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Floating Advertisement

What is online advertising? ➢ This advert appears in a layer over the

content but is not in a separate
➢ It is simply advertising on the Internet.
➢ It encompasses advertisement on search engine results pages (PPC
➢ These are sometimes referred to as
advertising), can be placed in emails or other ways in which
advertisers use the Internet.
➢ Floating adverts are created with
Display Advertising DHTML or Flash, and float in a layer above a site’s content for a few
➢ A form of advertising that conveys a commercial message visually
using text, logos, animations, videos, photographs, or other graphics. 5. Wallpaper Advertisement

Types of Display Advertising ➢ This advert changes the background of the

web page being viewed.
1. Interstitial Banners ➢ Also called homepage takeovers.
➢ Banners that are shown between pages on
a web site.
➢ As you click from one page to another, you 6. Banner Advertisement
are shown this advertisement before the
➢ Placing a designed ad on another
next page is shown.
➢ Most of the time, you can close the advertisement.
➢ The ad is a banner shape, a long
2. Pop-up Ads rectangle, either horizontal or vertical.
➢ Banner ads are usually at the top or
➢ They open in a new, smaller window, and will see a pop-up straight bottom of a website or vertically along the side of a website, next to
away. the main content.
➢ These were very prominent in the early days of online advertising,
but audience annoyance means that there are now “pop-up Payment Models for Display Advertising
blockers” built into most good web browsers.
1. CPI or CPM
3. Map Advertisement
➢ CPI stands for Cost Per Impression. This means the advertiser pays
➢ This is advertising placed within the online each time the advert appears on the publisher’s page.
mapping solutions available, such as ➢ The most common way of referring to this model is CPM or Cost Per
Google Maps. Thousand Impression.
➢ This is how a campaign is normally priced when brand awareness or
exposure is the primary goal.
2. CPC ➢ Also referred to as performance marketing.

➢ CPC stands for Cost Per Click. Affiliate

➢ This means that the advertiser only pays when their advert is clicked
➢ The third-party publishers with commission fee that incentivizes
on by an interested party.
them to find ways to promote the company.
➢ CPC advertising is normally associated with paid search marketing,
➢ Redirect visitors who click on one of these links or ads to the e-
also called Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising.
commerce site.
➢ Ads can be priced this way when the aim is to drive traffic.
3. CPA
1. Join affiliate
➢ CPA refers to Cost Per Acquisition.
2. Find products
➢ This model means the advertiser only pays when an advert delivers
3. Promote products
an acquisition (user filling in a form, downloading a file or buying a
4. Track sales
5. Earn commission
➢ CPA is the best way for an advertiser to pay because they only pay
when the advertising has met its goal. Type of Actions and Commission
➢ For this reason, it is also the worst type for the publisher as they are
only rewarded if the advertising is successful. 1. CPA (Cost Per Action)
➢ The amount paid when a certain action is performed by a user.
4. Flat Rate ➢ The action could be anything from downloading a white paper or
software to signing up to a newsletter.
➢ Fixed cost per month regardless of the amount of traffic or
2. CPL (Cost Per Lead)
➢ Fixed commission for a lead (i.e., a potential sale)
➢ This would appeal to an advertiser who may be testing an online
➢ Merchants who offer CPL commissions are usually those who need to
campaign that targets niche markets.
convert a lead into a sale offline. This means they will generally need
5. Cost per Engagement to complete the transaction.
3. Revenue Share (also CPS or Cost Per Sale)
➢ “Engagement” is generally defined as a user-initiated rollover, or
➢ An agreed percentage of the purchase amount is awarded.
mouseover, action that results in a sustained advert expansion.
➢ Revenue sharing is the ideal commission structure as both the
➢ Once expanded, an advert may contain a video, game, or other rich
merchant and the affiliate are rewarded for performance – the more
sales, the more revenue generated for the merchant and the more
LESSON 2 FINALS: AFFILIATE MARKETING commission for the affiliate.
4. CPC (Cost Per Click)
Affiliate Marketing ➢ The affiliate marketing mix, and the merchant pays a fixed amount
➢ It is an advertising model in which a company compensates third- for each click through to their web site.
party publishers to generate traffic or leads to the company’s ➢ An affiliate would be awarded commission for every click through to
products and services. the merchant web site.
The Lifeline of Affiliate Marketing (Tracking) How can the software track the actions?

➢ Affiliates send traffic to merchants through links or URLs, and the ➢ When the customer completes the required action on the merchant’s
tracking software allows each affiliate to have a unique identifier in web site, the cookie will allow the tracking software to collect the
the URL. These links set a cookie on the customer’s computer, which information needed to award the commission.
allows the software to track the sale. ➢ For example, if a customer were to use an affiliate link to purchase a
➢ For example, here is the URL of a product on a retailer’s website: gift from a merchant (using the same URL as before as an example),
the following information would be collected:
• Referring URL and affiliate
➢ Here is the URL for the same product, but with affiliate tracking: • Total sale amount for commission
• Date and time of sale
• Unique order number of sale

What is a cookie?

