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Q1: What is the main source of

Human-induced methane emissions

Contributing to the greenhouse effect?

A. Transportation

B. Agriculture

C. Industrial processes

D. Deforestation

Q2: Which gas is the most

Abundant greenhouse gas in Earth’s


◦ A. Carbon Dioxide (CO2)

◦ B. Methane (CH4)

◦ C. Nitrous Oxide (N20)

◦ D. Ozone (03)

Q3: What is the main function

Of greenhouse gases in the Earth’s


◦ A. Reflecting Sunlight

B. Trapping Heat

◦ C. Generating Ozone

◦ D. Initiating Rainfall

Q4: What is the primary

Source of increased carbon dioxide

Levels in the atmosphere?

◦ A. Volcanic Activity

◦ B. Deforestation

C. Industrial Emissions

◦ D. Ocean Currents

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