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Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, Volume 8, No.

4, November 2020
Asia Pacific Journal of
School profile and licensure examination Multidisciplinary Research
performance of Teacher Education graduates Vol. 8 No.4, 38-46
November 2020
in Northern Philippines P-ISSN 2350-7756
E-ISSN 2350-8442
Ariel M. Maramag (PhD)1, Conchita M. Temporal (PhD)2,
Jay-cen T. Amanonce (PhD)3 ASEAN Citation Index
Cagayan State University-Andrews Campus, Philippines,conchita_temporal@yahoo.com2,

Date Received: May 31, 2020; Date Revised: October 8, 2020

Abstract –Teacher Education Institutions (TEIs) in the Philippines are making efforts to improve their
performance in Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET). Curricular programs are subjected to
accreditation and teachers unceasingly participateinprofessional development endeavors. This descriptive
research determined the school profile (accreditation status and educational attainment of faculty) and
LET performance of Bachelor of Elementary Education (BEEd) and Bachelor of Secondary Education
(BSEd) graduates from the seven (7) campuses of a public university in Northern Philippines. Comparison
of graduates’ LET performance when grouped according to school profile was investigated. Results show
that BEEd graduates disclosed a dismal rating since their LET mean performance both on General
Education and Professional Education are below the passing mark. Whereas, BSEd graduates have passing
marks on General Education and Professional Education except for Major. Relative to school profile,
graduates of TEI with higher accreditation status have significantly better LET performance than those
enrolled in TEI with lower accreditation status. Thus, subjecting curricular programs to accreditations
implies better passing rate in LET. Moreover, graduates of TEI where majority of faculty members are
doctorate degree holders have significantly higher LET rating compared to those graduates of TEI with
teachers dominated by master’s degree holders. This finding implies that teachers’ educational attainment
contributes to the success of graduates in LET. With these findings, it is recommended for TEIs to continue
subjecting curricular programs to accreditations and investing on teachers’ professional development.
Keywords – Licensure examination performance, school profile, teacher education, accreditation
status, educational attainment of faculty

INTRODUCTION notablerecords of high GPAs and test scores, are of

Quality tertiary education significantly matters as it higher quality than those who undertake traditional
bridges the quality of work that graduates would offer teacher education programs [1]-[2]. Following the first
in their employment. This quality education becomes notion is the idea that quality teaching is related with
even more a pressing concern for teacher education the documents that show credence of the teacher, which
institutions (TEIs) that aim to build the future of the surfaces the notion of whether all students are taught by
nation through quality of teaching given to the youth. licensed teachers, as this teacher licensing is deemed an
There are several notions of quality teaching where indispensable requirement in the practice of the
one of which stems from a cognitive resource profession.Moreover, the impression that quality
perspective which associates the mindset that teachers teaching is assumed to be predicted by the teacher’s
bring into the profession. It is through this notion that beliefs, attitudes, knowledge and disposition, becomes
at the onset, quality teaching is related to one’s another notion for ponderance[3]. This view of quality
competence as exhibited on professional and academic teaching has been interspersed into known standards
tests, which in turn, presumes a teacher’s effectiveness. such as “National Board for Professional Teaching
This competence as verified by test scores is Standards” [4] and “National Council for Accreditation
asignificant premise basically supporting the of Teacher Education” [5]-[6] through which
contention on whether teachers from alternative accomplished teachers are certified and teacher
programs like “Teach for America” who have compiled education programs are accredited, respectively.

