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Four optical media A, B, C and D have optical densities 1.35, 1.21, 1.58 and
1.002 respectively. In which optical medium will the light travel fastest?
(a) O (b) B O

(c ) C O (d) D O
In a slide projector, light from a lamp is incident on to a slide MN and a lens is
used to form an image of the slide on a screen as shown in figure. What kind
of image is formed on the screen?

Real, magnified, inverted

(a) O (b) Real, diminished, inverted O

Virtual, magnified, erect

(c ) O (d) Virtual, diminished, erect O

Read the given statements and select the correct option.

Statement 1: Even when one half of a convex lens is covered with a black
3 paper, the lens will produce a complete image.

Statement 2: Intensity of image is reduced when we cover the half of a convex

lens with a black paper.

Both statements 1 and 2 Both statements 1 and 2

are true and statement 2 are true but statement 2 is
(a) is the correct explanation O (b) not the correct explanation O
of statement 1. of statement 1.

Statement 1 is true but Both statements 1 and 2 are

(c ) O (d) O
statement 2 is false. false.
In the following figures, optical instruments are placed inside boxes (a) and (b).
Which of the following options is correct for these?

In (a), the incident rays O

are diverged after In (b), the incident rays are
(a) refractions, so lens is O (b) converged after refraction so
concave. mirror is convex.

In (a), the incident rays are In (b), the incident rays are O
(c ) diverged after refraction so O (d) converged after refraction so
mirror is convex. lens is concave.
5 A man standing at a position X in front of a plane mirror, a distance of y metre
from the mirror as shown in figure. When the man moves 5 m away from the
mirror, the new distance between the man and his image becomes 20 metre.
What is the value of y?

(a) 5m O (b) 10 m
40 m O
(c ) 20 m O (d)
To produce an image by a convex lens, at the position shown (see figure) the
object is needed to be placed

At Y
(a) Between Y and O O (b) O
Between X and Y
At X
(c ) O (d) O

7 Which of the following correctly depicts reflections in case of plane mirrors

inclined at 40∘?

(a) O (b)

(c ) O (d)

An old person is unable to see clearly nearby objects as well as distant object.
8 To correct the vision, what kind of lens will he require?
Bifocal lens whose upper O
(a) Concave lens O (b) portion is concave lens and
lower portion is convex lens.
Convex lens Bifocal lens whose upper O
(c ) O (d) portion is convex lens and
lower portion is concave lens.

9 A passenger in an aeroplane
O may see a primary and a O
(a) shall never see a rainbow. (b) secondary rainbow as
concentric circles.
may see a primary and a O O
secondary rainbow as shall never see a secondary
(c ) concentric arcs. (d)

The lens of the eye can become thicker and thinner. Why is this flexibility
10 useful?
The lens allows the eye to O O
focus on far objects as well The lens can allow varying
(a) as near objects. (b) amounts of light to enter the
(c ) The eye can move up, O (d) The lens is not likely to O
down, left, and right. break.

Which of the following is/are the primary function(s) of the human eyes?

It bends the light rays to
It makes adjustments to
(a) allow appropriate amount O (b) form a sharp image. O
of light into the eyes.
It collects and sends
(c ) information to the brain for O (d) All of the above O
further processing.
A man suffering from myopia cannot see the objects distinctly at a distance
12 greater than 2 m. Which lens is required to correct the defect?

(a) -2 D O (b) +2D O

(c ) -0.5 D O (d) +0.5 D O

13 Which colour of light travels with a minimum speed in glass?

(a) Blue O (b) Green O

(c ) Violet O (d) Red O

14 What is the approximate diameter of the eye ball?

2.0 cm O
(a) O (b) 2.8 cm
(c ) 2.6 cm O (d) 2.3 cm
What is the equivalent resistance between points A and B in the given circuit


(a) 43r O (b) 10/3r
(c ) 5/3r O (d) 10r
In the circuit shown here, the ammeter A reads 5 A and the voltmeter V reads

20 V. The correct value of resistance R is

Slightly greater than 4Ω

(a) Exactly 4Ω O (b) O
Slightly less than 4Ω
(c ) O (d) Zero O
Six equal resistances are connected between points P, Q
and R as shown in the figure. The net resistance will be
maximum between
(a) P and Q O (b) Q and R
(c ) P and R O (d) Any two points.

