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( walaetaoars ) Une tt iuneocduebion CN tL MSe Oh compute, netic ‘Types 6 eK, IN - Neturetk. hotdurase. 2 0st wail, + dayekIng. | Rewronce. modele 2 theit, cM powrigon | Queene ah Deine, een Urea oTe 29) Ex Plone B cam ponentd oe daba communication. i Exptocn doto 430) iN. “loka cam MUN LCALLOn. 4g! 59. wihok i CN 9” Explosn its uses wuith example. Loud wsite short note on: @ Stok Thpotegy a © acsh. 1 ARchURCURE Desou puon , oe eS @ PNG. penny. AaVanEOge- DibodVonToge 4) Bus exon ple . Conn parce, Tce vie UBP a =a 10 JEoyplain OSL PbO, model (IS0/ 0ST) Esyphasny) Des chibe TCP/IP | model, Compaxpr OSL TeP/=zP. a (a TICKICL Hl “UNL 2: Network ayers, DWosea'ee Mobi, Los42e SPAM IAD Compare _actoptive 3 nD 2SAPUine 4 orcuuns (roto & 94 newer) BVR| ISR A andes te O10 | Rowing PeDsprpyn a3 x oe 4a @riPv-6 ———Ginteteneleupiing QLP CIDR @DHCP . Eeehiainigenube DY | Be mon boxd, = ail EL PL OLN, 10 Baoding. ® Brpndnosing @) Mustt enabling ug | Unie & + iN whos Je, npneen tin, 2 Explou concn tinn. corodiuod 2b pb Lhe, 2 2) nenowne opngentinn sonWeol caked of i.e4 | Oe. Deen gi08 24 Cn pee, Doe biuokekb aig .boken buckek OY wate, hod pole on. © Oum . @ choke, packer @® Queuing © congertion. Avetdan . @ Boek PP LICE, ; £y 5 Fopsouin, DNA CMD), orn in, TOP 6)| hat ule Tutne Ling. 2 | GE 4: Compaxe Tep UDP escktbe “Panapott Jayele porno pl Loeplarcn. 3 uray handshaking mobhid, wath ok [abel atogeam, Akiko hott oke ov, @SCTP Caterana cert 08 Ze NLASLON, prcoto nol). @ Etoro convo O@sewe conPuol explain Pranepord _LAtpese pXO20' pA Yo COLE UnitS ¢ “uptown seapuution, .Ln. DNS. wined te aaldleees— ue t NS » Unt 6 2 Dende une Spe O4, SNMP in. nerueel i4o.nogemen’ C > Ute L Pepi (RTT?) He SEP gter La phown. Ashu DEK mpaneg tin. D wi ecbe, Lo Pek. ‘Facclook. oll) + || Dota _communteation * ———} Shovcing, nf bri maion. == Ancol § ernobe prec ttALene o_o}, _docta ARTA CII System _clepends + } Deki ote. 2 1 ee x OCU ooo 5) Timeliness _ au) Fittes 5 _comeonenrs & Data comm unicotions 1) Sender 2) Recievete 3) tkanemrizeron, -mecluuyy, 4b) message 6) PxOLOCEL (set of Ples, pie era municatLon) + | bet ELpuy ) Zon OP Cunidisectional D)Holt Dupler ( bidlisvectional TR one ata rime 2 Fut Du ple ji + Type DL connections 4 | 2 1) Powrds 20 pI — dedioated tks beumcely Be 2) Musuippink cn pre ah oleuiicet chenyices rane oO a) ay | J IcLLE) A - compilers Nekurpid, __ "| Tiwo_e_mere computers not are. connected. UCL One cuVOanese, “[gnettng—-tne_teesoweces comontuntendting. data. etectiuenicot yp ____ |_ _— [computers Metiurbrk. per 49m a | commun teation. Leip. emo, photes vices _! — | noxing cleuioe sucha pdein tort 2 snaking. #196 7 | semoth Systeme - = = obs