P-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 | ASEAN Citation Index
Maramag School profile and licensure examination performance of Teacher Education graduates…
Indeed, as affirmed by Zeichner& Conklin [7], gauged by thenational examination called the
enhancing teachers’ competence has been the focus in “Licensure Examination for Teachers” (LET),
the offering of various teacher education and previously known as “Philippine Board Examination
professional advancementover the past decades. for Teachers” (PBET), and is administeredby the
With this premise, comes the question of the quality Professional Regulation Commission (PRC). This is in
of teachers produced in these programs with licensing response to the promulgation and the mandate given by
as an indispensable requirement. For Wang, et al. [8] the Philippine Teachers Professionalization Act of
and Darling-Hammond &Youngs [1], it is commonly 1994 which aims to measure the extent of the
posited that quality teaching plays a key role in shaping competencies and knowledge acquired by teacher
academic performances of students. Hence, it could not education graduates. As specifically stated, “All
be denied that quality teachers have profound impact applicants for registration as professional teachers
on student learning as widely recognized and shall be required to undergo a written examination
acknowledged by researchers and stakeholders. The which shall be given at least once a year in such places
value of quality teachers has been consistently and dates as the Board may determine upon approval
demonstrated in researches, given their position as the by the Commission. Valid certificate of registration and
“single most influential in-school factor in improving a valid professional license from the Commission are
student learning” [9] with a lasting impact on student required before any person is allowed to practice as a
outcomes [10]-[12]. This stands to reason as teachers professional teacher in the Philippines, except as
are accountable in preparing diverse students to otherwise allowed under this Act” [15]-[16].
become reflective, creative, and critical thinkers which In Acosta & Acosta’s [17] study, it is unveiledthat
are required in a dynamic world [11], [13]. teacher licensure significantly matters in the enactment
It is with this backdrop that the Philippine of the basic education reform in the Philippine
government is currently investing on education reform Education system. In particular, the Department of
through the Enhanced Basic Education Program or the Education with its new Senior High School Program in
K-12 Curriculum which does not only call for academic place, ascertained that classrooms are filled up with
excellence but also for better teacher qualification. qualified teachers by streamlining teacher employment
While it may have been professed that teachers are the in the program.It is in this context that assessing teacher
single most influential factor for student success, this qualification, as evidenced by teacher licensing,
does not preclude other factors that impact student warrants current education reform agenda that would
learning.Subsequently, the advancement of quality tailor fit to the attainment of teacher quality and
teacher preparation programs is underscored for excellence. On the other hand, debates also factor in the
tertiary institutions by researchers, policymakers and possible entry of teacher applicants in academic
practitioners. However, Green, et al. [14] stressed the institutions, introducing the idea about “whether or not
essence of teacher preparation as this possibly factors the teaching profession needs to be opened for easy
in the quality of education received by them as these entry”[18]-[19]but Stotsky [20] argues
researchers averred that there is a known divergence for strengthening teacher education programs along
betweenclassroom experiences and reality that to with several factors such as coursework and licensure
which graduate teachers subscribe particularly in their tests. Stotskyillumines this argument by stressing that a
feeling of being unprepared for the teaching profession. stronger licensing system would upscale the quality of
This disparity poses the crucial question on what the teaching force - as a consequence, would upgrade
teacher preparation and what factors may be student achievement.
contributory to eventual licensing a teacher should have It is by understanding how teacher licensure is
for the practice of the teaching profession. The strongly associated to professional development and
essentiality of teacher licensure is well understood as teaching competitiveness thatteacher education
mark of quality assurance in the teaching workforce as programs need to zero in on elements such as but not
it establishes the beginning of teaching practice as well limited to teacher profile, accreditation status, among
as the base intended to determineteacher education others. In Green et al.’s [14] study, they quoted
graduateswho have developed the competence and graduate teachers indicating a desire for greater
those who have not. emphasis on some facets of the profession, including
In the Philippine context, teacher education programming and planning, accreditation, and
graduates’ competence and preparedness to teach is reporting. Accordingly, effective teachers’
P-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 | ASEAN Citation Index
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, Vol. 8, No. 4, November 2020
Maramag School profile and licensure examination performance of Teacher Education graduates…
preparationneeds to be comprehensive as it considers offer to students and other stakeholders [36]. The areas
all aspects of the teaching profession. evaluated in accreditations are curriculum and
However, for the past decade, LET is one of the instruction, faculty, support to students, facilities,
professional board examinations in the country with laboratories, research, extension, administration,
unimpressive national passing rates for bothelementary vision, mission, goals & objectives, and licensure
and secondary levels [21]-[23]. This might be the examination. Also, accreditation is a requirement of the
reason for the plenitude of research studies exploring Commission on Higher Education (CHED) in the
on factors contributory to teacher education graduates’ application of TEIs to Center of Development (COD)
success in LET. These studies hope to provide data and Center of Excellence (COE) statuses [37].
