links to essential pages, such as homepage, courses, about
us, pricing, and FAQs, ensuring effortless navigation.

 Refund and Cancellation Policy: Clear information about refund and

cancellation procedures, enhancing transparency.

 SEO Guidelines: Insights and guidelines related to search engine optimization,

aiding users in optimizing their content for search engines.

 Terms and Conditions: Detailed information about the terms and conditions
governing platform usage.

 Privacy Policy: Transparency regarding data protection and privacy practices.

 Community: Links to the Help Centre, Partners, and Suggestion pages,

encouraging user engagement and collaboration.

 Pricing: A direct link to the Pricing page for users to explore different plans and
pricing options conveniently.

 Instagram Latest Post: A dynamic feed displaying real-time updates from your
Instagram account, enriching user experience with visual content and
engagement opportunities.

 Copyright Notice: Clear ownership indication and protection of website

content, instilling trust and professionalism.

This thoughtfully designed website architecture enhances user engagement, fosters

trust, and provides a seamless experience for visitors, ensuring a positive and
memorable interaction with your platform.

1. Content Creation: ONU creates compelling content tailored to the brand's target
audience. This content takes various forms, including videos, blog posts,
infographics, and more.

2. Influencer and Creator Partnerships: We identify and collaborate with

influencers and creators whose followers align with the brand's objectives. ONU
shares the brand's content with these influencers, who, in turn, share it with their
dedicated followers.

3. Measurement and Reporting: We meticulously track campaign results to measure

their impact. This data is then shared with our partner brands, enabling them to
evaluate the success of their investment in ONU.

Through this process, ONU enables companies to effectively engage their target
audiences, promote their products or services, and achieve their marketing goals.
ONU's Offerings:

Content Creation: ONU crafts high-quality, audience-relevant content, encompassing

videos, blog posts, infographics, and more. Our end-to-end services cover ideation,
production, and distribution.

Influencer and Creator Partnerships: We facilitate partnerships with influencers and

creators whose followers are interested in your offerings. ONU handles the selection and
management of these partnerships on your behalf.

Advertising and Promotion Campaigns: ONU develops and executes tailored advertising
and promotion campaigns, including public relations, event marketing, and social media
marketing, to help you reach your target audience, generate leads, and drive sales.



1. Cost per Impression: Opportunities And You offers services at an impressively

low cost of less than 6 paise per impression. This metric signifies the economical
nature of their influencer marketing services, making it highly cost-effective for

2. Influencer Network Size: Opportunities And You boasts a substantial database of

10,000 collaborating influencers. The size of this network is a crucial metric as it
indicates the company's extensive reach and ability to connect with diverse
audiences across various industries.

3. Comprehensive Services: Opportunities And You's holistic approach includes not

only influencer promotion but also free web designing and SEO services. The
inclusion of these additional services showcases the company's commitment to
providing integrated marketing solutions, enhancing the overall value proposition
for clients.

4. Competitive Pricing Advantage: The company's competitive pricing strategy

enables businesses to stand out from competitors. By offering services at an
unbeatable cost, Opportunities And You provides exceptional value to clients,
ensuring that they receive high-quality influencer marketing services without
breaking the bank.

Executive Summary:

The following report provides a detailed analysis of ONU's website's current

SEO performance, identifying strengths and areas for improvement. The goal of

this audit is to enhance the website's visibility on search engines and user


On-Page SEO:
1. Title Tags: Recommend enhancing title tags for better search engine visibility by
integrating relevant keywords and ensuring they are user-friendly. This optimization
is necessary because many existing title tags lack the use of appropriate keywords
and fail to provide clear descriptions.

2. Meta Descriptions: Advise creating distinctive and engaging meta descriptions for
pages with missing or generic ones. This will boost click-through rates and offer
users clearer context and understanding of the content.

3. Header Tags: Suggest adopting a uniform header tag structure (H1, H2, etc.) for
content consistency and improved SEO. Inconsistencies and absences should be
addressed to enhance organization and search engine optimization.

4. Content Quality: Content is generally of high quality, but some pages could
benefit from user focused optimization.

Suggest reviewing and enhancing content with a focus on user intent, engagement,

and including relevant multimedia elements.

5. Internal Linking: Internal linking is minimal and lacks a structured approach.

Recommend implementing a more robust internal linking strategy to improve site

navigation and distribute link equity.

Technical SEO Analysis:

1. Site Speed: Page load times are generally acceptable, but there is room for
improvement , particularly on mobile devices. Suggest optimizing images, scripts,
leveraging browser caching, and minimizing unnecessary elements to enhance site
speed. This metric measures the time it takes to establish a secure connection to the
website. A fast and secure connection is vital for user trust and SEO.

2. Mobile Optimization: Mobile optimization is essential for delivering seamless
user experiences on smartphones and tablets. It involves responsive design, fast
loading times, touch-friendly interfaces, and simplified navigation. These strategies
enhance user engagement, boost search engine rankings, and expand audience
reach, ensuring businesses stay competitive in the mobile-centric digital landscape.