wom puaes. met Lek = | IRusiness ApptUcatlon tome peliantes apbile Users tesctal Lssues - \ | 22 topology 4 1 entati Ot, aul ne winks and winkeng. devices —! yee Bf, “TOPOLOGY 1 — Mee | ap: | Sheng, | ax, | Facelook GICEED | {Stose | Mash “Tepotogy. oo ytogee act ctu a stays i-id VO BI I pile. Be cisst. pri voce, (ees Digodvonta ger, TepstoUniwon jb dinefeuttz pOobUg Bet i 7.8708 LEDpenEse Uber IUvenst bockbOne, militares jf otisoreag te Bus Td pobogt. UN, 0 ues. Oth bie ~—-FaceLook: (CacRICr 2 7 ~trampaiad : Lone LOng cable _acts aha backbone jp JDK, Lait clevtceo tn a nebun ork = MAC | Advantages. L wok ue Lh oe Amal netubek~s oy te _inatole Relatively. e. 4 | cach clevice, hos declicated point - 10—poink ; ’ Ff / Zine. Bp ike Twnen & oleukce, seceives a Signal, inten deel 14h. ONOENII chRANice, tb supeater, mogeneaty Shy bite £ pasped «hem. ateng.. duentone | — Paneer (18 Ur nighespee : Minimum COLSON \_ = chenp to iumskau deh cOnIMy ANON. Saye, { ae e 3 aba) up’ 208 —— = + 14 49 manages : = Ben 65 b Tole h epowd init be oapanginn, F | yO, LEN. Thyoré Aa Metis Oak, JLAN 364, 20 PAID OUILAN axea netiuiork, WILL A312 Notur Dick, f peregnos. 232A 9 bape. ae ee Seiash CusSidC Wok coonecte cornpubert 2 — \ ! Lice rs Hike WD, inned, oben, Ue a —— im Phi o Mit DU hAliO Oe. Cavryptit. 0 (0) aero TINOSWIAK. 2322, irniteol {| To 2Ote, dt fun. Le \ FacaLook ~ (cata oo ( give _ tn CRU. “Spans on VOo Ome)? Oy 7 S — TS. + Huh, speed dota comm ruicalt 5-s0kKm) TM LON. PLU peS.e Bf, MAN 0. LADD, ae v LANS th a city, Lo ah rae. nema usae 2 orehonge data. tasenitectiusee, tb quiiter commitiie. ated, = Optical fice used. | | Exomple Chole TY netuLosele Line Vere sid |_| comious. LwANs + connect devices cdl ovete usta | hi. un toate, I proodere seach : TP Wanoi. Copa cir a sesnusine Br Sharing coche tk [Nlotwotk Haveluia%e. df Hulk eel geese ee tReuter TMiaokery Cables Sh NeteOel ~Sopb safe, Prarecel Liar chile Deaton, webu for Layers, CoMNECULON—OF (i vi Sexvtee Dim itives Radoaionenios 8 sunvices to prutocols * Sexwuiee Primitives _ LISTEN =CONNECT + AccEPT =EECEIVE SEND itp ISCONNECT I Iter S peptone - TT > POI 5 hen pee ti = £ = OS ee ae te (COC f : fo d S TOTS (Zoyera, = __ apiece, _W. Feet 2. pet tbe te x M [layer a) <2 Pao SS ~~ > oupora. Hoc, L Joye 4 protecel t_ - [Aner a] <---> = ov =~ Shaye | L _¥F - Phystoal ectiem, Connection orxdrented wis cm nection to _Apvice, l __ Ayo): TCP + ceonnsetion. 