An element X reacts with oxygen and forms oxide of X which turns red litmus
Solution blue. An element X is a:
(a) Non-metal O (b) Metal O

(c ) Metalloid O (d) None of these O

19 Which one of the following will displace hydrogen from acids to form salts?

(a) Cl O (b) P O

(c ) S O (d) Mg O

20 The most abundant metal in the earth’s crust is

(a) Iron O (b) Aluminium O

(c ) Calcium O (d) Sodium O

Complete the following reaction:
Al2O3 + 2NaOH → …… + H2O
(a) Al(OH)3 O (b) Na2O
(c ) NaAlO2 O (d) AlNaO2
The process in which a carbonate ore is heated strongly in the absence of air to
convert it into metal oxide is called
(a) Roasting O (b) Reduction
(c ) Calcination O (d) Smelting
Reaction between X and Y forms compound Z. X loses electron and Y gains
electron. Which of the following properties is not shown by Z?
(a) Has high melting point O (b) Has low melting point O
Conducts electricity in
(c ) O (d) Occurs as solid O
molten state
Assertion (A): Zinc carbonate is heated strongly in presence of air to form zinc
oxide and carbon dioxide.
Reason (R): Calcination is the process in which a carbonate ore is heated
strongly in the absence of air to convert into metal oxide.
Both Assertion and Reason Both Assertion and Reason O
are correct, and reason is are correct, and Reason is
(a) O (b)
the correct explanation for not the correct explanation
assertion. for assertion.
Assertion is true but Assertion is false but Reason O
(c ) O (d)
Reason is false. is true.
A sample of soil is mixed with water and allowed to settle. The clear supernatant
25 solution turns the pH paper yellowish – orange. Which of the following would
change the colour of this pH paper to greenish blue?
(a) Lemon juice O (b) Vinegar
(c ) Common salt O (d) An antacid
26 Which of the following acids is also a vitamin?
(a) Formic acid (b) Ascorbic acid
(c ) Maleic acid (d) Tartaric acid
Zinc granules on treating with an acid X, form the zinc sulphate (ZnSO4) salt
along with the evolution of a gas Y which burns with a pop sound when brought
27 near to a burning candle. Identify the acid X and gas evolved Y.
a. b. c. X- Sulphuric acid and Y- Hydrogen gas
d. Career Counseling
X- Sulphuric acid and Y- O X- Hydrochloric acid and Y- O
(a) (b)
Oxygen gas Oxygen gas
Sulphuric acid and Y- O X- Hydrochloric acid and Y- O
(c ) (d)
Hydrogen gas Hydrogen gas
The figure given below represents the experiment carried out between conc.
sulphuric acid and sodium chloride, which react with each other to form HCl


Blue litmus paper is brought near the mouth of the delivery tube to check the
presence of HCl acid but no change is observed in the color of litmus paper
The litmus paper used is O The litmus paper used is O
(a) (b)
dry moist
Blue litmus paper does not O The litmus paper is kept very O
(c ) change its color with an (d) close to the mouth of the
acid delivery tube
In the double displacement reaction between aqueous potassium iodide and
aqueous lead nitrate, a yellow precipitate of lead iodide is formed. While
performing the activity if lead nitrate is not available, which of the following can
be used in place of lead nitrate?
(a) Lead sulphate (insoluble) (b) Lead acetate
(c ) Ammonium nitrate (d) Potassium sulphate

30 The electrolytic decomposition of water gives H2 and O2 in the ratio of

(a) 1 : 2 by volume (b) 2 : 1 by volume
(c ) 8 : 1 by mass (d) 1 : 2 by mass
An element X on exposure to moist air turns reddish-brown and a new
compound Y is formed. The substance X and Y are
(a) X = Fe, Y = Fe2O3 (b) X = Ag, Y = Ag2S
(c ) X = Cu, Y = CuO (d) X = Al, Y = Al2O3
Pb + CuCl2 → PbCl2 + Cu
The above reaction is an example of:
combination O O
(a) (b) double displacement
(c ) decomposition O (d) displacement O
Assertion (A): Brown fumes are produced when lead nitrate is heated.
33 Reason (R) : Nitrogen dioxide gas is produced as a byproduct due to the
decomposition of lead nitrate.
Both Assertion and Reason Both Assertion and Reason O
are correct, and reason is are correct, and Reason is
(a) O (b)
the correct explanation for not the correct explanation
assertion. for assertion.
Assertion is true but Assertion is false but Reason O
(c ) O (d)
Reason is false. is true.
34 Which fungus does not reproduce by spore formation?