which serve as bases in devising mechanisms or Subjecting teacher education programs to
interventions to improve the licensure examination accreditations is an opportunity for TEIs to
performance of TEIs. continuously improve their quality of education and
Most of the established factors affecting LET are eventually to prepare their graduates in passing the
student-related which are non-intellective attributes LET.
such as gender [24] and age [25], and intellective Pursuing teachers’ post-graduate studies and
attributes such as high school average [24],[25], subjecting TEI curricular programs to accreditations
intelligence quotient [26], scores in admission require great effort, time, energy, and funds for faculty
examination [24] and English proficiency test [27], members and the administration [38]. It is then
academic achievement in college [24],[26]-[30], and imperative to explore more on these factors of LET to
pre-board examination performance [24], [25], [31]- support the body of knowledge claiming that
[33]. Other factors found to be determinants of LET are educational attainment of teachers and accreditation
teacher-related such as teaching competence [34], status are contributoryfactorsin passing the LET. Most
educational attainment, trainings and seminars importantly, TEI teachers become guided and more
attended, academic rank, workloads [31], and length of motivated to pursue higher degree of education and TEI
service [26]. Curriculum and instruction, admission administratorsbecome encouraged as well to support
and retention policies [34], and library and laboratory and invest more on accreditation undertakings.
facilities [26] were also identified factors affecting It is in the light of theseissues and challenges in
LET. Likewise, Balanquit, et al. [35] found out that quality teaching, licensure examination performance
accreditation status is positively and significantly and the school profile that influence it, that this study is
related to LET performance of teacher education anchored on, with the assumption that baseline data and
graduates. awareness of the actual picture of teacher education
The present study bears similarities with the program and graduates may help better the
existing literatures; however, dearth of studies dealing implementation of teacher education program and
on educational attainment of faculty and accreditation direct the professional development for teachers and
status as variables affecting LET had been observed in would-be teachers.
the literature review. The level of educational
attainment of TEI faculty principally matters since OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY
theyprepare would-be teachers. It is then expected for This study described the school profile and
TEI teachers to have higher degree of education and licensure examination performance of teacher
continuing exposures to various professional and education graduates from the seven (7) campuses of a
academic endeavors. At the heart of this expectation, public university in Northern Philippines. These are the
teachers are encouraged to pursue post-graduate studies graduates who are first-time takers of March and
with an ideal purpose of growing professionally and September 2017 LET. The specific objectives of the
equipping themselves to become better educators. study are the following: (1) determine the school
Consequently, teacher education students get a better profile of the graduates such as accreditation status and
quality of education from their teachers which educational attainment of faculty, (2) determine the
materially sets a better groundwork for passing the LET performance of the graduates along “General
licensure examination. Education”, “Professional Education”, and “Major”,
Moreover, TEI curricular programs are subjected to and (3) compare the graduates’ LET performance when
accreditations with its main objective to better the grouped according to school profile.
quality of instruction and other related services they
P-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 | ASEAN Citation Index
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, Vol. 8, No. 4, November 2020
Maramag School profile and licensure examination performance of Teacher Education graduates…
Research Design A request letter was forwarded to the University
Descriptive design through documentary analysis President asking permission for the conduct of the
was employed in this study since it determined the study. Upon approval, data on the level of accreditation
graduates’ school profile (accreditation status and awarded by AACCUP and educational attainment of
educational attainment of faculty) and their LET faculty were requested from the College Deans.
performance (General Education, Professional Properly endorsed by the University President and
Education, and Major). Moreover, graduates’ LET Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) Regional
performance was compared when grouped according to Office 2, ratings of non-board passers and board
their school profile. passers of March and September 2017 LET were
requested from the PRC Commissioner. The graduates’
Respondents of the Study ratings were released by the PRC on May 31, 2018.