➢ Text files with small pieces of data that are used to identify your
computer as you use a computer network.
➢ Cookies are created when you use your browser to visit a website
that uses cookies to keep track of your movements within the site.
➢ Help you resume where you left off, remember your registered login,
theme selection, preferences, and other customization functions. Product Feed
Do cookies expire? ➢ A way of providing information about the products on a merchant’s
➢ YES, they expired, and the domain owner gets to determine for how web site in a way that breaks up the information easily and is
long a cookie should last, and this is called the cookie period. standardized. A product feed will probably contain the following
➢ Cookies are not just used for affiliate marketing. They are also used information for each product.
to store information so that a web site “remembers” who you are • Product name
next time you visit it. • Product URL
➢ There are merchants who offer what is called an affiliate lock-in. • Product picture
Here, the first affiliate to refer the customer earns commission on the • Product price
lifetime of the customer: every purchase that the customer makes • Description
will earn the affiliate commission. • Shipping price
• Stock status: in stock / out of stock

What country has been called the social media capital of the world? 1. Go Live!
➢ Businesses use live video for information dissemination,
➢ Philippines
collaborations, webinars, and conversations about products.
➢ Filipinos spend an average of 4 hours and 15 minutes each day on
2. Offer A Message
social media, topping the global usage rankings for the 6th straight
➢ A business should position their social media channels to support a
social, political, or environmental cause. Brand monitoring
➢ The Philippines is also again the highest in internet usage, clocking in
and reputation management play an increasingly important role in
close to 11 hours per day at 10 hours and 56 minutes.
any business.
81,530,000 - Number of social media users in the Philippines as of 2021 3. Make Valuable Content
➢ Marketing teams focused on valuable, scalable content that can be
Top Sites for Social Media Marketing recorded and created at home as a social media marketing strategy.
1. Facebook 4. Create Bite-Sized Content
➢ Still the king. It’s the most used social media network in the world. ➢ Exploring bite-sized content as a social media marketing strategy is a
2. Instagram great way to seek new virality in your content. You have only a few
➢ Instagram has 1 billion monthly active users, with a greater share of seconds to grab your audience’s attention.
them using the IG Stories feature in 2021. Their demographics swing ➢ From dance videos to fast-paced Q&A’s and infographic design for
a little bit towards younger women, ages 18 to 24. social channels, bite-sized social media content is here to stay.
3. Twitter Use Social Media as Shopping Channel
➢ Promoting your products or influencing the narrative on an issue
hence making your policy stance known, is important to your ➢ Many businesses have transitioned all their services online.
communications strategy -- this is the platform for you. ➢ Facebook and Instagram already have shopping capabilities directly
4. TikTok to their apps.
➢ This app blew up during the pandemic and has 1 billion active users.
Creators have used the platform to break down complex social and
political issues and take part in viral challenges. Here, teens and Mobile Marketing
influencers rule.
➢ The Mobile Marketing Association (MMA) defines mobile marketing
5. LinkedIn
as “a set of practices that enables organizations to communicate and
➢ If you’re looking to make connections with other similar
engage with their audience in an interactive and relevant manner
organizations or industry, this is the place to send a DM.
through any mobile device or network” (Mobile Marketing
Other Social Media Channels: Association, 2013).

• YouTube Mobile devices:

• Snapchat
➢ Mobile devices span beyond just mobile phones. While it focus on
• Pinterest
mobile phones in this chapter, since those are the most prevalent,
it’s important to acknowledge that mobile devices include tablets, 4. Social Media
laptops, smart watches, e-readers, and handheld gaming consoles. ➢ With the growing user base and high level of engagement, social
media has emerged as a prominent tool of marketing.
7 Unique Features of Mobile
➢ According to a September 2021 survey conducted in the Philippines,
1. The mobile phone is personal. an overwhelming majority of 99 percent of the country's adult
2. The mobile phone is always carried. population had social media accounts on Facebook. YouTube
3. The mobile phone is always on. followed as the second most universal social network platform in the
4. The mobile phone has a built-in payment system. country with 57 percent of surveyed Filipino internet users having an
5. The mobile phone is available at the point of creative inspiration. account with the said platform
6. The mobile phone can provide accurate audience measurements. 5. Content (Vlog/Blog)
7. The mobile phone captures the social context of media consumption ➢ This type of marketing uses viral marketing methods in which an
interest group is built based on a vlog/blog.
Mobile Marketing Channels 6. Search Marketing
1. Display Marketing ➢ Mobile phone is always on and is very handy to the customers. They
➢ It involves digital banners, which have resemblance to the traditional can always pull out the mobile phone and search for the information
banners/poster for branding and awareness campaigns. Banners of which might excite them. Users can enter query on the search tab.
various sizes are displayed on the popular mobile apps, web portals 7. In-App Advertisements
with high number of visitors or the domain relevant websites. ➢ With the growing types and number of apps, marketers have a new
2. Video Marketing channel for mobile marketing campaigns.
➢ The popularity of mobile-based video platforms is increasing day by ➢ Apps for social media, ecommerce, news and games, etc., have
day. YouTube has more than 2 billion active users. YouTube Premium opportunity for the banners, sponsored content and interactive
and Music together have more than 50 million subscribers in the forms/survey and animations.
world. More than ¼ of the world's population use YouTube every 8. Short Message Services (SMS) Marketing
month. Around half of the internet users around the world has access ➢ SMS services became dominant with the growth of mobile
to YouTube. communication in the initial years.
3. Games-Based Marketing ➢ Marketers as well as customers consider SMS as easy, cost-effective
➢ There are about 2.2 billion mobile gamers in the world. This makes and very much result oriented.
up about 28% of the world population. ➢ These messages are not dependent on the internet and hence
➢ In-game advertising considers embedding of products and corporate suitable for the customers of feature phones as well.
brands within computer or video games. There are two types of in- 9. E-mail Marketing
game advertising: ➢ Smartphones are the primary device for checking personal e-mails
• Static ads are fixed in the game and cannot be lately and all the e-mail service providers have their mobile apps.
removed. ➢ Modern day marketers need to rethink their e-mail marketing
• Dynamic ads are replaceable, and they can be used to strategy to account for where, when, and how the target audience is
express up-to-date information. engaging with the e-mail marketing campaigns sent by them.

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