2stabuishment 2 connectuon, Laem inotlon + Honds hake Methool | COnpeSTIDN. wb et pb. ole. Connectionlerr Seine CWStal, system) 2. YOP thoes, nob anclucl& any connection, eistablisanen 4 COANE LLIN LUN AT DY Guat ntee of soliobilitey Pockets cto not pottow tbe Aone path 22 Lach thet clesunanons congcation. is poecibhe. Soe ooo St Refperence Moolel I - D) Osx - | amacdel y - Di rceP) 2P OST Repesance Model. eee i i> JOM [Rom b . ‘ 1m pooh |x ee ae douhatd (Umass vohed |-ulanoyaty: Aa | aca}: FaceLook- (coer 1) - doponacbte jo mn overmnenda re amat_ bits. _feOMn_one_hop (node 10 a yrs to Jka IIS 0 140 40440004014. Ttanamisgion. Kedia | [nl Data fink, Lower 2 The cloda tink Lope Prec nt orion Loupe Be 2 fiecomma ole. 49) DIAN AL.Oct LON. LOY PLE LON. XCF Le Fey put OT) Sat ot Ag Apoiigo.on, == Reéponsvol 40 peeawtdung. ALINE sh erase es Ga <0. woe = 2" when as) fe any e JOU Orcre 8S AO Lo Appuication. 2 Too a 1 LOO UHCES ety ¢ LN T Presentation § 10 amalare, , a. a compress chLoto. ae Ol eesaion 3 “ip_cstabtish, manage.R anxrniny £0SLDNS, @_Trangpert + To provide »veuouble, P0606 —$5) , LO U 2 le PxOVUdE hOp~ +0 —hOp Aele ote @® Pucieslt Te akansrnibs bits ove a medio — ‘Abediinations.- tt Tce l2p } Mo: TE ror 4 LO Yee i _Appiicatiione inborn ner |) Aun eens. a, tattOrL | Sessier)___ genes {oo Le) SMTP]. | ETP. - a — Frrangprete : free [upp | 7 Netw Othe zemp] (zqnP | “ Eset]

Lees shotitd be independents 61, dou)y)~ ec) ology Rc al eee tthe anang pdb toys yox_houitel- be Aisi, ~ L 40M ahe numb supe, tH LO polo ges Sf dOu, ube, present the nek NOW a Axanspeck 7 ghouwld Use, a unify ALL bertNg. plan, een ac2193S LAN. WAN QL_ampiementation eo Connectionte se Series NO connection. Set p beokon /Facatook~ 7 Bauting Algorithm. —s ao if AP "Bouterc ea ie [ects BD wir Le iron Ford. Poubes, taohi, _i=— Par bestination Digtonee steythor pb o A e a & cf oo = 5 ca 5 as Desk DrAatance NScrHOD . A 2 A & 2 8 e 2 e D 7 2 Ct teett __—iztance Next HOP p eo = i S 2 8 | Cc Oo [o ij D \ 5 Deb Leakance, Neat HES. An \ A e q & i a " c 5 ° D ——Fatatey,, (aatar Consider, 4 Hop, Apter, 1S beiotoT. At Dest. Disk _ Net Hop 7 Bs G2 BR 5 oe yee Deak’ Diag Next trep . A 5 B & 3 8 ce ° c D in D 16 Dest’ plist —_vexk HOP | AL 2 Aa | 8 ° ° I c 3 c D Ft By [Di pest pia neste wep 7 A 4 D | 8 2 ra Cc 4o 2B B ° S Compidlere, 2 Hop ae) ULL = Cec ire Lena choc SOE TY CE CHEO MN i) tk UL ut LA, Preesen ie poh p. Uda b cornet ips a) at te -heastble — pCa sien, Tet DQ) we win nob eos ole men SB) romasrthOry potEis&, Ie Le ates oot On bes 4) NO guropondee Le, ‘eetatabiuiny OL Reliant Uiy D\ Saaieets LO0tOU ome! 5) DOM, po tlo1> saree sou be : Suube 2) Pro iee hand uth D Regube banduutdth. | pL Atak EONS, Sh four ScONn Qe ti yo Co Z) Cue pushentication t) pork Requise ens TEP 2) Ex: UOP Cises. Datagtam I] v pep eocely) 1 af S22] Se Facetooy,, (CoTaCE) Im ple me i Nip AM pl DL.aLLOM. pf Corunectibrh. PAA ABAgy | Tackee cpppiien | Wa 7S ey —==I5) \e7 qua a Lo =a oe (aoe c 7 O_ © rt mae aE = lf 26 PL a 7 r Pores {| aE 5 , ] - - ae | | Bernice + } i | He : { I [o | 1 I {_(e--——® 1 | He X \ He q | Lo} fA) i eae OL 1 t | @ a= eae 1 | TAN \ sa | ‘ —| —bartag ‘car LL. Subnel Each packet fork, packed 1 COnceuln, ALL SoWLee, corer, OL - s K destination adel Ahbct VC — “UL be z)cxcuiue Not needed, zeqguircedl Setup 3) ote Roukew do not hd) cach Ve mequineh Cunseemo’ eabe- ngouraation, Outs tole sich, a about conndeaient: apace pei canoes . Gg RO souted indspendenthy, Vc i set up, colt packets +08 ira [ab Vee shat 5) Exbeck Of Mens except 49% fosihuree ane ocach ane paited outer ave arxminated. a HESOUMCES CAN be g | Da pit tus Bove Us enn. le eC, | atlocated. «nm advance, Borgen son) Ds Hpi: } asy st POU rnp, HOLOUKCES COUT bE | arocated i d | : advance pi, each. a | - MC Rarobuisy) Nok ters More u Sel oble ~~] Coat mneve More teltpunalion | TP newdek, Phone CONVERSAUDN, ATM Nets, Compare PV 4 LSR, Facalook. (t (Ta } _Adopaitve Atg. Orakhaye — Ast sis, alge Known. 0 || Sumamic 2) | change. thei. Joo Weir g, | 9 Icdecteton a LO OBC ote chan ne the LO} . 7 te LAD BLA fhe & isousge, & tOpOLO9-4. al : DYR,LSR B)E1 Shoscbest= path, | iexoxvcntcal quood ing. 2) | the woutng. dleri sips 4) puoubeng. cA Bc) ators “Lae, nots Cabot cue photic stObles- || cho es 5) used 0 update. Soranuol gebujo pewporne lousing 2 ihe tp 2st ; ing beth JOuke retueeh, (ooh, hetulean, source | Louse ¢desiinatinn | destinotign. | ' GJ used in open. ) ctoged. NEI. i 0potoo uy od | ANAPTIVE ROUTING « ol ove Cp vecthe Pouring) [Rey oS DL Wtecovets ts neta 2 beokn aihs)ie. denetibtk Adobe aces, Wm ea. its Imeghboue - ih cons puck Oo packer tethund. alk Jie hor gue Learned. . iv) Seno). thie packet 10_all eshth. pubes —— oy corn use sb. Sholebest= path, 10 pvevy ott & 2c Gf L~ aL eS é = 5 NZ e 8 F A B c Deal PA Sy. Sey Se 1 a. Age Pge L Age fal 4 A 14 ala] jels — lL le [5 CT aE Ea Saf ] Gir | & F a Seg Seg. Age AQe Anni BIé c! el DLA Bis Ee] & NON ADAPTIVE ROUTING ALGORETHM ¢ © Etooduva, : | E an Me Out | ‘ be i ! Oxsuved On. Tupricate lwiiseebens NekueK. 0 ——Facelook- ( saigyae2 | [ ADAPIEVE ROUILN | Des Aire tL a = a 4p ~ - | fas [28 | + se |e [i | 40 ac |2. | 416 46 LA | 2A 2 [2 | Region, © 48 | 2 | 28 18 s Roaton, © 4c 2 | 2C 4B | 3 Renton 4 ac S | a [4814 keaton 5 | 28 4] 3A | 4c 3 3B | 4c 2 Beta) Came ien eae Goma ae 4 4c 1¢ 4 5A | Ac 4 ee oe ~—_8c [ap | Ss ~——_||8D jac | 6 ~—_Ise Tac] 5 Z Routing. Prentocole Lt ois used do belive, appllcotion, Meany, —_® (Rousing Snjptmnation bunnggl C5 ——~ @Qanteiee_G Prudent Rousing. (286) © ever rb OSPF @ rarexine. Gate ray, Protocol, (EGP) o y A (EIGRP) ® Borderve Grobe | iabaee. (BEP) Dy = L 8) (z$-38) ai Rxrp Dynamite, Rouring Mogimum hop count «15 + Fentunes: Upxnod cok a Full SONG Jobles ome denk