3rd Quiz

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7/5/23, 11:40 AM 3rd Quiz

3rd Quiz Total points 8/20

Max time allowed is 20 mins

Please, answer all questions
Only one answer is correct per each question

Good Luck

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7/5/23, 11:40 AM 3rd Quiz

The construction foreman posted a large sign requiring all work site *2/2
visitors to don a hard hat and safety glasses. He also purchased copious
quantities of both items and made them readily available at the entrance.
The foreman is engaged in

risk identification.

risk mitigation.

analysis of probability and consequences.

control and documentation.

What is the total project budget for design in this time-phased budget? * 1/1





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7/5/23, 11:40 AM 3rd Quiz

Each project team member had a backup that could fill in at a moment's *0/1
notice should another team member fall by the wayside. The project was
able to mitigate risks in this fashion thanks to an aggressive

mentoring program.

cross-training program.

duplication program.

featherbedding program

Three workers complete a full 8-hour day finishing concrete for a terrace. *0/2
All three workers are paid $12 an hour and the job bills to the customer
for $450. What are the total direct labor costs?





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7/5/23, 11:40 AM 3rd Quiz

Ray's shipment of materials hit every red light and traffic jam on the way *0/2
to the site. Upon arrival, half of the material was judged defective,
necessitating a trip back to the supplier, and then the same arduous
journey back to the site once the new materials were loaded. Traffic was
a little better on the second round but the flat tire and subsequent repair
caused as much if not more delay than the first trip. In the final analysis

The project activity of Material Delivery was pretty close to the optimistic estimate.

The project activity of Material Delivery was pretty close to the most likely estimate.

The project activity of Material Delivery had a much higher variance than

The project activity of Material Delivery was pretty close to the pessimistic

What is the late finish time for Activity D given the activity times and *2/2
precedence requirements shown in the table?





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7/5/23, 11:40 AM 3rd Quiz

Which of these is typically a recurring cost? * 1/1

preliminary market analysis

personnel training

outplacement services


You are probably looking at a bill for a variable cost when you are paying *1/1

leased capital equipment.



health insurance.

When asked to provide an estimate of an irrigation system, Pete looked *0/1

from one end of the field to the other, licked a finger and held it in the air,
squinted into the sun and said $25,000, give or take 30%. The technique
employed for cost estimation is:





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7/5/23, 11:40 AM 3rd Quiz

Once most of the design work is complete, at a point when the scope and *1/1
capabilities of the project are quite well understood, a __________ may be

definitive estimate

comparative estimate

a parametric estimate

a non-parametric estimate

Use the network diagram and activity lengths in the nodes to determine *0/2
the late start time for activity F.





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7/5/23, 11:40 AM 3rd Quiz

Use the network diagram and activity lengths in the nodes to determine *0/2
the slack time for activity D.

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7/5/23, 11:40 AM 3rd Quiz

Use the information in the table to determine the slack time for Activity B. * 0/2

6 days

4 days

2 days

0 days

This form was created inside of The American University in Cairo.


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7/5/23, 11:40 AM 3rd Quiz

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7/5/23, 11:40 AM 3rd Quiz

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7/5/23, 11:40 AM 3rd Quiz

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7/5/23, 11:40 AM 3rd Quiz

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7/5/23, 11:40 AM 3rd Quiz

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