3. URL Structure: URLs are generally straightforward and user-friendly, requiring

no specific modifications. The existing website addresses are clear and easily
understood, contributing to a positive user experience. No further recommendations
are needed in this aspect, as the URLs are already optimized for clarity and
Backlinks Analysis:
1. Link Profile: "Opportunities And You" boasts a strong and varied link profile from
reputable sources. Emphasize the importance of continuing to prioritize high-quality
backlinks and organic link-building techniques. Building relationships with
authoritative sources enhances our online credibility and visibility, ensuring
sustained growth and relevance in the digital landscape.

2. Toxic Links: There are no harmful backlinks detected. Suggest continuous

monitoring and disavowal processes to uphold a clean and healthy link profile,
ensuring our online reputation remains untarnished and reliable.

Content Strategy Analysis:
1. Fresh Content: Regular content updates are essential for SEO performance.
Recommend establishing a content calendar for the creation of fresh, relevant, and
engaging content.

2. Multimedia Content: ONU already effectively utilizes multimedia content.

Continue to incorporate videos, images, and interactive elements to engage users

and enhance content.

User Experience Analysis:

1. User-Friendly Navigation: ONU's website offers an intuitive and user-friendly
Maintain and improve the site's navigation and search functionality to ensure ease
of use engaging content.

2. Accessibility: Ensure the website is accessible to all users, including those with
disabilities. Perform regular accessibility audits and updates to meet web
accessibility standards.

In a rapidly evolving digital landscape, the power of influence has taken center stage.
Welcome to "Opportunities and You" by ONU, your trusted partner in harnessing the
potential of influencer marketing for your brand. In today's world, where content is king
and engagement is key, influencer marketing has emerged as a dynamic avenue to reach
diverse audiences with authenticity and impact.

Key Takeaways from Successful Companies:

1. Personalized Content Creation: Embrace the power of tailored content. Utilize

advanced algorithms to recommend services and products based on individual user
preferences, elevating user satisfaction and loyalty.
2. Consistent Multi-Platform Experience: Ensure seamless experiences across
various platforms. Transition smoothly from web services to mobile apps,
enhancing user engagement and convenience, fostering loyalty.
3. Integration of Technology and Marketing: Blend technology like AI and big data
with marketing strategies. Leverage data-driven insights to enhance user
experiences, ensuring ongoing innovation and competitiveness.
4. Strategic Email Marketing: Utilize email campaigns effectively. Send
personalized recommendations and updates, optimizing email strategies for
increased conversions and customer retention.
5. Interactive Social Media Engagement: Cultivate buzz through social media
interactions. Engage users with compelling content, collaborate with influencers,
and encourage user-generated content to create excitement and anticipation for

Key Activities for Enhanced Strategy:

1. Diversified Mobile and TV Applications: Expand outreach with user-friendly

mobile and smart TV applications. Enhance the multi-platform experience, making
it convenient for users to engage with services on their preferred devices.
2. Curated and Fresh Content: Curate diverse and fresh content offerings. Invest in
various genres, releasing high-quality content regularly to captivate and entertain
subscribers, ensuring continued engagement.
3. Strategic Partnerships with Creators: Foster partnerships with content creators
and studios. Co-produce exclusive content, secure distribution rights, and build
relationships to ensure a compelling and varied content library.
4. Innovative Customer Retention: Explore innovative retention strategies.
Introduce loyalty programs, special promotions, and exclusive content access for
long-term subscribers, fostering loyalty and customer satisfaction.
5. Compliance and Responsible Content: Adhere to regulatory guidelines,
especially concerning minors. Implement robust content rating systems, ensuring
informed viewing choices for parents and guardians.


Upon evaluating "Opportunities And You's" online presence, we acknowledge

its existing strengths while identifying key areas for improvement. Drawing
insights from the analysis, a strategic approach can be adopted to enhance the
company's SEO performance and user experience in the digital landscape.

Leveraging Current Strengths:

"Opportunities And You" benefits from a recognizable brand identity, laying a

strong foundation for impactful marketing strategies. The integration of
pertinent keywords within content mirrors successful practices, ensuring
visibility on search engine platforms. Technical aspects, such as mobile
optimization and secure HTTPS connections, align with industry standards,
ensuring user accessibility and safety.

The intuitively designed website architecture promotes seamless navigation,

fostering extended user interactions and bolstering retention rates. Active
engagement on social media platforms further strengthens community
connections, enhancing brand resonance. These inherent strengths form valuable
assets for "Opportunities And You's" online presence.

Areas for Development:

Taking inspiration from effective content strategies, "Opportunities And You"

can explore the creation of diverse, high-quality content. Regular updates and
fresh offerings engage existing customers and attract new users, enriching the
platform's appeal amidst robust competition.

Additionally, the integration of personalized content and recommendations can
elevate user satisfaction and retention. Implementing sophisticated algorithms
tailored to individual preferences ensures a tailored user experience.

Strategic Forward Steps:

In navigating the dynamic digital landscape, "Opportunities And You" must

proactively embrace change. Incorporating the insights shared in this report can
refine the company's SEO strategies and enhance user engagement. This
comprehensive approach necessitates continual analysis, adaptation, and

This report serves as a robust foundation, providing actionable insights to guide

strategic decisions. Achieving sustained success in the ever-evolving digital
realm demands ongoing vigilance, adaptation, and innovation. By embracing
these recommendations, "Opportunities And You" is well-positioned to enhance
its online presence and establish a lasting foothold in the competitive digital


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