in. palates. I @/zeRP Cczaco) 2» DVR | Tung mite, Lipoloctes eveLU 90 Se VU > PVG Obrt {%4 (Aang P Subnet ing "ZR rape nite wer, (CEE TIT) zh unt qudomaticatty —u ( solale, tuihenovore one. AL ELLOK, repent —~chauig es ______ a] __ ae |Zis fu cteOYL o provide 2ounsry a | —Lanyesmuntion. =p ue eet) ._OSPre CSR) To ne ind_ahe heal pod. betwen, tne 20d. “une testination . |. Tis an Tote Or, _Gateusass_t Pd prncol ee _ FO*LE, ANISM CEPR, monuat —s0ude a enmaxl OLLOM, equal cst ead botanclng. Nakrqble Lom 7 Clase tees Into Domain RewbiNg CCEDR) @ Eee Fy phonge net sCachoub Lh i BELLLUeey qorcenel Codeine belonging. 40 4ame NOL Lypeber ! lee Ligabte CULES) | Od BaP i H errhp pe LLP Bueiern, (DS) beLLLLEeN, ALLLOVL ONO (AE @l| x$-a15 pig eek ie Used Lo ol elboute, he Lp seoun'ne {no ansunrrghsoUude a single AutononoUs Sachem (AS) i MAC (MEOUa De (con ce) Ae: joa lay using, Protocols — 2,ct-0f-AOpne® en, _2. om Oe one beac! seer me m yee Lie, A EO%rn clin rhe Ire peony delat, Enienenipeetacs Neuss. —____" Payot = olisstin al ve nahlon Ls but ently -upcake IpVau Netw Otek mted, LO nor - niqtecly Aden tit a 3 c, WOVe MOBELVE 09. aided nto Sujnok: poyt NLSM ant — ae Nup Ob LP devices Gee sot bem busorktng £ Auch, OF gut fe om CIDR: Cosson inte DOMAt ROutty LP ODIHWLS ALLE NING. method improves — ley. Of, Oddsene dlobebutterr. BHP: Dunnam, -in~ 4 Conitqusation —peniso— f Facelook. COICTICTO J CLEIOY) ~~ cenges 10. Comb 0.L aer “congestion. contol, —“cengestisn oxnmidance, mechanism. Queuing Y Sues . comees Con = tuner 00 many packets ose puanernitbedd rnsough. metus ore. + A etate uy ackunorckK, toler, ushen. ores£o.g: wikoknin wip £O Neana shah ib 2S oLOutn rebibkke Suehponae, cbline Fade rtS & O Keteus incl abe peupormance hentai. | a ! ten as vo Lenn nique. \ | ——— a Open 200P \ \ctesed Loop \ rs a pxpvend CONgoLADT. Lp itxecot congestlon 8 apes sit otcwwS heppre it happen. WN AOL = 1g accom canis a aS, aA cknourtedge were O) Ainussion. — scouter, ens pela ego RUE OT LON REUIBTEK, 00 pa. {eon congestion. conidia, 2) Back pseeauy ee => dake Hee T 25 “A = aa ra ra —Pesr He end SOURCE ae Sesion. “one usomseeteol node Heruee 16 Se cOLve Core en ee. ib th uUpabeeam cond pe conte teal Tthin iA woamnnger kon) won bs bP hint ose, Conic DMFE QUI, Onpodi wecdion ot oladka suo FO LOIE KO Vi CULO ong a4 @) hike, forkes Technin4e, — <—— chore, i = =e fel— to Prpuirowle 0 Niuuuwel Cieult, 2 _Datagam suby A poorer 0 ANON oO Ud LONE LEON... Wwihen ake Suppuene, ey rpeole sunesh Did vol lenny & le ULE & sot Siefs a= unin hoe want 30 send p Apsis2, neg LE A tee, i bucket bunlerk spkn ot LL Etoni M016. uthish. oozans whe ce OK, inter roce asanern ik Pockek nl at: COM PLULPA tat vcometan Le. [Host Compubee | —___* @) Buvisty wey | ve Pdi to conve’ Wegeso t Leaky Due Q_ Auciect is nite queue subat cupouts ok dgnite Sate 2 fh ie. es a : — tS Up Nek "ck. Token, Burket MaOrithin 2 A soken buckel algotidnm tends be Uses network, Shaping o Scode Amit on Os A : Foch soken, ohelath AO PAcKels Wo s0Ken, mara no 10. por its packets Sreps H : Nisnken otk sheourn into bucket £. Qi hurkek haw max. Copactiy, £ zhi ouP, . {Jb thete Seedy, pocket —> token is | Sremeved term bt uckek Du, 00 pn buck —> packet A gent. In der to deat } : ot Uutith, bused Beast re eee Yesible obgortnen, 0 hate i nak J FaceLook- or 1) | Hest : ——peomprttete —— Bucket FeO. Ov en, ~wotuer Neti “ LUE Sn cog managemnan £ LOC NLA a 20 ET , > sched ulong. AE LOIAUIL, 24 ponkeh 4s orn ANOS, GAL 00% Queuing —+_ Quosity. of Qeevice, —) Ap piinntinn. suequisco ment 3/2 oie, Shaping, i — Pork st; Lcieds sip wad Thesinn, coripcol, 5), ie tegrnteal a Weyieee He $e PEL OLR A SLI LOR Hee Fee ee ere ae a twee err ae Ne ( ———Faceloor- (nth 4 2 “Beane ork: Kaiyore | Pxotwol Gorevircee 44 — Tine. ee te Ld yote, pre nauoci lo 1 COUe ceniual. : 1 Exo, conbuol : TOR Tumor. Sway handshaking Jn TCP UDP— Ween datagram pretocol Tcep— “eansmiagion cots. protocpd . [ec1P — aeam, Coniuol Teanamissvio Pepto col. [Prnces@= 20 — I ce, 40 ~process—cle Lively aoe [process cbeliverae re olebiverdy oo Racket |! orm oe pbnceps to anesthe, poses of, mentopes peor «| Okents Sesuot Paseadigm, -fassdipleoung. & pemustt Leoing. —t oleate & commation, Orxtented. Service Lovins IS UnseeLiable, : ‘Ilthsree, pxorncnls — ~reP_, upP, Ser. ee NC AN OPA AT 7 Proce 53 Proce a 4 f I a ea pegunation L_, | Tee aS : : 7 = mnwenet —_—e [69 | | Noodle | Node to Node ro Nee +o weds Re i meee Floge-b0 Heke — PROLERS —CO PHOCERS [ode=t0- NOE — PokO Munky La yet Tpvnness, ~ b0- Process. —Transpottr Layer, UDP: _Lisers Dataptam Prororad |_comneckion Less — tuntealiolole eon poe prnine Wiel) ~KNOWN. POtekss $p% UDP UspeSe Patagan, CHILKA WN. UDP Operariom, UEP, Of UDP Checkaum — it cin method sel to ickendibse — OHA UN rans ittedl cectoy ae Fotmat: y e—Shyteos 7 2] eaotote, an _borto at Bource Poet NumMbUL Teetnation pot | AGbUS AUMbeIG 4ebikS | gat cength. cheekeuimn | E ZEbUS | 46 b.CEG | PoP Length = =P Length — =P Headers Lenathl aT 7 vat Ame 4 y Ye thi content Of bP he in henadlecimal, foematr: CBsUSOO BCS + TT uunet ste Ap ues janet ne Z\uthock ula oles tinatiOn, poet We 9 una te ABbAL Length. op usec clatacscme> s) uunat ia tengah Ob claka 2 N) A pe packet disvected ecm cb Pixie Oe NILOR NOHO. ce tine. te a = (62\00 10 a C ~ 7 10824) 26 fee ei ae =e8) so Tose Dac. UDP packet AS 2% bytes 20 Bytes. couy oan plo is_yyeomn cen PAL a) Sine te [sun preket_» — Nake: geeket aaldiecd = oP