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The Last Days of the Romanovs How Tsar Nicholas II and Russia’s Imperial Family Were Murdered Robert Wilton INSTITUTE FOR HISTORICAL REVIEW ‘The Last Days of the Romanovs by Robert Wilton Av igh Reseed Inrotuton nd ther new materia CCapyrigh © 1983 bythe litte for Hist Review Fs Bish eon pubishedin 1920 in Landon by 7 Batevoth Fist elton published 1920 in New York oy (er H-Dorne Co. French ein published ie Pai in 2921 Russia-arevgseton pubished io Benin in 1923. “Te fa IR eton published May 2993, Seco ping Febery 1996 Anat for Histol Review 20, Bor 2739 Newt sae, CA 92659, Usa Manufactures inthe United Sines of America ISBN; 0.93966447-1 CONTENTS. Introduction by Mark Weber Chapter I: Prologue (Chapter I: The Stage andthe Actors Chapter II: No Escape: Alexandra Misiudged Chapter 1V: Rasputin the Peasant, Chapter V: “Dhe Tsar is Innocent” ‘Chapter Viz Exile in Siberia (Chapter Vit: Moscow and Best, Chapter Vi: Vis Cris Chapter 1X: Calvary Chapter X: Without Trace” Chapter XI "Murder Witt Ou” Chapter XII: All the Romanovs (Chapter XIV: By Order of the “Tsik™ (Chapter XV: The Red Kaiser (Chapter XVI: Epilogue 2 30 » a 55 65 15 85 96 105 19 ry 19 149 136 Appendix A: 163 “The Members of the Imperial Family — Chronoloay Document from the Chairman ofthe Ural Soviet Acknowledging the Arrival ofthe Emperor at Ekatrin bore Alphabetical Index of Names Appendix B: Statement of Pavel Medvedev 170 Appendix C: A Bret History of Russian Jewry m [Appendix D: The Jewish Role in the Early Soviet Regime 183 Index . 191 Introduction MARK WEBER Inthe night of July 16-17, 1918, Bolshevik secret police mur: dered Rusia’ last emperoe, Tsir Nicholas Il, along with his wife, Tsanisa Alexandra, ther 14-year-old son, Tsarevich Alexei, and ther four daughters. They were ut dovin ina hil of gunfire ina halfcellar room ofthe house in Ekaterinburg, a city inthe Ural mountain region, where they were being held prisoner. The ddaughers were finished off with bayonets, To prevents cult for the dead Tsar, the bodies were carted away t0 the countryside and hastily buried in a secret grave Bolshevik authorities at fist reported that the Romanov emperor had been shot ater the diseovery of a pt to liberite him: For many years Soviet historian claimed that local Bosh viks had acted on their own in carrying out the Killings an that Leni, founder of the Soviet sae, had nothing to do’ withthe Ty 1990, Moscow playwright and historian avard Radzin sky announced the result of his detailed investigation nto the mucders. He unearthed the reminiscences of Lenin's bodyevard, Alexei Akimov, who recounted how he personally delivered Lemin’s execution order to the tlepraph office. The telegram was also signed by Soviet government chief Yakov Sverdiov. AKimov had saved the original telegraph tape asa recond of the secret order Raduinsky’s research confirms what had long been suspect- 4, Leon Trotsky — one of Lenin's closest colleagues — had reported decades earlier that Sverlov told him in 1918 that Sverdlow and Lenin jointly decided to have the Tsar and bis family put to death Robert Wilton, correspondent of the London Times in Russia for 17 yeu, here provides one ofthe most aceurate and com- plete ccounts of the murder of Russia's imperial family?

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