The respondents of the study are 1492 graduates of
College of Teacher Education (CTED) from the seven Data analysis
(7) campuses of a public university in Cagayan Descriptive statistics such as frequency count and
province, Philippines. They are graduates of Bachelor percentage were used to describe the graduates’ school
of Elementary Education (BEEd) and Bachelor of profile while mean and standard deviation were utilized
Secondary Education (BSEd) who took the LET in to determine the graduates’ LET performance along
March and September 2017 testing periods. Only the General Education, Professional Education, and Major.
first-time takers were included in the study. The The graduates’ LET performance was described using
distribution of the respondents by curricular program the following categories: 𝑥̅ ≥ 75: Passed and 𝑥̅ < 75:
and testing period is shown in Table 1. Failed. Moreover, inferential statistics, specifically
independent sample t-test was used to compare the
Table 1. Distribution of the graduates by curricular graduates’ LET performance when grouped according
program and testing period to accreditation status and educational attainment of
Profile Specific Profile F % faculty.
Curricular BEEd 509 34.1
Total 1492 100.0
Testing Period March 2017 247 16.6 Table 2. School profile of the graduates
September 2017 1245 83.4 Program School Specific Profile F %
Total 1492 100.0 Profile
BEEd Accreditatio Level 1 421 82.7
Research Instrument n Status Level 3 88 17.3
A summary sheet of graduates’ school profile Total 509 100.0
(accreditation status and educational attainment of Educational Doctorate- 242 47.5
faculty) and their LET performance was utilized in the attainment dominated
study. Accreditation status on this study refers to the of faculty Masters-dominated 267 52.5
level of accreditation awarded or granted by the Total 509 100.0
BSEd Accreditatio Level 1 668 68.0
“Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and
n Status Level 3 315 32.0
Universities in the Philippines” (AACCUP). Moreover, Total 983 100.0
educational attainment of faculty in this study was Educational Doctorate- 615 62.6
categorized into two (2): doctorate-dominated and attainment dominated
masters-dominated. Doctorate-dominated and masters- of faculty Masters-dominated 368 37.4
dominated means that majority (more than 50%) of the Total 983 100.0
graduates’ teachers are doctorate degree holders and Legend: Level 1: Level 1 accredited by AACCUP, Level 3:
master’s degree holders, respectively. Furthermore, Level 3 accredited by AACCUP, Doctorate-dominated: More
LET performance refers to the graduates’ rating along than 50% of graduates’ teachers are doctorate degree holders,
General Education, Professional Education, and Major. Masters-dominated: More than 50% of graduates’ teachers are
master’s degree holders

P-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 | ASEAN Citation Index
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, Vol. 8, No. 4, November 2020
Maramag School profile and licensure examination performance of Teacher Education graduates…
Table 2 presents the graduates’ school profile such consistent with the national passing rate of BEEd
as accreditation status and educational attainment of graduates for March and September 2017 LET. For
faculty. Majority of the graduates both from BEEd March 2017 LET testing period, the national passing
(f=421, p=82.7%) and BSEd (f=668, p=68.0%) rate for elementary level is only 10.39% (5 600 passers
programs were enrolled in a TEI with Level 1 out of 53 915 takers) [42] and for the September 2017
accredited by AACCUP. Most of the BEEd graduates LET testing period, the national passing rate is 26.33%
(f=267, p=52.5) had teachers dominated by master’s (21,198 passers out of 80,509 takers) [43].
degree holders. On the other hand, majority of the Notwithstanding the BEED graduates’
BSEd graduates (f=615, p=62.6) were enrolled in a TEI performance, BSEd graduates have passing marks
where most of the faculty members are doctorate (𝑥̅ ≥ 75) in General Education (𝑥̅ = 81.45, 𝑆𝐷 =
degree holders. 7.47) and Professional Education (𝑥̅ = 75.79, 𝑆𝐷 =
7.63). However, they have poor LET performance
Table 3. LET performance of the graduates along Major (𝑥̅ = 72.14, 𝑆𝐷 = 9.66). This LET
Program LET Component ̅
𝒙 SD Remark performance of the BSEd graduates on their field of
BEEd General 68.98 9.44 Failed specializationimpliespoor academic preparation along
Education this area. There may be deficiency on the instruction
Professional 72.06 9.23 Failed and pre-board review strategies of teachers and
reviewers of major subjects. Ferrer, Buted, and Ferrer
Overall Rating 70.93 8.67 Failed
BSEd General 81.45 7.47 Passed
[24], Antiojo[44], and Ofqueria[45] revealed the same
Education trend of LET results in their study where BSEd
Professional 75.79 7.63 Passed graduates registered lowest in Major and highest in
Education General Education. Collectively, LET performance of
Major 72.14 9.66 Failed BSEd graduates are within the minimum passing rate
Overall Rating 75.45 7.51 Passed of 75% (𝑥̅ = 75.45, 𝑆𝐷 = 7.51).
