Big Data Course Plan

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Session Chapter Title/Reference Cumulative

Topic Covered Course plan Covered
No Literature (%)
Definition, importance and need in
1 Meet Hadoop Lecture PPT 2 2
business context
Need for specialized systems –
comparison of Big Data with traditional
2 Lecture PPT 2 4
data and data management systems,
Concept of NoSQL
3 Introduction to Hadoop components Lecture PPT 2 6
Case Study 1 4 10
4 Introduction to Hadoop components Lecture PPT 2 12
5 Benefits and limitations Lecture PPT 2 14
6 Familiarizing with Hadoop Hands On 2 16
Case Study
7 Case Study 2 discussion
4 20

Setting up a Hadoop Installing Hadoop, setting up

8 Lecture PPT 2 22
cluster and Map reduce daemons, configuring Hadoop
9 MapReduce Introduction to MapReduce Lecture PPT 2 24
Yarn: importance, usage and
10 Yarn Lecture PPT 2 26
11 Hadoop I/O Hadoop I/O Lecture PPT 2 28
12 Hands On Lecture PPT 2 30
Case Study 3 4 34
Developing Map Reduce Running Hadoop MapReduce
13 Lecture PPT 2 36
Applications program
Running Hadoop MapReduce
14 MapReduce Features Lecture PPT 2 38
15 Case Study 4 Case discussion 4 42
16 Quiz 1 Quiz 0 42
17 Hive Hive Shell Lecture PPT 2 44
18 Configuring Hive Metastore Lecture PPT 2 46
Case Study 5 4 50
Database and data management,
19 HQL Introduction, HQL Querying Lecture PPT 2 52
HiveQL data
Introduction to Pig, Pig programs
20 fundamentals, Functions and Lecture PPT 2 54
21 Running Pig Programs Lecture PPT 2 56
22 Case Study 6 Case discussion 4 60
23 Hbase Hbase fundamentals Lecture PPT 2 62
24 Sqoop Lecture PPT 2 64
Case Study 7 4 68
25 Imports Lecture PPT 2 70
26 Exports Lecture PPT 2 72
27 Case Study 8 Case discussion 4 76
28 Quiz 2 Quiz 0 76
29 Spark and Zookeeper Flume architecture Lecture PPT 2 78
30 Data extraction, Source and Sink Lecture PPT 2 80
31 Flume installation and working Lecture PPT 2 82
Case Study 9 4 86
MapReduce and Spark comparison,
32 Lecture PPT 2 88
Challenges with Spark
Introduction to Zookeeper,
33 Lecture PPT 2 90
Consistancy and Sessions
34 Case Study 10 Case discussion 4 94
Overview of ML, Regression and
35 Lecture PPT 2 96
Application of ML to AI Classification
Logistic Regression and Neural
36 Lecture PPT 2 98
Decision trees and Support Vector
37 Lecture PPT 1 99
38 Clustering techniques Lecture PPT 1 100

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