(a) Penicillium O (b) Yeast O

(c ) Mucor O (d) Rhizopus O

35 What is the function of the pituitary gland?

To develop sex organs in To stimulate growth in all
(a) O (b) O
males organs
To regulate sugar and salt To initiate metabolism in the
(c ) O (d) O
levels in the body body
Which of the following option shows the order of events correctly when a bright
light is focused on our eyes?
Bright light → receptors in Bright light → receptors in
eyes → sensory neuron eyes → spinal cord →
(a) O (b) O
spinal cord → motor sensory neuron → motor
neurons → eyelid closes neurons → eyelid closes
Bright light → receptors in Bright light → receptors in
eyes → sensory neuron → eyes → spinal cord motor
(c ) O (d) O
motor neurons → spinal neurons → sensory neuron
cord → eyelid closes → eyelid closes
What is the cause behind the fast-spreading of bread mould on bread slices?
(i) Numerous pores present in the air
37 (ii) Due to the presence of thread-like hyphae
(iii) Traces of moisture and essential nutrients
(iv) Formation of round shaped sporangia
(a) (i) and (iii) O (b) (ii) and (iv)
(c ) (i) and (ii) O (d) (iii) and (iv)
Raghav potted some germinated seeds in a pot. He put the pot in a cardboard
box that was opened from one side. He keeps the box in a way that the open
side of the box faces sunlight near his window. After 2-3 days, he observes the
shoot bends towards the light, as shown in the image.


Which type of tropism does he observe?

(a) Geotropism O (b) Phototropism
(c ) Chemotropism O (d) Hydrotropism
39 Single circulation, i.e., blood flows through the heart only once during one cycle
of passage through the body, is exhibited by
Labeo, Chameleon, Hippocampus, Exocoetus,
(a) O (b) O
Salamander Anabas.
(c ) Hyla, Rana, Draco O (d) Whale, Dolphin, Turtle. O
If a planarian is dissected into two halves called p and q respectively, p consists
of its head. Another planarian is cut from the middle into halves called r and s,
40 where both contain one of each half of the head. According to biological rules,
which cut pieces of the two planaria, have the ability to form into completely
new organism
(a) p O (b) r, s O
(c) p, q O (d) p,q,r,s O
41 What happens in the case of the asexual reproduction of a Spirogyra?
Cell division resulting into
(a) Filaments breaking down O (b) O
multiple cells
Formation of numerous
(c) Division of a cell into 2 cells O (d) O
The image shows the structure of a neuron.


Which of the following options shows the mechanism of the travelling of sense in
our body after our nose senses a smell?
Olfactory receptors →
Olfactory receptors →
dendritic tip of a nerve cell
dendritic tip of a nerve cell →
→ axon → nerve ending →
(a) O (b) axon → cell body → release O
release of the signal
of signal → dendritic tip of
dendritic tip of another
other nerve cell
nerve cell
Gustatory receptors →
Gustatory receptors →
dendritic tip of a nerve cell
dendritic tip of a nerve cell →
→ cell body → axon →
(c) O (d) axon → cell body → release O
release of the signal
of the signal dendritic tip of
dendritic tip of another
another nerve cell
nerve cell
Which organism has the ability to reproduce by two asexual methods, one being
similar to yeast, and the other being similar to planaria
(a) Spirogyra O (b) Hydra O

(c) Bryophyllum O (d) Paramecium O

44 Blood from superior vena cava flows into

(a) right atrium O (b) right ventricle O

(c) left atrium O (d) left ventricle O

In which of the following vertebrate group/groups, heart does not pump
oxygenated blood to different parts of the body?
(a) Pisces and amphibians O (b) Amphibians and reptiles O

(c) Amphibians only O (d) Pisces only O

46 Which parts of the brain control blood pressure?

Spinal cord, skull,
(a) O (b) Cord, skull, cerebrum O
(c) Pons, medulla, cerebellum O (d) Pons, medulla, cerebellum O
The image shows oxygenated and de-oxygenated blood in the human heart.


What is the direction of deoxygenated blood from right ventricle of the heart?
towards the left atrium of
(a) towards the lungs. O (b) O
(c) towards the upper body. O (d) towards the lower body O

48 Choose the correct path of urine in our body.

Kidney →urinary bladder
Kidney →ureter →urethra
(a) O (b) →urethra →ureter O
→urinary bladder
Kidney →ureter →urinary Urinary bladder →kidney
(c) O (d) O
bladder →urethra →ureter →urethra
49 How will information travel within a neuron?
Dendrite -> cell body -> Dendrite -> axon -> cell body
(a) O (b) O
axon -> nerve ending -> nerve ending
Axon -> dendrite -> cell Axon -> cell body -> dendrite
(c) O (d) O
body -> nerve ending -> nerve ending
50 Normal blood pressure (systolic/diastolic) is
120/80 mm of Hg
(a) O (b) 160/80 mm of Hg O

(c) 120 60 mm of Hg O (d) 180/80 mm of Hg O

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