As a General 77.19 10.10 Passed As a whole, the teacher education graduates have a
Whole Education passing mark in General Education (𝑥̅ = 77.19, 𝑆𝐷 =
Professional 74.52 8.40 Failed 10.10) and a failing mark in Professional Education
(𝑥̅ = 74.52, 𝑆𝐷 = 8.40). Overall, they unveiled a
Overall Rating 73.91 8.21 Failed
failed LET rating (𝑥̅ = 73.91, 𝑆𝐷 = 8.21). The
Legend:𝑥̅ ≥ 75: Passed; 𝑥̅ < 75: Failed.
possible reasonsfor the graduates’ poor performance in
LET arestudents’ poor study habits, teachers’
As shown in Table 3, BEEd graduates showed a
unvarying instruction and assessment, and inefficient
dismal result since they disclosed failed ratings (𝑥̅ <
pre-board review mechanisms. Scantiness of effective
75) on the two LET components, namely General
learning materials such as books, modules, and e-
Education (𝑥̅ = 68.98, 𝑆𝐷 = 9.44) and Professional
learning softwares could also be a factor on graduates’
Education (𝑥̅ = 72.06, 𝑆𝐷 = 9.23). This finding may poor performance in LET.
indicate that graduates in the BEEd program are not Table 4. Comparison of graduates’ LET performance
academically prepared as Acedo [39] stated that when grouped according to TEI’s accreditation status
“students with lower preparation and motivation tend Program Accredi LET t- p-value
to be attracted to the BEEd program”. Likewise, -tation Performance value
according to Vecaldo [40], “BEEd students find Status 𝑥̅ SD
difficulty in mastering all the courses in the BEEd BEEd Level 1 69.90 8.80 -7.80 0.000**
curriculum because it is a combination of many general Level 3 75.84 5.91
education courses”. BSEd Level 1 74.67 7.65 -4.83 0.000**
BEEd graduates registered the lowest rating in Level 3 77.12 6.94
General Education. This finding isconsistent with the As a Level 1 72.82 8.44 -9.51 0.000**
result of Delos Angeles [25] and Apare, Arcilla, and Whole Level 3 76.84 6.74
Vazquez [41] where they revealed in their study that **significant at the 0.01 level
BEEd graduates bared the lowest rating in General *significant at the 0.05 level
Education. At large, BEEd graduates unveiled poor Legend: Level 1: Level 1 accredited by AACCUP, Level 3:
LET performance (𝑥̅ = 70.93, 𝑆𝐷 = 8.67). This is Level 3 accredited by AACCUP

P-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 | ASEAN Citation Index
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, Vol. 8, No. 4, November 2020
Maramag School profile and licensure examination performance of Teacher Education graduates…
Table 4 reveals that graduates of TEI with Level 3 As presented in Table 5, significant differences
accreditation status have significantly better LET were proven on the graduates’ LET performance when
performance compared to those enrolled in TEI with grouped according to educational attainment of faculty.
Level 1 accreditation status. This claim is true to both Findings in the BEEd (p-value<0.05, t=2.87) and BSEd
BEEd (p-value<0.05, t=-7.80) and BSEd (p- (p-value<0.05, t=2.44) programs and as a whole (p-
value<0.05, t=-4.83) programs and as a whole (p- value<0.05, t=5.01) are consistent in revealing that
value<0.05, t=-9.51). Accreditations provide graduates of TEI where most of the faculty members
opportunities for TEIs to improve their services, are doctorate degree holders have significantly higher
especially the delivery of instruction to students which LET rating compared to those graduates of TEI with
is an important factor in preparing them for licensure teachers dominated by master’s degree holders.