Aoldlrenet + PO*ck No ote: Si Belong is ump Coombe nt) BE UDP seo CO45 DFE 0000 [oXeXeoke) Eps Uh? te AUNce, ports numbele, 2 viibat is clestination, por’ nismbpre | urhat we obo wuhod is Length dato,” ? parkit Aveecteal asm ent to server? NUE OWE @owsol ss eppubation Jayer Protacal hor the — Asidek coscutobeal chorkotim 10% its packet — Vv DP Services Pxocres AO proctes conn LDILOHLOV fonners neetlonte. SY NICL, | Cin condo —> Sumple. | Prwbocos—> 20 uv NAL pu mechantanr cuwok Conteol UDP ApptinationS AJDP tn Sulbable_£. wwocess +nat Lequives t te nl Proce nitth, inven al pou A. esorak ronivol tar chon brn Suite ble, bean, pete PxOtOeDl ppb. om eetliPastins Ly eo. 4p Monageme nb _prwcesseS Sur has SNMP RP (update. Me ep {- UbP be L ( in. Tor lhendo shat is not port pp UDP Heda eh. Gave A060, 48'0 each _masing ficial. ce Citanemuiaton contend. Péttiocas,) “CP Headley Fotmat. 5 dw-CO Hytes ) ? » By “Header. ‘hovka DeEStUnodloyL PO Source ports Adee rh: MAKESS 16 O1ES ca Sequence Numb e BIbUS + Acknowledge NUM 39 bits Hien [esewved|u |al P [A's | Lutindow £26 aos | 668 (R [els lolyla 46 bite | @ [kia [T[n[ Ny | cheekau ny. epenk— point - 48 bits | 48 Oprismg R- Padang. | rep BrNeckiOn ~ Oreberbeok PxobocOl , at cyeated o LALO connection Aetueon tu19 TCPs +0 i4end dola | } g TCP Frotupes Segment 4a “iep Lonne ction. \ E. a Dy, Aerial, i it Sant Genin LOM EMME ELIE ONLY), SMTP, POP, IMAP . HrTe, FTP > aoc mustiple ~Facatook: MON NLCLLANE CAN ULE | (Ooo, einel,, SMTP —> attow only 4. TCP comnee, AA [CD - = -Carodoe_20n2e_muthipLe access — with -cotuston deleclLon— Addicces Resolution. Pxorocob _xogtcal— KUM Conbepah orn ot epcat kequrat ___ a _condnpd, ce ies (Acker usheagoe = ae eg | eepdere, LADS! 16 bits — — Lwin d pu) eae pits __Ucand abe “gent PD bls aa eae Luxgent. porate | eRe Rescate set Menei te encuing {& _Atcetiing. Buys : proce proceeds 7 ey j \ Me ihike [peta itl [Luz LA] Se ES Wey : eaay 4 =A Sees —rSTk el AA (een optee : | ell AT Sn 9 Bs | ea : mal i i | Seq: so : \ [aemne Ly) ist |_ Passive ‘ SYN (eee 1 si2 15000 | | eee fotki goo] | —j Artist SYN ACK | Vv Tome Time TCR oa: ¢ LSYN t Sunchiernization Flog. used! te _etobtleh 2 Lay shands Paling. tn 2 hasta - Ondy feud po keek 4 enket, 4. Slcel ve | UE: VO KA a Utd Nave thie plage Set Ac : Acknpuiledg LI ive used 109 acknourtedge iar client _ Eh Data Peans pe A: AcK ILog- P> PSH Flog [Seq_:80001 ack: 1500) a a T E ‘ Baka, Bybee :80001- OOO Seg. 9008 1 ~Seq:15001 I pO: [O00T a | | RS scerrreo|_| {| | eee 7 i Se9: 10000 | ! Foot = i REL Pre & I | L ama 7 Vv |__riine Yee FacaLook CITI ) “Connection” FOemninaLLore- = —————————— Et 3 VE minaamion ee FINLACK | 1 ft T | Ack, v L fun. 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