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The Writing Process

Episode 3
Defining Pre-writing
Pre-writing is the first stage of the writing
process which pertains to different
techniques that help you discover ideas
before writing the first draft of a paper.
Refrain from critiquing your ideas while they
have not yet been fully formed.
the Writing
Determining the Writing Situation

The pre-writing stage begins with knowing the

kind of paper that you will be required to write.

The next thing to do is to determine the writing

situation or the context of your assignment.
Factors Involved in the Writing Process
• Why are you writing? When you think about your purpose, you
begin to make decisions about form, content, length, organization,
support, and tone.

The first consideration is determining your


inform explain persuade entertain

Factors Involved in the Writing Process

Your audience is your target reader.

 To write effectively, it is always best to assume that

you are writing to be read.
 You must recognize who your readers are and

anticipate their expectations, background, and

knowledge of the topic.
Factors Involved in the Writing Process

Think about your paper’s topic, which is the subject or

the specific issue that your paper will discuss.
It is always best to limit your topic, because if you write
about a broad subject, your essay will lack focus. The
topic should both be related to the assignment and
interesting to you.
Factors Involved in the Writing Process

Consider the tone you plan to use.

point of sentence choice of words

view structure

Recall a memorable, funny experience while

riding a public utility vehicle (jeepney, tricycle,
train, bus etc.).

Write a short entertaining essay about it using

not less than 200 words.

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