examination. Also, TEIs try their best to meet the Pursuing a doctorate degree means more opportunities
standard of the accrediting agencies by improving their to learn new trends in teaching strategies and
laboratories and facilities and funding the teachers’ assessment. Conceivably, teachers’ foundation on
professional development activities such as seminars teaching and learning theories, principles, and
and trainings, research publication and presentation, methodology are optimally developed. Most
and extension endeavors, among others. importantly, pursuing teacher’s doctorate degree opens
This finding suggests that subjecting TEI’s a lot of exposures to research which is very essential in
curricular programs to accreditations is worth investing improving their teaching skills. Teachers use research
to ensure quality education and better passing rate in as a source of new ideas and improvements to create
LET. This finding affirms the study of Balanquit, worthy teaching-learning practices [46]. This suggests
Nool, Ladia, and Corpuz [35] where they found out that that teachers in TEI are encouraged to pursue
TEIs with higher accreditation status tend to attain postgraduate studies so they could offer quality
higher passing rate in LET and TEIs with lower education and appropriate training to teacher education
accreditation status will likely have lower passing rate students. This finding is concomitant with Visco’s [31]
in LET. result where educational attainment had been
established as a significant predictor of LET. Faltado
Table 5. Comparison of graduates’ LET performance III [34] also established faculty competence as a
when grouped according to educational attainment of significant correlate of LET. Similarly, Delos Angeles
faculty [47] determined teachers’ mastery of subject matter as
Program Educational LET t- p-value the strongest predictor of LET performance.
Attainment Performance value
BEEd Doctorate- 72.07 8.39 2.87 0.004** The BEEd graduates disclosed LET mean ratings on
dominated General Education and Professional Education which
Masters- 69.89 8.80 are below the passing mark. Meanwhile, BSEd
graduates unveiled passing marks in General Education
BSEd Doctorate- 75.90 7.63 2.44 0.015*
dominated and Professional Education except for Major that
Masters- 74.70 7.26 registered a failing mark. This finding may connote a
dominated decline in the quality of education provided to BEEd
As a Doctorate- 74.82 8.03 5.01 0.000** students particularly along areas on General Education
Whole dominated and Professional Education and to BSEd students
Masters- 72.68 8.29 specifically along Major area. A lenient retention and
dominated admission policy could also be attributed to their poor
**significant at the 0.01 level performance.
*significant at the 0.05 level Graduates of TEI with higher level of accreditation
Legend: Doctorate-dominated: More than 50% of graduates’ status showed significantly higher LET ratings
teachers are doctorate degree holders, Masters-dominated: compared to those graduates of TEI with lower level of
More than 50% of graduates’ teachers are master’s degree
accreditation status. It can be conjectured that
subjecting TEI’s curricular programs to accreditation
will improve the LET performance of graduates since
the ultimate goal of undergoing accreditations is to
P-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 | ASEAN Citation Index
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, Vol. 8, No. 4, November 2020
Maramag School profile and licensure examination performance of Teacher Education graduates…
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TEI’s profile, there are also limitations to this study. [11] Darling-Hammond, L. (2006). Constructing 21st-
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[12] McConney, A., Woods-McConney, A., & Price, A.
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Materially, the documentation for the actual teaching Development.
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through observation and immersion were not creative classroom: An educator's guide for exploring
considered in the study which may have been creative teaching and learning. Disney Learning
additional authentic sources of data. Similarly, analysis Partnership.
with respect to accreditation and other school profile [14] Green, C., Eady, M. J., & Andersen, P. J. (2018).
found to be contributory to LET performance could Preparing quality teachers: Bridging the gap between
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have been deepened with results from accrediting
and Learning Inquiry, 6(1), 104-125.
bodies and interviews or FGDs with stakeholders. [15] Republic Act No. 7836, Philippine Teachers
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[1] Darling-Hammond, L., &Youngs, P. (2002). Defining [16] Aquino, A., & Balilla, L. (2015). Pre–service teachers’
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P-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 | ASEAN Citation Index
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, Vol. 8, No. 4, November 2020
Maramag School profile and licensure examination performance of Teacher Education graduates…
knowledge. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, Arts and [30] Esmeralda A. &Espinosa, J. (2015). Teacher education
Sciences, 2(2), 110-116. graduates’ performance as predictor of licensure
[17] Acosta, A. S., & Acosta, I. C. (2016). Does Teacher examination for teacher results. JPAIR
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Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, Vol. 8, No. 4, November 2020

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